xt75736m0p87 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75736m0p87/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18950410 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1895-04-dec10. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1895-04-dec10. 1895 2011 true xt75736m0p87 section xt75736m0p87 Irregularities MINUTES OF THE BOPRD OF TRUSTEES, July 31, 1895 - page 48-49 On August 22, the Chairman appointed the following as members of the committees indicated, viz. Presidents Report. Flourmay, Hines, Peak. Finance Riddell, Flourmay, Peak. Appropriations, Gathright, Buell, Hindman. Building and Grounds James, Wilson, Riddell. Experiment Station Gooding, Wilson, Bird. Salaries Hines, R. A. Spurr and James. Internal Expansion Hindman, Gathright, R. J. Spurr Military Instruction and College Disci. Buell, Johnston, Wilson. Special Committee on Inspection and Inquiry Bird, R. A. Spurr, R. J. Spurr. R. J. Spurr, Chairman V. E. Muncy See. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 10, 1895 - page 49 The Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky met in regular session in the President's room in the College Building at 10 A. Y. suntime December 10, 1895. Present: Messrs. Buell Bird Gathright Gooding Hindman James Patterson Peak Dr. Spurr R. A. Spurr The meeting was called to order by Dr. Spurr. The roll was called and the chairman announced a quorum. Dr. Spurr was unanimously re-elected chairman. The minutes of the last day of the previous meeting were read and approved. Mr. Geo. V. Green of Hopkinsville, was unanimously elected to fill the unexpired term of Dr. J. D. Clardy resigned. Mr. Green was immediately notified of his election. He entered at once, was duly qualified by taking the oath of office, and took his seat as a member of the Board. MINIJTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Dec. 10, 1895 - page 50 The minutes of the Executive Co=mmittee were read. On motion ordered that a standing committee be appointed to examine the minutes of the Executive Committee and that the minutes just read be referred to said standing Committee. The Chairman appointed the following: Hindman, Buell, Green. The chairman appointed Mr. Green a member of the Committee on appropriations instead of Mr. Hindman, on Experiment Station instead of Mr. Bird, on Internal Expansion instead of R. J. Spurr. The President of the College read his semi - annual report which was referred to the Committee on the President's report. Messrs. Flourmay and Hines being absent Messrs. Green and Gathlright were appointed temporarily as members of the Committee on Presidents Report. The President explained the relations existing between College and the Commercial annex. The President read a resolution relative to question- able authority exercised in excluding students from classes and departments, Referred to Committee on Presidentts report. Professors Miller, Pryor, and Mathews came before the Board and submitted a written statement with some oral statements relative to the necessity for a new building for MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,Dec. 10, 1895 - page 51 the accomodation of the Departments of Science, of which they are heads. On motion the memorial offered by Professors Miller, Pryor and Mathews was referred to the Committee on the President's report. Professor Mathews made a statement relative to a short course in Agriculture submitting an outline of a course of study and some circulars indicating the character and scope of short courses in Agriculture in other Institutions. The President read an application for the creation of a course in Medicine. Referred to the Committee on President's report. A communication from Prof. Anderson relative to being a member of the Board of Bducation was submitted. Referred to the Committee on Internal Expansion. Prof. Anderson's report relative to cost of building and equiping the Annex to the Mechanical Laboratory was submitted with certain recommendations. The report and recommendations were referred to the Committee on Internal Expansion. Prof. Nelson's report with certain recommendations was read and referred to the Committee on Internal Expansion. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEESDec. 10, 1895 - page 52 The Business Agent made a report of the financial condition of the College during the months from July to November inclusive. The President offered for the consideration of the Board; a resolution providing for the elimination of unworthy students from the Dormitories, by having the names of those suspected of wrong doing, or vicious conduct, presented to the grand jury at stated intervals. Referred to the Committee on President's report. On motion the Board adjourned to meet at 9 A. M. sun time Dec. 11, 1895. Missing report(s)