p.m. on Saturday during the fall and spring · · » _ `  _r,   l l
semesters to serve the needs of students V » » t..,A   _,,_ _,__ ___ A_ AA >·)$i ·· *_ t in . `
in the Evening-Weekend College. ll l .   l’ L
Continuing Elducation for Women .    
Project Ahead O Q
An increasing number of mature women   • • lg   _ l ,
are returning to campus. Approximately   ·. O A{' sl
2,000 women, 25 years or older, are now Z
completing their academic programs at UK.   §’ Q ,r'· “  .
The Office of Continuing Education for A ; Q? A,~  j  I
Women provides special assistance in the   7 cit; -  A V   ‘ l .
transition from home and work to school. A i _ · · Film i A ll A ' —
Printed resources such as a day care direc- Y Y l , - I (Wm ,    _ · l _·
tory and monthly newsletters are made l    ii“iip'@A ;   4 l g_, l i  ‘  iii
available as are special interest short ···f"" W. A  ,  jg A
courses and workshops.   ~ l    .,,_, l ,  5 
Project Ahead is an internship program ,l ’ ‘ _   *(“ l 
at the University of Kentucky designed `P »   ~—».. ._
primarily for women returning to college. ~ ‘·   » V l  ll ‘ T r   ,
Project Ahead’s objective is to help women ‘ . W  l   .  . `  _ ‘
25 years and older make the transition from . F ‘
education to work. Working with the Of- - .   `;`·   °
fice for Experiential Education, Project , , ( . A *  _ aw "   .
. . . · - l Aj. ' l ' , ‘ {
Ahead provides internships for undergrad- ·. . »» - . . w- ( ` . ... I . if
uate women. With an increase in confi- i
dence and competence from an internship continuing education programs. Tradition by a UK faculty member, are required if the l
experience, Project Ahead interns should and elegance are combined to offera facili- student wishes to earn undergraduate ( ‘
be able to enter employment upon gradua- ty that is spacious and conducive to relax- credit. Undergraduate credit may also be
tion at higher levels of responsibility, at in- ation as well as to learning. The center has earned through independent study/ cor-
creased salary Ievels, and with more oppor- meeting rooms to accommodate up to 125 respondence courses.
tunities for advancement. persons and canlprovide overnight lodging Television courses are convenient, effi-
For more information about these and for a small number of conference partici- cient and offer an alternate way to learn. l
other programs for adult students, in- pants. Technological change and the use of com-
dividuals should contact the Academic Additional information may be obtained puters, satellites and the videodisc for
Support Services Office (local num- by contacting the Conferences and In- educational purposes will be examined and _ .
bers—257-3383, 257-8707). stitutes Office, (local number 257-3861). incorporated into University Extension’s
— academic programs and services when
CONFERENCES AND INSTITUTES MEDIA EDUCATION DIVISION they help to meet the educational needs of
The Conferences and Institutes program · The Media Education Division coop- _ Klll-illiiléckiagzia Education Division aiso ‘~
serves as Aan agency through which the erates with the other divisions of Universi- cooperates with the continuing education
University sA resources are coordinatedto ty Extension, academic departmentsA and units of the pmfessinnai Coiieges to expioig A
extend continuing education opportunities colleges, and the Office of Instructional the use Of teievisicn to meet the cOntinu_
thioughout the state and nation. A Resources tg prc:imo;e the use oztelevisiori ing education needs of pmfessionais in
...2.°i’.‘.2‘?5é?§£.‘L".Z.”.LE?..L'2?.f¥5Z‘S.‘?.'?I;°   .‘i.°.“.§§.‘l’srT.'.L ..?J..?.S.. E12? .3..; `i$§E°3.2 Kentucky-. As       Base and
fessional associations and others Unillrer- University of Kentucky Center at Fort Knox lllllllllllologlcal Cllallgllls acclllllllallz lllllll del
sity—sponsored confefences and institutes to increase the use of educational media wand lol llllllllllolllllla-lly llllllllvllllgd pllclllsl
, . sional education will increase. Taped and ·
and other types of continuing education to meet the needs of military and civilian iii/8 teievision programs with audio int€iac_
programs can be organized. Each program personnel and dependents. tion Wiii soon be deiivered to the work
will include a well planned, clearly defined There are thousands of men and women piacGA Community centers and to the
educational purpose and will highlight the throughout Kentucky who need to initiate hOm6A ' _
University’s research and academic re- or continue their college-level studies but, Additionhi information may be Obtained _
Sources. A A A because of location, family or job restnc- by Contacting the Media Education Office
The meeting, housing, food service and tions, cannot attend regular classes. Televi- iiocai numb€i_257_3330Ai |
other facilities and services of the Univer- sion courses broadcast statewide by KET;
Slty are made available for visiting groups on UKTV, Channel 16, and UK/ACSN, EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION
Participating in these programs. Channel 17, of Telecable of Lexington; or
One of the resources available through available on tape in learning centers can Undergraduate students may become in-
the Conferences and Institutes program is . provide alternate educational opportunities volved in elective internships through the i  
Carnahan House, the University’s residen- for Kentuckians. Television courses require Office of Experiential Education. Students l
tial conference center. The center, located the use of a textbook and study guide in earn academic credit by working in busi- l
in Kentucky’s rolling farm country, provides addition to the television programs. Ap- nesses, agencies, or other settings perti- }
an ideal setting for University-sponsored proximately six class meetings, conducted nent to their academic majors or career A.