xt75736m335n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75736m335n/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1998 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1998 Vol.69 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, June 1998 Vol.69 No.6 1998 2019 true xt75736m335n section xt75736m335n . I i
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. l l [I l Volume 69, Number 6
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The OfflCial Publication
Olfquoteuflnkuleave F (UK) LEX 405 3f the Kentucky Press
' wh‘ww . ‘ LEXINGTON KY 40506 .
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“W..- ' OSixnewsroomssubpoenaed ‘ 3 ' ‘ .- ‘ .
' in murdercase mpg. 14 . , ‘ ,
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NEW sprint total 1.086 in 9 97 ° - ‘
. 9 g .
' f t . . l t ’ 80 I
‘ For the first time since the late Resources and Environmental was: mg, . 5.4;“?
. 1980s. the total amount of Protection. In 19.94. the Kentucky fawn: I? ‘ ' . w‘
, newsprint used by Kentucky plants General Assembly passed House Ar if i i »
-' snowed an increase over the previ- Hill 282 to studv the consumption I 3*”. __ .393 J I
I —- ~ - I . . - I: . ‘ I- ' ° ‘
.A ills year. In I99l. the ~42 plants oi lien sprint and "l'(" i'led .‘ ':‘ 3 i-- I""~' 31‘! l
.5 "etiol‘t using 83.345.592 tons of newsprint in the state. "it“ . ”a .3?" '_ i 1‘ .9?‘ .. . l
‘i'usiii'liit :in increase of illsl more ""n- .l\\ .lsiv’s eat-n X‘lLllllw'lt‘l‘ lo ‘ I. ’- ’ ‘fifi' r. I 0‘ I l
_ . . ._ to; . . A... t. it .. .
: in .Jlilli 'oiis over" in "He “it we w-n.ri illl‘i-lltlt'x. mil 2 '» »~ . - .__ rm:‘ '3” ii” .3 n'
.. - v“ :‘ A“ , '5 . '
-‘ .. i ' » a t" w‘tv" .. 2 ., 3% '.‘ ‘1
' . "l'tllllT' » fili-lizll'i-(l i‘. ‘.ii- iI'uii‘eisiu, in! .I'lIiI"I i 'ii't ‘ ~ 4- " t 3b,?“ “twain-2‘ .. '1 ‘~ ' '
I . . “‘5". .* Iglfigp ( , "L . . ,'
i i‘:'?‘.i‘:»-.\ "Fess .\ssoi'i.lt‘iol‘i Iol‘ 'tit' 1.x ' li:|:’ "i;:\. .a with tin!‘ ‘- I ' "7‘ ' l'fi.»-‘ ff
U4... ‘siil'iei »;.- ‘ 'illli~‘i .iquEWSPRtNT {)3qu ‘i a'. .§ . “- ‘; .'.- ~>~er , .I ‘I
M . ' . ’22:» 4"- ‘ ' . r
' Year TotalNcwsprimTu-s WWTM w... 14 7 ' " . ’ ‘ "'
Q 1993 assmaseo 492203340 ‘ he Great Smokies
' 1994 84.7161390 795323400 Don't miss all the excitement (and some great learning opportunities.
1995 133.770.0631 sum” :00!) that the 1998 KPA Summer Convention has to offer. Set in the
1998 8128511330 78.20347“ beautiful Smoky Mountains‘ resort of Gatiinburg. the convention has
. 1997 835853920 715459820 something for the entire family. See story on page 9.
. W I.“ "-3- I”!
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. 3 34m 3:31; 22:}: 33:. #33:; tun. I An advertisement that appeared iii a recent, edition of the Somerset-
! Izktttl 332:2] “tit: “w‘ ““5": i p l- ‘k' \1 ~ 1 -| . vip- i‘ ~ ' l i - -A_- l- -- ., -- ~- ..
. Av.“ “A“ 1%“. an: $33; uas ii eWs. ourna may ( a irst l()t‘[‘l( county .in( a mu ouuianu
‘7‘“ past vast am: an: man in Kentuckv
I 17 16! Ivan \ssss .ssss; sv‘ss “\st' ‘ ' . .

i I ' IR‘RSI 32:“ 333;. 3 1:3: 333:: . As part of a sentencing agreement. a man was ordered to purchase a

I m ~‘\\\\ \\\\\ ~\.\§\‘ ' ‘\\\\ 5\'\\\ I . . . . .

- I “as“ an“ 3:33; I an; :13; half-page advertisement to apologize for his crimes.

I ‘ :mxsxs \‘tt‘ issuxo \kkk‘ .sxsx ‘ . . . . . .

i I 0 .. . ~ .‘ . I Bryant Wadd e was awaiting sentencing on a different offense when he

I I broke into the Somerset Animal Hos ital. He leaded ruiltv to third-degree

. ' Ye- . . . . p . p i“ . ' .

I am I burglary in connection With the hospital break-in. His attorney. David
___,_..___._.H_-__M..-M_. .. . .. ‘ Tra , crafted the sentencin r arreement. which included that his client
L—————————‘ W . s s

I‘ —'—. __ _ _ - " " ' ' . ' serve six months injail and take out, the advertisement.

‘ arrler saves man from bumlng car Tapp said he believes the sentencing agreement was appropriate for his
By STEVE VIED James Edward Travis, 22. was “Any lawyer should be cognizant of what ever a clients personal prob- '
Messenger-Inquirer listed in serious but stable condi- lems are and inquire of the court about sentences that would be appropri—
A Calhoun man is fortunate tion at ()wensboro Mercy Health ate."Tapp said.

' that a newspaper carrier was System the afternoon of the acci- ”This sentence provides stiff punishment and the public apology has not
nearby when he lost control of his dent. He might have suffered a only the detterent effect on others. but it is also a personal act oft-nutrition.”
vehicle early on the morning of worse fate has it not been for the he said.

May ‘2 on Kentucky 81. The car (111le action ofJohn Allen. Tapp said such sentences are alternatives to “cookie cutter Illlsllt‘t‘," He
went off the road. hit a culvert and Allen. who was (Ivlth‘Y‘lntl recalled a similar advertisement in the Lincoln (‘ounty newspaper a few
caught fire. leaving the driver WP!“S "I th“ MWSPHL’W'I"(WWW years ago. but couldn‘t rememberone in I’ulaski (‘ounty
trapped inside. See CARRIER. page 12 See COURT. page 12
. ,
. - I ' . ~
of I I n ‘ t

Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, June, 1998
K k l ' h
entuc y peop 6, papers 1n t 6 news
Stlnson jOlnS Sports llouglas‘ioined the newspapers munications in the Kentucky A native ot~ I'errv ('onntv
‘ ‘ . . staff In March after a year as a city Department ol laducation Morgan is a former school It'.tt‘lll'l
staff at HOpklnSVllle reporter at the Georgetown News— llelm replaced John Shotwell In addition to covermLr the govern

Shawn Stinson has joined the (lraphic. He graduated from the who was asked to resign last month ment. court and police heats.
staff of The Kentuckv New Era as I lllVL‘I‘Sltydll Kentucky in 1996 and by Education ( omlmssmnei‘ Morgan will also write human
tho assistant sports editor, “'35 a gruff \erltt'l‘ and (”luxnnlgt fur \\ ilmer 5 ( (Kl) "\F ASSUL-ltllt‘ t‘lllll- interest SIUFHW

A native of Louisville. Stmson the university's student newspa— missioner for communications. . .
graduated from Queens 0)”ng in per; the l\entuck_v kernel. While at Helm will oversee media relations. Nmth IOIIlS LlLlVClllNlllL' ‘
Charlotte. N.(‘ With a devree in k h_ he rp/k-(ilyprl a Lthnph,” video production. lellrlllt‘.‘ and sew .. ~ ‘ s ,
communications. ”(55 “0;de m llei‘ald-lieatler fellowship and also “Ml I’lll’llV‘m‘fll‘ ll" ”"4“” ll“ ”"7“ Slllll ill SpCllCCl. AlilgllCl
several sports information ot't'ices. ““rkfll as ”ll tullll‘lii‘l ”“wlmlm’l mm“ Mill. 2“ I t \ ‘rtl‘ is l‘i: IH‘” ik “i
lllt'lthllllL’ most recentlv. I’lorida ”WWW lI‘W‘ Illt‘ IM‘HWille llel> nrlcr ll'l’“ ““f N “l ”I mkmllfi‘lllw it ~ rile-earn ltiv'l 1 Ill; :- Hl i.

Southern (‘ollege in Lakelanil. Hp newspaper and as a :‘lillll‘ilfllllllii “INN” “1 ll": (“”1” 'l “lull \1 will” , '17 i Ni, ii I l W H ‘

1‘15” has worked l‘oi‘ \‘olleyhall writer tor ;\('lf Mada/the ll) ll‘ liltl“ tV r,“ ll ill‘ in?” ’ "if” 'r - [highlqlr‘l ii-ld1iliil\i:\ll:rr_w .-,i ‘l 1 . 3

'. X I”. , _ . L, U ass s an reutona w l or .tllt. cop ' “~ ": “

:\t\\. mahazint in liakt land 1“”‘l H ”mm. at 1}“. Ht‘W‘lH‘IN‘r lle 3M5 A tIiinei >\"'.tl!\'r~(‘.ll lllt central =ttii e it? ,‘
, . . bachelors may”. from yap, and J ..lll( mar: ommimitv . "\\‘l9.tlwl‘\ ;

Douglas named agglstunt Helm takes Job With mum.“ Wm Indium l~,m.(.rm.\ 1m . iiii- sat-mm Magnet . ppm-Ht

' . . u ' I . 3 lie was Hll‘l of the team ol ""'I‘I"'m.“i 8‘" 1“ “ “M““M S'VHV‘

editor at Bardstown Education Department WWW In W N that M” u ('ounty
Mitchell Douglas has been pro— Hunt Helm, longtime reporter Pulitzer Prize in 1989 for coverage
moted to assistant. editor at The and editor at The Courier-Journal. ofthe (‘arrollton bus crash, Gleaner WlllS subscriber
Kentucky Standard in Bardstown. has been appointed to oversee com- _ .
The Kentuck Press Morgan JOINS news staff retention regional deId
_" _ — . The Ilenderson (lleaner has
, ~ ‘ . y at [465116 county News been honored for its subscriber
figigcfiypfiafizfiiiffl5pw 3:38.: M h , , Owen Morgan has been hired retention ett'orts.

. . . . Y, am QStPYEMBYPHSQ . 3 ‘ r. . ff w 't , f0 thi L 151' . The newspaper recentlv won
Asmation/KentuckyPressServmeJnc. ‘1‘ q ‘t‘l' r1 (r r ‘ 3 H ‘ . ‘ , ,. - ‘ .
Penodical—classpostageispaid atFrankfort, District 14 County News and Thousandsticks the first plate award in subscriber
KY. 40601.5ubscription priceis$8per year. . News. See PEOPLE, page 11
Postmaster: Send change of address to The Stuart Simpson? —_———__—___._

Kentucky Press, 101 Consumer Lane, Somerset Pulaski News—Journal
Frankfort, KY. 4-060], (502) 223-882].
mm Deaths
Officers and Directors Tom Caudill, Lexington Herald-Leader _______.______.___——————————-————
Kentucky Puss Association
District 1543 Clyde Landon Wills Kentucky Medical School
President .. , . lohn Nelson, Danville AdvocateMessenger A former owner and editor of “I‘ll“ '5 SUI‘VIVVKI by hi“ W'l".
GuyHatfield,CitizenVOice&Times the McLean (‘ounty News. ('lyde Ilene Blake Wills; six sons. Alvin
PresidentElect State at Large Landon \jVills‘. died May 14 at his 14103“ “11”“ Mercedsbalill. (IlV‘lt‘
Russ Powell, Ashland Daily Independent Sharon Tuminski, \vVinchester Sun home in Frankfort He was 81, Blake Vl Ill‘ MV‘V‘IIJUIIS- Ill-4 ‘R‘llwrl
' Wills owned the “OWN-puppr Landon Wills and Richard ( arlisle
Past President Ed Riney,Owensborotviessengerlnquirer from 1946 to 1971 and during that Will-‘3 lWlll "l Sllii‘V‘IlltH QW‘IH‘L'.
CeneClabes,RecorderNewspapers p(1rl()(l_ he Sprvvd as president of (‘anada and Lawrence Mitchell
. _ TeresaMullins,BereaCitizen lllt‘ \Vt‘fil Kentucky l’rt‘SS \Vlllx (lill‘llln‘ldgt‘. :\l£l.\'.\. .‘tllt‘l
l/liciiilgsiigillulexinvtonHerild—leider .»\ssociation and the International T‘leiL“ (lhilt'on' Ireland \V‘ll‘~
' i l’ ‘ " ‘ DonWhite,AndersonNews Society ot~ Weekly Newspaper ( h”IN‘I ”Ill. ‘\ ( ; 15'! tiraiirlchil
Treasurer Editors. dren. and a sister. Mary .Iuni
Teresa Revlefl'McLean County News Assmiates Division \Vllllt' Ill tllt‘ McLean (‘ounty l’arks. l‘llllllill)”
Ed Mastrean, Kentucky Educational paper, Wills designed the mast Th“ family SUL’fiP-‘IWI WWW!“
District] Television head for the newspaper which is 1115 I)“ made t" ”I“ Library "l Ill"
William Mitchell, Fulton Leader still used today. He often expressed Kentucky Historical Society. Box
Advertising Division political views that Were unpopular 1792. Frankfort. KY 40602 or to
Distrith Larry Brooks, Lexington HeraldsLeader in Calhoun. lle championed causes your laVorite charity
led Dillingham, Dawson Springsl’rogress like saving the local library and
News Editorial Division building public housing. but nei- Joe Caldwell
DiStTiCt3 MarkNeikirk,Kentuckyl‘ost ther proposal proved popular .Ioe Caldwell. a former s )orts
Teresa Revlett,MCLeanC0untyNews ‘ among county leaders at the-time. mm” “H. ”H. Kentuckv Newi I~lra
District4 Journalismbducation Wills later worked for the and writer for H“. l.ex1ngton
CharliePortmann,Fr ll' Favorite Io—AnnHuff—Albers, Western Kentucky Kentucky (‘ahinet for Human Herald-Leader. (lied Mav 9 m
University Resources and retired from state Nashville '
DistrictS government ”I “m7 P” lh" “”51 (‘aldwell was sports editor at
Davrd Greer, The KentuckyStandard, General Counsels 23 years. he was the volunteer puh- ”I“ llopkinsvtlle paper in the mid
Bardstown lon Fleischakerand Kim Greene lisher of Bluegrass Roots. an inter» 1960* and WM” 1” work for ”W
District6 DinsmoreszShohl nationally circulated journal ofthe lleraldiLeader. “U was a sports
Dorothy Abemathy,01dham Era . . hentucky Genealogical SWIM)" writer for the Nashville Banner for
KentuckyPressAssoaahon Born on a farm near 29 . Wh‘ H -t , x .1 .,i
. , , . _ y i _V( ars. in m papi r ( osu
District7 Kentucky PressSerVice Staff Pleasureville in 1911. Wills gradu- mm” this year h“ was hired bv
Kelley WamidgGallatinCounty News David T. Thompson, Executive Director ated from Kentucky Wesleyn the Tennessean is ’1 co ) : editor -
BonnieHoward, Controller College, did graduate work at the i h ( H l
Districts—9 GlofiaDavis,AdvertisingDirector University of Kentucky and
K9" Mm" BathComtyNewsOutlook UsaCamamn, News Bureau Director received his master's degree from Rubye B0185 DyChe
D‘ . 10-11 Rebatewisfiaemdt/erefingCoordhufix Eastern Kentucky University. Rubye 80193 Dyche, a form”
“I 1 Backus, AppllldiiInNewsExpmls SueCammack, AdmmistrauveAssistant A memorial service for Wills owner .Of the London Sentinel-
BuffySnms,Bookkeepin3 Assistant was held at the Berry Hill Mansion EChO’ d‘ed May 9- She was 83-
0mm SamanfinBarger,AdvertisingAsflstant in Frankfort. His body was Dyche and her husband Martin I
lackcmmjacbmmu DividShmp-thdideaSupervisor bequeathed to the University of See DEATHS, page 13
‘ l
’ ~

 The Kentucky Press, June. 1998 - Page 3
1-D’~“ 'fh "kal"°Th
uotc ru 6. on tusc cm i t cy stin 66 165. c
The \‘t‘tt'V (ltlltt‘t lt;t\'e .t single quote M tI‘Lle btll‘ a1 n
lt was an ll'ltill‘.t;1l‘.tltl'iStttl‘} about a search tor coach ,8 .\ C g
three missing girls Turned out. the girls had i i ‘
played hooky and were iiist goofing off but rest 1- ) . b V
dents of l’hilip. S l) l~t‘;fztltl;’,etl what lllt _\ tear: d corner I ( I uyers
would be .i grim search with an awtul eiidiii:7 v" ., I
Instead. the searchers found the girls sat: in BJJiJTStflasiogski a l :E:II:(”ll\Il III'(I:{I”;B
their hiding place V ‘ W _~__ _ _l .( ”MI .- ro fr .. .
And the writer. ;\lttlt'e.i ('H‘lk ot the l’ioio , r l-iit swttii‘\\liv r. M. II ”bu. I.\ h ’lt—lj—il _::,, “llllItIth ”HTS I\§‘T”(llutvs _
l h’eyiew, squceZt-d a lot oft-motion. a lot wt in Mid ot I,” II ill .1 ,. iii. lalma .\ e. that I hr I,“ II -. . A “ll” ll” 'I"“\ I'l"\I“l"‘lI”'lI
' the-comiiiunity into the story «yen though \ltt ta ta tljlllll‘llllllj lI' “"l"”*‘I‘" lllllNllklll
didiit quote anyone She had better inateriai tc Il‘lit t9“ qui \III n»- whit. lli' i. l I an ’. t. . . . k "l flI' ' “I‘ll" l"I”I lI"“I‘ lllll ‘ lllf‘ ‘
in her precious space than obyious “\Ve dod:f« d i mi til\l t ill. I. 1.x ,, I»,I,I,I.v,I_. 1.1: no thvt -i III. l lll'll‘lll “ii I" “i "\ll lll‘ ‘ “‘Il
bullet" quotes tw‘t III q. \ IIII I tlo -. IIII IIIIII IIII t IIII II .. III ii. its l Hli .ii.It\i-wl\l\ llt‘\\sti.‘itu‘r\
. .\lost of its ioke about how bad the quotes in livlt‘ ,II ‘.\ it'iosin ,l thi II l k I\ \l"1‘1,lill II, I llIIlll ll‘Hll "mil Illll' ‘llllllill li\‘ ‘ll'll
i stories are When I do a writing seminar. l'll ask ll..il thy II III III r II i~ III li“l; H; II I I .,, “til “til“: l""‘ ”ll“ I .
l “\th do we love to use quotes so much "i . l I i- l I , . I, i ll“ ”“ll‘” l"' ‘l-‘M ’"‘“‘l“'l""\
l l’eople in the aiiilienci \lllllt 'l‘h» n sonio . tit' :lIlIlll'III‘IIl (IIlI: \lIlIiIlIv'l‘ IIli [\‘IliIlI lll 1: it ll'h. ' "l’l"‘l"‘l ‘” l"" l"“" l“? ““""-‘I
hollers out. “lit-cause the\ till lots or ‘lt-“t I :I‘IlIII'I'IlI' 'l II‘II‘IIII‘IIIII‘lIII II“I“IIIIIIlI I'I taithiiiiiiy [Jill'll“lilllI:'.lllllllliJHt'lJl
Smith-tint elsn \Klll>;t_\',“l’iec'allse'tlteyt'i t‘tl"\ {Hurt ' 'riiiraillqi [H'lIIII'iIIHIII IIIMIIII \ Ii l’ ,I . l'll"'li‘I'll"i'll'il‘l‘l‘lllll‘llli' l‘lllllll'l
'l‘lien l’ll offer my reason “l’wcatisi' .i illi'"'.i III tlll‘ll yl. Il l Iltjlyqtllh; ti\l valili l IIIl Il‘IIlll'I ‘_l Il'H‘I‘ l“ “ \l’-‘l”lli lI‘lit‘lWl'Ill‘V‘
means the writer doesn't haye to understand what Il' (, 'l l ‘I' . 'I ‘I \ l ' -\' ""“l ""\\‘l‘~tl”" 13""‘l"l*-t\"
the source said " lnyariably. lots o1 heads will nod l'llllll lll ll K llllill'lm: ”V l.” ll‘m: mil lil ll, ll, 3 ‘l"”‘ “ll “ “”“ill” "l ‘lltll'W ‘l'H‘WlT
I almost never hearianyone sav "l’ietausi a llilll M,“ lIm‘l'll \Illl lid“ lll \llll llHIii “ll, ll V' ll”“ ”'1" l‘”‘ ll""“‘ IN" >l1ll tar
quote helps readers understand what .1 person is l lll .ll‘“ h Ilm \' lillll ‘ ill ll lIl \ \lllllIllll ill ill Ml , ”W“: Il‘”""'i‘ ll"”‘ "\"'l"l'l‘ l""’l“‘r
thinking." or. "Because a quote captur: s thi person lliil l ll Will“. “Ill it I“ Ill 1” llllll‘ ll'iill' ll‘“ llll" “‘l’l’l\ ”“l~l““'1‘“‘l>'”“"
ality ofthe speaker.“ rny iionnirnt ltI\i It: .i.w.ivs llllt up w thi iiiay i a iiou mg I reatml sono ot the lilLIltt‘sl
Quotes. which should be highlights ot .1 story. ll“ llll mllll ll ill'lllll” l5 ‘llll'l ll' ”l” lIlll' 1” “"‘l""“ ““ll'W' INN“ l9" ilxlllt
haye become the white bread of our storytellinc wlll'illlllly ‘lltll ll lll “fill. ll“ Iill‘llfllIlHl W'll' (l l“ "“l’ ‘l”""‘ “"ll‘ ‘l‘ ‘tl‘ l“ ll)" l” 1“
sandwich White bread has almost no taste and ll”. llllll ”ll llll ll] ll“ ll'lll‘ll” l‘il ‘ lll llll" l ll" ll “WW“ “4*“ ll‘“ "Will-”1‘- [WWW
almost no fiber. but without If, nothing holds the ll‘llll'i lll” i ”ll” \ l‘lIll lllll' lilllllll'“ :l'l ‘ llllll'll l" ‘* .
meat. the cheese. the tomato in place Quotes "l‘l" “lll‘ l“ ll“? ""H 1-\ l“ Hmlv lltl‘llt \lli’lill\ It l’.\ toinparisotr W" l\l\ ltdl” 1“
should be more than substance holders WWII: ll'ml' ”“l1"""-‘l"‘~l""vt l‘AH'I‘i'Ht at If ‘1’ 3’
Here's a conversation lye overheard in several “'l‘l‘l “ lWl ‘li"'l“ l““‘l‘ l' ll“ ““""“ T“ ‘ '~ ‘ tunes . .i» h tlow 'l‘lns lllt ans that .t
newsrooms Joe writes a story. and Sally. his editor ‘lllfll ‘llllwllllll "ll'l lllll “I”. ll till“ \ \“ll ‘ ‘l ' "l" ld'l" “ill! "l ”Hill“! Ht HWWHHN
is reading it: ‘ ' t'I\.t.\l\t answer l'ausc at Mo end ot thi answer “14151””11“,“”IIIMIHI,“”I,” M.H
Sally: (leez. Joe. these quotes from the mayor ll'l'l' "ll" i\l"ll‘ l "l“:l “"l‘ “1‘ l‘ ““‘l ““ l'II-m‘l tor >ltt to $16 ttllllllitt, while a
are pretty bad. liereIs‘Iwhat you miiil hi all lHU l~1 tlo quot. lllt‘ll “mph i""’“l‘ with the \(tlllt' iitiiii
Joe: The mayor always gives bad quotes fill 1"” (ll'lll “lllllll ll'" ”Ml lll'l' \”'l “"""“l t" ln'rs may sell tor 5,47 to 34$! inillion
Joe was dead before the interview with the ll "lfl‘lw 3“” ‘l"“l l‘""‘ 4'“ ‘”1‘““" l" that 1”” t‘ertainly the return on investment
mayor started. Joe expected bad quotes. so as soon “Ml . ‘5 li” llt‘llt‘l' W'tl' Ill“ \\""'l\‘l.\' pur
as he heard them. the thought he was finished. l“"“"‘ "l” l"“l ‘l”“l"‘ “ l“'“ W” l“\“"" ‘~"'”' t'll.l_\t
Here are ways to shake good quotes from what *lilll‘l‘lr'l" ““‘l l” ‘* l"“l ‘ll“‘l" ll'l" “ ‘l""‘ "‘l‘ “"“l 5"!!!" ‘l:Ill\ :‘t'iiiips view weeklies
seems a barren source, this message to \Hllt'\"ll l’iad quotes are Jtt‘t i-ptabli “.le a iaiindiced DWI ‘Ig lll“,\' are
Envision the best possible quote. then construct l‘hink of how you read \\lit n you see quotation concerned about successfully oper
a series of questions that will lead the source to say ”‘4”‘l‘f~ .W” "\PWI (I highlight lt you re not puttlilt' .‘itltl;' tlHN‘ ('Hlltimnli'>
it: Sources rehearse their side ofthe interview. and lll‘s‘llll‘s'llti ”Hilly quotation marks. you re tft‘tlllt;' Although this is a valid concern
reporters should do the same, Let's say you‘re a ”ml 4‘ l’it‘l “WNW llétltll , because weeklies arc ditlerent ani-
sportswriter, and the basketball coach is a fountain A" H L’W’d “Wk ‘AIHIHHI' proud once again a mals than dailies ”RUIN 'H‘VV»"l’”l"'r
of bland. As you're watching the game, you notice WSW ”H‘Ml ‘l‘W‘ ”“1 “will!” Wltll" lm‘dtl companies have very profitable
the star player, Alfredo. is loafing on defense, and Th0 Final WGFd: M." Pill ”H‘l W<'«l-\'“"t«'tl “i" weekly divisions (iannett
the player he is guardingI Duka lS scoring 3 l()t. If ltlt‘lltttr Kt‘llt littllt'r, t‘Xt't‘lllth‘ (llrt‘t‘ttil‘ ‘ll lllt' (l‘tnll’ilnfi'. llH‘, .‘lt‘dlél Nt'WH (iroup,
you ask the coach, “Was Alfredo loafing on defense Nt‘VéHlH PW” ASNH‘IHHHH. Silltl l1" Sew the Word Journal Register The Milwaukee
tonight?" he's going to hand you gobblpdygnokI You “citizen" misused constantly. Journal and Lee Enterprises are
have to construct a line of questioning that leads to A "Citizen" 15 H person Wlt“ ltilh‘ lllll (‘lVll Will‘s inst a few of the daily newspaper
that conclusion. Bring up how well Duke was scor- of a nation. either by birth or naturalization 'l‘hus companies who have built Very sub.
ing, bring up that Duke averages only 14 points a it is blatantly incorrect to say. “He's a citizen of stantial weekly divisions,
game, but tonight he had 28, bring up that you saw Nevada," as Nevada, to date. is not a soyeri‘ltfn I believe the key to operating
Alfredo running slowly to the defensive end after he nation The correct word is “resident" of Nevada daily and weekly papers Within the
scored a basket. Maybe the coach still won‘t bite, See QUOTE, page 14 same group is to first and foremost
understand that these are different
products. and that it does not work
Need extra revenue for our news a 9"? to havedaily management running
a y p p ' a weeklies The competitiye approach
and marketing strategy for week
. 9 lies is ditlerent than dailies Many
T the K9 ntuCk P reSS Se rVICeS weeklies operate under the umbrel
ry y la of a daily and may be a sec
- a - ondary advertising buy ’l'hecoinpa
StateWIde ClaSSlfled Pro ram W ism. so. that operate
9 weeklii s at the highest quality and
l ('(1// Kill prulit le\el are ones that recruit
. . .l/m/o III/t} and tr on weekly oriented manage
_._w. 20~I20 Q ll)r‘-1Ii"/;’ tttt iit
i — ( |2 n ""m'iz) a (I. I I.I III, _ llail» io w-qiaini (utopia-s -'.l:
i s a .. e e a ,. ,‘ , . , . .
’ ' ' \ 'l l" " I ’ . , .
I , ———— 2M:::;I~"Dm::‘9 ’ .l s/H/ j'til . IIII ii:- 'i It» ‘. ._, i .i,‘» 1...,
______._,-_-_.__ See WEEKLIES page M

Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, June, 1998
lein g top talent IS not a hit and miss game
By KEN SCOTT cially recent college grads, for entryulevel posi~ Develop the Interview
Let's face it, your success or failure as a tions. Second, be sure to make use of trade The best way to determine whether the
sales manager is directly dependent on the and professional organizations to learn about attitude you require and the skills you prefer
quality of your staff. Great managers are the best people at other companies. Get to are present in a candidate is to use a prepared
made by great staffs. But even great managers know these people, observe them in trade interview process First, develop a list of ques»
can be pulled down by a weak staff. Knowing group activities to assess their skills, and tions that probe the areas you feel are impor-
that your staff is the key to success, it should remember to always speak highly of why your tant and ask the same questions to all your
be apparent that thoughtful hiring is your company is the best to Work for. candidates This allows you to easily bench-
number one priority. Define the Job. Attitudes and Skills mark them versus each other
Always, Always, Always Recruit Needed Sell Them: They are Buying, T00
It does not matter that your paper is cur- You can‘t hire effectively if you have Interviewing can be a tricky process. You
rently staffed with great people Things can uncertainties about the job you are filling lt's are buying thiringt the person and they are ‘
Change quickly. Promotion, illness, new career like trying to sell without goals. Be very spe- buying (deciding to joint your company You
opportunities, maternity leaves or tragedies cific in the job description you provide by need to sell them on why they would want to
are all situations that are difficult to foresee. developing a comprehensive skills set list work for your company along with the benefits
This means that at any time. one or more of llave members of your staff help design it. and rewards available Keep in mind, good tal—
your best people may leave. The best way to Then. analyze very carefully what attitudes ent will always be a hot commodity on the
stay prepared is to recruit on two levels First. tcourage, empathy, confidence, etc.) are most
always interview any available talent. espe needed for llit‘jtd) See HIRING, page 15
‘ f 9 . V
What do you many gel] 9 Why raffles can t be advertised
L 0
Newspapers might want to tion against the advertising of lot— i
Years ӣ10. I asked a suing keep this item on file. so when the teries is found in both federal crim- i
manager at a large machinery Ad.l .b 'C Kiwanis (‘lub wants to know why ma! and postal laws
company what his staff needed the 1 s ,u '1 “mil ”‘l‘v‘flm‘ ”-5 lllll(l’r4‘1>’llf‘ The Justice Department. how- i
most. \Vithout any industry. ms F' .. raffle. 5"” can (‘Xl’lilm “l“. Her. does not spend a great deal of
Product knowledge is vital. , ‘ , «(1.; Federal 1”“ lmlhllm" ”‘iwrtl" resources enforcing the prohibition.
Occasionally] PW“ ill“ (lUV-‘UUH JOHN. P0l’ 5,1 ., I ' ”W 1”“le through 1h" “Mll‘ "r ”l so its a practical matter. most Drillt-
"\Nhat product d” "YOU Milli)“ 1“ Raleigh, N( :_, any newspaper carried ”1.“th lenis arise in the postal context.
newspaper sales staffs. Most peo- them 1,, Wm" adyertisers. 11’3““ state or foreign conimt'rt'e.‘ except A lottery (”Mums 1hr“. ele-
ple respond With answers like don't know anything about them" Kim”. hmww’ conducted ll.‘ ”in” ”Mime to (‘tins‘tdpr 1110“ "i
“STH‘C‘V” "creativity." “HIV-“PW 0" This calls for market research TAT" ” sttitevrun “’1er can ll" (“Nip . mi 3, T’riy , .i l l” H
"results " All of these responses l'sing market information which élllt't’rtlSWi only In the 5‘4”“ ”l . ‘1“ .V A, i ,, it 5} n U, l”
are true. And of course. they are is readily available at most news Wind] It ‘5 ("lll‘ill“t"‘l' and ”1 ”I” Wm \ Rum} Him“ '\ ”in Mir m m ”t
important parts of the sales mix papers. a salesperson can put adiacent state that conducts i‘ 5”” Mill“. A“ SI in. exchanged 1“
But in reality. they are secondary together ii compelling readership ll‘lr I‘IH‘TV “mum“ “limb“ hr a random
to a newspapers primary product profile In addition to hiimaniZing “ m“ ”l" PH‘SMI M'rnfll “ ”lilmrmnny‘(iiiiiiitlvitfi.“'1,n”.lmz“
Think about it What one prod, the numbers. this will give atlyer “‘Slflmflhl" h” ('m‘lnmg ”I" 1"" '1‘,"/)_r””"‘/ Hf)", 3AA" Fer/emf
uct does your newspaper offer that tisers a better understanding of “T" ‘l‘l‘V‘IrtISI’l‘d l"“"‘- m“ lmmml' I‘m” AH” ””34 ‘\"”*‘/"’/“"’“
cannot be found anywhere else" the buying power ofyour readers
Advertisers can buy space from a 2 ()rganim- the information In
variety of sources They can go recent _\‘ears. sales automation has Vd rksho can hel
elsewhere for t'rt'zltht‘ St't'VIt‘t‘s Slmplll'lt'ti tlils process lilll HUI all I e0 wo p p
They can accept and appreciate a Séllt'sw‘ople hayc laptop sales sys I ff eate better d
salesperson's personality. even if tents And even if they tiltl. there s 1 your Sta cr a S
the} iieyei‘ spend a dime And they no substitute for .iii old fashioned
can generate increased sales with t'ltm'ct‘satloli. \\'itli its t'\'t' contact ..
a number of lllitrkt‘illlt.’ strategies ””‘l “mm” ‘llqlVlVlWll‘ l i ass .~ , ‘ I, i‘ ' i i. ' it???»
Your newspapers priniiir\ prod 'l‘lll‘l‘“ -”“' ‘1 ll” "3 ”1"”‘1'H “”3?! i e ' i ‘ . \-
uct [\- Hg audience No other “UN, nitpies but some information is l ,6 " M.m.t..\qworbh°° 5‘
cation or any other llit‘tllllnl‘ can “HI“T’ll‘d‘l“ l” (”l -“"“‘“.‘”' “WT“ i tip“ :- ' , .1 _
duplicate your papers audience If "4”“ l"”"" “'l'l‘l‘ l‘” ‘1 k” l“’”” i l ..‘ *‘ vat“ .-.- _ ‘
You are able to communicate this 5“” “7”” 1“ WW" Th“ "MW! h t" i s . i i ‘
uniqueness to Your advertisers. “"“nlulllfill” “"1“ .“ll” ('lIW‘l‘ l fir"
you Will create a formidable sell w'lhm” fumbling ll”"”-‘4ll "l 5" .
int: adyantage. Here are .i few “”‘dl'ltl “""ill‘ll‘m ””“l ' “‘“l‘ *
lioints to keep in mind ”mp“ . . W ’ ' i I
1 llmk bg‘WWl ”1" ”Swim“ I,,¥:‘\‘,I.‘I:i};"~l 1:11:13," g‘,‘,:‘,’,’,‘,‘,”‘},:; Alast. aprogramthat istailor-iiiade for newspapers'
31.05} SM": 11”“, “:erfimftlcflw Population, l,,,.,,,,,,.“1.;d,,,.,',,,,,,,‘ Basics 0/ [,ayoutmzdt‘opy is getting rave renews from
siileisiped‘prl; 1312:2212 “11:39:93 :3 Age, Transit-nee. Employment and publishers and ad managers C(iaSt-tOftiaSt. .
mu, through the statistical “pop Retail sales ‘ ltsaworkshop,not alectureYourstaffmllbeinvolved
mm M a presentation. They CW” 3 Make the numbers tangible from the start—working on layoutsgetting ad ideas and
readership like a 5mm, skipping Thtnk 0f Ways ‘0 brt‘fltht‘ llfv into writing more. effectiveheadlines.
across the surface (,fa lake. It gets Information about your WWW?!- Find out how totrain your staff the quick and easy way.
mentioned, but there's no depth. 3:; SuzeldtilanvainfriZny‘dniiliiiti-yzfi? Write todayforfrec brochure.
Third, ali‘):iltcilECbtlliirtiii‘()t.l':(l)jsr:acct: income levels in different coverage John FouS-t Advertlsrtngrbemmars , j) r ‘
~ , areas. ()r you can compare your PO BOXlO861,Raleigh,NL 2/600,@(9l9)834 ..0.)b
culation figures, people represent- client's sales to those of competi- “WWW”"mm”‘hfi'm" ”WM'NN"
ing potential business for your
clients. But how can you introduce See SELL. page 14

 The Kentucky Press. June. 1998 - Page 5
0 fl 0 d t 10
Youth sectlon pays off Follow these steps 1n ea in g
' If t t 1 t With an an 0r advertiser
1n cu 1va mg own a en C y n
< ll.i\e you ever walked in to \'l\'ll ti Hang it )tll]l\ it he uses .tbti
ByMARINAHENDRICKS (W.Va.) NUWSPUW‘FSV FlipSide 'llt' ot \our lit tter .tdxertisers only sue languai'ellhit warn hint first
Youth sections entice future Magazine. I watched with pride as 1., mm mm ”the! Jim” .t ”newt“. ”Hm. ”Pi” 1;. mmlm“._\
subscribers mto our PUbhcathS SOW‘TZ‘I 0f ”UT best and brightest in his till) Hr ret t‘l\t'tl .tn .lll!’_l‘\ ‘f l)ont shuttle lltnt otl to sonn-
f‘nd Ewe young POOP]? a real V0109 teen correspondents took the phont tall trout hint demanding one else l‘rans‘terriut- his t'illl to tht
In tht.‘ newspaper. BUt one Of the plunge. \“l” l“'-“l) production tlepartnit'iit or the hook
".“m Important sen'ices these SOC- A former FlipSider now WUrks ‘Idll‘illl unaware, \“” l‘YV'l'dl’h ket'lter onl\ niakes litiii ntadder
“0n? render '5 t“ the Journalists 0f across the river front our offices as went on the tlt‘lt‘ltstm 'l'lt.tt s natnr 191ml out what on. ”opp”, Le .tnd ll
the future. ‘ a writer for a monthly business .d it) tlt'alllllf \\llll .tnery t‘lisltltiit't‘s \oo tant col“. ,1 pom. M... It“. lW'
Through their'work on youth publication. She originally planned ltut ll \ou ”W to detend \ourst It or can “to. too help you out \our
P‘lb]1€3t10n5~ aspiring ”@0119”! to become a physical therapist. but \out' newspaper or new me!“ Ill" .t!l\t*t'Ilst‘t‘ ‘
photographers,‘ copy editors a stint on our staff convinced her vuoruuh wt the t rror you .m- :roinz' s (lo to your .ulyt-rtisers l’ltttt'
deSIgners and artists ”COW“ valu- otherwise. Another alumnus called t" lHW \H'H‘ «’ll\1””l""> wt littstness and ask ll you ("Hi the
ableexperience and a t‘aSte OfVVhI'It me last fall it) {(‘ll me that after ll 1‘ Al “'llllli‘ll l""“'ll"” l" l‘ "l l‘“” t'llss Illt‘ iir‘ttlilem m ltt‘lytllt ‘Htll Ht
is m“: ”‘1 the real-world. The” much soul—searching. she had '1' "“ll‘t‘H‘b-‘Hltlll V" "H" llk‘“ l“ tront ot luseustonters
ollthUflaHn‘ dedication and protes- changed her major from pre—med “h" ”it l’li‘HI‘V WM“ ”‘4'“ i' \“H H (il\t' \olH‘ adterttser \titlr tull
“()nah‘fm often give the” adu” tojournalism. ‘ll‘llll ”ilk" ll” "”“r “l” l“’“"\""‘ attention Listen (".H‘t'llillV to what
superVisors a renewed sense Of And then there is Kerri \“l‘ 'l"l“’“l "“er “m” "“\l“”“"’ he has to say l.ool\ luin in the l‘\4-\
purpose. ‘ Barnhart. NI! Home to think well ot you. no looktiw m.” ””1““ you “He H
Youth editors refer to student Kerri served with distinction on ”“41"" l"’“ l'l‘”“"l""‘ “"“l "l“ witdty or iyo‘s- l‘s t - ‘» t .l H A
staffers as their "klds'" and there our statfdurin ' her sehior/ve'ir in \Vll‘” ‘lM‘l‘l \"" 'l“ ”"lm‘l‘l ll‘“ i l” S t I“ it ( 1 lm' " 1“; it ll [1
ls no greater feeling than when 1- {I (. 'h l g l I, ' f '.\lll take thought discipline and . , I in IN“ ‘Hd ‘1‘ w.
one of vour kids decides on a iigi s( oo ant won Il’H top ‘ > . .ot..ut inttnt on uudtistandin: the
-' ~ - » Fli Side scholarshi) we offer. 1 ”MW" H'” W” ””“l “"N‘l” “m reasons tor your .tdxertis