xt759z909p24 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt759z909p24/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1967 bulletins English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 43, No. 1, Summer 1967 text Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin, Vol. 43, No. 1, Summer 1967 1967 2014 true xt759z909p24 section xt759z909p24 VOLUME 43 SUMMER, I967 NUMBER I
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Sec Inside Cover
V} 7
, i 1
The cover picture of Hyden Hospital and the E
Margaret Voorhies Haggin Quarters for Nurses
. I
was taken for the FNS by old courier Nancy 2
Dammann when she visited us in the Winter of i
_ I
1967. The photograph illustrates the crowded lj
parking lot which causes so much inconvenience `,“
. { `
to both pat1ents and staff. ga
Y {
i I
Publish¤·d> ’“l‘£}é·?° D?.$§3§"&'I£..r A‘i§%%"°
Dr. John M. Bergland Memorial .............................. 1,000.00 1,000.00 `
Edward C. Wilson Legacy ...........>.....l...................... 49,250.00 49,250.00
Ann Allen Danson Fund ................,....l...................... 3,431.92 3,431.92 ‘
Helen Rochester Rogers Legacy .....r........................ 5,000.00 5,000.00 ‘
Virginia Branham Memorial ................................r..r 10,114.21 339.74 10,453.95 (
Mrs. Herman F. Stone Fund .................................... 2,000.00 · 2,000.00 5
Ann.ie Wallingford Anderson Memorial ................ 5,100.00 5,100.00 ~"
Mrs. Edna C. Lapham ................................................ 15,250.00 15,250.00 "
Edith M. Douglas ........................................................ 10,000.00 10,000.00 Q
Adeline Shaw Martindale .......................................... 74,517.00 2,184.80 76,701.80
Flora G. Fletcher ...... . ............................................. -0- 30,000.00 30,000.00 '
Fannie B. Mcllvain Memorial .................................. -0- 3,015.00 3,015.00 ;
Catherine Mellick Gilpin Memorial ........................ -0- 1,406.00 1,406.00 :
William Nelson Fant, Jr. Memorial ........................ 78,349.52 78,349.52 _ ‘
Elizabeth B. Perkins Legacy .................................... 152,971.86 152,971.86 `
Eliza Davitt Hartley Legacy .................................... 150,000.00 150,000.00 `
Cordie M. Williams Legacy ...................................... 458,254.25 458,254.25 ·
Margaret H. T. Hunt for Caroline 7
H. P. Thornton Memorial .................................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 _ n
Anonymous (Bankers Trust Co., N. Y. Trustee).. 137,496.50 137,496.50
Sub-total ......................................................... - ....... $1,411,670.44 $ 42,240.54 $1,453,910.98 *j
Reserve Accounts—Income Unrestricted: I
Mrs. Louise D. Crane .................................................. 4,000.00 4,000.00 #
Mrs. Frederic Moseley Sackett ................................ 10,000.00 10,000.00
· Mrs. Eliza A. Browne ................................................ 16,000.00 16,000.00 V
Winfield Baird Fund .................................................. 4,550.00(1) (4,000.00) 550.00
Lillie McGinness .......................................................... 2,500.00 2,500.00
Harriett H. Grier ........................................................ 5,000.00 5,000.00 ·
Maurice S. Miller ........................................................ 5,000.00 5,000.00
Leila A. Morgan .......................................................... 5,000.00 5,000.00 .
Eliza Davids ................................................................. 6,000.00 6,000.00
Bertha G. Wood .......................................................... 13,028.77 13,028.77
Doris A. Farrington .................................................... 4,920.00 4,920.00
Mrs. E. A. Codman ...................................................... 2,000.00 2,000.00
Mrs. Irving E. Raymond ............................................ 4,000.00 4,000.00
Mrs. George M. ToeWater ........................................ 12,416.72 1.44 12,418.16
Mrs. Oswald Villard .................................................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 _
Leila M. Weeks ............................................................ 2,469.16 2,469.16
Frances Margaret Bradford .................................... 5,000.00 5,000.00
William E. Brigham .................................................. 10,000.00 10,000.00
Mrs. Polk Laffoon ...... . ................................................ 1,000.00 1,000.00 T,
Mrs. W. Garland Fay .................................................. 1,000.00 1,000.00
Mrs. Louise W. Breckinridge .................................... 2,000.00 2,000.00 4.),
Miss Elizabeth R. Hooker ........................................ 5,000.00 5,000.00 '·
Miss Clara S. Peck ............................................. . ...... -0- 1,507.50 1,507.50
Sub-totals ................................................................ $ 121,884.65 $ (2,491.06) $ 119,393.59 I
Sub-Grand Totals .................................................. $2,176,211.08 $184,562.67 $2,360,773.75 T
Capital Gain or Loss on Trust Funds .............. 329,987.64 959.01 330,946.65 —
GRAND TOTALS ......................................... . ....... $2,506,198.72 $185,521.68 $2,691,720.40 =
Cash Additions to Trust Funds (above) .................................... $184,562.67 .
Add: Transfer Deductions (1) .................................................... 24,000.00
Total Cash Additions for the Year .............................................. $208,562.67 .
(1) Transferred to Income ’
Statement of Donations and Subscriptions Paid
‘ May 1, 1966 to April 30, 1967
Z ii
SUMMARY: Contributions ggilfggagi Totals
, Alpha Omicron Pi ....................................,....,..........,_. $ 4,755.32 $ $ 4,755.32
T Baltimore Committee ...........,....,.,.,.....,.......,............l 1,590.16 1,590,16
I Boston Committee ...................................................... 8,290.57 5,000.00 13,290.57
g; Chicago Committee .................................................... 4,106.00 4,106.00
_? Cincinnati Committee ................................................ 8,961.72 8,961.72
; Cleveland Committee ..................................,.............. 31,452.94 31,452.94
_ Daughters of Colonial Wars ......................,..,....._.____ 2,327,60 2,327.60
‘· Detroit Committee ............,.,......,..,.............,.,,,.,__._.,_. 6,589,20 6,589.20
Y Hartford Committee .................................................. 1,770.55 1,770.55
‘ *Kentucky:
z. Blue Grass Committee ......................................... 7,816.89 7,816.89
Y Louisville Committee ........................................... 7,064.52 7,064.52
_ A Miscellaneous State ............................................. 34,248.84 34,248.84
· Minneapolis Committee ............................................ . 745.50 745.50
{ New York Committee ................................................ 50,686.40 6,052.90 56,739.30
Philadelphia Committee ....l....................................... 13,339.86 2,947.10 16,286.96
, Pittsburgh Committee ............................................... 14,582.42 14,582.42
? Princeton Committee ................................................. 683.00 683.00
Providence Committee .............................................. 1,144.64 1,144.64
Rochester Committee ................................................ 4,944.32 4,944.32
*"iWashington, D. C. Committee .................................. 32,307.96 32,307.96
Miscellaneous .............................................................. 27,381.08 27,381.08
‘ TOTALS ...........,,............................,................ . ..... ***$264,789.49 $14,000.00 $278,789.49
· *Total for Kentucky .................................................... $ 49,130.25
**Includes ........................................................................ $ 26,945.24 for Special Projects
***Less Transferred to Endowments .......................... $ .6,896.00 $271,893.49
` Fees——Graduate School of Midwifery ............................................ 9,640.00
Payments from Patients:
Income from Nursing Centers .......................... 15,974.79
Q Medical and Surgical Fees ................................ 18,120.06 ·
mfr Hyden Hospital Fees ................ . ......................... 44,288.20
{W Hospital Clinic Funds and Supplies ...................... 34,182.50 112,565.55
1 Wendover Post Office ...................... . .................................................. 5,150.70
‘ Sale of Post Cards ............................................................................ 106.75
~ Income from Investments—Trust Funds .................................... 127,056.38
"Wide Neighborhoods’»—Royalties and Local Sales .................. 340.03
_ Livestock Sales, Net .......................................................................... 808.55
p Expense Refunds .............................................................................. 56.03
V Miscellaneous Income ...................................................................... 326.74 256,050.73
Sub-totals .................................................. . ........................................................... $527,944.22
Non Cash Deduction—Cost Livestock Sold .................................................... 535.00
A $528,479.22
1966-1967 1967-1968 _
(Hyden Hospital, Frontier Graduate School of Q
Midwifery, Wendover, and five Nursing Centers) ‘
1. Salaries and Wages* .........l......,................................................. $176,193.72 $180,000.00 .
2. Medical Director ........................................................................ 20,819.39 26,000.00
3. Dispensary Supplies (See Note 1) .......................................... 87,424.74 75,000-00 ’
4. Running Costs: Food—minus board of residents, cows, “4‘
fuel, electricity, laundry, freight and hauling, et cetera .... 47,313.96 48,000.00 T
5. Feed and care of 5 horses and 2 mules (See Note 2) .......... 2,731.40 2,500.00
6. Jeeps (21), Truck, Station Wagon Ambulance .................... 7,418.87 8,000.00 .
7. Maintenance of Properties ........................................................ 13,261.96 14,000.00 {
TOTAL FIELD EXPENSE ........................... 2 .......................... $355,164.04 $353,500.00 `
1. Salaries, Accounting and Auditing, Oiiice Supplies, i
Postage, Telephone and Telegraph, Printing, etc ................. $ 64,603.05 $ 68,000.00 ji
III. SOCIAL SECURITY TAX: .......................................................... $ 11,085.36 $ 12,580.00 U
IV. SOCIAL SERVICE: ........................................................................ $ 12,489.89 $ 12,000.00 `
1. Insurance (Fire $359,000.00 Coverage), Employers’
Liability, full coverage on truck, jeeps, and ‘
station wagon ............................................................................ $ 10,686.52 $ 12,000.00
2. Quarterly Bulletins (covered by subscriptions) .................. 5,408.30 5,500.00 -
3. Record Department .................................................................. 5,107.50 6,420.00
4. Miscellaneous Projects such as: Doctors and Nurses for \ ·
study and observation, professional books and magazines 6,293.16 2,000.00 ¢
5. Miscellaneous Promotional Expenses beyond the moun- xp
tains ............................................................................................... 2,926.58 3,000.00 ·
$ 30,422.06 $ 28,920.00 .,
TOTAL RUNNING EXPENSES .......................................................... $473,764.40 $475,000.00
LIVESTOCK ADDITIONS ...................................................... $ 64,534.62 ‘
TOTAL ....................................................................................................... $538,299.02 l V
* Wages for maintenance charged to Wages Category. I
Note 1: Approximately 1,/3 of supplies relayed to Districts. *
Note 2: One animal belongs to an FNS Employee who must ride to work.
I (From Exhibit C of the Audit)
,j Our auditors set a value of $556,382.62 on these holdings,
T after adjustments. Among the major holdings are the following:
i A stone Hospital, one wing of which is the Mary Ballard
Morton Memorial, one wing the Mary Parker Gill Memorial, and
frame Annex, a Memorial to "Jackie" Rousmaniere; Joy House,
home of the Medical Director, a gift of Mrs. Henry B. Joy; Aunt
.‘» Hattie’s Oak Barn, gift of Mrs. Henry Alvah Strong; Mardi Cot-
; tage, the Quarters for the Frontier Graduate School of Midwif-
[ ery; The Margaret Voorhies Haggin Quarters for Nurses; Bolton
House; St. Christopher’s Chapel; "Betty’s Box"; employees cot-
H tage; and outbuildings including work shop, forge, pump houses,
_’ fire hose houses; and two water storage tanks.
- Three log houses as follows: the Big House ("in memory of
· Breckie and Polly"), the Old Cabin and the Ruth Draper Cabin;
` the Garden House; the Upper Shelf and Lower Shelf; the Ham-
- Way Hut; the Couriers’ Log Barn and Aunt J ane’s Barn; numer-
» ous smaller buildings including: Pebble Work Shop, tool house,
. . forge, apple house, jeep shed, the cow barn, cow hospital barn,
, mule barn, chicken houses, pump house, two iire hose houses;
X and two water storage cisterns.
’ Georgia Wright Clearing ‘
, A caretaker’s cottage, storage house and barn; extensive
- . pasture land for horses and cows; a barn and stockade; two wells.
» .
’ f' Jessie Preston Draper Memorial Nursing Center
` Frame building and oak barn; deep well, pump house and
i water tank; fenced acreage for pasture and gardens.
Q Clara Ford Nursing Center
{ Log building and oak barn; fire hose house; walled-in spring;
, two deep wells, pump houses, and water tank; fenced acreage
for pasture and gardens.
Caroline Butler Atwood Memorial Nursing Center V
Frame building and oak barn; nre hose house; walled-in
spring; deep well, pump house and water tank; fenced acreage
for pasture and gardens.
Belle Barrett Hughitt Memorial Nursing Center
Frame building and oak barn; jeep shed; iire hose house; c
walled-in spring; water tank; fenced acreage for pasture and ”
Margaret Durbin Harper Memorial Nursing Center 4*
Frame building and oak barn; two-jeep garage; deep well ,
and pump; fenced acreage for pasture and gardens. [
Subsidiary Clinics
Six small clinic buildings on the following streams: Stinnett (
C (Mary B. Willeford Memorial), Coon Creek (Coy Maggard Me-
morial) , Mudlick, Leatherwood, Cutshin, and Grassy.
Five horses, one mule; seven cows; two heifers; two calves; .
one Hampshire brood sow; and over two hundred chickens.
Equipment ‘
Equipment includes: twenty-one jeeps; one Ford station-
wagon-ambulance; one one-ton truck; one passenger car; pumps J
and motors; farm implements; carpenter and plumber’s tools; J)
saddlebags and district nursing bags; saddles, bridles; halters; 1
hospital equipment and furnishings; dispensary supplies; and 'V2“
household furnishings and equipment at Hyden, Wendover and
Eve outpost centers, variously located in a seven-hundred square Z
mile area. .
The data in this section are supplied by the record depart- Z
ment of the Frontier Nursing Service, by records kept on guests Y
and volunteer workers; and by the social service department. V
A 1.
We are deeply grateful to our old friend, Dr. W. B. Rogers
Beasley, who returned to relieve Dr. Mary L. Wiss for a much
needed vacation during the summer. When Dr. Wiss returned
from her holiday she was joined by Dr. Mary Pauline Fox as
· Assistant Medical Director. These two fine physicians have been
in residence at Hyden throughout the year.
Our whole area suffered a loss when Dr. Karl Yaple, our
_ consultant pediatrician in Harlan, joined the Armed Services.
” We extend our warm thanks to Dr. Doane Fischer of Harlan
. who takes time from his busy schedule to give pediatric lec-
A tures to our student nurse-midwives and to act as our pediatric
a consultant for acutely ill children. The pediatric residents from
I the Cincinnati Childre11’s Hospital came to the mountains to
hold clinics and seminars for our nursing staff. We are grateful
to the Children’s Hospital for the free care given our children
who are referred to the specialists for investigation and care.
In September our good friend, Dr. Thomas B. Grossman of Mil-
_ waukee, Wisconsin, returned to give us another tonsil clinic.
; Dr. David B. Stevens of Lexington has continued to hold ortho-
pedic clinics and Dr. Harold Rosenbaum, Chairman of the Depart-
ment of Radiology at the University of Kentucky, continues to
- read our x-rays as a courtesy. It is impossible to name all the
physicians, both in and out of the mountains, who have given
their services to patients referred to them during the year. We
]( are most appreciative of the many kindnesses shown us by so
I many. _
tp We Welcome the help that has been given to us during the
year by the various divisions of the Kentucky State Department
1 of Health. We are especially grateful for the help we have
j received with all the ramifications of the Medicare and Medicaid
A programs. It has been a pleasure for members of our staff to
» work with Dr. Margaret Livingood and members of her staff in
the Maternal and Infant Care program which is under way in
; several counties in eastern Kentucky. We wish to make special
. mention of the help given us by the medical specialists in the
i various departments at the University of Kentucky Medical Cen-
j ter to whom we refer many of our medical problems.
12 Fnomrmn Nunsmo smwrcm
Hyden Hospital—1icensed to operate 16 beds, 12 bassinets, ‘
2 incubators—was occupied 7,144 days last year by 1,492 pa- `
tients with a daily average of 15.4 patients, excluding newborns.
Of the 1,492 patients cared for at the Hospital during the fiscal W
year, 408 were sick adults, 535 were obstetrical patients, 262
were children and 287 were newborn. There were 9 deaths in A
the Hospital, of which 2 were newborn. There was no maternal
death. The outpatient department, with the Medical Direct0r’s s
clinics, received a total of 17,615 visits. There were 168 opera-
tions performed. ‘