xt759z90cd3b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt759z90cd3b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-12-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 07, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 07, 1982 1982 1982-12-07 2020 true xt759z90cd3b section xt759z90cd3b KENTUCKY 2 ’
. 3/
l Ugh” upl
er 2 ‘ The life of an actor or actress might
.23,,. ' look glamorous from an ordinary por-
. sons perspective. but behind the
3'l 1" scenes students here who want their
' names in lights work long and hard at
a - $3} their craft For a look at how their train-
ifl; ing begins. see CINYIIPIICI. page 4.
m a“

VOl- l-XXXV. No. 83 Tuesday, December 7, l982 An Independent student DOWIpOPOr University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

RH M_ __.-..c_..-w..m._._ _,c_c_.._ Mmkwhamca‘ .-_.‘ch, .- ,, _, , ......w ,,e_‘.-_ k- .-_‘_

Calls apparently aimed at GALUS

I hreats cause Student Center evac at'on


By STEVEN w.h0meR better get those gays and lesbos out or we managers on duty. said. “We chose to evac- zation from meeting in the Student Center. at leaving.
Sports Editor Will. The bomb will go off in 30 minutes.’ ” uate the buildings." “We-will not change our plans or stop publi- “Nobody really complained," he said.
and ANDREW QPPMANN Garner said. “The second time he called he Mai-k McCord, the other night manager cizi'ng our meetings." “we just told them that the fire department
News Editor said. “Those gays and losbos have got as on duty, said the Lexington Fire Depart- She said most GALUS members arrived told us to evacuate the buiding." The build-
© 1982 Kentucky Kernel minutes.‘ ” ment searched both buildings for about 45 after the buildings were evacuated and ing remained virtually empty. with the ex-

“ Both calls were made by the same man, minutes While a group of evacuees sang were not aware of the incident. ception of the fire department, police de-

_Two telephone. bomb threats, apparently he said. Christmas carols outside. GALUS might consider requesting securi- partment and Student Center personnel.

aimed at disrupting _a scheduled meeting 0f After reporting the incident to UK Police, Many were waiting to attend a concert by ty for future meetings. Hrkman said. “We “This is supposed to be 1982.“ Charlotte

3", ”gins? recogrfuzed Gay and 145th“ the department dispatcher returned his call Fly By Night, scheduled for 8 pm. in the may be talking to campus police and ask if Vice, an education freshman who was

bolilthtud "33:2? borfgld tho;a eyacuiittion of and verified the report. _ .. Worsham Theatre, he said. The building they could send an officer . . . we will be among the students evacuated, said. ”This

And Ge er wk ngs {IS hish - ' The police dispatcher said. It was up to was not reopened until 8:05 pm. discussing this during our meetings." is supposed to be the United States. I just
3f “me”. a "‘3’ “mg ”mm" “m"? “5, t0 evacuate, the hmldms 0' hot. Gamer A UKPD spokesman refined to comment More than 75 students waited in the court- don’t believe itsometimes.

at the Infomiationdesk adjacent to the Uh" said. “We decided to evacuate immediately on the incident until Police Chief Paul Har- yard outside the Student Center while the “It‘s so easy to let pick up the phone and
gloom Bookstore m_the Student Center hd' because }tS klnd 0f_f00h§h to take a big rison is briefed. building was searched, making occasional do that." she said. “It could have been any-

tion, received thefirst threat at about 7.10 chance Withso many lives like that.” The GALUS meetings was held as sched- jokes about the threats. Garner said most body."

pm. The second call came about 10 minutes “We notified campus police and they told uled at8:30p.m. inaosStudent Center. students exited in an orderly fashion. al- GALUS, organized to advocate gay and
later. _ _ . ‘ us it was our decision to make," Michael GALUS President Stephanie Hrkman said though some in the television area and the lesbian rights, was recognized as an official

“The ”St time he called he “"13 Y0" Johnson, one Of two Student Center night the bomb threats Will not deter the organi- video game room on the second floor balked organization by the University last month.
.. “\{A ,»1(W°onr&"xfi+ ...-fm‘m“ 1 . A 2: Z : ,. .3» ‘ .,‘ . . . . ... 1 __:V.:_; >

Federal workers owe * 3 . » v‘ 3% . 3 3 3 i » .3

... 3333 ‘ - _ 2 i 3 i 2.3 t ' I, 3 . *3
- v 33 e333 ' 33 .2 333 33:3. -. 3 3 3 3 3 - 3 “33 33
g i . M,“ N \ .2332 c.» .2,_2,“‘,..5*:-~ 3 w - .:.;._ 3 l} .‘ t 5,. [g I )3 N > *
g 3 :3. , u. 2 $3;- W _ .. . ‘ . .. 5. ~ .3 _ .=i.- 1“ 3‘: . ... -':; “‘3‘
By VICKIE BOWLING student is not obligated to pay back l is .:.” t e2 a. ' ' ,_ 33,.- .l “ g; 3 -. 3
Staff Writer the loan while they are still making ’3' - “833% - ' 31- at? .22 t“. it.” . .,, . . 2, ' 2 .; , '3 ' ’5 .73.
and The Associated Press academic process, S 2- o 1" t ’ , . .. .» g ’ .~ . 5‘ o 3.3
“The bad thing about it is in most ,f ' j a fit 33'3 ' .332- . 5 “j 9‘ “t ... 3 f, ., ':
ME— cases When a student receives a 3 ". W ‘ .. »-'2 , W- 2 " " ’ 2 t; ’ g a." '3‘ <§§s:£.:
loan, he goes to a local bank to bor- 3 . ‘ . ' 1 , , h ' . .

The federal government said yfi- row the money to go to college on,“ f . a. ‘ . ' Lg ' ’, ‘ ,
terday it has discovered that 46,860 Stockham said. “If the student 3‘" - d ’ ._ , \ 4 ~ 2 it
current or retired federal workers doesn’t repay the loan, the federal , y 2 .M , a, t
owe nearly 968 million in unpaid stu- government pays the bank the a, . ' "l. '\ ”3,2323 2 23 ' ’ . .2
dentloans. money.and is left holding the bag. ,3“. __ , _ , " ‘ . 2 ”M

Education Secretary T.H. Bell “The bad thing about this is that 333,3 iv » r ' , . ' ‘3' 2-
said at a news conference he is the money that isn‘t given back to 23.1 ” . . El {K , ’ _®
launching a crackdown that Will the government can’t be given to the .1 ‘33.. a; , ‘3‘; . ,..,.,':"'"'\”"" ‘- ”3;. g
lead to garnishing the workers’ next generation of students coming 3‘ 2'.::"',j‘_,.,.... s . ta 33“” . t 2
wages in early 1983 unless they pay up that need the money to go to .. , it” ‘3' -- ’t s V 3 ' w. . ’
backtheloans. schoolon,"he said. 33‘, _, M ' “33“». . . 3 33°33 " -- -2

Sen. Charles H. Percy. R-Ill.. who “The people that don't repay their ‘3 363,, " ' M : ’ , . a; ~ '3 -
sponsored the Debt Collection Act loans are jist hurting the people ”3._ " k , 31,7333. we '.
that President Reagan signed in Oc- that are coming up and depending . 33 " ‘. t. ‘33“ ' "
tober to allow the government to on that money to go to school." . a . . 25 f.
withhold the wages from student Stockham said. 3" f 33:3 it!!!” " .. .-
loan defaulters, said, “This is noth- Ben said his department checked nicotine -' _ __ 2 , 2. a3. ......a'“ ~ 2 - ‘ ‘ " 2~ 3
ing less than a Slap in the face to a list of 800,000 student loan default- ' ’ ' 3; 3 " ’ .2 3 '- h
every taxpayer in this country.” ers against records of 10.3 million ”"35 ti. ' ‘33, » t .

Percy, appearing with Bell, said current or former federal employ- ° , ‘ - ‘ ‘
in a statement that the 46,860 de- as, including themilitary. . m 3 . ' 3 2 ‘ ~ ’ l i
faulters “have had their good lives The computer match turned up ‘ - 3 .3 .. . \ I .4: h. ‘
made possible by the generosity of the names of 46,860 present or for- 2 l .3 , ’ 2 ,_ ' .. . ', {3 er ‘
the American taxpayers. They f00t mer federal employees, who are «e... g _- , . . CW ‘, .» ,1“ '3 , ; ,- ....se ‘ 3 1%.- ‘S
the bill for those federal workers’ holding 50,393 defaulted loans, with 1.2:... 2- , 3:3;‘3’3" as: . . “ - - . 3" " .‘ 33 3.13:3 S‘- 3 ., ‘ ': a“; , .
education." some having skipped out on more t 2.3 a“. = 2.- 1 ‘ " 7" -3‘ i - V
David Stockham, acting UK finan- than one loan. . "2 fi . “ 2' ' ‘ 3‘ I r ,3 " . a . ’ 3’3 if
cial aid director, said although stu— UK is not providing any additional - 3 § 1‘12." 5. “33$ m. . 2 .- 3 .. ‘23 , , (‘33-‘11 ’3 ’ .,

dents are not obligated to pay back information to find the individuals 2 _ , 2 3 '2 333 stems. -.‘2, ’ 33% c- «3* . ..‘3‘23’3-3’ 33““3 3 .
loans until after they graduate. the who have defaulted on student loans. 2 “ ” 3' 2 ' ’ ’2 " 3’3 "‘s’w " 33 ' ‘ ‘ " ‘ W” ‘ " ‘ " ’1’“ ’ " ‘
federal government is trapped into Stockhamsaid. J.D.VANM°0$l/Ke~~e s-ott
paying the bills after students bor- The loans were made under the Hogan meets CBS
row to pay their loans. Guaranteed Student Loan. National . . . . . . , ,
“The student is informed, though, Direct Student Loan, Federal In- UK Athletics Director Cliff Hogan was mtervtewed by CBS In January as part of a monthly series titled CBS Reports, A
about the repayment through the sured Student Loan and Defense Stu- correspondent Lem Tucker recently as port of an hour-long film crew also attended UK s basketball games with Notre
federal government," he said. “A dentLoanprograms. documentary on big-time college basketball to be presented Dame and Villonova
a I. l u a -
Anorexra, bu Imla victims I'lSk death TUESDAY
velop a fine growth of body hair as a field do not agree on whether they talk about food habits and keep food From staff wire ,9 OHS
———— primitive response to keep warm. can be cured. records. " she said. ’ p
By SUSAN §:2:_M0NS 'Dental problems are irreversible Aug believes bulimia and anorexia She now thinks she is recovering.
Illepo Side effects of bulimia. Taub said, can be cured. but cautions, “There but the five psychiatrists and psy- Beshear to run for lieutenant goyernor
because teeth are frequently are not grounds for being blindly op chologists and the three medical
“a“ brought into contact with stomach timistic." His treatment consists of doctors she saw before going to Cin-
This is the second in a two- art 82- acids by Vomlting. psychotherapy t0 uncqver conflict-S cinnati did not help her. “Other dOC‘ FRANK’ORT - Steven Besheor the 38-year-old attorney
ries on anorexia and bulimiaptwo di- Ihave T2 caVlties‘and'l know ex- and find ways for Victims to assert tors just didn't know much about general and UK alumnus yesterday announced his candida-
etary disorders affecting thousands actly what it s-from. said Darla, a self-control. . it,“sheexplained, . Cy tor lieutenant governor saying he would concentrate on
of young women. The names of ano- :gfghg £12?” and co—coordlna- He §l50 “$9.5. family therapy and Although .Cheryl said She (10% not economic and lite-style recovery in Kentucky if elected to
rexia and bulimia victims quoted Che lseanothgi'gl’blfiimia 'cti behaVior mtodification _—v1ctims are believe bulimia or anoreXia can be the post "ex, November.
havebeenchanged. - W'- - VI in, rewarded“ enthey galnweight. cured, she thinks ll can be con- Beshear a Democrat from
said she is havmg problems With her Another form of therapy for ano trolled.
Anorexics' and bulimics' manic teeth but is afraid to go. to the den- rexics and bulimics. he said. is self- Darla is unsure of total recovery. Lexmgton announced a diverse
concern about their weight can lead tistforfearofwhatshemlghtlearn. help, which he finds the most effec- "l‘ve cured myself right now. but platform calling for a war on
, The menstrual cycle is also af- two. means of stopping the binge- that‘s notsayingitwon‘tcomeback. umemployment attention to vo-
them to do great phySical harm to fected b bulimia It often becomes dr
themselves _ and can even lead to , y - , purgesyn ome. . ‘ cationol education marketing
irregular or ceases either became The self-help group conSists maln- . z , .
death. of severe weight loss emotional l of le ho t . . . state agricultural products to lor-
Anorexia and bulimia are dietary stress or a combination 6f both said ty mp w are no reclevmg What can friends or family mem- 3 fi eign countries and revising the
disorders that affect thomands of . . reatmentelsewhere.Taubsaid. , . . 3
I th f . Dr. Robert Aug. child and adoles- Cheryl seeks treatment at the bers d? ‘t they suspect bulimia or Statesemergenct’ C0“? SYSlem-
{ignuguagsgfizé t3” :re05‘323r3ei‘g; cent psychiatrist at the UK Medical Clinic of Eating Disorders at the all-(32:31:13); thin to d ,S W [hem , He said that .i elected he
whether they are or not starve Center. ‘ ’ UmverSIty of Cincinnati. 'where she . _, T2 ‘1 ’31] Elm , 1- would continue the uggresSwe.
the l ' Those eating disorders can be not only talks about feelings but is literature. ‘2‘” 5‘“ 2, 93 a ' ”ess- he has shown as it m
mse “’52 . , . _ treated, although specialists in the learning to eat normally again. “1 ready have 90°F self-images To a. o ey
uii'i'ig‘i‘iiié‘é’i‘ $33."?m'emmgia‘t'i‘n2 “ ““3“" ‘mmn‘is‘ 3“” “’1 at?“ 3'9?“ ”'"9 pm’ °'
_ ' . _. a a - gui t trip, w 'c wt aggrava e our 00 stomp cheats, fighting for
lar e uantitios of food an n - ' "
forgingqthemselves to vomit,davtt’:ifi- Patlents “Intel" 38” help group betawtglctful suggestion is certainly cohsumers o mmpmgn 090m"
ing the absorption of food into their Bulimia: and anoreXics in the She emphasized that the group‘s in order ,, said Dr Griffin Dye A child abuse and intervention in
bodies UK and the Lexington community membersz is anonymous —-even psychologist at the Comprehensive ‘ utility rote cases
“People know you can die from have banded together to form a members do not know each oth- Care Center. 201 Mechanic St. "lt‘s “ Besheor was UK student body
anorexia, but they don't realize you self-help group. Modeled after Al- erslastnames. im ta t f friends to say 'l'm STEVEN IESHEAR res‘dem In 1964-65. H r d
_ , , _ .. _ por n or ,. p e eceive
can die from bulimia." said Diane coholies Anonymom, the group al Many of the members are clos oncerned nd ho ou don‘t take it h
Taub sociology imtructor and co- lows sufferers to discuss their et cases who are not willing to c a pey '5 “(helm 5 degree from ’he
'- _ frustrations with others who em- contact an agency," Darla said, wrong. . _ , , UnwefSI'Y in 1966 and his law de-
coordinator of a local self help group . . . . "Most resist being told the\ have _
for anorexicsandbulimics. pathize,said Diane Taub. and Taub said members who had a problem ,. said Jenny a UK stu- gree from the law school In l068.
Possible causes 0t death are heart "1 don't thlhk anyone totally “h” sought medical and psychological dent and recovered anorexic, ”As
attacks caused by an imbalance in derstands “ht“ they've had it help thought they had Mt been with alcoholism, the recognition that \
urehzooy’s "Foetal dgnts axiom- themselves," said Darla. who put “filg‘llfmzfgis great .. said Che, there isaproblemhasto come first. \ /
0" 8108 0 8 mp 50 8‘13 the initial ad in the Lexi ton ., ‘ “Don‘t it, Let the rson di-
0' “mm" ””3"“ 0' repeated newspaper inviting anorexicsngand ”'2 we a“ 3,333. ”gem" ‘° "y gent it am he or she d’tscides to
vomiting. “0°er to the National bulimicstoformthegrouo tohelpeachot r. change then you can start aiding WEATH -
Association 0t Anorexia Nervosa “lt'S “0t therapy in the psychi- The only problem she saw was theperson in their recovery."
andRelatedDisorders. atric sense, but it‘s interacting m‘b'? '“ntmememif mm: Chery] agreed, “Don't jump on / \
The association “Y3 sodium and with people who know exactly wouldnt want 3.0 let my“? t them asking, 'Why do you do this to
Win!“ imbalances camed by the where you're coming from," Taub because they do"‘ 't 50K' yourselfT," she said. “because
affliction can came mmcle spasms said me self'help youp meets every we're wondering about it our, Sunny today Wt'h 0 high around 50.
, , and kidney problems. The sufferer's “You,” not “one You share 2:213:36” 5:333, 2‘3? m ‘12: gives-3 Mostly clear and a little colder tonight with a low
gcizgogfnmtil'o‘nmmge:;etg WES: similar Psychological and social Student Center. Anyone interested 2:313:31; asonfnzongeretb‘clisstgir: vi}: '" 't‘. ”PP" 20"
“in! hairandbrittlefingernails.‘ situatiom. which help you realize in more information should con- im rtant ‘ - Mostly sunny and a little cooler tomorrow with a
Bulimios and anorexia constantly the whys and hows of your ac- tact Taub in 1522 Patterson Office P30“ let it 80 too far before get» m... In .... mm ‘0‘,
feel cold. and their bodies may do "0338- “we“ ting help." Darla said. __.~__

II" “0'1"" Andrew ovum-m JohnOrluln nonunion»... units-dos- J.D.VMNooao enactment
falter m that News Editor Am Editor Spmu Editor Spatial Protects Editor Photo Editor Graphics Editor
P E R5 U ASION umflhhmm. I‘m" """ohu unsung...“ Well-v run-non II'N- Molten Ion v-nuod- emu-h
Managingrdnor kdvtonalrd-ioi AisisiantAruEd-mv AssistuniSpomEdnoi soniiovaoloctsAsststanl Chthhotographei cupyDosHhml
exua arassment' a er EXII‘I I‘O em —
Sexual harassment: if there was ever a by Nancy Ray, affirmative action adminis-
problem Without an easy so ution, this is it. trator, stating that no instructor should date w Y fr , ..~, .. ‘3‘: .~‘ Vi“
It's one of those subjects people like to pref- a student enrolled in a class he or she is tea- ,g F. QHY Pm. ‘ 3 i, . \ ‘ , 1,3,}
ace by saying, “I can't tell you what it is, ching. But the regulations must be categori- lT 39$? A MEAL .2 ' ,' “’1.“ a, .5335??-
butlknownwhenlseeit.‘ ’ . cal iftheyare tobeenforced_ PART-OF LtFE”" , l/ . \ 2",. “.175:
Recently. . the UmverSity s Ad-Hoc AdVI- Regulations, however, mean nothing if ,jl/ ‘~ \ n ,i; it, ' "w
sory Committee on Sexual Harassment has they‘re not used. Victims of sexual ha- .l f // .- ,\ huh hi“ .
taken on the job of trying to define_exactly rassment must press charges against offend- ’, I K ' .. ' , i "I r ,l‘ \\ it‘ll“, ,tf’t'i‘il
what the problem is and recommending poli- ers if they are tobeeffective. v. \\ , v ~‘ " w " l l, ,/) l ’ ‘y/ fi‘xll’t‘lxlltll’r, Ill)
03’ changes to prevent harassment. _ Considering the stigmas and misconcep- '~,\ , J _. '0 T ’ if V}. ',//"1‘ “)7 t“ 71- ’
_Its an unenViable task, but the real job tions attached to harassment — particularly ; '21“,~\ \ . ,l l , //I ‘/ ‘ x ' ‘ - ‘
W?“ begin when the policies, however mod- the school of thought that says it’s always . . (3', \\ V‘ « -..,l u I,“ // , \\ 3“
ified by the various admimstrative bodies the woman‘s fault — theirs will be the most 7\ \i.“ . \, ‘ ' - .egifei "i¢- / \l ,~ I}
they must pass through, becomes a part of difficult task. But it is the most necessary. ’il’\‘ \i‘eto. “‘ if???” m1§$§§ .’ v I l, A."
studentand faculty governing regulations. . hi 3 ~ ‘l RN .. ._ . , 1/) x‘ 9;; . :,. with
As members of the committee have point- . _ \ ‘ imp \\\ ,:'.;;- . ,0 ’/'t\ '2 , L, ’ ll, -
ed out, it is extremely important that the ad- Gov. John Y- Brown has called a spec1al //,:;f.\\\ .\\.\“§\\\'~‘-312', @f‘ z » / ‘3‘ 9‘ 7i: " ' ’
ministration do everything in its power to sessmn of the General Assembly for January // ' ‘ R ‘ 4.3V g n~§ - (the t -, 1.”!
publicize the new policies. Even more impor- to act on a proposed change In the state’s lh' \ j" fission" .. , Q.” ~
tant, however, is making the members of the come-tax system. Ahd that’s all he wants to ‘ /7i/ —;__ " 717m” ’ se’i’fié‘ _ ‘.
campus community realize that sexual ha- talk about. // “TI: , — ,, fl‘4£ “fateful ‘\ '
rassment isareal and present problem. There IS pressure, however, from the legis- 47 ' .-\,‘ A 7 Dig... E} /; “‘-\ its. ’ ‘ t' « ,\‘\‘/
Men, their thinking influenced by unfair lators and other groups to expand the meet- /[///:/' gafx é, ; {p fag/TE ‘3’?“ l5 l.
and outdated notions that women are some- mg into a full-blown 5eSSth- It IS a ‘lt',’~.‘< “1777.1 ,‘ L. ""4. ' . \ \\
how an inferior sex, often fail to realize movement Indicative, of the Inadequacy of §\ :7} ft , . 7 /,‘/ .,— ,,. a \ \ '9); ' . .
when they are committing an offense_ Their the Legislature’s antiquated biennial sched- 2;. if; , //// / a!” E;§\ ,/ i
. , . \\ . ,,, //// 5. x\ n f\ /
defense is that they dont realize they are ule. . _ ' \\ 4 may ,, (r \ . i!
doing wrong What was practical in horse-and-buggy 7/ /» ' a!" \§ M ' // 1,. \ \ &-xz_/ , (it
Not much of a defense, but a valid one if days is a bottleneck now. A simple constitu- .. -' r"- ' g .‘\ ,1 ff _ ‘ . 5“ 7
the University doesn’t make its position on tional amendment could establish an. annual ,, ' .'~'\~ \ ,
the issue crystal clear. seSSion, bringing Kentucky law-making into ' ’ , / *‘i [I
. . , . i e , I
Strict regulations wont be greeted With the present day. . til , 1‘, i
understanding, as has already been seen in Perhaps the issue should be COhSldeX‘ed for e as? , ‘ ”’ ’4 . A
the angry reaction to a memo issued Nov. 11 the agenda. ’
Campus radio pioneer WBK Y-FIVI
LETTERS a forerunner in ca 99 t'
. . - - In reference to Craig Cheatham’s kins, formerly of WLEX, now work- Wheeler, and is currently being tu-
. t B . . . . . . . . . . .
Fee remlnd to the Kernel on Monday, Steven program 15 elimina ed- because lg article “Opportumties for students mg in teleViSion in Clinton, Miss; tored by Cawood Ledford, who is no
er Schroermg made one mistake. He Brother some 600 miles away in , , _ , _, ,
said that most people will not notice Washington DC deems it appro— desiring practical experience Clay Gaunce, formerly of WLEX; longer affiliated With WBKY but
I am submitting this letter as a the absence of a wrestling team priate ‘ ' " abound on campus” in the Nov. 29 Dan Lynch and Kurt Matthies of whose voluntary services were ini.
“reminder" to all Of you who rer now that varsity status for the sport Besides wrestling more students Kernel, we must protest his labeling WKQQ; Phil Miller, former news di- tiated by Mr. Wheeler.
main opposed to a mandatory health has been revoked at UK because of should now become aware of soc- of WBKY-FM (91.3) as “Weak rector of WLAP, now with WAVG, WBKY has only four full-time pro-
fee that the UK Board of Trustees is the federal government’s Title IX cer‘s plight on campus at UK. Soc- Broadcasting of Kentucky." Louisville; Dan Dorsett, operations fessional staff members and no less
scheduled to meet (and consider the program cer is the fastest growing sport in Perhaps in the future he should do manager of WLAP. . than 20 grant students, work-study
fee)on December 14. People. are not going to forget the the United States and perhaps the more background work on the sub- Also Dick Gabriel, news and students and volunteers. This is a
l encourage each and everyone 0f outstanding accomplishments of most popular athletic event world- jects about which he is writing. sports director of WVLK; John Dal- ratio of five to one. To say that stu-
member of the Board and register - —— ton (Campbell) of WTKC; Jeffrey dents are not allowed access to the
. . ,. . coach Fletcher Carr and many of Wide. But, talented soccer athletes , , , . . .
your “opposmon. You can find the ~ - -_ Veatch, mght editor of the ABC station 15 ludicrous. Obv10usly these
the fine athletes who have partiCi at UK must compete as part of a , , . . .
names and addresses for each of the pated in the program at UK What “club n since their sport has not Radio News, New York; Jim Host of people had no trouble finding their
Board members on page iii of the all ofus should remember is this fla- been granted varsity status UEST Jim Host and Associates; Cawood way in WBKY's door.
“new"‘Student Directory. . - - ' -- Leford; Henry Lackey, president Frankly, we have never experi-
. . grant example of governments Once again, soccer is a political . . H . ,,
In closmg, I would also remind being where it has no business _ in volleyball like wrestling as a result OPINION and owner of WSON; Jim Allison, enced any revolvmg door at
you that the December 14 meeting is s rts of the Title IX program The UK manager of WLAP; and Ray Hol- WBKY. Any person (student or
open to the public and will be held at p0 ‘ Athletic Association would probably brook, manager of WTKC. otherwise) may make suggestions, .
2100 pm, on the 18th floor of Patter- It is healthy to have new sports like nothing more than to have both ————". . Two former staff employees are job applications, and offers of serv-
son Office Tower. programs become varsity. They these sports enjoy varsity status WBKY—FM was the first public now hosts of major National Public ice. A good example of WBKY’s ac-
Jeffery R. Rice gain use of university facilities for But Title IX has succeeded in t - ' radio station in Kentucky and is the Radio programs, including Noah cessibility is Kevin Sage-e1.
- . . . . yrng l d FM tat” ' .. ' ~ .
PreSIdent traimng, receive state transporta— the University’s hands from pI‘OVId- oldest 001 ege-owne _ 5 Ion In Adams, host of All Things ConSid Mr. Sage-e1 came to Mr. Wheeler
Students for Political ChOice tion to and from their events. often ing either one with varsity status the country. WBKY 15 net a “weak ered." The list is endless, because with a proposal for a program to at-
have improved schedules of teams I think his time we get govern- stetion." f b d t' former students. and employees of tempt to fulfill the needs of the
' the com tea ainst and have lar _ t d ki it Its 40 years 0 ma 035 mg, WBKY appear in responSIble pOSi- black community. The result was
TI” 8 IX problems er 3budgert’se oncge they are grantegd $e:gae;f our backs an wor ng for WBKY has produced many award “0'15 around the country every day. “Rhapsody in Black," a program 0t
varsity status. ‘ Jim Dinkle wmnmg programs, too numerous to Any of these former students music from jazz to reggae, with in-
ln ar otherwise outstanding letter But, it is not fair when a sports SGA President mention. They are currently produc- would be glad to describe the role terviews and features of special in-
. mg “Kentucky Blue” WithIRaymond WBKY played in the development of terest to the black community.
Use th T I d t ' McLam Family Band, Whleh 15 (115- their careers if asked. They are cer- This program is produced entirely
e Irana n ex 0 e erm'ne tyranny tributed around the country and at tainly all grateful, and many have by volunteers, with the cooperation
. g . . one time was one Of the few Ameri- said so. of the Black Graduate and Profes-
lNow that the campaign is over agent, and a Yugoslav agent. had freedom. Some, hke Freedom can-made radio Programs heard in Students play an important part in sional Student Association.
and the returnslare in, analySis of bee. ordered by Yugoslavia to kill Home annuallly clasSify countries Poland and the Philippines. the operation of WBKY, They now Need we continue? Mr. Chea-
the late“ Albaman eleetmh begins. Hoxha and other Albanian leaders, according. to their level 0t POhthal With regard to his claim that sta- have five grant-in-aid workers and tham's comments lead us to believe
The facts are clear: Party . chief but finallly met this demise when he and ClVll liberty. tion officials make no attempt to five work-study workers as well as that he has never spoken to any of
Enver Hoxha 5 slate 0‘ candidates “broke his head against the unity of Others, ”‘3 Morton Kondracke, provide access to students, we must part—time staff members who are WBKY’s employees. He has certain-
for Parliament won by the comfort- the party and the people." propose the creation of a compute- say that this is simply not true. If students. ANYONE may volunteer ly never spoken to any of the stu-
able mar 81h Of 1527-9591 The was (Mr. Hoxha‘s equivocation recalls nzed des-pot-o-meter to take. the Mr. Cheatham had come here at all, to help in the station, in any capaci- dents who work for WBKY, and for
________sage seems tobe: Stay the cours_e. the answer that the police captain in guesswork 0!“ 0‘ “Ch perennially at any hour Of the broadcast day, he ty for which they are qualified, and whom his article was written.
“Casablanca" gave to a question taxing‘questions 351 Who. 5 worse would have found students working receive training pertinent to their
NEW about the condition of a prisoner Idl Armn or Robertod’Aubisson? . in the office, working in production, role. Wade Mullins
“We are trying to decide whether he The trouble Wlth these pioneering and on the air, depending on what Rick Vanhoose, a grant-in-aid WBKY grant-in-aid
committed suicide or died trying to schemes 15 that they are too COmPh' timeitwas. worker, is a perfect example of a Telecommunications freshman
REPUBLIC escape“) cated. I propose a Simpler system, Many people now prominent in student in training. He was the sub-
Since Albanian election law dim ”We bet “he all crude “15m" broadcasting in the Lexington man ject of a recent Kernel article Editors note — This letter was
The party ran well in all region: not permit absentee ballots, analysts ments, quick, easy to use, and blunt. ket, and indeed across the country. (doesn’t Craig Cheatham read the signed bytwo other people.
and among all classes — worker. conclude that the one vote against It ‘5 the Tirana Index: The higher were once'students working and re- Kernel?)
peasant and apparatchik. It swept conclude that the one vote against the vote any government W‘l‘s m a eerhg traimng at WBKY. Mr. Vanhoose is the play-by-play Wade Mullins is a telecommunica»
the atheist vote. The much ballv- Hoxha could not have been cast by election the more tyrannomitis These include Tom Hammond, for- announcer for all UK sports carried tions freshman and the recipient of
hooed gender gap never developed Shehu.His voice willbemissed. The Tirana Index lends "5°” ‘0 merly 0t WLEX, now working In the by WBKY. He has received instruc- a grant-in-aid from WBKY-FM. His
On the other hand, it failed to make Hoxha's victory margin. though easy rules of thumb. Very bad tyr- thoroughbred industry‘ Keith [51- tion from the station manager, Don opiniOn was signed by two others. ,
any inroads on opposition support. imprfislve‘ is not unprecedented, anny (knownnto smile as mall‘s“?
' (In the last Albanian election there President Assad of Syria won re- stateS) usugiy ge s mgre "e“.
was also one vote against.) election in 1908 with 99.6 percent of gig-5:35;; [gall/3:18:29 £33m i- . .
Some observers had been predict- the vote. The Soviet Embassy in- . . . ‘- ~ P k m p f th h
mg that opposition support might forms us that candidates “always“ Traditional Buttsoclzghfinaw mg: a r I "g near ca us or e r I 0
double. but that prospect dimmed win more than 99 percent of the tary gevemtnen tates) 5 ch 385%".-
last December when a potential vote. usually “around 99.5 percent." as aut mm?" s beu ted _ .
leader of the movement. Prime Min- Indeed. it seems. anything less than key and MeXico, can gun on A” semester 1 have parked 0" towed? "'8 not enough that five or She was very klhdtOdO't
ister Mehmet Shehu. committed sui~ 99 percent is considered a vote of no ‘0 “0°" ‘“ “mew“e’e. twee" 80 Rose Lane» lust about anywhere six professors demand huge reports The car towing shop was on New
cide At the time Hoxha claimed confidence. and 95 percent (Turkey 5 lastnrfefer- along there I can, without getting so and group projects, not to mention Circle Road. We got out there and
that Shehu did so "in a moment of Western observers are generally 8."de passed by 92" We ' “('0' much as a finger shook in my direc- final exams. found it cost $30 — in cash, of
nervouscrisis." skeptical about these results. Be~ tionmg democracms produce dwm- tion from a safety officer or po- Oh, let’s not forget, it‘s Christmas. course, And of course, between us
Now party chairman Hoxha cause of their obsession with the au- ners who get between 50 an 30 liceman. until the last couple of The folks want a microwave from we didn't have $30. We went to a
("himself a successful candidate in thenticity of such elections. they percent 0f the vote. weeks. the kids and boyfriends want a new Kroger‘s and I used my handy check
the 210th district of Tirana.“ writes tend to overlook their enormous , _ suit. cashing card. .
The New York Times) says that valueas scientific tools. Charles Krauthammer ‘8 a contrlbu' '_ If the ‘t l' , t I got my car and found a friendly
Shehu, whom he described variously For generations political science torto The New Republic. Donn. C1 y p01ce are some o 98' $8 greeting on the windshield. A _. A
' . . . , trol the area, why havent they done bo'l' h t d -——
as an American agent. a Sov1et has been seeking a way to quantif manic New Republiclnc. . total of $38 poorer. 1mg 0 an
DRABBLE 7' y _ it all semester? I'have parked half one hour later, [did gettowork.
by Kevm Fagan , HAMILTON on/halfoffyellowlines allsemester. Maybe the police have not gotten
’ ' One day I did it again,‘no ticket. I their yearly quota, or maybe they
I “0% 400 RE, I R'MLL‘l »' I “to”. PMRWK, HERE") A _——————————. had'parked there many “m”: never have to use all the old ticket books ; ,
NOT MAO M ME “5’” “NM" I Know It '5 OKM BAN “(J