xt75dv1ck30b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75dv1ck30b/data/mets.xml Gordon, Armistead C. (Armistead Churchill), 1855-1931. 18931888 books b92-232-31280861 English C. Scribner's, : New York : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Black English.Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853-1922. Befo' de war : echoes in Negro dialect / by A.C. Gordon and Thomas Nelson Page. text Befo' de war : echoes in Negro dialect / by A.C. Gordon and Thomas Nelson Page. 1893 2002 true xt75dv1ck30b section xt75dv1ck30b BEPO' DL WAR F&hoes ero IDi Ie bjA'C-Gordon and Thomz.s Nelson P& e This page in the original text is blank. BEFO' DE WAR ECHOES IN NLEGRO DIALECT BY THOMAS NELSON PAGE. ELSKET AND OTHER STORIES. i2in, i.oo NEWFOUND RIVER. 2ino, . . . X00 IN OLE VIRGINIA. 12mo,, , 1.25 THE SAME. Cameo Edition. With an etch- ing by W. L. Sheppard. i6mo, . . 1.25 AMONG THE CAMPS. Young People's Stories of the War. Ilustrated4 Sq. 8vo, i.;o TWO LITTLE CONFEDERATES. Illus- trated. Square 8vo,. . . . . 1.50 "BEFO' DE WAR." Echoes of Negro Dia- !est. By. A. C. Gordon and Thomas Nelson Page. i2mo, . . . . 1100 BEFO' DE WAR ECHOES IN NE(RO DIALECT BY A. C. GORDON AND THOMAS NELSON PAGE NEW YORK CHARLES SC'.':NER'S 53N-3 I 893 COPYRIGHT, ,888, BV CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS MTPI4YNG A.0 -O1K'ND115G COMPAWY, lices 10ORK. 'Co THE MEMORY OF IRWIN RUSSELL WHO AWOKE THE FIRST I CHO This page in the original text is blank. C O N T E N T S. Thnomas Nelson Page. PAGE UNCLE (GABE'S WHITE FOLKS, . ZEKYL'S INFIDELITY, . . , . . 17 ASiCAE, . . 89 ,iTTiE JACK, II.. . . 1 MARSE PHIL, . 117 ONE MOURNER, . . 127 A. C. Gordon. NIGGER Twis', . . . . 6 KYARLINA JIM, . . . . . 10 DE OLE 'OMAN AN' ME, . . 13 OLE LAUGHIN', . 21 X130,. . . . . . . 25 DEPARTED LUCK, . . . . . . 30 IK EE, . . . . . . . 34 PAGE MINE OYSTER, . . . . . 38 POKE O' MOONSHINE. . . . . 43 THE LAMENT (IF ORPIIfEUS, . . . . 4S LOFTY AND LOWLY, . . . . GOD KNoWs, . . . . 56 VIRGINIA CREEPERS, . . . . . 6o BEFORE TIlE PARTY , . . . 63 AT WHITEHALL, . . . . MARS' RODNEYvS HAT, 70 A NANIAS, . . . . 75 DEAD, . . . . . . . 79 FESTINA LENTE, . .83 JUCKS, . . . . . . 86 ICHABOD, . . . 94 SIMEON, F0.om GEORGY, . 9S DISAPPOINTMENT. . . . . . 102 To You, ;.. . . . 10 SWEET HOME, . , . . .o8 I TOME AGAIN, , . . . 123 UNCLE GABE'S WVHITE FOL KS. SARVENT, Marster ! Yes, sah, dat's me- Ole Unc' Gabe's my name; I thankee, Marster, I'm 'bout, yo' see. " An' de ole 'ooman " She's much de same, Po'ly an' 'plainin', thank de Lord ! But de -Marster's gwine ter come back from 'broad. "Fine ole place '" Yes, salh, 'tis so; An' mighty fine people my white folks war- But you ought ter 'a' seen it years ago. When de Marster an' de Mistis lived tup dvah When de niggers 'd stan' all roun' de do', Like grains o' corn on de cornhouse flu'. I 2 UNCLE GABE'S [U.1TE FOLKS. "Live mons'ous high " Yes, Marster, yes Cut'n' onroyal 'n' gordly clash ; Eat an' drink till you couldn' res'. Ma' folks war'n' none o' yo' po'-white-trash. Nor, sah, dey was ob high degree- Dis heah nigger am quality! Tell you 'bout 'em " You mus' 'a' hearn 'Bout my ole white folks, sho' ! I tell you, stull, dey was gre't an' stern D' didn' have nuttin' at all to learn D' knowed all dar was to know; Gol' ober (le' head an' onder dey feet; An' silber! dey sowed 't like folks sows wheat. Use ter be rich " Dat warn' de wud! Jes' wallowed an' roll' in wealf. Why, none o' my wvhite folks ever stir'd Ter lif' a han' for d'self; UNCLE GABE'S WHITE FOLA-S. De niggers use ter be stan'in' roun' Jes' d' same ez leaves when dey fus' fall down; De stable-stalls up heah at home Looked like teef in a fine-tzof comb; De cattle was p'digious-mus' tell de fac'! An' de hogs mecked de hill-sides look like black An' de flocks ob sheep was so gre't ail' white Dey 'peared like clouds on a moonshine night. An' when my ole Mistis use' ter walk- Jes' ter her kerridge (dat was fur Ez ever she walked)-I tell you, sir, You could almnos' heah her silk dress talk flit use' ter soun' like de mnornin' breeze, When it wakes an' rustles de Gre't House trees. An' de Marster's face !-de Marster's face, Whenever de Marster got right pleased- Well, I 'clar' ter Gord, 'twculd shine wid grace De same ez his countenance had been greased. De cellar, too, had de bes' ob wine, 3 4 UAC -iNl' GAL BE'S Ilf'ZJ1T /E AS. An' bran(ly, an' sperrits dat yo' could fine An' ev'ything in dvah rvas stored, 'Skusin' de Glory of de Lord ! "Warn' dvahl a son " Yes, sah, voti knows ie's (le voung -Marster now Btit we heah dat dey tooken he very clo'es Ter pay what ole Marster owe He's done been gone ten year, I s'pose. But he's comin' back some clay, of co'se An' my ole 'ooman is altiz pyard, An' meckin' de Blute-Room baid; An' ev'rv day dem sheets is ayard, An' will be till s/hs (laid An' de styars she'll scour, An' dat roorm she'll ten', Ev'y blessed day dat (le Lord do sen'! What say, Marster Yo' say, you knows- He's voung an' slender-like an' fvah UNVCLE GABE'S WHITE FOLKS. Better-lookin' 'n you, of co'se ! Hi! you's lie 'Fo' Gord, 'tis him! 'Tis de very voice an' eyes an' hyah, An' mouf an' smile, on'y yo' ain' so slim- I wonder whah-whah's de ole 'ooman Now let mny soul Depart in peace, For I behol' Dy glory, Lord !-I knowed you, chile- I knowed you soon's I see'd your face! Whar has you been dis blessed while Done come back an' buy de place Oh, bless de Lord for all his grace De ravins shell hunger, an' shell not lack De Marster, de young Marster's done come back 5 NIGGER-TWIS'. RIGHT hard work while it lasts-dat's so- Worruming 'backer all day long; Miz'ry gits in yer back, you know, Speshly deni what ain't so strong. Dat's my fix. But it seems ter me Ise paid fur it all when it comes ter dis My long-stem pipe, little Jake on my knee, An' my pocket chock full o' nigger-twis'. "Corn-cob " Yes, sir. It ain't so fine As dat 'hogany-colored one o' yourn; But I gits as much out o' dis o' mine As de fines' one you ever did own. NVIGGER-TWIS'. De juice all dries in de cob, you see- Dat's de philos'phy o' pipes like dis; An' a reed-root stem is de stem fur me, An' de sweetes' 'backer is nigger-twis'. Dem dar's cur'us things, sho' 'nuf- Dem little splinters what lights jes' so Hit dey heads whar de box are rough A sort o' hard-an4 away dey go! I never liked 'em. It seenis ter me De devil's in 'em some way. An' dis Is jes' as good an' as true, you see- A red-hot coal on de nigger twis'. "Wouildn' I like a cigar" you say. No, sir, I thank you. Ise tried dem dar- Diff'rent, sir, as de night from day; Fur apart as a cuss an' pra'r 7 -G (,' GER- TI [IS',. Hasn't no strength, it seems ter me Can't begin to compar' wid dis; Nothin' onder de sun can be Sweet as a cob an' some nigger-twis'. No-dat nuther ! Well, I'll declar' Dat is de beatenes' Ise seed yet ! What is de name dat you call dat 'ar Say it again, please " Cigarette " Little Jake, what sets on my knee, 'Ud turn up his nose at a thing like dis; Ise gwine ter teach him ter do like me, An' suck de comfort from nigger-twis'. Yes, dat's a fac'! 'Tis a lux'ry, sho', 'Backer is, whatever you say. Seems like I never wants nothin' mo', 'Ceptin' ter set down here dis way, 8 TIZGGERFTWIVIS'. 9 Take little Jake tip on my knee, Have me a corn-cob pipe like dis, Wid a stem as long as from you ter me, An' a pocket chock full o' nigger-twis'. KYARLINA JIM. (Fisherman's hft, ChJesapeake flatv, I876.) WHEN you was here, some sixteen year Or so aback, you says, A darkey named Kyarlina Jim He fished f'om dis here place Iat vonder's him-Kyarlinia Jim- On de bench (lar by de do' lie lhavc been ole an' weak an' biine Sence dat long time ago. Yes, dat's de -way lhe spen's each day O de blessed year, Idout fall Wid face turned out'ards to'ds de Bay, Like watcblin fur a sail. AYARLIJVA JIM. Eben when clouds 'till come in crowds, An' beatin' win's ull blow, He still keeps settin' pashunt dar In his ole place by de do'. An' de sweet sunlight, 'tis jes' like night Ter po' Kyarlina Jim; He's weak an' bline, an' rain an shine Is all de same ter nim. Dat chile you see dar on his knee, She never fails ter come, About dis time o' ev'ry day, Ter fetch Kyarlina home. I seldom cries; but when my eves Lights on de chile an' Jim, Dar's sumpin' sort o' makes me feel Kind ter his gal atn' him. I I 12 K-YARLLNVA JIM. Another chile he los', long while Ago, Ise ficerd him say, Is out dar waitin' in a boat, On de blue waves o' de Bay. I 'spec's, beca'se o' what he says, Dat chile he los' 'ull come 'Fo' Iong, jes' like dis here one does, An' fetch Kyarlina home. " DE OLE 'OMAN AN' ME." WEF doesn't live as cnst we did De grub's done struck a change; An' when I mentions ash-cake now, My wife she thinks it strange. She's got sot-up dese las' few years, An' wheat-bread's all de go; But, somehow, seenms I'd like ter tas'e Some ask-cake-pcne onst mo'. De buttermilk has (lone give way Ter tea an' coffee now; "An' possum-fat," she always says, "Is low-flung grub, nohow!" 4 "DE OLE 'OMIAN AN' AME." She doesn' ever foot it now, Like how she used ter do; But drives my yaller mule ter town, An' wushes he was two! She hasn' had a homespun coat For many a long day, But V'ars de fines' sort o' clo'es, Made jes' de white folks' way. She doesn' call me " Ichabod," Or " Ich," or " Ole Fool," now An' ef I mentioned " Anniky," 'T 'ud sartin raise a row. 'Tis " Mister Brown " an' " Mistis Brown," Ontwel it seems ter me We's done gone changed our nat'rel selves F'om what we used ter be. 14 "DE OLE 'OMA1N4-V AN' .il ." " I know, beca'se a, how Ise tried An' never seed it gee, It's awful hard ter teach new tricks Ter ole dogs sich as me. Dat broad-clof coat she made me buy, It don't feel half so good As dat ole jeans I used ter w'ar A-cuttin' Marster's wood. An' beefsteak ain't for sich as me, Instid o' possu:;n-fat; An' " Mister Brown " ain't " Ichabod I can't git over dat ! So Mistis Brown may go ter town, A drivin' o' dat mule, Jes' when she likes; but, sartin sho', I ain't gwi' play de fool ! I : "-, 011/ '0t1/. At AX' 1,_'." An' as fur her insistin' how DaE I should try ter learn Dem A B C's de chillun reads- 'Tis no consarn o' her'n. I doesn' keer what grub she eats, Or what she calls herself, Or ef she has a bofy now 'Stid o' a cubbud-shelf; I doesn' keer how fine her clo'es, May be, or what's de style- I'm able fur ter pay fur dat, An' has been so some while. Dar's only one o' all her ways Gits over me fur sho'- I p'int'ly hones fur possum-fat An' ash-cake-pone onst mo' ZEKYL'S INFIDELITY. MISTIS, I r'al'y wish you'd hole A little conversation Wid my old Zekyl 'bout his soul. Dat nigger's. sitiwation Is mons'us serious, 'deed 'n' 'tis, 'Skusin' he change clat co'se o' his. Dat evil sinner's sot he face Gin ev'v wyid I know; Br'er Gabrul say, he's fell from grace, An' Hell is ;ot him sho'. He don' believe in sperits, 'Skusin' 'tis out a jug! 2 8 EK YL'ES IA-F.LDEL'L it Say 'tain' got no mo' merits Den a ole half-cured lug; 'N' dat white cat I see right late, One evelin' nigh de grave-yard gate, Warn' nuttin' sep some ole cat whar Wuz sot on suppin' off old l.yah. He 'oont allow a rooster, By crowin' in folks' do', Kin bring death dyah ; and useter Say, lie xvish mine would crow. An' he even say, a hin mout try, Sep wvomen-folks would git so spry, An' wvant to stick deeselves up den, An' try to crow over de men. Say 'tain' no good in preachin' Dat ni-gers is sich fools- Don' know no mo' 'bout teachin' 'N white folks does 'bout mules I18 /ZA'K-YL' I J 1.\7T1ij, 19,Y, An' whenl br'er Ga-brul's hollered tell You mos' kin see righlt into Hell, An' rambled Scriptures fit to bus', Dat hard-mouf nigger's wus an' wuis. Say quality (dis is mainer 'N all Ise told you. yit)- Savs 'tain' no better 'n 'arf-strainer An' dat hi's master'll git Good place in Heaven-po' white folks, mark!- As y'all whar comne right out de ark An' dat-now jes' heah dis !-dat lhe, A po'-white-folks' nigger's good as me! He's gwine straighlt to de deble An' sarve him ;jes' right, too He's a outdacious rebel, Arter all Ise done do !- Ise sweat an' arguified an' blowed Over dat black nigger mo' 19 20 /PK'I' IA, L .N AL,/1TY 'N Nvotild 'a' teck a c'inal-boat load Over to Canyan sho'! Ise tried ;-efeelion-'twarn' no whar! Ise wrastled wid de Lord in pra'r; Ise qtioiled tell I wuz mos' daid; Ise th'owed de spider at his haid- But he ole haid 'twuz so thick th'oo Hit btus' my skillit spang in two. You kin dye black hyah an' meck it light; You kin tu'n de Ethiope's spots to white; You mout grow two or three cubits bigger- But you carn't onchange a po'-white-folks' nigger. When you's dwellin' on golden harps an' chunes, A po'-white-folks' nigger's thinkin' 'bout coons; An' when you's snifflin' de heaven'y blossoms, A po'-white-folks' nigger's studyin' 'bout possums. 20 OLE LAUGHIN'. WHEN I was a boy in Ferginyer, At de plantation down on de Jeems, Years aback 'fo' de war kim, an' freedom- What a long time ago it all seems!- Mv Marster he owned an ole nigger Dat de wvhite folks, beca'sc o' his mouf, Never called nothin' 'ceptin' " Ole Lauglhin',` Down dar in de Souf. He had de mos' cur'uses' notions 'Botit jokin' an' havin' o' fun. An' dar wasn't no stoppin' dat darkeA. Hf cvur he onst had begun. 02 E LA UGILIV'. Ise seed him like bustin' his wveskit A-lagliin' at things dat most folk- Spite o' whatever funny he foun' dar- Never 'sidered a joke. He would laugh when his chillun was crvin', He wvould laug.h when de cryin' was done Seems like evvything struck him ridic'1'Tus Dat de Lord has made onder de sun; An whatever frolic dar happened '.Mongst de darkeys, ef Laug-hin' warn't dar Things mos'ly wvent on purty solemn- For dey missed him, I 'clar'. Ise seed folk whose laughin' was hurtin', Seemin' like it was scornful some wny But his'n warn't dat sort o' music- As diff'rent as night-time f'oni dav. 22 OLE L;A UGIZIA'. 3 When he opened den- jaw-bones o' his'n An' let it all out in one ro', EvvN body what heerd hinin lau-ghed wid him An' wanted some mo'. Laughin' seemed ter take life sort o' cur'us, For I never did know him ter cry But sometimes Ise noticed a misty Sort o' sorrowful look in his eve. Ole Marster he said: " philos'pher Ole Laughin' is, sartin an' sho'; He looks on de bri-ht side o' all thlings, An' who can do nm' When Marster got sick, an' deceasded, An' de coffin sot dar on de groun By de grave, all de plantation darkeys Kim weepin' an' moanin' aroun'; 23 o24 LE .E-1 UGIIZN. An' Laughin' was dar, but de devil, In spite o' de grief in his face, Seemed ter have a grip on him as uIsual, Eben dar at dat place- For when, arter de words, " Dus' ter ashes! De Preacher stood silent in pra'r, Ole LaLghlin' he 'rupted de silence Wid his reg'lar music, I 'clar' But he didn' live long arter Marster, An' he died wid a snmile on his mouf. Dev bofe on 'era sleeps in Ferginver, D)own dar in de Souf. 24 EBO. ALL o' dese here doin's Don't suit me; Ise an ole-time nigger- Don't you see Dis here eddication's Humbug, sho'; It's done played de devil Wid Ebo. Somewhar Tout Dicey she Tuk'n' struck a Don't you see lars' summer, notion- 26 i B. Says she : " Ise been thinkin'." An' I says "What you done thunk, honey ' Says she: "Yes, "Ise been thinkin' mons'ous 'Bout Ebo; Ile's fo'teen +ear ole now- Don't you know " S'I: "Ole 'oman, you is Right, I 'spec' Dar's fo'teen-he kim fus'- Dat's kerrec' !" Says she: " He's a-growin Up a fool; An' Ise gwinc tel scn' hilml Ter (le school." 26 EBO. Bein's how it looked like She was bent On de projick, Ebo Tuk 'n' went. An' sence dat lars' summer- Don't vou see - Dat 'ar boy have p'int'ly Outdone me! Whe-ew! de norrations, Dem o' his'n ! Urnph ! I 'busses laughin' Jes' ter lissen ! What you think dat Ebo Come tell me Dat all dis here y'arth here- Flat, you see- 27 EBO. Dat it's roun', an' rolls jes' Like a ball! Ebo, dat's a lie," I Says, " dat's all ! "Don't you see yer Mammy, Evvy night, Set de water-piggin Out o' sight "Ob you chillun, up dar On de shelf - Now, Mars' Spellin'-booker, 'Splain yerself- "Sunrise, dat 'ar water's In dar still; Ef de y'arth turned over, It 'ud spill !" 28 EBO. 2 But he keeps resistin' It are so- Eddication's done gone Sp'ilt Ebo. He's forever tellin' Some sich lie; He's gwi' fine out better By-urni-by. Ef Ebo keeps l'arnin' At dat school, Nex' thing, he'll be provin' Ise a fool I are p'int'ly gwine ter Take Ebo Way f'oin dat ar school-'ouse, Sartin sho' ! 29 DEPARTED LUCK. JOHN, put one nio' stick on de harf. Jes' one Well, lay it on; An' den we'll freeze afo' we starve, beca'se de bread's all gone. My trem'lin' lim's won't hole out long; an' what's de use ter pray Lord, pity dese po' niggers who has gin dere luck away! You's been too sick ter do a bit o' work sence dat 'ar time I started down ter Denny's store, an' foun' dat silber dime DEPART.ED L( L'CAK. Jes' in de turnin' o' de road; an', like a fool dat day, Instid o' keepin' it, I tuk an' gin my luck away. John, don't you 'member, long ago, when iittle Bill was born, We worked down at (le Edgeworth place, amongst ole Marster's corn De eatin's dat we used ter have, an' not a cent ter pay- Dat time when we wvas never 'feard ter give our luck away A little while aback, when you was layin' moanin' dar, I kep' a-thinkin' o' dem days, an' tried ter turn ter pra'r; Btit, somchow, evvy bit o' pra'r dis w'ared-out mouf could say Was, " Lord, for dat 'ar time, afo' I gin my luck away! " 3 1 DEPAR TE) LUCA- An' den it seemed like, sho' enuf, it had come back onst mo'- Seemed like I seed Miss Ellen dar, a-standin' in de do', Jes' like as how she used ter come each Chris'nius, wvid a tray O' Chris'mus things, long, long afo' I gin my luck away. Seemed like I heerd de music dat de white folks always had Up at de Gre't House, Chris'mus-time, when evvy soul was glad; Seemed like a gre't big fyer burned here on de harf, some way; I thought we never had been po', an' gin our luck away. 32 DEP:ARTE D LUYC3. An' you was settin' over dar, an' Bill A playin' like he used ter play in ago; But den de cole gript on me, an' de den stay: We're weak an' starvin', John, beca'se away. wvas on de flu, dat long time dream it wud- I gin my luck But take it easy, John ! I know we never is gwi' see Sich days as dem ag'in; 'fo' long dey'il bury you an' me. Bread gone, de little stick burnt out ; de embers gittin' gray- Lord, fetch us whar we never mo' can give our luck away! 3 33 KREE. MY boy Kree He played wid you when you was a chile You an' lie Growed up tergether Wait! Lemme see! Closer ! so I can look in yer face Mars' George's smilc ! Lord love you, Marster! Dar 'neaf dat cypress is whar Kree lays. Sunburnt an' grown Mars' George, I shudden ha' knowed you, son 'Count o' de beard dat yer face has on, But for dat ole-time smile (' your'n- KAWEE. 3 An' Kree " you say. Hadn't you heerd, Marster, He 'ceasded de year dat you wvent away Kree an' you How de ole times comes back onst mo'- Moonlight fishin's, an' hyars in de sno'; Squirrels an' jaybirds tip overhead, In de oak-trees dat de sun shined through !- Look at w-e, Marster! Here is me livin' an' Kree, he's dead. 'Pears ter me strange Now, when I thinks on 'em, dose ole years: Mars' George, sometimes de b'ilin' tears Fills tup my eyes, 'Count o' de mizery now, an' de change- De sun dims, Marster, Ter an ole man, when his one boy dies. 3 5 KREE. Did you say " Ilow " Out in de dug-out, one moonshine night, Fishin' wvid your baby brother-he Wid de curls o' yaller, like streaks o' light, An' de dancin' big blue eyes. Dead, now-. Kree died for him; An' yearnin' for Kree, De Lord tuk him, Marster: De green grass kivers 'em bofe f'om sight. Heerd o' de tale Didn' know Kree was de one dat drowned Savin' Mars' Charley Well, 'twere he. De boy waxed weaker, his face mo' pale, Arter de corpse o' poor Kree were found. Two months later he went, you see: God bless you, Marster! Nine years has rolled over bofe onder ground. 36 k-REE. 37 Worn out an' gray, Here I sets waitin', Mars' George, alone. All on 'em's gone- Marster an' Mistis, an' Charley an' he. You an' me only is lef'. Some day, When you's gone 1)ack ter yer ship on de sea, I'll hear h.m say, Jes' as he used ter, a-fishin', ter me: " Daddy, come offer! " An' passin' away, Dat side de river, again I'll be Wid my boy Kree. " MINE OYSTER." No, it never did agree wid de likes o' dis here nig- ger, For de a'r is sort o' stiflin' twix' dese mountains, Eas' an' Wes' Evvy blessed year 1 lives here, seems dese hills is growin' bigger Ter de miz'ry in my knee-j'ints an' de trouble in my ches'. Ise a Tuckahoe Ferginyan f'om Tide-water of Fer- ginver, Whar de oshters am delishus an' de fish is hard ter beat; "MINVE OYSTER." Lord, I hasn' seed an oshter, in de time dat I has been here, Dat dis nigger have cornsidered fittin' any ways ter eat. Dey fetches 'em in cans tip, dese here railroad sojer- fellows, An' it takes a good day's workin' ter perkture an oshter-stew. Dese ain't nothin' but runt-oshters; yet de reste- ranters tell us Dat dey come f'onm Mobjack Bay, sir. Pshaw! I know dat can't be true I lived down dar myself onst, an' I think I l'arnt de fashion O' dem oshters in dat water-shape, an' size, an' ta'se, an' all; 39 " 4il/ME 0 I'STEAe'. " Dis here darkey may be ign'ant, an' widout no ed' dication, But a Mobjack oshter p'int'ly is beknownst ter Uncle Saul. You may brag o' roasted possum an' de glories o' hog-killin', You can 'numerate de hom'ny, you can shout de ole ash-cake; But one dish o' Mobjack oshters, an' ole Saul is p'int'ly willin' Ter denounce de other eatin's for de Mobjack oshters' sake! Umph! dis mouf o' mine jes' waters at de thought o' dem dar critters- Fried, an' baked, an' stewed, an' raw ones-how we 'stroyed 'em down dar; 40 " AI11VA" 0 YSTER. 4 Soft as mush, an' f'arly better dan merlasses on yer fritters- But de glory am departed, an' dem oshters ain't nowhar! I have trabbled through Ferginyer sence Mars' Linkum sont de freedom; I have cotch 'em, an' I've eat 'em, Norf an' Souf an' Eas' an' Wes'. Oh, dey's prime at Glcrster P'int ; dar it's mighty hard ter beat 'enm; But de oshters fo'm ole Mobjack am de sugares' an' bes'. It is seben year, an' ober, sence I 'zided in dat sec- tion, An' I'm 'feared dis hil.y Valley 'ull lay on me when I die; 41 42, -1A7A 'L 'ST'ERA'." But I holds de ole Tide-water in my warmes' ree- collection, An' I'd like ter slip down dar onst nmo' an' make dem oshters fly. I would like ter eat demn oshters 'twel I perish jes' f'om eatin'; Dat's de kind o' death dat seems like it 'ud suit yer Uncle Saul. Yes, I'd ruther go dat way, sir, dan ter drap down dead in meetin'; Fur ter die f'om eatin' osliters is de sweetes' death o' all. 42 POKE O' MOONSHINE. MOONSHINE Yes, sir, Right smart ahead; Ten mile, at bes', sir. Git down an' res', sir, Outen de rain. Onder dat shed Is a good place ter tie him, Or Joe can stan' by him 'Twel you's readv ter set out again. " Know Poke o' Moonshine Yes, sir, I docs. -Marster, you won't fine Many o' his kine 44POKE 0' MOONVS1IN'E. 'Roun' dis here way!- Much as he was Sence I remember; Ole John's December Is haler dan mos' folkses' May. Moonshine Played outi When dey was rich, 'Twas widout doubt De fines' about- Pictur's an' things, Flowers an' sich- All sorts o' doin's: Now it's in ruins- But dat's what wvar gen'tilly brings. Moonshine 'bout den 'Longed ter Mars' Sidney. All o' de men O' dat family's been 44 POKE O' MOO-NSZh1VE. 45 Purty good grit- Folks o' fine kidney; So, when de war kim, Nothin' could Lender him But what he mus' go inter it. John Poke, o' co'se, Went in dar, too; Mis' Agnes stays Home, jes' beca'se Wimen can't b'ar What men goes through- Lovely an' young she were, When Mars' Sid went f'om her Ter be shot in dat turrible war. Home kim John Poke Wid de lad dead: " In all de smoke An' de fightin' he spoke 45 46 POKE 0 AlOONSHIN4. Ter me only," says he, "An' here's what he said: 'John, take good keer o' her- Guard de welfare o' her-- Ef death comes betwix' heran' me.' All dese here years John Poke have been True ter dem tears. Moonshine affairs Mars' Sid' lef' bad; John's been a frien'- So he has keered fur her, What he's had, spared fur her, All fur de sake o' dat lad. Dat's a fine hoss! Lead him out, Joe! Rain's over, boss; Not much time los' 46 IPOA'E 60 ' Af 0 c-iWSfiXA.V 4 Stoppin' wid me- Gently, dar! whoa! Marster, in passin' by On yer way back, sir, I Hope you'll tell me how John Poke may be, Switch, sir I says You'll hardly fine Sich, nowadays; 'Speshly dey's skase 'Roun' dis here way, Men o' his kine. I'm de man orter know Better dan mos' folks, sho'. My daddy, sir Yes, sir. Good-day! 47 THE LAMENT OF ORPHEUS. BEEN travellin' " Don't you see I is " Whar ter," hey Ole Green Su'phur: I tried it for my rheumatic, An' never knowed it rougher. I used ter go dar long ago, When I was young an' healthy: It ain't like what it was, you know, When Souvern folks was wealthy. Wel], yes; I s'pose as many now Goes dar, as used ter go dar: But seems like it have changed somehow- Sersi'ty's gittin' low dar. THE LAMEVT 0F ORPfE US. Ise knowed de time de F. F. V.'s An' none else run it, honey: But things is changed; an' so, you sees All goes dat's got de money. When Marster sot out evvy June, Sometime about de middle, I always went ; an' many a chune Ise played dar on dis fiddle: But fiddlin' now is done gone out, An' brass ban's is de fashion, An' Garmnins ; riot a night widout De Garmin like de nation! You never seen de Garmin, hey You orter seen it, honey; Jes' take an' go down dar, some day; It's p'int'ly wmlti de money. 4 49 50 THE LAME'1VT OF OAi'IL US. You never seed a monkey-show Could ever stan' a-showin' Ter one o' dem things all ago, WVid all de ban' a-blowin'. You knows de ole Ferginyer Reel, Whar two goes down de middle I never think o't 'daut I feel A hankerin' fur dis fiddle. Dat was a dance an F. F. V. .Mought well be proud ter dance in; But dis here Garmin-I can't see How white folks stan's sich prancin'! "How does dey dance de Garmin " Well, De ban' it 'gins ter sizzle; An' den, befo' you's time ter tell, A fellow blows a, whistle; TL/ZE, LA AZEL7 OF ORPILE L. E'. An' den de ladies an' de men Dey takes an' grabs each other, An' spins an' whirls an' spins agen- An' never lets go, nuther! I know de white folks knows a heap, An' Ise jes' an ole nigger Wid brains 'bout big enough ter keep F'om gittin' hurt-no bigger; But, somehow, it do look ter me Like things had. got alarinin', Ter see an ole-time F. F. V. A-dancin' dis new Garmin. Well, sence my trip down dar I feel Like hangin' up de fiddle. Dey's done forsook de fine ole reel, Whar two goes down de middle; 5 1 ;2 TfFH LA MENT Of' ORPI! F'1S. An' ole-time folks an' ole-time chunes Is woted miighty slow dar- For monkey ban's an' whistlin' l(-Kons Has run sersi'ty low dar' LOFTY AND LOWLY. DE white man's got de 'vantage O' le cullud pusson, sartin: You's done been free Longer dan mne- An' dat's one thing in startin'. You never worked terbarker, Bta tuLk it out at college; I never looks Inter de Books- You has me on sich knowledge. I ain't got no high notions, Let 'lone de eddication; 5 LOFTY AND LOWLY. Nor money 'twel You can't stan' still- As much as all creation! My wife don't play de panny, Nor drive brash hosses, nuther Nor w'ar fine clo'es, Like she o' your's- Mine's some below dat, ruther! But lissen at me, Marster: I knows all dese things fits you 0' co'se, you ought Ter have dis sort- But dar's one place I gits you I don't have harf de worry What troubles your life, honey; 54 LO/107Y flAA) LOWVLY. De bank, you see, MIought bus' for me- I wudden lose no money! Ef all your bocks an' pictur's Was somehow ter git 'stroyed, Marster, I know Dat, sartin sho', You'd mourn for what you's 'joyed. You never is contented You wants yer big pile bigger; Ain't I kerrec', Den, when I 'spec' You's outdone by a nigger "GOD KNOWS." TEL1L you a tale, eh Bless de chillun! It's been sich a very long time ago Dat I don't know whether I ain't forgotten All o' dem tales dat I used ter know. Your daddy was always axin' fur 'em, When he was a chap, jes' like you two. Ise tole him lots; but I disremember- It's been so long-all de bes' I knew. 'Twas a wile March mont', an' de win' was blowin'- Blowin' great guns, de sailors say; De water was foamin', an' all de riggin