xt75dv1ck447 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75dv1ck447/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1962033 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1962-03-apr3. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1962-03-apr3. 1962 2011 true xt75dv1ck447 section xt75dv1ck447 

         Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky, April 3, 1962.

          The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the
President's Office on the campus of the University at 10:05 a.m., EST,
Tuesday, April 3, 1962, with the following members present: Dr. Ralph
J. Angelucci, Vice Chairman; Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Dr. H. B. Murray,
Smith D. Broadbent, Jr., Floyd H. Wright, Dr. Paul B. Hall, Dr. R. W.
Bushart, Clifford Smith, Sam Ezelle, Harper Gatton, Wendell Butler, Judge
James H. Sutherland and Thomas D. Clark; absent, Governor Bert Combs,
W.F. Foster, Emerson Beauchamp and Aubrey J. Brown..   President
Frank G. Dickey, Secretary Frank D. Peterson and Mr. Ed Fossett, Admin-
istrative Assistant to Governor Combs, also attended the meeting, as well
as the public and the press.

         A. Meeting Opened.

         Dr. Angelucci welcomed the press and public. He also introduced
Judge James Sutherland, newly appointed to the Board of Trustees, and wel-
comed him to the group. Judge Sutherland was appointed for a term of four
years from January 1, 1962, as a representative of the alumni of the Uni-

         Dr. Angelucci asked the Reverend Tom Fornash, Director of the
Wesley Foundation, to open the meeting with prayer.

         B. Minutes Approved as Published.

         Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the minutes of the
Board of Trustees of December 12, 1961; and the minutes of the Executive
Committee of February 9 and March 16, 1962, were approved as published.

         C. Financial Report.

         Mr. Peterson made the following' financial report for the period
July, 1961, through February, 1962:


           UNIVERSITY                OF KENTUCKY

                           LEXINGTON                     March 10, 1962

Dr. Frank G. Dickey, President
University of Kentucky

Dear Doctor Dickey:

       I am submitting herewith the Financial Report of the University of
Kentucky for the eight months ended February 28, 1962. This report contains
a balance sheet and related financial statements which present a complete
financial picture for all funds of the University.

       The Current General Fund budgetary operations for the period reflect
income realized for educational and general purposes in the amount of
$ 17, 943, 770. 32 or 82. 4% of the budget estimate of $ 21, 764, 799. 93. The
expenditures, including encumbrances outstanding amount to $ 14, 061, 763. 91.
This represents 65. 4% of the total Current General Fund Appropriations of
$ 21, 509, 315. 02.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                     Frank D. Peterson
                                     Vice President
                                     Business Administration


University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
  February 28, 1962


I. Current Funds:
   A. General
          Cash in Bank
          Available Balance, State Appropriation'
          Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer
          Deferred Charges
          Accounts Receivable
          Unrealized Income

                  Total General

   B., Restricted
          Cash in Bank
          Petty Cash Advances

Total Restricted

Total Current Funds

II. Loan Funds:
            Cash in Bank
            Notes Receivable
            Due from Federal Government

                    Total Loan Funds

III, Endowment Funds:
           Cash in Bank

$ 1,202,454.19
  1, 141, 782. 75
    422, 167. 74
  3, 821,029.01

              $ 9, 930, 590. 87

$ 1,975,198.14
     15, 853.71
  2,951, 890. 29

4, 942, 942. 14

$ 14, 873, 533w01

$    37, 878. 89
    26, 500. 00
        122. 67

              $   653,746.85

$    12, 154.74
    275. 458. 71

Total Endowment Funds


$   287, 613.45



University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
February 28, 1962


Current Funds:
A. General
      Reserve for Departmental Requisitions
      Reserve for Inventories
      Reserve for Auxiliary Enterprises
      Other Liabilities
      Appropriation Balances
      Unappropriated Surplus:
        Division of Colleges
        Medical Center
        Agricultural Experiment Station
        University Hospital

             Total General

B. Restricted
      Outstanding Check Liability
      Restricted Fund Balance

                $ 1, 384, 476. 58
                    422, 167.74
                    87, 076.72
                      7, 666. 20
                  7, 447, 551.11

$   294,375.04
     194, 024. 15
     18,723.78      581, 652.52

                                $ 9,930,590.87

                $    15,987.57
                  4,9 26 954.57

Total Restricted

4, 942,942. 14

             Total Current Funds

Loan Funds:
      Principal Balances-
      National Defense Educ. Act, 1958-
        Federal Government
      Accum. Interest Income-NDEA

$ 14, 873,533.01

$   514, 867. 22
     57, 207.46
        374. 27

       Total Nat'l Defense
       Education Act
University Student Loans
Expendable Balances

$   572,448.95
     53, 537. 54

$   625,986.49
     27, 760. 36

Total Loan Funds                                                $   653, 46.85

Endowment Funds-
     Principal Balances
     Expendable Balances

$   278,038.75

Total Endowment Funds

$   287 613.45



University of Kentucky
  Balance Sheet
February 28, 1962


IV. Plant Funds:
   A. Unexpended Plant Funds
          Available Balance, State
          Accrued Interest

$  6,711,301.82
     ' 25,091344

              Total Unexpended Plant Funds

B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds
      Cash in Bank
      Cash on Deposit, State Treasurer
      Cash on Deposit, Trustee
      Unrealized Income

              Total Retirement of Indebtedness

C. Invested in Plant
      Construction in Progress

$ 14,550,243.11

$     7, 440.43
    507, 805.04
    104, 592.28
    911, 862.48
    53, 916. 13

1,585, 616. 36

3, 904, 788.79
53, 946, 492.00
26, 061, 537,73

Total Invested in Plant

98, 243,283.74

Total Plant Funds

$114, 379, 143. 21

V. Agency Funds:

$   95, 967.19

Total Agency Funds

$    95,967. 19



University of Kenbucky
  Balance Sheet
February 28, 1962


VI. Plant Funds:
   A. Unexpended Plant Funds
         Accounts Payable
         Reserve for Plant Requisitions
         Plant Appropriation Balance

             Total Unexpended Plant Fumds

B. Retirement of Indebtedness Funds
      Fund Balance

             Total Retirement of Indebtedness

C. Invested in Plant
      Bonds Payable
      Due to Other Governmental
      Net Investment in Plant

Total Invested in Plant

            Total Plant Funds

Agency Funds:
     Accounts Payable
     Agency Fund Balances

$ 1,90-31,562.21
   4, 065, 166.99

$ 14, 550, 243. 11

$ 1,585,616.36

1, 585, 616.36

$ 20, 508,500 00

   1, 598,017.40
   76, 136,766.34

  98. 243, 283. 74

$      4,387.06
      91, 580. 13

Total Agency Funds

$ 114, 379, 143. 21

$     95, 967. 19



           University of Kentucky
     Statement of Unrealized Income
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1961 and Ended February 28, 1962

I. Educational and General:
   A. Student Fees
         Incidental Fees and Tuition
         Training School Fees
         Adult and Extension Education Fees

                Total Student Fees

   B. State Appropriations
         Division of Colleges
         Medical Center
         Geological Projects
         Agricultural Experiment Station
         Agricultural Extension Service

                Total State Appropriations

   C. Federal Grants
         Division of Colleges
         Agricultural Experiment St ation
         Agricultural Extension Service

                Total Federal Grants

   D. Endowment Income

   E. Sales and Services of Educational
          Division of Colleges
        Agricultural Experiment Station

               Total Sales and Services of
                 Educational Departments

               Total Educational and General

II. Service Enterprises:
        Post Office

III. Gifts and Grants:
        Kentucky Research Foundation

               Total General Fund Income

Estimated    Realized

$ 1, 383, 000. 00 $
     33, 300.00
     173, 800. 00

928, 123. 14$
25, 583.00
90, 196. 35


  7, 717. 00
  83, 603, 65

$ 1,590,100.00$ 1,043,902.49$   546, 197. 51

$ 8,971,398.00$ 7,310,499.00$ 1,660,899.00
  3, 507, 000 00  2, 794,000. 00  713, 000.00
    803,860.00     791,660.00      12,200.00
  1, 249,900. 00  1, 249, 900.00
  1,444,200.00  1,088,400.00    355,800.00

$ 15,B9?6.358. 00$ 13, 234,45.9.00$ 2. 41, 899. 0,

$   239. 567, 93 $  200, 932.96 $  38,634.97
    973,293.00     769595.00      203,698.00
  2,132,781.00  2,1329781.00

$ 3, 345, 641. 90S $ 3, 103, 308. 96 $  242,332.97

$    38, 675. 00 $  39, 690.02 $ ( , 1 015, 02)1

$    32, 000. 00 $  16, 402, 64 $  15, 597.36
    700,000.00    475,616.17     22-4, 383. 83
    49 800 00                     49. 800X.00

781800 O00$       492, 018, 81 $  2j89X 81, 19

$21, 732, 574 93$ 1,913379 28 $ 3, 819195, 65

       500, 00 $     , 366. 4$     1. 833 36

$    26, 295.00 $QJ 26; 725.           __

$21, 764., 799q93$ 17, 943, 770.9,2$ 3.821,029,01

1, Realized in Excess of Estimated Income



         University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1961 and Ended February 28, 1962

I. Educational and General:
  A. General Administrative

  B. General Expense
         Student Services
         Staff Welfare
         General Institutional

                Total General

C. Instructional ( Including
    Departmeit al Research)
  College of-
         Agr. & Home Ec.
         Arts and Sciences
  Graduate School
  Univ. Ext. Programs

               Total Instructional
               (Including Dept.

  D. Activities Relating to
       Educational Departments

  E. Organized Research
        Univ. Research
        Agr. Exp. Station

               Total Organized

Appropriation  Expenditures  Encumbrances
                               Outstanding     Unencumbered

$  388,570.49 $   198,014.01 $    4, 811.78  $  185, 744.70

$  471,046.47 $   283,187.19 $    4,581. 81  $  183,277.47
   222,557.82    125,527.09                      97,030. 73

   571. 929.53   475, 499. 02    27,071. 28      69, 359.23

$1,265,533.82 $   884,213.30 $   31,653.09   $  349,667.43

$  509,197,89 $   320,197.39 $    5,502.21   $  183,498.29
2, 740, 728. 67  1, 754,097,46  25, 721. 73    960,909.48
   333, 066. 86  216, 169. 27       129. 67     116, 767,92
   99, 541. 69   61, 916, 21        378. 27      37, 247.21
   623, 335.72   396, 352. 20    12,109.77      214,873. 75
   718,648.07    457,988.96      14,705.54       245,953.57
   161,721.37    104, 476.91      4, 049.78      53, 194.68
 1, 546, 151. 75  954, 776, 38   47, 189, 88    544, 185. 49
   126, 891, 03   75,224, 51        381.22        51, 285. 30
   1U0,290.84     75,977,01       2,937.46        51,376.37
   29, 087. 78   18,009 .52        250,00        10,828,26
   692,160.59    441,950.34      15, 681. 87     234, 528, 38

$7. 710,822,26 $ 4, 877, 136. 16 $  129,037.40  $ 2, 704, 648. 70

$   66,952.00 $    39,073.42 $     6,013.25   $   21,865.33

$  253,497.52 $   145,781.04 $    18,070,05   $   89,646.43
2, 912, 184, 67  1, 695, 770.02  120, 542, 31  1, 095 872. 34

$ 3, 1653 682. 19 $1, 841,551.06 $  138,612.36  $1, 185,518. 77



 F. Extension and Public Services
           Univ. Ext. and Public
           Agr, Ext. Service

             Total Extension and Public

 G. Libraries

 H. Operation and Maintenance of
     Physical Plant

             Total Educational and

II. Service Enterprises:
          Post Office
          Medical Center

             Total Service

III. University Hospital

IV. Student Aid

V. Working Capital

VI. Clearing Accounts

VIIr Debt Service-Bonds Retired

VIII. Debt Service-Reserve

          Total Departmental

 1. Negative Figure

     University of Kentucky
;ement of Departmental Appropriations
the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
y 1, 1961 and Ended February 28, 1962

Appropriation  Expenditures  Encumbrances

$ 1, 088, 666,41 $

434, 158. 12 $

3,576,981.00  2, 245, 147. 05



504, 867. 16 $  149,-641. 13
43, 438.40   1, 288, 395.55

$ 4, 665, 647. 41$ 2,679,305.17$  548, 305.56 $ 1,438,036.68

$   643, 369.24 $  427, 462. 05 $  34, 851. 18 $  181, 056. 01

$ 2, 148, 833, 14 $ 1, 156, 658. 63 $  291, 149.56 $  701, 024.95

$20, 055. 410.55 $12. 103, 413. 80 $ 1, 184, 434. 18 $ 6,767,562.57

$    40, 365. 07 $  27, 433. 83 $             $    12,931.24
     77,407.98     47 ,105e 08      9, 916.42      20, 386,48

$   117, 773. 05 $  74,538. 91 $  9,916c42 $    33.S-1'7. 7 2

$   741, 825.88$  165, 687.07$    7,010.81 $   569 128.00

$    13, 300. 00 $   6, 1.20. 00 $            $      7g418Q 00
$    90, 000. 00 $  ( 42, 915e 61)$  127,525.25 $  5,390.36

$   117 664.92$     51, 933. 26 $     759,20 $      64,.972.46

$   244, 000.00 $  244,000. 00 $           $

$   129, 340. 62 $ 129, 340. 62 $         $

$ 21, 509, 315. 02 $ 12 732. 118. 05 $ 1,329,645.86 $ 7, 447, 551. 11




            University of Kentucky
     Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
          For the Current Fiscal Period
Beginning July 1, 1961 and Ending February 28, 1962

I. Unexpended Plant Fund

Appropriations Expenditures  Outstanding     Unencumbered

Construction of Buildings

  Consol. Educ. Bldg. Bond
  Proceeds-Chemistry and
     Physics Building
  Haggin Hall
  Northern Extension Center
  Northwest Extension Center
  Southeast Extension Center
  Women's Dorm, Arch. Service
  Consol. Educ. Bldg. Bond Proceeds-
  M. King library
  Addition to Student Union Bldg.
  Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity House
  Sigma Chi Fraternity House
  Commerce Building
  "Spindletop Id. Res, Center- Site
  Spindletop Ind. Res. Center-
  Administration Building
  Sigma Nu Fraternity House
  Elizabethtown Extension Center
  U. of Ky. College of Engr.
  Addition to College of Educ.
  Addition to College of Law
  Med. Sch. Plans and Specif.
  Medical Science Building
  Medical Center Heating and Cooling
  Plant Projec',
  Medical Center Hospital Outpatient
  Medical Center Landscaping
  Medical School Dental Wing
  Medical Center Laundry and Maintenai
  Seed Building Offices and Service
  Agricultural Research Center
  Feltner 4-H Camp
  Tobaqco Barn-Campbellsville
  Weed Research Greenhouse
  Cereal Ptastic Greenhouse
  Swine Fariowing and Testing Station
  Horticultural Shed
  Swine Service Center-Princeton
  Beef Service Facili,'ies
1 Overdraft

$  176, 521. 33
    80, 590. 25
    8, 058. 93
     7, 835. 35
   163, 192, 12

 1, 88I, 961.49
    10, 656. 34
    9, 148. 21
    27, 479, 80

       150. 00

    24, 441, 88

    10, OO 00
    50, 000. 00
    42, 000, 00
    30, 000. 00
    56, 655.5,10
    28, 750e56


2, 284. 90
   14. 69
23 390, 77

  5, 512. 10

434, 404. 39

  9, 454.40
  8,0 83.57

  4, 880. 49

  25, 555. 97


18, 660. 39  $  155, 576. 04
                80, 575. 56
   237. 02       5, 431. 14
                 2, 323.25
12, 775. 41    150, 416. 71

  19,665. 80


    6, 501. 00

  50, 000, 00
  42, 000, 00
    15, 332. 23

78, 347, 00


   32, 800, 00
   77, 870. 00
   33, 580. 00

   125, 000.00
   129, 000, 00
   20, 680. 00
      449. 71
      500, 00
   17, 800, 00
   4, 500,00
   11, 000, 00
   15, 293, 00

225, 260. 12
    319. 94

  3, 374,00

64, 570, 00

45, 081.75
28, 402.20
15, 509,05


63, 646.50

535. 19

1, 095. 7 7

  350. 00


11, 490,00

124 988. 62
   7, 246,80
   1, 201.94
  27,479. 80


  13,060. 39

  10, 000. 00

  13, 418.33

  78, 347. 00

1, 328, 644 94
   4, 077. 86
   62, 360,95.

   24, 484.55

      783 50
   20, 680. 00

   17, 80900^.
   1, 712. 43



           University of Kentucky
    Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
        For the Current Fiscal Period
Beginning July 1, 1961 and Ending February 28, 1962

Construction of Buildings ( cont)

Appropriations Expenditures



Office and Service Building-Quicksand $  148, 712.71
Swine Farrowing Barn-Coldstream        46, 000. 00
Swine Testing Station                     778. 90
Ramn Testing Barn-Coldstream            2, 871. 37
Headhouse-Greenhouse Agr. Research
Center                               100, 000.00
Sheep Barn-Coldstream                  42, 300. 00
Two Plastic Greenhouses-Poultry
Farm                                   1, 339. 43
Agr. Research Center- 4 Greenhouses and

$      929.62
       188. 22
     1, 172. 00

31, 556.92

2, 726. 81


8, 593. 40


$  143,275.3a
    32, 387.35
       590. Z8
     1, 699. 37

   100, 000.00

( 1, 387. 38) 1

Lath House Horticulture
Woments Small Residence

        Total Construction of

320, 368.00
  1, 000.00

88, 310. 89

227 , 111. 19

4, 945. 92

     8, 100. 00                                    8, 100. GO

$ 5, 452, 366. 40 $  919,110.75 $1,946,588.18   $2,586,667.47

Renovation and Improvement of

I., of Ky. Miscellaneous Repairs   $
Farm Service Center
-Repairs to Coldstream
Horticultural Greenhouse
Remodel and Paint Dairy Heifer Barn
Coldstream Beef Barn
Paint Coldstream Buildings
Repair and Paint Dairy Houses
Convert Sheep Building-Pesticide Bldg.
Install Commode Dairy Barn-Eden Shale
Renovation of Animal Pathology Bldg.
Repair and Remodel Bldgs. - Coldstream
Repairs Agr. Engr. Bldg.
Hood Replacement-Home Economics
Agr. Engr. Building
Renovatiou of House-Quicksand
Repair Entomology Greenhouse and
Air Conditioner Installed in Dairy Barn
Repair Small Animal House
Reynolds Warehouse Roof Repairs

20, 049. 00
8, 543. 50
8, 418. 59
   308. 63
 7, 114. 60
    92, 00
 1, 500. 00
 3, 447. 88
   277. 39
   500. 00
 6, 928. 10
   641, 24
   865, 00
   200. 00
 1, 890. 08

   562. 10
5, 500. 00
   184. 84
   322. 84


4, 060. 33
  308. 63


525. 00

9...1 .
959. 15

108, 30

1, 774. 94
  61. 72

5, 000.00

2, 708. 91

541. 24

4, 336. 17

$   20,049. 0A

3, 833. 26

, 402. 04
6, 155. 45
  100. 00
  153. 16
  399, 51
  803, 28
( 818. 83) 1

  562. 10
  536. 17
( 356. 40 1
  322. 84

Total Renovation and Improvement

$   69. 1a8. 37 $

21. 060. 41 $

. T220.2o 2  $

of Buildings

1 Overdraft

!4 17 t

RR-^ 917- f4


          University of Kentucky
  Statement of Plan-. Fund Appropriations
       For the Current Fiscal Period
Beginning July 1, 1961 and Ending February 28, 1962

Acquisition of Equipment

Appropriations Expenditures



Air Conditioner Units
Northern Extension Center-
Northwest U.tenaion Center-
Souliieast Extension Center-
Med. Sch. Lib. Acq. and Supplies
Medical Center Hospital, Outpatient
Clinic Movable Equipment
Medical Science Building-Equip,
Dental Science Bldg. - Equip,
Medical Science Bldg. Act, of Inv.
Univ. Hospital Equipment
Univ. Hospital Patient Care
Chemistry Physics Building Chem.
Dept. Equip.
Chemristry Physics Building-
Physics Dept. Equip,
Margaret I King Lib, Equip.

      Total Acquisition of

Other Improvements

U, of Ky. Electrical Dist, Sys.
U. of Ky. Steam and Return Line
U, of Ky, Razing of Water Tank
Boiler Renovation
Razg of Neville Hall
Miscellaneous Boiler Repairs-U.


Robinson Sub-Stat.ion Renovation of
Heating System in Auditorium
Feltnei 4-H Camp Sewage and Wate-r
Replace Water Line-W. Ky.
Road-South Farm
Pumphouse and Distribution System-
South Farm
Repair Agionamy Road
Fencing-Agrmnomy Area
Install Transformer W. Ky.
Repair Roads Mercer Farm

$    4,000.00 $



   8, 971, 59
   84, 639, 19

1, 188, 254. 19
420, 181 23
740, 652.75
  55, 359.62

$    2,934,72  $


2,6 40.98

    281. 31
33, 972, 54

213, 939. 79
70, 927, 92
28, 128, 72
2, 982, 00
5, 795.72

103, 419,43

82, 252,79
75, 243, 00


381, 187. 82
28 465. 82

64,950, 33

28, 172. 68
100,000. 00



1, 672. 07

  8,690e 28
40, 666.65

235, 877,98
160, 404. 30
639, 490,97
3S, 014, 22
SO, 477, 94

38, 469. 10

54,080. 11
( 24,757. 00) 1

$ 3, 285, 397. 30 $  365,254,92 $1,629,393.26  $ 1,220, 749. 12

$   45, 706, 15 $    367,01 $   25, 160, 27  $  20, 178. 87

     2, 500 00     2, 153, 37                        346. 63
       891,51                                        891 51
    21,608.59      4, 117.47      4, 131,50       13, 359, 62
       700o00                                        700Q00
Ky.    829,32                                         829.32

    10,803008                                     10,803.08

    16,911,00        535.01            1I 00      16,374D99
    15,300.00                                     15,300,00
    4,820e00          35,00                       4,785.00

    2,268e84                                      2,268.84
       275,45         275,45
     1,201,75          12,50                       1,189,25
       650.00         648.00                           2.00
     2,200,00                     2, 144.50           55.50

      Total Other Improvements   $
1 Ov erdraft


1262 665.69 $   8,,143,,81 $

31, 437.27  $   87,084.61



             University of Kentucky
    Statement of Plan t Fund Appropriations
            For the Current Fiscal Period
Beginning July 1, 1961 and Ending February 28, 1962

$E*Aingency Reserves

Appropriations Expenditures



Medical School Clearing

      Total Unexpended Plant

$   63, 748. 15 $            $               $    63, 748. 15

$8,997,375.91 $1, 313, 569.89 $3,618,639.03  $ 4, 065, 166. 99

II. Retirement of Indebtedness

A. Debt Service
  1st PWA Issue                  $   36, 689, 83
  2nd PWA Issue                      18, 164.48
  Dorm. Rev. Bond Issue              24, 356. 25
  Auditorium Field House Issue       62, 111.78
  Library Bldg. Issue                99, 610. 09
  Stadium Addition Is sue            18, 852. 40
  Dorm. Rev. Issue ( 456 Rose)        7, 320. 75
  Journalism Bldg. Bond Issue        30, 426. 25
  Dorm. Rev. Issue ( 476 Rose)        4, 986. 93
  Student Dorms- 1953                22, 399. 31
  Student Dorm (Kappa Sigma)         11,517.85
  Student Dorm ( Lambda Chi)         11, 706. 57
  Student Dorm (Phi Sigma Kappa)     10, 908, 01
  Student Dorm (Pi Kappa Alpha)      10, 948. 34
  Dormitory Rev. Bonds of 1952       58, 442, 50
  Dormitory Rev. Bonds of 1954       31, 780.11
  Dormitory Rev. Bonds of 1956-
  Cooperstown Apts.                252, 815. 65
  Dormitory Rev. Bonds of 1956-Six
  Sorority Dorms                    52, 391. 50
  Dormitory Rev. Bonds of 1956- Student
  Dorms Reserve                     31, 250. 00
  Dormitory Rev. Bonds of 1956- 336
  Clifton Avenue                     8, 200, 00
  Dormitory Rev. Bond of 1956-Holmes
     Hall                            47, 435.00
  Dormitory Rev. Bond of 1956-
  Shawneetown                       90, 151 25
  Dormitory Rev. Bond of 1957-
  468 Rose                           7,834.00
  Dormitory Rev, Bond-342 Clifton Av.  8, 372,55
  lousing Bond of 1958- Haggin Hall  79, 103.75
  Consol, Educ. Bldgs, Project     493, 308, 38
  U. of Ky. Housing Bonds            20,296,46

$      315. 00
    18, 055,94
    2, 512. 50
    54, 281. 25
    3, 230. 00
    1, 893.75
    3, 222, 10
    12, 430, 00
    2, 840. 00
    3, 426.25
    1, 713, 12
    1, 713. 12
    1, 713, 12
    1, 713, 14
    16, 555, 00
    9, 851. 25

$   36 374. 83
    21, 843. 75
    96, 380. 09
    4,098. 65
    17, 996. 25
    2, 146.93
    18, 973.06
    9, 804. 73
    9, 993.45
    9, 194. 89
    9, 235. 20
    21,9-28 86

42, 263, 60


19 912.50

32,479. 00

31, 250. 00

3, 055.00

14, 217,50

90, 151, 25


5, 145.00


  5, 217, 55
342, 139.53
20. 296.46

155, 00
973, 75
168. 85

$1,551,379.99 $ 544,292.99 $                  $1,007,087.00

_ . .


Total Debt Senrice



              University of Kentucky
     Statement of Plant Fund Appropriations
          For the Current Fiscal Period
Beginning July 1, 1961 and Ending February 28, 1962

B. Sinking Fund Reserves with
  Dorm. Rev. Bonds of 1955-
  Reserve Holmes Hall
  Donm. Rev. Bonds of 1956-
  Dorm, Rev. Bonds of 1952- Res.
  Dorm. Rev. Bonds of 1954-Res.
  Consol. Educ. Bldg. Rev. Bond
  Dormitory Rev. Bond 1958-Haggii
  Hall Reserve

Appropriations Expenditures

$    65, 572.96 $



172, 777.27
125,744, 15
68,318. 11
123M 090.62


$    65,572.96

172, 777. 27
125, 744. 15
68, 318, 11
123,090. 62

23. 026. 25

23. 026. 25

Total Sinking Fund Reserve $  578,529.36 $

Total Retirement of Indebtedr

Total Plant Fund


$   578,529.36

$ 2, 129, 909, 35 $  544,292.99 $         $ 1,585,616.36

$ 11 127, 285026$ 1, 857, 862. 88 $ 3, 618, 639.03 $ 5, 650, 783. 35



         University of Kentucky
Statement of Departmental Appropriations
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1961 and Ended February 28, 1962

Restricted Funds:                      July 1, 1961



feb. 28 1962

       Fund Balances

Loan Funds:

         National Defense Education Act,
              Federal Government
       Accum. Interest Income-
       University Student Loan


Endowment Funds:



Agency Fund:


Combined Totals

$3,724,161.59 $8,041,679.79 $6,838,886.81 $4,926954.57

$  326,732.25 $   188,134.97 $              $  514, 867.22
    36, 303. 58   20, 903. 88                  57,207.46

        26. 75       347.52                        374.27
    58, 696. 42  ( 5, 158. 88)1                 53,537.54
    27, 055.53     1,037.65         332.82      27,760.36

$  448, 814e 53 $  205, 265. 14 $   332r 82 $  653,746.85

$  236,500.27 $    41, 538. 48 $            $  278,038.75
     9,237.87      1,547.91       1,211.08       9,574.70

$  245,738.14 $   43,086.39 $    1,211.08 $  287,613.45

$  162,485.10 $ 1,008,061. 37 $ 1, 078. 966. 34 $  91,580.13

$ 4,581, 199. 36 $9,298,092. 69 $ 7, 919, 397. 05 $5,959, 895.00

1 Transfer of Funds



          The Financial Report having been in the hands of members of the
Board of Trustees for ten days or more, the members being duly advised,
upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the report was received,
approved and ordered put to record.

          D. Amendment to HHFA Loan for Student Union Addition Approved.

          The Vice President for Business Administration, Frank D. Peterson,
reported on the status of the proposed plan for enlargement of facilities for
Student Union act vities through the construction of an addition to the present
Student Union building on the main campus at Lexington.  Mr. Peterson stated
that the Board of Trustees had previously authorized applying for a loan and
that preliminary negotiations had been conducted with the Community Facilities
Administration of the Housing and Home Finance Agency of the U.S. Govern-
ment for the partial financing of such addition through this Agency. Under
the designation "Project No. CH-Ky-50(S), Contract No. H-302-637", that
Agency originally proposed a Loan Agreement dated as of July 1, 1961, for the
principal amount of $1, 350, 000. Plans and specifications were completed
and construction bids taken.  The low bid being i.n excess of available funds,
it was determined that the planned addition could not be undertaken or completed
upon the basis of the aforesaid Loan Agreement wvhich was never submitted
to the Board of Trustees for ratification.

          The Federal Agency has been contacted and the officials of this
Agency have informally agreed to submit a new Loan Agreement to be dated
April 1, 19629 relating to the issuance of bonds to be dated July 1, 1962, for
purchase by that Agency of Revenue Bonds in the sum of $2, 025, 000.  Mr.
Peterson stated that such a sum of money from the Gcvernment would require,
in order to accomplish the planned addition, a student activity fee of $12, 00
per semester of the regular term and $6. 00 for each regular summer session,

          Thereupon, Board Member Clifford SMith introduced, caused to
be read, and moved the adoption of a Resolution as follows:

           RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the University of
           Kentucky hereby increases the Student Union fees heretofore
           established and designated as Student Activity Fees for Student
           Union, and hereafter, commencing with the school semester
           be ginning in Septembe r, 1962, such fee s are e stablished at $1 2 , 00
           for each full-time student for each semester of the regular term
           of two semesters, and $6. 00 for each full-time student for the
           regular summer session; and such fees shall be collected in
           the manner heretofore established and provided for;



        RESOLVED FURTHER, that the action of certain officials
        of the University of Kentucky in making application to the
        Housing and Home Finance Agency of the United States
        Government for a loan of $2, 025, 000 under the Federal
        Housing Act, as amended, for assistance in financing ad-
        ditions to and alterations in the Student Union Building on
        the main campus of the University at Lexington, is hereby
        ratified and approved in all respects, and the Chairman
        of the Board of