xt75dv1ckr6b_9 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75dv1ckr6b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75dv1ckr6b/data/1997ms510.dao.xml Dickey, John Jay, 1842-1934 0.45 Cubic feet 1 box The Reverend John Jay Dickey papers documents Dickey's career as a minister and educator in Eastern Kentucky. John Jay Dickey (1842-1934) helped found Jackson Academy, an elementary and high school, in Jackson, Breathitt County, Kentucky, in 1883 and the Sue Bennett Memorial School in London, Laurel County, Kentucky, in 1895. The collection includes diaries, teaching materials, and historical recollections about Breathitt County. archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Reverend John Jay Dickey papers Education--Appalachian Region Education--Kentucky. Blank teaching registers text Blank teaching registers 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75dv1ckr6b/data/1997ms510/1997ms510_1/1997ms510_1_8/3915/3915.pdf undated section false xt75dv1ckr6b_9 xt75dv1ckr6b     j , i_-E ],j ·   i”“?`YjTif·i?¤.' ~ _ _ _  " ' I ’ W  '    1 "" ` *1** *11* 1;;
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    FOR SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1»..1....,.....1_.1,.   I1,I........ , ’
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_ ,E@]DIE’:E@ v - . I CEE . q ' __  p2`  Record nf Attendance, Department, Hllll SGh0l6|'$l||ll lfllllltl Mllillll Ending —--—    ------—-~·-··-·--····----~····-······--··   89 · I
V - 4 _ - 4 ` FRANK1ron*r, KY, j 4 · ;_  `-.»-ss   ~  V . · . _. V > · - iw ; — _ »_» — ¤ 4   ‘1-
' It isthe duty of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to secure, as far as prac. wl  NAMES UF Pupll-S-     g E g     A     _   l `
· ticable, system and success in the practical workings of the Common Schools of the Com- —   "”‘“Yi‘4**’—‘“ ‘ ` 5; 5-   g       E   i é g F     g gi; REMARKS-
monwealth. _ \Vith this objecttin view, the following plan of a Teacher’s Register has been »V   - weakly and Mummy Standing.   E g jg eg;   Qi rg       EE  gi E   ‘
t prepared and adopted by this ofhce. The following points and particulars are proposed:   A_4______;, _pp_     p_pV   ___p , to ,_  _pA__   _p‘p L,   .” :. , * _ I ,_ ‘_ T_ T.? , . f   _,hh   c___V _-.____I_._.__~_...
t for weekly register of- every pupil at sch0ol._ ‘ -   “ . 7
1. Attendance at school, Deportment, IH manners and morals, Scholarsh1p on each _ A -
subject of instruction prescribed for the Common Schools. _ V , — .
I 2. Each square under each subject IS intended for a monthly reg1ster of the standing ‘ · ·
, dg of each pupil, thus: ln each quarter of eaeh square must be registered the weekly aver- - ‘ _ .
"‘** age of each pupil in the following order:   This will require care and precision on ·.  
! » .
- the part of the Teacher. . _ ‘ . r ‘ ,
  3. The last week of the session of the school should be devoted to a general but careful 4
  _ examination on each subject of instruction, which with the previous general average on . f _ ‘
  each subject, should be estimated for the " Scholarsh1p" of each pupil for the BDIIFB ses- ·_  
V I sion. In like manner, the average "Deportment" of each pupil should be registered, and 4,4 
also, the entire number of "Times Tardy" and "Times Absent." These final averages, _» 
duly registered, will be utilized by the Teacher the following session for grading jud1-  t, _
ciously each returning pupil to the Common School. ° · _ . L ~ i 
4. It is expected that every Teacher will provide a suitable blank book and arrange it  
_ properly for registering the daily standing of each pupil in "Attendance," in "Deport- ,
ment," and in " Scholarship" in each class, from which the weekly average must be esti  
4 mated for entry in this Register as specified above. . _ - * 
4; When the session of the school is completed, the Teacher should carefully complete  tf
  his Register in every particular, sign it, and present it promptly to the Chairman ot the   ‘
Board of Trustees for examination and, if correct, for approval. When approved, the . _ .
Register must be promptly returned to the County Superintendent of Common Schools, · .
who will require it 1n making out his Annual Report to the Superintendent of Public -
" Instruction. i 
' Sttpcr/intevzdcvtt 0f1’2tZ2Z/ic Inszfruction.   ,
Attention is, hereby, invited to the following extracts from the Common School Laws ’ `· .
of Kentucky (Official Edition). , - 4 ` ’
Art. IX.,§4. It shall be the duty of each teacher of a school-room shall constitute a school-day; and under no _
Common School to keep such a register of the school as the circumstances shall the daily session, including recesses and _- .
State Superintendent may require of him; and within ten intermissions, exceed nine hours in length. When the 4 ‘
days after the close of·the session he shall make a report of attendance exceeds fifty, the teacher-shall employ, during 4
the entire number of pupils enrolled, and the highest, the such attendance, an assistant, whosc scholarship and com- V ._ · `
· lowest, and the average number of pupils in attendance potency shall be acceptable to the T1·ustces. The said as-
during the session; the books used, the branches taught, sistant may be selected from among tl1e more advanced . ·
the number of pay pupils, if any, in attendance, and such pupils of the school, but in no case shall the school be left · I · ,
other information as the State Superintendent may deem of under the control of the said assistant. .5  `
` importance and interest; and he shall return the Register Art. VIII.,} 9. The Trustees shall employ a qualified ,1 
to the County Superintendent; and if he shall willfully Teacher, agree with him as to compensation,.a1itl,fo1* good _ `·  . _
· 4 neglect or fail to do this, the County Superintendent shall cause, of which he shall be first notified in writing, remove   _ 4
q withhold twenty dollars of his salary due, for the benefit of him, subject to the approval of the County Superintendent. ` ·;‘  ` - ,
the district. The contract between the Teacher and Trustees shall be in _ g) { -
' Art. I., Q 5. The school-year shall begin on the first day writing, signed by the Teacher and at least two of the .   ,
of July, and terminate on the thirtieth day of June, Trustees, or the same shall be null and void. " No person ·   _
I Art. I., § 6. Twenty school days, or days in which teach- shall he allowed to teach a private o1· other school in any , ir  - V
4 ers are actually employed in the school-room, shall consti-¤ district school-house, unless he be of a good moral character.; _ .   { ‘ _ _ 
  tutea school-month in thecommon schools of the State. and have th, ‘ nt of not less than two of the Trustees ‘ . , '   E
Teachers shall only have the benefit of such legal holidays of the distri , `hich said school is to be taught? _ ,  I, S7 _
V` as they actually observe. Six hours of actual work in the __.*%-if  _ ’*j  - , _ ‘
I · U . t ,,,. T . q 4 i in  I  
    T Q » , -_ _l   V  . _Vi..f     l A

  ‘ Record uf Attandancmbepurtmeni, and Scholarship furthe Month Ending . .......,......4.4...».·..4......4.W.....·4-·»··-··-A I89 · . Record at Attandancmapurtmant, and Scholarship furthe Month Ending »....,....,....AA............,, M .................é.. ,|89 . ‘
  ‘i’‘ i A T > -·‘ . ?  . "- L   `  
  NAMEs0FPuP1Ls.     5   _; i   _          Mmssurvums.       J ‘ ‘:          
   W¤¤k|v¤¤¤M¤¤¢h¤vSi¤¤¤i¤g·                         weemyanuMgmnnysranumg.         E                
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E H9G0|'tl nt AllBll(l8|lGB, l]B|}0|'lIll9lll, Bild $0ll0l3I'Slll|) tnr ll1E MOI1lh Ending ___,______>A_A_________________________A_____________ , |8g _ 8111111113]*57 Of R/€1)O1‘t Of tht; Tgachgy Of OO]`1].11'101'1 SCIIOOI i
 `I it ` 'I I NAMES GF PUHLSI I   i   ’ I ‘ i · ‘   5 E   For District JV`0. ..........,.. , 150 the Superzhztemlent 0f .......A......._........,..,,A,,__,_____________________________________ County,  
i -—s~-—·ss—»-~-~»ss— -·—~~s~—~s—- if g E   bb cb bb {Z.; E   E   J     for the School-yecun emlmg J www 30, 189 ...... . See .41%. IX., Seo. 4,, Common 3
l Weekly and Monthly Standing. gn ,2 Q E LT; € ?§   gk   §¤     ig § REMARK SCZZOOZ Laws? · . . . . .4 4 . 4 4 . .  
 if H V g g A.: .5.. .=. V ,=. gm A Q: ; .,1 ng Lg ¤ g 5-· £=4 5:: Total number of clnldren enrolled 1n the (sensus ltepoit of Trustees . Males .,....,...... ]1emales _________,__, Total __________________________  
.` I I ` ` i '   Total number of children enrolled in school .,........... Males ............. Females, __,,,,_____ Total _,____________,___________ t
i _ Highest number in attendance at school ............... Males. ............ Females _,___,_______ Total _____________ _ ____________  
i ~ ‘ Lowest number at school ............. . ........ Average number at school . _ _ _________________________ Q
~   =*l,’ereentage ot` attendance based on highest number enrolled in school ........,,,___ _ _ __________________________ . -
` · I  ·*Pereentage of attendance at school, based on highest number in attendance at school ...,_____ , ________________________ _
I t ‘· Percentage of attendance based on average attendance at school ....... . ....,_,___ _ ________________________ _ f
i Number of children attending school under seven years of age ..........,.., _ _,___ _ ____________ _ __‘_________  
 I I (Jost of tuition of each child per session, counting highest number at school .........,__ _ _ ___________________________  
I Number of pay pupils under twenty years of age ........ Total receipts from same for tuition {oo; ____________ _ _____________  
1 Number of pupils over twenty years of age .......... Total receipts from same for tuition fee; __________________________  
· Total number of days taught during entire session of school .,........,,,,__,___ _ ____________ _ _____________  
I Averago number of hours taught per day during entire session of school ......... . .,,__ _ ____________ _ ____________ ~ 
Number of ehihlron over ten years of age in the district. who cannot read, Males .....i....... Females ._.....,,____ Total _____________ _ __________ _ i 
Number over ten years of age, enrolled in school, who could not read . . )[alcs ............. Females __,.,,,,___,_ Totgil _ ____ _ _______v_____________ ?
i P ()tlieial visits of the Teacher to ditlercnt patrons during the session of the school ...,.,_ _ ,,__ _ ___________ _ _____________  
i Class ol` Tcacher`s Certilicate ..........,...4.....,.......... Average percentage ,...... . ..,..4.......,.,....... Expires ....., , ,   _______________________  
- , T/iw 7lwi·/iw mus! rr/so i·¤~t·oi·t/.· Number. Text-Book; L'god_  
Number of Pupils in Primary Class . ........... . ........r.44.......i4.... . .......i.....,..4 . ....4.4.............,,_____ . ___________ _ __________ _ ____________
l , Number of Pupils in Spelling .............. . ............ . ......4..... . l.........................,...... - ,,.,,______,_______________,____ _ _________>_,____ 2
I »   Number of Pupils in Reading ......,....,.. . ...,....4... . ..s.....,.., . ...........,...,e....._,..,__,,,, _ __________,____ _ __________>_______ _ ____________ I
i ‘ Number of Pupils in Y\/riting ........... _ . . ___,4._._..,_ . ___,i_,.____ . ,.,....______,_ M ,,,,_______,_____________________ _ _________________ _ ____________  
    I Number of Pupils in \Vritten Arithmetic ......... . ......,,_._.,..,...._4.... .. ,.............._,,,_,_______ _ ________,___________________>_ _ _______>_____ _ _______  
  ‘ V Number of Pupils in Mental Arithmetic ,........ _ ,_____ ._,__ ____,_,_i___, , t.i,_,. , __,__________________________>_____ _ _____,____ A ____________>_ _ ___________»  
i   Number of Pupils in English Grammar . . . ...... . ,_,________,.... . .,.,_... . ____________,_,_i_____,_r_>_,___,_ _ _______________________ __ _________ _ _>_____4____  
  i Number of Pupils in ltlnglish Composition ...,..... . .,....,...,.._sr,.,...__. . ,.,__,,,_i,___ _ ________,___________ _ __________v_____ _ ______>_________ _ ______>_____ 2 
 { Number of Pupils in Geography ,.., , ,,_, , . . _ ____,,_,____ _ ,_,___,______ _ _,_________,______________,________>>_> __ ___,_>___________________ _ __________>___
 _   Number of Pupils in History of the United States ..... . ...4...,.... . ....t..,,,.. . _.,,..._______,_._,,_,_________,_________>_>_,>__,_ _ _____________>____ _ ____________  
l   Number of pupils in Physiology and Hygienic ........ . _.....,.,..,_,____,,__, _ _,,_____,_,____ _ _______________________ _ ________________r___________>______V____ _ ’
  , i Number of Pupils in Elemcnts of Civil Government ....e . .........i.____,..._,__. _ ,,___ _ __________i_______,,_____________________`________,____________ _ ____________  
n Number of Pupils completing Common School Course . , , __,____,_____,_,_,______ _ __,______________ _ ___,__,_____,_,__ _ _,_____________ _ __,,_________,________________  
_ , I, hereby, certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief`, the foregoing Report is true in every particular.  
  ~  Post-oilico address of Teacher: __,_________,_,___i__,_____ ____ _________ _ _____,_____________________________________________ _ __________,__________  
    - ·····--·-·-—··-·-·-~--·-·—---—----——r·—---·--—»··   ··----------·—»-—--»-—·---·-·-·--»-··---·-»~-»—»---- Teacher Common, Sehoolfor Dist. JV`o. .................. i 
   I ** Percentage of attendance is obtained by adding four ciphers to the basis on which the estimates are made and dividing i
5 by the number of children enrolled in census report. ·
, ` §§‘This Register must be returned to the County Superintendent within ten days after the close of the session under
y y i 3 I penalty of twenty dollars. See Art. IX., Sec 4., Common School Laws.  

  R Hecord of Vrsds ot Trustees lo the School llurrng the Sessroe.  
I . . NAMES. l Dates of x ere. i RE MARKS. . Certrllcete ot Chorrmoh of Boerd 'l`ll1Sl9BS.—$UggGSll0HS by School Ohlccrs for the Improvement ol the School.
 W- st, . . . . .t .     . . . Mr?. . . . .. M.   t.. . ., . . so s .._.__ . .....-_s. W _ _ · R V · V ’ ' "“   ""` ``”'' i ""—"
I     The Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the District aforesaid, hereby reports to the County Superintendent of
j   r · Common Schools for the county aforesaid, that the foregoing is n true Register and Report of the Common School taught
~ { Q in said District during the year ending June 30,189 ; and he further reports that the Board of Trustees visited said
` l ‘ school during its session, as rer uired h * law, and that it "has actuall r been ke at lr * a ualiiied Teacher," for
r s _ e _ 1 > q
q ` i 4 months during the year, and at which every white child in the District, between the ages of
l Q ‘ six and twenty years, has had the privilege of attending, whether contributing any thing towards defraying its expenses
i j Q 01* not; and that the Trustees of said school did " visit all the parents of pupil-children and urge upon them the necessity
l · l r of prompt and regular attendance at school; " and that *· during the progress of the school," the Trustees did " ascertain
  r { the causes of all non-attendance oi` ehildren," and " remove such c:1uses" as far as " practicahle." Common School Laws,
, t , V are 1., 4 er., Aa. \'I1I., i>., 10., 11.
E l   Dated this ...,..... day of ................ , 189 . . .
  l   , ...... . ..................... Chairman Board Trustees. ·
a l
1 l . ' ............... . ................. ,r. o. Alires.
 V l ` Suggestions by the Trustees:
‘ R r
I 1 Q . Suggestions hy the County Superintendent with date of his visitation to the School:
r , 1 l
l A!
l f
  3   »
t Q r i
2 r l
i ; Q ` Suggestions hy the Teacher:
, l n
Z B l l
2 l .
. [ l ,i
. l '
. l W 
{ .
r l I 
, r y  .
z 1 ;
·   ` _ Q .

   » · GUNTHAGT BETWEEN THE TEACHER AND THE THUSTEES.  M I ’   ``Ei           “ ' ' » · 1 " T
me ¤- fs M me TM ---—-—————--—-—--—---—--—--—-- - ——--—----——----—--- Me  ~ 1 1 Miscelleneous Infermatren from the Teeeher end the Trustees.
X hereby, on this ............ clay of `....... Q ................... , 189 ...., eohlmeteel with   E 4 .;,+ y
‘ zfhe u7zcZe7·srz.gnecl T;·1rsz'ees of D2.szf1··2cl, Whale, No ________ ., ______________________ (lomzlyp {   Area efnrerseheel District in square milesr ......................... . ......................................r.
1 '~t i . »_ ~ A · .
Siam Of I(6,7duCkZ/` Z0 {Cach {ZS COW/mon SC]LOOZ fb?. Nw MTM, Qf_ _ _ _._ _ "7nO7u{hS’ Z)€gl·7ML[7Zg  { » Greatest length of Dl5t1`lCt]ll ITIITOS ........,.,. Greatest w1dtl1 1n miles ............. Least W1(lT.h 1n miles, . . . e......,.....,.,,,...... 1 ,......,.__.__ _ ·_
' 072/- _ _ - _ — - - _ - _ _ _ _ - J- - , Nia - - - —‘— _ _ _ - _ lzdy Of- _ — l _ - - _ - - - _ - - U _ - - -, 189 _ - - H {N, (wCO7_(7(HlCc   V· Qistance of school-house to most distant part of the District, in miles. . T ........... . ........... - ..........................
V . , _ , - Distance i`· lll school-house to nearest Joint of boundar ‘ li11e . .... _. . . ........... . ............,......,...............,,. -
~ wrath the Oommon School Laws and lhc Rules cmrl Regzllalzons g>7·e.s·or;z.becl ret pwrszecmee .  I0 · I 3 ‘
’ _ · _ . _ . _ " . Nearest distance to a school-house in an adjoininc district, in miler ...,........... . ........r.........,......._,_,,,,,r,__ · —
‘ thereof by the Slate Bowel of Eclucalrz.o72.. ,_   E D i
·_ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _   Kind of school-house'?. ............,.. . ............ Vllhen built? ..............,.,,............. Condition'? .,.,....,...,.............. Value? ,,_,,_,.,,,,, . .,,,,_, . ___,__________,__
The soezcl Teacher hereby holds hrmself - sub; eel lo lhe legal s2lper·v21sz.oez mul clrzreelzovt t   . »
’ . ,  Interior dimensions of school-house. in f`cet'?*“ ............... Lcnvth “? ....,........ V/idth`? ,..........t. Heirrht'? _ . . . _ .,,.,.,...._.........,.,.____,i__,____,
. , . . . . . . , ¤ ¤
of seul Trustees, cmcl lo lheerszlczlron and l{l’LQf1ll(l?ll]l07`?,¢’!/ of the Oozmly Szepermleml- hl  _ _ _ _
- · 1 ;· 4 I‘I0\V lllillily (]()0l'5? ........ ,..-H()\V llllllly \Vll1(T|)\V$? .»Y.Y.Y..., ..Oll TIOW llllllly STLTESAT ...... . V. . . , . .,...,....... - .......... , ,,,,,,,,,,.,,_
1 ent the swirl Trustees 7‘ese2‘vi2zr lh¤ rlrhl o ' (Zl·S‘77lliS6`l72f scllcl TJ el er rr liv : lol-   1
° ‘/ (J '/ f '/ (ia LC (66 6 by M 70 L ri  ssusnrg capacity'? .........,... How many seats? ............ Total length of desks? ............. . ..................................,...
• . ) , ' ' V ' V ' " ’ _ A
even fO7 any Of Zhg 06626.968 Spgcl/Lcd UL Um OO OZWZOH }SC7L00Z LG2O9`   Is the school-house furnished with charts ‘? ............. Maps? .... . .....,.. Blaclcboards '? ........... A _._,_,,,,,,, _ ______,__,,_.,,,,_,__,,,_ _
1 It is also agreed lhcel the fire shell be 7`(?§2ll(L7`Z@/ merle mul the _/loor 7`(?_UZllCL7`l;}/ swept   IQ it properly vcmlmd., I_ it l_,_0pC,,y heated., A I
  ._ . .1...._.,.... .. . . ................,... - ...,....,., _ ..____.____.___,,,,_,____
'UZ 866/lfl 7lO'lL6`€, (Z'Z67"?i7?rg 6`CZNZ ?!€7"77Z   HIC ·$`C$'l€ZT: ............................... . .......... , »‘:Q!*k-5  Has the school-house proper outbuildings‘? .....,..... -Are tl1ey in good eonditiong? , .... .1 .... . .....,.,.,..,....,......r,..,............
i . . . . . l 'l »
· 1]L€ 6`(ZZCZ TTZLSZCCS 77`O2>?(ll7'If Z/L6 /i’ll(3Z (MHZ l)7`O07H8 ULC7`(3"O7`.   Are tl1c school-lrousc lllltl t)llT.l)l1lTdTll"`5 insured 2l"`2llllST, {ire'?. ................ ·‘, . ..`,,,,_,,___,..,__..,,_,__.............. `
l . .   rn a `
Y , _ i   Length of school-house lot, in f`eet‘?** .... . ......,. \Vidth `?. .,...,..... Is it inclosed by :1 fence ‘? .....,_ _ __,_____,___ _ ____,___,___...._,,.,.r_,, ‘
_ ___. . ..................................... - .........,......_ , C/z.rz¤z·r·e22.(m. _r,- ·
I ‘l_ Is there a deed to the school-house lot'? ....,.,.......,............... If so, has it been properly recorded ‘? ..,. , ._,.,,___,,.___,___._.,,, .. ..,_.__,.,_
......~..~.... - . ..-.----...~........................ · ....... , T/`?l6`{¥}€· wii Ts there any debt o11 the school-house property `? ,.......................... If so, what amount? ......., _ ,,,,________ _ .,,.,_,,_._...,,,,_,.___,.
` T [ i   Is the site of the school-house healthy ‘? .........................., Is it a proper IOCHTAOIT '? .........,, , ,,____________,_.._..,,,,,, _ __,___,_,__,
_____________,.,_._ , ,.....,_....___..,.._...._.............. .1"2lS 66. ‘   , '
· i _ {   S Number of pupil children i11 the district attending a private school, academy, or college`? . ..,. _ ,__,_,.__,__,_,_._,____,_ . ..,.,.,..,..
.1 ` ·
---- - - - — -—----—--—-- · --—----—-—-—--—---—---—- ~- —~——--—-------- , yl'3(@C7?»€7`· pl --NlllllbGY not attending school on account of being taught at home. ............... . ,.r,,,.___,._ . _,_._,.,.__..._..._.._,,. -
1 [j<»Q`§`“Trz!sfL‘r‘$ 77/l(Sf ll/¥ CIITC/i//l,   l/my Ti’O7!ltl /Htl?/Z fl {»'yH[ 8/7/H10! /1/Ny/ll, Io lillljflfrjl 720 TWI!7/llT?‘ 'llflllrli//Y fl <'f'7`ll/T4.?//lf? (gf   NL\11]l)g]· not ni,t,91](li]]g On account, Of having QOi]]p]e,t(3d couinign school Cg1u·g(;‘?_ _________   __________r____ __ ______ _ _______ , ____
\. - ‘
' Qnnlwmiimrtfrmn. {/rg ]}ony·¤I of ]·];eum’fnm·s of f/to C'o1n1f_r/ omlre (;'I.?l'l{/lift/{Uf/"lIIl, f/rr· (fonnflrySrqurrzzz/mz/::11.l Hm! //1;: Ybor:/1 er   Number not attending Ou account of imirm bodily Comlitmn .? .· l. l U ) I · · l · i ' l I · I I   .
had aftemlnl {/rc (lowzfy Izrsfifzrfo. Sno (Yommorz. Sc/tool Lurvs, /lr/. I., »%'w·. 23., Ar/. [1\"., Soc, 1., Ar/. ll'., Nw:. 2. __ r , _ {
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1Q Number not attending on account of inlirm mental condition? _ .........,..,, , , _________,____________,____ _ ______,__,_, V
tf), The Trustees shall employ 11 qriahlred Teacher, agree with l11m as to co1npensat1o·1, and {or good cause, of wlnch (ir _V
  hg Shall be first notified in writing, remove him, subject to tl1e approval of the County Superintendent. The contract   N¤·¤b¤1· not ¤*¢¤¤·lll' 1--t-nths in l saint- plat·t- at- lt-ast ttnt-t- a n-t-nth tltt·t·t-at`tt--· tluring tht-
tlisti·it·ts having Il\t¤l't‘ than thii·ty—tiyt-antl lt-»s tltan t`tti·ty- g st-ssitth t·i` tht- st-hta-l, .\t t-at·l- nit·t-tint; tl-t·y sl-all t·ttn-
iiyt- 1hlll>ll~.2ll\¤l.llt>I` livt- n-t»nths thi- tlistt·it·ts lt-tying i`t»i·ty— l sitlt-rz tl,) 'l`ht- t·t·ntlitit»n ttt` tht- >('i1t-trl-ltt>Il~l', t`tn-nittn·t-.
tiyt- t--· nit-itc pupils tluring tht- saint- st·ht>ttl-yt-a1·, -ti-tl at   appa1·-ttnsantl sttt·i·t»tt-ttli--gs. t11,t'l`ht· wt--·lns. tlt-slts. hlat·ltl-t»a-·tls, ht·t·lts, t-tt-.
n.»t;`]’t·tt1·1t]t-tt,/tt-2/‘tt·t-t'. Tl-at ntttliing l]t’I`t}ill shall pt-t-yt-nt W ']`ht-y shall prt-yitlt· it--- any tlt-lit·it-nt-y tl-at nuty t-xist in
stny pt-rst-n within the tlistrict, ttyt-1- tht- agt- t-t` twt-nty any t»t` tht-st- rt-spt-t·ts_ antl st-t- that tht- i-t-;;nlatit»ns tt-i·tl-t-
y0ai‘s.t`1‘t>in attt-ntling a (`t-nnntnn l*t·httt·l wl-tt will ttl-tain l gttyt-t-i-int-nt t-t` tht- st·ht»ttl art- t·t-n-plit-tl with. antl that tht-
tht- ct---st-nt t·t` tht- 'l`1‘ustt-t-s antl pay his tnitittn t`t-t-s. 'l`t-at·ht-t· pt-t·tt»t·nts his tlnty. l'pttn t-ttniplaint t-t` tht- _
i\t·t.\`1..<, lCat·h (`tttn-ty Supt-rintt-ntlt-nt ttt` t-t-in--ittn l 'l`t-at-ht-t- in writing, tht- 'l`t·nstt-t-s sltall hayt- ]\t\\\'t-l`, tll`t|‘I'
sol-ta-l— shall, t-n tht- tirst Saturtlay in tiL‘tt!l|(‘I', l`t’t'l{t>ItlllL[ l inyt-stigatita-. tt- snspt-ntl a pupil t--· t-xpt·l hint t`t·t-in st·ht»ttl.
Ft'llt-tr-l int-nths t»t` twt-nty tlays, pay tht- :tntt»tntt, tint- t--tt·h - Art. \`lIl.. { H. 'l`ht- 'l`-·t-stt-t-s shall l-ayt· pt-wt-t- tt- asst·ss
Tt·at·ht-i· tit` a t-ttnnnt-n st·l1t-t-l. t`t-1- tht- n-tatth t-it int-nths   antl t·ttllt-t·ta pt»ll ta- t·apit-ttit-n tax t>t` uttt n-t-i·t- than tw··
t·t-ntplt-tt·tl. hut nttt t`t-i· any t'i·at-tit»n t-t` a n-t-nth. t·u tht-   tlttllars pt-1- anntntt t-n t·at-h t·t' tht-st- wht- at·tt-ally st-1--l a
<-t-t·titit-at.t- t>t` tl-t- lit-artl t-t` 'l`1·ustt-t-s tt-1- tht- tlilt- t-.-tttltt··t tri.
t·t·1-tttnthsnt-t prt-yit-usly paitl l`t»i·. t»n tht- t-t-t'tillt*ttlt- ttl` tht- t tht- st·httttl; /'t·t»t—tt/tt/_ S-titl pttll tw t·-tpitatittn t-ty it-ay l·t-
l}t,t:ti‘tl t»t` 'llrustt-t-s tt-1* tht- tlisti·it·t that tht- st·ht>t-l has ht·t·n l tlist·hat·gt-tI hy tht- party t-t· partit-s npt-n wht-nt tht- sanit-
t` lt-gally tanjtht t`t>l` tht- l>t‘I'lt\tl spt,-t·ilit·tl: ]'t-ttrtlt/tt/, 'l`hat tht- tttay ht- lt-x·it·tl_ hy tht- tlt-liyt-ry t¤t` wt-t-tl ttt- t·t»-tl in yal-tt-
' last 1'>:t}'lltl}.i)lt shall ht- t`t-i- tht- t-ntirt: halant-t·tlnt- tht- 'l`t·at·ltt-i· I t-tlnal tt- tht- tax intpt»st-tl, tn- hy tht- pt·1·t`t-i-ni:tnt-t-··t` —nt·h
g t`I't>lll tl1t· Statt: st-l-t>t·l l`untl antl tht- t-t--n-ty surplus htttttl; t laht-t- as ntay ht- nt·t·t-ssa--y tt- tht- t·tt-at`tti·ttthlt- t-t·ntlut·I t-t`
and that any TUtti'llt,’I' wht- n--ty yit-latt: his t-ttntr;tt·t with l aitl >t‘lit»t-l.
tht- 'I`-·ttstt-t-s hy 1-t-fusing tt- t·ttntinut- his st-ht-ttl, shall t't»t·t`t·it Art, \' lll_ § 3, 'l`ht- Sttpt-ritttt-ntlt--tt t»t' l’tthlit· I--st--·ttt-tit-it
any i'1‘at‘tit>nal Salat‘\' that may ht- tlttt· hint. shall` 1_l11't-tltrlt tht- (`t-tinty Sn}>t-i‘intt-nth-nts, l.ltl'lIi>ll tht-
Ai-t.\'lU..Ql(). l)ui‘ingtl-t-twt-wt-t·lpt-n- (`ltaimnan til` t·at-h ih-artl t»t` li`l`l\stt’t‘¤ wit.l1 tt 'l`l'\l>tt't'*l
ing t-t` tht- sul-t··»l, tht- Trustt-t-s shall visit all tht; pa-·t-nts t»t llt-t·t»t·tl-litatlq, whit·h shall ht- tht- prt-p--i-ty t-i` tht- Nttttt-.
pupil t‘hilt,ll‘ttn antl \1I`gt¥\l1>tilt tht-in the Il1*t'|*>Sii,)'t>ii])l'tlIlll>t shall ht- wt-ll }\l't’rt(¥l'\'t'(i, slntll ht- t»pt-n at all tilnt-S tt- plll-llt'
and 1‘t-gt1lal‘ attt‘l1tltlnt‘t: at st·ht»t»l. Tl-t-y shall tnaltt- i'!lI't§i`Ill inspt-t·tit-n, t-spt-t·ially hy tht: 'l`t‘nstt-t-s anti (`tvunty Sllpt‘l‘-
inttui-·y as tt) \\'ht-tht:I' any t;l-ilth-t-n :it‘t· unahlt- tt1l>lll`t‘lHlSt‘ intt-nth-nt, anti at tht- t-xpiratit-n tvli tht- (llltlll'l|\t\ll`$ t·‘l'H\
t tht- nt-t;t-ssary bttttlas, antl i--nnt·tliatt·ly l`(‘})t1l't tht- nan-t-s t-t' shall ht- ttn-nt-tl t-vt-1* tt- his snt·t t-sstt-·, In tht- saitl ht-t-lt tht- `
allsnt-ht·l-iltlrt-ntt-tht-(,`t-untySnpt-1·intt-ntlt-ntttnly. l`)tn·inq ()hait·ntan t»t` tht- lit-artl t»l' 'l`t·ttstt·t-s sl-all, with pt-n .t--tl
tht- pt-ttgrcss t-t` tht- st-hta-l tht- 'I`-·nstt·t·s shall ast·t-rtain tht- inl; ltt-t-p it t-art-t'ul t·t-t·t-i-tl t»t` tht- t`t»llt»wii-tg t`at·ts: 'l`ht-
cttust-s ttt` all nttn-attt-ntlant-t- t-t` t;hiltli-t-n, antl shall i·t-tnt»vt- natitt-, nnntht-r, antl ht»nntlat·y t-t` tht- tlistrit·t; nan-t-s t-ti tht-
-=ut·h Czltlst-#,lt` pI‘t\t¤tlt‘ahlt!. 'I`i·nstt-t-s antl wht-n t-at·h was t-lt-t·tt-tl tu‘ appt-intt-tl alltl
A1·t.I\’.,Q T. \Vlit-n·-yt-r it shall ht- inatlt- tt- appt-at·, ttt tptalitit-tl'; tht- tinit- t`t-1* wl-it·h t·at-h shall st-ryt-; t·at-h annual
tht- satist`at·tit-n t-t` tht- Cttunty Jutlgt- t»t` any t·t-tt--ty t-tlthis t»t-astts as t·t-pttrtt-tl tt- tht- Utatnty Supt-rintt-ntlt-ut; any
Ct-tnntt»nwt-altli, that tht-rt: art- intligt-nt t-hiltlrt-n in tht- t-l1ai-gt-st>t` ht-nntlary ttt` tht- tlistt-it-t, tht- tlatt-s antl Illl!ItlJt*I`
Ctalntj', Wilt- :1I‘t¢ lltlt ]lUiIl1l1i2lt`lly ahlt- tt- supply tht-n1st:l\‘t-ts ttt` visits t-t` tht- 'i`rn-stt-t-s tt- tht- st·ht-til; a t’t¤]>)'· pt- tht' t‘t*l\·
with the IICU-5$Lll`y tt:Xt-ht-tilts, tl-un Fllt'lI ht-t»l