xt75dv1cnn06 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75dv1cnn06/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-11-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 03, 1988 1988 1988-11-03 2020 true xt75dv1cnn06 section xt75dv1cnn06  

Kentucky Kernel

I ‘-

Establtshed 1894' University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky Independent since 1971


Thursday November 3, 1988 l
. .. .J

SGA buying health movies, condoms for sexual awareness

Assignment Editor

A bill was passed allocating $280 to the
Kentucky Academy of Student Phariuaa
cists Sexual Safety and AIDS Education
Committee at the Student Government As
socialion senate meeting last night

“This is one of the few things we have
done this semester to really help the stu-
dents directly,” said Keith Byers. Arts and
Sciences senator.

The money will be used to provide l'K
students with information on sexually
transmitted diseases. including AIDS
KASP. which formed the Sexual Safety

and AIDS t'oniiiiitti-ia has trained t2 peo
pie to give one»liottr pieseiitatioiis on sex
ually ll'.lltslttllli‘tl all» and

"The county health department helped
train them iii their t\ll).\ edui iiltltll so they
could he .-\ll).\ peer ediii‘atniy said \lat'y
Pil‘lllktlltlll, llt‘iil'lli‘iltit tillt‘i t’tiiil‘tlitluliu'


firinkman and Jean (ox oI thinersity
health sei'iices \\(‘l't' .itipriuii'lteit by MA
liet’atis'e the) \‘..‘tllit'il to do a sexual aware
ness program on campus llt't.ill.\t‘ they
wanted to do .i sexuiii tl»\.'tl't‘llt'\s program
on campus but oi (tittl'>»t' that item-r hap
peiiedf ’illllkllliillsiilil

Members oi ‘stl \ xi‘ta, :il~ wie phat riia

cy students iiiiall; not the pl'titil‘itlll oil the
ground, she said. “hit' 1 titllll kiiou ll they
L‘Ullbldt‘t‘ lllt'ttmt'ln's iii. Mia or
not "

.iriti «it

"They were iiist 'i iiiteii last si-ii.t-stei.
and they began their piouraitis this seiiies
tei'.’ Bi‘iiikiiiaii said they li.i\t \I‘lll out
letters to residenci- ltitilr ,ioioi itii s
nitiesaiidr-oiitiiiii'i-i sl't'lt'ifls

'.\ltt‘t‘ ‘M' t‘iitttai' The
ll‘Lllt't'lllltt'.\ titttl s:it ‘ll Uzi s
pl't‘St’lllilllitll aid it'll i iii‘ilxiell
ot KASl’ \\i- do t:i'}‘l’t‘ii‘ll..tlt‘l_\ tiio pro
iti‘auis per \u-ek t'.‘ '!i iii-t ‘l'. wai-iiiliei
use iiill ll;l\t’ More ‘ ‘
ii\'er Liltlpi'niv'i



they st hedtile .i


'.\;lli i‘_

the litttt:



PASS FANCY: Richie Farmer passes armed {Liv -; i
during the Blue-White game Tuesday mgr? it



UK botany professor teaches class

in unusual way, angers

B) SHARUV R.\'l’(‘lll’tll{l)
Senior Staff Writer

Willem {\leijer and his handful oi stu»
dents often walk past the sign proclaiming
"This is not a trail" into a part of Raven
Hun Nature Sanctuary closed to the public

“I think I have more rights” than the
general public. says Merier. who has been
bringing his botany students to the saric
tuary for years

There are certain plants in the closedrolt
areas that can't he found on the trails
Meijer explained

llis determination to teach students liy
his own methods has endeared him to
many students while alienating officials of
Raven Run.

His students from his graduate-level tax
unomy class said that they eiiioy the
hands ’iam i
at ltaieii ttizii \teier
on e\petiettte silltlt‘ltls
later \\l|t‘tt ‘he‘. set

'\ lot ill tuning} slltlllltl "l‘
pet‘ietti'e iiutstdi' \1t.!l‘1
outside 'ltaf s t"‘ii"\iiil:t‘

lle s
and iiarris tho
the general piilalit m ‘akt

the grown; Ilt'ltllltiili\ it

.i imitati-


"'iitti Mimi

Hum“ “'41 ,lfillll‘ it,» ‘li' ’tlt“~

I'I‘il 'utl' IL:

l'ltr tiaiiits


nift'tt' i ‘iit
;.it 'tl‘lll,\
lttl \. lit' «a»:
hands on ex
it s tit-uni

,iti-t ‘liiil
tie ditti'itat‘t

mint ;ii.’ii'i tol'

\t‘t'\ ”at-pot"
film: 7 \ i

cise 'tie with


'1.it‘\ ~ i‘i.ll‘li;_
"he .iiet
it \ siiiiiitisi t‘
ti.tl, ‘vllt'l't' in“ tig.
”ht-iii but their moth.
“'ll'itil {lttlius

si‘lttilils "tllllt' ‘t‘ > itii‘lttittW 'tt'tiw'
tilt! it\t'|l, .is\i~1.it;’. 'ati

1‘. l‘l'\ ‘lt‘i‘i

til'Jilhi itiiiifii,i,mi..1

V‘Ttltl‘l ‘,ts:‘o7\ llll'l'lliil\ .~,et’~‘
"llli'ltliilN \\ .'i , ‘ . f' "it mitt!

“‘llllflut‘ \Ititi'LJt'
=‘.lll.\t‘ ~lit‘k :i‘ t . ".lltfis

~.ill\ t ili‘.t‘\v'l
tsiiitiL: 'e
'l \t‘ii

hi tat-t \li'i'et’ tn
‘he rules t ":-
:ttil trails .m: ~‘l:

mission, i‘.

.iiiittll ‘iiitilttti;

i‘tioiii :ii-i

:\ it'ct'i


‘l‘lie tN'iithi \ltii n ‘1. ma «ttti‘d
‘klltil ‘.\t‘ {l't‘ iitltttL "l ‘i a ti
.tll titl\i\ilii.i minim it ‘iia:

l ‘11 dorm; there

'l‘lio re is

nt on s kilttti

\leiti'i “l'l'll itxiiiitiia'ui's iii
hHarri Hit 'iieii
ltaxeii litili,

iedueiii plants

:ii't t\t‘l'\
'it‘ll‘ii L ‘»iill\'\i

i'litii - Li»

>ll£ll.'.‘ \ ilisxi minim

\I'Rtll l \NIK. t' on ‘

Board wants health issue in special session

H) ('ll.\RliES WOI FF.
Associated Press

FRANKFURT. K) The state school
board yesterday jtllllt‘tl the call for tloy
Wallace Wilkinson to put the issue of state
health insUiaiice on the agenda for a spe
cial legislatiye session

Wilkinson has said he plans to call a spe

cial session 'llts ::.o:iili, iitit out} ‘o deal
with legislation t-ii-szatvtish .i state lottery

Tt‘dtllt'l's haw among the iiiost
\ocal critics Hi i Itt'\\ state sell iiistiiaiice
progi'aiii that took etti'i'l l'uesday lt en
tailed higher deductibles arid out oi pocket
e\peiise.s ioi .sil pattitipatiiiu state iini
ployecs .iiid 't'.ttllt‘ls plus lllilllt'l pi‘eiiii
unistor' :iiiily (“\t'liliit‘

'l‘he stateiiiiiit adopted to the



\it itlltliilf litill

Roam foi Elena-hint \ :lvl
' Twain-t

tillltlll said the tssiir is no list .i
ttlllt‘t‘l’ll. but is i par: i 'ii: 'Tiiiltll
tat-Hip,education iii l\t llillt m 'otttii.


\t a luncheon :iiii-tiiia Khtitl Itit‘lll
hers and Keiittiik}. l‘,tlllt'.tll'tt:

tepi'eseiitatiies ll'litti .iioiii.})l.'l'.' :ri
his \\or‘l\ 'l‘lte \etnnti lrrtt'tdrl. it
\\ltlt‘ll lid sheds his mask. I> more
solier‘ than the lll'\l and the
rt_\ I.\ lir'tt't\\\t-t" lru' rri~t -I\ cum:

slut'it's .ll‘tl


‘\l;in ther'lroarrt has or rurrurll:
.i lrllrllllllt' [)It't't Ilial lla‘ts .rzt It
In: lllt llurirlrolrlt \lrrrrr l‘l‘slr‘w'r
.\rt'.it.i ()rlrlornm rrr I‘m?
‘tlt‘t'l' um t'\|l.lll'lttl to -r\ tllll' :‘
ltll 'l w? .iirpr'o\rrr;.rtrl5 rrr

Ii'i» l' tiii lrt'r‘r‘ tit't'trr't'It-rl
iiirrrlir \‘u. t/er'l.irrr; not .r‘ \.:l

\rrrer :vnr' rrr::xv:~".e~

CCSS gecoer tree age-"es ee. body type~lree performances.
8:15 p.m: MRS JULIE] B'fg Theatre F-ne Arts Bldg This gripping play of sexual and class conllict
wt“ be, presented by the UK T."9d'_'€ Department ‘55 00 public. 400 students and KTA participants.











tltli.‘ rrrlti‘









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Alice Donut WlII is rolling into Lexington The group WIII be [)elIOllllllltl at Babylon Babyli _.~.

Alice Donut rolls into Babylon Babylon

.\Il(‘ll:\l~:l. I“ .l()\l‘1.\
Stall Writer

Next time )on 11- ll] a "llIIl‘t'
shop. instead (ll .lsklllti lUl' inst a
donut. ask for an :\Itl't‘ lioiitit

No. Alice Ilontil isn‘t .in imen
turn ()I llunkm Donuts in \llllll'
kinky sex to} .\Ilt‘l‘ linniil l:~
one of the hottest hands to come
from Alternatne 'l‘t-ntatlt-x
since the [lead Kennedy

Alice Donut has more in min
nion \tith those Illlllll'l’ lll.t,\lt‘l\
ol neii \HIH' than .t ll'l mm min
pun} Former Kennett) s Il'lIllI
man .Iello ltiali'a l\ IIll' l-l\t-t
ulne l’rmlni-er ot 'hi Inllt’I‘
lirst alhiitn. timtati ,. t. .

Dilltlif (tlllti"- .-\'i
ing deliul lor an). It.lIllI tail 1‘ ‘
e\ en more Ml \Khl'l‘ ~\uii . unsidei
that the mziinrili lit the tr!I~i;t't
was recorded Ill \e\ en Iii t1ll'.\

The music l.\ in the slllllt' tut.
.l.\ the Kennedy. ItUI ill.
are more Ill lnne ‘.\!IIl me \.n
lent Ventures than tlII‘JI‘tltLI
.IeIIn has e\ l‘l' ennkell tip

Lead \oizilist ’l‘iima» \ntnna
sings. "She likes IIll‘ last:- at
burning flesh ('anniiuils eat
their line lin .l \lll‘I-(i‘t' tor
romantic \lllIl Ill ,loan at
Arc ' I‘Iil.\\l\l 'I‘ed Ilonuhlon lI('
scribes IIII> as ”.in lIIIElViJIt’
t_\peiil song

i‘ l,~ ,l llIIi.l/'





Alice Donut will perform to-
night at Babylon Babylon
Tickets are $3. Bored and
Dangerous will open the
show at 10 pm.



l'liat ma) sound strange, IllII
aha! til” you expeet trnm n
hand that got their album IIIIl‘
trnm ii l’eter Framplon :illinnt

\l'e sort of make tun at that
ahule rock star trip \.‘lllI
llonghton ill a telephone lItIl'I'
‘. :e\\. "No one laughs at funk,”
mm, (mites tt'ite. lint alien 'xllli
pnt donut tll lrunt I)I it

,\ more sllIlt‘I‘ song on the
iilrti'tt l.\ Nltison Ree-«V I(l'l'\t'
was a \‘IllI!I star in the earlx Tits
Iliitiuhton said that he run :ni‘o
Ilees‘e. who “as \i'tit‘kiltl.‘ til a re
curd store. and lIl'l'ltit‘lI to tirite
a \ll'lflilIllillI him

l‘lie realism at .\I.‘iwll
lteese' l\ almost ('IllIItltL‘.
lIiitiuhlon takes over the lead
meals and sinus "You can \llII
\l-e Mason in the l‘nileruuod
ads at the Ililt‘k ot m_\ inmd «tr

ton l'Llll we \lasiin at the »
I‘lddie stole on the l liti-l \‘u »-
Side \tatelnna liar}. (M
and Emmanuel Lents lli n. .
him llltli‘Il will lam-rt w t;
llli‘iltt illil.‘

IIltllL‘Illlllt :'
\lIIILI.> .ll’t‘ t: ' ‘ "1

\\i' get
li'otn AIL” ..
piililti'.’ Ilt‘\.tt