xt75hq3rvb74 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75hq3rvb74/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19280314 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1928-03-mar14-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1928-03-mar14-ec. 1928 2011 true xt75hq3rvb74 section xt75hq3rvb74 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky for Wed- nesday, March 14, 1928. The Executive Committee met in regular monthly session in the President's Office at the University of Kentucky on Wednes- day, March 14, 1928. The following members were present: Judge R. C, Stoll, Mr. Robert Gordon, Mr. Frank McKee, Senator H. M. Froman. Frank L. McVey, president of the University, and Well- ington Patrick, secretary of the Board, were also present, The minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee were approved as published. 1. Report of the Business Agent, The report of the Business Agent was read and ordered filed. The report was as follows: Statement of Income and Expenditures Month of February 1928 Previously Reported Current Fiscal Month Year To Date General Fund Income Federal Appropriat ion Vocational Education Board State Department - Girls' Dorm. State Tax Interest on Liberty Loan Bonds Interest on Endowment, Bonds Student Fees Student Fees - Univ. H.S. Student Fees - Summer School Student Fees Univ. Exten. Miscellaneous Receipts Rentals Summer School - State Appro. Total 423750.00 6,031. 24 75,000 a 00 453,012.47 42,750.00 6,031.24 296,648.21 75,000.00 749,660.68 850.00 850.00 8 644. 50) 8 , 644. 50 57,339.62 54,292.70 111,s32.32 11,920.00 1,797.25 3,717.25 33,248.05 33,248.05 13,045.86 1,6180e6 14r664.72 5,1059.59 329b668 5,389.27 5,677.25 3,118.34 8,795.59 10,000.00 _10000.00 712,578.58 357 805904- 1,070.383.62 2. Expenditures Instruction Admin. Expense and Main. Additions and Betterments Total Excess of Income over Exp. Patterson Hall Income Board Miscellaneous Room Rent - Summer School Total Expenditures Expense Additions and Betterments Total Excess of income over Exp. General Fund Income General Fund Expenditures 410,798. 54 138,504.71 80 274.68 629,577.93 83,000.65 32,731.59 16.15 4,000.00 36,748.24 37,174.53 1,486.65 38,661. 18 (1,912.94) 749,326e82 668,239.11 63,892,55 14,274.69 11,303.94 892471. 18 288,333.86 15,775.00 11.46 15,786.46 6,638.15 115.00 6,753.15 9,033.31 373,591,50 96, 224.33 474a691.09 152,779.40 91,578.62 719,2049. 11 351 * 334. 51 48,506.59 27.61 47000.00 52,534.70 43,812.68 1 ,601 e 65 45,414.33 7,120.37 1,122,918.32 764,463.44 Excess of General Fund In- come over Expenditures Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for General Ledger Accounts Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - General Fund 81,087,71 14.549. 8Q *p ,637.51 277,367.17 18,410.37 295,777.54 358,454.88 32,960.17 391 ,415.05 Excess of Receipts over Ex, penditures for the fis. cal year to date - General Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1927 - General Fund Cash in Bank February 29, 1928 - General Fund 391,415.05 (702916.21) 320,498.84 3. Trust Fund Income Student Loan Fund Student Notes Paid Total Receipts Expenditures Expense Student Notes Total Excess of Receipts over Expenditures Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for the fiscal year to date - Trust Fund Cash in Bank July 1, 1927 - Trust Fund Cash in Bank February 29, 1928 - Trust Fund Experiment Station Income Hatch - Federal Appro, Milk and Butter - Cash Rec, Beef Cattle Sales Dairy Cattle Sales Sheep Sales Swine Sales Poultry Sales Farm Produce Sales Horticultural Sales Sedd Test Rentals Miscellaneous Fertilizer - Fees Public Service Laboratory - State Appro. Feeding Stuffs - Fees Adams - Federal Appro. Serum - Sales tf - Virus Sales - Supply Sales - _MIiiscellaneous State Appropriation Creamery - License Fees I - Testers Licenses It - Glassware Tested Robinson - State Appro. Western Ky.. - State Appro. Purnell - Federal Appro. State Appro.- Patterson Farm Purchase Nursery Inspection State Appro. 11,250.00 8,904. 56 5,889.25 732.50 1,136.21 1,293.30 1,720, 30 5,705.05 308.95 191.28 2,799.73 2,793.61 10,979.25 7,500.00 35,741.94 11,250.00 5,038.53 161.50 174. 60 42.08 30,553.92 5,991.00 22152.00 677.83 9,168.96 7,523.01 30,000 .00 10,375.00 1,455.27 11,250.00 1,299.72 10,204.28 27.58 5,916.83 40.00 772.50 1,136.21 57.85 1, 351 15 557.63 2,277..0D3 980.49 6,685.54 308.95 6.00 1 7t28 105.66 2,905.39 10.74 2P804.35 3,318.75 14,298.00 7,500.00 62026.12 41,768.06 11,250.,00 306.75 5,345.28 16.05 177.55 30.45 205.05 12.39 54.47 30 553.92 27.00 6,018.00 90.00 2,242.00 25.44 703.27 9,168*96 7,523.01 30,000.00 10,375.00 1,455.27 1,749.53 6,237.91 7,987.44 338.31 6,992.00 7,330. 31 657.13 77,79 756.02 833.81 117.00 13075.00 1 ,192.00 .(3 58. 19) 1,827.32 6,993.93 8,821.25 455.31 8,067.00 82522.31 298.94 298,94- 1,152.22 1,451.16 4. Nursery Inspection - Fees Miscellaneous Funds Total Expenditures Expense Additions and Betterments Total Excess of Expenditures over Income 1,152.02 5,000v00 217,661.65 40.00 1,192.02 52000200 12,978.62 20,64.027 200,496.38 24 ,753.64 11,231.07 3 65699 211,727.45 28,410.63 225,250.02 14,888.06 240,138.08 5,934.20 (15,432.01) (9,497.81) Excess of Expenditures over Income for the fiscal year to date - Experiment Station Cash in Bank July 1, 1927 - Experiment Station Cash in Bank July 1, 1927 - Experiment Station (9,497.81) 4,234.47 ( 5, 263. 34) Extension Division Income Federal Smith-Lever Federal Supplementary County and Other Total Expenditures Expense Excess of Expenditures over Income Excess of Expenditures over Income for the fiscal year to date - Extension Division Cash in Bank July 1, 1927 Extension Division Cash in Bank February 29, Extension Division 152,241.30 45,100.93 990.05 198,332.28 191, 535.66 152,241.30 45 , 100. 93 53.50 1,043. 55 53. 50. 198a385,c78 28,993.75 2202529.41 6,796.62 (28.940.-20 22,143.63) (22,143..63) 2,710.89 1928 - (19 3432,741 Summary General Fund Income Trust Fund Income Experiment Station Income Extension Division Income Total 749 ,326.83 12749.53 2175661e65 198,332.28 1 ,167,070.28 373MR,50 1,122,918.32 77.79 1,827.32 12,978.62 230,640c27 53.50 198 38578 3863701.41 1 553,771L69 5S General Fund Expenditures Trust Fund Expenditurues Experiment Station Expen. Extension Division Expen, Total 668,239.11 338.31 211,727.45 191,535.66 1,071 A840.53 96,224.33 764,463.44 117.00 455.31 28,410.63 240,138.08 28,993.75 220 _,529.41 153,745.71 1i225.586.24 Excess of Income over Expenditures 95,229.75 Excess of Receipts over Ex- penditures for General Ledger Accounts 14,549.80 Student Loan Fund - Notes (7G4.09) Excess of Receipts over Expen- ditures for the fiscal year to date - Combined Fund 109,025.46 232,955.70 18,410.37 (318X98) 251, 047.09 328,185.45 32,960.17 (1,073.07 360 ,072.5r- Excess of Receipts over Expen- ditures for the fiscal year to date - Combined Fund Cash in Bank and on hand July 1, 1927 - Combined Fund Cash in Bank and on hand February 29, 1928 - Combined Fund 360,072.55 ( 60 , 818.6It 299., 25el . 2 _ _,j Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and Expendi- tures .as "Excess of Receipts over Expenditures for General Led- ger Accounts $32,959.97"1. Deb it Accounts Receivable Insurance Paid in Ad- vance Sundry Accounts Credit 26,099.96 1,842.34 1,842.34 8,702.35 34,802.31 1 a842.34 32,959.97 6. 2. Budget for 1928-1929. President McVey discussed with the Executive Committee the provisions of the budget for 1928- 1929, and gave the Board an estimate of the income of the Uni- ve-sity for next year. He stated that he hoped to have the details ready for the meeting of the Board of Trustees in April. 3. Legislative Matters. President McVey indicated to the Board that there were two or three bills now in the legislature affecting the University, These bills are; firsts the budget which carries a special appropriation of $300,000 over last year for the University to be used for building purposes. Second, Senate Bill 83 which provides for the erection of buildings on University property on an amortization basis. In addition there is a bill making a provision for the sale of land 'oA Board of Trustees. This bill is designed to enable the University to sell some of the small tracts of land, or buildings, on the campus which are no longer needed in the service of the institu- tion. 4, April Meeting of the Board, The Executive Committee fixed the meeting of the Board of Trustees for Tuesday, April 17, 1928. 5 Bids for Cafeteria Equipment.. Motion was made, seconded, and carried, authorizing the President of the University to pro- cure bids on cafeteria equipment. 6. Report on Memorial Buildingp. President McVey reported that there were funds on hand at the present time for the erectiou-. of the Memorial Building amounting to approximately $^D99,422. He indicated that outstanding pledges will possibly produce $15,000 to $30,000, and that the total cost of the building com- plete will be in the neighborhood of $130,000. 7. Departmental Libraries. On recommendation of President MicVey a motion was made, seconded and carried providing that hereafter no Department may establish a departmental library except with the written consent of the President of the University, on recommendation of the Library Committee. 8. Purchase of Trucks. Motion was made, seconded and car- ried that the University be authorized to purchase two trucks; one for the delivery of mail on the campus and one for the de- livery of milk for the Experiment Station. 9. Appointments, Resignations, Leaves of Absence, The fol- lowing list of appointments, resignations and leaves of absence was recommended by President icVey and on motion duly seconded, approved. 7. Appointments Appointment of E. J. Asher as instructor in Psychology for the year 1928-1929, at a salary of $2,000.00. Appointment of Joe King as graduate assistant in Chemistry at a salary of t250.00. Appointment of Joe Palmer as graduate assistant in English for the second semester at a salary of $150.00. Appointment of Franklin H. Byars, Assistant County Agent, Franklin County, effective February 1 to December 31, 1.928, at a salary of lO00.00 a month. Appointment of Carl W. Jones, Assistant County Agent, Logan County, effective February 14 to June 30, 1928, at a salary of $125,00 a month. Appointment of J. E. Summers, County Agent, Marion County, effective February 7, 1928, to February 6, 1929, at a salary of $183-1/ 3 a month. Continuation of employment of W. B. Howell, County Agent, Oldham County, effective February 11 to Ileoembei 31, 1.928, at a salary of $200.00 a month. Continuation of employment of R. H. Lickert, County Agent, Fleming County, effective February 11, 1928, to February 10, 1929, at a salary of $200.00. Continuation of employment of D. B. Redman, County Agent,. Greenup County, effective February 15, 1928, to February 14, 1929 at a salary of $150.00 a month. Continuation of employment of D. D. Roberts, County Agent, Trimble County, effective February 1, 1928, to February 16, 1929 at a salary of $150.00 a month. Continuation of employment of R. V. Trosper, County Agent, Breathitt County, effective January 1 to December 31, 1928, at a salary of $183-l/3 a month. Continuation of employment of W. E. Weems, Oounty Agents Larue County, effective February 1, 1928, to January 31, 1929, at a salary of $150400 a month. Increase in Salary Increase in salary of Mr. A. J. McFadden, foreman of the poultry farm, effective March 1., 1928, from $14O0 to 1500 a year. This is an adjustment to cover amount previously allowed for fuel and light. Re s ignat ions Resignation of Miss Irene Piedalue, field agent in home economics, effective at the close of business February 29, 1928. Resignation of Miss Ruby Guyn, clerk in the department of Farm Economics, effective February 15, 1928. Leaves of Absence Leave of absence for two months without pay was granted Miss Margaret Tuttle. Sabbatical leave of absence was granted to Professor Carol Sax for the year 1928-1929. Respectfully submitted, Wellington Patrick, Secr.etr y Board of Trustees