xt75hq3rvc9v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75hq3rvc9v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19270304  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March  4, 1927 text The Kentucky Kernel, March  4, 1927 1927 2012 true xt75hq3rvc9v section xt75hq3rvc9v THE KENTUCKY KERNEL





Stroller Meeting


University Players to Meet
Monday to Discuss Play

Junior Northern Trip Will
tend From April
Southern Is From April


25-3- 0;







March 31 to April 8 Is Date Set
For Annual Senior Engineer Trip
Plans for the twenty-eight- h
inspection trip and the seventh
annual junior inspection trips of the
College of Engineering have been completed. The senior trip "will be con
ducted by Dean r . faul Anderson,
Professors W. E. Freeman, D. V. Terrell, J. B. Dicker and L. S. O'Bannon.
They will leave Lexington on March
31 and return on Anril 8.
The juniors, according to custom,
will divide into two groups sonje of
them going north and the others going south. The northern trip which
extends from April 25 to 30, will be
conducted by Professor Robert D.
Hawkins. The southern trip, super- vised by Professors C. S. Crouse and
L. C. Robinson, will extend from April
24 to May 1.
Sealers jLeare March 31
The seniors will leave Lexington on
Thursday, March 31, and will spend
Friday and Saturday in Pittsburg
and vicinity where they expect to
visit plants of the Westinghouse
Electric and Manufacturing Company, the American Bridge Company,
and the H. J. Heinz Company. They
will spend Sunday and Monday in
Niagra Falls, will visit the Niagra
Falls Power Company, both the main
power station and one of the substations. They will also see the model
of the Falls which shows the effect
of proposed modifications in stopping

Election Is to Be Held Tuesday
at End of Fourth Hour in
Jornalism Classroom in
Science Building






The annual election of officers for
The Kernel to serve for the term
1927-2- 8
will be held Tuesday at the
end of the fourth hour in Professor
'Grehan's classroom . The staff elec- iea win taKe oince auuui u- ium




And still the university R. 0. T. C.
unit is without one of its chief sponsors. Three elections have already
been held, several weeks have been
spent in holding such elections, and
yet the first battalion is without its
An unusual combination of the uni
versity and fate has conspired to
bring about this
On Monday, February 14, the advanced corps met in Dicker hall and
elected their regimental and battalion
sponsors. Misses Lucille Short and
Thelma Snyder were chosen battalion
sponsors. But alas! immediately after
the election it was discovered that the
newly chosen regimental sponsor was
ineligible for the office as she
failed to make a standing for the
first semester.
Straightway the military depart
ment strove to conduct another elec

Exercises Held in Journalism
Department Sunday Afternoon in Charge of Edward O'Neel




Kentucky Chapter of Sigma Delta
Chi, national professional fraternity,
was installed at the University of
Kentucky at 4:30 o'clock Sunday af
ternoon on the university campus by
Edward O'Neel, of the Indianapolis
Times. He was assisted by Philip
Maxwell, of the Louisville Courier
Journal, Elmer Sulzer, band director
at the University of Kentucky and
All the
J. Kenneth Gregory.
installing officers, with the exception
Mr. Gregory, are alumni of De- of
Pauw University, the mother chapter
of the fraternity.
The Henry Watterson Press Club
was an outgrowth of Alpha Delta Sigma fraternity which served as the
journalism fraternity of the universi
ty. The purpose of this club was to
petition Sigma Delta Chi. It was ac
cepted into the national fraternity at
the national convention of the Sigma
Delta Chi held in Madison, Wis., last
Kenneth Grfory of the
press club at this convention was initiated into "the Sigma Delta Chi fraternity.
Sigma Delta Chi is regarded as one
of the highest professional honors in
the journalism colleges and universities of the country. It is ranked with
Tau Beta Pi, the engineering frater
nity; Kappa Delta Pi, the education
honorary fraternity, and the other
fraternities that propose to raise the
scholastic and professional standards.
The members of the Press Club,
admitted into the fraterity were:
W. A. Price, Frank K. Hoover, Delos
Nooe, James
Shropshire, Hunter
Moody, John R. Bullock, Niel Plum-meLawton Stokley, Edgar T. Hig-giand Ted McDowell.

Southern Basketball
Tournament an Affair of
Upsets; Vandy Wins Title
From Georgia in Finals


Dr. W. D. Funkhouser, secretary of
the Southern Conference and chairman
of the Athletic Council of the university, returned Monday night from
Atlanta, Ga., where he attended the
annual Southern Conference basketball tournament and was present at
an executive meeting of the confer

Dr. Funkhouser who reports an en
joyable trip, says that the tourna
ment was the biggest upset of years.
North Carolina and Maryland, picked
to be the strongest teams of the tournament dropped out of the play early.
Georgia, a dark horse, advanced to the
finals and fought it out with Vanderbilt for the conference championship.
Vanderbilt emerged victors after an
exceedingly tight game. Dr. Funk
houser adds that North Carolina has
won every other tournament but one,
and the Kentucky Wildcats took that

The conference arrived at a con
clusion in regard to spring football
games. Attention was called to Article seven, Section one, of the 1927
Southern Conference Constitution and
which says, "The football
season shall close the second Saturday
following Thanksgiving and no member of this conference shall engage
in any intercollegiate football game


Next Convouon Is
Wednesday, March




Will Study Russia
Appropriate Books Are Collected
for Student Organization


In connection with the study of
Russia which is to take place this
month under the auspices of the student organization recently formed on
the camnus to nromote better under
standing of other countries, Miss
Margaret King has arranged a collection of representative books on
These books will be placed on a
table in the main library and will be
available for circulation. The list
includes fiction, history, travel, and
biography, as well as works on Rus
sian music, art and drama.
It is hoped that during March, students of the university will make a
special effort to read books on
sia and by Russians', and so familiar
ize themselves more thoroughly with
conditions in that country.


Dr. Edwin Mims, of Vanderbilt
University, will be in Lexington to address the students and faculty of the
university at a convocation to be held
in the men's gymnasium at the fourth
hour Wednesday, March 9.
Dr. Mims, who is one of the out
standing men of the South, and au
thor of "The Advancing South" has
chosen for his subject "The .Changing
South." He was one of the speakers
at the installation of Phi Beta Kappa
honorary scholarship fraternity, here
last year.
All fourth hour classes will be dismissed on Wednesday and a large
number of the students and faculty
are expected to hear Dr. Mims.
Music will be furnished by the uni
versity quartet.


There will be a called meeting of
Omicron Delta Kappa Saturday at
12 o'clock in the university cafeteria.
All members are requested to attend
as the meeting is very important.

Many and Mighty Are the Feats
The "Bull Session," King of Indoor Sports, Retains Its Place
in Students' Favor; College Would Not Be What
It . Is, But for This Interesting



Age" of college life as it should
sat that this description is written.

in a collegiate
old college institution, that of the
I do not refer to the
mere exchange of tawdry stories in
which college men are wont to indulge
at times but the genuine
talkfest in which everyone
and very little is said. What would
college life be without them?
For the benefit of those who have
not read "The Plastic Age" I will attempt to hold forth instructively on
iie auLiiur oi
fy that monumental work may or may
.not have known what it was all about
when he wrote the remainder of it
but he certainly knew
'.. It is to save anyone who may have
any curiosity in that direction the
chagrin of reading in the "Plaetic








For the ideal "bull session" one
must have a number of young men,
varying in mental age from freshman
to seniors, and a room large enough
to hold them comfortably. Fill the
room with tobacco smoke and the con
ditions are satisfied. A
may be distinguished from any ordi
nary gathering of college youths by
the masks of gravity on the faces of
the participants. Such serious busi
ness requires a solemn countenance
and such is assumed.
The subject for discussion in sevenper cent of all college
is either women or relig
ion. The fact that they know nothing
about either nor can they ever know,



tion. Again fate conspired against
the embryonic soldiers for this time
no girl got a majority.
that the third time works the charm,
and naturally optimistic, the military
department called another election
for regimental sponsor.
This time fate was more fortunate.
A regimental sponsor was chosen
with a clear majority, and she had a
standing in the university. But she
was none other than Miss Lucille
Short and her selection made a vacancy in the sponsorship of the first
battalion. Such in brief is the sad
history explaining why the first battalion is still without a sponsor.
But the military department is even
yet optimistic. It is conducting an
election today among the advanced
corps members to choose a successor
to Miss Short as sponsor for the first
battalion. And it has high hopes that
before another sun is set behind the

Will Be Held Tomorrow Afternoon in Man's Gym
The third of the series of Cadet
Hops, sponsored by the Advanced
Corps of the university regiment,
will be held Saturday afternoon in
the Men's gym from 3 to 6 o'clock.
The music will be by "Peck's Bad



Students Question Themselves
as Library Records Show
200 Students Are on
Delinquent List




Miss Alway of Ohio State Is
Speaker at W.A.A. Meeting
Held in Women's Gym


More than 200 students are on the
library delinquent list which is posted
on the inner door of the Carnegie li
brary for the edification of the erring
one. All of those whose names are
posted owe the library sums ranging
from 15 or 20 cents to "goodness
knows what" as the librarian naively
expressed it when questioned by one
of The Kernel news hounds.
Further investigation into the mat
ter of delinquent book borrowers at
the university revealed that the library is put to much trouble and ex
pense each year by the keeping of
Notice mailed three
days after the day on which a book
is due are regarded 'by the majority
of students as "just another scrap of
paper" and a second "notice the following week has not so far been
blessed with a great influx of returning delinquent books. The final notice
sent to students for keeping book
is a gentle reminder that a
percentage may be deducted from the
standing of those who comixiit that
which is so obviously a "faux pas"
in the librarian optic.
Fines paid by students each, day
do not- reach an. astounding figure at
2 cents for each day a book is kept


Offer $75 Prize to

Students for Essay

Subject Is "International Relations" ; Contestants Must
See Prof. J. C. Jones
Professor J. C. Jones, head of. the
political science department of the
university, has just announced that
a new prize of ?75 is to be awarded
this semester by his department.
The prize is to be given to the student
in the Arts and Sciences College who
writes the best essay on "Interna
tional Relations."
The subject offers a wide range for
treatment and it is expected that a
great number of students will
All persons desiring to enter the con
test have until May 1 to hand in
their essays. It is advisable that the
essays be long enough to cover the
subject thoroughly, and yet be con
cise and to the point.
The judges for the comust will be
the members of the International
Relations Committe of the university
who will award the prize as soon af
ter May I as the prize winner can be
agreed upon.





Miss Lenore Alway, of Ohio State
University, spoke to the girls of the
university on "The W. A. A. in Ohio
State," in the women's gymnasium,
Wednesday afternoon just before the
awarding of the W. A. A. pins. Miss
Alway, who was brought here under
the auspices of the local W. A. A.,
was introduced by Miss Mabel Hill,
president of the organization.
Miss Alway said that the W. A. A.
was one of 124 organizations of sim
ilar type, all of which were under the
jurisdiction of a national A. C W.
She traced the development of 'athletics for girls in Ohio State, and"a"d-de- d
that their main' sports were
hockey, archery, basketball, swimming, golf and bowling. Miss Alway
said that as an experiment this year,
the point system in the W. A. A. had




with a plea for all girls to come out
for athletics.
Rifle Instruction Begun
Following Miss Alway's talk, the
rifle manager announced that preliminary instruction in rifle would begin
next Tuesday night at 7:15 in the
woman's gymnasium. She urged all
girls who had not reported for pre
(CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT) liminary instruction to do so at this
Miss Skinner said that each girl
who had earned 250 points in the
W. A. A. was entitled to wear the
W. A. A. pin, and she made the
Dr. A. W. Taylor of Indianapolis awards at this time. Those who re
ceived pins are: Georgia Alexander,
Tells of Conditions in
Eleanor Beggs, Bessie Boghton, Cath
erine Califf, Kathleen Carlton, Vir
Dr. A. W. Taylor, sociologist of ginia Ebert, Katherine Foster, Luetta
Indianapolis, Ind., speaking at Dicker
hall on Wednesday afternoon on the (CONTINUED
subject "Industry" expressed the belief that the revolutionary government
will make Mexico a greater country
Six Members
in the next few years.
Dr. A. W. Taylor has traveled exPledges Are Admittensively in Mexico and is said to Advertising
ted into Alpha Delta Sigma
have a thorough understanding' of
at Meeting
the people in that country. In his
speech he said, "The new constitu
Formal initiation of the six pledges
tion will work better for the interest
of the coutry." The cause of disturb- of Alpha Delta Sigma, national honances in Mexico was attributed by him orary advertising fraternity, was held
yesterday evening, following a banqto the American oil interests.
uet which was held at the Lafayette
The speaker stated that more stress hotel.
should be put on putting the executive
The six pledges who were initiated
function in the hands of experts. He are: Phillips Glenn, Fred Conn, Bill
argued that is imperative that the Luesing, Virgil Couch, Hayden Ogden
executive arms be strong and also and Charles Honaker.
be patriotic. He also reminded the
Formal pledging for these men was
the people of the fact that the real held last Thursday night, February
Republican government had only been 24th, in
the offices of The Kernel.
established less than 15 years. It is
Robert Warren, who was recently
to be remembered he told the auditors,
elected president of the fraternity,
that the Mexicans lacked real pnvi after the resignation of James Shropleges and have 'few land owners in
pledging sershire, presided at
this country. Because of this the vices. The active the
members are as
country is advancing rapidly.
Robert Warren, Hunter
Moody, Francis Watson, Delos Nooe,
o- o James Shropshire and the new initiates.

Speaker at University

Dr. Noe Lectures
Beauty of Art Discussed
School Lecture

at High

Prof. J. T. C. Noe, of the College of
Education at the university and poet
laureate of Kentucky, spoke Thursday morning at 9:35 o'clock at Lexington Senior High school.
The subject of Dr. Noe was "The
Beauty of Art." The lecture is one
of the series being given the high
school students on art.
Dr. Noe discussed various painty saw
ings and works of art which
while on his recent trip to I'urope.
The public was invited.

Honorary Fraternity



Out of the Past






How Much?


Third Cadet Hop

Boys," an
Season coupon books are good for
verdant hills to the west of the unithis dance. Tickets for this hop
versity, it will be able to announce wil be on sale at the door and may
that its cast of sponsors is combe bought by those not having seaplete.
son tickets, for 50 cents.
Sponsors chosen for the six comThe committee in charge of this
panies in the university regiment are: hop is composed of Watson Arma
Company A Bernice Edwards,
strong, Bill Richards, and Charles
Beach, Fla.; Company B Helen Heidrick.
Fagley, Burnside; Company C Margaret Thompson, Lexington; Company E Louise Dyer, Morganfield;
Company F D'Allis Chapman, Morganfield; and Company G Elizabeth
Hall, Lawrenceburg.
"Colonel" Short has won a number
of honors in the two years she has
been at the university. Last year she
was sponsor for Company A in the Henrietta Blackburn and Harry
McChesney to Take Leads
R. 0. T. C. At the present time she
of the sophomore
in Annual Production of
class. She is a member of SuKy
Dramatic Club
circle and of Chi Omega national socsorority. Miss Short's home is in TO GIVE PLAY IN1 APRIL


All students expecting to graduate
in June are requested to make application for their degree not later than
March 15. As the lists for the commencement program are made from
these cards, it is very important that
all applications are on file in the Registrar's office by the above mentioned
EZRA L. GILLIS, Registrar


of Kentucky's Spanish Athletes

How long has it been since you



staff are urged to be present at the
The. officers to be elected are:
managing editor, and
business manager. Other member of
the news and business staffs are ap9
pointed by these officers.
The staff of The Kernel is divided Dr. Mims Will. Speak
at Fourth
into three departments: news, busiHour on "The Changing
ness and mechanical. The news is
editor-in-chie- f,

KY., MARCH 4, 1927

Miss Lucille Short Is Final Choice of Advanced Corps for Regimental Sponsor This Year; Her
Election Leaves the First Battalion of the University Regiment Without Its Sponsor and Another Meeting Is Scheduled for Today to Meet This Situation; All Company Sponsors Have Been Selected

tion with the spring play.
for the spring play
have been held under the direction
of Edward Saxon, professor of expression at Transylvania. The cast
has now been selected and is announced elsewhere in this issue.
The play that has been chosen
for the production is "The Truth
About Blayds" by A. A. Milne.



University and Fate Conspire to Mae Elections
of Sponsors Arduous Task; All But One Chosen

The regular Stroller meeting will
be held Monday afternoon at 4
o'clock in the Little Theater and
all members are asked to be present as there is very important business to be attended to in connecTry-ou-



Dean Returns

(Taken from 1922 files of The Kernel)
Annual hi eh school basketball tour Miss Blanding Attends Confernament opens today with sixteen
ence at Dallas, Texas
boys' teams and ten girls teams contesting for the state championship
Dean Sarah G. Blanding has just
returned from Dallas, Texas, where
Announcement is made that the she attended the conference of the
university debating team will debate National Association of Deans of
representatives of Harvard on April Women. Among the interesting fea16 concerning: the Allied War debt, tures of the convention was the dinner given by the Kentucky Club honStudents are elated over victory of oring Miss Blanding and Miss Hilda
university m legislative action re- Threlkeld, of Hamilton College.
Miss Dorothy Stimson, who is
storing $120,000 of S160.000 sheared
from its budget by the budget com- known in Lexington as the former
dean of women at Transylvania, was
mission report.
national president of the
Announcement is made by Strollers, association. Miss Stimson is at presdramatic club of the university, of ent dean of women at Goucher Col
the cast selected for "The Thirteenth lege, Maryland.
Chair," the annual spring production.
Paul Adkins, star center of the
The Rafinesque Botany Club will
Wildcat basketoers, is selected
forward at the Southern meet in White hall on Tuesday eve
ning, March 8, at 7:30 o'clock.
Conference turnament.


and Harry

McChesney will take the leading parts
in "The Truth About Blayds," the

play selected for their annual spring
production by Strollers, according to
an announcement made by Addison
Yeaman, director of the university
dramatic club. The cast was selected
continuing for more
than a week and in which approxithirty-fiv- e
students of the university tried out.
The cast announced for the play
is as follows:
Oliver Blayds Harry McChesney.
Isabel Blayds (his younger daughter) Henrietta Blackburn.
(His eldest
daughter) Mary Virginia Hailey.
(His son-i- n
law) Bennie Van Meter.
(His grandson) Leonard Weakley.
L. Royce William Durbeck.
Only two members of the cast,
Henrietta Blackburn and Harry McChesney, have ever taken part in
Stroller productions and in the
they were selected by the judges
for the leading roles. Miss Blackburn is from Frankfort and is a
sophomore in the College of Arts and
Sciences and a member of Chi Omega
sorority. Mr. McChesney is also from
try-ou- ts



Three Debaters Are Scheduled

For Tonight;


Match to Be Sent Out




Naf to Represent Kentucky in
State Meet; Girls to
Be Chosen

The debating teams of the uni
versity will be busy tonight when the
members of the teams will take part
in three debates which are scheduled
to start at 8 o'clock.
The subject of the first debate will
be a proposition advocating the ex
tension of the
week through
out all industry and will bring togethChicago-KeCollege of Law
er the
and the University of Kentucky. Kentucky will take the affirmative side
of the question involved and will be
represented by John Y. Brown. J. C.
Burnett, and W. H. Hanratty. This
contest will be broadcast over WMAQ,
the Chicago Daily News sending sta
In the second debate of the evening Kentucky will oppose Berea
College in a debate to be held at the
Kentucky's representatives in this contest are Alfred Naf
and T. E. Skinner. At this same
time James O. Baker and W. B. Graham will be at Danville, meeting the
representatives of Centre College.
The proposition of both questions is,
"Resolved, That A Federal Department of Education Should Be Created
With a Secretary in the President's
Michigan State College will debate







grand-daughte- r)



try-ou- ts


Two Associates Also Taken in at
Meeting Held in Chemical
Laboratory of Kastle
Hall Last Thursday
At a meeting of Sigma Xi, honorary

scientific fraternity of the university, held Friday evening, February
26, in the chemical
laboratory of
Castle hall three men were elected to
Prof. W. S. Webb,
Prof. D. V. Terrill, and Dr. G. C. Bas-se- tt.

Associate members taken in
were Francis Roberts and R. K. Flege.
Be Monday chemicalmeeting was conducted by the
group. C. S. Crouse of the
All Men Interested in Game Are College of Engineering spoke on "Low
Temperature Carbonization of Coal."
Urged to Attend Meeting
Prof. C. Barkenibus delivered a talk
on Monday
on "Industrial Aspects of Organic
Chemistry" and Dr. R. N. Maxson
A meeting will be held Monday, concluded the evening with a talk on
March 7, at 2:30 o'clock in the Varsity room at the Men's gymnasium (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT)
for those who wish to report for
practice on the varsity and freshmen
Flagbaseball teams and for sophomores
intrested in trying oat for manager
of the varsity baseball team, according Has Been Designed and Is Being
to an announcement made by "Daddy"
Made for R.O.T.C. Unit
Boles, athletic director at the University of Kentucky and William RichThe Reserve Officers
ards, baseball manager.
Corps, of the University of Kentucky,
Pitchers and catchers of the varsity is soon to have a regimental flag,
to Colonel H. P. Hobbs.
team were to start practices last
Tuesday but owing to the death of
A full size coat of arms of the
the father of Coach Pat Devereaux, university has been painted by Lawof Lexington, practice was delayed rence Cammack, student in the art
until Monday, February 28.
department, under the supervision of
The letter men who are to report Professor C. M. Sax, and this is now
for practice are the following: Bache, in the possession of the Pettibone
Charles Wert, pitcher; Manufacturing Company at CincinCrouche, "Swede" Ericson and Mayo nati, Ohio, for an estimation of the
cost of making the flag.
The regimental flag will have the
The following games have been
coat of arms in the center, with a
background of solid blue. The words,
April y Michigan at Lexington.
Training Corps"
Georgia Tech at At "Reserve Officers
will appear directly underneath the
coat of arms.
Georgia at Athens.
April 4
April 18 Illinois at Lexington.
The university has never before had
April 23 Notre Dame at Lexing- suitable colors for outdoor ceremonies,
and this flag will be a much needed
April 25 Minnesota at Leixngton, addition to equipment of the military
May 6
Tennessee at Lexington. department.

for Baseball

Try-ou- ts

Manager to







New Bachelors Club Is Mystery
That's Unique in Campus History
Vague Rumors Float in Circulation ; Kentucky Indulges
Speculation; Fair Co-eAre Ready to Shout
'Cause They Can't Find Out What
It's All About



and ridiculous. However, they say
they mean it.
So far we have been unable to discover what are the prerequisites to
membership in the newest and most
exclusive organization. Its purposes
and activities are shrouded in mystery. Its membership is limited to
ten. The theme behind it all, how
are entirely assauged.
It seems that a number of our ever, seems to be, "Down with the
young campus males have determined Women."
The organization began its activi
to free themselves entirely from the
inveiglements of the opposite sex. ties by utilizing various sorority
With the inspired cynicism of a house parlors for call meetings.
Schopenhauer (a philosopher who Bribes, stool pigeons, detectives and
was thrown down by a Viennese spies have accomplished nothing as
waitress) they have aligned them- far as discovering what these solemn
selves against all women, collegiate conclaves are about. Do these seror otherwise. They have even gone ious young males meditate the downso far as to organize and dub them- fall of female supremacy? Do they
selves "The Bachelor Club," a step
which we women consider foolhardy

By the means of our journalistic
curiosity we have just discovered
something which we can't wait to
Of course it's a setell everybody.
cret but that doesn't keep us from
telling it in such a round about way
that the pangs of outraged conscience





Subscribe for
And Help the Association


At a recent meeting of the members
of the Buffalo, Alumni Club of the
University of Kentucky it was decided
that this year the club would increase
its service to the graduates of the
University. Since in the past mainly
those men who had been graduated
from the College of Engineering of
the University of Kentucky had gone
to Buffalo, the whole club was familiar with those openings for graduates
which were along engineering. Hence
the placing of engineering graduates
was the main activity of the club
along this line. This year it is the
plan of the club to extend this assistance to the graduates from the
other colleges of the University.
In this field the Buffalo Club long
has been active. Each year some of
the members of the graduating class
of the University of Kentucky have
found positions in Buffalo through the
activities of the club. This placement service has been one of the maThe injor activities of the club.
creasing of the service to include
those graduates from the other colleges is a step in advancement for
the club.
The placing of graduates of the
University of Kentucky should be one
of the major activities of every club
and Alumni organization and it is an
activity that offers a great field of
service for the Univresity. Each year
there are young men and women graduated from the six colleges of the
University of Kentucky who are fitted
for almost every calling and profession. They are young men and women who in the future will bring credit
and fame to the University of Kentucky and the state.
In this placement service the Alumni who live in Kentucky should also
take a most active part. It is for
them to find positions for the graduates within the state. This will not
only benefit the graduate and university but in the end will be of great
benefit to the state. The major portion of each graduating class should
be kept in Kentucky for the good of
the state and its advancement.

Some time ago we asked, through
these columns, for a number of life
Placement Service to Be Inmembers in the Alumni Association
creased to Take in Other
of the University of Kentucky. No
Than Engineering Colactive campaign has been launched as
lege Graduates
yet. The appeal has been entirely
through the Alumni columns of The PRESIDENT
Kernel. Of the advantages much has
been said. There are great advan
The Buffalo Alumni Club of the
tages for both the individual mem- - Alumni Association of the Univeroer ana me association as wu aneauj sity of Kentucky, long one of the
have set forth. However, we here at most active of the Alumni clubs, has
this office see only one side of the taken another forward step in its
question apparently, so we are here- march toward 100 percent efficiency
by inviting all of you to express your as an organization. It long has been
the practice of the Buffalo Alumni
opinion of the plan and make sug- Club to place a
few engineering colgestions as to how best to go about lege graduates each year in Buffawork of the campaign. We know lo. However in the future men from
that there are many of you who are colleges other than the College of
interested in the matter and who Engineering will be placed by the
could make suggestions that would be club if the present plans of the orof untold value to us in this effort ganization are carried out.
This decision came after a meetfor the association.
ing held February 18 with President
In every campaign of any kind there Frank L. McVey the guest of honor.
always is a preliminary effort to raise The meeting was in the form of a
a nest egg before the active campaign dinner given by the club at the BufA report from
is launched. Here is where a great falo Athletic Club.
many of you can come in and give the club says, "Dr. McVey gave a
us a lift. If we had a number of very interesting talk on the history
life memberships coming in, in the of the University and also outlined
near future it would be a great help the progress made there in the last
few years as well as its
amwhen the first real appeal is made. bitions. It is a pleasure future us to
you make yourself a know
Why not each of
Dr. McVey personally and to
committee of one in your own town get such first hand information reand see to it that we get at least one garding our Alma Mater. We hope
life membership out of your town
that he will be able to be with