xt75hq3rw001 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75hq3rw001/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky 1895 directories  English J. "Hub" Prather Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Lexington City Directories Prather's Directory of the City of Lexington, Kentucky. August, 1895. text Prather's Directory of the City of Lexington, Kentucky. August, 1895. 1895 2013 true xt75hq3rw001 section xt75hq3rw001  'l$¥"=" » ‘  ‘ " " ` Fi I  
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.j§:;§- Q°,,§g rp   3 CAPITAL STOOK, $400,000. SURPLUS, $|45,000,   l
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    `· - 2 Chartered to adt as Exccutor. A.(l`lll|.llSi ·ator, Trustee, Guardian
  fri ‘ ) g · Assignee, Committee, Receiver, Agent. Etc., Etc., and rorehg ·  
 {  l — . Q Faithful Performance of All Such Duties, all its (7.¤pital,°ai1d i
‘  .l:{i§i"  { aj Surplus are liable. ‘ g
- ’   , V, 2 All Trust Investments are kept separate and apart from the (
    ‘ AQssegs_ot`-tlie Company, and the funds of each trust account are ( I
 fl  Q      A keptigéeparate in bank. .
  I ·y_    Inccines collected and remitted. _· 1 _ _ — I
·   · *4 . gr`   Safes in its Fire and Hu.·glar·Pro0f` Vaults‘f'0r’ rent, at; from .85 .  
  =§ Ilia? .,  _ ,_ , . to $20 per year according to size and location.   ( ‘
.       , _"   · VVILLS receipted for and kept ‘u*itliout.cbarge_in the Safety · g l
.        __ . y 3 `¥`·& ,,,_  Vault, Subject to the maker’s ordete - ‘ ‘ ’
  fg fj     Separate clepaqitlnieiit for the management and sale of real estate,
    '     Fa, collection 0f` 1·ef1,t§`:pa§;g;.nt of taxes, insurance, etc., and making
jig?}    i     ; ” repairs under the direction of a co1npetent°and skilled superinten- ·
 iigl 5 E ‘   ` V- fdent. ·
    `_   A _,   'Gold and silver plate, deeds, mortgaveg, etc., received for safe i g _
  * i · —` ,,1 _ keeping under guarantee.   Q
  r     i . Real estate paper secured by first}, xyrtgage, land notes and
'   A 1     · , securities suitable for investment of trust funds always on hand `
  ,_ it   and for sale. F _
 "l  i- _ OF F I CERS . .
  Q   _ · E, D. SAYRE, Pres;. J AS. A. HEADLEY, Vice Pres’t. _
  ,- ·_   . ,· I IV. L. THRELKELD, Sec. and Treas.
   ;_· y 5 H. M. SKILLMAN, Supt. of Vaults. . .
 EQ-   _ , __;Q _ DIRECTORS. ,
. ,_g§gl t§   ·t§_ j R. T. Anderson, J. IV. Appleton, ti James A. Headley, (-
.   · _   pf A SE Bassngt, H. {$6 glaiili, I goiip   C-ileman, -‘
 ,·l;, l,, ,,— i WV. H. asse , . 7. mma, .. .¤raves, y .'
§gg;_§fhf[§ ·a~“ . gi,   J, D. Hunt,. IV. Ix. Massie, WV. E. McCann,  
'?¥°il;:§,§   _. *   , T. D. Mitchell, ES D. Sayre, Mat \Valton. — S.
liifiil éi i   I ·` ’ ° Y I V I ~ slit
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  1 E;
 5 E, 4 "‘1°a10 H1t0" W1QGS .
{_   I 5
  i A tw "Y11)a" Btaxtiches.  
  W · Sherries, Ports, Sauternes,
    I Clarets, Sweet and Sour Catzzwbas,
ii`?   ji_§_ MiU€T&l Watters, Ales, Porter and Stout,
  _ Champagnes, Liqueurs and Cordials.
  Burgundies, White Wines, Rhine Wines,
Wk  ` . . .
  »| Scotch and Irish Whisknes, Rums and Gins.
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  ,   LE1mvGT0A; KY: I
  1   [he Old Elk_ Bourbpn and Ppre Rye Wl11sk1es are Q
  ‘   made from caretull selected ram. atter the m0st a — é
{E   · y · g · p L
    p2j0ved rdeas, and are mtended t0 meet the reqmrements g
é*   0t the tme WlllSR trade. The Old Elk R e IS celebrated
    t0r ltS lll2tgllllClC€ll}[ bpdy, delrghtrul bququet and l‘lChIl€SS ;‘
  1 V   0f tlavpr. N0 expense IS spared t0 g`lV€ it qual1ty equal g
¤ ~   t0 anythmg Oll the market. ‘ 1
    · / llll HO,   l. r l.O1g/l1(.L·lml.C1l.)1, l 1 CL all-Olltllb, i
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QQQQ   AUGUST, 1895.
qual _
T 5 · . —V0i.. V.- ` N
  l. "HUB" PR/-XTHER, Publisher. U
l Acldriass all Communications to
/gl/57 » P. O. Box 492.
R   P Rl 6 E. $4.*29 N
l UU N U
i mNmT$i§$.l°§i.§§;ING CO.,
§ l ms.  
  V  ii    Aww i_“` l N . ..  

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  . V =3   J,
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  »   PREFACE. L
  n all T
  if ll
Q   (   l Since the publication of our last City Directory, Lexington has ,
ini   made satisfactory progress in every direction.
gif   ` Important changes have been made in our organic law. Under l
    the new Constitution, a new charter, applicable to cities of the .
    second class, in which class are Lexington, Covington and New-
ly? ·' g   port, has been enacted by the Legislature; and at the election in
    ~   - the ensuing November, all the municipal ofiicers will be elected
  A {   under that charter. During the last two years under the present
  r   Mayor, Hon. Henry T. Duncan, the brick streets have been
 V “ _   greatly increased; a new and nearly perfect system of book-
   `‘·‘ Q JE` keeping with admirable checks has been adopted; the facilities  
 {   for the education of the children, white and black, have been en-  
  <_~   larged and the public credit of the city strengthened. _ i.`
A j; ,_»   The changes in_the control of the railroads have been to our fur- \
  j il ther development; the Ky. Union has passed out of the hands of _
i ff _   2 the Receiver; has been reorganized and under the name of the  
` ;;j__ ·   < Lexington dt Eastern Railroad Company, is bringing into close _'
    _ connection with the city a large, important and growing section of . _`
  j · this Qtate; the Belt Line has been purchased by the C. & O , and jj `
    . will be of much benefit; the Ky. Central now forms a part of the ·
T  —   L. &N. system.  
 ‘ i   Handsome buildings have been added by the Ky. University i
 ·g *·i· tif on the campus and by the A, & M. College on its grounds, and 2
 V ` _.   all our educational institutions have pi-ospereil, i { l
" n V   _ The \Vater \Vorks Company; under the management of its de- l `
 ‘     servedly popular superintendent, Mr. S. A. Charles, has quad-  
; L  ; rupled the capacity of its resorvoir, and put the city beyond the [ f
f  _; H ; possibility ofa water famine. V  __
M  i Our banks passed through the financial depression unscathed i  _  
  and demonstrated their solvency and the wisdom and skill of their E li`,
 i , 7,, Our population we estimate at fl6,Uf)(), which shows a steady in- ` {  
  Q crease, and buildings have gone up in every section ofthe city. Our l i  
  » . —‘._ _ past has bee11 prosperous,. our present is satisfactory and we be- _ i A  ‘./
  i, lieve confidently in our future. ] lc
{_'  .   In this work we furnish the proof of our progress itlld we com- `  
    mend it to the reader for further information. . _    
    L1·;xrNo*r0N. KY., August 20, 1895. l   l  
 7* f *l f L tl   
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 ... 7 .,._v `  i   _. ,, , . _ . . . ... ____  I } `I_, _,’·,........·_, _ , _
I .
Officers in City Building, between Vine Qand Water, and Upper and
" ]I1uy0’r—H. T. Duncan.
J[ay0r's Ole*rk——Geo. C. Morgan. '
Tre}msrm)—205 N. Limestone. Chas M. Alberti, principal.
N0. 5. (D41.vidsrm)——Cor Uppe1· & Bolivir. Miss Jessamine B.
- Shanklin principal
No. 6. (1)um<·m)—12l W. Second. Miss Laura Cravens, principal. — `
T. T. SK ILLIVIAN, 37 N- B¤"0¤dW¤V-
`   I V V V V N V ( V ,.
=.·:.  ·.··   ‘  `

  i;y* *'f ‘ ;. -.L.U‘     m l "  Q W W  L   . L.; ` j --Ql`.. ._..* M  ```   LH; V   _ ‘ - , U ` ‘ M
  my A
y. z_ ff. _ .
  ’ l n x. Gu ‘ it
 < BILL POSTERS ¤mS¤v -137B Mam S
gi:. . * Next Im to l'ost-Ohicc. `
ii , »—~*~*~ ~P*P***—* ****#   *****   *d·*‘i"` j
 p * j I IWDLRC mm ws ,
  ;. v   ’s-". · -
  Q Miss Sallie E. Adams, supervisor. ,,~ `
ji  K- ])cwids0n—Cor Upper and Bolivar. Miss Theodosia Serugham,
·i· y · · .
. ;· i- ., p¤¤<¤pe1· _ , . , , . _ . .
 ig   _ IL¢rrIs0n—2eO W. Main. Miss ltlizaheth Wilson, prineipal
  `Hr Q High .St1cet—ll3 E. High. Miss Lucy E. l/Valby, prinelpal.
 ;_·¤   JO/_ns0iI—2O8 N. Upper. Miss Laura P. Charles, principal.
 Q E;. , . COLORED. -
  T_ ly? MNT)., 1 (Russell)-? W. Fourth. G. P. Russell, e, supervisor; M. T, _
 gs   ’3,[‘lf.ll'1, r, princlpil . _ _ _ m p
 Y-     No. 2. (Cousllilulion St.)—254 Constitution. William C. Iaylor, e, ·
=.   ·' ` al. . ·
ll.  Dil, p]Nno(ll§. (Ptltlersun SL.)-2115 Patterson. Henry L. Gowens, c, principal; . l
  _   Colleges. ` . Z
  g·.·   Bible College 0fKenlu<:ky Uni¤·e1·sz'ly——Mill &3rd. Jno. W. MeGarvey, ,
`<  T_ ? ·e`ident.
l ll   plC7»mmerciulC0llegc0f]{e»ltzu:ky L’ulz·e1·sil.y—33 N. Broaclway,. J. B. Skinner, pres.
 N· ==.   (jol/eye (y" 1.ibercllrlrtsq,f Ifenteurlry Unil·e7·sily——Mill & Slrd. Chas. L. "
 ..j   Loo`. rewdent.
 I lag? 1 Lgjzillgtsll Business CoZlcge—ll4_E. Main C. C. Calhoun, prin·eip·al. ) `
V    ouyre 1"€'IlLlti€ 1~nslIilute—SU N. Lime. H B McClellan, principal.
*`    .Sl1(publie)—51 Market. Mrs. Kate B. Akers, librarian. ·_
"a    (Jir<·1tLclliny—l30 E. Main. J. "Hub" Prather, prop. .
    Cliurches. J  
  Ng! Baptist, First-5Jt% W. Short, Rev. W. H. Felix. Pastor. .2L
‘  ‘ I E Belplisl, Fi/7/1 SfreeL·-195 E. Fifth. Rev. Otis Hughson, Pastor.  
J;.  U   _, Baptist, Upper ot1·eel—4T N. Upper, Rev. John H. Boyet, Pastor.  
I  * **ilfW|* [ lHWZ* * §°“*°%-9?·*$~»@" ’ 3*5 I .·** 
;_·,»  .  _\__ »_ p ‘ ___ lp J ·*'   Je; ‘ E¤ l  ST- ,3;;.
‘¢    · ·H~§·F
F 5 **-1  
, ¤,   V .  
l,.   ·  
  C - ··.i l W?

 ly · sf .‘ ' V
_ Leads In Circulation, Adver- 1
tnsing and Influence. li
· 'Clwistian, Broadway -87 N Brdwy., Rev. Mark Collis, Minister. `
I Christian, U/zestnut street- 34 Chestnut, Rev. B. C. Hagerman, Min.
` C/rrtstiun, ('cntrctl——·Cor. Short and Walnut, Rev, I. J. Spencer, Min.
, C/tristicm, Boliiruir Street .Mission—conducted by Y. P. S. C. E. of
Central Church.
Episcopal, C/m·ist`s—52. Market, Rev. E. H. Wa1·d, Rector.
Episcopal, et. Joltns» 257 E. Main, Rev. John Sword, Rector.
Lutheran. Gcrmttn--3 E. Fifth, Rev. J. F. C. Schmidt, Pastor. .
. - Evauyclisltc, Gerntctn-37 Maryland Ave., Rev. Chas. Hoffman. Pas.
lllethodist. Ccntenav·y——5S N Brdwya Rev. A. D. Knapp, Pastor. _
‘ Jllctltodist, (South) Jxlpwortlt .BU3l'IlOIlQLl—VVtil[1Lll3 cor. Rand Ave., Rev.
» E. L. Southgate, l·°astor._
Net/iorlist (·Sou*h> Hitt .Sh·t0t—»tl0 E. High, Rev. W'. T. Bolling, Pas.
_ ]’resbytcriotn, Fi»·st—l$O N. Mill. Rev. \V. F. V. Bartlett, Pastor.
` Prcsbytcrittn, Mawrsetl .Strott-44 E. Maxwell, Rev. I. S. McElroy,
_ Y Pastor.
]’~resbyterictn, Sc··ond»——T6 Market. Rev. W. S. Fulton, Pastor.
I Roman, Cut/zolic St. H0RsETs.
72;; • • • 32 EAST ]ME.A.IJS|' STREET
‘ ‘l··   I   i`  

F— ”   Genuine Tailor Made Clothing. Main St., Near Phoenix Hotel. K
Q: - r  
.-‘     viii Lmxixorox CITY D11<1ccroa`1.  
·1* T » E  
* *5
i-=. . · ~ L . , 6%
gil! " g j Asylums.  
`leh ·   _ Eusiern. Ky. Lzmati<·—Dr. Frank H. Clarke, Supt, 291 W. Fourth.  
»$_"` . g j 1[igh Ou/cs S(l·)l‘i[(l7`7;'lL’I`Il. (private)—Dr. Silas Evans, Supt. 398 South nb
‘- ;j` 4 Broadway. .  
    B ' gP·r0testa.nt Injirmary.—5Miss Isabel Spalding, Supt. 259 E. Short. Qi
  ’   Sr. Joseplds. (Ron1anCatholic)———Sister Euphrasia, Superior. 180  
  V _g W Second. igi
j  r   Citildreofs. (For pcor child1·en).—Miss Melissa Waller, Matron. ]°,'
 ` >·; .   Cor. Fifth and Upper. - sy
 ‘ lf §§\ Home oft/1e E»·ieo1cZless.—M1·s. M. E. Collins. Matron. 89 W Short. "·  
g u gg;   1[ouse (J Jllervy. (For fallen womeu).—Mrs. L. Freeman, Matron. i
  li ' Q 191 W Fourth
  `Y   Jlluudfester Church ]I0·me.¢—Benj. Taylor, Supt. 128 E. Third. ·’
· . V _   Orp/tem`s 1109746.-—·l\/l rs. Kate VVoodru1i', Matron. 127 WThird. ’ -
.;;··      O)`])]l(t’Ill$ Home. (Colored)»—Charlotte Poage, Matron. 1 in George- ’  
  town pike. » _ · .
 " fz.; ' _ _ _ K 4;, _
      Armory -Lin1estone, Vine & Water. __
    Q “ Altdil()7'i1l7)'L—·l2l$ E. Main. · 1
‘*    .   _ City Hull- Cor. Upper & Water.
{   f   Court House—Main & Chcapside. = j`
.   r. Custom Housc—Cor. Main & Walnut. 2 Q.
 ' I ; fi Elks’ Hull -8% E. Main. " ·.
'     Fire 1Jcpartmeut— 62 E. Short.
I ‘ 2 ·   IYSC/l(’7".S }IuLZ—~12 N. Limestone. `.
2,.   1. O. O. F. Ilcellwtilé E. Main. »
 , `   Juil——93 E Short. .
L _i . .   LelZ’s 1IulL—»3f$<} W Short. /
J  ··     Lex. Library-51 Market. ,
· _·  T g Market House—Lime & Water.
’ , -‘   Illasouic ]1uZl—25 W. Short.
  \ Nerriwk Lodge 1. O. O. F. 15Ldg——T3 F,. Short. _
’- ‘§ ,_ _ ]l[iller`s }[c1ll—22% W. Main. ·
Q  . Northern. Bunk Bldg- Short & Market. . -_
’;·_  ._ [ Opera House-39 N. Broadway. ~ ..
.,‘  ··   1'olice Slruim1—20 E. Water. ,
` '   Post Q[;`Ice—E. Main & Walnut. A /‘
 ,`   Red News }Iull—3li& W. Short. (“\'·’
v_  `   . · Y. DL O. A. Hull—8i» W. Main. 3.
Q    PLACES OF AMUsEivi1¤;N*r. [ 1
~ ·_‘.   ` Q fil, K Lexingtmt Opera IIou.se--429 N. Broadway, Chas Scott, manager.
_*    ·, The Audritorizmv--124i E. Main, W. H. Boswell, manager. .
    · H so _ iso EAST Mmm srnszr, 1; ._
  ·   J u   Agent Courier Journal, Louisville   . ;`
    • g Timcs,New York and Chicago Paper; gf`
1  ly . Eq ;L _ E
_ A   @1 U , `  
  A-rd r`_`A ? "'°H VJ-—_—-—°`·, "* _, ·`mI_ A "i"~·—— *:?":Hr"" _y·r--*·—""‘”'7_"r·* , H    »}».·`·N  ll

HE COURIER JOURNAL, 15c. per week. ii
J. •·rwn·* PRA 1111212, Agr., 1.20 E. Mam sr. CARRIERS.
LEXINGTON CITY DI1U.——Geo. C. Sehange, M.; D N. Zimmerman,
{ Sec. 2d and 4th Mondays.
  Lew., Royal Arek O/myller, N0. 1.--J. T. Upington, H. P.; J. VV.
72} Lancaster, Scc 2d Thursdays
Y;. Webb Commclmlerg, No. 2. JC T--Jno. L. Barkley, E. C.; J. W. Lan-
lgij caster, Recorder. 3rd Vllednesday
T Lexington Consisloru. No. 3s, A. A. S. R.——S. T. Campbell 32.° Com-
 ,‘ mander-in-Chief; J. W. Lancaster 33°, Sec. lst and 4th Thursdays.
`   Independent Order Odd Fellows.
* Merrick, No. 31, meets at Merrick Lodge Hall; all the others at 67%
I E. Main St.
7* J[errirk, Nv. 3l—L. H. Nottnagel, Secretary. Mondays.
[_ f 1.e:elugl0n, 281r—J. Shubinski, Secretary. Weclnesdays.
·' Coreneml, No 22-W. E. Powell, Secretary. Thursdays.
‘ . ‘ · Friemls/tip. No. 5—W. C. Jones. Secretary. Fridays.
U. ._ Will Pourrh Rebebcl/L Degree, No 40-T. A Hornsey, Secretary pro
, . tem. First & Ilrd Tuesdays
` Olive B’l`(l7l(‘]l.R8()6]¤'(l]l Degree, No. 50—Mrs. Mattie Gilchrist, Secre-—
= tary. 2d & 4th Tuesdays.
‘ Jjelbesdcl Enerzmpment, No 15—H. N. Johnson, Scribe. 2d and 4th
_ , Tuesdays.
  .» Canton, No. 1—P. A. Tate, Clerk. lst and 3rd Mondays.
V ° Knights of Pythias. .
  (I. O. O. F. Hall).
_ Phantom Lodge No. 15.-G C. Morgan, K. of R. & S. Wednesdays.
, Uniform Rank Division K. of P. (Fischers Hall.)
" Lere. Div. 8.—-VV. C. Heacox. Herald. Mondavs.
Von Mollke Div. 3S.—Jno. Riddell, Herald. Fridays
_ Wm Ifevmedy Div. 39.-~F. V. Bartlett, Herald. Thursdays.
. . Knights of Honor.
I I Una Lodge 518.-L. H. Nottnagel, Reporter. Merrick Lodge Hall.
` ,.. 2d and 4th Thursdays.
‘qy" B. P. O. Elks.
- N` * (Hall 8% E. Main.)
[ ” Lew. N0. 89.—Col. IV. L. Simmons, E. R. Dr. C. W. Trapp, Secs
` Fridays. °
, VICTOR BOGAERT, 3 "!.§,;§°.'§§....?,‘§§*'.§°} 17 EAST
T `   J EWELER, "é‘i.€e‘l¥i`e§? " SHORT.
·· , "A I  

  J`?   P  "   -`  T ' J   »—~ -- I
[C     ` , ` 4 .
 (   E · l
  l 1 y   &   Licensed BILL POSTERS
` , K     and DlStI'lbUt0l`S.   E.   .
 .5   __}44mv *4 *__;__j‘~i'j'__ ·_-______j___ ‘ 
    x Licxiuewrox Crrr l)111Eo*ro1aY.
  A ’ _i_ L
  Y   Knights Ancient Essenic Order. ;
  » _ (Merrick Lodge Hall).  
  3 I . N0. 262.-G. C. Morgan, Sec. Tuesdays.  
    A Improved Order of Red Men.  
  ft _   (Red Men’s Hall.)  J;
 3 Qgflé, Jliantonomo 'llribe N0. 1.-J. R. McConnell, Sachem; Will S. Mar- A 
    lll shall,Chie£ of Records. E‘ridays.  Q
Q.  ”4   Mlmiclullia Cozlncil N0. 1.——(Dcr,{ree of Pocahontas). Mrs. J, B,  *`
 rf gy', Mendenhall. Pocahontas; Mrs. M. A. Glass, Chief of Records. 2d and ._ 
  { l -1th Thursdays.  
 fi ’r·' .   Micmtonomo Hay Loft ll.-—-J. B Milligan, Chief Haymaker; Will S. ij
 f li`   Marshall, Collector of Straws. 2d and 4th Saturdays.,  ,;
s h   Winona Zrilzr N0. .l.—J. D. Woolley, Sichem; Leon Chavanne,  
i n  gl   Chief of Records. Mondays. _  
r w Eh $2*
    K. O. T. Maccabees. _;
    (Masonic Hall).  
    Low. Tent N0. 20.-C. B. Bailey, Commander; J. W. Lancaster. R.  
 " Q};.   K. Friday ·.  
    ·_ U I. O. B’nai B’ritl1.  
 1;   ;£; (Masonic Hall). I.,
  %;;__r‘   · H. Loevenhart, Sec. lst and 3rd Wednesdays.  
1       Royal Templars of Temperance.  
_,  .     Hmc Council N0. 1.-—-S. W. Marrs, Sec. Meets I. O. O. F. Hall. lst _;
    and 3rd Thursdays. ,{.;
V  .   Ancient Order United Workman. 3
l  ·     Il[zltu¢ll11.---Dan Kastle, Recorder. Meets 2% W Main. Mondays. ’—
( =  ‘ .-   Y. M 1.  
. ii`} • , .
  \ (Roman Catholic). Hall over Opera House.  
 Z   Barry Council No 144.-~P. J. Garland, Sec. Tuesdays.  
fj  ` ( Uniform Rank No. 1. B. J. Walsh Division.---J. H. Danahy, Sec. 1st `jv
 1 ».   and 3rd Thursdays.  
N. C   Rau. WAY ooMrAN1Es.  
  ”`»»   . ` Chesapeake ct Ohio-—Depot cor. Lime. and Water. Ticket ollice  
 '3   Phoenix Hotel.  
 y g ` il Kentucky CrmLml——(see L. & N). {Q:
.· " g   Jfcntucku jl[idlmncl—-Via Q & C. to Georgetown. _.;w`
 ’ 'i   l , Lexington at Easlcrn-—Depot cor. Lime and Water. Principal office .;
  .._.   ; \ 114 E. Main, I-I. C. McDowell, Pres., J. D. Livingston, Gen. Mngr.,  
j,   ° v· Chas. Scott. G. P. &. T. A.  
  T   ` V ‘ In all parts of the country.  
    Work Fumshed and Sw Up   ........ .   DI .... . .,.— 
    V, Importers of Marble, Granltc, ctc , 42 North Broudwav. my
i     ll·i ·.  
·u ’ ‘ O Jl;.
W?  = ‘ 'll.1
\‘   1% V1"}!

° The Only Morning  
t 6     I) Daily in Central
_ , Kentucky.
.  Lmxxxorox CITY Dinnoromr. XI
  Louisville et Nas/wille——Depot cor. Mill and Water. Ticket oifice
=  Phoenix Hotel. `
  L Louisville Soutlz.crn.——Depot and ticket office same as Q. & C.
’  Queen ci Creseeut —» Depot S. Brdwy. near limits. Ticket ofiice T7 E.
Fi Main.
i  Postal-Cul1le—·85 East Main.
f  Western Union—98 East Main.
.;  East Tennessee-4 North Upper.
  Bell Electric Line C0.—7 East Main.
  Otiices in Court House.
aj Jurlge——Frank A. Bullock.
aj Clerk——Claude C Chinn.
g Altomey—John R. Allen.
_; .SheriU`—E. Tilford Gross.
\_ E Assessor-·-Richard M. Redd.
·` CZrea.surer~—J. Waller Rodes.
  Commissioner and Receiver—Henry T. Brown.
t· §urveyor—VVm. A. Newman.
j School Superintenclent—-M. A. Cassidy.
. Coroner—Dr. P. H. Molloy.
` Jrtiler—W. E. \Vi1kerson.
-L Physician —A. W. Jones.
.»i Keeper Poor Hoztse—.Iol1n Perry. ·.
‘ _ Poor House 1)/iysieiuu.-—S. L. Helm.
/ First——John J. Riley, Lexington. `
. §ecoml—Levi Royalty, Lexington.
  . ZVzircl——F. S. Graves, Lexington.
¢.; Fourth.-- Abner Oldham. Lexington.
·. Fl;l'l]l···LG\’I Spurr, Athens.
T Nitrile---VV. B. Skinner, Muir.
  Ueveut/z-—-A. J. Gorman, Lexington.
gs Eigllt/2:--Levi Rice, Fort Spring.
  Fayette County Democratic Committee---Headquarters 70 E. Main. B.
  . J. Welsh, Chairman; J. H. Carter, Secretary.
  Republican Committee of Fayette Co1mty—-Richard P. Stoll, Chair-
  man; Sam. J. Roberts, Secretary. `
{ ____;; 
  ELITE STATIONERY CO., Headquarters for Fine Job
.-Q Printing. D. N. Zimmerman in Charge of Printing Oilice. .
_j, ·_‘_ J`- ID. ARMSTRONG, Pnovnnzron.
· If, I; M  .,}.;`I" .

  ri   iz  =-~‘ ‘ ' .,»·   *‘`‘‘       I "  "   o -"  " i -··  .   · .. -—~‘ ..1  . .  _ .  . -       .,
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5] ‘- . F Y i" . 3
.· -4 1  
I·:· N _ I l ·  
  >¢ _.
I, . I _ *2
5 al . ~ .
"` xy V- ,` Main Street Near Phoenix Hotel.
 i I - I  