xt75hq3rxp63_4 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75hq3rxp63/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75hq3rxp63/data/0000ua059.dao.xml University of Kentucky. College of Pharmacy. 5.37 Cubic feet 11 boxes archival material 0000ua059 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections and Digital Programs. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. College of Pharmacy papers and prints Women college students--Kentucky--Lexington. Photographic print, black and white, 14 inches by 11 inches. A photographic composite of the 1975 members of Kappa Psi at the University of Kentucky. The people pictured are Gerald Stuart, Thomas McConnell, R. Stanley Scates, William Clark (Historian), Richard Fleck (Treasurer), Richard Stewart (President), James Stephens III (Chaplain), William Gravely, Jackson Bray Jr., Robert Perkins, Steve Potts, Bruce Wallace, Thomas Hoppes, Stuart Hobbs, Glen Watson, David Guion, James Munson, Allen Carr, James Nicks, Chadwick Harper, John Knoop, Hans Schroeder, Fred Beckman, Roy McKendree, Robert Easley, Kenneth Norwood, Professor Richard M. Doughty (Advisor), Marilyn Howard (Sweetheart), Michael Boyd, Gene Allen, Richard Clement, Robert Oakley, Steve Willoughby, Ronald McClish, Dennis Williams, Harold Nicks, Mike Kellihan, James McClain, Keith Brown, John Gaskins, Henry Mann, and John Hoffman 1975 text Photographic print, black and white, 14 inches by 11 inches. A photographic composite of the 1975 members of Kappa Psi at the University of Kentucky. The people pictured are Gerald Stuart, Thomas McConnell, R. Stanley Scates, William Clark (Historian), Richard Fleck (Treasurer), Richard Stewart (President), James Stephens III (Chaplain), William Gravely, Jackson Bray Jr., Robert Perkins, Steve Potts, Bruce Wallace, Thomas Hoppes, Stuart Hobbs, Glen Watson, David Guion, James Munson, Allen Carr, James Nicks, Chadwick Harper, John Knoop, Hans Schroeder, Fred Beckman, Roy McKendree, Robert Easley, Kenneth Norwood, Professor Richard M. Doughty (Advisor), Marilyn Howard (Sweetheart), Michael Boyd, Gene Allen, Richard Clement, Robert Oakley, Steve Willoughby, Ronald McClish, Dennis Williams, Harold Nicks, Mike Kellihan, James McClain, Keith Brown, John Gaskins, Henry Mann, and John Hoffman 1975 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75hq3rxp63/data/0000ua059/Case_5/Drawer_9/Folder_item_49_a736/A736.pdf section false xt75hq3rxp63_4 xt75hq3rxp63