xt75hq3rxv2h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75hq3rxv2h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-04-08 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 08, 1985 1985 1985-04-08 2020 true xt75hq3rxv2h section xt75hq3rxv2h _____—___________________—_____________________—__._______—

VOL lXXXIX. No. 142 Established 1094 University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent since 1971 Monday, April 3, i935

D V ' w' ~ s '
9 "es 1" Speak New buses to be tested

b h' '

21 out et ical isues ,4. . ‘. .
R i f. i t . or campus reactions ~ -.
' l p a S rgery t. BySACHADEVROOMEN —‘_’———— from the Marriott Hotel to Ru 1' "

.. - . . _ - pp , .- .I -
Surgeon makes second UK appearance .‘ semorsmffwmer , . “wefee’ we ”"11 Arhinti‘reason tor testing the bus was ' i 7 ‘
- , ' fl'he bexmston l‘ranSist Authority allewate some of the to make sure the students like it and ' '. ' ' .
In three weeks for college slaw week will be testing a new type or bus on to see it .s operation would i... teas. ‘ . .. ‘ .

_ campus for the next few days, one cruSh loads we have- ble he said ‘ ‘ A - '

7 By DANA CANEDY there is always aichance someone _ that can hold twice as many passen- Wejust need it at ' . .. . . I.

N “ Reporter might file suit 388th a doctor and i, gers and is twice as long as a regu- ,, [f me buses are urchased 10 r ' v ' ' -
it’s "0‘ the doctor Who litigates,“ 1” bus. UK cent of the mone‘: to '\ ~tor pithe . ‘ " t W 1

Artificial heart implant surgeon said Mark Snell, president of UK's The colorful Neoplan Articulated Pat Hamric buses would com‘; fromp‘h'ionet tht- , . ‘_ n
William C. DeVries will address the Student Bar Association. ‘ .\ his, which is described by Lex'l‘ran ' University pavs Lex'h‘an Another - ' - L , l
ethical issues 0‘ his surgery for the White With" the law 5Ch°°l "0“ \ - general manager Pat Hamric as Lex Tr a" general manager it) percent will come from th ' "'1
second time in three weeks at 7, to- spokespersors for De'Vries would not “extremely maneuverable.” has — monev allocated to Lex'l‘ran ”on: . .~’ ‘ '_
night In. Memorial Hall. _ say how much DeVries Will be paid WILLIAM c. psvnrrs been in Lexington since right before the state and so percent will come ~' - -

DeVl‘lfi lecture, which is free 811d {0" his llz-hour Spefich. the Student . . the NCAA tournament and will be The UK express route is extreme- from the federal allocation to Lox ‘ '
open to the public. Will address med- Government Association has allo Rhonda thcent, a public relations tested on the express route at UK. 1y busy before morning classes and Tran Herman said . z .
ical ethics and informed consent, a cated$l,500forhiswsrt. spokesperson at the Heart Institute, The bus was leased for $1 to Lex— a larger bus is needed said [any ' ' i, ' 3 .
process by which the families of ar- By allocating money to the law said DeVries has a great interest in 'I‘ran from the Neoplan USA Compa- Hermanchairman of LexTran The buses will cost between $170 ~ ~ -
tificial heart patients are told what school for DeVries' visit, the law higher education and accepts offers ny of Boulder, Colo. Besides carrying twice as many 000 and 5250000 each. Herman said ' . .
to expect after the surgery and school might be able to use their to speak at colleges as often as pos- Lex'l‘ran is considering purchasing students to class each morning. the and Lenin,“ is negotiating [0’ bu“. , . ‘ ,
about gel: l‘lSkSl 0: the newt [$00ch money {or {0‘33 Proglk'amsidduglihg Slble- ltwo 0t the W55. Wthh are 60 feet bus will also save on operation cost. two demonstration vehicles from the . t - ‘. .
ure. 'ries‘ ecure is par 8 res 0 wee . sat in . . . . ong. can hold 75 ssen ers and ‘d. Le 'I‘r v‘ll L0 be - '

Collegeotiaw's annual law week. Freudenberg.SGA president. Regg'e carve“ adlert‘s'“ Chm" bend in the middle ”Flt thg UK . Herman 53' ’.‘ an» we a s. . tompan" Wm“ “3.5 a. ”"9“" ~ ~ , -
. . . . . man of law week said he 6 ts a . 9 8X able to use the bus for bpeCIal eients situation. he said Most titres bU\ 10 »

A“ ear lier lecture, given March A representative at the Louisvrlle oodturnout ‘ m press route. “We feel we Wlll alle- such as UK basketball games and or 15 at one time but since Lex'l‘ran ' t: V"
25' centered on medical ethics and Heart Institute said, however, that g . ' .. viate some 0f the CNSh loads we "any other place we could use it " needs the buses only for the Hi 1 ‘
was part of the University's Blazer DeVries does not demand a fee for Memorial Hall h0ld5 around have.“ Hamric said during a test "We could not have made it route. they \Nlll‘bt' able to but the . , ' '
Lecture _Senes. his speeches, but he has received up (1:200 WP]: ahld Wt; “1:193:50 fl“ ltt ride for the media on Friday. “We through the Final Four without the demonstration vehicles at a lower .

1‘ mlgh‘ $99!“ strange to have 8 to $5.000 for hlS presentatiors "1 the Ogle" 53' ' .. ve ear 5 areally Just need it at UK. Lex'I‘ran doesn't bus.” Herman said about the bus. price , ’
doctor speaking at a law school, but past. 8 speaker. need it at other routes," which was used to transport people \1‘ Bl “L5. oage.‘ - ‘
R l ' ' ' "

n -- ~ - v v . ' .. a \ _ '
lira poet 'e’i'eh“ rag an . heerleading finals ~ .,
e .3; El“ 1" ‘ 99' / ‘

d ‘ - .e i
. -; 32* . . —~ - . e . «
* ~ 3 - _ ‘ x‘ V . .
Wlll read .. ‘ .. / 1‘ 0 l
t , " "”3 ‘ [1
gr 1 .. 5 f / I \‘e‘ g .
.~- 1g 1. 3i , l i I l3 / . . u _ . ' .
recent WOl'k . is g - . Vt 3 Being a member of the Wildcat squad -
., t : i»: ' ' l. t . ‘
) ‘ . i ’ . _ ' 4 .I ,h I, g.
Berry to present _ i 7 ., . ._ ggigf/ \ng iii. ll T means hard work, talent, advzser says _ . .
unpublished story .. l ; ’ ~ , )7 1 ‘19.! 4 ‘ By.li:i‘t‘ii.i.\iii.rox with passersby while wearing the t
._ , " 4v . ’ h‘ v‘i'. Reporter Wildcat suit There. they will be ‘
BV' ELIZABETH ('ARAS . ' ‘ ‘—~——._ .. \k . ,"'_ .’ \V i i‘ ‘6 . Judged on their spontaneous interac- '
News Editor ' ’ . e r , /- at, ) r \it til 3 Members for next year's UK Wild- tions for 15 minutes ' '
" ./. AV , N .3} \l“ cat cheerleading squad will be cho Tryouts for the Lady Kats‘ squad .

Wendell Berry. Kentucky poet. . / / L; ‘ V_\\ t\' \. sen tonight after final tryouts at 6:30 Will be held 6,30 p m Tuesday at
novelist and essayist. will give a I .- 1/ l 3 \\\‘ (t Pm lh Memorial Coliseum. Memorial (‘OllSt‘um
reading of an unpublished short ~ ,1, . Ah «\N \L \‘ 3 Ten female finalists were chosen The Wildcat squad cheers for ' .
story at 8 tonight in 228 Student Cen- ' K ‘ =~ ‘ y \ \t'\ t \t last night and will move on to the fi- men‘s football and basketball games , ,
ter Addition. 1 \“ L / \\ \\ .\ s_\ rials tonight. said T. Lynn William» while the Lady Kat squad cheers

The reading. sponsored by the En— ,, r , A {g C 3“ son. cheerleading ady‘iser. only for women's basketball games.
glish Undergraduate Student Activ- i i ’ ,’ \- \\ . a} . ‘ l~3~m Williamson. administrator for per- Williamson said being named the
ities Committee. is free and open to g: ’ . sf \\’1 ‘t - . ., . sonnel policy and procedure. said Universal Cheerleading Association ' '
the public. Berry said he may take N if . \\ 3- ahoul 2530 women and 15-20 men champlom at the December compe-
questions after the reading. depend- ’1' \. \ .l if are vying for the six available spots. tition in Hawaii has increased the , ,
ing on the format of the program. _ .- - g‘ " i: ‘ as compared to last year‘s numbers presitge of the squad . ', . ‘

Guy Davenport. a professor of En- . w” a!" (j ' :‘ , of 26women and 18 men. Shawn Terry. a Lady Kat ' ,
glish. said Berry is "one of our ' {.5 f N . A “I would say there is a smaller cheerleader. said. "interest in the . ‘ . .
country's most distinguished writ- .‘ flats: _‘_/ I" ' F number of people trying out but of Lady Kats has increased because of , . ‘
ers." t iigf, 1;" better quality," he said of the the other squad's notoriety.” . _ . ‘ '

”Wendell is a fine poet, a master- . \ g‘a’ ‘ l g tryouts that were open to all L'K stu- Williamson said requests are . . .
in] prose writer and world famous ‘ g~ 5. dents. made daily for the cheerleaders and - .
for agricultural studies in writing." t I"; ,5 )f s The selection process involves the mascots to appear at community ' _
hesaid. l i x " ‘~ score averages from 10 categories. events. '

The two met when Berry began l w / _ . such as dance and "a certain mix» “During the NCAA Final Four we . ' . - _
teaching at UK. Davenpoft‘ who has i 9...». s I f ‘ lure of qualities." Williamson said. hosted the squads from the four . " ' ..
been at UK for 21 years, said. “Wen- ! Q ‘ “ - 3 “It‘s a combination of basic schools and kept them entertained." ' , .' . ..
dell was the shining star in our crea- 1' ~‘ '\Ms( ”“~~ i' cheerleading abilities and what “"3 said L0“ ““163 a member Of the . .' ' I.
tive writing program." ' . - \ call the public relations aspect: the Wildcat squad. .

Kathy Beckett. cochairwoman of 3‘ . . ~ . rt \ Person‘s image (and) Physical air Williamson said they appear at ' .

the group. said ENSAC has been “Ill." x g ~~ ‘ . i ' ’ 1‘ g .‘ pearance which is decided through parades‘ banquets and dancfii as . . L ' . '

working toward Berry‘s appearance ‘ 1‘. f}: m ' W ”‘° interviews.“hesaid. well as participate in fundraising " ' ' . ‘
since last semester. "He is the most "A“ ‘ L . A panel 0t eight judges. made "P proleCtS Wlth SUCh charitable organi. ' , ' -
well-known and most important au» ' ' ._ . of former cheerleaders and previous zations as the United way. the Spe- . ‘
thor in Kentucky,“she said. . ' ‘ * . . judges. conduct the interviews and cial Olympics and the Cardinal Hill _

Berry currently lives as a farmer ...s ‘ . _ make the final decision. Hospital Telethon . ' ~ .

and writer with his Wife. Tanya. 'in ‘ Fame ' ' . Among the candidates are four Williamson said: "Fifty percent of . F

Port Royal,Ky. .. ' women and four men from last the cheerleading program is being . ‘ .'

A professor of English at UK from -—--’ ‘“'“”" “"5" . . ginswv;¥‘vm_:; . ‘ year‘s Wildcat and Lady Kat at the game leading cheers and the . '_

196477. Berry received a 1970.71 Dis- é- “ .. 13;“ g “mgngqé we?!“ . , ~ ‘ . g ‘ squads. Williamson said. other 50percent is public relations," ‘ ' ,

tinguished Professor Award. He has ~5; x ' 1‘ . . m " “’ “‘ ‘ “3.. ‘ ' ~ Three to five finalists for the Wild- Because of this flurry of requests. ‘

taught at other schools. including -’ ,r‘ a gt‘i:$“ , § W _. ‘ “ - V , ” ' i cat mascot also will be selected at the cheerleaders are given monthly .

New York University. Stanford Uni« -,_>._# ’ ' _ cm owns/K,,nj(;;figfii 6:30 tonight at Memorial Coliseum. schedules of events they will be at- _ ‘ '

ers't and Centre Colle e. Williamson said. tending so they can work them into . .

v H; ‘il'eceived bachelorg's and mas- CI‘OSS town He said mascot candidates are their class schedules. _

ter's degrees in English from UK in David McCraken. minister at the Lafayette Church of the Nazarene and a 1966 UK engineering ”deed 3" physical $33)" appear; 1‘ Eve“ “nth 3“ ‘3? 33m? and 52b: '

1956and1957,respectively. graduate, takes a break near the Patterson Office Tower while carrying a cross on a five-mile trek agice an“ pgetentiz. t1 13mg?" 53‘ 'c tppf’a’a'ggff- edsqf‘a “Fifm ” '

Berry‘s novels include The Mem‘ on Good Friday. McCraken said “ldo it to remind people ofChrist " ‘ ey w‘ , ta en 0 an on '5‘ maintain g gra 95‘ ' Iamson ' . '

cry of Old Jack Nathan Coulter and ' ' closed location the second night of said.

A Place on ‘Earth. The Broken competion. where they will interact See(‘HH:Rl.I~;ADIN(.‘_pages ’-

Ground. Forming: A Handbook. and , . . . '

The Country of Marriage are among '

.0. omen s wri ers con erence as success 11 inis

Essays include The Hidden B ,

Wound. The Unforseen Wilderness. ' ' O' ° ' 1 -*—— — ,g 3.1:. l7 ~ ~ . . 7 . ,. .

A Continuous Harmony and The W rown assalls nation 5 cultural sutczde i s ,

“W"WM'WN - before audience of 650 to climax week . .

‘ ' .. M‘-
By KAKIEURCH qtiicit-witted writing in such novels I i” "‘
INS'DE StaffWriter as Rubyfrui't Jungle and Southern -- H .
"I‘h ha Discomfort, lived up to her reputa- : ' , n . \
u ‘ is is not ppening at Stanford tion with asides that kept the audi- \, ‘ ‘ 3 «t ""5

Mira-’3 l: “'"mg' ”1:: or Radcliffe or Harvard. but it is ence laughing. 3 ' " ' i, [A

"a: m m M a.” happening at the University of Ken- Brown said that a writer‘s great- i ‘ 3 .‘mt ,=\

you dwammd'orM’ lucky,“ novelist Rita Mae Brown est challenge is creating a believ- ‘ ' - ' ' ‘ ~ 0L 1 f '

”mil“! ""3 ' said in opening her lecture at the able character of the opposite sex. . t - -. . . f t .

. - Center ForTheArts Thursday. which for her is “whoever‘s sitting ~e « _ ,l ' . Juli-i .‘ ‘
. . Brown was speaking of last week‘s across the table from me.“ . '
M m the m .

1“ ' Seventh Women“: Writers Confer- Brown attributed thewriter's diffi- ‘ \ s

but racial over the weird. as tin . . . . i l I . i t

Halt M teal m d . .0 ence, which was highlighted by her culties wrth symbolism to the lack of t

III-3 ”I“. For “In. an lecture and her participation in a a common mythology in America. ‘ _‘ t

Men“. » panel discussion with poet Jodi Due to the decline of GrecoRoman g__ i ‘ i i

Braxton. mythology. she told writers. “you , ~

Attendance at Brown‘s thunday are operating in ii bankrupt state i. 3

night lecture was so great that the . . . where‘s your symbol? Where‘s l . fl - ‘ s g b

coo-member audience had to be you-metaphor?“ , . ' ' "" ' . 5.

moved from the Center‘s small reci- She said modern writers such as » ‘ ‘ i ._.-_ '

talhnlltoltnconcerthnll. Tom Wolfe and nun Robbin have .. \ ‘

Tetywlhflflfi“h Aim muchofBrown‘stalk triedtocreetesymbolaotAmerlcan ,l li ‘ '

inflammation—t centeredonwhatshecalledworda‘ advertising nndpopcultuebut . j d ‘ \

“Mdflamm “historyandenergy”:ndthe”need theirworkswillprobnblynotendire ‘ ' '

moi; In!!! M ml for emcgmmon American mytholo as literature became ad campaigns mum/trawl Sun

I mun-filed» 'wunottheaveng - works" It . . . .

a. .n . but in g. ‘ . .. fimmmmiiecmf how glaflr-Jwflmugzu" W ”t 3|!!!“ Abbon (left). chairwoman of the Women 5 Studies program. author Rita Mae Brown and poet

3, Brown. . MW “Md of Brown. who in . m in clu- Jodi Brmon peiicipatc in a panel discussion during the Women's Writer‘s Conference.

feminist liter-cure. knm for her Summers

. A O i

 z-Kmvxmmme, 1"
information on this calendar at events ls collected
- and coordinated throngs ttie‘Student Center Wiles '
Ol'lice, 2(3/204 Student Center, University at Ken-
tucky. The information is published as supplied by the
on-campus sponsor, with editorial privilege allowed
- tor the sake oi clarity at expression. For student orga-
' nlzations or University departments to make entries on
the calendar, a Campus Calendar larm must be filled
out and returnedtotheStudent Activities Oitioe. ”h
0 Greek: Greek Week-Greek
and Friends Dessert; Maxwell Place:
' 6:30pm. Calla-8028
. . . . . . . . ° Greek: Greek Week-All Greek Bar 0 Academics: Advance Registration for 1985 0 Academics: Advance Registration for 1985
he Bxétibitions: MFA Thesis Exhibition: Timo'i Nighy/SLOO at the door: Two Keys Tavern; Call Fall Semester Fall Semester
t Vial; . 107 Fine Arts B dg., 12-430 p.m.. Ca 277.1919 0 Greek: Greek Week-Greek Sottball Game: ° Plays: Patsy's lOgocyl “Pub.“s-Stu. 8 Sr.
, 7-8. 4C _ S h . ' d . H 0 Meetings: Energence Feminist Women's Haggin Field; 4:30 p.m.; Calla-2408 Cit: Lab Theatre; 8:00p.m.; Call7-3297
. Cl k 02‘9’35- t t’Pcon'C va'" 5h- XV- . org) Press Meeting; 111 SC: 5:30 p.m.: Call 254-2946 ' Greek: Greek Week-President's Round . Workshops: Summer Job Search
anec, ”L73n49i6coor, enter or ' e "5' 8' ' Recitals: Tuesday Noon Recital Series; Cen- Table;2148C;8:30p.m.:Call255-8218 Workshop: Fm“ "BA Mathews Bldg.; 2‘00
p'T'G a ka k k Ba C _ C II terfortheArts;12:30p.m.:Call7-4900 0 Movies: Fame: $1.75 w/UKID; Worsham p.m.
866‘6ree . ree Wee - nner ontest, a . Recitals: Senior Recital: Kittie Rutigliano, Theatre;7:30p.m. 0 Workshops: Alumni Jab Club: Free: 103A
. I. G k- G k W k E h D‘ . flute: Center for the Arts; 8:00 p_m_; Call 7- 0 Recitals: Faculty Recital: Skip Gray; Memo- Mathews Bldg.:5:30p.m.
’ 5.00 Teéc- “8'69028 9° ' "C “99 "me" 4900 rial Hall: 8:00pm.; Call7-4900 ' Concerts: University Orchestra: Daniel
‘. Em" °_ D W'll' D . . 'M d' l t Sports: Ladykat Cheerleader Tryouts: Free: ° $P°"$5 MOSCO' T'YW'S'EOCh P9'50" W5“ Mason, Director; Center lor the Arts; 8’00
: ’ Eth' e2“??? r8 CI tam". egries. . 'eH'cfi_ MemorialColiseum;6:30p.m.7Call272-4400 perform 5 min. routine; Memorial Coliseum; p.m.;Call7-4900
703:; c” 3731;: onsen , emoria a . . Workshops: Personnel Procedures 7:00p.m.; Cain-3726 ° Sports: UK Baseball v. Cumberland College
' , ‘. lam", ‘OA 8 d h‘ D . $1 75 UKiD' Workshop; Free: Rm. 15 Memorial Hall; 10 ° Recitals: Trumpet Recital, Brad Goode: at Home; Shively Field; 3:00 p.m.
W hOVIeTSh 077‘?” '5 og, ‘ W ' a.m.-l2p.m.: Call 7-1851 Center for the Arts; 12Noon: Call 7-4900 ° Meetings: UK Fencing Club Meeting-Equip-
. 1:803:71. :atre, Piping- ' N C i e Workshops: Government Employment 0 Lectures: Beverly Burden, Consumer Pro- mentavailable: Alumni Gym: 7:30p.m.
' ' A :lbl may 12eRer 0s .0203” mm? Workshop: Free; 103A Mathews aldg.; 9:30 faction Agency: SC Theatre (Rm- 2'2): l? ' M°Vl°53 F°m°i “-75 W/UK'DI W°""°"‘
. 'Cs'll 253 0'32: 5'“ Y: 4 ose "' ‘ p.m., p.m.; Career Planning 8 Placement Center N00": Call 7'8867 Theatre; 730 p.m.
0. S - . W'ld Ch I d T t , F . e Lectures: 'Tapping the Hidden Job Market' 0 Other: European Pastry Cafe': with Pas- ' Sports: UK Women's Softball v. Asbury at
Pérlls- 1" ml .33“ 90. 2"“??[122 ree, by Drema Howard: 230 Oswald Bldg. [CC 730 tries 8 Music; 245 SC; 10a.m.-4p.m.; Call 7- Home; Woodland Park Field:4:00 p.m.
. . - Marriori'a (0";9'37"; :mb 0W ' d ll B p.m.: Call 7-3015 6601 ' Greek: Greek Week-Greek Drive-in; $2.00;
'ec ”:5- . 2128'SC'98gOCIJng Y. C 9'13; “esrlry, 0 Recitals: Senior Recital, Stuart Naldnes, Southland 68: 005'“ Call 25"0048
gues spea er, ' ‘ p.m., a. .‘ percussion: Center for the Arts; 8:00 p.m.: Call . Rectials: Senior Recital: D°Vid Bay, horn;
. , .. Other: European Pastry Cale: wtth Pas- 74900 ' Centertor theArts;5:00 p.m.:Call7-49N
tnfszMuSIc::4SSCt; 10;:4Ip.mF.,Ctallr-6?01 _ SC ' Meetings: Cosmpolitan Club Meeting; 205 ' Other: European POS'W Cale': Wl'h POS‘
Th "08.7986 :escrylnisgtugg iva. ree, SC:6:30p.m.:Cal|7-8646 tries 8 Music: 245 SC; 10a.m.-4p.m.; Call 7-
_ ea 6' ' p. " a 0 Meetings: UK Water Ski Club Meeting; SC; 6601
6:30 p.m.: Call 277-6569
' Academics: Adv‘mce Registration for l985 0 PlayS: POS'Y'S Legacy; $6‘PUb-/55 5'U~ 8- Sr. 0 Exhibitions: Figures from Rodin's 'Gates of 0 Exhibitions: Prints, Drawings, 8 Paintings
Fall Semester Cit-2 Lab Theatre; 8200 p.m.; CO” 73297 Hell' - Art Museum; Center for the Arts; 12-5 by Lanelle Kelly: Rasdell Gallery: Call 7-8867
0 Plays: Pasty's Legacy; Sb-Pub./SS-Stu. 8 Sr. 0 Movies: Red Dawn: $1.75 w/UKID; T-Sun; Call7-5716 OIOther: Romans: A Letter to Non-Conlarm-
‘ Cit.; Lab Theatre; 8:00p.m.: Call7-3297 Worsham Theatre: 7:30 p.m. e Concerts: Concert Band: Harry Clarke 8. J, isis A Bible Study; 412 Rose St.; 7:00 p.m.;
' Workshops: 2nd lnterview/Salary Negotia- ' Greek: Greek Week: Rent-a-Greek: 520 Steven Moore, Directors; Center for the Arts; Call253-0329 . .
tion; Free: 103A Mathews Bldg.; 11:00 am. for 2 persons; 9a.m.-1 :30 p.m.: Call 8-6242 3:00 p.m.; Call 7-4900 ' Academics: Advance Registration for 1985
" 0 Recitals: UK Opera Theatre: 'Opera ° Greek: Greek Week-Greek Banquet and e Movies: Red Dawn; 51,75 w/ UKID; Fall semester
Scences’: Center for the Arts; 12 Noon: Call 7- Dance - SS for dance; Continental Inn; 5p.m.- Worsham Theatre; 7:30p.m. 0 Movres: Red Dawn; $1.75 w/UKID;
' 4900 1a.m.; Call 8-8335 ”‘ r ' - e Exhibitions: opening Reception for Figures Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m. , _
- . 0 Recitals: Collegium Musicum: John Hedger, ' Recitals: UK Graduate String Quartet: Cen- who", Rodin's ”Gates-ot-Hell': Art Museum;4-4 0 Sports: Bluegrass Open Fencing Tournas
Director; Center for the Arts; 8:00 p.m.; Call 7- ter torthe Arts; 8:00 p.m.; Call 7-4900 p.m.; Call 7-5716 ment; All Welcome; Free; Alumni Gym; 10:00
4900 ' Other: Musical 'MOhOllO' - 57-00? '" ”099” 0 Sports: Bluegrass Open Fencing Tourna- a.m.; Call277-4308
’ ° Lem-"953 ‘COlhOllC S'Udenls and the Secu- Auditorium 0' Transy Univ.; 8300 p.m.: CO” 7‘ merit: All Welcome; Free; Alumni Gym; 10:00 0 Recitals: Jr. Recital, Lias Reedy, soprano;
lar University': Newman Center; 7:30 p.m. 5641 a.m.; Call 277-4308 Center for the Arts; 8:00 p.m.; Call 7-4900
' Movies: Red Dawn; $1.75 W/UKlD; 0 Recitals: Graduate Recital, Ed Bingham, e Films: Film: August Rodin Sponsored by
Worsham Theatre; 7:30 p.m. saxophone; Center for the Arts: 5:00 p.m.; Call the UK Art Museum; Center for the Arts; 2:00
0 Sports: UK Women's Softball v. Cumber- 7-4900 p.m.;Call7-3145
land at Home: Woodland Park Field: 4:00 p.m. o Concerts: Chamber Music Society of Cen-
0 Exhibitions: MFA Thesis Exhibition: Timo- tral Ky: The Razoumovsky String Quartet/ CFA;
thy Bird-Reception: 107 Fine Arts Bldg.: 6-8 8:00p.m.; CalI7-3145
p.m.;Call7-8148 0 Other: Musical 'Mahalia' $7.00; in Haggin
0 Concerts: Gallery Series: Basically Bach Auditorium at Transy University: 4:00 p.m.:
‘ Vll; Gallery/King Library: 12 Noon; Call 7-4900 Call 7-5641
. O Recitals: Senior Recital, Joan Tauper, Clar- 0 Banquets: Omicron Delta Kappa initiation
inet: Center for the Arts: 8:00 p.m.; Call 7-4900 Banquet: SC Ballroom: 6:00 p.m.; Call 7-2778
_ ‘ 0 Other: European Pastry Cate': with Pas-
: tries 8 Music: 245 SC: 100.m.-4p.m.; Call 7-
_ '. Q ' Arts 8 Concerts é} ntr m r l nd Athletic Events
- ‘ MOVles f 4 8 Symphonir Winds W Nnr'v Clarita (rm-tn rtor; Center for the Arts; 1%} ' a U a a
x " 800 n in ,Call 74900
' 4 ll u.... 4»! Cl h it D iii I M0>vii briec or it t th A l ; 8:00 ‘
, 4 3.4 9: ABoy and his Dog; $1.75w«UKlD: Worsham Theatre: 7,30p'm- p m Call ;490:) t es 0 a e i “a '9' or a r ‘ 4/8: Wildcat Cheerleader Tryouts; Free: Memorial Coliseum; 6:” p.m.; Call 7-
4 B: Forestry Film Festival; Free; SCTheatre; 7:(X)p.m_ ‘2 Gallery Series Basically Bach VII, Gallery King Library; 12 Noon: Call 7- 3726 . .
, 4 10-4 11: Fame. 5"75‘,‘ UKlD; Worsham Theatre, 7:30p.rn. “00 4/9: LadyKat Cheerleader Tryouts: Free; Memorial Coliseum; 6:” p.m.; Call
. 4 12-4 15: Red Dawn; $1.75w UKlD; Worsham Theatre; 7:30p.m. 4 14: Concert Band: Harry Clarke 8 J. Steven Moore, Directors: Center tor the ”2‘4“” . .
’ 4 14; Film; Aug“, Rodin Sponsored by the UK Art Museum; Center tor the Arts;3:00p.m.;Call7-49m 4/10: Mascot Tryouts; Memorial Coliseum; 7:mp.m.:Call7-3726
_ Arts:2:00p.m.:Call7-3145 4 14: Chamber Music Society at Centrale: The Razoumovskv String Quar- $113: ev°5°b°llvssaszslhfl1fi sr'yanld'otlldgdankamld 4mpm
» . tet CFA;8:00pum.;Call7-3145 : 0mm} VS- " 5 ° '° i_-' - -
~ - 4 8; MFA Thesis Exhibition: Timothy Bird; 107 Fine Arts Bldg.; 12430 p.m.; “'21 UK W°m°nss°"b°““-Cf‘mb'"°"diw°°d'°"d PW“ F'P'di‘i‘K’P-m-
. ~. Call 7-8148 4/14-4/15: Bluegrass Open Fencing Tournament; Free: Alumni Gym; tOo.m.
, 4 12: MFA Thesis Exhibition: Timothy Bird-Reception; 107 Fine Arts Bldg; 6-8
p.m.; Call 7-8148
. . , 4. 14-612: Figures from Rodin's 'Gates at Hall - Art Museum: Canter tor the
; ‘ . Arts; 12-5 T-Sun', Call7-5716
' , 4 14: Opening reception lar -Figures tram Rodin's'Gates ol Hell'- Art Museum;
. - , ~ ‘ 2.4 p.m.;Call7-5716
‘ . 4 15-5 3: Prints. Drawings, 8 Paintings by Lenelle Kelly: Rasdell Gallery; Call
. 7-8867
‘ Q 4%: UK Opera Theater: 'Opera Scenes'; Center for the Arts: 12 Noon; Call 7-
. . I ‘
J , I Meetings and Lectures m Speaal Events m2; 39:92:; Musicum: John Hedger, Director: Center tor the Am; moo
‘ p.m.: a -4
, ' » ', ‘ 4/12: Senior Recital. Joan Tauper, Clarinet; Center for the Arts: s:oo p.m.:
‘ 4 8 D . W‘lli De ' : 'Med‘ l Eth'cs 8 I la med Consent', Memor'al Hall; 4/10-4 17: Advance Registration lor 1985 Fall Semester Call7-49m .
. ’ V . 7-oop_.r-n_ c'gll’:3i9ivnes 'm u n r ' 4,14: Omicron Delta Kappa initiation Banquet: SC Ballroom: 6:00 p.m.; Call 7- U131 UK Gradual. String Quartet; Center tor the Arts: 8:mp.m.: Coin-49W
a 4 a Public Reading by Wendell Berry guest speaker. 223 sc; 8:00 p.m,; Call 2778 3’31 33:2; “'0'“: 5d “"9"“; ”"9“": “m" l“ "“ Am: 5"" ‘
255-4151 4 8: Greek Week: BannerContest;CallB-6616 ' '7 ' _ ,
. 4 9, Tapping the Hidden Job Market' by Drema Howard; 230 Oswald Bldg. 4/8: Greek Week: Exchange Dinner: 5zwp.n.:Cal|8-m c H 14"; J" *“"°'v 1"" ““611; W0”: CW“ '°' "‘0 Ami '=°° P-"'-i C°“ 7'
' LCC 7-30p.m.: Call7-3015 4/9: Greek Week: Greek and Friends Dessert: Maxwell Place; 6:1) p.m.; a ' . _
. 4 10. Lecture. 'Beverly Burden, Consumer Protection Agency‘. SC Theatre (Rm. 8-8029 h. 1' grufei-cszii-lige'lagocedures Workshop. Free, Rm. 15 Memorial Hall, 10o.m,-
' . 212); 12Noon; Call 7.8867 4/9: Greek Week: All Greek Bar Night/ $1.00 at t door: we Keys Tavern; ' " ’ . ‘ . ,
.' 4 12: 'Catholic Students andtheSecular Univ.': Newman center;7;:top.m. Collm~19l9 " :3: Govommnt Employment Workshop. Fm. 1094 W lids-- ’30
4 9 Enter nce Feminist Women's Press Meeting; 111 SC: 5'3!) p.m.; Call 254- 4/10: Greek Weeszreek Soltball Game; Haggin Field; 4:3)p.m.;Ca 8-24“ ' '
2946 9. 4 /10: omit Week: President's Round Table: 2n sc; 3:30 p.m.; Call 255-3219 4? ‘3 57mm? :25 mfg" Wfilimi "0': "3* W “9-? "WP-"‘-
' 4 9: Cosmopolitan Club Meeting; 2055C; azwpm” Call 7-8646 4/11: Greek Week: Greek drive-in;S2.m; Southlonde; Dusk; Call 254-“ ‘ 112A "mm J C V " '“' ”AW 69" 5.33M". . .
- , 4 9: UK Water SkiClubMeeting; SC: 6:31pm.: Call 277-6569 443: Greek Week: Rent-A-Greek: S20 tor 2 persons; 9a.m.-1::l)p.m.: Call 8- 4/12.2ndlnterview/SaoryNegatiation. Free. 1WMatheweIld...11.ma.m.
_ i 4 11. UK Fencing Club Meeting-Equipment available: Alumni Gym: 7:30 p.m. 6242
‘ 4/13: Greek Week: Greek Banquet and Dance: S5 tor dance; Continental inn:
5p.m.-ia.m.;CallB-0335 k' h d
4/0 8 4/15: 'Romans: A Letter to Non-Conlormists' A Bible Study; 412 Rose St.; L00 “9 A u
, 7:“) p.m.: Call 253m
4/8-4/12: European Pastry Cale': with Pastries and Music: 245 SC: 10a.rn.- -
, 4pm.: Call7-6601 4/16: Advance Registration lor 1985Fal| Semester
' 4/13: Musical 'Mahalio': $7.00; Haggin Auditorium at Transy Univ.; 8:!» p.m.; 4/16: UK Jazz Ensemble 1 ‘ ii Ienetlt Concert: ’5: Center tor the Arts: 0:“
Call 7-5641 ' p.m.; Coll 7-4929
4/14: Musical ’Moholia': 87.”: Haggin Auditorium at Transy Unlv.; 4:1!) p.m.: 4/16: Jo. Creason lecture: Charles “:th W"? Center lor the Am;
Coll 7-5641 szoo p.m.; Call 74145
4/11-4/13: "0v: Pmtv'tI-oeocv: ”Pub/SS-S'v- ! Sr- Cit-z lob Thom: 0:00 4/16: UK Day at Keeneland; sns at the gate: Keeneland Race Track; izoo
p.m.; Call 7-3297 p.m.; Call 0-6991
09: TvudotNoon Rosita! Sort-u: Converter the Arts: 12:30em2Col'7-4900 4/17:UK leseball vs. Evansville Univ. at Home;ShtvleyField:1:flp.m.
4/9: Senior Recital: Kittie Rutigliane. flute: Center tor the Arts:l:w p.m.: Coll 4/17; “mm..- on Time Wt; 59°“ is limited, phone ewly; Rm. 15
mean Memorial Hall; 0:15 a.m.; Coll 7-0151
4/9: Senior Recital: Stuart Naldnes, percussion; Center tor the Arts; moo p.m.:
Call T-M
4/10: Faculty Recital: Skip Gray: Memorial Hall; lzmp.m.; Call 74900
4/10: Trumpet Recital: Brad Geode: Centerlorthe Arts; 12Noan; Call 7.4m
4/11: Senior Recital: David lay, horn: Center tor the Arts; EN p.m.; Call 7- '

Hitmovie’s HE BREAKFAST CLUB Music far free
sound track / muggy... Center for the A rts, KE T offer early- week en tertamment .
' W“? m..;.. staflreporta piano and Tim Mize on guitar. The nowned tenor Placido Domingo in .
above average \é ' performance is presented in partial his second “Great Performances" , ' 4
i :i ~ ’ giggly , The UK Symphonic Winds will fulfillment of requirements for the appearancethisseeson- ' .
heareakfaat Clab - g ’ ‘ on, ‘ ' present a free concert tonight in the Bachelor of Music degree in Music Lorin Mantel conducts the Orches-
VarlousArtists/AtMRecords .. _ ' .' ‘ *N‘W- mm mu of the Center for the Education. tra of St. Luke's. with the Wincbea- , , . .

Just as “The Breakfast Club dll- \ V. ., J ‘D u.,,tm._v.v..w.g.v Arts. The concert features the pm- The program includes Handel's ter Cathedral Choir of England and _. '.
acted the social role- of I motley “at . _ V l....q.~::=;,.,,., mlereperformanceof Baile Fiscorn, “Sonata No. 3 in A Minor. 0p. 1. No. the Saint Thomas Choir of New . '
NP 0‘ hllll school students "*1 ‘- ‘ ' ' . ‘ ' a composition by UK student Brad- 4." SChllbefl'S “Introduction and V8- York. - ' ' v‘
found mire similarities flan differ- _ j; ley Goode, who will perform on flu- riations. Op. 160“ and Mario Castel- Webber, who composed the Broad- ‘ , , , ‘
coca, so the scum track album ‘ , “l * .‘ b . gelhorn. nuovo-Tedesco‘s “Sonatina, 0p, way hits “Cats" and “Evita." also .- ' . ,
unites the ettorta of a disparate a 35 {g . The Symphonic Winds will also 205." wrote the music for "Jesus Chr'nt , ‘ . I g, j
group of musician to produce some- ‘ Q; 1 ‘ ~ perform Stravinsky’s “Symphonies The concert is free, and begins at Superstar" and “Joseph and the ' '-
thingmore coherentthanmereclne— ‘4 ' of Wind lmtruments." Gordon Ja- 5p.m.intheRecital Hall. Amazing Technicolor Dresmcoat." " ' "' ~
maticsmportmuslc. q cob’s “Flag of Stars," Morton “Requiem” is Webber's first piece ‘. y 4 . . , t'

Simple Minds, Jeaae Johmon (for- Gould's “Ballad” Andreas Makris’ ' ‘ of music written in classical form. . ‘.
merly of the Tim), Karla DeVlto, . , .- “Aegean Festival" and Mariano San If you prefer to hear your music in The composition was inspired by . . ' . ' 1 .‘
Wang clung and Joyce Kennedy . U Q ,1 M18110“ La Oreja de 0,0, the only the comfort of your home, tonight's the death of Webber's fame, in In, , - , ‘ _, . :
here sound almost 18 if they could 3“" '3“ 7 \ ‘ non~mth century composition in the “Great Performances” on KCMUCky and a New York Times article about - - ' , ' .
all belong to the same hand. maybe that - , ‘ ,, prosrnm. Educational Television Channel 46 a Cambodian boy forced to diooae _ '- .
because all but one of these was t ’ ‘3, ( / x ‘\ Theconcert Mm at 8. (cable channel l2)is for you. between killing his mutilated sister . 1 "
were written or cowritten by Keith 7 . “Andrew Lloyd Webber: Requi- or being killed himself, = _' ~‘ 2 .
Farley, who also composed the ' . J em” has its world television pre- The recorded version of "Mul- ' .- .‘ .g-
film’sscore. j ~ _ The Senior Recital tomorrow. ai- miere at 8. The show was taped at cm“ is currently at the top of Bill- '

Simple Minds’ “Don’t You (Forget ternooa will feature students Kittie the work’s inaugural performance board magazine‘s classical music -' v. _ ‘ . _-

t Me)" is already a pop hit in , , Rutigliano on flute, Steve Savage on on Feb. 24, and features world-re- chart. ' t
lmts own right and is al lll‘ tsign- THE BREAKFAST CLUB . . . , _ -' ‘
pmtontheroadwherewbat’sleftof theworkofseveraldifferentartists petteamuuuewhnemg-m. . L
tints"? wave me? what’s arriving Laos: 5M9. mlmméngafi new origination for Jay. W The mEEgSXJzfimswifezzypm EQREETRYFILM_F_ESM ‘ .‘ . A . «g. g
dancecircul. pmlms come , cence Punch's or- e - , - , ' .

“Heart Too Hot t0_ Hold” featura without the disjointedness that (“ ’Cos she knows when M‘ve .1] macies drug product evaluation unit is curl FREEADMISSION . , ’ 3 - ‘ .
some fine soul singlm in the Ash- usuallyplaguesswndtrack albums. gone home/Shecanlickhlmcleanin rently seeking healthy, non-smoking male ‘1 . - ' , .‘
30rd and implant giggly Jesse KERNELRATING: 8 style”). volunteers between 18 and 45 years of age Contra Thoatro - ' ' ; '. "

till”! 3 _ 353“” Then some eacellsn ”and“. to participate in a three weekend investiga- In Old Studon' COI'IQOI’ ' ' - - l ‘
We? Stephame stiui_ allduthe Aural Sculpture . here n03; the minw-kzyed Hut tion (April 13, 20 and 27). Those interested 1 1UP M ~ - - ’.
mcluneztm rock 0‘ DeVltos We 'l‘heStranslem/EplcCBS Records Me flown EX". v- the luv "Ll must be in Lexington through the first week . ' ' I -. .
are Not Aime" — the only song not Speaking of what's left of the new . ,, , .. d? “8': _ Monday, April 81h ' .- -

. . ing and the phyfu] m mu..- of June for follow up procedures. .
"m” by Ema-“Km“ "“"°"' with its kiddiek boards and doo- PAYS $43500 ' ' ‘~
“Didn't [Tell You” keep the LP at a Aural Sculpture is a fascinating ey . . ' 5 ed h K _ .
. , . . WW vocals. The deliberatel