xt75hq3rxv81 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75hq3rxv81/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-02-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1991 1991 1991-02-06 2020 true xt75hq3rxv81 section xt75hq3rxv81  

w. ff? $1M,“ ”AI"? 3““- afin'fifii"

Kentucky Kernel

. fliflwms .

m 1971

Wednesday. February 6 1991

SGA meeting may focus on fiscal responsibility

Senior Staff Writer

Last year the Student Government
Association Senate made its televi-
sion debut Tonight the Senate may
have one of its largest viewing audi-
ences when goes on the air at 7:30.
('1' elecable Campus Channel 19.)

The Senate could address the is-
sue of fiscal responsibility in SGA,
as was prompted by a Kentucky
Kemel investigation into uses of an

unregulated presidential checking

Some senators said the issue
would be addressed. but they were
not sure if the Senate would go into
executive session.

The investigation showed that
SGA President Sean Lohman used
an unregulated checking account.
for which he had sole signature au-’
thority, to pay bonuses to election
officials and office employees and
to cash a personal check.




Lohman inherited the account
that was started in fall 1985 by
then-SGA president John Cain. Un-
like other SGA accounts. the check-
ing account had no administrative
oversight Lohman closed the ac-
count last Wednesday at the request
of UK officials.

Records show the vast majority
of expenses were just. But, on occa-

sion they show that the SGA presi~
dent's freedom over the account
may have been too great.

“It could have been Mother Tere-
sa in charge of that account and you
still would have needed some con-
trols.“ College of Allied Health Sen-
ator Jill Lowry said.

Although the checking account
did not break any University regula-
tions, some senators say Lohman
could have exercised better judg-







Mild temperatures and rainy conditions made i
on campus. Intermittent light rain should grace t






or wet weather yesterday for one UK student walking by the Health Sciences Building
he Bluegrass again today. There‘ s an 80 percent chance for the wet stutt



“I don‘t think he meant to do any—
thing wrong. but I think he was ine-
sponsible in his management of that
fund," Senator at Large Kim Good-
win said.

Lohman paid Jason Vandiver, the
president—appointed chairman of the
volunteer election board, 550 after
the spring election. which Lohman

Lohman also gave more than
$1,500 in bonuses and honoraria to
office employees during his two

years as president.

Lohman and other SGA officials
have Justified the bonuses to office
workers because of the work office
workers perform.

Lohman used the account to cash
a personal check and write himself
and his brother, Eric. each a check
from the account. He also used the
account for a trip to Indianapolis
and the Big Four basketball classic

See SGA. Page 7


Center helps students
find jobs, perspective

Contributing Writer

Although finding a job should be
a major concern for UK students. it
shouldn't be their only one, counse-
lors at UK’s Career Center say.

“Some think that the only goal of
a college education should be get~
ting a job." said Drema Howard. a
career counselor and associate di-
rector of the center. “I try to help
students see that a Job is only
one aspect and that they need to
take into account their own goals
and values."

The center. located on the second
floor of the Mathews Building,
hasn’t always had this philosophy.
It was primarily an employment of-
fice and recruitment center as late
as I980, when it was called the
“Placement Center."

Today's Career Center provides a
complete Resource Library to aid
students in choosing a career. The
center also offers workshops on re-
sume writing and job interviewing
skills, including mock job inter»

Many of the students who come
to the center, however, do not uu-
lize anything but the Job placement
program. Howard said.

Brenda Owen, a fifth-year phar-
macy student, did not attend any of
the workshops because “they didn‘t
fit into my schedule. I would like to
have participated, but the times (for
the workshops) were very fixed."

Electrical engineering senior
Gary Phelps said many students
simply don’t know about all of the
serVices offered by the center.

“It's not well-known what all

Iraq must leave Kuwait ‘fast’, Bush says

Associated Press

DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia —— AI-
lied warplanes and the USS Missou-
ri‘s mighty guns shattered the mom-
ing peace from Baghdad to
Kuwait’s embattled shores yester-

day. Hard-pressed Iraq banned sales
of heating oil and other fuel to its
citizens. who grew ever more des~
perate under a mid- winter siege.

Baghdad said 428 civilians have
been killed thus far tn what the offi-
cial radio condemned as ‘sav“age

Up on the desert war from, the
Syrian contingent in Operation
Desert Storm clashed with the Iraqis
for the first time.

The Saudi military said Syrian ar-
tillery drove 30 inu'uders back into
Kuwait after they crossed into Saudi
Arabia. But a news pool repon from
the front said US. Marine officers
gave a different account: Iraqi
troops struck twice across the hero
der, overrunning a Syrian position
in one attack. being pushed back in
the second.

Behind the scenes in Mideast cap-
itals. meanwhile. diplomats and


Two professors specializing in
Middle Eastern issues said at UK
last night that anti—American sen-
timent by the Arabs can be traced
all the way back to World War l.

William Shorrock. a professor
at Cleveland State University, and
William Adams. a anthropology
professor at UK, discussed Arabi-
an attitudes towards Western na-
tions in “The Arabs & The West",
the second in a series of forums
held in UK‘s Student Center.

“Many Arabs feel betrayed by
the West. a betrayal for which no
adequate recompense has been
given," Shorrock said.

Shorrock said that, despite


President Bush’s insistence that
the current crisis has nothing to do
with Arab feelings during World
War I. it has deep roots there and
in events leading up to the war.

The anti-Westem sentiment
may have started with European
colonialism of Middle East coun-
tries in the mid-1800s and contin-
ued with English and French man-
dates of many Arab countries after
World War I, he said.

Many European nations began
to colonize Middle Eastern na-
tions for economic and political
reasons, he said. The central na—
tion in this imperialism was Tur-
key, which Britain colonized. Brit»
ain sought to exert a great deal of
Western influence on this nation.
As a result. Shorrock said, it be-
came dependent on British reve-

Arabs feel ‘betrayed’ by US.

Contributing Writers

nue to survive economically.

As Western nations began to
weaken, Turkey was convinced to
go to war against them on Germa-
ny's side.

As a result. the Westem na—
uons persuaded the Arabs to lead
a revolt against Turkey. In return.
the Arab revoluuonaries thought
they were going to obtain inde»
pcndcnce and land. However. the
Arab territories were parccled out
in treaties to Western nations.

The Arabs felt they should have
gained control of Palestine. and
that they were cheated out of it by
the Western nations. “Indeed, Pal-
estine is a promised land. Great
Britain promised it to itself, the
Arabs thought it to itself, and the
Balfour agreement promised it to
the Jews,“ Shorrock said.



government leaders conferred on
Monday’s bid by Iranian Presi-
dent Hashemi Rafsanjani to medi
ate a Persian Gulf peace.

The Soviets and Turks signaled
support for Iran's initiative. In
Washington, however. President
Bush said he had seen no Iranian
peace plan and saw nothing to ne-
gotiate with Iraqi President Sad-
dam Hussein.

“He's got to say. ‘I‘m going to

get out of Kuwait,‘ now. fast,“
Bush said.

The US. chief executive said
he was sending the Pentagon‘s
top leadership —— Defense Secre-
tary Dick Cheney and Gen. Colin
L. Powell — to the war zone this
week to assess how the U.S.-led
offensive, now 20 days old, is

President Bush said yesterday
he doubts Iraq‘s army can be ex-

pelled from Kuwait without a
ground war and announced he is
sending Defense Secretary Dick
Cheney and Gen. Colin Powell to
the Persian Gulf for a "firsthand
status report.“

Bush, at a news conference.
said “it would be a lot mom to
see a successful conclusion" if
Saddam Hussein were ousted or
killed, but he stressed that the
US. objective was still simply to

drive Saddam‘s forces front Kuwait.
Any other world leader would have
yielded by now rather than submit
his country to relentless bombings
and missile attacks, Bush said.

Spelling out rigid conditions for
any cease-fire, Bush said Saddam
would have to undertake “a credi-
ble, visible, totally convincing with-
drawal" and return Kuwait‘s exiled
leadership to power.

“He's got to say, I‘m going to get
out of Kuwait, how. fast.”

Twenty days into the war. Bush
portrayed himself as being at peace
with himself. comfortable with the
momentous decisions of sending
American troops into battle. "I'iii
sleeping quite well, as a matter of

Bush said, “I know what I‘ve got
to do," but he added. “I can't tell
you I don‘t shed a tear for families
and for those that might be lost in

The US command reported an-
other 2.000-sortie day in the Desert
Stonn air war, and said Americtm
warplanes took speCial aim again at
the dug-in Republican Guard. back-
bone of the Iraqi defense of Kuwait.

Giant Air Force B-SZ bombers
struck Republican Guard positions
in six raids, the command said.

It said US. warplanes also contin-
ucd focusmg on resupply lines to
the Iraqi troops in Kuwait and
southern Iraq. striking a ZS-truck
convoy in one instance late Mon»

See GULF, Page 7


they can do." Phelps said “Putting
out a paper to \Itldt‘nts of \shztt Iht'v
offer might help "

One sen ice offered by the . enter
helps students hit it. x-tiipiwxcr.
who don't recrtiit on .LIIV‘Plh The
center i< .onnected to .1 .nntpiitcr
network that stores student resumes.
Howard said The network matches
students‘ qualifications with .m-
ployers across the country

The center ‘AhICI’I offers its tree
services to .1” Us student: ind
alumni. is planning an expansion t i
better meet the needs t .oh
seekers. Larry Crouch, director .tf
student services, said the tenter has
collected one—third of the SI * [lili-
Iion it needs for ;i new htiildintt

The new ithlIlh will he
on Rose Street next .. ‘he Kzixg
Alumni House and «1.1 izicitiilc .i-
interview rooms .in itidio \id o
studio where students an tipt: "tc tr
own mock interntus .ti.t
rooms where recruiters ,;ilt y'vrxx.
videotapes with iiitilleiUdls
small groups.

The new iLlL‘IllI} \Nlii
\‘Idt‘Ai telephones that ..iti .112.“
dents to talk to recruners :rzr. z.- '
the nation. (‘rouch \Lllti .i tart
for construction has not at wen
planned. “That depends on for he
fund raising goes." he said

Although most students \sho x mt
the center are tumors and color»
Howard stressed that tresnntan ..ii.t
sophomores seeking jit‘tctittd‘ '=-.i
tors and career direction . .iit
from talking WIIh .otinsetors ‘he
center has .oniptiter onwrann tint
match sludt‘nls likes. .ilsllhc‘s and
personal goals with {\(lsuhit: .i

One of the programs
dents questions .2bottt .i \ilfls‘h
subjects. including interests. rm
levels and geographit zirt'tercntts
The computer then L‘flill\ ,i ils't ~'
occupations that \ltltlc‘llLs ti.i\ .sisr.
to explore. Howard said

Vinny alumni also time illIIlt‘tI 1.1
the serum. cspctiad) Mien ‘hc‘~
want to make career .haiigt-s, Ho;
ward said.

The center has been \t'r\
ful in its original tutti wt helping
students. had robs. students
have used the \CIVILK‘ said.

“I hLIV'k .l lot of prospects riot».


.:i\t\"1t. 1':


..sl\.\ lit



See CAREER. Page

sponsored blood
drive continues
from 2 to 9 pm. at
Haggin Hail.

Actor's lat»
est action
flick short
on Stile

Page 2







 ' ' .

The solution to nation’s education dilemma is to bring down other countries’ standards

Even as you read this, 4-yearoold
school children in Tokyo are com-
posing operas in Latin. Here at
home. recent surveys indicate that
the average high school senior
thinks that Joan of Arc is an actress
on "Knots Landing" and that Joyce
Carol Oates is a breakfast cereal.

British school kids are adding bi-
zarre new elements to the “Periodic
Table of Elements“ at a rate of three
per day. Meanwhile, American
youngsters slowly fossilize as ex-
ploding turtles battle it out with
sub—machine guns on TV.

Gemian children can name the
shoe size of every American presi-
dent, including Chester A. Arthur (a
size 9). Billy and Betty Lunchbox
have arguments on the school bus
about which New Kid on the Block
has the coolest hairstyle.


You bet it is. Education in the
United States isn't what it used to
be. Something needs to be done; cit-
izens need to scream.

And every educational muckety-
muck agrees on one thing: No one
can agree about what to do. There
are no easy answers.

After all, a serious attempt to
raise American educational stan-
dards would mean patience, sacri-
fice and commitment. That’s why


the new solution is obvious: Let's
forget about raising our standards
and do something much easier.
Let’s get every other country on the
face of the earth to lower theirs.

Sound difficult? Not so.

Let‘s use the lovely island nation
of Japan as an example, shall we?

By lobbying their legislature, ad-

,vertising on their television net-

works and flooding them with
handy-dandy anti-education para-
phernalia, in no time Japanese test
scores will drop like nobody’s busi-
ness, to coin a phrase.

To see how this could happen,
let’s begin with what we can do in
the classroom.

Japanese children work too hard.
We need to lobby for more study
halls, where they can sleep on their
desks, shoot spitballs, carve vulgar
phrases into the desks and copy
each others’ homework.

Pointless classes can be added to
the curriculum. Endless hours can
be spent while a portly physical ed-

ucation teacher yells at the children
about why they shouldn't horse
around while they put up the volley-
ball net —— a common occurrence
here. Let’s encourage them to take
health, so they can waste time read-
ing an inane textbook about yogurt.

When former President Ronald
Reagan is in Japan again for another
of his multimillion dollar speaking
tours, let’s ask the Gipper to sell
them on his administration‘s cafete—
ria food policy.

Ketchup is officially classified as
a vegetable, salt is a meat and
cheese puffs are dairy products.
What is the official designation of
that strange gelatin dessert we used
to have all the time in elementary
school? Science hasn‘t figured it

Anyway, Japanese school chil-
dren will have trouble retaining in-
formation when the pangs of hunger
leave them chronically woozy.

Is there even a Japanese version
of our famed American brand of
Cliff’s Notes, that miracle of Yan-
kee ingenuity that makes it possible
to skim through a Shakespearean
tragedy during the detergent and
light beer commercials we see dur-
ing a typical network sitcom? If not,
let‘s invent one for them.

But the classroom is but one im-



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portant phase in the overall plan.
The workplace is just as important

We need to encourage employees
in the average Japanese busines-
splace to waste time on an office
sumo-wrestling pool. Long distance
phone calls to long-lost friends on
company time? Go for it, we can
tell them.

Want to call in sick so you loaf
around the house watching the Japa-
nese version of “The Match
Game?" Go ahead, we’ll tell them
you have that time coming.

We need to divert their attention
away from pioneering break-
throughs in computer science and

Namely, we need to get them to
do what American workers do best
— photocopying each others wa-
zoos on the copy machine for

Japan is just one country that
needs to be “Americanized.” Other
industrial nations need the treatment
as well. All of this may take a
while, but it will pay off eventually.

In time, the day will come when
the average Japanese businessman
spends days on end watching foot-
ball and slowly growing roots into a
La-Z-Boy, occasionally yelling into
the kitchen, “Hey, hon — beer me!”

When that day comes, it will be


an exciting new day for American

Then, when our child tells us that
Minneapolis is the capital of
Greece, we’ll have the satisfaction
of knowing that everyone else in the



JERRY VOIGTl-Statf An'st

world is even stupider.

Senior Staff Writer Toby Gibbs is
a journalism senior and a Kernel
columnist. His column will appear
every Wednesday on the Diversions

Van Damme still looking for a role

Actor’s latest
2’ action flick

short on style



Senior Staff Critic

After seven films, you would
think that Jean-Claude Van Damme
would have discovered the secret to
making a reliable low-budget action
film, instead of being a pan of yet
another near hit.

His latest attempt, “Lionheart,”
does provide a few new angles on
the usual Van Damme persona and
plenty of opportunities to showcase
Van Damme’s martial arts talents.

His character this time is Lyon, a
reluctant member of an especially
corny and inept French Foreign Le-
gion, who deserts in order to go to
America and help his dead broth-
er’s wife and child.

Naturally, once in America, he
doesn’t try to check out an honest
day’s pay but rather plunges imme-
diately into the lucrative bare-
knuckles fight circuit.

Of course, Van Damme flicks
have never been known for plots
worth taking seriously. His best
film, “Cyborg,” had him as a Mad
Max-type hero doing battle against
quasi-humans in a rather sunny

for details






Jean-Claude Van Damme still has not discovered the secret to mak-
ing a reliable low-budget action flick.

post-apocalyptic world.

”the success or failure of his films
rely solely on the amount of actual
acting talent is around him and how
much screen time is given to his
well—choreographed fight scenes.

Van Damme’s acting tends to im-
prove on a step-by-step basis, so in-
deed his performance was a little
better than the last. The best acting
comes from newcomer Harrison
Page, who adds a necessary dose of
humor and spontaneity as Lyon‘s
Streetwise manager.


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Several times. Page’s straightfor-
ward dialogue and wry comebacks
make up considerably for the rest of
the screenplay's cliches and non-

Unfortunately, “Lionheart” has
the overall look of a shoddy C-
grade flick. Van Damme is on the
brink of big-budget stardom.

When will he decide to cross

”Lionhearl,” rated R, is showing
at Mon 0' War Movies 8 and North
Park and Crossroads cinemas.

Dance fever sweeps
Rio De J aneriro

Assoclated Press

Dance fever gripped this South
American city this month as George
Michael, Prince, Deee-Lite and Car-
los Santana thrilled thousands of
fans at the mammonth Rock in Rio
11 music festival.

Despite heavy rain, thousands
hopped and gyrated to the rythmn
of Michael‘s hit, “Father Figure." as
stage lights and lasers flashed over
the crowd at Maracana soccer stadi-


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 4 - Mucky Kernel, Wednesday, February 6, 1991


Kats seek win, dominance

Staff Writer

Before the 1990-91 season began
the UK women's basketball team
set the goal of winning all their in-
state games.

That goal
slipped away
just last month
.... after a disap-
pointing 70—63
loss to Louis-

However, UK
coach Sharon
Fanning isn‘t
going to let that
loss dampen her FANN'NG
team‘s quest to establish dominance
in the state of Kentucky.

“it is a priority to win in-statc
games," Fanning said.

The Lady Kats, (14-7 overall, 1—5
Southeastern Conference) will get a
chance to put a link on the chain
they want to lay around the com-
monwealth‘s borders tonight when
they face Morehead State Universi-
ty tonight in Johnson Arena on the
Morehead campus.

The Lady Eagles, however, have
enough talent to test l'K‘s bruised

Morehead has won two of its last
three games. They defeated both
Austin Peay and Murray State uni-
versities, raising their record to 10-9
Overall and 3—4 Ohio Valley Confer-
ence play.

“We have to go in there (More—
head) playing our very best game if


“It is a priority to win
in-state games We
have to go in there
(Morehead) playing our
very best game if we
expect to win."

Sharon Fanning,
Lady Kats head coach

we expect to win," Fanning said.

The game is the first of five
straight road games for the Lady
Kats —— before they come back
home for their regular season finale
against Florida Feb. 23.

Though the Kats have compiled a
dismal 1—5 record in the tough SEC,
they have shown a much-needed
dominance over non-conference op-

“If we don‘t win our non—
conference games, the NCAA will
not be a reality for us,” Fanning
said. “We must do well with in non-
conference (games) and improve
our conference record."

Standing in the way of the Kats
goal will be Lady Eagles' star
player Julie Magrane (sister of St.
Louis Cardinals ace left-hander Joe

Magrane leads the Lady Eagles in
scoring, averaging 18 points and
10.1 rebounds a game.

Two other Eagles average in dou—
ble figures —— Bev Smith with 16.7
poian per game and Beth Ousley




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l. ,1

with 14.3 points per game

Morehead likes to put up the
three-pointer, which may pose prob-
lems to the UK defense. Their top
three-point threat is Beth Ousley.
So far this season Ousley has hit
40.2 percent (43-107) from long

Besides being able to hit the trey,
the Lady Eagles are very experi-

“All five (starters) played against
us last year — and played well,"
said Fanning.

After a crushing 87-71 loss to
Georgia Sunday, Fanning has devel-
oped a game plan for Morehead.

“Play our own game and do a bet-
ter job of communicating, along
with playing good team defense,”
Fanning said.

Unfortunately for the Kats, they
will have to play without starting
point guard and lone senior Tracye
Davis. Davis is out with shoulder
injuries. She hopes to be back for
next Saturday‘s conference game
against Mississippi State.

With Davis out, the job of direct—
ing the team will fall to freshmen
Karen Killen.

“We don’t want to push her into
anything too quickly," Fanning

As the Kats enter the stretch of
their season, Fanning feels her team
is putting in an effort. The team‘s
strength is “intensity — we are
playing awfully hard, and I am
proud of that."

Although her team has lost two of
their last three games, Fanning does
not think her team is struggling.

“When I look at our progress it’s
our team (she is impressed with).
I’m pleased with our overall
progress,” Fanning said.

“It is the last third of the season
our time beginning to peak.‘



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STEVE Me FARLAND» Kernel Stati

UK freshman guard Karen Killen tlies up for a shot in UK's 87-71 loss to Georgia Sunday in Memorial
Coliseum. With senior point guard Tracye Davis out with injuries, Killen will be called upon to produce.

Toour Readers ...

amuse the UKth game began later than usual, Kernel Sports
wastrnable to supply you with a game story.
":Rest'iisstrted that a full story and game box will run in this sec-










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lege of Arts and ciences. Awards are made on the basis of outstanding aca-

cants should complete at least 30 credit hours of collgc work by Fall of 1991.


S I 800 scholarshi s for outstanding undergraduate students enrolled in the Cole


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demic achievementh potential for continuing academic excellence. Appli-


31200 scholarship awarded to an outstanding undergraduate student in the Col-
lege of Arts and Sciences. Applicants should have a current cumulative mini-
mum GPA of 3.5 on at least 30 credit hours of college work by the end of
Spring 1991.

$700 scholarship awarded to an outstanding undergraduate student in the Colv
lcgc of Arts and Sciences. Applicants Should have a current cumulative nlllll'
mum GPA of 3.5 and should complete at least 90 credit hours of
college work by the end of Spring 1991.

$2000 scholarship awarded to an outstanding undergraduate student in the Col-
lege of Ans and Sciences. Applicants should have a current cumulatiie mllll'
mum (EPA of 3.5 on at least 30 credit hours of college work by the end of
Spring 1991.

. (ll ilil‘llll’

$1300 renewable scholarship awarded to full-time student who "deimnstrates
the potential for academic excellence." Both inconung freshmen and currently
enrolled students are eligible. Applicants should have. a current cumulative

GPA of 3.5 or higher.

3750 scholarship awarded to an outstanding [retriedical student Appllcdnb‘
need not be enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences, but should have a cur
rent cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher and have completed at least
90 hours of college work by the end of Spring 1991

$100 award to an outstanding premodical student. Applicants need not be en
rolled in the College of Arts and Scrcnccs. but should have a current
cumulative grade pornt avenge of 3 5 or higher and have completed at least 90

hours of college work by the end of Spring 1991.

Application forms may be obtained from 271 Patterson Office Tower.
Applications require two faculty recommendations, a current transcript. and cs
say from the applicant stating qualifications. academic and personal goah

The 2=Residence Hall Association
will sponsor these and other
articles to commemorate famous
Black Americans and their major
contributions to American history.











Lyman T. Johnson



In 1949, as a result
of a Federal Court suit
by Louisville civil rights
leader Lyman T. John-
son. the Univrsity of
Kentucky was desegre-
gated. After winning his
case and being allowed
to attend UK’s profes-
sional school, Lyman
and 30 other black stu-

dents were still being . _ . ~
discriminated against. The University set aSide speCilic

desks and tables marked "Reserved for Special Students"
in classrooms and the cafeteria. However. students both
black and white, protested and the signs were removed.






Wheel Kats lost in Invitational,
but their investment is in future

Contributing Writer

Last weekend the UK Wheel Kats
held the 12th annual Bluegrass Invi-
tational wheelchair basketball tour-
nament at the Seaton Center. The
three-day tournament is considered
the best of its kind in the world.

“This is, by far, the best collec-
tion of talent at one place at one
time in the whole world. This is the
best of the best," Woodard said of
the Invitational.

The Wheel Kats (26-9) — ranked
32nd in the nation before the tour-
nament — upset Nth-ranked Den-
ver Friday in the first round 67-64.

The Kats, down by 12 points with
seven minutes left, came back in the
final minutes behind the efforts of
27 year-old Steve Kane and 23
year-old Tim Maloney.

“We made some adjustments,”
UK coach Mike Woodard said. “Ba-
sically, we wanted it more than
(Denver) did."

The Kats, however, had little time
to savor the victory. They were
beaten a few hours later by top-
ranked Arkansas 82-52. The Rolling
Razorbacks beat Grand Rapids Pac-
ers Sunday in overtime, 67-66, to
take the championship.

“We are, by and far, not of the
talent level that (Arkansas) is,"
Woodard said.

Woodard, though, has been build-
ing the Wheel Kats into a potential
national powerhouse.

He has been coaching the Wheel
Kats for the past four years, and
holds a 68-22 record throughout the
past three years. When Woodard
first came to UK, in 1987, he “did it
all I did everything from sweep—
ing the gym to raising money to be-
ing a manager to a guidance counse-