xt75mk654k0n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75mk654k0n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19240121 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1924-01-jan21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1924-01-jan21-ec. 1924 2011 true xt75mk654k0n section xt75mk654k0n 

    Mlinates of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustses
of the University of Kentucky for Monday, January 21, 1924.

     The executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the
Jniversity of Kentucky met. in regular monthly session at the
-resident's office at the University at 10 otclock a. mi., on
-onday, Jmnuary 21, 1924.   The following members were present:
h. C. Stolli Robert G. Gordon, Rainey T. ,ells, H. MK. Proman.
-tresident Frank L. MocVey and Wellington Patrick9 Secretary of the
Board, were also present.

     The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as published;

     1. knort of the Business Agggtv    The report of the Business
Azqnt was read and orde-red incorporated in the minutes.   The re-
port was as follows:

                                      January 15, 1924

    President F. L. McVey

         Oniversity of Kentucky

    Dear Dr. McVey:

         I am submitting financial report for December 1923,
    and also statement of receipts and expenditures to December
    31, 1923 showing estimated receipts and expenditures from
    January 1, 1924 to June 30, 1924.

         From July 1, 1923 to December 31, 1923. we borrowed
    $150,000.00 to meet current expenses all of * ich with inter-
    est due thereon was ps iO after January 1, 1924.

         The i'reasurer of the Univerisity b s in his hands the
    following warrants issued on abstracts submitted to State
    Auwitor December 25, 1923:
              #4357 Experiment Station           $ 6,171.28
              4358 Extension Fand                 11,565.07
              4359 Agricultural                    3,263.91
              4360 Analysis                        1,500.00

         I have written Mrs. Mary C. East. that wo desire to pay
    the notes due on Smith Hall.

                                      Very truly

                                           D. H. Peak
                                           Business Agent


     Statement of Redeipts and Disbursements from
July 1, 1923 to December 31, 1923 and estimated Re-
ceipts and Disbursements from January 1, 1924 to
June 30, 1984.
                   General Fund

   July 1, 1923 to D6ecember 31, 1923
   St te Tax received Jcnuary 3, 1924
     j292,25 .35 less Binghamn Tax
     P25 ,762.93
   Estimated January 1, 1924 to June 30
     1924 State lax
   Vocational Education Board
   General 'Education Board
   Special Agricultural Appropriation
   Interest on Liberty Bonds
   Interest on Endowment Bonds
   Student Pees- General
   Student Fees- Government Students
   Student Pees- University High School
   Uni-versity Extension

   July 1, 1923 to Decenmber 31, 1923
   Estimnated January 1, 1924 to June
     30, 1924, Salaries


266 .442.42

 25 ,000.00
 3 000.00



230 D 000 00
U75. 000.00


Fstimated excess of Receipts over
P'xpenditures for 1923-1924                            741_31


Statement of Income and Expenditurew
     Month of December, 1923

"eneral Fund Income
  Federal Appropriation
  General Education Board
  Special Agricultural
    State Tax
    Interest on Endowment Bonds
    Interest on Liberty Bonds
    Student Fees
    Student Fees-Veterans Bureau
    Student Fees-Summer School
    Student Fees-University High
    Student Fees-University Ext.
    Miscellaneous Receiptis



Current     Year
Month       To Date
  3,263.91   15,783.91

  44,10681   70,902.31
    (18.70) 26,1076.31
    918.34    3,176.17

  1,636.25       12.50    1,648.75
  4,029.74    1,149.44    5,179.18
  1,724.71      155.26    1,879.97
  1.872.00      232.00    2 ,104.00
140,903.09 _. 49,819.56  190,722.65

   Administration Expense
   Additions and Betterments
         To tal


38,3100.90  202,772 .93
9,925.30   66,871.35
   643.61    5,567.82
48,669.81  275,212.10

   Excess of Expenditures over

Patterson Hall Income
  Miscellaneous Receipts
  Room Rent- Summer School

E~xpendi tures
   Additions and Betterments

Excess of income over

(J-eneral Fund Income
General Fund Expenditures

   Excess of Gseneral Fund. Ex-
     penditures over Income

(85,639.20)   1.149j75  (84.489.45)

14,821.45    6,306.01   21,127.46
      2.97                    2.97
   2.374.50               2, 374-.5()
_              __ _._ _ _ _       _Z~ 5
17,198.92    6,306.01   23,504.93

11,925.42    3,452.75   16,378.17
    187.50                  187.50
 127112 .92   3,452.75   15,565.67

 5 086.00    2 853.26    7,9.39.26

r2,38,655 .21

56,125.57  214,227.58
52.,122 .56  290.777.77

4,003.01  (76,550.19)



Previously  Current
Reported    Month

To Date

Ehxcess of Receipts over Ex-
  penditures for General
  Iedzer Accounts            66,820.84    98,441.23  165,262.07

Excess of Recroipts over Expenditures
  for fiscal -jear to date-
  General Fund               (13__32._36) 102_4_44_24 88__11___

Excess of Reoeipts over Expenditures
  for the. Fi:3ca1 Year to date-General Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1923- General Fund
Cash in Bank December 31, 1923-General Fund

Trust Fund inccme
  Stud-ent loan Fund
  Special Sch. larships
  Civilian Re'nabilitation Fund
         Total Income
  Student iNotes Paid
         Total Receipts

. xpenaitures
  Student Notes

Excess of Receipts over Ex-
  pend itures

435. .20
2,432 .08


1.179 .38


225 .00

2  5 5.81
  855 .00

(722 .48)

(119,025 .74)

  841 . '71
1, 318.50
435 .20
2 595.41

1,459 .51'
4, 530.51


Excess of Receipts over Expenditures
  for the fiscal year to date- Trust Fund
Cash in Bank July 1, 1923- Trust Fund.
Cash in Bank'December 31, 1923- Trust Fund

ixperiment Station Income
  Hatch- Federal Appropriation
  lHilk and Butter- Cash Receipts
  Beef Cattle Bales
  Dairy Cattle Sales
  Sheep Sales
  8'vine Sales
  Poultry Sales
  Farm Produce Sales
  Horticultural Sales
  veed Test
  Fertilizer Fees
  Public Service-State Appro,-

  800. 11
  1C7 .00
  307 .37
l-,305 .59
  409. 86
  167 .40
7,886. 75


1,028.51   6,572.60
  124.00      924.11
  218.90      4 466.10
  768.68   1,076.05
  283.98   1,589.57
  89.50      499.36
  99.00      521.75
  19.00       72.00
  306.67   1,140.01
  121.00      288.40

6,000.00  1. 00.00    7,500.00


Public Service- Misc.
Feeding Stuffs- Fees
Adams- Federal Appro.
Serum- Sales
Serum- Virus Sales
Serum- Supply Sales
Serum- Miscellaneous
State Appropriatioon
Creamery- License Pees
Creemery- Testers Licenses
Creamery- Glassware Tested

Additions and Betterments
Excess of Expenditures
  over Income

                        F i scal
Previously Current    Year
Reported    M-lonth     To Date
     21.47        5.00       26.47
 20,1141.35  4,757.50  24,871. 65
 7,500.00                7,500.00
 2,679.24      831.56    3,510.80
     85.40       34.95      120.35
     23.48       15.85       39.33
     8.50       28.00       36.50
 23,558.16   9,373.60  32,931.76
 1,438.50       48.00    1,486.50
    620.00                  620.00
    142.99      100.03      243.02
 87,778.55  19,753.73 107,532.28

 96,529.4-2  18, 385.25 114,914.67
 2,125.36      280.57    2,405.93
 98,654.78  18,665.82 117,320.60

(10,876.23) _

1, 08_7_91  _(_9,788.32)

Excess of Expenditures over Income
  for the:.fiscal year to date- Experiment
Cash inBanrk July 1, 1923- Experiment Station
Cash in Bonk Decembar 31, 1923-Experiment Station

Extension Divisioll
  Federal Smith-Lever
  State Smith-Lever
  Federal Supplementary
  County and ether

   Exp anse

   Excess of Expenditures over

( 9 ,788.32)
35 455,4!7

76,120.65               76,120.65
50,302.62   11,368.31  561,670.93
22,550.4 7              22,550.47
1,653.95      113.70    1,767.65
150,627.69   11,482.01  162,109.70

136,175 .37

31,427.83 167,603.20

14,452.32 (19,945.82) (5,493-50)

Excess of Expenditures over Income for the
  fiscal year to date-Extension Division
Cash in Bank July 1, 1923- Extension Division
Cash in Bank December 31, 1923- Extonsion Division

   General Fund Income
   Trust Fund Income
   Experiment Station Income
   Extension Division Income

10.787 .01
_ _9  . _,  

158,102.01   56,125.57  214,227.58
  2,432.08      163.33    2,595.41
  87, 778. 55  19,75.3.73 107,532.28
150,627.69   11,482.01  162.109M70
398, 940 . 33  8 7, 524 .3 4  486,,464.97


C-enerall Fund. Expen1iitures
Trust Fund Expenditures
Experiment Station 'xpendi-
Extension Division -X'

Excess of Expenditures over

Excess of Receipts -over Ex-
  penditures For General
  Ledger Accounts

Student Notes

Previousl y
Hep orted


C.urrent   Year
MvIonth     To Date
52,122.53  290,777.77
    255.81    1,84591.

 18,665.82 117,320.60

136.175.37  31 427.83 167,603.20
474,689.06    472.02 577161.08

(75,748.73) (14,947.38) (90,696.11)

68,987.84  98,6&66.23 167,654.07

i 2.216.00)

(855.00)  (3.071.00)

Excess of Receipts ov er Ex-
  penditures for the fiscal
  year to date- Combined Fund 18.97G.89)  82 863.85_  73.886.96

Excess of- Expenditures over Receipts
  for the fiscal year to date- Combined Fund          73,886.96
Cash in Bank and on Hand July 1, 1923-Combinire.- Fund  (61,427.60)
Cash in Bank and on Hand December 31, 1923-
  Combined Fund                                       12,459 36

     Abstract of item shown on Statement of Income and
Expend itures as "Excess of Receipts over Expennditures
for General Ledger Accounts $167,654-07. "
                                     Debit       Cred i





Accounts Receivable
Store Room
insurance Paid in. Advance
Student Notes
V.otes Payable
.;teturned Checks
Student Deposits
Memorial Building
Government Students
Student Activities
AEasket Ball Building


41,331.9 3





20,125.35 187, 779.42
            20 125 .35


     2. Bond of Treasurer.   President McVey reported to the
Doarrd that YW. A. Mcgcwell, Treasurer of the University, had ex-
aented a bond for `5C0,OO0O.

     3. Salary of All mni Secretary.  President McVey stated to
the ConIT-ittee that t'ie Alumni Association does not have sufficient
income to make payme:ats on the -salary of Mr. W. C. lWilson, as temn-
porary Secretary of the Alumni Association.   A motion was made,
seconded, and adoptei that Ivr. . C. Wilson be employed as tem-
o'crary Secretary of the Alumni Association at a salary of $200 a
month, the appoihtme.nt to continue until June 1, 1924.

     4. Location of Stadium.   A petition signed by the property
owners on Rose Straet  opposite Stoll Field protesting against the
location of the stalium at the corner of Rose and Winslow was ore-
sented.   On motion duly seconded, the matter was ordered brought
up before a full meeting of the Board at its next meeting when the
Board, if it desirEs, may conduct a hearing on the location.

     5. Committee con the Purchase of Land for the Experiment Sta-
tion.   The report on thie commitctee on the rurchase of land for the
!"Yperimrent Station r cresented end action was deferred until the
next meeting of the Committee.

     6. Legislatire Budget.   President McVey reported to the Com-
mittee that the B12daet Commission had invited representatives from
the University to appear before it on Tuesday, January 22.    The
eatter was discussed at length, and it was decided that the Presi-
dent and members of the Bxecutive Committee would appear before the
Budget Commissior. at that time.

     7. Reoreantization of the Graduate School.   President McVey
recommended to the Committee that the Graduate School be reorgan-
*zed and placed under the direction of a dean.    He stated that
the Graduate work required direction during the entire year and
L,-udh direction should. be provided. The President vwas authorized
to ta' e the necessary steps for organization of the Graduate work.
A motion was made, seconded, and adopted, approving the recommenda-
tion of the President.

     8. Purchase of Coal.   A motion was made, seconded, and adopted,
authorizing the immediate purchase of whatever coal is needed for
the University during the coming year.

      9. Tablet for Patterson Residence.   President McVey reported
to the Oommittee that the tablet for the Patterson Residence, had
been delivered and that it was paid for by the Security Trust Com-
pany as trustee of the Patterson estate.   It was stated that the
tablet was satisfactory in every way to the Executor and relatives
of President Patterson.


     10. Sub-Experimprt Station in Western Rentuctr     President
Ei-cVey reported to the Committee that there had been considerable
. iscussion of late for a sub-experiment station in the western part
of the State and that some of the people from the western part of
;entucky expected to introduce a bill in t he Legislature providing
for such a station.   He presented a letter from the Mayfield
Yhamber of Commerce in which they offered four hundred acres of
and for the conduct of such a station.   After discussion the Corn-
:) ittee directed that the Secretary make acknowledgement of the com-
,iiunication and state that the Committee is interested in the offer
Ef the Mayfield Chamber of Commerce;. and that if the Legislature
provides funds for the conduct of such a station, the Board of
trustees will be glad to give further consideration to this appli-
cation along with other applications that may be received.

     11. Bill for the Audit of University Accounts.    A bill for
$60O in favor of IMarwick-Mitchell and Company for the audit of Uni-
versity accounts was presented and ordered paid.

     12. Salary of the late Dr. P. K. Holmes.    On recommendation
of President McVey it was ordered that the salary of the late Dr.
P. K. Holmes be paid to Mrs. Holmes diuring the remainder of the
present semester; that during the second semester she is to receive
the compensation of $100 a month until the first of June.

     13. Appointments.   The following appointments were recommended
by President MdVey, and, on motion duly seconded, approved as recom-

     Appointment of Miss Nellie Fitzgerald as instructor in Home
:,conomics on a twelve monthts basis, at a salary of $75 a month,
effective January 14, 1924.

     Transfer of Mr. D. O. Card from half time in extension and half
time in experiment station work to full time investigation work in
the Experiment Station.

     Appointment of Mr. Carsie Hammond as Assistant Professor of
Vocational Agriculture to fill position vacated by resignation of
Professor Li. E. Roberts, at the same salary.

     Appointment of Miss Anna Lora Potts as clerk in the department
of Animal Husbandry at a salary of $80 a month, effective January
7, 1924.

     Appointment of Miss Hazel Moores as clerk in the Bxtension
Division at a salary of *70 a month, effective January 1, 1924.

     Appointment of Miss Gertrude Graham as clerk in the department
of Home Economics, effective December 21, 1923, at a salary of $115
a month.


    Appointment of Mr. S. J. Lowry as Assistant State Agent in
county agent work at a salary of $3,200 a year, effective January
1, 1924.

    Anpoi.nt~ient of Mr. Wyman S. Smith as Assistant Editor, Exten-
-ion Division of the College of Agriculture, at a salary of $2,000
a year, e:-;fective December 28, 1923.

     Appointment of C. T. Park, Jr., as assistant county agent
01idham County, from January 7 to May 31, 1924, at a salary of hl50
a month.

     Continuation of employment of W. D. Sutton as county agent in
Eopkins County from January 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary of
$216.66 2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of W.H. Rochester as county agent
of Muhlenberg County from January 1 to December 31, 1924, at a
salary of $175 a month.

     Continuation of employment of C. A. Wickland as county agent,
Xenton County, from January l to December 31, 1924, at a salary of
,P200 a month.

     Continuation of employment of E. A. Whalin as county agent,
Ballard and Carlisle Counties from January 1 to December 31, 1924,
at a salary of $208.33 1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of J. A. Wasson as county agent,
nrleade County from January 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary df
$175 a month.

     Continuation of employment of H. D. Zriplett as county agent,
Caldwell County from January 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary
of $175 a month.

     Continuation of employment of S. W. Anderson as county agent,
Nicholas County, from January 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary
of $200 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Fannie Ellis Cocke as home
demonstration agent, Christian County, from January 1 to December
31, 1924, at a salary of $150 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Lillian Cole as home demon-
stration agent, Oampbell County from November 21, 1923 to November
JO, 1924, at a salary of 0158633 1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Anna M. Streed as home
demonstration agent, Henderson County, from January 1 to December
31, 1924, at a salary of $166.66 2/3 a month.


     Continuation of employment of H. E. Jackson as assistant
county agent, Allen County, from December 10 to December 31, 1923,
at a salary of o183.33 1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of F. C. 'Valker as county agent,
Aaair County, from January 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary of
175 a month.

     Continuation of employment of L. E. Woodhiouse as county agent,
Mart County, from January 1 to March 31, 1924, at a salary of ;175
a month.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Ida C. Hagman as home
demonstration agent, Graves County, from January 1 to December 31,
1 924, at a salary of :166.66 2/3 a month.

     Continuatior. o f employment of R. J. M.Iatson as county agent,
Boone County, from January 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary of
$166.66 2/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of J. E. McClure as county agent,
D viess County, from January 1 to March 31, 1924, at a salary of
P208.33 1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of R. E. King as county agent,
J!rorgan County, from January 1 to March 31, 1924, at a salary of
'125 a month.

     Continuation of employment of C. B. Houk as county agent,
'-arrard County, from January 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary
of $183.33 1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of J. 0. Horning as county agent,
Barren County, from January 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary of
$225 a month.

     Continuation of employment of C. L. Hill as county agent,
Pelson County, from January 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary of
$208.-3 1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of H. G  Gress as county agent,
Christian County, from January 1 to December 31, 1924, at a salary
of $208.33 1/3 a month.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Anna M. Streed as home dem-
osistration agent, Henderson County, from October 23 to December 31,
1923, at a salary of $150 a month.

     Appointment of L. C. Pace as county agent, Livingston County,
from December 1, 1923 to November 30, 1924, at a salary of $200 a


     Continuation of employment of' Sidney, Standifer as county home
demonstration agent, McCreary and Pulaski Counties, from January 1
Lo September 30, 1924, at a salary of $150 a month.

     14. ResiRnations.   The following resignations were presented
by President McVey, and, on motion duly seconded, were accepted:

     2Resignation of Miss Muriel Hopkins, instructor in Home 2conom-
ics, effective January 1, 1924.

     Resignation of IMdr. 1loyd E. Cutler, county agent of lVebster
County, effective February 1, 1924.

     Resignation of Mr. R. 0. Vilson, assistant county agent, Ihnion
County, effective January 1, 1924.

     Resignation of Mr. I. E. Roberts, Assistant Professor of Agri-
cultural Education, effective January 31, 1924.

    -Resignation of Miss Katherine C, Hodge as student assistant in
History, effective January 31, 1924.

     15. Increases in Salary.   President McVey presented to the
Committee recommendations for the following increases in salary of
o ersons on the Experiment Station Staff.   On motion, duly seconded,
they were approved as recommended, effective January 1, 1924.

     Increase in salary of :Miss Ethel Oaswall from $1,380 to $1,500
a year.

     Increase in salary of Miss Margaret Ryan from $1,380 to $11,500
a year.

     Increase in salary of M9-iss Jessie Caswall from $1,380 to
.',5)0 a year.

     Increase in salary of Mrs. R. H. Robinson from $1,380 to
$11500 a year.

     Increase in salary of Miss Anna Wallis from $1,560 to $1,620 a

     Increase in salary of Miss laura Granducci from $1,200 to
11,320 a year.

     Increase in sqlary of Miss Thelma Adams from $W1,020 to $1,080
a year,

     Increase in salary of Miss Ginevra Lipps from $840 to $960 a

     Increase in salary of Miss Zathryne McIntire from $900 to $1,020
                                  Respectfully submitted
                                    Wellington Patrick
                                      Secretary of the Board