xt75mk65734t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75mk65734t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-06-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, June 17, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, June 17, 1993 1993 1993-06-17 2020 true xt75mk65734t section xt75mk65734t u

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Kenttlc y A ernel

Vet. xev No.152

' g _ .Esteblisheci1894

University oiKentucky, Lexington. Kernucky- '

independent since 1971

Thursday. June 17. 1993


McCowan d


By Anne Saint-Algnan
Staff Writer


Robert T. McCowan, a UK grad-
uate and former chairman of the
UK Board of Trustees, and his
wife, Nyle, presented a gift of $1
million to the UK Sanders-Brown
Center on Aging on Tuesday.

UK President Charles Wething-
ton also announced the commence-
ment of a joint campaign by the
Sanders-Brown Center and the
College of Allied Health Profes-
sions for a new building to house
both programs.

The gift, given in honor of
McCowan's late mother, ranks as
one of the largest ever presented to
the University by an alumnus and
will be used to support Sanders-
Brown programs on aging.

The McCowans and Wethington
were joined by Dr. Peter Bosom-
worth, chancellor of the UK Medi-
cal Center, and Gov. Brereton
Jones for the presentation of the
gift and building campaign an-
nouncement ceremonies.

McCowan spoke fondly of his
memories of his mother and of
UK. “This university has made a


positive impact, and we’re glad
that our contribution may make a
positive impact for the University,"
he said.

McCowan grew up in Lexington
and graduated from the UK Col-
lege of Commerce in 1951. He re‘

Clinton economic plan
will cut college grants


By Steve McSoriey
Contributing Writer


A number of UK students who
depend on grants to help pay for
their educations could be forced to
look elsewhere to help pay costs
this fall.

The House voted on May 27 to
eliminate the State Student Incen-
tive Grant program to help come
up with $931.5 million for Presi-
dent Bill Clinton‘s “economic
stimulus package."

if HR 2244 is passed by the Sen-
ate and approved by the President.
students receiving College Access
Program grants from the state will
be receiving less than what they
have been promised.

“This is unfair. Hurting students
by cutting programs that some are
dependent on. There has to be oth-
er alternatives that they can go af-
ter." said Brian Brock, a UK clini-
cal lab sciences senior.

Brock said most of his education

W‘N-”w.».e.-. .a. . .... .. ..

is paid by grants and loans. He
also said he knows several friends
who will be affected by the cut
and might go so far to prevent
them from attending UK.

“I‘m very upset with the law-
makers. This just is not right."
said Karen McLaughlin. a graphic
design senior.

McLaughlin also said she is de-
pendent on the financial aid she
receives. Because of her financial
situation, she said. her only option
was to attend an inostate school.

McLaughlin and Brock both
said they will not drop out of
school if the cuts take place. If he
needs to. Brock said, he will get a
full-time job during the school
year to help offset the loss of
grant money.

McLaughlin said she thinks she
can make it until her graduation in
December if financial aid is cut.

Kentucky would stand to lose
an estimated $882.” in federal

See GRANT, Page 2

tired as vice chairman of the board
of Ashland Oil in 1988.

In addition to chairing the UK
Board of Trustees, McCowan also
served as chairman of the UK De-
velopment Council and is a former
member of the UK College of Busi-


Robert McCowan, Charles Wethington and Brereton Jones talk before ceremonles Tuesday.

ness and Economics Partnership

UK awarded him an honorary
doctor of laws degree in 1978.

In presenting the gift, McCowan
said he and his wife “look forward
to many great things over and

onates $1 million to UK

above" what has already been
achieved by the Sanders-Brown

The Sanders-Brown Center fo-
cuses on research and care of the
aging and is one of the nation's
original 10 Alzheimer's Disease
Research Centers. The center was
established in 1979 and includes
the Herman L. Donovan Scholars
Program. which provides tuition-
free enrollment for UK students
who are 65 or older.

The Sanders-Brown Center and
the College of Allied Health Pro-
fessions will share the proposed
building. which will be “a state of
the art facility," Bosomworth said.

The college‘s enrollment has
doubled over the past five years to
more than 1500. Allied Health
Professions is the only Medical
Center college not housed in its
own facility; its classes and re-
search arc spread throughout nine
locations across campus.

A combined facility. Wething-
tcn said. will provide an excellent
opportunity for faculty and staff of
both the center and the college to
collaborate on developing innova-

See GIFT. Page 2







The Wharf Reta celebrate at the Grateful Dead concert. See Review, Page 5.


all“ cream M




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 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Thuredey, June 17, 1993


Continued from Page 1

funds. An estimated 19,400 stu-
dents in the state could be affected.

The College Access Program is
funded jointly by state and federal
governments. Each student who
qualifies for CAP already has been
told he or she will receive $840 in
grants this fall, but without federal

funding that money will have to
be reduced.

Two options are being consid-
ered by the Kentucky Higher Edu-
cation Assistance Authority. One
is to cut grants going to those
least in need in half , reducing
their CAP from $840 to $420.
The other option under considera-
tion is the reduction of each grant
by $60, leaving CAP grant recip-


Continued from Page 1

tive and cost-effective strategies
for delivering health care.

Each program will raise $3 mil-
lion for the total campaign goal of
$6 million, Bosomworth said. A
total of $2 million already has
been donated by the J. Graham
Brown Foundation, the Gheens
Foundation, hospitals, nursing
homes and alumni.

Bosomworth said that “individu-
als on the boards (of the Sanders-
Brown Center and College of Al-
lied Health Professions) are taking
the initiative in raising" the re-
maining necessary private dona-



:35: PediatrieCoursetoda


The University will ask for an
additional $12.5 million from the
state and $11 million in federal

Jones, who was introduced as “a
friend of the University" by Weth-
ington, said the building campaign
“will be one of the priorities we'll
have as we put the budget togeth-
er” but also warned of the state‘s
“severe budget problems."

“Government has gotten too big,
too bureaucratic, too bloated."

“We have to recognize that we
have to cut the waste out of the
state budget and address a progres-
sive tax code,” he added. “The
time has come for Frankfort to
deal with its economic situation.”


UK Hospita} wit! sponsor Kentucky s first Emergency Nursm



ients with $780 for the fall semes-

“The timing of these cuts is
what amazes me. (State Student
Incentive Grant) funds have al-
ready been committed, and the
bill seeks to move these funds
into a summer jobs program that
has not been implemented yet and
we are in mid-June,“ UK Assist-
ant Director for Financial Aid
Nimmi Wiggins said.

Wiggins said she believes
roughly 2,000 students or one in
12 at UK could be affected by the

“I do not believe the cuts will
effect enrollment for the 1993-94

school year. The students have
other options that they can go to
to help pay for their education."
she said.

‘ Wiggins said that if a student is
affected by the cut that he or she
look into taking out a loan to pay
for school. The first option she
recommends is applying for a
Federal Stafford Loan. There are
two types of Stafford loans, subsi-
dized and unsubsidized.

“The way I see it, the money is
available. It is the type of aid that
is changing. The money is mov-
ing away from grants and more
toward loans. Loans just are not
as attractive as grants, but the







money is there," Wiggins said.

Subsidized loans take into ac-
count the amount of money that a
family is expected to put toward
the student‘s education. whereas
unsubsidized loans do not take this
into account.

Stafford loans have a variable
interest rate that does not go above
9 percent, and there are restrictions
on the amount a student is allowed
to borrow.

The next options for students are
Federal Plus Loans and Federal
Supplemental Loans for Students.
The type of loan a student quali-
fies for will depend on whether the
student is classified as a dependent
or independent.

If the student is classified as a
dependent on his parents, then a
Plus loan is available. Plus loans
come with a variable interest rate
that does not go above 10 percent.
These loans also carry origination
fees and other restrictions.

This type of loan is taken out by
the parents and not the student.
Students ruled independent of their
parents may qualify for FSLS.
These loans have a variable inter-
est rate that does not go above 11
percent. These loans, like Plus
loans, have origination fees and
other restrictions. Students. not
their parents, must pay back these

If you have a question about f -
nancial aid, call the Financial Aid
Office at 257-3172.






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4 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 17, 1993



Raves offer non-alcoholic dance celebrations


By Nlna Davidson
Arts Editor

Flashing lights. Swirling smoke.
Loud music.
No, it‘s not a disco flashback -


it‘s Lexington‘s newest dance

craze, the rave.

Raves are all-night dance cele-
brations running from 10 pm. to
“whenever people go home," said
Josh Lurton. owner of The Virtual

Gallery. Smoke machines, laser
light shows, and disc jockeys
from across the region attract peo-
ple to raves. Alcohol is not served
at the dances.

The Virtual Gallery sponsors




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raves once a month. Lurton said
the no-alcohol policy has many ad-
vantages. Lurton said raves are
“amazingly easier if you do them
without alcohol. And there are no
all-ages venues around here, or
anywhere near here."

The Virtual Gallery also spon—
sors dancing Friday and Saturday
nights from 12:30 until 4 am. Live
bands perform at the Gallery the
rest of the week. All shows are
open to all ages.

Raves began in Europe, Lurton
said, and spread to the United
States. Bored Europeans would
break into abandoned warehouses
and hold all-night dance parties.
and eventually these became
known as raves. A tamer version of
the raves spread to the United
States, where people held them in
clubs instead of warehouses.

Finding a location for the raves
is his biggest problem, Lurton said.
Previous raves have been held at
the Lexington Ice Center and an
abandoned bus depot, but in both
instances the neighbors com-
plained about the noise. Lurton
said, “There are vacant buildings
all over town, but no one wants to
rent to us. They just think it's a big
drug fest."

Lurton said he has to carry a $1
million insurance policy to rent a
place for one night.

The last two raves, one in April


and one in May, have drawn
crowds of 300-500 people, accord-
ing to Lurton. Lurton said he went
to a rave in Columbus, Ohio, that
drew more than 1500 people.

Ed Boland, a 22-year—old art
studio major. said he enjoys going
to raves because of the atmos-
phere. “I love to go out dancing
myself,” Boland said. “The whole
idea of rave culture is boundaries
coming down and people enjoying
the mutual atmosphere of danc-

Boland, a disc jockey at WRTL
also likes the music. “I got into
dance music because there’s a real
energy behind it," he said.

Dance music, also known as
techno-pop, is “really repetitive,
really fast, with not a lot of vocals
but good to dance to," Boland

Boland hosts “The Beat Bash,"
a show featuring techno-pop, on
alternate Fridays from 8 to ll p.m.
Boland said raves are a neo-
hippie, neo-psychedelic response
to the 90s because technopop
rhythms complement the natural
rhythms of the body such as heart—
beats. The effect of techno—pop is
that “it gets everybody synched up
on the same level," Boland said.

Wendy McAllister, a 20-year-
old landscape architect junior, said
she enjoys going to raves because

See RAVE, Page 8






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‘Park’ plot no equal
for movie’s dinosaurs


By Kenn Minter
Staii Critic


i found watching "Jurassic
Park” through the grime of a dirty
windshield proved to enhance its
overall quality.

With my hands clutching the
steering wheel of a pal's Isuzu
Trooper, I treated myself to the
sensation of actually driving
through "Jurassic Park”.

It was like I was almost there.

"Jurassic Park”, the 60 million
dollar drive-in movie.

Seriously though, and to be a
tad cliched. this movie delivers on
its promise: dinosaurs. Dinosaurs

that appear as real as the actors
who react to them.

Each summer, like an annual
RV show, the film world displays
its new models with their top of
the line accessories. "Jurassic
Par " appears to be the new top-
of-the-line luxury product with its
state-of-the-art computer anima-
tion, animatronics and puppetry.

This movie could have easily
been directed by anyone; the story
is an aside to the special effects. it
just took someone like boy won-
der Steven Spielburg to raise the
kind of cash to pull it off. Jurassic
Park is Spielburg's apology for
the miserably awful Hook.

See JURASSIC. Page 8





Jurassic Park otters moviegoers taste of prehistoric lite. The movie stars (from iei‘t to right)
Laura Dern, Richard Attenborough, Ariana Richards. Martin Ferrero, Jerri Goidbium, and Sam


Dead conquers Louisville venue


By Ann Hendrix
Contributing Critic


The Grateful Dead‘s show in
Louisville on Tuesday marked the
28th year since Jerry Garcia‘s
band picked up Phil Lesh and be-
came the Grateful Dead.

The group has come a long way
from the years it spent as a little-
known band playing at 19603‘
acid fests.

Before the band opened to a
packed house at Freedom Hall,
there had been some apprehension
about the Dead playing in Louis-
ville again. This was the group‘s
first concert in Louisville since

Usually. the Dead set up in a
field somewhere and play in the
open; the Louisville concert was a
rarity because it was completely
indoors with police walking


Despite the unDeadish atmos-
phere. the concert went well.
thanks partly to the incredible
sound and light setups.

Psychedelic screens behind and
above the band continuously were
filled with shifting oceans of mul-
ticolored light. Rotating spotlights
swept across the arena floor as the
green-, blue-, violet- and yellow-
lighted fans looked at the stage as
if they were adoring a messiah.
The first set was energetic, open-
ing with “Feel Like a Stranger."
By the end of “Friend of the Dev-
il," three songs later. Freedom
Hall was entirely festive. as peo-
ple danced and smiled as the band
slid into “Desolation Row."

Outside the arena, groups of
three to 20 Deadheads gathered in
the aisles to spin, dance and play
hacky sack.

During the break between sets a
large group of relatively stationary
Deadheads gathered in one corner
of the arena. They were the Wharf
Rats. a group of sober Deadheads
who gather at shows to support
each other against temptation.

The leader of the Wharf Rats
yelled out “Six months! Five
months!” and all those who had
been sober for that long raised
their hands and were drowned in

Then a skinny dark-haired boy
yelled. “Less than 30 days!" and
was engulfed. The Wharf Rats
then all linked arms around shoul-
ders in a big circle and chanted
The Lord’s Prayer and the Sereni-
ty Prayer.

The police outside Freedom
Hall stood around awkwardly as
thousands of smiling. bare-
chested, sandal-footed hippies




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walked around in tie—dye and
Nehru jackets, selling magic bur-
ritos and grilled cheese in the
parking lot.

Even after the concert started.
there were a few tight faces in the
crowd — leery. confused masks
belonging to rigid bodies. After
the show a very perfumed and
made-up girl was using the pay
phone next to mine. saying. “i
don‘t know. It was such a strange
concert. As long as I live I
don‘t think I‘ll ever forget these
people. it was just really bizarre."

Whether they are considered bi-
zarre or perfectly normal in a bi-
zarre world. the Dead are still an

Even after Garcia‘s recent ill-
ness and the replacement of key-
boardist Brent Mydland after his
death in 1990. the Dead are alive
and well.






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 8 - Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 17, 1993



rm Bet eats


bytheChmgoWhtte sex: the tater rounds of thethatL
Wildcat eoad‘t Keith Madisonvsaxd he didrt t think- Abbott would -_

'kchampioashi NW‘ earns lithe 496 .
. - immetet finals.-

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'.-vhtt1te.’mjor§ieagu' ‘ edraft

UK’s teff Abbott. Pooh: Jew Bifly Thompson and Jeff Mi- .

wt Gordon the smote and Kentucky’s Mt. roam Bitty Jactt-



Cats can be proud despite their finish


By Brant Welch
Sports Editor


The story is not that the UK
baseball team lost it‘s final four
games of the season.

It is to whom and where they
lost those games that matters most.

The Wildcats lost a pair of
games to Tennessee May 23 to fin-
ish second in the Southeastem
Conference‘s Eastern Division
tournament in Columbia, SC.

The Bat Cats then dropped two
games in the NCAA Tournament
May 28—29 in Austin, TX, to
Southern Cal and Texas, who is to
college baseball what Notre Dame
is to college football, to end their

Should the Bat Cats be ashamed
of these facts? Not at all.

It is unheard of in college base-
ball for an “eastem” school
(which most would classify UK
baseball) to be competitive enough
to reach the NCAA Tournament as
an at-large team. Everyone and
their grandmother should know
that serious college baseball is
played in the deep south or out

One has to realize the Bat Cats
are at a disadvantage to the rest of
the collegiate baseball world in
that they play and practice in the
friendly confines of Shively Field
in Lexington, Ky. where one nwds
a winter coat and isotoners to
watch baseball before May, and
those are just the people viewing


things from the press box.

Teams such as Mississippi
State. Texas, Texas A&M and Ari—
zona State are consistently good
because they can afford to play
and practice in their warm weather
states when college baseball kicks
off in February.

But we won't whine about the
setup, we'll just dwell on how UK
beat the odds to make the touma-

UK went into the SEC Eastern
Division tournament the fourth
seed of six teams. knowing they
had to have a first or second place
finish to receive an at-large bid to
the NCAA tournament.

Not an easy task, but they swept
thru their first three tournament
games playing like the 1927 Yan-
kees defeating Florida. Tennessee
and Georgia by a combined score
of 29-11.

After dropping a couple of
heartbreakers to Tennessee to fall
to second place in the tourney,
Madison felt his young team had a
“IO-percent chance" of getting a

The way this team faced adver-
sity and played at the end of the
season, 17-3-1 in their last 22
games prior to May 23. caused the
NCAA selection committee sit up
and take notice, rewarding them
with a #3-seed.

The invitation to the 48-team
field, their first trip since 1988,
was a major accomplishment for a
team that looked to be alsoqans in



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The Bat Cats got only six games
from preseason All-American cen-
ter fielder Jeff Abbott, who had a
bout with recurring mononucleo—
sis. Jason Jenkins, their projected
ace, went down early as well. Ken-
tucky was also playing with sever-
al young players in the lineup. Paul
Morse and Chris Gonzalez played
the corners defensively as true
freshman. Pitchers Troy Trumbo
and Greg Reid. catcher Todd
Young and outfielder Andy
McCord also saw action as fresh-

In addition to the aforemen-
tioned players, the Bat Cats also
have their top two hitters back in
designated hitter Brad Hindersman
and second baseman Eddie

Outfielders Matt Bragga and
Pookie Jones, who both vastly im-
proved this past season, also re-
turn. Pitchers Brian Reed and Matt
Bowles will help lead a strong
staff. Madison has also signed a
promising recruiting class.

This should say a lot about the
future of the baseball program. The
team should never forget this sea-
son in which they stayed hungry
and didn’t give up even when the
situation looked bleak.

If they play with the type of atti-
tude they had this season in ones to
come I would wager that this “east-
ern" school will be back in the
NCAA tournament and make some
noise before another five year hia-



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Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, June 17, 1993 - 7



By Steve MeSoriey
Contributing Writer







Charlie McAlexander, who re-
cently completed his first year as
a member of UK’s sports broad-
casting team, says one moment in
sports does not stick out in his

The people that made up the
moments in his 20-plus years as a
sportscaster is what he remembers
most. More than any play he ever
covered. he remembers interview-
ing people like Olympic track
champion Jesse Owens or college
Hall Of Fame coach Paul Bear

“The people. not the moments,
are what is special to me,” he

Sports fans across the south
consider McAlexander special.

“CharlieMac” has received the
sportscaster of the year award in
Tennessee, Mississippi and again
this past year in Kentucky.

Recently, he was rated the No.
3 sportscaster in the United States
by a radio and television industry
magazine, and in April he was
named to the National Sportscast-

ers and Sportswriters Board of Di~
McAlexander joined Ralph

Hacker, Dave Baker and Dick Ga-
briel on UK broadcasts following
the retirement of Cawood Ledford
last March.

“Recognition is nice, but it real-
ly does not mean everything." he

McAlexander‘s office walls
proudly display his awards and
the symbols of his new broadcast
home. Those symbols include two
horse drawings, a painting of a
wildcat, a framed copy of an arti-
cle announcing him as the newest
member of the UK broadcast team
and one small photo.

That one small framed photo—
graph is the only picture of him in
the room. The photo shows McA-
lexander standing with a group of
30 of the most recognized sports
figures in the United States, all
spokespeople for Kuppenheimer.
a suit maker.

The group included people like
Mickey Mantle. the Hall of Fame
slugger from the New York Yan’
kees; the late tennis champion Ar-
thur Ashe; and Harry Caray, the
voice of the Chicago Cubs.

“1 wishlhadmymytapere~
corder with me that weekend." he
said. “They were all fascinating

McAlexander said he greatly
admires three men in sports today.
Keith Jackson and Dick Enberg.
both tar. and UK Ath-
letic Director CM. Newton.

He admires Newton. he said.
for the class and inwgrity with
which he has run his sports pro-
grams over the years.

He considas Jackson and En-

a; .




JAE. CRISP/Kernel Stall

Charlie McAlexander joined the UK sports broadcasting team
In 1992. He Is a three-time sponcaster of the year winner.

berg, however, to be his mentors.

But it is not just for the way
each is noted for calling sporting
events but because he believes
they care about the event they are

“They care as much about the
sport as they do about the broad-
cast. ”lhey are second to none in
my opinion,” he said.

McAlexander said he tries to re-
flect this compassion in his broad-
casts. The two main strengths of


blind Vanderbilt Com-

modore fans who said
that they could see the
games through my



his broadcasts. he said. are his
preparation before the game and
his ability to paint a picture in the
minds of the listeners.

Preparation for a broadcast
starts a week or more ahead of
time. He gathers as much infor-
mation as possible about UK‘s
upcoming opponent by reading
printed material. talking to the
coaches and watching the other
team play against other oppo-

His goal is to know as much
about the opponent as he will
about UK.

Radio is McAlexander's favor-
ite broadcast medium. He said the
challenge of painting a picture is
much more difficult on radio than
it is on television, and he loves


“The greatest compliment that l
have ever received was from two
blind Vanderbilt Commodore fans
who said that they could see the
games through my descriptions,"
he said.

McAlexander concentrates on
several sports. He does not enjoy
calling one sports more than an-
other, he said. He loves them all.

“Sports is passion with me."

While his passion for sports has
been a driving force in McAlex-
ander's life. the people close to
him, his family and friends. are
what matter the most, he said.

Away from the broadcast busi-
ness, McAlexander loves to spend
time with his family. He credits the
support of his wife. Betty. and two
daughters. Emily and Carrie. as a
major reason for his success.

“I love to spend time with my
family. I moved from TV to radio
in Nashville because of my family.
I was missing (Emily and Carrie)
grow up. and that bothered me.
You only get one chance to watch
your family grow."

About the only concern McAlex-
ander has is the fast pace of his life

As he puts it “everything needs

to be done yesterday."
He said he hopes that his pace will
slow —— someday — enough to al-
low him to be with his family

“l‘d like to be able to take the
family on a nice vacation. I have
never really been able to do that."

Until that happens. he will con-
tinue meeting fascinating people in
the sports world. enjoying his fam-
ily and friends and painting pic-
tures of games during broadcasts.

“i hope people will rememba
me for the love that l have for
sports. the professional way i went
about covering sports. and. hope-
fully. i brought a little color to the
broadcast to make it interesting for


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