dcoi oupy Mvauaoie The Kentucecy Kernel Elegant Eleanor! WEEKLY KENTUCKY'S LARGEST NUMBER 32 VOLUME XL Roundtable Scheduled "What Can the United States Do To Stop Communism" will be the topic for the "UK Roundtable" to be Extension Is Made To File For Degrees The last date for the filing of applications for degrees by seniors and graduate students has been extended to July 14. No student will be considered for graduation who has not filed an application. Applications should be made in Room 16 of the Administration Building by all students who have not filed on previously. broadcast Sunday, according to O. J. Wilson, moderator for the pro gram and research assistant of the Bureau of School Services. This weekly series of discussions of current world problems originates in the studios of WBKY, University radio station, and will be transcribed for presentation over WHAS at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, and over WBKY Julv 17 at 8:30 p.m. Participating in the debate will be Dr. Ellis F. Hartford of the College of Education, Dr. A. W. Schindler, professor of education at the Uni versity of Maryland and visiting pro fessor at UK. Dr. Josepn n. ocn- An exhibition of wood engravings wendeman, professor of geography, by Reynolds Stone, one of Eng and Thomas A. Rush, instructor in land's foremost engravers, is now political science. on display in the foyer of the li brary. The exhibit collection includes examples of several important commissions which Stone completed for the British Printing Office. iv va.;vJQ b h Hit LU ;.. XIXX vuvt materials used by Robert Penn Warren for his newEnough and Time, est book. World published by Randon House of New York, is being shown on the second floor near the Browsing Room of the Margaret I. King library. Warren in December of 1947 worked for three weeks in the Special Collections Department of the UK library. Most of the source materials were part of the. Samuel A display of source 11 ' " ' 1 M. Wilson Library. - t- , .- - - '""" - , "' V' The book is based on the Kentragedy in tucky Beauchamp-Shar- p the early 1820 s. The display contains a copy of the new book which is a special Kentucky edition auto graphed by Warren, a copy of the Saturday Review of Literature in which A. B. Guthrie Jr. reviewed the book, and materials from the Wilson Library. Warren, a professor at the Uni versity of Minnesota, was born in Guthrie, Todd County, Kentucky. At 16 he entered Vanderbilt Uni versity, and later attended the University of California, Yale, and went to Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. He has published three other books. Night Rider, in 1939: At Heaven's Gate, in 1943 and the Pu litizer Prize novel, All The King s Men, in 1946. 1 v GORGEOUS GL'SSIE MORAN has a challenger I K's own Eleanor Gash. Eleanor takes time out from a tennis rlass to pose on the University High court in her version of the ruffled costume with which Gussie startled conservative British sports fans. The Kernel lives Miss Moran due warning Miss Gash can play tennis, too. . Transy Group Giving Play The Transylvania "Arena Theater is presenting this week the Noel Coward farce "Blythe Spirit." the Arena production enables audience to sit around the stage on a level with it. It produces a more real effect in the play. The group, directed by Robert Challener, will produce two more "Kind Lady" plays this summer. will be held July 18 through July 22, and "The Importance of Being Ernest" from August 1 through S. Geography Fraternity To Hold Meeting Dr. Thomas Fields, assistant professor of geography and faculty ad viser to Gamma Theta Upsilon, geography fraternity, has announc ed that a summer meeting of the fraternity will be held about July 15. Dr. Fields said that until recently only seniors had been accepted for membership, but that now others would be considered, provided they have completed at least two geo graphy courses and meet other re quirements. He added that only the best students in geography are accepted for membership. The Gamma Theta I'psilon Initiation fee is good for life and entitles members to borrow money, at no interest, to do graduate work in geography. Cattle Breeding Class Held At Dairy Center Three UKians Attend school to promote betbreeding began yester dairy-cattterday at the Dairy Center at the Agricultural Experiment Station. The objective of the school is to make available to Kentucky dairy farmers the latest information on how to manage, select, and breed A two-da- y Illinois Convention le better dairy cattle. Attending the school are owners of dairy herds,- - herdsmen, county agents, teachers of vocational agriculture, teachers of veterans, directors of state and local artificial breeding associations, supervisors, and other farm teachers. Assisting the Experiment Station and the College of Agriculture and Home Economics staff members in conducting the course are Dr. W. J. Tyler of West Virginia. Dr. S. A. Asdell of New York State College of Agriculture, and several representatives of Kentucky artificial breeding societies. The National Conclave of Phi Upsilon .home economics honorary, met at Robert Allenton Park, Monti-cellIllinois, June Three representatives from the University who attended the meeting were Dot Seath. president of Iota active chapter, Mrs. Evelyn Courtney, president of the alumni chapter, and Orrine Johnson, editor of the official publication of the honorary society, "The Candle". o. 28-3- 0. SheersPopular Says Specialist Sheer fabrics, such as voiles, georgette, and chiffon, are more popular now than they have been for several years, says Miss Verna Latske, specialist in clothing at the College of Agriculture and Home Economics. However, these fabrics present problems for those who sew at home and Miss Latzke offers these sug gestions: 1. Select patterns. Avoid bias and circular skirts, as they will not hang evenly. 2. When cutting the fabric, lay it along the edge of the table, or pin to tissue paper to keep it on the grain. Use extra sharp scissors, not pinking shears, for such materials. 3. Make seams as inconspicuous as possible. On curved edges such as yokes, make false French seams otherwise, use small French seams, particularly on nylon. Seams on with voile may be edges overcast. 4. To have seams which do not pucker, the needle must be sharp, the tension loose and the stitch lengthened a bit. Stitch georgette, nylon, and chiffon on tissue paper. 5. Use a fairly deep hem in the skirt to make it hang well. soft-in-li- easy-fittin- g, single-stitch- ed . Paul Standard, Christianity Discussed "The Church in The Roman World" was the title of a speech delivered by Dr. Shelby T. McCloy in the Browsing Room of the library Monday afternoon. Dr. McCloy, professor in the U.K. History Department, discussed several phases of the early development of Christianity. Author of a book entitled "Gibbon's Antagonism to Christianity," and several articles on religion. Dr. McCloy received his A.B. and M A. degrees from Davidson College. He also holds the Bachelor of Literature and Bachelor of Arts degrees from Oxford College, and the Ph.D. from Columbia University. P n - nfMir 1c a ..iv ...... . nf . Vi i mamhot w Beta Kappa, and held a Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford from 1920 to well-knA- m American calligrapher, evaluates Stone's engravings as "unmatched for our time." Stone attended Eton and Cambridge Colleges In England. After graduation from Cambridge, he was offered an apprenticeship at the great Cambridge University Press, for which he did his first engravings. IN ANOTHER PART of the library foyer there is an exhibition of fifty prints issued by the U. S. Government Printing Office in Washington. Among the features of this exhibit are prints of the United Nations Charter and President Roosevelt's Prayer. 1050 Lexington, Kentucky Better Roads And Buildings Must Precede Salary Hikes Engravings On Display Book Sources In Exhibition july 2 Friday, Dr. McCloy . . . author Ag College Awards 39 Scholarships were 39 scholarships to high school graduate entering the College of Agriculture and Home Economics in September, according to Dean Thomas P. Cooper. The selections were made from a list of 225 applicants. Awards were made on the basis of scholastic record, leadership activities, and the contribution to A total of agriculture and home-makin- g ex- pected of the recipients. Practice Makes Perfect - ew Book Has ColiseumTalks The complete texts of all addresses given at the dedication of Memorial Coliseum has been made into booklet form and is now available to the public, according to President H. L. Donovan. Publishing was made possible by a gift from a friend of the Uni versity, Dr. Donovan stated. booklet Contained In the are the invocation and benediction as given by Bishop William R. Moody of Lexington, and addresses by Dr. Donovan, Gov. Earle C. Clements, and Dr. Daniel A. Poling "T""- Professor Puts Hobby To Good Use Lettering Coliseum Name Plates By Gene Sears ,. man who practices what he teaches," is an appropriate descrip- tion of John Sherman Horine, associate professor of engineering drawing, whose hobby is lettering. Professor Horine lettered the names of the 12,174 Kentucky War Dead. In whose honor Memorial Hall and A Memorial Coliseum were built. Professor Horine was born in Nicnoiasvuie, Ky., on January 24, 1887. Forty years ago, he came to UK as an assistant instructor in Previously, he steam engineering. had held a position in the expert- mental department of the Fairbanks Morse Company of Beloit, Wiscon- sm- - WHEN ASKED WHY he chose lettering as a hobby. Professor Hor- ine smilingly replied that he Just picked it up somewhere along the line, and has been at it ever since, He has lettered more than 3000 pro- fessional engineers licenses, and has done many posters for convocations. For years, he has lettered names of engineering students on their slide rule cases, and many engineering graduates from Kentucky feel their stay at Kentucky would have been incomplete without the inscriptions. PROFESSOR HORINE lettered 2809 names in Memorial Hall, and 9265 names in Memorial Coliseum. The work in the Coliseum required to four about three and one-ha- lf to hours daily from September March. The professor said that the tediousness of the work prevented quick completion of the job. There is room enough for about 200 more names, and about fifty more than the present number are ready for inscriDtion When Professor Horine was re traced from his teaching duties to work on the lists, he had an interest at heart other than the pride he takes in his work. One name among the Kentucky War Dead is that of John Sherman Horine Jr. No special type of lettering was used in the memorial work. Pro- lessor Horine calls it the "Horine Special." He said it is a modified form of round writing which would be very difficult to imitate, irKS LETTER HOBBYIST is also advisor to engineering freshmen. Academic advice is not the only kind he gives to his students. Love affairs and personal problems also receive his attention. He was once called to go the bond of a wayward student. "Since then," he says, "I have been advising my boys how to stay out of the clink." Professor Horine is nearing the retiring age, but doesn't wish, to retire. He said that after work ing for so many years, he would feel lost without his work. THE WORKSHOP OFFERS struction in school financial in- prob- lems of various types in Kentucky. Chilton and Dr. J. A. Williams, director of the bureau of school service in the State Department of Education, are the principal instructors. Selected county and city superintendents are assisting them. Voice Teacher Plans Study In New York ; ' Miss Anne English, former grad- uate assistant in the Music Depart- - " ment. flew to New York last week for summer study under Bernard Taylor at the Juilliard School of Music. Miss English will serve as instructor in voice at UK during the fall semester acting as a substitute for Prof. Aimo Keviniemi. Mr. Kiviniemi will have leave of absence for special study in voice in New York from September through January. He will be to New York by his family. Farm Tour Is Today Movies To Be Shown Four movies on various universities, including "The University of Kentucky A Place, A Spirit " will be shown at 8:45 p.m. Tuesday in the amphitheater. There will be no charge. A good statewide road system, improved school buildings, and adequate transportation for students in rural districts were the three fundamental problems to be met by Kentuckians. according to William D. Chilton, head of the State De- partment of Education' finance bureau. Speaking before an audience of teachers and superintendents meeting at the University. Chilton said these problems must be met before Kentuckians can successfully and conscientiously launch a drive for higher teacher salaries and other teacher welfare projects. THESE THREE MAJOR needs, he declared, are the foundation upon ll education program lor t wlucn Kentucky must be built. "If we're to get better teacher sal aries in Kentucky." Chilton told the , ,i . ,r L. educators, "we'll have to get them incidentally. We must first conof the chrlstlan Herald' Kentucky that the people The Coliseum was dedicated May vinceprimary aim of in giving their 1924. our is 30 to the memory of the 9265 boys and girls the best school sys"tuckians who lost their lives in tem possible. Veterans Should Apply world War n. "Before our needs as teaenm. To Have Fees Paid Requests for free copies of the me- - principals, and superintendents who desire the Vet- -' morial booklet should be addressed Veterans must come our responsibility as erans Administration to pay their to the office of the President. citizens to give our stale the fees for August grad- - versity of Kentucky, Lexington 29, possible education program," bet he uation should make application to Kv. The supply is limited. Dr emphasized. have their fees paid at the Vet- Donovan said, and requests will be The superintendents teachers erans Office, Room 201 of the Ad- filled in the order they are received. are here from all over and state for the between Postage will be paid by the Uni- - a workshop to study school finance ministration Building, t versity. July 10 and July 25. problems. The workshop, sponsored jointly by the College of Education and the State Department of Education, will last until July 8. Those taking the course are staying in one of the University housing units set aside especially for their use. iw-w- awarded Higher Teacher Pay Will Come Incidentally After Improved Schools Attained Chilton Prof. Ezra L. Gillis. left, and Prof. J. S. Horine ROLL OF HONOR inspect the list of Kentucky's nearly 10.000 World War II dead. Prof. Gillis compiled the names of all Kentuckians who died in the war and Prof. Horine lettered the names on 24 huge plaques, each of which will occupy a permanent wall panel in the Memorial Coliseum. Students who signed up for the tour of Bluegrass farms should meet at the front entrance of the Student Union Building at 1 p.m. today. The chartered bus will leave not later than 1:10 p m. A second SUB sponsored farm tour will be held July 27. A charge of 50 cents will be made for this tour. Those wishing to make the trip should sign up in Room 123, SUB. Farms to be visited on the second tour include Calumet, Circle-and Keeneland. M. cow-testi- For Further Details See Page Three! See UK First Visitors From Britain Are Impressed By Campus And Bluegrass Scenery Prof. Patch Presents Recital In Cincinnati Prof. Nathaniel Patch, pianist, presented a recital before one of the sessions of Phi Mu Alpha, men's honorary masic fraternity, at the annual convention held in CincinThe recital was given nati July in the ballroom of the Netherland Plaza Hotel. Featured in the recital was Griffies' "Sonata for Piano." Mr. Patch has long been active in the fraternity, having served as faculty advisor for Gamma Psi chapter at George Peabody College, Nashville, before coming to UK. Dr. Edward Stein also attended the convention as governor of Province 15 of Phi Mu Alpha. Tennis Tournament Planned For Sometime In August A Blue Grass Tennis Tournament v.ill be held in August, on Downing Bill McCubbin, director of intramural announced. The tourna- ment will be open to all local play- - ers, Gerald B. Clark. Weton-SupeMare, England, and Derek H. Rob- inson. Derby, England, students at the University of London who are visiting the states on a three months tour, got their first view of an American college campus last They were higniy lm- weekend. pressed by the UK campus and nign spots 01 rieniucsy scenery. GERALD is a first year student in the Faculty of Sciences, a col lege comparable to our Arts and Sciences College. Derek holds a degree in civil engineering and is taking graduate work in surveying. In a complete tour of the campus they were impressed by the spacious campus and the beautiful buildings. Comparing the London campus with the University. Gerald said that their Student Union for the 4.000 students in the Faculty of Sciences is about the size of two of the meet- ing rooms in our Student Union, was imnressed enoueh to beein nn investiiriition into the Dos- sibilities . of coming to the Univer- suy next. iail. GERALD AND DEREK got plenty of "firsts". . while :in Lexington .. . ivciimat v- wntic Lilly VLSllcU men- a tucky horse farms. Calumet, and Faraway; their first American race r- 8. Bnwimri tw Tywnmi.mr mAn utimnnnmrnmrn Music Dept. Holds Welcome Convocation was held by the Department of Music Wednesday in the Laboratory Theater of the Fine Arts Building for the purpose of welcoming new students by Dr. Edwin E. Stein, head of the department, and the introduction of new instructors in the department. New teachers included Prof. Marvin Rabin, violinist, and Prof. William Worrel, assistant professor in in- strumental music. Refreshments, games, and ts ing followed the convocation. Miss Mildred Lewis, associate professor of niu'.ic, was chairman of arrangA siiecial convocation danc-Cour- menu. maul n rm, " SUB is sponsoring a trip to the Louisville Iroquois Amphitheater showing of the opera Chocolate Soldier Friday, July 21. A chartered bus for the trip will leave the Student Union Building at 3 p.m. Total cost of the trip is $4.25, which includes $2.45 bus fare and $1.80 admission ticket. nnose riesirine to mnke the trio OimilH siun no in Room 122 SUB hv iiilv IS Monev must be Daid at o tune nf limine The star of the Chocolate Soldier is Robert Shafer. rinrriffiVfftniTrf-r- s Club To Hold 4-- H SUB Is Sponsoring Trip ,, Speaking Contest Anv H Club bov or irirl between the ages of 14 and 21 . who, has com- . , P'el-e"iree years 01 C1UO worn, us eligible to enter the contest. Two . winners in each county will receive ,. i . , ...... .. ; ! uicuais. llie Slide winner will receive a set of silver- ware and the boy a cold 'track, watch. U cl . keeneland; "Swiss professors are very emo They met their first American and entered their drug store. They friend and benefactor aboard an tional and much closer to the also found time to include the Ken- - airliner bound from London to Chi- - student than an American protucky Palisades. Brooklyn Bridge cago. He was Robert T. Scott, of fessor. It Is not uncommon to seo route in their tour through the San Gabriel. Calif. Bob has been a Swiss professor weep when a studying medicine at the University student is leaving," continued Land of the Bluegrass. Both boys said that Kentucky of Lausanne, in Lausanne, Swiuer- - Scott. scenery was very much like that of land. There were 35 American students England. Especially the stone fences Bob was enroute to Lexington to enrolled in Scott's med classes but ana rolling nius. iney expiamea visit his brother. Kenneth Scott. oniy 20 Swiss students. There are that Kentucky towns and cities were Scott, and their two children aiso 17 other countries represented. e invitea jonnsion eiva. muui mure spicau uut uuu m on- - Di . tain. B. versity is French and there is a "The purpose of our tour," Ger BOB, 22, GRADUATED from the language barrier which causes much ald said, "is to see as much of America and to meet as many University of California with a B.A. trouble for the American student, For Americans as we can during our in Zoology in 1948. He was unable state-sid- that reason only 12 of the 35 e students were allowed to to get into an American med school visit: The Englishmen are conducting due to overcrowded conditions so he continue their studies. Scott is one ui ivicuituic ut wic a. their tour on a "wing and a prayer. euruueu 1.1 111c THE FOREIGN STUDENTS are They came to this country with an j" ,5he Swiss University. Bob had a on 01 39 Lite uirau mm uuilct ui uc 7Wi&& introduction from the mayor of B , .(average .&nf sluuc ,M people now," said bcott. He louna "' Derby, England, to the mayor of M"""' Derby, Conn., and a lot of nerve, turned away from American Uni- - the cost of living was slightly less there than m the United btates. They left Monday for the West ,tlM"rs1 ne Dig aiuerence in our eau- - ne gei room ana ooara. mciuuuig Coast and plan to travel as the winds take them (or as far as they cation systems is the student's atti- - laundry, for $65 a month in a Thev are parti- - tude towards work. The Swiss stu- - vate home. "The cuisine is French can hitch-hike- ). cularlv interested in the New Eng- - dent studies for knowledge while and very good after you get used land states where they have several most American students study for to it." Scott said, . . ,i h. cAt invitoH hi . j mo menus, iiiey iiiu.m uc ,ui. un .u r...ii.; .i.. w... h...o.t., uic """" ......v. ..u East Coast by the first of Septem- - said when queried as to the differ- - English friends to continue on to ber and hope to come back through ences in the educational systems. California with him. They left v. i t nil tn v C.T:rt "Th Kivicc VT. in H i j hv nntnmnhill . v .... l in , un nit.. ,,.., .1 '. Scott will work as a life guard THIS IS THE STORY of how the rollexes have only one exam n year. boys not to Kentucky ns their first Thus thry nive you plenty of rope this summer and plans to return to Switzerland in the fall. to hang yourself." stop on their American tour: popsicle, ate their first lime; first By Stan Portmann e state-sid- yj rai-uik- pn-Ger- n.nf. c, t *