xt75qf8jfj4s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75qf8jfj4s/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2004 bulletins English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 80, No. 1, Summer/September 2004 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 80, No. 1, Summer/September 2004 2004 2014 true xt75qf8jfj4s section xt75qf8jfj4s FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE Volumc 80 Number l Summer/September 2004 @3;. SEVENTY—NINTH ANNUAL REPORT e I " =’ .ii.;’}§"z.;;§__h `·" gj `;A;_;‘·¢L ` .,_,>_,,.,.A ,;··{7;H;.*r;,~.· gu jk?] I {I A % ECR? T_>wTm`~` {V ,r,_*G:éT_,,<·~§?L _ · _ A V VI" ifi 40’’`\ I I I l I " I I 4 I E . "*‘~·r·.»-I., ..~_,,___‘__r___i”U ~. Av". V K z,..V: V ri { 0.,- ,.,. ,. .I,. W A H In LJ; . -- i Fm": » IIIQ“;",.L:;’;·‘;·~fW~$` I I - E Y - ..Iv ». !II»»»·»~—1 .; ‘ : = . ;.I . V-? ‘ I - f I S E E ¤ E; I “— ·V- 1 , I , ~ ;: _ `i f l- f—~ N I N r 1 Fai ` ‘ »·=* ., ¤‘· —` """"""“*J'* , , ·I • • US ISSN 0016-2116 TABLE OF CONTENTS The Joumey - WW Hall, Jr 2 Wendover News - Barb Gibson 3 Mary Breckinridge Healthcare News - Mallie Noble 7 New Appointments — Barb Gibson 1 1 Frontier Nursing Clinics update — Dr Julie Maq’ell 13 FSMFN News — Dr Susan Stone 16 Courier Program News — Michael Claussen 19 Seventy-Ninth Annual Report - Baird, Kurtz & Dobson 21 In Memoriam 45 Urgent Needs 53 Cover: The Livery - the newly renovated Wendover Hurricane Workshop (photo by Barb Gibson) Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin Published at the end ofeach quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service Subscription Price $5.00 a year for Donors/$15.00 for Institutions Volume 80 Number l Summer/September 2004 y Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, Kentucky 41775 and at addi- tional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FNS, lnc. I32 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky. Copyright FNS/lnc. 2000 All Rights Reserved. it QUARTERLY BULLETIN 1 Frontier Nursing Service Bom in 1881 into a prominent American family, Mary Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts ofthe world - Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After the death of her two chil- dren, she abandoned the homebound life expected of women of her class to devote herself to the service of others, particularly children. Mrs. Breckinridge established the Frontier Nursing Service (FNS) in Leslie County, Kentucky in 1925, then one ofthe poorest and most inaccessible areas in the United States. Mrs. Breckinridge introduced the first nurse-midwives in this country. Riding their horses up mountains and across streams in blizzard, fog or flood, the FNS nurses brought modern healthcare to families throughout an area of 700 square miles. Until her death in 1965, Mary Breckinridge was the driving force behind the work ofthe Service whose influence today extends far beyond eastern Kentucky. Through the Frontier School of Mid- wifery and Family Nursing, hundreds ofnurses have been trained and this important concept of family healthcare has been carried throughout the world. Today, FNS, Inc., is organized as a parent holding company for Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., Frontier Nursing Healthcare, A Inc., which includes four rural healthcare clinics (Community Health Center, Beech Fork Clinic, Kate Ireland Healthcare Cen- ter and Dr. Anne Wasson Healthcare Center) and for the Frontier School ofMidwifery and Family Nursing - the largest midwifery program in the United States. The Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing also trains family nurse practitioners. I Remarkably, the purpose and philosophy ofthe FNS has remained constant since 1925 lt 2 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE The Journey l by WW Hall, Jn, President & CEO A We continue to travel ahead with great an- I ticipation. Our Board of Governors, Chair '_ ,___ _ ; l and Tustees have contributed largely to the aetli l direction and focus we now share as an or- l ganization. I know the members of our man- agement team are grateful for the leadership ‘‘“ii if and contribution of our Board in their efforts to improve our school, clinics and hospital. .~%. .1 Y As we re—examine our basic principles of quality healthcare and 1 education, then apply the right answers to the needs of our region f and the larger challenges beyond the mountains, it becomes very simple to move quickly. The energy and talent of our staff fuel the successes you will see and hear. Now we are prepared to share our story with those who know our past as well as those we will 1 reach out and touch. The next pathway we see for expansion is development. I Disciplined financial reporting combined with the proper restruc- l turing of our healthcare focus has provided the integrity we seek to share with those who wish to assist our mission. 1 We have reviewed and expanded our trustee support which is a vital aspect ofthe future as it has been in the past. New develop- ment tools to assist in Planned Giving opportunities, internet ac- cessibility and targeted grant writing, compliment the continuing Y support we receive from all those who share in the love of our l work. Most importantly, we are focusing these efforts on measur- l . ing the outcomes which will illustrate the impact ofour work and your support. We appreciate your interest in this wonderful organization. Please come see us. QUARTERLY BULLETIN 3 Wendover News , by Barb Gibson, Assistant to CEO Guests , During the months of J une, July and August, Wendover hosted 5 l overnight guests at our Bed & Breakfast Inn and served lunch/ dinner to 202 additional guests. Special guests included The l Osborne Brothers who were in Hyden for their annual bluegrass l festival. Tours have been few over the last three months as uni- T versity students are out ofthe school for the summer. The Bed & I Breakfast Inn guest numbers continue to increase. I Maintenance Projects A huge recent undertaking was the taking down oftwo huge trees upon the hill which had potential for falling on the Garden House. These were taken down by professionals and was a very danger- l ousjob. Thanks to The Stone Foundation for funds to pay for this. I Another project this fall will be repair ofthe copper guttering on The Big House. The guttering has pulled apart in many places and will require new hangers, etc. We also have to do some guttering repair on the Garden House by putting on new screens, etc. Our maintenance foreman, Joey Roberts, continues to stay busy with I general upkeep of Wendover. Renovation Project - The Livery The main focus over the last several months has been the renova- tion ofthe "Hurricane Workshop". The idea originated not long after W.W. (Bill) Hall, Jr. was appointed CEO & President of FNS, lnc. The building has been renovated to enhance Wendover’s Bed & Breakfast Inn, which is growing rapidly, to give guests a = ` place for recreation. Also, Wendover has become a "conference center" with different groups requesting to meet here (l read some- § where recently that Wendover was actually designated as a "con— ' ference center" many years ago). The Frontier School of Mid- l wifery and Family Nursing will use the building for their student 4 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE activities and special functions; The FNS Board of Govemors will use the facility at times; it will also be used for company-wide picnics and employee in-services, etc; and the community will be encouraged to use the place for family reunions, wedding recep- tions, etc. ’ l The newly renovated building originally built in the 60’s, used as a cow barn and in later years a carpentry shop, has been re-named i The Livery. A newly blazed trail from Pig Alley (the Wendover ` driveway) leads to The Livery to allow guests easy access to the site. The Livery sits at the bottom ofthe mountain and has a large l field of grass in front, formerly used as a pasture. A view of the E Middlefork ofthe Kentucky River on the right makes this place a beautiful little paradise, already loved by many staff and visitors 2 who have seen it. I want to take this opportunity to thank those who made the reno- vations possible through their kindness and their interest in sus- taining our beautiful historical site. I extend special thanks to W.W. (Bill) Hall and his wife, Teresa, for their gift that started the proj ect. J To Monica Luke and The Thompson Foundation - thanks Monica for sharing our vision, to Miss Kate Ireland and to The Stone I Foundation who provided funds not only for assistance with this i renovation but also for several Wendover maintenance projects. l Also, a very special thank you to John Foley, member of FNS I Board of Govemors, for his donation of fencing lumber and rail- l road ties for the beautiful flower beds, etc. l As part of the renovation project, the area next to the river was cleared to make the river more accessible for fishing. The area will be maintained by keeping the grass trimmed and the brush cut. i` Funds are diminishing rapidly and we still need more fence posts, _ paint for the fence and funds for continued maintenance. lf you wish to be a part ofthis project please do so by sending your gift marked "restricted for The Livery". . .J§•!Q?!' ""!' V- '» .’ . · VF • ; __ " ` ·’€z~., _ -.- -;;VA£ Z ‘i .’*»i··.’ ‘*. .. ii? ; ~-.A . `&_=¢ . .. _ V _ _ _ °* ;1 `’`, " “ I V " , · , ‘”’V· ·· "·_2=·, K-;J~V·’?‘ ’V_.: »—..,.;·-.·»__ _;,I_ ~ V. ’ . A;. V--¤.» AQ`- o»V:.- · 1;- -_., l.... r.‘=‘ i T -‘ * ~V;·#*’ - V ' *· ,_- ,V .;·-‘€" '· f¤' ¤» ( 4,;- xi ’;Q*;7y?’»)V . ini ' Q: { ‘ __ MV'; fg V: V~¤ , - p .-1- i. . i ; -·-V 2 ':\,9~; '`,' —: _y·-;.?<‘=‘#·“§&’~ »»2»s‘?@¢¥'*???i 1~§*-r"§=;zz¤·»**f§;;¢- . vi Lo, "*?Y*°` —%"‘i’-’ "AvQ,’**Z>€Q*E» » -.»v -`» V. 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V V I . 1 I V T he newbr renovated Hurrzcane Workshop — TI1e Lxverjy { L 6 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE I 1* I T ·i 1:; »·—~ * é Y `,.,,;”` ‘ ,_ · · *·.· , - ` " .· ;§é;<*". ?_·[!¤*’!i-- V . { " M V; ax? - I , __j 1_ `''‘»‘ '~ _~_‘ ` _,€"~“"» · ·-`*? · zu · "‘I3r · ·—¢ · Taz? :2;; · ._ _ .. i ` iw 7 e; =·¥;*Z,t >._‘_;}k»,% “_ ,5 \ ld. .; ‘·‘=2~飑 ·'-•**°* ~=* — ’ `* ., V ~»`. A ,3 .4.·:,·W * ' I `_ A i _ _ . , J u The Middlefork 0f the Kentucky River runs by The Livery >\ ~ n ·:f ._ 2 W- “~ ,.. r ‘ ` "enfw ,;· » · , ·,, . — ·*1?&j?}~,"·`<2y * ` T. T y < T I ‘ · {b w w ; > i' \ ` ` ~ ``'4 iw, i _' e I A -` ·‘‘‘’;-.Z " , ‘T‘‘° ‘ ~—~‘ ,, » ” ‘'' = ‘ 7 ·»·e’ ’“i i‘’‘‘ ;;., ‘ . A- — ‘ ` _P' », L, A 4 L A·``h it ’ » S E _ l 'Ar · " __ ifi? V`>_ A Hurricane Pasture in front 0f The Livery T I I { QUARTERLY BULLETIN 7 I Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc. News , by Mollie Noble, Administrator I I Provider Recruitment I · Greetings from Mary Breckinridge Health- care staff! For several months a primary I focus has been, and will continue to be, .:z.~,; provider recruitment. Mr. W.W. Hall, Jr., CEO & President, and I have been meet- J ing with local providers in an effort to im- . if _ _ 3 1;,_:_ 4 __gv< · prove relationships. ‘ " ‘ Ferdousis Begum, MD, joined our staff during July of this year. Dr. Begum graduated from medical school in Dhaha, Bangladesh, in 1982 and was a resident in lntemal Medicine at Nassau Uni- versity Medical Center during October 2000. After finishing her residency in Internal Medicine, shejoined the University of Ken- tucky Family Practice as an Assistant Professor teaching and su- pervising medical students. Dr. Begum is married to Mohammed Q. Islam, MD. They have two children. ~ aan · ‘ ·..~ I __._ , 3 4; ‘ t;*<**%*»2* ii ’ . .·.’ F *.» 2* ¢¢?§é!i»;· ‘ t·.° ~ ’·r¤§ .*%·¤¤;;<»*i~ ei? *5% rer" ~ ?%#>’·@4§v tif? is . ,’..` i.»`‘' » ‘ ..“. —..I `ii'` I I I.iiii. " I » ’-I., ·.-t · ’ *· I i Q . o i I I .`ii iiii ’ ° °" *’ ' zi ;5';{ .,`, i;/ 3 I`.} Qgé k . I · i aiir r * et? ` > I -‘..» _ Dn Ferdousis Begum, MD l 8 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE i Anita Comett, MD, Intemal Medicine, has helped us with Medi- cine Call during the summer months and has also been Acting Medical Director for Frontier Nursing Healthcare, Inc. healthcare centers. We appreciate Dr. Cornett. I Quarum (QHR) Update Jeff Taylor, Interim Controller associated with QHR, bid us fare- well this month to pursuejob opportunties in Mississippi. Jim Keeler, { QHR representative, replaced Mr. Taylor as Interim Controller. l Health Fair The ninth annual health fair was held at the Nixon Center in Hyden with forty vendors participating. Over 200 community members attended. Healthcare information was available and free blood l pressure, glucose and cholesterol checks were given. Each year the health fair continues to grow, helping to build relationships with ; the community and the patients we serve. Mary Breckinridge Festival Cammittee The Mary Breckinridge Festival Committee continues to meet each month in preparation for the Festival which is held the first week in October each year. Thanks to Chairman Rhonda Brashear and I the other dedicated members who work hard all year long to make this event happen. l HillRom Equipment Visit During June, Nurse Managers, Plant Operations Manager, and l were guests ofthe HillRom Corporation, manufacturers ofhospi- tal equipment in Batesville, Indiana. We had the opportunity to board theirjet and have a full day ofguided tours by host, Mitchell Moore. We were impressed with their factory where we watched _ as skilled craftsmen completed the furnishings and equipment for l hospital rooms and out patient needs. Thanks to HillRom and Mitchell Moore for their hospitality and for a very educational , day. l ; QUARTERLY BULLETIN 9 i Bioterrorism Updates Bioterrorism updates provided by the Kentucky Hospital Asso- ciation (KHA) continues to be an on-going educational part of our i staff training. We received another grant for $43,000 to be used · for purchasing items to update our facility to be prepared in the event of smallpox exposure or any other airborne disease. I want to thank KHA for the work they have done to help Kentucky to I be prepared for a national threat. KHA has also been instrumental in the purchase of an on-line program which allows all the hospitals in our district to view the number of beds available in our area. Any type of disaster, whether l it is bioterrorism, weather related, or any other event which may require an influx of patients or the information for available hold- ing beds will be available at a glance. This communication center { will assist all the facilities in our district ifwe need to communi- I cate quickly without the use of telephones. We are in the testing 5 phase for use and will "go live" in September. I New Equipment i The Radiology Department received a new state-of-the art Gen- l eral Electric Lunar DEXA scanner. The scanner measures bone E density, detects osteoporosis, and calculates the risk of fractures, all in a matter of minutes. This will be a very valuable service for K preventive measures. A new 12-bed telemetry system is now in place on the medical surgical ward. Phillips completed installation in June. The new system is an asset to our facility. We recently had several patients { transferred from one ofthe larger hospitals due to the availability i ` of our telemetry unit. ’ Medical Students _ Three medical students from India were here from June through August. Dr. Suja Bala Vinod, Dr. Priya A. Ashok and Dr. Asha Kurunthottical spent the majority of their time here on the medical 10 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE surgical unit. The staff at MBHC embraced these students as l their own and helped each other understand and accept our cul- tural differences. These three medical students became a part of our “FNS Family" and we were sad to see them leave as they were a valuable addition to our healthcare team. ' Educational Training Edith Hensley, ER Manager, and Marlene Maggard, RN, com- pleted primary training to become SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) certified. They will complete prerequisites by the end of September. They will then apply for certification through the Kentucky Board ofNursing. This will be an asset to our facility and to the community. The University of Kentucky Aeromedical Team came to MBHC to teach Neonatal Advanced Life Support classes to our staff. l Many thanks to the Team for assisting our staff with this certifi- cation as we continue to focus on providing quality healthcare to our pediatric patients. l MBHC is in the process of software conversion with Dairyland l Healthcare Solutions. Registration, billing, material management, i medical records and Home Health will be converted. Employee Picnic An employee and community picnic has been scheduled for Oc- { tober l in conjunction with the Mary Breckinridge Festival. l l l l QUARTERLY BULLETIN 11 A New Appointments by Barb Gibson, Assistant to CEO The FNS Board of Governors is pleased to introduce Mary ` Ethel Wooton as a member of the Mary Breckinridge Healthcare and Frontier Nursing Healthcare, Inc., Boards of l Directors and Rhonda Brashear, as a member of Mary l Breckinridge Healthcare and the Frontier School of Midwy’ery l and Family Nursing Boards of Directors. They were appointed [ during the April 2004 Board Meeting. 1 l Mary Ethel Wooton is a native ofLeslie 1 Y · , e g _ t j l County and an FNS baby, delivered by if K xlib l by nurse midwife Helen Browne. Mary ,-QV [ Ethel graduated from the Leslie County o r . » _ )_ , l High School in 1962 and from the Uni- _. — _ t versity of Kentucky in 1966 with double V t—-’ ‘ · , majors in English and History and a de- · A S gree in Education. Mary Ethel worked Mary Ethel Wooton as a teacher in Atlanta, Georgia; Memphis, Tennessee and Louis- ville, Kentucky, and moved back to Leslie County in 1998 upon retirement. Mary Ethel also serves on the Hazard Appalachian Regional Hos- pital Advisory Board, Leslie County Family & Consumer Sciences Council and Leslie County Parks Board. She also performs vol- i unteer activities with American Cancer Society Relay for Life Committee, Community Scholar for the Kentucky Arts Council, Daniel Boone Habitat for Humanity, Kentucky Folklife Festival in Frankfort, Leslie County Arts & Crafts Council, Mary Breckinridge _ Festival Committee and Parade of Lights Committee and is a member ofthe Hyden City Council. » l in I2 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE Mary Ethel states her goals as follows: to work for the improve- i ment of health services delivered to the people of Leslie County, particularly through the Mary Breckinridge Hospital and FNS clin— l ics; to partner with the Leslie County 4-H program and the staff _ from FNS clinics to teach the story of Mrs. Breckinridge and the i FNS to the elementary students in our county. [ ——...-..t l Rhonda Brashear was born in Hazard, Kentucky, but has spent her entire life living and working in Leslie County. , ...__ A Rhonda worked in banking for twenty- V , _ seven years, where she gained the re- ; Y" ” ,, spect and confidence of her customers and co-workers, and was rewarded " with a wealth of knowledge about the people of Leslie County. Rhonda Bmshear . l Rhonda’s passion in life is economic development for Hyden and Leslie County. lt is her life long dream to seejobs and opportuni- ties developed to keep "our brightest and best" young people here in the mountains, rather than see them move out of the region to seek a fortune. Rhonda is also very interested in preserving and promoting the local history and culture of Hyden and Leslie County and is aware of the role that Mary Breckinridge and Frontier Nursing Service has played over the years. . Rhonda is currently employed with Hazard Cornrnunity and Tech- i nical College (HCTC) and works at the Leslie County Center, a i branch of HCTC. Rhonda and her husband, Fred, have a son and a daughter, Joel and Rachel, both delivered by FNS midwives. Rhonda enjoys gardening, attending Broadway shows and loves ` music ofall types. _· E QUARTERLY BULLETIN 13 1 Frontier Nursing Clinics Update by Dr Julie Marfell, Executive Director Campaign for Kids - The FNS Campaign for Safe Kids was held _ I in July. Each week we focused on a safety issue and held a program at the park behind W l the pool in Hyden. Our first session was car safety and included helmet use and how to P ride a bike safely. Swimming safety was the I W next session. Our final session was held in conjunction with the Mary 5 Breckinridge Hospital Health Fair andthe children made magnets l that included emergency and clinic numbers on them for their re- frigerators at home. All participants were given vouchers for free safety supplies, i.e. bike helmets, car seats and swimming les- 2 sons. The attendance improved every week and we plan to con- tinue to focus on safety issues for children. j We were fortunate to have the help of the Couriers for the Safe I Kids project. They organized and participated in the entire event [ and came up with excellent, creative activities for the kids to par- t ticipate in. We would like to extend another bigthank you to all of them for their hard work. { Reach Out and Read Program The staff is being trained on the Reach Out and Read Program and we plan to be distributing books and well child visits for chil- g dren six months to tive years old this fall. All summer the staff at the Beech Fork Clinic has sponsored a story hour at the old Beech Fork Center building. The children participating in "stoiy hour" lt have enjoyed it and the community has voiced support for our effort. A thank you is extended again to the Couriers for helping I us out as well with this project. I ‘ I4 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE i Scholarships I As part of our community outreach effort, three students have been selected to receive $250 scholarships sponsored by the rural health clinics. These students graduated from high school this year and are entering college this fall. The students are Marvin Amos, ,' Noah Lewis and Shelli Hoskins. All of these students are fol- lowed at the Beech Fork Clinic. Angela Mitchell, FNB receives Doctor of Nursing Angela Mitchell, FNP at the Kate Ireland Healthcare Center in Manchester, is now Dr. Angela Mitchell. Angie completed her Doctor of Nursing at Case Western Reserve, Frances Payne Bolton School ofNursing in July. Her research focuses on the use of healthcare services by adolescents living in rural areas. Con- gratulations to Angie! . . ..-l - .»e— . ...~= — l‘t.s.“-’ ‘ ..;~- I ;.=· " ‘‘<’· »» ·ii’ ’ I? ;· s“i* I ... 5 I » I ·*·l zs- —.`i` `l s ° . R eee s F lt § . Angela Mitchell, FNP QUARTERLY BULLETIN I5 Other The Kate Ireland Healthcare Center has completely converted to the electronic medical record. It is the first of our clinics to be paperless. All ofthe other clinics are using the computer for their ' documentation and hope to convert to paperless in the near fu- r ture. Laura Mann-James, CNM, joined the midwifery service in March. Shejoins Lynn Wilkening, CNM, and Debi Karsnitz, CNM, as the third F SMFN graduate in our service. Our nurse-midwives are i working with Dr. Faye Whiting to cover her practice and first call § as well as building our own midwifery service in both Leslie and Clay Counties. l I ' Cammunity Health Center (CHC) Anniversary l This September, Community Health Center (CHC) celebrates its l twenty—fifth anniversary, The staff has planned an Open House l to mark the event. The Open House will be Monday, September 20, 2 pm - 4pm. Linda Arhens, FNP at CHC, will also be doing an education session for the Peabody Forest Rangers on October l8 on Blood-borne Pathogens. l I WEBSITES I Frontier Nursing Service - www. frontiernursingorg l FSMFN Community Based Nurse Midwifery Education Program (CNEP) - www.midwives.org I FSMFN Community Based Nurse Practitioner Program (CFNP) l - www.frontierfnp.org l “ 16 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing News by Dr Susan Stone, President & Dean Accreditation Preparation _ The long awaited site visit from the Southem ` Association of Colleges and Schools Com- mission on Colleges (SACSCOC) occurred g July 25 through July 28,2004. The purpose A f P . of this semiannual event was to conduct the r ` J final evaluation of our School to determine "i{'`: i whether full accreditation in the SACSCOC I T would be granted. I The commission on Colleges for the Southern Association of i Colleges and Schools is the regional body for the accredita- y tion of higher education institutions in the Southern states E (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Wrginia) and I Latin America that award associate, baccalaureate, masters ~ or doctoral degrees. Accreditaion by the Commission on Col- g leges signyies that an institution has a purpose appropriate » to higher education and has resources, programs, and ser- vices sujjicient to accomplish and sustain that purpose. Ac- . creditation indicates that an institution maintains clearly speci- i fed educational objectives that are consistent with its mis- I sion and appropriate to the degrees it ojfers, and that is suc- cessful in achieving its stated objectives. g SA CS Principles of Accreditation: Foundation for Quality Enhancement Decem- ber 200] www.sacsc0c.org V The team who came to visit our School included Dr. Susan S. ( Gunby, Dean & Professor, Mercer University, Atlanta, Georgia; ` Dr. Gerard A. Dizinno, Assistant to the President for Planning & A, Institutional Research, St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas; , Ms. Leonora (Lee) S. Horton, Program Director, Nurse—Midwifery Program, Medical University of South Carolina College ofNurs- I ing, Charleston, South Carolina; Ms. Jackie Hutcherson, Interim QUARTERLY BULLETIN 17 Director, Nurse Midwifery Education Program, East Carolina Uni- versity School of Nursing, Greenville, North Carolina; Mr. Steve Lee, Vice~President for Business Affairs, University of Mobile, Alabama; Dr. Rose Y. Temple, President, Baptist Memorial Col- ‘ lege of Health Sciences, Memphis, Tennessee, and Dr. Ann B. Chard, Associate Executive Director, Commission on College, Southem Association of Colleges and Schools, Decatur, Georgia. " "fi ”"‘ ”‘ ·. _ "E i ·4.. -. .`r~`,J"‘ i ‘ ° ” en=‘— T ; . i it-»C`iF~,~—L1.. , T. ; r K i .,%<¢v \ 1 ` I * 6;%* yy`; l . _ ,_ X. L-.- _T - 4T ,.. tj; ~· .._‘~§(, l l Y`·.: 1 l ‘ “ l l ` '4¢:<°- is" I at l "` ·¤`i?` — ···· T .T -.·~·T > · V -· ` t l Sl ” * / l` .’ , . Ii .';T“°. l = .T<» _._ I . Q » ‘ " , ’ ` _ ‘ g;»§;·.; r *21** Tii- ETS l J `V . T . " — if Jf lll? ll? J A; _ ~, ,_§§4y$T-g;_,;* ( ’ { ·¤..,_f,.,` e . ;‘?*:Ei*;;?; T · 2 §·¤i 1: Vi, V ` >‘ Q ,~, ‘ ___ 3 I . ` i " A ' l ’i°$?i’? 5 ‘ V ..__ ._ .“s- °*` . _ ‘ E A l - 4 ' "` ` gr V .. _ U g Dr; Susan Stone and SA CS Site Visitors 1 The Team stayed at Wendover and visited the School during the { day. They examined all areas ofour School operations interview- ing Board members (John Foley and Dr. Michael Carter), admin- l . . . . rstratron, faculty, staff and students. They toured the facility. At l the conclusion ofthe visit, we held a meeting in the Mardi Cottage Classroom. All students, faculty, staff and Board member, Dr. ` Michael Carter, were present. Each team visitor gave a report on g the specific areas they had examined. The conclusion was that ll we had met all the specified criteria and they had no recommen- dations. There was much cheering and clapping at the result. ln E fact, we even walked down to the Chapel and rang the bell so that , all of Hyden would know we were celebrating. l l I 18 FRONTIER NURSING SERVICE The next step is for review to be presented to the Commission at its meeting on December 6, 2004. The final decision will be made W at that meeting. I want to extend my greatest appreciation to ev- eryone who worked so hard to make this a successful visit. ,_ The work is not finished yet. We are currently preparing our self- studies for the National League for Nursing Accreditation Com- mission (N LNAC) and the American College of Nurse-Midwives Division of Accreditation (ACNM DOA). These organizations l will be doing focused reviews of our programs. A collaborative site visit is scheduled for October 4-6, 2004. Two site visitors from l NLNAC and three site visitors from ACNM DOA will be visiting. l We are seeking NLN accreditation for our Master of Science in Nursing Degree, which will cover both tracks, the CN EP and CFNP. CNEP has been accredited by the ACNM since l990; this ' is a scheduled re-accreditation site visit. l As part of ongoing efforts to make the accreditation process re- sponsive to a broad range of constituents, the National League for i Nursing Accrediting Commission invites third party comments on ` programs being reviewed for initial accreditation. This means that l anyone who is reading this article is invited to submit any com- ments about the FSMFN Master of Science in Nursing Program. I These comments may be submitted either directly to the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission at 6l Broadway, 33rd Floor, New York, NY l 0006 or they may be submitted directly to Dr. Susan Stone, President & Dean ofFSMFN, l95 School Street, Hyden, Kentucky 41749. Any comments submitted directly to me will be shared with the program evaluators. We will also set aside time during the site visit for anyone who would like to come and meet with the site visitors to provide comments about the ·· Master of Science in Nursing Program. The time for this meeting will be Tuesday afternoon October 5, 2004, at 3 pm at the Morton Gill Building on campus. Thanks to everyone for all oftheir assis- ' tance and support as we go through this accreditation process. I a know that the quality ofthe education that we provide at FSMFN is better than ever as a result of all of our work. QUARTERLY BULLETIN 19 Courier Program News ` by Michael Claussen, Assistant Courier Program Coordinator l *L »%·‘%Q§isf’ -·’ . — `