Free at Selected Business Locations Home Delivery at $5 per year LEXINGTON GAY/LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZATION. P.O. BOX HUI, LEXINGTON. KY H0575 — PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE COURTS THE GAY COWUNITY One of the most remarkable traits of this which GLSO has received during the past year's presidential campaign has not been several months, primarily from various gay reported by the national or local media. For organizations urging gay men and lesbians to the first time in American political history, a vote for Dukakis. GLSO has received nothing presidential nominee from one of the major from the Bush/Quayle ticket. political parties is actively courting the Also reproduced in this issue is an country's gay and lesbian vote. article from Jean O'Leary, Executive Director GLSO has received a letter from of National Gay Rights Advocates. O'Leary's presidential candidate Michael Dukakis. The article succinctly compares Dukakis' and letter is reproduced on page 3. This is the Bush's views on gay, lesbian, and AIDS first communication any Central Kentucky gay issues. A letter from Randy Miller, organization has ever received from a lesbian/gay liaison for the Dukakis Campaign, candidate's national office. It is only one of is also included. many letters concerning this year's election fl EDITORIAL: JUST WHEN DO WE MATTER? When casting their votes, many gay and for homosexuals is not as valid an issue as lesbian voters tend to disregard issues dealing other factors, one would ask, "When will 'the with homosexual civil rights. Various more urgent national matters‘ be less rationales are cited for this approach, which important, so that civil rights injustices can even main stream politicians, media and be corrected?" The ultimate issue underlying voters find perplexing. Possibly only those these questions is, "Why must we wait for our who experience society's homophobia from the rights, when the many other minorities in the inside, America's lesbians and gay men, can country have not; why are we allowing understand this contradictory attitude. ourselves to be discriminated against by all One of the most widely stated reasons levels of government, and even Presidents and for disregarding a candidate's views on equal presidential candidates?" homosexuals rights is the more pressing Regardless of reasons which homosexual nature of matters such as the economy, voters use in deciding not to consider a national defense, and foreign relations. More candidate's views on lesbian and gay rights, politically inclined gay men and lesbians, the great tragedy of the struggle for however, see this reasoning as a hidden, homosexual equality is the fact that we are closeted attitude implying gay rights are not responsible for our own situation. Any deserving of attention by the government. reasoning which belittles gay and lesbian civil Certainly no one would argue matters of rights discriminates against us. Even when defense, the economy, and other such issues we are doing it to ourselves. We allow should be disregarded. But neither should discrimination, and we discriminate against civil rights be ignored, especially by a future ourselves. leader of one of the world's most powerful In many matters, this year's presidential nations. Additionally, a more just society election is more crucial than that of any carries with it implications for a stronger preceding year. Great strides have been made economy, more widespread participation in throughout the country in the arena of government, and a more educated populace. homosexual rights. Several state-level For those lesbians and gay men who organizations formed. Discriminatory legislation consistently hold that civil rights protection (continued on page 2) _