xt75qf8jh59p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75qf8jh59p/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1950 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material: 2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1950 Vol.21 No.11 text The Kentucky Press, September 1950 Vol.21 No.11 1950 2019 true xt75qf8jh59p section xt75qf8jh59p 53:33.er :- 3- '::‘-"E)'/~ ' w ,3» .~ F1: \ 3. SEPTEZWBER, I 95 0 3 __________________—___ ‘ Published in the Interest of Community journalism . . . 02‘, By, and For Kentucky Newspapers 3 3 .3“ . . — 3 3 33 3“ ‘33 i: .,”// ' ' ‘3 3 , /%’m,mnm_lm $ NEWSp4 3- min“ (3“ : e» ”a 3 A 4? 3w 3» - 6 “I 6);} 3 A.” 9]) E3 (3 3 ~- 1- 3 ; S / ”S A ' o '1' ' \Q 5, '. 3 3 n I' // fl ' 3 ‘VOLUME TWENTY-ONE ka {4 «I 1 ' 3.3.3 3 ‘ NUMBER ELEVEN (33% ."5‘ 3‘4“ v u 3 .3 3 W [a a. , . A ‘5 3 3 e \F\ 3: Q .3 3 '1, ‘ I gge 33 Publication Office: To A f“ 33 4? University of Kentucky 3 3 Lexington ; 3 Ofiicml Publication Kentucky Press Assocmtwn ; '11 11 ’ 1‘ 11 The Kentucky Press — September, 1950 1 11' 1 1 1 1 115 "‘1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 11 , .11 , 11 E 1 : 1111 1 1 F, 1 1 1 1 111111111111 '1 Corr 1 111 1 1 11 1111111111111 1,, ° ° t Jour 1 1 . e 13 an msec 1 11 11 ‘11! 111111111 111“?» , 1111111111 1 1.1 111111 1 111111»: 1 . ‘1 11' 1 11:1: 1. 1 1111,11 = 11% 1 111.: 1'1. 11111 1 ‘11 .- 1 11 111 11111 1' “R&%€§§5133131§§1%k 1 2 111111 111 1 1 1 111; 11 11 1 1 ”632% ‘1»"’(’_ . . W‘ the U]: 1 1 1 1 , : . ”31,5 1’ . , . 1 1 , '11 1, 11'; 11 11 fl“ ' ' g ' - - 1 “(111101 11 1 1 1 1 1, 1 1 " 1' . . In 21 1 1 111', ‘1. . 1 . 1 .. . .1 1 1'1 1 1 z 11 “‘211 ’ ' . Wg the sto 1 1 11j111 ' 1 -11: \«1 1 ~ .1 1"5€:,::":::; 1 the lat 11 1’1 1 1 x1 1 1212:1111». 1;. Yw ,. . / wwfigwg .gfmyzfi fl’m [L was 1 3 11""? fi;{% ‘ 11.111 W. ‘ 1, 1 7 1 1: 1 2 $211? =Wfiyai<§étwwh " ’ 1 1 1.111 1’ 1 1 ‘ '2 - ‘ 3‘ 3‘32“» $311411 1 2/: % mm 0‘ 11 1 1 1 1 \» ”3%; fifizfiflfifiwmxz 1 1 1‘ 1 ‘ 1 '1 '11. “m 1, 1 d” WWW ~61: 11$ 1 11 1111: 1; 1 111 {5% w?“ ‘9“ , , /&%%e5€%€€%%fli 19$»; 1 Hull 1 111‘1- ‘1 1 1 1 L «111 4‘??th 15" ‘ . 1 111 1 .’ 1 ‘11 xgx 1,1,1» «3% '11:" o1:<.4;-:3%.; w/{Ea ~ 1 \ 1 , 111 11111 11 1111.11 ' ‘Véu "’"‘ / hnancet 1,1 1 111111 i131 1 B / , be rcpzl 11, 11% 1' ‘ 1 2 ,1 1 ;-,11 1'1 1 '1‘1 b t ee 1 1116 ‘11 11111 1, 1131 u . . 1 1 11 11111 11 1111 . MW”: pcmmn 1 1 .111 1. . ,1 1 111111 11 1 1 , ’ “M ’3 101111131 ,111111 ‘ 1 1' 1 1' / 1 L' ,. 1‘ 1i‘ ‘1' j 1 ,t‘ 33’», 4 ’, ’ ’ t ' t '1 'md 11] 1 18 a newsPaPer 1 111. 1.1 1.‘1 ., 1,1 « ' 1:33” 1'” 17934143131311 1 1’ 1 » and the ‘1 11 . 11‘. 1 11 1, ”’1'" ,1 1.’ 1 :111‘;1_f‘2,..» ” , 1,113), 131,1.51/2‘1- . . 1111 1 I1 ' 1 111 ' ' ,1 ' , 2‘ 1 , ‘1; a "‘ , , ,‘T". ;,':1,1;’,' ’ socmtlm 11 1 1 11 >11 1 1, 1 , ,1 1:“ 1:. ,1,” 111-1111.31521- ”1.1111. 111.1 ,1 ', 1:111 ; y/ , 1,11% 1, , [111%,1/115124(INV‘X/ . 1111 1.‘ 1 1 :‘ ' x, " W 1 111 1111 1 H 1 11 H “ .. ‘1 sm'iatiot “11111 11 ' \lrs Eu 1 1,111111111 . ,1 1 .. . 1 1111111111 1 1 ' 1 . . . _ 1 on the 1 '1 11 1.111 1 i 11 The busy collector of honey is completely ob11v1ous of owner of a trade-mark to protect 1t d111gently. That s 1 mother 1 11 11 11 1 1 the question of lower case or capltal letters. Not 1n- why we ask you always to spell Coke w1th a capltal 11111151 1 1 1 :1. 1 1 ‘ 1 - ’ 1 'utwr. 1 1111 1 11 1 1 different, however, are the folks who put out newspapers “C.” Its as 1mportant to us as the use of a capital (11' 1 C . 11111 1 3111 '1‘- . . . . . , c( *n 1 11111 1' 1 1 11 named for Apis mellifera. 1n1t1al 1n the spelhng of a newspaper 5 name. from F1 ,‘1'1- 11 1 i 1. . . . 1 11111111 1 r 11‘- For the same reason, we have a lxvely Interest In the 1 home. 1 1 11 111 111?- 111‘ use of a capltal 1n1t1al for Coke, the fr1endly abbrev1at10n > I he é . .1 1111' "; 11 . . ‘ 111 -1 .- 511111 1,1 1 1 for Coca-Cola. Spelled w1th a lower case “c,” 1t means _ _ . 18110, 51 ,1 11111111 111 1 . 1 '1? (Isle for 1! either way W 11 lcmbcr 1 '1 11111111 I 1 somethmg entlrely d1 erent' . . . bat/z trade—marks V of the R 11 1111111 1 - h- h [I [I - TRADE-MARK 13) R0 1ster 11111 1111 1 .11 Coke and Coca-Cola are regIStered trade-marks w 1c mam t e Jame 1 mg. .. Oke. 1 1 - 111111 1111 1' . _ . . . C llll( 1V r 111111 111 1 1 dlstmgulsh our product. And good pract1ce requ1res the mos—Max ® WWW”) 1 1111‘ ‘ w streets i1 1111,11 , TH]: COCA-COLA COMPANY , E1 . 2 1 1 11 1 '1 . 1 1 ilz1111'1111 1 ‘ 1 1 || 111 N :1 1 1 1 1 1111. 2 ‘ ‘ - '11 1:1 .- , 11 1 ‘. '1 i 1341.». .' .-::1{‘:TJ'.:"1r:‘-:'f'<‘:f"=':' := j‘ ‘ ‘ ' A ' i l' ' H ' V I VI i ‘_ , I . 7- V V “E‘ 1' 7' 4 . ~ in. ' l September, 1950 The Kentucky Press Page One . § ‘ , , ‘1 Cornerstone Land For Installment Credit New Jersey Court ; ‘ y \ . . . I I .’ 7 :t i Journallsm BUlldlng For information to pass on your adver- Approves Belo COHTFOCT , The cornerstone for the new journalism- USCYS» YOU SllOUld be familiar With the new Although the Belo-type contract received 1 l publications building on the University cam— Illflxhlllml terms for installment credit; statutory approval in the amended Wage- l I l pus was laid with a brief, but impressive, AMOS, one-third down 311d 21 months t0 pay; Hour Law, there has been uncertainty as to 3 1’ ceremony on September 19. This is the fifth 21PPhithCS, 15%, down and 18 months; HIOSE the legal requirements of such a contract. 'l ‘ major building to be constructed on the home furnishings, 10% down and 18 Of interest in this connection is a recent rul- ~ 1 campus since the end of World War II. months; home repair and modernizations, ing by the Federal District Court of New . l With the exterior work nearly completed 10% down and 30 months. No specific down Iersey, upholding an informal Belo contract l today, the $425,000 structure probably Will payment 15 requned on ItCmS belllng under used by the l\ational Tool 8: Manufacturing , i be used as a classroom building by the open- #100, but maxnnum repayment period must Company, \Vllicll an employee signed when J. ,l , . - . A , \J r . ‘ ‘ '- . ' ' 1, ing of the second semester in ltebruary. It hC obscryed. Installment loans for “USPCU‘ he started \\"01‘l<- [l8 PI'OVISIODS are as 101- t l 3, will house the Department of Ioumalism, fled purposes must be repaid in 18 months. lows: 3 l t . . .. ‘ ,~ ,. , . . - u , . . (l ‘ the University printing plant, 2111 school Pub. liadc-in \aluc may be credited toward down 1. your basic hourly rate Wm be the sum 1 \ lication offices, and the central office of the payment on “”105 b1” "0t on other items. 0f $1-04 an hour. ‘ l . Kentucky Press Association. UlCCtS 01 “CW CUl‘hS are 0X1)C(it€d [0 be ' “2. Your usual and regular workweek will l - In a brief address preceding the laying of ”"KlCI‘illC- be 56 hours a week. ‘ j l the stone, President Donovan paid tribute to PFICC (7011”01 10F 10b printing — well, it “3. You will receive, as salary for this 5 j ' : the late Prof. Enoch Grehan, who founded could happen again. President Truman, in regular workweek, the sum of $66.56. This 1' l the UK Department of Journalism in 1914. his fireside chat, warned employees [0 keep sum is 21 guaranteed minimum WCEkl)’ salary l Q [t was Prof. Enoch Grehan, Dr. Donovan ll (01111”th record 01 costs and Sfillihg‘ prices and you will receive this amount each week ,1 1 said, who first initiated plans for the Univer- l‘” the May 24-June 24‘ period. i'churate‘ CVCII though you may work 1085 hours than t sity’s own printing plant and who, in “1211;. records “'111 be CXLYCIDCIy important. your regular workweek. : l put up $2000 of his own money to purchase The ChlUSC Lhill CXCIhPtS newspapers from “/1. If you work any time in excess of your ,' l the plant‘s first equipment. PI'ICC COIIU‘OJS under the 131W enacted by COD- regular workweek, you will receive over- i 2% i Hall of the buildings construction cost SIC-55 ICdd-S db [0110V\’$~ th zlllthOI‘It)’ COH- time compensation at the rate of $1.56 an i. g3 will be paid from accumulated profits of the lerred by thls £1th shall “(’t be CXCFClSCd hour which represents time and one—half l .; Kentucky Kernel with the remainder to be With respect [0 the lOHOng.’ - - ~ 1’1‘1C65 or computed on your basic hourly rate." 3 financed through sale of revenue bonds to rentals 101‘ materials hlrhlSth hn‘ PllthII- Holding that this agreement was valid, 1 > , be repaid by the paper’s future profits. Lion by any press HSSOCHIUOII or 162M111“: 58F- the court‘said the employee’s “regular rate” ; l . ' . x , . r ., i i ' ' t . f . l The new structure Will become the first “(Li h00k5, magazine, mOUOH pictures, pCII- was the hourly rate designated by the con- 5' permanent home of the UK Department of OLhCillSi or newspapers, other than as waste tract, and “since overtime was compensated Journalism. The building is the first of its or scrap; or rates charged by ally person in [or' at the rate of not less than 1-1/2 times l ‘ kind in the commonwealth. th hUSIHCSS 0t operating 01" l)lll)115hmg 11 the regular rate, the provisions of the Act 1 ‘ Materials sealed into the cornerstone in- newspaper, perlodu‘éll, 01‘ magazme, or 0P- were sulliciently complied with.” l l - ,‘ - ,i. ' . . ' ‘, ...' . . ,'.‘ ‘ clude copies of the Louisvdle Courier-Jour- U‘mhg d ““10 blotch-sung 01 [916131011 Under the amended VVage-Hour Law, 1; l 11:11, Lexington Herald, Lexington Leader, “.3110", 3 111011011 [Name or other theatre Belo contracts are sanctioned only for em- l l and the Kentucky Kernel; a University cata- - enterprise, or outdoor advertlsmg lilClhthSf’ ployees whose work necessitates irregular i log; a co) of the cornerstone ceremon )ro- hours, and whose weeklr Guaranteed salar . . o lY I m.‘ ) o Y ,1 gram; a directory of the Kentucky Press As- covers a workweek of not more than :30 l I ‘ sociation; copies of the Kentucky Press and Cooking SChOOlS hours. l I . . . . . i. -\ other inlormation concerning the Assoc1a- H . . ; f i . . - i\l‘.:\ informs us that a household wax m.“ I l tion; the UniverSity yearbook; and a com« 1 . l . d t‘ . t . . . )ro( ucer is current settinr U) a ver ism ‘ , . . . ‘ I , plete kit lor National Newspaper “766k. 1 y 5’ . I . g Someone by the name ol. Arclas Vitkauskas ‘ ll plans and wants to know of any cooking Y ., - * ll 1 . oi l\ew [crsey, has been asking some papers . g “0'“ schools now planned or scheduled lor the . , ‘ , _ , g i . . . 7 . . in Kentucky for sample copies. Our adVice l: . , , _ , coming tall and wmter season. 111C wax is _ , l: l lhe members 01 the Kentucky Press As- . . is not to send sample copies unless you * . . . something new and the agency handling . . h g l sociation extend their sympathy to Mr, and . know who is getting them, and why. loo ‘ . ,. . , . same wants to work through cooking schools. _ , ' . Mrs. harl W. Kinner, West Liberty Courier, , . . . many rackets spring therefrom. l . ’ \‘\e are told the program is something like , ‘ on the death of Mrs. Nellie Hensby ‘Vebb, . , , , . ; l S . . this: . The Damon ]. Swarm Advertismg Agency, ; , mother 01 Mrs. Kinner, and to Herndon J . , . . . y , ‘ . . . . , l 11 y , _ . . After learning the locations of the cooking Atlanta, Ga., serv1cing the Dime-Home Stores ‘ Lvans, Pinevdle Sun, on the death of his . . . , , ‘ , schools, local dealerships Will be established. account, has suggested to some newspapers , il 1 lather, Iohn G. Lvans, 90 years old, who . . ., , , ‘ . . A limited number of free samples of the that the agency handle composmon and , ' (lied on route to a hospital at Shelbyville . . . _ ‘. , _ . . wax Wlll be distributed at the school. Con- other material ot future advertisements to lrom Frankfort where he had made his . . . . . . . . : h current with this, national ads Will be placed Improve reproduction. In return lor this, ‘ ' ome. . . . . . . . , . l in local papers describing the product and the agency is asking publishers for a credit i l l The Sebree Banner, Byron Royster, pub- listing local outlets where it may be pur- against the amount of space used by Dixie- , lisher, started its thirty-seventh year on Sep— chased. Home Stores. The agency suggests a credit- j v .- [Cniber 5 under the name and management What to do: If you are interested in that of $1.50 for a three—column ad, and a credit j l 0f the Royster family. The elder late R. H. you are planning or are tied into a cooking of $3.00 for a six-column ad. Publishers WllO 1“ Royster named the Banner in 1914. Mr. school, notify your KPA oflice, giving us have received such letters from the Swann 5 and Mrs. Royster recently purchased the date and location of cooking school, sponsor Advertising Agency are asked to communi- . f; tt\v().5u)ry Pike Building on Main and Spring or sponsors, and expected attendance. We cate with the KPA ollice, giving copy of the ‘i Streets in Lexington. will carry on l'rom there. replies to this request, . q ' ‘ 'i —ll » ll , l ' \ ' 1‘ 1 , l I I , - i. 1 r i // i T ' ‘ 11in [ = V 1; ' X11111 . :1 ‘ 1‘ 1‘1 l 1 ' 111 ‘ 11111111 ‘1 September, 1950 ' 111 1 ‘ 11.11“ 1.; k Press 11111 1 111111111 The Kentuc y 11 1 11.1 1 1111111111 Page Two d 3 1 111 1 511:111111 . . I“ . - 1 1111111 11111111111111 1 l ecise SOClOl Security Extende 1 $1111 » 1. .1, 1111“ 1 r ‘ q 11 1 111 11.111111111111111 NLRB Rules Against New TCIX nC ' > 7. 11- 'ton 11‘()Ilowiiig acceptance by the llouse of 1 :E: 1‘ 1111 111111111111 I 1 Cl n' Employees Under tax bills pendingr at \1 as ling r, Representatives and the senate of the con- i E 11 111111 1111111111 S OW OW )1 1 1 1111111 11111111111111“ (111111111130) 111C 10 111111 11117111 PC l'erence report on H. R. 6000, Pres1dent E 11 111 1 1 1111 1 i .J ,. 1r ‘_< ru cc < ’ . . . 1 ., , 1 2 cor )Ora- « 1 1- 1 . 1 E 1111 111111 1111111111 11110 NLRb O11 51111111111111 1111011111 1116 1111111 1111111111111) 111 mmmC 1111111311 111-1 1 1Saw Harry S. ’l‘ruman on August 28 slgue‘.i Into 2 1111'111111111111111 i'inously that an employer (ll( 110 f‘ €111 tions an average boost 01 l.) peicent. 11. 11w (“flu-‘16 11mm”); 1’ 1951’ the bill ex‘ 1 E 11 1 111111 11111 11111 11111111111111111011 1111111 1111 d111111111gmg 1V cued 11111111 1111111 11C 0111111611 1111 gcmng 115 1111111111111 1)'ill(llllir and amending the lederal Social 1 E 1‘ 1. 1,11 ii‘i , . Mred in a conc . , _ .f ‘ Dec 3] (e erring . a ‘ ‘ E 11 11111» ml {1.11: ployces “'llO had 0191-, . 1 come 'is possible bc oie . , ‘ ~ 1. _ ' ) A = i i; ‘l i - i . ., ._. - . le ‘ . - y ‘ CCUIIL ’ b 1bLL1n. . = 111. , 111 1111111 I 111‘ 1 slowdown following II “(139 ”111111103 T11“ ,H inanv deductions as possible Ulltll 1991- 1 S Incrc-1'isr1d benefits are included m the act, 1 E 11 111 1 1 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1‘ - 1 1 1 . . ~ 2 A , ( - 1 = 1 11' 1' 1.1 1 111, 1 ruling — the first by the board 01111311 0- Increase income often can be airingcc '1 “h “Lends Coverage [0 10,000,000 more E 1,1 11111. 111 1 11 . \ . _ "ls made in a case 111V()\111t, . , . 1; )ll contracts, accepting \\11( .l ‘ ..1 ' ,1 d b SOCial E 11 111 .111 i ticulai point i\« {1 Medlhrd by Sliceding “()1 ( . r u) Pcmms. .1 0nd Pawns (mue y E 11 11 11 111 11 1116 11111 Lumber company 0 1 fi C em 111111111011 1011 111111111 (10111111C16111 Steppmb l sccuritv will now be 45.000.000. Some of _—_=_ ; 111 z 1 . '1-11arrec V - ‘, . - ., (, ts' on sa~ I ,_ _ v 7‘ ‘ E 11 1 1 1111 11111 1 orcgmL The (10111111111111 (11111111111111 11110 1111111 (11111111111111181 11111111111111 11111111111111] s ("in be thC principal provis'ions ol the (K1 are. E 1.1 ‘ 1111 1 111 1 bloyees. Who were loading U _ . . slow— arics, interest1 rents. etc. D€( lICtIOIl: ‘_ mm 1 common law definition 0t employee 2 . 111 11 1111111: 1‘ 1! 111! rovid cars, because they engaged 111. d ,0 shifted to 1951 by delaying payments ()1 W) Ktmmd ‘ g a 1:.1- 1i ; « ‘ _ i .4113. 1 f l ‘ K V - n; ‘. - h = 11 11111111 11 11331 doim after the company reduced then “(loin bills by deferring purchases 01 office spp 2 Civcs employee Status to full-“me me E 11 11111 I 111.1 1 11 >I'he wage reduction lollowcd a cling plies repairs, serVices. Charitable mum)“ .munncc Stilesmcn some agent and com- E 11111’ i! 11.1 , . , - _ w _, _, 1 . '1 :an l.‘ r 1 1‘ 1 : .v m 1 E .3 ' 1111 1: 11,".11 i 11. 1- com an 15 system of lOddmg , . ' )15 [or 1990 also (an be postponed So ( - V _. [mt net news aper dwells ‘ —=— :1 1 111151111111 1 11 [1 C I) l 1 ,10wdown WAS [N l “”5510” drn €15 ( = 1 1:111 11 1 T1 Board held that tic s, - _ 1‘-11bi115. . J . d )endent contractors), ‘ E 11 1 1 111 1 1 16 1111111111611 scam“ 1110111111 '1 1 ' l 1 her income now considered in 61 1 = 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1‘11 not protected by the Ta ~ . ’ .‘crht to Advantage of shilts Is that a 11g 1 .d ‘ some [UH—time WhOlesale salesmen, and most I E 1‘ 111111 .1 111 ‘1 which guarantees employees téic :11: ur in 1950 will be taxed at lower rates, (e .u(_ .indmm’ll house workers. E; :1 I ‘ 11; _ . 1 . - - . 1 ' . . r , . RYAN“ . ( I E 11 1 1111 ‘ 1 engage in conceited activltles fir tive 11:” tions in 1951 Will haxe a high ta\s q 5; Newspaper boys under 18 and news ‘ E 1 1 1111 11 1 ' 'on or co ec ( — U ‘ g .11 ‘1 11 ! 11 Doses of self-01gan)udlt1 making this ruling, value. Paper ‘Vcndors are exempt from the term ‘ E 1 1 1 . 111- . . .0111 7 ' n r H I, E 11 1| 1 11 1 1 galnlng (SECtl 1 1. 1 run C ——————. — “c111 )l() CCI , 1 E 1. 1 ' 11111 111 1 LbC Board quoted the {011011111g [11:151C1115 “Coyvmgc (amended to certam self-em- E 1.11 11 1 1 if 1 1‘ . . .5. Court 0 p ) . V. K I ' ' ‘ “V E 1 11 1 11 ili1l 1 1, from a dCCISloln :1 theitU Newspapers Exempted ploycd, including publishers owning pub 1 g 1111 1! 1 1 ._ i-1t1 ,ircu. ‘ I u I ' E ’1 '1 loi the Eig ir . ' d Housc O ‘ — 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 0111111 ' ’1 1 the Senate an cations. — 1:111 1 11-_ 1 1 1 ”VVhile these cmployecs had the mid Aucptancc by I ‘ r rt on H ' H t“ at the present rate E 1 1 | 1 11 ‘11 - . l uit their em- . ~.1-it1itives ol the conference repo D. Freezes payro .. ‘ E 1 11 ‘ 1 111 1| 1 _ ~ to on a strike (11K q chicsci K . I - _ . I . v ~ ‘ r 10 ers and em- 1 E 11 1.1 1H] 1 cd right to b t mitinue to work 1 ei-onomic mobilization bill has giyen 01 1% per cent each, on enip y f ‘ = 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 k , - 1 = 111 1 M11211 -1‘ ployment, the) 11111111 110 i1tions accept the 1,1:sident l—[Iirry S Truman authority to set plovecs until Ianuary l, 1954. 1131;363:321 ‘ E 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 111 1111111 11115 1’ 1 r . i. . -, 1e , . ~ , rt 0 er cent- - , E 11 1 1: i1: 1 1 a and remain ., . . c select _. -1 » ntrOls and has also given II that “'1“ be: 1994-0)) .. p , E . 1111. 11 111 i1. ‘ l .. es )aid them, and at the samc tun up domcstic (.o ‘ ‘ ‘ . e wa re I . . mus-69 % )er cent; and 31/1 E 1111 i ‘1 I11. 1 “rig - 1 [1 their allotted tasks they cared President stand-by authority 101 PUC ’ .8 21/2 pei “m. 0 1 ‘ If If employed 5 1 11 ‘ 13 1‘ What part 0' t .. . . 1 1e ' . . \V A ‘ It thereafter. Rates of se - E ‘ 11 1 11111 1 f) m or their own volition, 01 ielus and rationing controls. . ‘ .V .1). 1)“ (Cl . ‘ he em 10 66 rate. .E 1 . 11... 1 to per (r . , . . . . - 'ged bills contalllll t, A fi 'ed '1t 1% times t P y ‘ — 1 i 21 111‘ . . 1 1 the employers damage. Since both houses pas. . . werc x K _ 3 600 of ‘V = 111 1 11 1111 ”11611111 or 1111111111 to i‘on of newspaper advertising and 6 plymcm of tax on the first $ . 1 E 1 1 111 1111 11 1 k" excnlp I ~ ‘ . .‘ . . . = . 11 . 1.. ther wor - _ V “b I H r . ‘ = 1 11 1 11 111 j l.” (10 0 circulzuion rates from I)I‘l(.C controflérefice earnings 110“ required 1 g 11 1 1 11 1 — ‘ - . -, ‘ - 1 = 11 1 111111 1 1 . was not subject to change 111 tfhellcon . E 1 1 11 11 ‘ 1 '1 '1 )thn is as o ows: —___ _.____ E 1 1 11111 1 1 re )oit. 'Ihis excml . _ y :1 1 1| 11 Stunt l . _ 1 ~1 6 shall ‘ E 11 1 1111111 1 CIOSSIilfid CI “The authority Coiilelrcd b) thlsltltlfonow— Use A” Couhon g .111 1'11 ‘1 ‘ . . 1 Ruled 99 1 not be exercised With respect to me ' 1 _ . ~ I r state ress assoc” ‘ E 11 ‘ ‘1 “ 1 .. . onion Stunt Oi - .1. f ~ materials furnished In[()1‘]1];l[l()ll from 0'; ‘C P. = ‘11 1 :1‘ 11 1 The Widespread prom . . ing: prices or renta s oi . ~ . i d ler murccs now avallable leads E 1111 1 1 111" 1‘1 . warding p1‘i7es iisuallv free mov1e tickCItS, for publication by any press assoc1ation or “(ms (m MINI] '[0 use cantion in deal- E 1 ' 11 1 r 1 1. 1 , i 1 - . in tic . 1 , . tion )ic— ‘ “1am u ls lers ‘ . V E 11 1 111 1 11 1 to readers finding their names lllfidcnt a re feature serVice, books, magazmes, mphel t l1] m 115 to Ml thpe firms and organizauons hsted ‘ E 11111 11 1 0 ‘ . -, 7 ‘, " c ‘\\i' _ = 11 1 I1 1 ’1 1; - 1 classified section is illegal, according ”ll-es, penodmdls, or ne‘wpaperb 0d b any 1m? In an cases reqllire caSh In advance E 11 1 111111 1i 1 cent interpretation of the postal laws. U S as waste or scrap; or rates Charge y’d- I E 0“. d S. and CheCk carefuuy the con- E 111 1 111111 111‘1 Frank I. Delaney, SoliCitor for the . . Person in the business of operating a 11.10 lor ad ‘01. err CheCk the KPA Office for E 111 1 111111 11' 11 Post Office Departmcnt says “Ch Stunts eon- broadcaSting or television station, a motion tents of {he'lads. one of the following: 1 E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _ 1 1 ' an i E 1111 11111111 1, 1 stitute lotteries and make the newspiPer Picture or other theater enterprise, or out huther detlai Sponchicy SCience Foundation, 5 1111 1 1 111 11 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1n 1 . - , 3 - - ,n ' r 521 5 E 1111 1 1‘ 1311111 1 ionducting them non-mailable. -H15 1111165 (10m advcrmmg [‘mllmes' Ulm‘tcr NCWYYOYk E 111;;‘11 1' i . I re ; er, ‘ E .1111 1‘1 1.111111 1 came in reply to an interpretation q . R: 1:211:11 Insurance serVice Bureau, P'O. E 111. 1 ‘ ‘111 5 l ‘ j 1. - ican Press magazmc. ______ ______ a Ii E 1211 ‘ 1 1111111 liomlthc 6111:1121 comment was “The win— ThC Defense Production Act of 1950, Box 1008, Atlanta, I, Georgia h. ( hildren’s ‘ E 111 1 1 111111 e ane S u .1 . cr - - 10 C E 311 1 111111 111 _D of the prize in this plan is a matter 013 signed by PreSIdent Truman on Sepctieml:is Blosser Studio, Fremont, O E 111 11111111 "m 11 '. ' ' '11 a VCI‘ " '1 , . E 1.1.1. 1 l 1111 1 chargice. In view of the substantial amount 8, exempts from m price prowsn; I news. plumes (theme). d S Vice Anaconda’ Mon‘ E 111 1 1 111111 of time and efl’ort that would be expended ing and circulation rates charge )y ‘ Northwest Lan er I ’ E 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' ‘ 1 A . dvertise- ' ' ; g i ‘ E 1111 111». 11 in examining all ol the clasSificd 1 ’5 papers. “I“ ’ ‘ Ad ertismg serVice of san Anton“), ‘ E 1 1111111 1111 1 11161115 10 (16161111111111 Whether or 11111101111 Congratulations to I. \V. Hedden, mem- Texas V . E :11 1 1 1‘1 : . .. i em 0 con- i . . 1 . .' Texas . V ‘ E 111111 1 11 1 name appear” then”), the 111811 be )resent ber of the KPA executive Committee, on his _ .m Ra 1.5 comics! Inc” Ottsvflle, Penmfl E 11‘ 111111111 . 1 sideration would be deemec t0 I sixtietll anniversary edition of the Mtl' ll ) \y E 11 1 111111 11 . '. .. 1a . , . = .1 . .1 1. . ‘ . , s ecxd \an . . . as . 111 11 11111111 111501 ' ' 1 {ha with SterhngAdvocate. A feature of the p I)-(.k Fmfler Advertlsmg semce’ ham E 1111 1 1 11111 1 “The 1111111 1111 accordmgly m Lon 1 t edition was a miniature reproduction of the i, E 111151 11‘5“. 1 '11 matter rea- ‘1 _ _ . 1 Citr . . - E 1 11111111111111 111C 11051111 101101 11111151211111 1 ' ‘1 if front page oi the issue of August 12, 1890, y [t Pmducts summlt’ Inmms E 111111|111111l1ing thereto is non-mailable. Of courbC’ . when the P111)” was owned by the late J_ W. Artci a l B k'C’ompany 30 ChurCh St" E 111 1111 11111111 1 1 1 1 in 111111 way requm 1 1 l Advocate Researc 1 oo 1 E 1‘: ‘11 1 111111 1111 purchase 01 the paper is . . H _ lden Sr who published “C . I S 11:11.. ‘1111 :1 . - , t of consideration u . , .1 - . New York City ~ 111 1111:1111 1 1 ed. an additionalnelemen for more than 30 yam)- :TTmmlmm 11‘ 11 11 11111111 1 1 would be present. 1 11 : 11.111 ; 1 ’ ‘ 11 “ 111 .1." 111 -- 1111. 111 131111111111 _ 11 ‘1' 111E111; : } 11 11,‘ ' 1 11 j 11111 111111 7 W 777 7 IV ‘1 . 2111.11: , , ,_ _ 7 , 7 » ‘i. .. VH1 ..,.,_, 30 September, 1950 The Kentucky Press Page Three . Muse of g"lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllIHIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllll|IlllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllIlll|lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllIlllllllIIIHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll"IE . ‘ the con. l E E . President l E ' E . gned into S E ' E = bill ex- 1 E E .. [l 211 Social l E E l_l I E 9 C E . l . 1 2 Our Customers orner e i e E E . )y social E E 3 Some of E E are: ‘ E E ‘ employee E ‘ E l time lil'c ‘ E E l nd com- _.—==— E r drivers l :5:- E : tractors), , E E md m0“ l 3 Any business concern must keep in constant touch with the needs and g l l 1d news- I E interests of the public it serves. E l he term ; E E 5 self-em- l E That is why A & P each week includes in its regular merchandising ads a g g P111)” 1 2 “Customers’ Corner” section in which we invite criticisms and suggestions re— 3 l l Lent rate I E garding our operations. 2 l and em- : E \ ‘ E l l , $3632? \ ‘ E These “corners”, occupying only a small part of each ad, bring us many E ‘ . and 31/; E thousands of letters each year . . . complaints, praise and valuable suggestions. E f l mployed r E g l l :figzteéf 1‘ E V This steady response furnishes further evidence, if any were needed, of g ' 1 l l E the pulling power of newspaper advertising. E f - : e g g : E _ It shows, too, the deep personal interest that A & P customers have in their E n associn- . E Store and this company. E I .le leads E g l inf”: E I It is one more demonstration of the earnest desire of the men and women E I: l t E = , E ; :dvfnie l E of A 8: P to serve our customers well by doing the nation’s most efficient job of E . he con' 2 food distribution. 5 ' Rice for E - g llowing: l E; E ldation, l E E .7 11, RC. g E ; Lildren’s l E ¥ ¥ ¥ g 1, Mon E p E _ntonio, l E E : ‘ E A & P FOOD STORES E Kansas l E E l . E E rch St., E E l . :fi‘ITllll|IllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllIlllllllllllllflllllllllIlllllllllllIlllllIllll"IllllllllllllllllIllllllIllllIIll"llIllIll|IllIllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllIlllllIllIlllllIlllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllll|lllIlllIIllllllllllllll|llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllhefi 1 ;., , , 5 l 1 .1 11 1‘ 1 ' 1 1.111111: 1111111111 1 ”11111. 11,111111'111 ' 1 111111" 1191111111 1 11111 1111511111 111 1 Page Four The Kentucky Press September, 1950 St '1 1 1‘ E“1‘1_l:.11.'1 '1 ‘ 1 1 11111111111 1 1 1111111111111 ~ 1 T1, NE 1 1f‘.11‘11111 . . - - 11‘ 111111, 1511111111 3&6? HE Kentucky Press Association recognizes the fundamental importance 1 y 111111111} 151111151 " 1 , , 1 , _ 1 1 _ 1 1111111 11111111 1 .E. ‘ 111118 of the implied trust imposed on newspapers and dissemination of public 1 (11:33:31 '1' 1111 111111111 1 ngg i» ll" «ta 1%.? it. if 3 information. It stands for truth, fairness, accuracy, and decency in the pre- 1 1111mm” '1 ‘111 1'111'1 '1 ' sentation of news, as set forth in the Canons of Journalism. It advocates “I'm are '11 "1 1'111' 1 1‘1 (”“0131 PUbhcah‘m 61' she Kentucky strict ethical standards in its advertising column. It opposes the publica- 1 circulatio '11 1 111.11 1 1111 1'11 1 121855 Assoc'a Ion tion of propaganda under the guise of news. It affirms the obligation of a madam-O 11 1111.1"1' 1111111 1:111 Victor R, Portmann, Editor-Publisher newspaper to frank, honest and fearless editorial expressions. It respects 1116111115111,“ 11 111111111 1111111111111 —————— ‘ equality of opinion and the right of every individual to participation in 1111311011; 111 111‘ 1111111111 :' Printed On The Kerh‘fl Press» Lexmgt‘m the Constitutional guarantee of Freedom of the Press. It believes in the newsstanc 1‘1‘1: 11 1‘ ‘1 x‘. 1 _ . . . . . - "11 " "11 11111131111 1 m newspaper as a vital medium for more, economic, seeial, and cultural com— mail sub ‘ ' "1 1 1111 1111111111 " Volume 21 Number 1 1 munity development and progress. 1 limited e: ‘ ' 1' "1" " "1' '11'1 " ' in countr 11: 11.11111 111111121511 : ' " ' 11'1"" ‘ 1‘1'11‘1' 1 """' ""‘fi 1 iarticular 1 112:11 111111111 1 W I 1 11 1 1111111 '11111'1'11 1 Kentucky Press Association medicine, that it won’t be in the same issue clear yellow, Shad Bush and Mountain Ash; grow to h . 111 ' 111111'111'1'11111 1 Ice LaGore, President, Sun-Democrat, Paducah that you’ll be carrying some lineage [or the bright yellow to orange and scarlet, Sugar (1) 'Arran 1 11 1 1111'1' ’ 111l111'11 ." Douglas Cornette, Vice-President American Medical Association! The public Maple; bright yellow-orange (rarely purple), 1 copies to 1 11' '111'1 111111 1 1' Courier-Journal, Louisville wants your editorial columns to be C0n1- \‘Vilch Hazel; clear yellow, Beech; yellow to CflSiOHald ‘1 ' 1'1'1111111111" 1 ViCtOY R- Portmann, Secretary-Manager 1 L pletely divorced from your advertising col- dark purple, Ash; yellow and golden-yellow, 1ment wea '11 11111111 11 11'11 D‘ t VTDE’S'W :3: Kzrzlcllsijétiemngton umns. If you are planning a rousing editor- Poplar: light yellow, Striped Maple and 1 [er disadv1 " 1 11111 1'1 1 11 ' 15 "c xecu l e " '0‘” ' l' 1 l licine )lease don’t Willow: brirht to oran I ll 1 B' h- 1 ld'l ‘ma‘ . 11 11111111 1111 11 1 _ ia] against socia IZC( met , I g ge ye on, ire 1 P3 e 1 ea e1 1 '1111 11111 1 1111111111 Chairman, Bennett 1123011, Edwin}? g8"): $123” make it a part of the tie-in campaign which yellow. Silver Maple; yellow and scarlet, 130 unsold 1 "1' '1 1111 11111111 11 1 Egg: (figyhgfciegecdhsd: 1:11th B'lenéajnes, we hope you will sell in connection with the Mountain Maple. 1 sell them 3 " “1111 1111111 P é't N B 1m G . Third Neil AMA ad. In short, let’s not go out of our (111 the d 111 1 .1 1 11 1. ar 1. ews, ow g reen, , 1 . __ i111 . 1111' 1 1'111111' 1'1 Dalton, gander-Journal and Times; Louisville; way to furnish ammunition to the crackpots . 1 \‘esterday’s "'11 1' '1'11' 1"1 Fourth, Albert S. Wathen SI", Standard, Bards- who claim our editorial views are also for I - ' 1 th 1 1:11 1111 "11 111 '111 town; Fifth, Charles E. Adams, Gallatin County sale YOU re A Busmess Man _ 11'1” 361:6 111 1 111 11151111 1'1 News, Warsaw; Sixth, Enos Swain, Advocate- You’re A First-Class Business Man If (I) ' - 1 1 1 ‘1" 1 '11‘ Messenger, Danville; Seventh, Thomas Holland, _ 1 1 1 Associatioi 1‘11 1 ' 111111 1 Daily News Pikeville- Eighth I W Hedden ———0—-— ion keep an inventory account at paper “1' r'11'1. ’ ’ .’ .’ . .1 1 . 1 — '111 11" 1111 11 Advocate-Sentirielfi 121t- iterl‘ling; lghnth, Nilarhn Eastman Kodak issued a memo to custom- stock (1);] 111:1“:- (2) You know tht you MK ‘11 1 I 111' D che Sentine c 0, on on; tate—at— urge, 11 1 ,_ 1 1, l ,1- - 1 . annua y y iscounting your bills, (3) You 1. - 1 - : .1111 1 X. ’ . . cis requesting that purchases )c imitet to INC 1111 .1. ‘ 1111.; 1 t ;1 date . 11 , , .'.. . . , - 1 /l 111 1 111111 1111111 2313:1211, £1.23: 0133:?) de'niygffiizr Mnéls'sign'ger, actual needs. An excerpt ponits out un- 1‘1“)“ “’h‘” 1‘ C05“ t0 1’“)th edCh 10h- (1’) 1,0011S C1105 1111'1' ‘11‘i111 Brandenburg. ' ' less the demands of a wartime emergency 30” know ‘1’th YOU OWC- (D) You have a 1‘0 1110011 Exh'i 1111 111111 _ increase substanitally we believe that our “3111 appraisal, and keep 21 COPY in 11 $2116 1111- Graphit '1 1 '11 11111 increasingly high production rate should be place 0.11“th YO‘UY plant. (6) You figurest‘ock 1111. Basker‘ 1 1 111 1111111' 1 " "I . AI. DI'O!.AL adequate for all our customers if purchases at “Wall 11511311035. (7) You make suthICIlt 1 Seventee 1111 1 11 111111 ‘ 1 1,' -1 L ‘ . ' A s t are based on actual needs." allowances for (leprecmtlon and bad debts. :m‘ard dim 1111 1 11111111 1 111 1 131 1:11;} (8) You know what is due you. (9) You can 11111111 Bask1 11111 ‘1 11111111 1 ' 1f 1 “‘14-" A c 111/E M1111 11 1 11- ‘—.—.——_ furnish your batik a financial statement at 11x1" Mon 111 " '111111'11 -. Advice is that the newsprint situation is once. (10) Collections are made as rapidly 111 rthe Me 11‘ ' 1 11 ' 1| 1 —"_“.""——"——_”_ very tight. Transportation troubles and the HS accounts increase. (11) You attend the “7. A. ij E1111 ' 111' 1111111 1 KPA Mid_Winter Meeting Canadian rail strike put shipments several meetings of your association. (12) You make 11111111013 of 1 111 1 11 '11 11 '1 11 ' _ week