Meeting of the Board of Trustees University of Kentucky
1:00 P.M.
March 7,2006
18 th Floor Patterson Office Tower
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes - (Consent)
Minutes - January 24, 2006 President's Report and Action Items
PR 1         President's Report to the Trustees
College of Arts and Sciences Report - Dean Steven Hoch PR 2         Personnel Actions (Consent) PR 3         Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations
(Student Affairs Section) PR 4         University Research Professorships
Academic Affairs Committee Report
AACR 1   Establishment of the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History Finance Committee Report
FCR 1       Ashland Inc. Gift (Consent)
FCR 2       Estate of Jean T. Barnhart Gift (Consent)
FCR 3       Earl F. and Jean M. Lockwood Gift (Consent)
FCR 4      Gifts and Pledges to the Joy Bale and George Street Boone Symposium in the
Humanities Fund (Consent)
FCR 5       Gifts and Pledges to the Bell Alcohol and Addictions Chair (Consent) FCR 6       Gifts and Pledges to the Clarke-Knapp Entomology Research Fund (Consent) FCR 7       Gifts and Pledges to the John R. Gaines Endowed Chair in the Humanities
Fund (Consent) FCR 8       Gifts and Pledge to the Kevin Heidrich /Team 7 Endowment for ALS Patient
Services (Consent)
FCR 9      Gifts and Pledges to the Bobby C. Pass Endowed Professorship (Consent) FCR 10     Gifts to the Werner F. S. Schmitt Professorship in Aging and Neuro -behavior
(Consent) FCR 11     Acceptance of Interim Financial Report for the University of Kentucky for the
Six Months Ended December 3 L 2005 FCR 12     Establishment of Chandler Medical Center University Hospital Quasi-