xt75tb0xq33s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75tb0xq33s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2010 journals English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 81, no. 4, Winter 2010 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 81, no. 4, Winter 2010 2010 2012 true xt75tb0xq33s section xt75tb0xq33s J ¥ A
Campus Planning: ·- j
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William M. Corum *64 BE Paula Leach Pope *73 AS. *75 ED Kmmrky Ahmni (ISSN 7326297) is published quarterly by
Markj. Coyle joelyn Herndon Prather *73 ED the University of Kentucky Alu.mni Association, Lexington.
john R. Crockett *49 AS G. David Ravencraft *59 BE Kentucky {oi- its cluesepaying ineinbei-s_
jo Hern Curris *63 AS. *75 LAW DavidW Renshaw *80 BE © 2010 U . . {K Ck A1 .A . .
wr11rarn R. Daugherty jr. *70 DE jim A. Rrcbardsen *70 AS. “72 ED “"’€“‘*>’ ° °’“*“ _ X ‘“““‘ ”°°}““°“· °"°°P*
Bmee K_ Dams 71 LAW D_ Msehsel Rsehey 74 79 AG where noted. Views and opinions expressed in Qnzuréy
geese E_ Dems 73 BE Ashley R_ Rebeses lg} gig Alumm do not necessarily-represent the opinions of-its editors,
jim H. Denny *76 BE David A. Rodgers *80 EN the UK Alumni Association nor the University of Kentucky
Elaine Duncan *74 EN Charlene K. Elam Rouse *77 DES
Beverly C. Durham *67 ED Adele Pinto Ripn *88 AS
Marianne Smith Edge *77 AG Heather Dawn Saxon *03 CIS
TedRrden*22 EN William scbneree*72 LAW How T° Reach Us
LarryM. Elliott *71 DE Candace L. Sellars *95 *03 ED Kwmr/ey Alumni
Franklin H. Farris. jr. *72 BE Mary L. Shelman *8l EN UK Aiuinni Association
Paul E. Fenwick *52AG David L. Shelton *66 BE - -
R11enRerg rran j.TimSki naer *20DRs ¥<·¤gAlmj
wr11rarn D. Rrancrs *68 AS. *73 LAW Danre1 L. Sparks *69 EN L€>¤¤g*°¤· KY 050670119
W P. Friedrich *7l EN james W Stuckert *60 EN. *6l BE Telephone: 859-2577164, l—800-269rALUM
Linda Lyon Frye *60 AS Mary"Kekee* Srorcsik *72 BE pax, $5973237106}}
Dan Gipson *69 EN julia K. Tackett *68 AS. *7l LAW _ - _ -
Brenda R. Desney *70 HS. *75 ED Hank R. Thompson. jr. *71 cis E "‘“‘*‘ “*“*“"“"@“*"‘°d“
john R. Guthrie *63 CIS Myra Leigh Tobin *62 AG
AnnBranclI·Ianey*7l to i. Thomas raekerse BE Change of Address Only
Lynn Harrelson *73 PHA William T Uzzle *62 BE Recoi-cis
Tom W Harris *85 AS Sheila P. Vice *70 AS. *72 ED . . .
WaHace R. Herndon. jr. *67 BE Rebecca Nekeryrs Walker *74 EN UK_A*‘“““‘ A?“’°‘““°“
Kelly Sullivan Holland *93 AS. *98 GS Marsha R. Wallis *69 NUR Kmg Alumm Home
j. Chris Hopgood*84 BE. *87 LAW Rachel L. Webb *05 CIS Lexington, KY40506-0119
llj¤l>¤¤ l?~IlI{¤<;s¤u§if{lOl;H17§;s LAW lg¤gbH~ gw; Bills 2% Telephone: 259e257e2200, Rasa 259es2se106s
atricia . ug es o y . it cr i . _ . _ .
Ann Nelson naar *20 RR nearys.yy.ke,r. ir. *60 my E ¤·2·l— ¤l¤·lm¤·@r=}<¥€d¤ Web WW~¤kd®·v··¤€*
Jsmes L_ Jseebus 78 so AG p_]_WsHssmsl91 AS For duplicate mailings, please send both mailing
Patricia Wykstra johnson *68 AS. *70 ED Amelia C. Wilson *03 AG. *07 ED labels to the address above.
Dennis j. Keenan *90 BE. *93 LAW Elaine A. Wilson *68 SW
Sandra K. Kinney *78 BE Scott Wittich *75 BE
Turner LaMasten jr. *73 BE Richard M. Womack *53 AG Member ofthe Council for Advancement and Support ofEducation
www.uka|umni.net 3
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I·Iello Wildcats! There has certainly been a lot happening at the university and with our
alumni. And with our future alumni, too! This issue of Kentuc/ey Alumni magazine celebrates it
all with pride.
Our cover story takes a look at the campus — past, present and future. Architect and UK
I 3.llJlTI WQIICH DCITHY ITOHT Capital PIOj€CfS l\/I3.I13.g€H`ICI1f C3.l{CS US OIT 3.jOUIHCy CXPlO1‘iI1gWlTZlf
2 \ goes into creating a thriving campus. Planning for campus development sure isn’t what it used
I _] to be — it’s interesting to read about those changes and what the campus is today and will be
tomorrow! In this issue you will also Hnd great information about the President’s Scholarship
I K Initiative. It was officially kicked off during the UK Alumni Association Scholarship and Club
T { Awards Celebration honoring association and club scholarship recipients. It Was 21 f3.HfZlSfiC
A evening that served as a great way to unveil this very important fund-raising initiative. Meeting
4 ` T . scholarship recipients and their families really brought home the promise of the future and the
commitment needed to make sure potential is reached. Scholarships are so crucial to an ever increasing number of students.
Check out the President’s Scholarship Initiative and see what you can do to be a part of it.
Take a few moments to read the UK Alumni Association 2009-2010 annual report. Our mission is to foster lifelong engage-
ment among alumni, friends and the association and support the mission and goals of the university. We hope we have helped
you stay connected to your alma mater. We take great pride in doing that.
Kentuc/ey Alumni celebrates Michelle Tarese ]ackson Ramsey, a true blue UK graduate with a total of four degrees from the
university. Thats impressive! Also, if you use Google to search on the internet, you’ll want to read about UK alum Matt Cutts.
Finally as you know by now, UK President Lee T. Todd ]r. announced his plans to retire in ]une 2011. For me, this news was
met with sadness and so much gratitude for both Dr. Todd and his wife, Patsy. They are so much a part of what makes UK great.
When I think of the Todds, one of the Hrst words that comes to my mind is “accessibility” They have always made themselves
available to students, faculty and staff and alumni. They never shied away from interaction; they welcomed, even sought it.
There are many other words that can be used — dedicated, welcoming, and caring are just a few. President Todd’s Top 20 vision
has made this university and the state of Kentuclqr a better place. They will both be greatly missed. We have always been proud
to call them alumni. It’s been an honor to call them the president and Hrst lady of the University of Kentuclqr. And we will
always be proud to call them Wildcats!
Go Cats!
With Pride in Blue,
44 aw
Kelli Elam
s e e b I u 0.
4 winter 2010
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Presidential Conversation
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The university welcomes a banner fr rst-year class
Earlier this fall, I announced that I would be retiring as President of the University of Ken-
tuclqa The “job of a lifetime” for any UK alum, this position has meant so much to me, Patsy
and our entire family I will certainly spend the next several months thanking those through-
out the UK family for making the past 10 years so special.
· I must start by thanking our wonderful alumni from across Kentuclqr, the nation, and the
i ,___ world. I appreciate the support you have provided me and my family over the years, and I will
if T always take great pride knowing that I am a member of the greatest organization on the planet:
the UK family.
I I·Iaving said that, this is not a goodbye. We have a lot of work to do over the next several
months, and we have a lot for which to be proud.
When you look across our campus, it is clear that the future is bright for the Common-
wealth of Kentuclqa Our enrollment Hgures show this fall’s freshman class is the most academ-
· ically-prepared in UK history
This year’s entering class includes 4,326 students, up from 4,153 last year. We had about 3,000 students in the Hrst-year class
when I took this job. Our incoming freshmen had a record 25.2 ACT composite average, up from 24.7 last year. The average
high school GPA also is at an all-time high at 3.60.
We are setting new records because your university is more attractive to students than ever. In fall 2009, the university received
a record 12,000 student applications. This fall, we received 13,600 new freshman applications.
And we are drawing students in the challenging math and science Helds, even as schools across the nation are struggling to do
so. Freshman enrollment in our College of Engineering went from 593 in 2009 to 684 in 2010 — a 15 percent increase. This is
on the heels of a 26 percent enrollment increase in last year’s class.
We are not simply attracting more students; we are making sure they are successful once they step on campus. Our Hrst-to-sec-
ond year retention rate also was 82 percent this past year, which was a UK record. It was at 75 percent just a few years ago.
As a result of our larger freshman class and our soaring retention rate, your university is now home to a record 28,000 under-
graduate, graduate, and professional students.
This also happens to be the most diverse class in UK history Our African-American enrollment is up again this year, as is our
Hispanic enrollment.
When I started at UK in 2001, we received 537 applications from African-American students. This year, we received 2,066 ap-
plications. I contend such a surge transpired because the front of our classrooms and our research labs are more diverse, as well.
UK had 89 African-American faculty in fall 2009, up from 57 when I took office.
Despite this year’s talented and diverse class, we must remain focused on making sure a UK education remains affordable and
accessible to all Kentuckians. That is why I launched the President’s Scholarship Initiative. Scholarships provide young people
with the greatest gift anyone can give: the gift of opportunity
Now, more than ever before, scholarships are essential to this state’s future. When you combine rising tuition rates with re-
duced state appropriations, providing a young person a scholarship may be the difference between them coming to UK or not. It
may be the difference between them being inspired by one of our world-class faculty members in the classroom, or in one of our
research labs.
I encourage you to contact the UK Alumni Association or our Office of Development to Hnd out how you can join me in
making sure students in all 120 Kentuclqr counties can receive a world-class education right here in the Commonwealth.
Thank you, again, for all that you do on behalf of our alma mater.
Lee T. Todd]r.
President in everything we da.
www.uka|umni.net 7
UK N ews
Yi? _., L ‘: >;_ . _` ._ V _,. ·`;.’ w i Y_YK‘•l’€j` _. T ` _
Presrdent Todd announces plans to retrre
Following nearly a decade of unprecedented growth and ex- to continue to be a part
pansion, Lee T, Todd ]r, announced plans in September to retire ofthat, But the time Q
as president of the University of Kentucky, his alma mater, His has come for new (
retirement will officially take effect at the end of the fiscal year leadership and energy V
on ]une 30, 2011, Todd, who became UK’s 11th president on and vision?
]uly 1, 2001, said it was with “conf1icting emotions and a heavy A search committee
heart? that he and his wife, Patsy, also a UK alum, had reached has been established to . .,.,.. (
this decision, Hnd qualiHed candi- `
During his tenure, UK’s enrollment growth and expansion of re- dates for the next presi- s u.
search dollars and facilities has been unprecedented in the univer- dent ofthe university, "-up
sity’s history The university also continues to make progress on its The committee expects T
ambitious plan to reach a state-mandated goal of becoming a Top to make a Hnal decision
20 public research institution by 2020, by April, in order that
"We’ve made great strides during one ofthe toughest economic the new president will
climates this institution has ever faced? said Todd, “1 want noth- be ready to take office
lllg 111OIC [11311 [OI [1118 l1I11VCIS1[y [O COI1[1Hl1C [O ITIOVC l`_OIW21Id and next
CPA test scores contmue to ruse U K doctoral programs
The most recent statistics for the Certihed Public Accountant • • •
(CPA) exam pass rate show that the 2008-09 class of master’s degree ju m P In ra n kl n gs _ _
students from sus ux Gatton esusgs sr Business and Economics Seeerrr efUKe eeererrr ere reeerreh Presererrre here rreerr errrrrrrr
VCH Aumcn S Ch O O1 Ot—ACCOuHtmCy did Cxttcmcly WGH, cally in national prommence, accordmg to an mdependent analysis of
The students? pass rates are in the 90th percentile range for each part, Plegmms across ree COUNTY _
Also, 22 sus srzs students from sus August 2000 graduating class UK heeeee rlrree eeererrreregrerrre rrrrreee rrr ree ree 25 Pereerre
passed all four parts ofthe CPA exam and another four students have E¤gKeh» Hlspanle emdles and Publle lKdmmlSdaUeH‘ UK hed 12
passed three parts, In addition, four students scoring in the upper 90th erher Pregrerrre m ree [OP 50 Pereerrr m ree 2006 eereer results:
percentile range received awards from the Kentucky Society of CPAs, _ The aHalYSlS was eendueted bY ree Nerrenel Resealeh CeLmell’ err
<erferrrrrrree ssrss convened ss ox for sss 10srs International Symposium su
(jOH1Pu‘[i11g, Cutting-CdgC ICSC€1IC11 PCF1-OfIT1€d 3[ [116 UHTVCYSTYY dc' Equine RCPIOduCtiOH_ The meeting bygught tggethey Scientists
Pends en a hlglT'PeTl_eTmaHee eemputee The new Supeleemputel and veterinarians from around the world to provide a forum for
errr Pewer Preieere Wrrh frr·rerehr¤se ereeere rrr ererrredrerl rPP1rer· exchange srusrsssussrsu su clinical and basic research sssssss sr
rrerre lmplevemems ln autemeblle manufacturer design el_lm' equine reproduction, produce guidelines for future research and
proved pharmaceuticals and more, President Lee T, Todd ]r, noted postct mtcmatioml fticndship and Couabotationt
rhrr rhe new Supeleempetel helps re Pewel UK S mlsslen re be a “In conjunction with having a great scientiHc meeting, we were also
TOP 20 research lmdtuded able to showcase the Kentucky horse industry and culture to our na-
_ _ _ _ tional and international guests? said Dr, Walter Zent, local chairman
C°"‘p'l‘*U l'°"‘ UK Web SKESQ UK PUUKC R‘*K“'°"$ "UWS "*p°“$r a"U ofthe international symposium and chairman ofthe Gluck Equine
Kentucky/l/umn: magazme staff reportmg. Rcscatch Foundation,
8 winter 201 0
UK N ews
Journalism school establishes David Duck fund
The UK School of ]ournalism and Telecommunications is estab- R . _ _
lishing a memorial fund honoring David Dick, former director of { T g
the school from 1987 to 1993 and long-time broadcast news re- j. I E
porter, who passed away last ]uly. The fund, called the David Dick n ‘ "‘ g
"What a Great Story” Storytelling Fund, will recognize one UK / E
student journalist and one Kentucky professional journalist each / A gn
year for outstanding journalistic storytelling. ` I V
Dick held both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in English _ §_
from UK. During his career, he reported for WHAS and CBS ,. E E
News, taught writing in UK’s journalism program and authored an " - I »—
several books. · ' " ee _ \ g
“Skill in storytelling needs to be championed and celebrated. / T ee e V, , ,. - §
David Dick was a marvelous storyteller, which is why we chose l=e'l"’ ;i if In •_,_ I lg.:
this focus to honor him,” said Beth Barnes, director ofthe School ’ { $'
of ]ournalism and Telecommunications. * “° T \ E
U K L I on g Lea r n i n g Coldstream Research Campus fulhls a personal goal to utilize my
_ business and marketing skills and past experience to contribute to
Prog ra m n |zed Kentucky’s future,” said George Ward.
Lexington is among the Hve best college towns in America to retire C0ld$U€3m R€$€3r€h C3mP¤$ is €uFF€¤FlY home F0 Some 55
to and expand your intellectual horizons, according to a recent arti- companies and more than 1,000 employees.
cle in Money magazine. The magazine cites UK’s strong roots in life- . •
long learning since 1964 with the Donovan Fellowship and now its B g I n g fro m Bel rut
companion program, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) Six UK students spent Hve weeks alongside famed journalist Terry
ar the UK College efpnbne I-[esdtn Anderson conducting research and documenting their experiences in
The Donovan program was first offered, tuition-free, to local resi- 3 blog, WWWb€i¤gb€iYut·bl0g$P0t·€0m» dufing 3 UiP YO Beirut,
dents age 65 and e]det_ More than 100 Donovan Fellows ate now Lebanon, last sunmaer. As part of his doctoral research, UK Political
raking universiry Classes alongside younger undergraduare and gradu- Science C€1I'IdTd€1[C SCl'IOClll'I21T1'II1'ICIjOTI'ICd jOl1II'I€1l.TSHI
ate students. More than 50 students have earned degrees at all levels. majors Christopher Robbins, Katie Perkowski, Ashley Westerman,
Others audit classes without the demands of homework and exams. K€l$€Y Th0m3$ 3¤d NOI33 El M3F3ghi 013 the UiP·
OLL1 now offers almost 100 courses annually in Lexington, The group’s blog details life in the dorms and classrooms of Ameri-
Morehead and Somerset. Members plan, teach, and participate in €3¤ Univer sity of-Beirut 3Hd the Surrounding 3r€3· They Vi$ir€d
shorr eentses, Held ttipss Workshops) special inreresr groups) and Palestinian refugee camps, interviewed ofleicials and heard lectures
forums. The courses are varied, and include classes such as culture from top professors and experts. Eaeh student is Completing a jour-
and cuisine, health and wellness, history and government, and for- nalnsnn plrojeet b3$€d 013 IESQF hir r€$€£3r€hn d {
ei n ian ua es_ e is 21S CCH 21 ICHIBI 21 C C 3.HCC OI I CSC SILT CITES [O SCC PQIIT O
ior inire Tnforinarion) Conracr Teresa Hager ar [TIC East 21IId [O talk [O {TIC people who live ITICIC HDOLII {TIC
region’s problems and opportunities? Anderson said.
Ward I13mE(l EXECUTIVE (lIfECt0f First December Cgmmencement
of Coldstrea m Resea rch Ca m pus n UKlstudents vgho graduate in August andggcenbenwill nnnw
G€¤Ig€Wrd»Wh¤hrS rS e.,, e“§§§,E§LZ§Z,t‘3,§Eil§i§€1?,€cT§§?§“°3Eg i7ZC2§,,§§§mr§f
(jemmeree Cabinet Secretary, has been _ » d d d P] d yl ‘11b‘ h ld 3 lr
named the executive director ofthe UK i Hnesger S egflee eil? { Ectgra fm eng W1 fe fn if Pmnm
Coldstream Research Campus. I-Ie has 30 ter e e ence? e de e el mg Ctaiy neuter OI e e Iesj an A
years of executive experience in hotel and e eeefgepy OI Qheegeil uaeeilwl eg e P ace at e Pm m Meme'
real estate development, Hnance and business ` _ , ts;) f` Hen benseum edu? errata mee 1 Omfeeneemcm C€“*mO“Y )
Operations and government relations, HC wi e ivestreame rom Memoria Co iseum on UKNow, UKs
also serves on the board of directors of Com- iv . · news Website _
nnncn Lnninntnn and is n nnnnbcn nfthn A student who graduates in August or December and does not
Brea Irss RcgmlpubhcP¤“¤YC¤¤¤¤l· 5iE§§§i’ifiElf,DE°§§£Z1iZZ1`§§F‘2§22EI§I§“§LS§E§§EQZEZZ
Serving as the executive director ofthe George Ward Y Y
www.uka|umni.net 9
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