xt75tb0xqr61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75tb0xqr61/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19850426 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, April 26, 1985, no. 454 text The Green Bean, April 26, 1985, no. 454 1985 2014 true xt75tb0xqr61 section xt75tb0xqr61 ,· I
il-26-85 No. U5!4
April 26-27 ` Spring Book Sale
· May 2 LSO Brown Bag Forum ‘
Fire Alarm Test
May 3 ` Paul Sawyier: Kentucky Artist
May 9-10 LOEX Library Instruction workshop l
May 10.·‘ UK Distinguished Alumni Induction
Library Faculty Meeting, 8:30 am,
Peal Gallery
May 17 A `Management Communication in
I I Special Libraries
The Art of Persuasion
May 20 ` Introduction to Microcomputer
, Database Management
Next §Green Bean" issue: Friday, May 10, 1985
Deadline for inclusion: Monday, May 6, 1985
Production Staff: Cecil Madison, Sandy Hardwick,
Rob Aken (editor)

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The Oral History Review A
Volume l2 of the Oral History Association's annual, The Oral
History Review, was _recently published. Susan Allen serves on
the editorial board. Terry Birdwhistell's review_ of The UCLA A
Oral History Program: Catalog of the Collection is on pp. lH§-
IE6. The Oral History Review is shelved in Special Collections
<907.2057_'0p155."’ —_ "_- -
Depository Library Council Meeting
Sandra McAninch attended the Depository Library Council Meeting
in Albuquerque March 27-29. The following announcements were
made during opening presentations.
  l) GPO will be conducting a cost and feasibility study ,
j over the next seven months on Council's recommenda-
i tion to update their cataloging tapes_ sold by
E Library of Congress.
E 2) NARS (National Archives and Records Service) will
have a new SuDoc class stem in the near future due
to its recent designation as an independent agency,
x but no information is available on what that stem ` ·
I will be.
The following recommendations were among those approved by the
l) Council urged the Public Printer to proceed as quickly °
i as possible with the update of GPD tapes.
) g 2) Council asked that the- Public Printer reconsider last
Fall's decision that reprints are separate publica-
V tions and must be retained.
3) Council recommended that a local field and a "delete
record" note be used when linking corrected entries on
the GPO tapes.
U) Council asked the Public Printer ... to see if more
dual format (paper and fiche) publications can be
{ allowed .... · _
S LSO Brown Bag Luncheon
g LSO will sponsor a Brown Bag Luncheon on May 2, noon - l pm, in
, the Staff Lounge. Miss Carolyn Hopkins will discuss color
3 coordination. (Dan Barkley)

Fire Alarm Test ` F
` I There will be a fire alarm test Thursday, May 2 between 7:35 and
8:15 am. It is not necessary to evacuate the building at that
time. —__
Enc clopedia of Library and Information Science, Supplement 3.
‘ New York: Marcel Dekker, 1985. (Ref7Z/1006/.E57/vol. 38) (
A Contents include: International Book Donation Programs (
(Sussmann); Jocher, Christian Gottlieb §
Application of Optical Storage (Harding Q
and Nugent); De Montfaucon, Bernard §
(THOMPSON); Online Computer Library %
Center (Brown); Online Encyclopedia 2
, (Harter); Online Public Access Catalog §
· Display Formats (Lee); Procedure Manuals §
in Librarianship (Hoffman); Travel g
Accounts, Guides, and Gazetteers (THOMAS 2
D. CLARK);7 UNIX (Wetzel); Winckelmann, §
Johann Joachim (THOMPSON); The §
Bollandists (Swift); Booklist (Halsey); ·
Bury, Richard de (THOMPSON); EDUNET E
(Oberst); Expert Systems (Obermeier); 5
Horsemanship: Its Literature and ?
Bibliography (Wells); Human-computer E
Dialogue (Cherry). ‘ §
Prytherch, Ray. Sources of Information in Librarianship and In- {
formation Science. 7 Adershot: Gower, 1§83. i
.(Ref/Z/666/.P935/1983) Q
Task Force on a Name Authority File Service, Council on Library i
Resources. The Name Authority Cooperative/Name Authority g
File Service. Washington, ’D.C.: Council on Library §
Resources, May 198M. (Z/693.5/.U6/N35/198U) I
Wellisch, Hans H. Indexing and Abstracting 1977-1981: An In- g
ternational Bibliography. · Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio I
Information Services, 198U. (Ref/Z/695.9/.W¤38/198M) *
Contents: Indexing Languages; Indexing Systems; Precis; {
Nephis; Comparisons and Tests of Indexing Systems; j
Indexing Techniques; Citation Indexes; Subject-In- (
dexing; Indexing Specific Formats; Name Indexes; j
Index Production; Concordances; Lack of Indexes (
and Inadequate Indexes; Use of Abstracts and 3
Indexes, Cost and Time Studies; Indexers; Indexing 1
as a Profession Indexing Around the World; History z

  --j--.---, --- --.---..--.-----. -
of Indexing and Abstracting; Humor in Indexing;
Abstracts and Abstracting; Abstracting Techniques;
Abstracting and Indexing Services.
The following is the last in a special nine part series drawn
from Mary Ruth Brown's article in The Encyclopedia of Library
and Information Science.
Future Plans
‘ Planning for the future is an ongoing activity of the
_ Administrative Committee and of standing committees composed of
all levels of staff appointed by the director. Broad categories
include financial support, collection development, user services,
technical processing, and facilities; with the outcome of the
last four categories depending to a great extent on the degree of
financial support.
p Plans for general funding include efforts to reach the level of
I the average ARL (Association of Research Libraries) library in
, surrounding states in the size of the collection, the number of
I staff, and the library's percentage of the total university
l budget. Greater attention will also be given to securing
l external funding through grants and gifts to supplement that
1 provided by the university.
, Long-range planning to increase collection and reader space must
1 be given immediate attention. Although a new and large building
for King Library is clearly needed, branch and associate library
; facilities present a more serious problem. One solution to be
_ » studied involves consolidation of several of these libraries into
[ three larger units: life sciences, science and technology, and
E fine arts.
1 Future planning for technical processing includes closing the
present card catalog and going to an on—line catalog. Concurrent
with this process will be shelflist conversion, adoption of AACR
II, and reclassification of selected titles from the Dewey to the
Library of Congress Classification system.
` Continued attention will ·be given to completing collection
1 development policies for all subject areas and to collection
] preservation activities. Funding will be sought to provide the
l libraries with greater collection protection using an electronic
security system. Current planning to be continued on an ongoing
l basis includes installation of additional computer-based systems
E such as serials check-in, circulation, etc., utilizing OCLC-
I soL1NET.
Reprinted from The Enc clopedia of Library and Information
Science, vol. 37, p. 195, by courtesy of Marcel Dekker, Inc.

_ The following program will be held at noon in the W. Hugh Peal
Gallery (King North). ,
Friday, May 3 "Paul Sawyier: Kentucky Artist"
Lecture and slide presentation by
Dr. Art Jones, professor in the Art .
° Department.
Training for the New Financial Resources System (
The accounting system· at the University of Kentucky is being‘
changed. A series of training sessions is being offered as part 2
of the implementation (on July l, 1985) of the new Financial i
Resources System. Two types of training are being offered,. one y
for persons dealing with sponsored projects (grant and contract i
accounts) and another for general accounting purposes. Details {
are listed below.
Professional/Clerical Training Sessions g
Designed for everyone who deals with account numbers on input Q
forms (such as DAV's) and receives and reviews ledger sheets, I {
this training consists of two sessions, each 2 hours long. The E
first session will discuss: I
An overview of FRS (Financial Resources System)_ A g
Chart of accounts structure §
Processing input forms (such as DAV and Purchase j
Requisition forms). §
The second session will cover: , E
Basic FRS monthly reports i
Report distribution ‘
Report inquiry and online inquiry. .
Participants should attend both sessions. See date/location and (
enrollment information on the next page. I

  1_t..,._.l.__.l_l_,,____________ ______ _______ ____ _____________,_,_____________v___*_,___ _r_r_V v__
Dates/Location (select one group)
a Group 7 Tuesday, April 30, 8:30 - 11:00 and again
· Tuesday, May 1N, 8:30 — 11:00, in the Old.
Student Center Theater.
Group 8 Tuesday, April 30, 1:30 - M:00 and again
Tuesday, May 1U, 1:30 - U:00 in room 15
Memorial Hall. -
Group 9 Wednesday, May 1, 8:30 - 11:00 and again
Wednesday, May 15, 8:30 — 11:00, in room 15
Memorial Hall.
Group 10 Wednesday, May 1, 1:30 - N200 and again
Wednesday, May 15, 1:30 — M:00, in room 15
Memorial Hall. . -
Sponsored Projects Training Sessions
~ This training is. designated specifically for those persons
dealing with grant and contract accounts. Such persons as ·
principal investigators, contract and grant administrators, and
their administrative support persons should attend this training
session. It will last about one and a half hours and will deal
with the following topics:
Overview of FRS
FRS Chart of Accounts ‘
Monthly Account Report for Project Accounts
Online Inquiry into Project Accounts. ° -
The Professional/Clerical sessions will cover some
additional topics which may be useful to administrative personnel
who support the detail accounting for grants and contracts.
Administrative assistants to principal investigators might want
to attend both the Sponsored Projects session and the
Professional/Clerical sessions.
Dates/Location (select one group)
Group 5 Tuesday, May 1U, 8:30 - 10:30 in room 15
Memorial Hall.
Group 6 Tuesday, May 1M, 1:30 - 3:30 in room 15
Memorial Hall.
Enrollment - Please call 7-1851, Human Resource
Development, to reserve a space. Staff
attendance is at the convenience of the
department, and shall be approved prior to
enrollment (Personnel Policy #50).

(Unless otherwise noted, see Rob Aken for registration forms.)
Library Analytical Skills Institute I June 2-5
- Presented by the Office of Management Studies, this institute
provides development opportunities for those who seek proficiency
* in problem-solving and project planning. A process approach to~
‘ problem-solving and an introduction to available, tested
quantitative techniques employed in libraries to measure a range
. of activities will be provided.
“ Enrollment is limited to 35. Deadline: May 18. Fee: $U50.
Location: Pittsburgh, PA. .
For additional information, contact the Office Manager at fthe
Office of Management Studies: (202) 232-8656. - '
Initiating and Implementing an -
Online Search Service June 10-lh ‘
Dr. Greg Byerly of the Kent State University Libraries Reference p
staff will conduct this fiveeday workshop intended for public, ·
academic, and special librarians who provide reference services. ,
Participants will learn how to establish, promote, and manage an i
online reference/search service. An evaluation of various data Q
bases and commercial search services, search strategies and A
costs, and funding will be some of the topics covered. Each 5
participant will receive beginning training in online searching -i
and will have a minimum of two hours of individual practice -time g
online with DIALOG. ‘ §
Enrollment is limited to 16. Deadline: June 3. Fee: $180. E
Location: Kent State University Library. “ . · 3
User Education in Academic 88: Q
and Special Libraries June IU, l5, &_22 Q
Victoria Welborn and Sally Sims of The Ohio State University vg
Libraries staff will conduct this three·day workshop to help g
academic and special librarians—plan and implement a course- Q
integrated user education program. Participants will learn how f
to analyze the various search strategies which can be taught in {
library instruction and how to plan library instruction sessions g
and evaluate their usefulness. Participants will prepare library Q
instruction units. A
Deadline: June 7. Fee: $89.25. Location: Ohio State §
University Biological Sciences Library. » ;

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Introduction to Health Sciences June 17 - August 7
‘ Librarianship or June 18 - August 20
Two sections of this workshop will be offered: one at
- Northeastern Ohio University, College of Medicine, conducted by
. Dr. Karen Brewer, Director and Chief Librarian; the other at the
Ohio State University Health Sciences Library, conducted by·
Elizabeth Sawyers, ‘Director. These workshops are intended for
health sciences librarians and will include an overview of
medical reference tools and data bases, cataloging using the
National Library of Medicine classification system and MESH
` subject headings, collection development, and management of the
library in the medical environment.
Deadline: June l0. Fee: $178.50. _
Social Sciences Information
Sources and Services June 20 - August 22
Dr. Lawrence Olszewski of the Reference staff of the Public `
Library of Columbus and Franklin County will conduct this once-a- »
week workshop for public, academic, and special librarians who
provide reference services in the social science fields. The
workshop will provide an overview of current reference sources,
with special focus on online social sciences data bases. Online
searching will be demonstrated, and there will be several visits
to specialized collections.
Deadline: June 13. Fee: $78.50. Location: Public Library of
Columbus and Franklin County.
Beginning Computer Programming
for Librarians June 21, 22 & 28
Dr. Anindya Bose, of the Kent State University School of Library
Science faculty, will conduct this three-day, introductory-level
workshop for librarians who have no background in computes and
programming. Using the TRS-80 and KSU mainframe computers,
participants will learn how to write programs in BASIC using
color and sound. Participants will also learn how to select and
buy a microcomputer system for their needs and when and how to
use software packages such as word-processing, spread-sheets, and
file management. This workshop will feature plenty of "hands—on"
Enrollment is limited to 2U. Deadline: June 1U. Fee: $91.75.
Location: Kent State University Library.

_ (For more information, see the Reference Department.)
* Head, Science—Engineering Library, University of Arizona.
Salary: $29,000 minimum. Deadline: June 15. I
Chief, General Reference Department, Stanford University.
Salary: $28,200-$U2,000. Deadline: June 1.
Head, Reference Services, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Library, UCLA. Salary: $23,136-$3M,536. Deadline: July 15. .
· Delaware A
Head, Reference Department, University of Delaware. Salary: not
specified. Deadline: June l. ·
Head, Circulation Department, University of Delaware. Salary:
not specified. Deadline: May 15. “
Illinois Q
Interlibrary Loan/Reference Librarian, Northwestern University. E i
Salary: $18,000. Deadline: June 15. €
Reference Library Head, University of Illinois at Urbana- E
Champaign. Salary: $28,000 minimum. Deadline: June 1. Q
Iowa E
Instructor and Serials Cataloger, Iowa State University. Salary: i
$16,500 minimum. Deadline: May 2N. Q
Nebraska ?
Assistant Dean of Automation and Technical Services, University Q
of Nebraska-Lincoln. Salary: $39,000 minimum. Deadline: July ;
l. ~

New York
I Assistant Director for Technical Services, SUNY Stony Brook.
Salary: $36,000 minimum. Deadline: May 15.
Head of Reference, SUNY Stony Brook. Salary: $30,000 minimum.
Deadline: May l5.
North Carolina
TRLN Library Systems Analyst, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill. Salary: $2¤,00O minimum. Deadline: May l5.
Head, Information Services Department, Ohio State University.
Salary: $2U,000-$32,0UO. Deadline: May 8. ,
Humanities Reference Librarian, University of Oklahoma. Salary:
$l6,000. Deadline: May 6.
V Tennessee
Reference/Interlibrary Loan Librarian, Middle Tennessee State A
University. Salary: not specified. Deadline: June l.
Systems Librarian, University of Tennessee. Salary: $20,000-
$22,000. Deadline: May 31.
