xt75tb0xsh3f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75tb0xsh3f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-03-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1989 1989 1989-03-23 2020 true xt75tb0xsh3f section xt75tb0xsh3f  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCll. NO. 131

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1 971

Thursday, March 23, 1989



BOT to decide
on releasing
report to NCAA

Editor in Chief

The UK Board of Trustees' executive
committee decided yesterday that the
full board should be allowed to consider
a circuit court ruling calling on UK to
release its answers to NCAA allegations
against the basketball program.

The executive committee‘s action fol-
lows Tuesday‘s release of Fayette Cir<
cun Court Judge George Barker's opin-
ion. which says that the University
should release its answers to NCAA al-
legations. but not the evidence gathered
during 13K's investigation.

The executive committee “did not
feel that it should take any action cont-
rary to the full board." said BOT Chair-
man Foster ( ickerman.

The executive committee v com-
posed ol‘ five board members ~ went
into closed session in UK President
David ltosolle's office for about an hour
to discuss Barker's ruling.

The BUT last month. following a mo»
tion by trustee William Burnett. di—
rected University counsel John DarSIe

\cc (‘0MMI'I’TI‘II-Z Page "

By [0‘] SP \l l)l\(i
Sports I: ditoi

Eddie Sutton is; ready and willing to
move on alter resigning his position as
[K coach Sunday.

Two ol his (“515*
taiits. however. are
apparently not

\ctthct‘ James
Dickey nor Jimmy
Dy kcs time an-
nounced thcit‘ res-
ignations. despite
the fact that they
haw clcarcd out
their offices Ill the
wakc ot Sutton‘s



UK assistant basketball coach James Dickey (left) chats
With interim Michigan coach Steve Fisher during the Wolver-

Sutton says he’s ready now for new coaching assignment


No reason has been giyen for
delay Dickeys attorney. Steve
shear. could not be reached tor
ment last night.

Neither Dickey nor Dykes could be
reached for comment late last night,

Sutton. 53. left his post alter four
years of coaching His name has popped
up as a candidate for the head coaching
Job at several universities. including
Tennessee. Auburn and Michigan. to
name a few

"Any Job that would come along. I‘d
take under consideration." Sutton said
yesterday at Rupp Arena. which is the
host for the Nt‘AA 'l‘ournament South-
east Regionals this weekend.


Sutton watched the Michigan team
practice before leavmg. The Wolverines
face the tiniverSity ol North Carolina in
tonight's second game. The University
of Virginia and Oklahoma l'mvcrsity
squareolf in the first game at 7:41 pm.

Michigan lost its head coach. Bill
Frieder. when he resigned to take over
the coaching .job at Arizona State lan
versity' last week. The Wolvcrmcs are
being led by interim coach Steve r‘ish

"I wasn't sure how people would
react when l rcs‘igned.’ Sutton said
“But I guess anyone would tcel good
that there are people who want Eddie
Sutton to be their basketball coach ”

l-‘our Southeastern (‘ontercncc schools




ines’ practice at Rupp Arena yesterday. Michigan takes in
North Carolina in Southeast Regional action tonight

their head toaiiis to: iri.
tlist Sonny Mm l1 and itl.llt‘.\\t‘t‘ -is'
Don l)c\'oe after both rcsigncti "3:.
week Vanderbilt t'iiitcrsitx. vtt “inn-i.
is without .i coacl: it'ci " ‘J
‘lUlt to become l‘l‘i’s .ittni-tit

“l .yas sadtlciicti lid}
to hear that Don [invoi-
ignzng \tlilrti .iiii ‘lw
lent coach

sultoii was isktti
'ht‘ llK :ttl) tits
\otnc ‘hiiik ‘hiit
'Bnt thcrcs
he always tcit
But. no

ha\c .iist


vlir‘ci tut ‘t


to git-wart

no that “Kl
it'itili ii-it. t' iii‘
picssltt’i- v\t i‘tzxiw '1'
Ill't‘\\lil‘t* ‘ ‘t 1‘ 'y‘l‘l‘l“

iddcd lilll'l

Board may consider ruling; anel is named

Committee to
conduct search
for new coach

Hy Httr‘lllt‘tinl’ritt
(‘opy Desk (‘hicl

l'K President David Roselle
cd an t‘lLlhtrlt‘tt‘mlwt‘ «rt-come
tee yesterdav :riitiattng "ix ~
search for it int-n s tiiiskettial;
the last toiir wars

Thr‘ i onii‘ii‘t't-c


ii'isclit- want ..tii {cc

ommi nit cwral tittit‘lititiit's‘ 'o ‘t'htctii s

Dircctrir-Ilcsiaiiatr t' .\l \‘i-wiiiii who in

turn .‘lll submit i.- nanic Hi the K ‘itri-

letics' Board for (i[)pl‘(v‘.‘ill

has no? it .t 'tn‘a frat sic :rii'
~ttt' t t ssttl

the “lll‘Viit!
('oacl‘i l'ltldic
day t'\t‘!“.lil.’

’Yon l't' ticaia‘ig MN”. people .nd «to
iievt-rsiiow l’ioscitc aid 'Z‘o g'ct iii-
righ’ ‘Iiliskt‘lliilil ttJQltl‘. .wiiiit ton;
plelcl‘. igrcealult- '-i r-‘ic '»
search no. at” ion: '.mc 3 none at
can _.‘l" 'la- tight basketbaii 'oat‘ti .ni:
hayi- " 4o cry short ‘zi'::i- "‘ta'
would ll“ inc lit‘\l of both \Jtl'l‘is

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Two chancellor candidates to Visit campus;
Palm, Kirkpatrick to interview for post

dams said.
these people to campus to everyone can
meet and talk with the taculty and admin-

By 'l‘t).\.| \ \\ll.'l‘
Stall “l‘llt'l'

Risa Palm and Samuel Kirkpatrick arc
the most recent candidates for the position
of chancellor tor the Lexington campus.

The committee may be making a recom»
mcndation on a candidate by the end of the
month. according to a spokesman with the

Asidc from another contender. Robert
Hciiiciiw‘ay. dean of the School of Arts &
Seicnccs at the I'iiiycrsity of ()klohoma.
Palm and Kirkpatrick arc the only Cdlldlv
dates who have been invited to visit L’K
According to Paul Willis. chairman of the
advisory committee for selection of chan»
ccllor. there may be additional candidates

Kirkpatrick will be visiting l‘K today
and and Friday. while Palm has an ap
pointnicnt to come to campus next week.

Palm. who is the dean of graduate stud~

ics and the associate \ice chancellor for
research at the L'nivcrsity of (‘olorado
serves as the chiel research officer for the
Boulder. (.‘olo. campus. Palm also is the
author of various publications. and also is
the reCIpient of numerous research grants.

Kirkpatrick. a former professor and de-
partment head ol political science at Texas
A & M L’nivcrstty. has served on numerous
comnntties and counsels concerning uni-
versity affairs.

The author of several publications and
professional papers. Kirkpatrick also is the
recipient of thc Jesse S. lleigcs Distin-
guishcd Alumnus Award.

Being invited to {K is considered a sig»
nificant factor in the dcmsionhiaking proc-
ess tor the chancellor position. said Keith
MacAdams. a committee member and
physics professor.

”tBeing inVltt‘dt means that these
candidates are the very most serious cane
didates that we are considering.” MacA—

“lt‘s‘ an opportunity to get

The advisory committee is scheduled to
meet March 3] to assess each candidate.

"On the :ilst. we will meet to assess
where we are." “this said "lt is possible
that one of the things wc could do is to rec-
ommend a person to the president iol [K
for the position of clianccllori. We could
also recommend to the president to l0ok

Morc than 120 people have applied for
the chancellor position. tinly 2o applicants

including some troni l'K are ('OllSld-
ered serious candidates. Willis said.

The (K Board ol 'l'rustecs must approvc
the hiring of the new chancellor before
June filo. w hcn (‘hanccllor tor the Lexmgton
Campus Art (iatlaher w ill step down,

SGA election forum will be held tonight

News Editor

The Greek Political Action (‘ommittee is
sponsoring a debate among the six Student
Government Association presidential cane

After the debate. (il’A(‘ will make its on
dorscmcnt of this year‘s candidates.

Because of the large number of
candidates this year. presidential and vice
presidential candidates together will pre»
sent a three-minute opening statement. as
opposed to four minutes which was origi
nally planned. said Brian Butler. co—
chairman of (EPAC

“It is a campuswidc debate and every—
one is welcome to come." said Mike
Johnson. [nterfraternity (‘ouncil president.

“it would be a good chance to come out
and see the candidates."

After opening statements. the panel will
question candidates for about an hour to
1‘; hours. he said. The candidates will
then have three minutes for closing argu»

Panelists are Jay Blanton. editor in chief
of the Kentucky Kernel; Susan Bridges.
former senior vtce president and senator
at large for SGA; Edwin Hendrick. former
lnterfraternity Council president David
Rogers, Lexington Herald-Leader staff
writer and Scott Ward. acting news direc-
tor of WRFLFM and a former Kernel edi-

The debate will be held at 7:30 pm. in
Memorial Hall. GPAC already has en-
dorsed 13 candidates for senator at large.

The candidates, which are listed in order
by highest number of votes. are: Sheryl
Beasley. (‘hrista Collins. Thom Payne.
Kim Fowler. Ashley Boyd. Darts
McCullough. Allen Putman. Mark Rucker.
Amy Butz. Shannon Morgan. Ken Payne.
Jena Taylor. and Bob Dickson.

“GPAt' endorsed the lit candidates they
thought were best out of all the candi-
dates." Johnson said

There are 37 candidates running for 15
senator at large positions.

Last year (lPAt‘. iii its first year. en»
dorsed James Rose and leah McCain for
SGA president and \‘lCt‘ president respec-


Senate asks for one student
on coach screening panel

News Editor

The Student lioyei‘inni-m \ssoi-mwn.

unanimously passed .i i'i-soiiitioi. .ist
night asking l l\' l‘rcsidciit lLiynt T
Ilc to appoint Ullt‘ student 'ii tbr \. ivi-ii
ing comniittcc tor the New nicii .» :as
ketball ( oacti

"it is HT}


iriiporlant or pass 't‘i!\
unanimously to i'cpicsciii the
rights. .‘tlltl tlli'il .\ \\ll“l ‘At- illt.’ :i:.
for.” saidSi llcaiic. si-natoi at i.ii cc

The committee now
meiiibcrs. which w
Fivc of the committee
selected man the \thli-tics
Board ol Directors by ltoscili-
are not mciiilici's

There are two student
Bruce Rector and film \‘ici lilt‘httit‘i!
Leah .\lc(‘ain. on the .‘tllllt‘ilt';~ Board

In other SGA business

- The Senate unanimously .
resolution supporting thc ii‘cation oi .
committee to renew and l't'\lst ‘lic
cx1sting laws on the scicttion ot l ix
Board of 'l‘rustccs incmbcrs

“We hope to present this
pointed body. members of faculty
students to talk about the best way to
approach this ('tinllllltlt‘t‘ which would
advise the legislature on what I K
wants.” said Joseph Elias. t‘ollcgc wt
l‘Inginecring senator

The goyernor currently appoints to
members to thc BOT. The student body
president is one of the members of thy-

Elias said he will take the resolution
to the l'niversity Senate (‘ouiicil tor its
consideration. llc also said licxmpton
[Trban (‘ounty officials have said they
are interested in recruiting people for a

‘llltlt'lll ~

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wiiiicii-iitcs - isiitiiiiit ut'ittcii it-poits ..
‘lit sitiii'i- \iltiiii 'yo .yccks .tltci "ii
\li-iiiticrs who Ltd to ioinpiy out
it found tioiii attending turtliii

.tt‘io .ittctitt

ii'l't lit _'r~



i'ti Hillt'l

iltint .10 topic!


"iltt's Hit-j» .lt't'

l‘hc .iiiii-ndmcnt Ilia: “o
HiA i’cprcscntatncs may run tor oi .n
i-cpt .iiiy otlicc which commits at..\ ‘o
ltllltl expenses related to the otticc oi
oruani/iition without tlic Senate s .ippro

~ 'l‘lic N'lldlt’ .illocatcd $420 for thc
\tliccl ('at Basketball team for 15 play
or unilorins atid two coaches Jerseys

also states

. \ resolution was passed to change
the bylaws concerning final exam rulcs
Students witti two tinal exams or more
than one lmal c\am whosc total hours
c\ccctl nmc ci‘cdit hours scheduled on

We SGA Page 4






50° 55"

Today: Mostly cloudy
Tomorrow. Sunny. warmer







open regional semifinal

Tubbs, Sooners

at Rupp tonight



Femmes whip
through concert

See Page 5





 2 — KOMucky Kornol, Thursday, March 23. 1”.

Road to the Final Four runs through Rupp

face Carolina

Sports Editor

Forgive Steve Fisher if he isn‘t
comfortable doing media inter-
views or has trouble handling press

The University of Michigan
coach is a little new to this game.

“You‘ve got to deal with the
pressures. Doing these types of
things are new to me,“ Fisher said.

Nine days ago. the 43-year—old
was an assistant coach for the
Michigan, which finished third in
the rugged Big Ten conference and
compiled a 26-7 record.

But on March 15. just days
before the Wolverines‘ first-round
game against Xavier University in
the first round of the NCAA
Tournament. Michigan coach Bill
Frieder suddenly resigned to take
the head coaching job at Arizona
State University. The vacant spot
was handed to Fisher on an interim

His world hasn‘t been the same

"I‘ve been coaching for 21 years
and coaching is teaching whether
you're at Rich East High School or
the University of Michigan," Fish-
er said. “Coping is 500 phone calls
all wanting tickets and hotel rooms
or seven TV stations each wanting
15 minutes.

“You think about it for 20 sec
onds." he added. “and then you
have to go on to other things. I feel
that I‘ve got to go out and do the
best I can to get our team to play
confident and comfortable. ”

Fisher may be new. but the Wol»
verines~ NCAA Tournament trou-
bles are old. Michigan hasn't
gotten past the third round since

Fisher is trying to turn that ugly
mark around. And after two games

North Carolina center JR. Reid. the Tar Heels'

back after a one-game suspensron.

so far. he’s on the right track. The
Wolverines have scratched and
fought their way to wins over
Xavier (92-871 and the University
of South Alabama (91-82).

The next test. which comes
tonight in the second game of the
NCAA Southeast Regional at Rupp
Arena. shouldn't be any easier.

The Wolverines tangle with the
University of North Carolina.
which finished third in the Atlantic
Coast Conference but earned the
N0. 2 seed in the Southeast.

“The further you go. and this is
the final 16. the better the teams
get.“ Fisher said. “We‘re looking
forward to playing a terrifically,
hard-fought game. "

leading scorer. is

UNC faces Michigan tonight.

So is North Carolina. which is in
the NCAA round of 16 for the ninth
consecutive year under legendary
coach Dean Smith

The Tar Heels ripped Southern
University in their first round
game 93-79. then followed last
weekend with a come-from-behind.
88-81 win over UCLA in Atlanta

“I believe they‘ll come out
pumped up.” said Carolina center
JR. Reid. who sat out the UCLA
game after serving a one-game
suspension for missing curfew
"They'll be fired up to play. We
have to be mentally prepared for a
tough game.“

Sooners are
eyeing return
trip to finals

Senior Staff Writer

The Oklahoma Sooners — who
fell one game short of the National
Championship last year w are
looking to make everyone forget
last season's upset when they lost
to Kansas University 83-79 in the

“I think we experienced some
things last year that can help us
this year,” Oklahoma coach Billy
Tubbs said yesterday.

The University of Oklahoma
went into last year’s championship
game as the heavy favorite, just as
they enter tonight’s Southeast Re-
gional semifinal game with the
University of Viginia (21-10) at 7:41
pm. Tubbs doesn‘t think last
year's final will have any effect on
tonight‘s game.

“Last year is definitely behind
us.“ Tubbs said. “It‘s certainly not
going through my mind. There is
an urgency to win or get our butt
out of town."

The one thing that Virginia
doesn't want to do is get in a run-
and-gun. up-tempo game with the
Sooners. Do so and the Cavaliers
will earn a long bus ride home.

When the Sooners (30—5) score
more than 100 points. they are un-
defeated in 18 games. In its five
losses. Oklahoma has averaged
87.6 points.

That has Virginia coach Terry
Holland licking his chops. His team
has allowed only 77.1 points a game
this year.

"We're a team that likes to play
in the high 70s to low 805." Holland
said. “We proved last week that if
it takes a hundred, we are capable
of scoring that many.“

“1 think both teams will play
their style of ball," Tubbs said.
"The game will probably be a little

Tom Speldlng
Sports Editor

Brlan Jont
Assistant Sports Editor


Oklahoma coach Billy Tubbs dribbles around before yesterday’s
practice in Rupp Arena Oklahoma faces Virginia at 7.41 p m

more up tempo than they like. but
notas uptempoas welikc."

In the first two rounds of the
NCAA tournament. Holland‘s team
scored 100 points or more in both
games. The Cavs beat Providence
College. 10097 and Middle
Tennessee State University, 1()4«88.
The Sooners defeated East Tennes-
see State University. 72-71 and
Louisiana Tech University. 124-81.
to reach the Final 16.

“If it takes a 110 points «to win».
as it might against Oklahoma on
some nights. then that would be a
stretch for us." Holland said.

The Sooners use a hawking full-
court defense which creates
easy baskets in transition ~ and a

patient halfcourt offense to defeat
their opponents.

"We certainly have to be con
cerned about being able to get the
ball up «the courtr against their
fullcourt press," the Virginia
coach said. “I think their defense
tends to take away easy shots in—
side. as well as them stealing the
ball as you try to run the offense ”

The Sooners feature one of the
best inside-outside combinations in
college basketball ~ center Stacey
King and point guard Mookie
Blaylock. King averages 26.2 points
and 10.2 rebounds while Blaylock
hits for 20.4 points and 6 Sassists


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Bat Cats
storm back
to win 7-6

Staff Writer

UK shotstop Brandi Wilson is
only a freshman, but he showed se-
nior qualities in the Bats Cats’ 7—6
come-from-behind win over
Indiana State University last night
at Shively Field.

The Owensboro native singled in
the bottom of the eighth inning to
score pinch runner Al Lardo and
breaka6—6 tie

“I just wanted to put the ball in
play," Wilson said, after earning
the first game-winning hit of his
college career.

With the win. L'K improved its
record to 9-10.

Indiana State, which beat UK 13-
9 last year in 'I‘erre Haute, 1nd,,
dropped to 6-6 on the year.

In winning. UK had to overcome
an early 5-0 deficit. Indiana State
scored all five of those runs in the
second inning

UK pitcher Thad Elmore's two
walks started the second inning off
by walking the first two batters he
facedAfter a wild pitch, ISU left
fielder Larry Russel knocked in the
two runners with a single.

One out later. ISII‘s Phil Mundy
doubled. sending Elmore to the

With Elmore‘s departure, senior
Matt Coleman entered the game
and promptly walked a batter.

Coleman then gave up successive
singles to pitcher Mike Farrell and
third baseman (‘had McDonald to
add three more runs to the Syca»
more lead.

. UK answered back tn the third
tnntng by scoring four runs. Right

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The UK baseball team improved its record to 9-
10 overall after rallying from a 5-0 deficit to beat

fielder Sam Taylor dealt the major
blow to the ISU lead when he blast—
ed a three run homer off Ferrell to
pull the Bat Cats to within a run.
Taylor's homer was his second of
the season.

"Our hitters have done a great
job in coming from behind." Mad—
ison said. “Sam Taylor‘s home run
really got us going."

The Cats knocked Ferrell out of
the game when they tallied two
more runs in the fifth trtning to
give the Bat Cats a 6-5 lead.

[81' would not give up They
bounced back tn the top of the sevr


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;‘ ‘2‘ l‘t.’ .r‘wq f"
4 . 41".“ 1‘ &‘w" '1. ‘
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enth inning to tie the score when
they picked up a run off UK fresh-
man pitcher Steve Zongor — who
pitched well in his three and one-
third innings of relief. Zongor
struck out three batters and allow-
ed only one run to score for the

When Zongor tired. UK coach
Kieth Madison went to his bullpen
again and gave the ball to senior
Rod Bolton for the last two-thirds
innings. For his efforts. Bolton
picked up his second win of the
season agaisnt three losses.

Madison and his team hopes the

4' g

o ..


lndiana State last night, 7-6. at Shively Field. The
Bat Cats face Middle Tennessee today at 4 p to

win will get the (‘ats onto a bit of a

“It‘s a confidence builder." Mad-
ison said. "It was good to get a Win
likethis "

“Winning the game was all Just a
matter of time." Wilson said
"Hopefully. this win yvtll put us on
the winning track. It Will really get
us players going."

UK will try to wtrt its third
straight game tomorrow when it
takes on Middle Tennessee State
UniverStty‘ tn a game at Shively
Field starting at 4 pm


Kentucky Kornol, Thursday. March 23, 1989 — 3

Letter about the coach

Assistant Sports Editor

In a letter sent to the [K athletic
administration, 10 present and for
mer Lady Kat players expressed
their displeasure with [K women's
basketball coach Sharon Farming
and her handling of the program

The letter and a recent article iii
the Lexington Herald Leader
prompted a closed meeting yesterr
day, attended by future Athletics
Director (" M. Newton; Acting
Athletics Director .loe Burch.
Fanning. and six members of the

While Newton was unayatlahle
for comment. Burch said thr-
meeting with the playcrs, only two
of which had signed the letter was

“I don‘t thittk tt ts appropriate :it
all to be talking about the slllll ‘.\t'
said ttt there.” Burch \Etltl Hi
just say to you that we had .t
meeting with the team. and we llittl
a good one. We had a nice pleasant
meeting and that was basically 1t

th whether the meeting
“pleasant." remains to he soon .ts
starting freshman guard Kt'tstt tn
shenberry was noticeably upset
and. when asked it anything .y'as


settled at the meeting \itlll not
really "

Despite (‘ttsherthert‘y \ reaction
to the meeting. Fanning ant 'ltat

the meeting yy cnt well

“We ‘tust got to lo Tl‘ttli‘t here
Fanning said "Everybody ltéltl ‘ltt‘
right to say what 'hcy .tattlcrt To
think that the learn has. i lyetter on
derstandtng ot »\'tlf’I‘t' l on coming
from '

According to Fanning .int’t itttt't r»
the meeting was ttltt‘llt'tl ‘«~ all h»
playershttt only il\t'.ittt-rttlutt

ll\r prompts Kat meeting

"Everybody was lll\'lle(l
Fanning saltl "l‘ltt-re ”'0 nitrite
that are no longer a part of the
team Jodie and Pam art- not part
of the team Lora had qttit several
weeks before the sea son united

‘.r\t my team trim-ting v-yi-r’yom

of my players [Lift .t t-hanm- 't
come back and Yllt't‘l with the to
the Joth it they whose ‘: to 'lur‘
l'hal Gifts up In lltwtt it ‘lev‘ ~ll‘llt
”hey tttartethetrtle-n-tt-n

‘tltr-r yl-sti-réhn - 'tlvt‘l‘l‘rz’.

\k'tillo- ;)l'-\lef'7‘

l"anoint: 'allzs-ul *4, \I'yt-r'fl to

players personally

.~ontcrcnctrtg \‘llll one mu llt' pun
i-rs !hr‘i-t- players .U‘u- 'llt't “Ht it
tend 'hi- tin-cling moor Hut"
.‘tnn Mountatn. tttl‘nor l'lit-r-t-«r
Stewart .tnrt \tltllvllllltlm' \llt‘t'
\‘tcvcns .u-r'v 'tghl «into.- i‘ .i
tttntZ's otttm- uni-mg 'hur »,-.v -i:v
tons. ’Alllt'l‘ .I'l‘t' t"'~.ll"-'t,7 '1' in-

Wlteneyvt ~' t 'tt ' .= .«
sltr- tumltt ‘t r' ' .-._.;;.t
Your not w:
ttlllllltlt" y'.-~..--~.

l‘VIV'lll to: i

”ll“ til flr'l' nitw'

illl 'ltn:t "l\ ,. . .‘t
violin-utility. l.--n--.. ..

\ll ’tinx. 'H'..- i t ,,.' v .' r.,.
‘l'tlltl :Jf’l'flutt‘. . r
4- run:

'lt>~.r;.'i 'l-t‘ wt
he i.rtl'\. K .'~
tili'st'l‘ iim'
ll-rt’». ‘tmt ‘ . yr
!l.tl-lt' at ‘--l
tlil‘t'l l tn: '. K
WW. .M,



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 4 — Kentucky Kernel. Thursday. March 23. 1000

Jury finds Fayette’s sheriff guilty of theft

Associated Press

A Fayette Circuit Court jury yes-
terday recommended that S