xt75x63b0n7q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75x63b0n7q/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19390428 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1939 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1939 1939 2013 true xt75x63b0n7q section xt75x63b0n7q Best Copy Available The Kentucky Kernel CLEARING HOUSE o By THE EDITOR Welcome to the students from the 130 Kentucky high schools meeting on the campus today and tomorrow for the annual high school music festival. Since, in the midst of this music, it wouldn't be out of place to toot one's horn, we might say uiai Kentucky is a mighty good school and that we hope the visitors enjoy the two days and return next year or the next for a more permanent stay. If In doubt about any matter pertaining to the campus, they might sk some Univcrsitykytes, whom, it is said, know all. FRIDAY ISSUE SEMI-WEEKL- KERNEL Y UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY. FRIDAY. APRIL Z2 VOLUME XXIX Share Scholarship VOGELER CHOSEN is Others Named To Staff Are Tincher, Curry, Henard. Turner v NEW SERIES NO 34 19.19 WNS RARflONA PERKINS TO EDIT JOURNAL OF LAWGOLLEGE ', SECOND AND AMNIONS AS DdJNLAP TRAILS PACK ffffffff-- Alan R. Vogeler. Lexington, has of been appointed Co-EWritten-I- n the Kentucky Law Journal, quarterly publication of the College of Law. for the scholastic year 1939-4Prof. Roy Moreland. faculty editor, announced yesterday. believe that to anyone with the After two hours of extra work bePledging of four women, ten men Mr. Vogeler, who for the past least bit of interest in poetry, ro- year served as a stafX member of candidates, cause of "written-in- " by Suky, campus pep club, will manticism, and problems of the election officials, weary from mathehighlight the University's the publication, succeeds Bettie annual present day. Mr. Winers column Gilbert. Lawrenceburg, as editor. matical calculation, announced late Lafayette Photo May Day dance, to be held next was very interesting and excellently He is a member last night that Kappa Delta Lafayette Photo of Phi Delta Phi. Friday. May 5. in the Bluegrass written. I can only feel sorry for international honorary legal fraPerkins will reign as May room of the Union. Succeeding Ruth Johnston and Mary Jane Roby, last year's winners C. M. S. if he can't find anything ternity, Omicron Delta Kappa, naQueen at the SuKy sponsored fesOn a basis of attitude, enthusiasm, Interesting about men like Keats, tional men's leadership fraternity. of the AWS Joint scholarship award of $100 are Mary Lou McFarland. tivities to be observed next Friday, Wordsworth, and Shelley. I suppose Phi Delta Theta, social fraternity, left. Kappa Delta, Lexington and Harriet Hendershot, right. Kappa Delta, and sales made during the past May 5. Louisville, it was announced Tuesday night at the WAC banquet. Because year were the new members selected. Augurated Tuesday will be Morthe must important people in his and is chief announcer of the Uni- - of a misunderstanding in regard to Dorothy Amnions. Alpha Gamma Tuesday's issue of the time element, in Pledges are Jane Farmer, Mary tar Board's general leadership con Delta, by accumulating 2.670 points, life are Artie Shaw and Fred Allen. ( versity radio studios the Kernel, last year's winners were announced as current. Ann Blevins. Dick Clinkenbeard. ference for all University students 150 less than Miss Perkins, was seOther administrative officers apJoe Massie, Earl Rose, of Lexing"C. M. S. ought to hang a wreath pointed are: Marvin Tincher, Richto be held in the Union. The con- - lected as maid of honor. ton; Mary Eldone Nickerson, Paris; on his nose because I think his mond, associate editor; e. Attendants are Mattigene clave was organized by the senior Branch H. Ruth Saughter, Hodgenville. . brains arc dead. . . . Barb. Horse Cave: Dorothy women's honorary to give instrucHenard. Hopkinsville. business manErnest Harris, Union City; Nelson Oov. A. B. "Happy" Chandler will "I might add that Mr. Winer's ager; J. Wirt Turner, Newcastle, tion to officers and leaders of stu- Bond, Kappa Delta. Ashland: Sue Cande. Dalton. Mass.; George be the principal speaker at the an- dent organizations and to prepare D. Sparks. Alpha Xi Delta. Lexingmost recent column was the first managing editor; and Tommy Pettus. Stan Danville: ton; Jean Mane McConnell, Barb, time that I've noticed any J. Paul Curry, Wayland, ford: Jack Gaines. Frankfort: Rol-li- e nual Law College banquet, to be students for future positions of resuggestions offered in Danville. managing editor. held at 6 p. m. today in Lafayette sponsibility. Ashhurst, Bill Robinson, Georgeany Kernel column. The labor probBilly Dunlap. Kansas City, only hotel. Prof. Roy Moreland, of the In addition to the administrative town. Journalism Instructor Marjorie lem for students in Lexington is officers, the following students have male candidate the race, Featured at the dance, which cli- Law College staff, will present to McLaughlin is scheduled to lead a poor seventh. in A "write-in- " finished serious, and It would be a good idea been appointed to the editoviai canmaxes Suky's May Day celebration, the speaker an honorary member- committee chairmen from organiza- didate, he garnered most for the Kernel to initiate a cam- staff: J. Granville Clark, Russell-villee will be the music of Jimmy Skaggs' ship in the Order of Coif, law fra- tions in a discussion of duties and votes, paign to alleviate the condition." but fell far short in total procedure at 3 p. m. Treasurers Palmer Hall. Prestonsburg; ternity. orchestra, of Louisville. G. L. J. and E. Preston Young, Owingsville. points amassed. Other speakers on the program will meet with Coleman Smith, busi I Hoped Student Council President Inaugurating the days festivities representative at the Judges and practitioners of the will be a "Parade of the Nations," are Wilbur Earl Dean representing be passed A little more of the same from State Bar Association, who are on Outstanding women on the cam- composed of floats representing the the senior class. James B. Stephen- same time. At 4 p. m. presidents Sid Buckley: A rulingnames on bal-to discourage writing in R. A. B : "Congratulations to your the Journal's advisory board, inpus were recognized and given B. and vice presidents, past, acting, and lots. countries of the world. To son, the juniors, and Arthur aspiring, will hear a talk by Law columnist. Allcnby Winer, for his clude Judge W. H. Fulton, Frankfirst-yeawards and honorable mention at various students. organizations Rouse, Jr.. "Two hours extra work were rearticle on the labor situation for fort; Judge James Cannack. Frankthe Women's Administrative Coun- men's and women's floats will go Pres. Frank L. McVey will pre- Professor William H. Pittman. and quired today in counting." he comentering the best secretaries are to hold a round table students. I, myself, work for my fort: Mac Swinford. Cynthiana; cil banquet Tuesday night in the sent certificates to the following plained. first and second place cups. meals In a downtown restaurant Church Ford, Georgetown; Edward Union. staff; discussion with Business English's Interfraternity - party - sponsored As the parade passes in review members of the Law Journal J. H. Cutler. and think much more could be said Humphrey. Louisville; Ernest WoodLouisville, re-- 1 Lida Belle Howe, Dr. George Crile, of Bettie Gilbert, editor, Jo M. FerA final general meeting is set for candidates for queen and maid of about working conditions than Win- ward. Louisville; Robert Hatton. the Crile Clinic in Cleveland, will ceived the Alpha Gamma Delta before the South stand of the Stoll guson, business manager, Steve 7 p. m. with Psychology Professor honor were elected, but order reer mentioned. That front page Frankfort; Pettus White. Hopkins award, Betty South, Frankfort, and Field stadium, three prominent Cin8uest of honor at a dinner given Nancy Monney, Lexington, were cinnati designers will choose the White, circulation manager, and Dr. Henri Beaumont, speaking on versed. comment of his is a neat piece of ville; Joe L. Price. Paducah; and stall members J. Douglas Allen. "The Art of Leadership." Politicians named Miss Amnions outstanding floats. tne Agricultural Experiment given honorable mention. work. too. by Uie way." R. A. B. A. Ballantine, Louisville. Immediately following the parade Ramon A. Wood all. James R. Bush. Round table discussions will be queen and Miss Perkins maid of (Continued on Page Five) Station at 7 p. m. today, in the Junior Scholarships John L. Young. Phillip Schiff, held after each talk. honor. Voters switched positions. will be the pageant, to include a Jr.. To Radio Listeners The AWS scholarship award of May-pol- e Bluegrass room of the Union buildIn last year's May queen vote, the dance, an archery con- and John B. Breckinridge. $100 was presented to, Mary Lou McMr. Elmer O. Sulzer. publicity E. Evans will introDean Alvin same thing happened. ing. test, an English morris dance, a Farland, Lexington,' bureau mentor, this week got out a Doctor Crile. who is recognized Hendershot, Louisville, and Harriet dance of the dairy maids, a fencing duce Governor Chandler and Robas the two bunch of letters to members of the exhibition, a children's dance, "the ert L. Wathen will be toastmaster. as one of the world's greatest sur- outstanding junior women. staff, asking for suggestions which Charge of the Hobby Horses." and The Law School Philharmonic Sogeons and scientists, will present an to make in regard they would like singing by the University's Madrigal ciety will render selections as enterprograms. Twq to University radio Evelyn Ewan, Lexington, received Singers. illustrated lecture on "Comparison tainment. points are stressed: first, suggestions f tne Energy Systems of Horses the Alpha Xi Delta award and the - Featured also will be a hoop-lolllThe dance group of the Univer - with- - an eye to : should be mad Cwens scholarship sity WAA. under the direction of contest for senior women, and Wild Animals," assisted by Jeanne Beckett, Ft. award went to XeaVeS not merely Thomas. Miss Mary King Montgomerv. phy based on the tradition that for the clinic associates. Two truckloads on the basis that the public "should wedding-bell- s sical education instructor, will prering first. An Elinor Earle, Lexington, received winner, of specimens and models have been have" whether it wants or not; and sent a dance recital at 8 30 p. m.. second, that there shouldn't be an the scholarship award from Mortar entry blank for the event may be May 11. in the Guignol theatre. Company C of Pershing Rifles, transported from Cleveland to be Board as attempt to "editorialize" an audithe freshman woman with found in this issue ofatthe Kernel. Source Of Sickness Is Still A chorus of 300 Negro singers from crack University drill team, leaves used in the lecture. This will be the first time the the inforMystery; 140 Co-Ethe highest standing, and the Entries should be left ence to a certain point of view. a dozen Kentucky cities will parti- group has made a public appear- -' at 8 a. m. today for Bloomington. In his animal research. Dr. Crile awards for the best kept rooms in mation desk of the Union or mailed Affected Since we believe that students cipate in a program of spirituals ance. They will perform new creaIndiana, to compete in the third has obtained marine specimens from Patterson and Boyd halls were pre- to box 2415. should form a larger part of the regimental Sunday afternoon. tive and modern dances which they and drill meet. Coronation of May Queen the ocean floor off Key West, Arctic sented to Jane Evans, Nichcolasville, University doctors and the office May choral music listening audience than they do. 7. in the gymnasium. As the University unit is a mem- animals from the Hudson Bay re- and Lida Belle originated, and in costumes which Perkins will take place imme- of IloweXouisvtl le. Dean of Women are investipassing the suggestion on. If the we're The huge sing will be fostered by they made themselves. diately following the pageant's pro- gating illness of over 140 women any ideas, communicate ber of the first regiment it will not gion, African jungle specimens from you have the recreation department of the Women participating include Eli be eligible to compete for the third Tanganyika, and anteaters, sloths, Rita Sue Laslie, West Point, was cession onto the playing field. students following the WAC ban Works Progress Administration un- - zabeth Benge, with Mr. Sulzer. regimental trophy, but will enter and armadillos from Guatemala. Cups will be presented to own- quet Tuesday. Elizabeth Butler. given the Theta Sigma Phi award, for the cup to be competition Minelle Beuther. Elizabeth Cruise. Dr. W. W. Dimmock, of the de- for the freshman journalism major ers of winning floats at the dance " An analyzation of food served at den. Con . . . For Term "Barb" music supervisor. awarded to the best drill team on partment of animal pathology, said with the highest standing, and Mil- later in the evening. Jane Dalby. Sara Re veil Estill. the banquet is being conducted at And the bad: "The Kentucky Participating the sing will be the field. that the Experiment station has dred Gravette, Lexington, received the dispensary, but according to choral groups infrom Winchester. Margaret Trent. Lee Overstreet. Kernel took the opportunity in the The team attained national rec- been cooperating Billie Dyer. Mildred Oravette. Marwith Dr. Crile the WAA award. f A i cm otino fiJilinn reports yesterday, the source of the Covington. ff.A..l.'. " ' ognition when, starting with their for the past Frankfort. Paris. Camp garet Pruitt and June Hammond. Mortar Board Taps sickness has not yet been deterthe two Independent csndMates for first drill meet in 1931, they re experimental year in his glandular Nelson, Irvine. Hazard. Midway. Pledging ceremonies for new Morresearch work of aniMay Queen as 'Barbs.' This ex mined. Lexington, Nicholasville. Majsville. mained undefeated for six consecumals by sending him desired or- tar Board members were inaugupre&sion has been translated for Blanks were sent out to all wom Louisville and the Kentucky State years, a record unchallenged gans from slaughtered animals. rated as a part of the banquet promy Kernel staff members as 'Bar- tiveany en's dormitories and sorority and College glee club. Frankfort. by other unit in the country. Invitations have been extended gram. Those tapped were Margaret boarding houses, requesting all stu- - i This gathering of Negro groups to barian.' Purdom, Susan Price,, Helen Last year the string was broken, to approximately 400 physicians, dents affected to give complete in- participate in the singing of such "There can be no reasonable first at Bowling Green, and again Sarah Elizabeth McLean, horsemen, and other information as to case history and spirituals as "Oh Lord What a Students of animal husbandry doubt that whoever made such a at Ohio State. Captain Arthur scientists, persons. (Continued on Page Five) Doctor Dimmock from Purdue university will make nature of the illness. reference is a member of one of Smith, leader of the company, said terested Mourning" "Steal Away." "O Mary. announced. their biennial tour of Kentucky those national groups that consider Don't You Weep." "Certainly Lord." farms May that "starting with this meet we L. J. Horlacher. the physical and mental torture of are out to run up another string "Swing Low Sweet Chariot." "Were assistant dean of the College of OPEN HOUSE PLANNED a neophyte' almost as vital as said of victories longer than the first. Seventeen men were received into My You There When They Crucified Agriculture, who is arranging the neophyte's money, before inductLances, junior honorary fraternity, Lord." and other numbers will be The team is in good shape and Miss Margaret Horsfield, profesStudents and faculty members ining him thru the medieval and at a banquet and initiation cere- sor of Romance language on leave unpreceflented in Kentucky. There itinerary, announced. there is no reason why we can't terested in public agencies, civic orApproximately 35 sophomores and Commerce Head Publishes monies held Tuesday night in the anachronistic rites of the organi- win both of these competitions." of absence this year, working on her j will also be special quartet solo. Juniors, accompanied by Prof. J. T. ganizations, and economic problems, Work On Economics In zation; a member of one of those Student Union building. PhX. degree at the University of and group numbers and presenta Frost, will make the trip. They will The second meet will take place are invited to attend an open house opportunist groups that keep up May 12. at Dayton, Ohio, when the Morry Holcomb. Phi Kappa Tau. Rennes, Rennes, France, is author tions by the glee club of Kentucky Trade Journal visit and Inspect the Shorthorn herd Pittsburgh, Pa., was elected' presi- - of an article on the works of the State College. Its nonsense until the heat of pub- team enters its own regimental from 4 to 6 p. m., Saturday, April 29, at the Lexington office of the Springfield. Ky "The Value of a Bankers Con- - dent for the coming year. Other poete de Bretagne, Charles le Gof-filic sentiment is turned against him competition. Seating arrangements will take of Ray Thurman. prominent farms. Kentucky State Employment Ser- ference" is the title of an on Monday, and full blast at which time article bv officers named were: Tom Jackson. Miss Horsfield's article appeared care of both white and colored spec, of of Company C, the vice, 109 Esplanade. Staff members Both platoons the Bluegrass region on Tuesday Dean Edward Wiest, of the College Barb, Lebanon, Bob in the April Issue of Les Lettres tators. A small charge will be made takes place by abolishing Squad, and Mildred of the Employment Service Confederate Un- - or Block and Bridle Club will enterAlpha, Louisville, Francaises, magazine of the critics to help defray the traveling expen- Commerce, published in this Cloud, Kappa Hell Week and reforming practices Croft, Delta Delta Delta, sponsor employment Compensation and sections month's issue of "Kentucky Bank- secretary: tain the group with a smoker on and Sam Simonton. of French literature. (Continued on Page Three) Ises of the various groups. of the team for the second year will will conduct visitors through the er." Monday night at 7:45 in the AgriLambda Chi Alpha, Gray's Knob, I building and explain all operations. make the trip. culture Building. According to Dean Wiest. it is treasurer. essential to the interest of bankOther initiates are: Tom Haynes, DVTCH LOTH CLIB ELLCTS ers that they take part in formu- Alpha Gamma Rho, Louisville; Jim were Officers for the year 1939-4- 0 lating and establishing a sane na- Caldwell, Phi Delta Theta. LexingBy ALLENBV fc. WINER elected by the Dutch Lunch Club tional economic policy, and one ton; Jim Brown, Sigma Nu, Bowlat the last meeting. Helen Hor that is free from fraud and ex- ing Green; Jack Gathof, Sigma Phi lacher was elected president. Mary One way to avoid the horrors of ploitation. He also adds that in so Epsilon, Louisville; Bert Paynter. L&Bach, vice president, and Lee Ov-- ; a nightmare Is to make up your far as southern economic and social Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Lawrence- erstreet. secretary. Mary Lou Mc- mind beforehand that you're not problems can be improved greater burg; Sinclair Raynor, Delta Chi, Far land id the retiring president. going to have one. That probably productivity should result, includ- - ' Freeuort, L. I. f sounds silly td a lot of medical men ing an improved status of the busi-- 1 William Karraker. Delta Tau Del- - j 200 fessors at Ohio State University. and psychoanalysts, but our Presiof banking. r ta, Lexington; Roily Ashurst, Tri- - j The Instrumental section of the ness conference dent Roosevelt has just shown us A for this purpose was angle, Georgetown; Tom Harris. Pi festival will be held here May 12 done. Yesterday he anIt can be and 13. Adjudicators for this sec- inaugurated by Kentucky bankers Kappa Alpha, Morganfleld: Houston nounced he wouldn't disturb his tion will include Dwieht Anderson. last summer at the University, and, Curtis. Sigma Chi. Maysvuie; of the journalism deaddress in the sleep to hear Hitler's Louisville, dean of the University of . tne second annual Kentucky bank neth Morgan, Alpha Sigma Phi. partment and for 25 years an inAc morning. wee hours of this Musicians from more than 200 Louisville School of Music; Ralph ers conference will be held July Sarders: Frank O Brien. Phi Sigma reporting and critical cording to late reports, he didn't, 0 Kentucky high schools are partici- E. Rush, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, on the campus. Kappa. Dayton, and Donald Ben- structor in Marguerite McLaughwriting. Miss Sigma. Bardstown. nett. Kappa pating ,in the 15th annual Kentuc- director of Heighrs Hfeh Scjiool lin will be honored for outstanding Here's an exclusive. Organiutwiis planning I enter William Duty, Phi Delta Theta, Ping-Pon- g University at the Certain members of the University ky High School Music Festival be- band; Eugene J. Weigel, Columbus, floats in the May Day parade retiring president, was selected as service to the dance of Omicron Ohio, professor of music at Ohio faculty have just completed draft- ing held Friday and Saturday, April CUta mast see hint at wice almut plan. IrHlll. T Wllllamc alumni advisor for the coming year, annual dinner senior men's leaderDelta Kappa, ing of a bill designed to reorganize SaKy president Elliott Beartl said at the University. This fes- Oberl'in, Ohio, director of the Ober- -' ' with C. P. Johnson. Lambda Chi ship honorary, on May 12. in the mf yesterday. the Greendale Reform school. The tival is sponsored by the University I. and Alpha, retiring treasurer, as alteriwill w .,i bill, it is understood, provides that extension department. Wednesday, May 10. in Bluegrass room. Union. Committee for Reorganization of nate. Regional .festivals were held as the women's p. m. to8 room of the Union. tlie school be administered as an Miss McLauglUln is the fifth Student Organization Climaxing the festival is the follows: Murray State Teachers the recreation instltuton under the educational day. 127. Union; 2 p. m. Saturday. woman to be presented to the circle. Entrants may enroll at the inforconcert to be held at 2:30 p. college, Friday and Saturday, March EDITOR OFFERS BOOKLET direction of a special Board of 127. Union. no There In Drevious years Dean Sarah m. Saturday, April 29. During the high school, mation desk. onur will is u entrance Madisonville nViatTA Trustees. th .,.!., WAA archery now bn.g held Frank U McVey. concert, the Kentucky The American Nautical Academy, Blanding. Mrs. Formal presentation of the meass will be daily at 3 p. m. Women's gym. and S-and Dean Sarah chorus, composed of from 4 to 12 National Training School for Mer- - Miss Mildred Lewis as noteworthy Teachers colleK' S ure is to be made at the next regheld Tuesday, May 2. The Kernel nhunt Kfnrinp Officers. Washington. Holmes were selected Softball played daily at 4 p. m. in apular session of the state legislature. selected voices from each of will ville, April 7; will publish further information r r field behind Patt hall. nnniiiii'vH tnrlav flint hnvji Campus workers. Sherman Hinkeproximately 60 high schools, high school, Tuesday. Holmes Good work. Tickets for BSU dinner to be held president of the Nu give its third annual concert un- Covington, April Morehead and men between the ages of 11 beta, retiring Thursday. May 4. Training school Miss 21 years will be allowed to chapter, will introduce the direction of Noble Cain, State Teachers college, March 25; der and A Chicago inventor yesterday perauditorium may be obtained thus vocal music lor Chi- and Eastern State Teachers college, practical ship experience on g'e " fected a fancy device which, besides supervisor of week from council members. Miss McLaughlin is one of the cago high schools. training ship, "Marsala." Richmond, April 1. board the wasting electricity, getting in the Friday period from June 1 to first women journalists m u.c e region. In the With the approval of Dr. Frank within the Vocal solos, small ensembles, glee way and making itself a general come one of the most well known Dutch Lunch Club at noon at 1, 1939. The course will be As president oi uic nuisance, catches flies, electrocutes clubs and choirs are Included in the band and instrumental events L. McVey, the regimental parade October University. She was Maxwell Street Presbyterian church. of umni Club and the alumnae chap- - figures at the Monday them and then discards them in the festival program. In addition were held at Harlan high school scheduled at 4 4 p. m. today has under the personal supervision the ter of Theta Sigma Phi. and as a also a sponsor of SUKY. student p. m. Wednes the Captain Commandant of to Mr. Cain, adjudicators for the on March io and the piano and been changed to some mysterious manner. Junior Round Table at 5 p. m. In founder and sponsor of Strollers, pep organization, and has acted ta And yet it Is maintained that festival will be Dale V. Gilliland, vocal events at Plneville high school day, May 17, it was announced yes- - Academy who will be in command I Y rooms. former drama club, she has be- - several Guignol plays. of the vessel. terdsy. necessity le the mother of invention. aim Josepn A. ueeaers, rauno pro- - Apru Pro . . . For Looks Like This First, a bit of the good. The bad will come later. After haranguing C. M. S. of last issue's column) for criticising Winer s "Looks Like This . . .", O. L. J. says "Personally, I editor-in-chi- ef 0. iff:::Sv-s- f Ten Men, Four Are Chosen By Pep Group Mortar Board Conference Is Planned For Tuesday ds i Candidates Worry Ballot Counters Beaumont Will Speak At General Meeting 'HAPPY' TO TALK AT LAWBANQUET Ra-mo- -- Coif Order Will Honor er second-semest- Chandler Tonight Awards Given At Banquet To Leaders Among Women er Ter-Ire- Pal-mor- ll. - : Cwens NOTED SURGEON Mortar Board, Hold Tapping e; first-plac- Ceremonies WILL BE FETED ness-offi- Crile To Give Lecture At Honor Dinner ar I j PERSHING RIFLES! PLAN PROGRAM TO ENTER MEET -- audience-acceptabilit- y, OF NEGROSONGS ..... For Dfill Uhit Bloomington WAA Will Present Dancers At Guignol Authorities Probe Illness Of Women Chorus Will Sing In Alumni Gym Ra-mc- ' , 'r'' LANCES INDUCTS 4 Purdue Students Will Tour Farms SEVENTEEN MEN Reich-enbach- c. Holcomb Is President Of Junior Honorary Dean Wiest Writes Story For Bankers Writes In France 2. c. i Coninienl Corner 'Miss Margie,' Press Star, Will Be Cited At ODK Dance High School Music Festival Draws Talent From State . Journalism Instructor To Be Fifth Woman Schools Compete In Current Contest On Campus Honored j Kampus Kernels 18-2- Tourney "JE 28-2- 9, V JT ' all-sta- te fl' 24-2- 5: all-sta- te V, j f 0; Mar-secu- re Parade Changed Harlan-Pinevill- i t , o. " X * dcoi uupy wdiiduie -- THE THE KENTUCKY KERNEL OTTiriAL NEWSPAPER OP THE STUDENTS IUIIVEH8ITY T PUBLISHED EXCEPT HOLIDAY8 OP THE OP KENTUCKY DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR OR EXAMINATION PERIODS t Islington. Kentucky, as Dccord Entered at th Pout OBIc mittrr uruW thr Art of March 1. 187S. aiiLW MEMBER Kentucky Intrrollefiiet Prss Association Lrxlnffton Board of Commfm MMCtCNTU PO NATIONAL OVliTiaiN National Advertising Service, Inc. ( mjlrff Pmbliihert Repretwistivm 20 MlOltm Ave. Cwicaa ' aesr 1 1.M LM New TOOK. N. Y. ftjcitc Hum M'B&CKIPTION RATES Our Semester St. One Year X l.oris T. Icithart '. Avdri w F.ckdahi Managing Editor .WjI'.S Editor frlORC.K T. Hvkry M. I.AVASON Smith Editor-in-Chie- f Business Manager JOHN H. MORGAN JOE CREASON WYNNE McKINNEY JOHN HTJNSAKER OSCAR PATTERSON PAT HAMILTON Advertising Manager Sports Editor Circulation Manager Art Editor A.ssistant Art Editor Society Editor Slow Up Before The Crash Up v Picas for traffic safetv have jK-:ir-- l in editorial and news miliums l the American press thai they have liecome monotonous and are likelv to he skimmed over and discredited bv readers. However, traffic s:ileiy is a pressing problem, and will become more imMnant viih the advent of summer. One I'nivcrshy uaflu fataliiv has already occurred this vear. and only a confirmed optimist can lielieve thai this munlier will not he increased, especially if he has seen stiidcni-itriveautomobiles wervc at high speed down I.imesione street. It setMns scarcely nccessarv to jioiiii out to the cream of Keniuiky I'niversiiv student mentalitv the dangers of reckless driving. Hut a glance at Rose or Limestone streets, particularly during noon hour, indicates different 1. If students refuse to exercise caution in their driving. jerhas it would lie wise for I'niversiiv olhcials 10 request lxington police to more sirictlv enforce traffic regulations. F.. The Five-Fol- d Training Objective the art of shouldering ieson-sibilitwithout becoming top heavy. The question of whether the student lodv will intellileadership is assume the responsibility of is one which student government critics are emphasizing at the moment. It is up to the student hodv and the organizations on the campus to prove to themselves as well as to their critics that there is a suliiiicnt nu ml r of capable, trained students to direct once it is stalled. the plan of Mortar Board, senior women's honorary, seeing the need for trained individuals who will arrv the responsibility of student government, and endeavoring to ferret out those students who are capable as leaders but who because of shyness or other reasons have not been' put forward in leader positions, is inaugurating a leadership Training Conference Tuesday. Mav 2. for officers and members of all campus groups. Relieving that campus honoraries have liecn emerging this year from a more or less lethargic objecstate. Mortar Board presents a five-foltive for Tuesday's conference, the first ever held on the campus. T he desired result of the conference is: 1. That camptts organizations may have their due in part to most successful year in 1939-40- , increasingly fficient leadership. leaders max do good jobs 2. That the 1939-4without wasted effort in learning methods. S. That interested students, not yet chosen for leadership, will embrace this opportunity to prepare themselves for active participation in campus activities. 4. That leadershp may lie encouraged in able, vet too retiring, individuals. 5. That all University students shall have had some opportunity to learn techniques of participation and leadership in group activities which they may apply later in their home communities. basis of the American With crumbling in maprinciple yet to be proved jor nations throughout the world, it is an encouraging and intelligent approach thai training for leadership should begin at home, if only on a small scale, in colleges and universities. Persons trained early in life to expect and assume restionsihilitv in all phases of government will make more capable citizens and belter leaders in the community, stale, and nation of tomorrow. -- I.. (.'.. gent I v d Double Trouble To Indiana it would again turn in one ol Mrfoi mances which led General Pershing sav it was ihe best drill team he had ever Oinfidenl that the to . I'niversiiv Pershing Rilles seen. Coinpatii team, prepared to leave this morning lor drill the I'niversiiv of Indiana. There it will attempt to renew the string of victories whit h was broken last vear at Ohio Slate, when the team was hoping for a seventh consecutive win. C-l- t N T IT fi k K V, R tRNEE i na.i". I Is It Worth It? Without the headlines or student acclaim which is accorded other winning Kentucky teams, the Pershing Rifle group has been drilling, often under adverse conditions, all year fiom five to six on three afternoons a week. With the approach of the comjieliiioii. drill time was speeded up 10 one hour a (lav. All ihis i he memliers have done without miuh praise, or much glorv, or much recognition. 111 . j be-c- ne polif-hin- ' ... two-doll- ar Hastening To Correct Webster MICIILER j Florist We have a bone to pick with Webster. In his dictionary, he gives the following definition ol a musical festival: "A gathering for the H'tform-:tie of important musical works, sometimes limited to those of a particular composer, and extending over several