xt75x63b2m8s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75x63b2m8s/data/mets.xml Kansas Hawley, Lorene Anderson Farley, Alan W. 1958 89 p.: 24 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 4.14:Am 3/2/no.10/suppl. books English Topeka: Kansas State Historical Society This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kansas Works Progress Administration Publications American literature -- Kansas -- Bibliography Kansas -- Bibliography Kansas Imprints, 1854-1876: A Supplement text Kansas Imprints, 1854-1876: A Supplement 1958 1958 2019 true xt75x63b2m8s section xt75x63b2m8s ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ‘ # w l . . . .1 . ; UK MBRARSEE‘ a, ' i Kansas lmpnnts, 1854 - 1876 . A Supplement Compiled by LORENE ANDERSON HAVVLEY j and ALAN W. FARLEY . : =fi I; Published by the i : I Kansas State Historical Society 37 I NYLE H. MILLER, Secretary I ' Topeka, Kansas .I 1958 1% I PRINTED IN TI'XE STATE PRINTING PLANT, TOPEKA, KANSAS I I 27-5233 I, I . .. . .. ». .. .. . .31...._,...;;,;..3._.3...;...::,‘.4._.3.3.;_.:__‘._._:3.3.4759“ figgg'i;.:.3;;..:55‘;.‘3;;‘1:I':’:‘:I;“: 'T735:531573573333 '~‘515:3—'55-5§5155‘5’3‘3'1=5‘3-‘33333.-Ski:22:95;kit-"5?:.':.?:':f::':-'ET:‘:-':7:':-':1 ':3:I:'3:5.3:1:3:3:3:':-"3353533373}if'{15:553:331:32};33.55.3341,; I.;:-'-I:2;1;.;.‘;}E:f:3;§;I'E_;S;5_;ZEE'E'::EZE‘;;:‘;$3551;f:5;;If;'g';€;‘;33‘.‘3'fgfif;§§,5‘ ' ‘ E?:=£¢*;=::r \ ‘ ’EE-i: E3? ‘ ES}: Efl': 551:7 F Eff. 55ft? 5.2: . Egai . _ 5 if? , , ‘ 3 551.3. £55; E52; . » ET"? : E533 E571: .7 2:2:- . . 55v- :»..-._ 335:: E3:3: £355 . E22. , 5.1:; J Haj? :. 3.3._ E5; 55:3. 33:: $1.3. ' E15: E55 5:3. E}; if? E515 5:3: . Elf: a“: m .. _ ~ 5 _ . 3%."; «firiglnfifij‘ A! . 5255 - 2:31} . i131:- 3335-: 5:23." 531.3 55; iii. 5:»: 5:53: ‘ Eris; 3 Eii? E353. 3:5: 3:123: Ei-‘f 2:? 33:3: 1331:: £3.23 “it: \’. 3:?- ‘35 .32": Se 3;; 2 5% $543 ‘2 at: z-n 5;. g p 37 "'w'afiisefiri3E;I:>:éiii«'s-':is‘r:31351153-51‘:—:23-.>.-.a:~:—::::;~11:-:::~::‘~:-:»:3:;:;:;:;:;::1+3133:::3:3:53:;:guy-31;:{3;3:5.3:3‘3:333:333:;:3.;:;.,;.;.;33.3.3.;.;.;.;.3;.;.;.;.;.;...;.{}; 5:13.: 3.5-4.3 ; 35-55; 39:11:” >:_—~.;.; ;.;.-.3 , .3: :.:.:. i. ""‘;""i"§4 ~. i" ,3, ' K . ') Jag _ ‘ . I, , , , . .. , . , .1 . . {a l; , Kansas Imprints, 1854—1876 . A A Supplement d Compiled by LORENE ANDERSON HAWLEY H N and ALAN W. FARLEY j AMONG the many activities of the governmerit—sponsored \Vorks :3 :3 Progress Administration in the 1980’s was the preparation of I 3- lists of early American books, pamphlets, and broadsides printed 5; 1 in the various states within certain time limits. The Historical ,3 Records Survey division established an American Imprints Inven- ’3 tory under the direction of Douglas C. i\'lc;\iurtrie, an authority f on American printing, which undertook to locate and record items V- ‘Ki printed in the United States with date limits varying with the , 0: period of settlement of the different states. These limits ranged J from anything printed earlier than 1820 in the New England ’- states up to 1800 in the Rocky Mountain region, with Kansas being . assigned 1576 as a final date. Under this project, printed materials, exclusive of newspapers and serials, were examined in libraries all over the United States. . I Information about them was recorded and sent to a central office ' , in Chicago to be sorted and turned over to the Historical Records Survey director of the state in which the items had been printed. ' Ideally, printed matter would hear an imprint consisting, of place I l of publication, publisher or printer, and date printed. Actually, comparatively few of the items surveyed gave all this information. Place and date often had to be determined from the text, and ’ 1 great care was required to assign them to the right category. , ' In spite of the difficulties, inventories of printing in many states . were published with location symbols of libraries holding the in- dividual items. A Check List of Kansas Imprints, 1854-1876, was ' .. published in 1939 as No. 10 of the American Imprints Inventory, , p by the \VPA Historical Records Survey Project, Topeka. This . mimeographed list contained 1,574 main entries, in addition to a. 1 few entries for doubtful titles, and over 400 legislative bills. “it is. , ’ inevitable that many other titles will turn up,” wrote McMurtrie .} in the preface. His prophecy has proved correct. Since the 1939 i 3‘ list was published, librarians, collectors, and dealers have been dis- :" covering other items printed in Kansas before 1877. While this a, '{i‘ will no doubt be true no matter how many supplements are issued, _ enough entries have now been collected to make a supplement ' .1} desirable. 'i . t8] , 59 t T; ‘ 714:: to , “Viv TX ,. i, i i, . . . . .. . -- ;.;.;.; :. :--.I;:;_ ff~ (my. _ 5. - . .. , _ , :7. i Information has come from many sources. Nearly two dozen new entries were obtained when the Historical Records Survey sent to the Kansas State Historical Society all the Kansas entries which had been received too late to be checked and included in the 1939 edition. 5 Since 1939 the Society has acquired three sizable collections of I early imprints. The Morrill Public Library, Hiawatha, gave several , volumes of pamphlets and folders collected by D. W. Wilder. A scrapbook of printing specimens of Crane & Co., Topeka, was ob- tained from Eberstadt éz Sons. W. C. Simons, of Lawrence, lent 7 for microfilming a collection of job printing done by the Lawrence Journal and other presses. Many of these items had not been previously listed. Alan Farley has listed here his own private collection and items which he has learned about by consultation with other collectors. The University of Kansas and the University of Kansas City have ‘ both been helpful in listing holdings for inclusion here. I As in the Check List, newspapers and other serials have been I omitted. In addition it has seemed desirable to omit certain classes ~ of imprints in the Society’s possession if they add no new printers and are of limited interest. Among these are 180 briefs of cases I I tried in the Kansas Supreme Court and 300 legislative bills not in- I eluded among those previously listed. . Also omitted except for a few examples are blank forms of vary- II.‘ ing nature which were printed on many presses. These include ~ legal forms (deeds, tax receipts, checks, mortgages, etc. ), certificates I I of membership in clubs,1 certificates of election to office, shares in I g town associations,2 letterheads, business cards, and commissions . I. of officers in the Civil War. One of the most interesting of the I latter is the commission of Lt. George Ellis, for whom Ellis county I was named. Printed at Lawrence by the Kansas State Journal I I I275} Steam Press, it was signed “Gov. C. Robinson, Nov. 8, 1862.” I Despite these emissions, a wide variety of material is represented I in the following new entries, ranging all the way from ornate I I invitations to masquerade balls through advertisements of stock I? powders, from pamphlets on how to raise silk worms to posters II olfering rewards for the apprehensiOn of murderers and thieves. I ' The compilers have followed the style used in the Check List for II those items which they were able to examine. Items credited to 3511:: other libraries and dealers are described in somewhat less detail as I If; they appear in their catalogs. II : 1. Alan Farley has a certificate for one share of stock issued by the Wyandotte City (III Cricket Club, September 1, 1867, to Lawson Cook, Jr. : 2. An example of these is a share issued by the Quindaro Company. See item 16. [41 i . ‘- No effort has been made to list all libraries holding a given item I. .i-i ' or to list additional copies of items already located in the Check List. . ' For convenience, symbols, listed below, have been used to indi- eate a few of the libraries and collectors whose names appear as I _ holders of items. Full names of other holders are given under items ' held. ’ CtY. Yale University Library, New Haven, Conn. :‘ Farley. Alan W. Farley, Kansas City, Kan. ' . Graft. Everett D. Craft, Chicago. Ismert. Martin Ismert, Kansas City, Mo. 3_ KHi. Kansas State Historical Society, Topeka. KU. University of Kansas Library, Lawrence. - ¥ MOKU. University of Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo. _: NRAB. American Baptist Historical Society, Rochester, N. Y. Streeter. Thomas \V. Strccter, Morristown, N. I. 3 Stutler. Boyd B. Stutlcr, Charleston, \V. Va. VVesscn. Ernest ]. \Vesscn, Mansfield, Ohio. 1854 Walker, William. [Pamphlet in reply to George W. Brown. 11.77. 1854.] [ 1 ] ,, In the Herald of Freedom, April 14, 1855, p. 2, col. 1, Brown writes: “We learn that a pamphlet, from the pen of Ex-Governor » Walker, of the VVyandots, has been published in reply to a letter ’ , written to him by us about a year ago, propounding certain inter- I rogatories on which we desired information. The pamphlet has been before the public since last autumn, and yet we have thus far been unable to get hold of it. \Vill some friend place us under obligations by furnishing us a copy?” No copy located. , 1855 ,.§ . Delaware Squatter Association. 2 Constitution I of the I Delaware I Squattter [sic] Association, I . Embracing I All the Laws I Passed by the Different Squatter - Meetings I from June 10, to Dec. 2, 1854. I [wavy rule] I Leaven- , . worth K. T. I Printed by Eastin 81 Adams, Herald Office. I [short ,» rule] I 1855. ‘ - 8 p. 22.5 cm. [ 2] Cover title. '. KHi (photostat). St. Louis Public Library. : ’: Free-State Party, Kansas Territory. Executive Committee. Kansas Territory, I [cut of eagle] I To the People of the I United ‘[ 51 :3; L "I -I l. l ' I 137-53 é States —-- Greeting: i \Vhereas, The Executive Committee of Kan- =I sas Territory, invested with full authority from the I People of said 3 Territory in General Convention Assembled, I and approved by the ' j Constitutional Convention, have appointed, and. by these Letters, do "k! appoint I G. W. Brown, Esq., I an Agent of the said Executive ~I Committee, and a Representative of the said Territory of Kan— I j! . . . I Herald of Freedom l’rint, Lawrence, Kansas T. I [1855.] “a 4—page folder, printed on first page only. 21.5 x 27.5 cm. Orna- i mental border. I 3 I g Dated Dec. 10, 1855, and signed by I. H. Lane, Chairman, and 3 I. K. Goodin, Secretary. j: Free—State Party, Kansas Territory. Executive Committee. g No. Topeka, [cut of Ins/ice] 1855 S I This is to Cer- I tity that or Bearer is entitled I on presentation to receive from the Treasury of the I State of Kansas, I Dol- I lars, with interest at ten per cent. per annum, for I account, as per 1 "i letter on file, for the payment of which the faith of the State is 5 pledged. I . . . The Kansas Freeman Print, Topeka, Kansas. I ~ I [1855.] ‘ , Broadside. 19.5 x 11 cm. Ornamental border. [4] I Numbered 87 and dated Nov. 10, it is made out for 820 to Timothy McIntire. Signed in ink: I. H. Lane, Ch’n Ex. Com. Kansas, and I I. K. Goodin, Sec’y. Countersigned by C. Robinson, Treas. 1 No. 100 of a different printing is dated Ian. 17, 1856, by crossing ; out the 5 and putting 6'; the word Topeka is not printed. I Farley. KHi. Free—State Party, Kansas Territory. Executive Committee. I . . . I No. [cut of ship] 8 I This is to Certify that i is I entitled on presentation, to receive from , the Treasury of the I Commonwealth of Kansas, I Dollars, . - 3 for account, as I per bill on file, for the payment of which the faith I of the State is pledged. I . . . I Herald of Freedom Print, Law- ‘ rence, Kansas Territory I [1855?] Broadside. 20.5 x 12 cm. Wavy rule border. Left side decorated I with cuts and Latin and English mottoes. [5] Blank form to be signed by Chairman of the Executive Com- mittee. .. {v i, . I . Iv JJ.;';?_:J;:;;5J&%7~: . _ - » -- ,J J .- . .:. .. . _. ..H. .J .IJ . _:J ._J_ ' _; Kansas (territory). Militia (Free-state). Volunteers. ' f f Geoege [sic] W. Hunt, i Commissary 1st Brigade Kansas Volun- ‘ teers, J Assembled at the City of Lawrence to defend the said City I . _J against threatened demolition J from a foreign foe. J . . . J [11.7). ‘ e 1855.] Q; . Broadside. 19 x 30.5 cm. [ 6 ] f . Form for listing supplies. Dated Lawrence, Dec. 10, 1855. '_ KHi. J Kansas (territory). Militia (Free—state). Volunteers. *I, ' [out of eagle] J James H. Lane, J General Commanding the First ;- '. Brigade of Kansas Volunteers, J To All Who Shall See These Pres- ‘ ents-—Creeting: J \Vhereas, It has been certified to me by the proper authority, that L—.__,____ J has been duly elected to the Oilice of w#__ of the ‘_L J . . . J Herald of Free- dom Print. J [Lawrence, 1855.] Broadside. 29.5 x 19 cm. [ 7 ] ; Certification of election of R. P. Brown as Major lst Regt., lst Brigade. Dated Nov. 27, 1855, and signed in ink by J. H. Lane. ‘ KHi. : Pawnee Association. Pawnee J Kansas Tcr. J [cut of eagle] J Come One Come All! J ,. Public Sale of Lotsll J [thick—thin rule] J . . . J Pawnee, K. T., w March 12th, 1855. J (Herald Office Print, Leavemvorth, K. T.) J [1855.] Broadside. 30 x 48 cm. [ 8 ] Signed: W. R. Montgomery, William A. Hammond, R. C. Miller, N. Lyon, R. H. Higgins, Trustees. , CtY. J .3 . Stinson, T. N., and \Vaysman, J. K. J - Tecumseh Ferry, Kansas River! Nearest and Best Route from .- . Fort Leavenworth to Council Grove. This new ferry is now open , , and ready to cross teams, passengers and freight at any hour . . . .1 [Leavenworth‘P 1855.] J Broadside. 38.3 x 27.7 cm. [9] f Signed and dated at end: T. N. Stinson, and J. K. VVaysman, Tecumseh, K. T., June 15, 1855. f Streeter. ’ [7] .J. J J. J , § 1856 :3 Free-State Party, Kansas Territory. Executive Committee. 3 Office Executive Com., K. T. Feb. 25, 1856. I Sir: I Enclosed find I your certificate of election to a seat in the General Assembly of 3 Kansas. I . . . I [11.71. 1856.] :I Broadside. 19.5 X 12 cm. [ 10 ] :1 Signed: J. H. Lane, Chair., and C. K. Holliday, Sec’y Pro Tom. “3 Kansas Pioneer, Kickapoo City. :3 Kansas Pioneer, I Extra. I [double rule] I Kickapoo City, K. T., a 8 A. M., I January 18th, 1856. I [lines 8-4 connected by brace] I . I Rally! Rally! ! . . . I [Kickapoo City, 1856.] ! Broadside. 10.5 x 23 cm. [ 11 ] 3 Rally of pro-slavery men. , I Kansas Tribune, Topeka. 1 Circular. I . . . I [Topeka, 1856.] I Broadside. 12 x 20 cm. [ 12 ] ' Dated Topeka, Kansas, Jan. 1, 1856, and signed by Speer & Ross. 5 Gives terms of subscriptions and stresses the paper’s devotion to the I cause of Freedom. ! Leavenworth, Kansas Territory. City Marshal (William P. Shock- 16y)- I Public warning. I [heavy rule] I The practice of discharging I fire—arms within the limits of the I city of Leavenworth, contrary I to an ordinance of said city, hav- I ing become so frequent as to I 611- I danger life and greatly annoy I the quiet and peace of x orderly I citizens . . . I and if found necessary, will, by I au— thority of the Mayor, em- I ploy a secret police, for the pur- I pose . ' I of giving information against every one thus offend- I ing. William P. Shockley, I June 11, 1856. City Marshal. I Leavenworth City. ‘ [ [sic] Leavenworth Journal Print. I [1856.] Broadside. 28.5 x 31 cm. [ 18 ] ‘ Leavenworth, Kansas Territory. Council President (John H. Day). ]I Proclamation!!! I [thick-thin rule] I Whereas, information has been received by I me, that certain persons will assemble in this I City on Tuesday, January 15th, A. D. I 1856, for the purpose of I [a] . I' . 7-. a” f‘“ - . . _ " ' :i . ‘: ‘ :' 3: ' ' ': .‘13'5‘5 i-3’:-"-':'5-'"-'”-' i H ' '7 12 i i I holding an Election to elect officers for a State Government. I . . . I [Leavenworth, 1856.] :' Broadside. 35.5 x 25.5 cm. [ 14 ] _ Forbids election on grounds of preserving peace. Signed: Fred , . Emory, M. L. Truesdell, G. J. Park, Wm. T. Marvin, Thomas H. ,3: Doyle, and Adam Fisher, Councilmen. KHi. ' Leavenworth, Kansas Territory. Mayor (William E. Murphy). Proclamation. I Whereas information has been recieved [sic] by me, that various Citizens of the City I of Leavenworth, have recieved [sic] anony- I mous Communications requesting them I to leave the Territory of Kansas forthwith . . . I \Villiam E. Mur- phy, Mayor. I Leavenworth City, K. T., September the 29th, 1856. ‘ I [Leavenworth, 1856.] Broadside. 31.5 x 24 cm. [ 15 ] ‘ Quindaro Company. [wavy rule] I Quindaro Company. I No. [cut of eagle] I This Certifies That I is entitled to Shares, of Ten Lots each, numbered I , in the City of Quindaro, situated , on the VVyandott I . . . I [wavy rule] I Herald of Freedom Print ——Lawrence, Kansas. I [1856.] Broadside. 23.5 x 14.3 cm. At left of text, separated from it by light wavy rule, are three vignettes. [ 16 ] N 0. 24 of these certificates made out to Rev. John G. Pratt entitles - him to 1 share at $150. Dated Lawrence, Dec. 26, 1856, and signed , by Joel Walker, Pres; S. N. Simpson, Sec’y; and C. Robinson, Treas. ; Farley. KHi. , . Whitman & Sear], Lawrence. ~ [Announcement of the opening of an “Emigrant’s Intelligence i . Office” in Lawrence] I Whitman & Searl. I Lawrence, Kansas, June 15, 1856. ' " .: 4—page folder, printed on first page only. 10 x 16 cm. Double : : rule border. '- j KHi. [ l7 ] , ' Whitman & Searl, Lawrence. Lawrence, Kansas, May 8, 1856. I Dear Sir: . . . I [27 4 lines] I Interrogatories. I [24 lines] I Very respectfully yours, a: Whitman 61 Searl. I [Lawrence, 1856.] [91 at > 1 ..§-"-‘ "5‘ I, J :j‘;:;r3_—us..-t~=_—~swflxucnmk .J...We.3mmm“unwashna-ms,“..m-_-_ .. gum—...mmmm _ -.... 1 j 4-page folder, printed on first page only. 19 X 24 cm. [ 18 ] :J Circular letter asks 22 questions to secure information useful in _j maintaining their Emigrants’ Intelligence Oflice. *J 1857 “J American Hotel, Lecompton, "J Lecompton, K. T. 185 . J M J To J American Hotel, Dr. J S. O. Hemenway, Proprietor. J National Democrat Print, Lecompton. J [1857.] I Broadside. 16 x 19.5 cm. [ 19 ] J :3 Filled out and dated Nov. 9, 1857, this heads the itemized and J receipted hotel bill of \Villiam \Valkcr, a delegate to the Lecompton a Constitutional Convention. J Farley. J Bond for deed. J [double rule] J Herald of Freedom Print—— ‘ -J Lawrence, Kansas. J Know all Men by these Presents, That J J . . . J [Lawrence, 1857?] J Broadside. 21.5 x 34.5 cm. [ 20 ] Bond of Charles Robinson, Trustee of the Quindaro Company. J to James Clark; dated April 27, 1857. J Democratic Party. Kansas. Atchison County. J National Democritic [sic] J Ticket. J For Congress, J E. Ran- J som, J . . . J National Democratic J Ticket. J For Congress, J J E. Ransom, J . . . J [n.p. 1857.] Broadside. 8 x 28 cm. [ 21 ] J The entire ticket is printed twice. The lower ticket has corrected J spelling of Democratic. Identified as to county by the names of the representatives. . J Herald of Freedom, Lawrence. ~J [thick—thin rule] J The Herald of Freedom. J [double rule] J J Lawrence, K. T. J [rule] J Saturday Morning, Dec. 26, 1857. J I [double rule] J Anti-Usurpation Ticket. J . . . J [Lawrence, 1857-] . . Broadside. 41.5 x 56 cm. Text in 7 columns with title at head of left column. [ 22 ] J, - ' a 1.; if?" :‘-- -. . ". "3}? -: -' : ”"5“ “1:47."? '1: 53.1,, ’ i r Contains platform, reports of conventions, and ticket of party : 5. 1 opposed to the Lecompton Constitution. ' KU. . :3 [Kagi, John Henry] .: j To the Members of the General | Assembly of the State of Kansas: } Gentlemen: l The ninth of: June is the time fixed at l 1 your last session for re-assembling . . . l [n.p. 1857.] ,. : Broadside. 10 x 20.5 cm. [23 ] ; Manuscript note on the margin signed by Richard ]. Hinton at— ’ tributes the authorship to Kagi. ‘ '. Urges members to be present to complete State organization. Signed at end: Charles Robinson, G. \V. Smith, S. F. Tappan, I. H. Kagi, and 58 others, ‘ Kansas (territory). Governor (Charles Robinson). Election Proclamation. l [thick—thin rule] 1 . . . l [Topeka, 1857.] ‘ Broadside. 21.5 x 45 cm. Text in 8 columns. [ 2'4 ] ' Dated Executive Oiliee, Topeka, July 16, 1857, and signed by Cha’s Robinson, Governor, and P. C. Schuyler, Sec’y of State. ' _. Kansas (territory). Governor (Robert J Walker). ' _ The Kanzas News—~Extra. l [double rule] 1 More Subduing. l [film] 1 The Pacificator Dreams of Horrid \Varl ] [filct] | Procla- : mation of Gov. \Valker to the People of Lawrence. I [double rule] . I . . . l [Emporia,'1857.] Broadside. 22 x 8.9.5 cm. Text in 8 columns. [ 25 ] , Dated Leavenworth, July 15, 1857. KHi. ‘ i . Kansas (territory). Militia (Free-state). Kansas Volunteers. ‘ Muster Roll, Company Reg, Brig, Div. 1 Kansas ‘ , Volunteers; for the Protection of the Ballot-Box. 1 [triple rule] 1 j ‘ . . . l [n.p. 1857.] i . Broadside. 43 x 35cm. Divided into 12 columns to provide space for names of officers and privates with age, where born, where -' from to Kansas, residence in Kansas, and remarks. No writing ,- appears on this form.~ - 5 ' ~ [ 26 ] ‘ t 1.11 :2‘ 2:- '1‘ l’ i‘ a Kapioma City Company. ‘2I Kapioma City. I [filct] I [28 lines in 2 columns] I Fifty Shares, . of] I The First Offered, are now in market. They may be I found at 2': where I a Map of the City may also be seen. I July :I 20, 1857. I [n.p. 1857.] Broadside. 20 x 21 cm. [ 27 ] jg Lecompton Union. 'I Cowardly assassination! Lecompton Union Extra! Our city was ‘1 thrown into a state of mad excitement this afternoon, by an affair ”3 resulting in all human probability, in the death of V‘Villiam T. I ”I Sherrard . . . [Lecompt0n, Union Print, 1857.] 5 Broadside. 61.5 x 15.5 cm. Text in 2 columns separated by I mourning border. I 28 l ' j Methodist Episcopal Church. Kansas. ” Educational Convention. I Blue Mound, March 17, 1857. I I . . . [n.p. 1857.] ; Broadside. 19.5 x 81 cm. Text in 2 columns with title at head I of left column. Printed on ruled blue paper. [29 ] Contains minutes of the sessions at Blue Mound and Palmyra and describes the site chosen for Baker University. Signed at end: W. O. [W7alter Oakley], Sec’y. I I Ohio City Association. 3 Ohio City, I Franklin County, I Kansas; I 82 Miles South of I Lawrence, on Middle Creek. I . . . I By Order of the Board, I I P. D. Bidenour, Pres, I A. L. Ross, ]un., Sec. 0. C. Associa- I tion. I [n.p. 1857.] _ 4-page folder, printed on fourth page only. 18 x 20 cm. [ 80 ] ' I Letter dated July 7, 1857, written on three lined pages, signed: Louis. In printed text “A choice town lot will be given to every ' 1 person who will erect a good frame, stone or brick house upon the - I same by Jan. lst, 1858.” g Quindaro Company. . . . I The Treasurer of the [ornamented] I Quindaro Com- pany, will pay I [cut of scroll] I or Bearer, on Demand, I . . . I Herald of Freedom Print— Lawrence, Kansas. I [1857?] I . x,‘ I, . ‘ I I, I . ”I Broadside. 19 x 7 cm. [ 31 ] i Enclosed in wavy rule border with imprint at foot. At left of text, ' i separated from it by a wavy line, is a cut of a girl holding a sheaf 3 of grain. . The note is not filled out, but it was probably printed soon after ' X I the company was organized in December, 1856. Smoot, Russell <31 Co., Leavenworth. 5 i [Announcement of the opening of a banking and land business ‘ 1' in Leavenworth, under the name of Smoot, Russell 8: C0.] Leaven- worth: Journal Job Print, 1857. f.‘ , Broadside. Quarto. Printed in script-type. [32] ; . Eberstadt Catalogue 187, no. 550. ‘3 ' 1858 ' Baptists. Kansas. Kansas River Association. ‘ Constitution of the Kansas River I Baptist Association. I . . . " I [11.79. 1858.] ‘ . 12 p. 19 cm. [:33] Caption title. Latest date in text is 1858. ; Contains minutes of September, 1858, meeting. . '1 Beidler, Harry M. . 7 Circular I to I [map] I Kansas Emigrants. I [filet] I . . . I ; [71.72. 1858.] V Broadside. 13.5 x 49.5 cm. Text in 2 columns. [ 34 ] . Advantages of Atchison as place of settlement are described and . mention is made of its being incorporated as a city by the last [1858] l _' Legislature. I KHi. : H Kansas (territory). Board of Commissioners for the Investigation of .: Election Frauds. » i ' [filet] I No. $ I Office of Board of Commissioners for In- I 2; vestigation of Election Frauds, I Kansas, 1858. I To ». the Treasurer of the Territory of Kansas: I Pay to .' - or bearer the sum of I . . . I [71.71. 1858.] "~ ' . Broadside. 17 x 8 cm. Double rule border. [ 35 ] ‘ ; Order for payment of per diem and mileage for investigation of I [ is l . ‘1 I' . I . ~—J election frauds, issued to John E. Stewart, Feb. 13, 1858, for $11.80. 3 Signed: Henry J. Adams, President of the Board, and Scott J. ' ”J Anthony, Clerk. : KHi. :] Kansas (territory). Constitutional Convention, Learenworllz, 1858. “a No. 8 J Constitutional Convention. J [cut of angle] J J Leavenworth City, Kansas, 185 J To the Treasurer of ~3 the Territory of Kansas: J Pay to or 3! bearer, the sum of J . . . J [n.p.1858.] " Broadside. 22 x 1—1 cm. Ornamental border. [86] . “J No. 49 dated April, 1858. made out to H. J Fields for $2.50 and i signed by M. F. Conway, President, and Sam F. Tappan, Secretary. Lane, James H. . J lleport of Major—General J. H. Lane. J [filel] J Head Quarters :3 Kansas Militia J Lawrence. Jan. 15, 1858 J . . . J J. H. Lane J 3 Major General. J [Lawrence 1858.] J Broadside. 19 \ 80.5 cm. Text in 2 columns. J 87 ] a Report of disturbances in Bourbon and Johnson Counties; mili- J tary expeditions to protect Free-State settlers; scouting parties cover— ing troubled areas; threat of conflict with U. S. troops. J Stutler. : Lawrence, Kansas Territory. Charter and ordinances. J J Charter and Ordinances J of the J City of l..awrence; J together J g with J an Act Amending the Charter, J Passed by the Legislature J of 1858. J [rule] J by J Authority of the Mayor and Board of J Aldermen. J [rule] J Lawrence, Kansas: J Printed at the “Repub- ‘, lican” Book and Job Office. J 1858. l [3], 4—24 p. 22.3 cm. Printed paper wrappers. [ 38 ] ' fl Minneola Town Company. ‘5 No. S J Minneola, Kansas, 185 . J The Treas- ] urer of Minneola Town Company will J pay M J I . . . J Herald of Freedom Print. J [Lawrence, 1858?] Broadside. 29 x 11 cm. Enclosed on three sides by thick—thin At left of text and separated from it by a wavy line, are cuts of , eagle and of Justice. At far left are blanks for no., amt., and date. {3355 J, J, ‘ _.,: c3. ,. Blank form unsigned. Town company was organized in 1858. . ' I Quindaro, Kansas Territory. Entertainment. Invitation Party I at Henry’s Hall, I No. 4 Kansas Avenue, Quin- {if I dare, I \Vednesday Eve, Dec. 29, 1858. I . . . I [QuindaroiJ :3 1858.] 4—page folder, printed on first page only. 10.5 x 16.5 cm. [ 40 ] Invitation is made out to Richard Clark. ’.-' f KHi (photostat). Martin Ismert. 1 I Shawnee County, Kansas Territory. Probate judge and County I Commissioners. . 3 § Another Election. I On 4th Monday of March, 1858. I County i 8: Township Organizations I [thick-{bin rule] I . . . [n.p. 1858.] . Broadside. 16 x 53 cm. [41 ] ' Dated and signed at foot: Tecumseh, March 1, 1858, E. Hoogland, Probate Judge, and Hiram Shields and Harvey \V. Curtis, County , Commissioners. Contains notice of general election of county ofli- . eers and defines township boundaries. ' I KHi. , » , I ' Stanton, Frederic P. . I Speech I of I Hon. F. P. Stanton, I Delivered at I Leavenworth City, Kansas, I June 8th, 1858, I against the I Lecompton Consti- < * tution, I and the I Administration of James Buchanan. I [filct] I . . Leavenworth, Kansas: I Printed by McLaughlin é: Hutchinson, journal Oifice, I 1858. , 15 p. 25 cm. Printed green paper wrappers. [ 42] Cover title within ornamental border. ’ . KHi. i ‘ Topeka, Kansas Territory. Entertainment. . Topeka Museum. The object of Topeka Dramatic Association . . . Tuesday Evening, April 27. First night of The Miser of > ‘ Marseilles. Tribune Power Press, Topeka [1858.] A Broadside. 13 X 44.5 cm. [43 ] Date 1858 in pencil. ‘ , . Bevereomb Catalogue 178, no. 218. I . U. S. Quartermaster’s Department. Contract between the United States and the Messrs. Russell, I 1 Majors & \Vaddell, for the Transportation of Army Supplies to I [15] . .I 7‘ I. 1%,. 5; Posts on the Salt Lake Route, &c. Leavenworth, Daily Evening Journal Office, 1858. j 8 p. 20.5 cm. [44] "j Cover title. 1] Indiana State Library, Indianapolis. .33 VVabaunsee, Kansas Territory. First Church of Christ. * Historical Sketch, I Confession of Faith and Covenant, I and I *1 Standing Rules I of the I First Church of Christ, I in VVabaunsee, ;s I Together \Vith a I Catalogue of the Officers and Members, I April 1, 1858. I [filet] I Lawrence: Printed at the Lawrence “1 Republican Office. I 1858. ‘ 8 p. 16 cm. Printed lavender paper wrappers. [ 45 ] I On cover: Church Manual. . I 1859 1 Conway, Martin F. I A Card. I [Lawrence] March 1, 1859. Broadside. 11.5 x 85.5 cm. [46] I Explains reasons for caning Gov. Charles Robinson, and defends his action. I A second card, signed by Jeff B. Conway, denies that he inter- ! fered in any way during the altercation. A third card signed by 4 Thaddeus Prentice and George H. Sargent states positively that there was no interference “but to part the combatants.” I Conway, Martin F. Speech of Hon. Martin F. Conway. I [double rule] I The I People in Council. I [clash] I An Eloquent Vindication of Repub- _ . I lican I Principles. I [dash] I Grand Gathering in Leavenworth. I [dash] I [Leavenworth,1859.] . j Broadside. 85.5 x 45.5 cm. Text in 5 columns. [ 47 ] 3, Leavenworth Times Extra, December 1, 1859. I Stutler. * Douglas County Agricultural Society. I Douglas County Agricultural Sooiety. I Organized [cut of train] June, 1859. I This Diploma I Is Presented to I by the I Douglas County Agricultural Society I of Kansas Terri- *, tory, at its First Annual Fair, held at Lawrence, on the I 6th and I 7th days of October, 1859, as evidence that has taken the I ‘ ' ‘ ' " 'm“"i"3‘”:""'=‘~’~"“"~“"”‘"—==“’~=:=‘“*='-:v=~‘=“=~w=—~«wwwemwwamwmrmmums....au~::.:ar.s~~;_x.,..:.,-,:=LNW,_5_~,,J_§,I§ . _ I, 1 I, ing First Premium on I . . . I A. Whitcomb, ‘ Printer, Herald of Freedom Ofliec. I [Lawrence, 1859.] .I 14] ; Broadside. 31.5 x 24.5 cm. Ornamental border. [ 48 ] ,3 Made out to Otis Potter for his marrowfat squashes. _ KHi. .' Kansas (territory). 2: 1d I ‘ . . . Funded Debt of Kansas Territory. I Leeompton, Kan- see, sas, [cut of train] 18 I Be it Known that the Terri- - A :57 I tory of Kansas I Owes to or assigns, I the sum of ’_ :nce One Hundred Dollars, bearing interest I . . . I Herald of Free— dom Print, Lawrence, Kansas. I [1859.] 45 ] Broadside. 48 x 29.5 cm. Ornamental border. [ 49 ] At left, separated from the main text by a row of border, is Extract from the Act of Feb. 11th, ’59, providing for Funding the Debt of I Kansas Territory. Bclow text are 6 yearly coupons for collecting I ten per cent interest. These bonds were issued in varying amounts. " Farley has one for $500, which is dated July 1, 1859, and signed . by H. J. Strickler, Auditor, and S. Medary, Governor. KHi has a 46] $100 and $1000 bond, neither of which is signed. ends Kansas (territory). Auditor. . . . . Auditor’s Office, Leeompton, 18 I Treasurer ', nter- . of the Territory of Kansas, pay to I . . . I [Lawrence] Herald ' -, i by ‘ of Freedom Print I [1859?] -' that Broadside. 19 x 9 cm. Double rule border. [50] _ At left of blank are Cuts of an eagle and Justice. Blank form unsigned. Latest possible date is 1859. 5 The Kansas (territory). Auditor. I ’Pub- . . . I Claim Debt of Kansas Territory. I Auditor’s Office, [cut 'orth. of train] Leeompton, Kansas. I The Treasurer of the Territory of Kansas I Will Pay to or Order, I . . . I Herald of 9 I471 Freedom Print, Lawrence, Kansas I [1859.] Broadside. 81.5 x 21 cm. Ornamental border. [ 51 ] ' N0. 179 made out to Turner Sampson for $220.75. Dated June 6, I. 1859, and signed by H. J. Strickler, Auditor. ’ CtY. KHi. , train] -1 Kansas (territory). Constitution (\Vyandotte, 1859). Terri- Kansas State Constitution. I [thick—thin rule] I Constitution I Ir .1 and of the I State of Kansas. I Adopted at VVyandott, July 29, 1859 I I the I V 2—5233 , I [17] ' I, I, 3::‘35i7‘51'51i. . , . .. . V :_-_::,;:;3,.,:,:,:,_‘;:§f:,;.gj-g:-g-j.a-g-‘Igfg-jgi‘.3-1-3.3.3.: .;;;‘:5;5;§ 3:95:3533'5'5'555'5 2:33: ‘5';;:‘;;5:3“@Ic 9,“: Iii , [short rule] I Ordinance. I . . . I Leavenworth, Kansas [State I — Register Office, 1859.] ‘ I. Broadside. 41 x 48 cm. Text in 6 columns. [ 52 ] . I - Signed: James M. Winchell, President of the Kansas Constitu- i ' tional Convention and Delegate from Osage County; John A. lVIartin, . Secretary, and 23 others. I ' On verso is printed label (contemporary) pasted to bro