xt75x63b2p3z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75x63b2p3z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-10-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 10, 1975 1975 1975-10-10 2020 true xt75x63b2p3z section xt75x63b2p3z DQKK PicT'UR'E Vol. LXVII No. 48 Friday. October 10. 1975 KENTUCKY er Discrimination Former SC employe files complaint By (EINNY EDWARDS Managing Editor and RON MITCHELL Kernel Staff Writer A sex discrimination complaint has been filed with the US. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission against the Student Center (SC). Sandra McHale, former SC assistant night manager, claims she should have been hired as one of two SC night managers because of hertwo years as a SC employe. The position became vacant in July. ' “My not being hired meant to me that a qualified woman with the proper ex- perience was not hired," she said. McHale said she was the only woman among the to applicants for the position. Oliver Kash Curry, third-year law student. was hired for the job in late August. Curry said he has no previous Student Center experiences. The positions responsibilities include various supervisory duties at the SC on weeknights and weekends. McHaie‘s complaint is specifically lodged against SC Director Mary Jo Mertens and Margaret Worsham. SC assistant director. “I was interviewed by Worsham, who said it was silly to even have an interview. She said I was obviously the best person for the job. She led me to believe I had the job,” McHale said. After two weeks, McHale said, she contacted Worsham. “Worsham told me that my application was no longer being considered," McHale states in her com- irv‘ . »" plaint. “Her reason was, ‘Some people feel that the Student Center should present a certain image.‘ However, she could not explain what the image was.“ Both Mertens and Worsham declined to comment on McHale‘s charges. Worsham said she was in no position to comment at this time. In her complaint, McHale states the most important requirement listed in the job description was previous experience with the SC. However, the position requisition form lists the job duties and makes no mention that previous ex- perience is required. Bruce Miller, University personnel director, said experience and education would be criteria used by the employer. “This would be a subjective judgment on their (Merten and Worsham) part," Miller said. He said Nancy Ray, University Af~ firmative Action coordinator, is in- vestigating the discrimination complaint. At the conclusion of her investigation, Ray will confer with Miller and University legal counsel John Darsie to determine necessary action. Ray declined to comment on progress of her investigations. the McHale said Worsham offered her the assistant night manager position after she had been rejected for the higher post. McHale declined the offer. A similar complaint has been filed by McHa le with the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission. 2‘ , , “st/[r ‘ I- !“ .y ‘ . s ’ it 1“; ‘3" ” f f t ’ ”I! I University of Kentucky an independent student newspaper Lexington. Ky. 40506 l'K students must wait in line on Monday for tickets to weekend games. Football ticket distribution differs at each SEC school By MONTY N. FOLEY Kernel Staff Writer A telephone survey of athletic depart- ment ticket offices throughout the SEC revw led some procedural differences for distributing individual student football tickets. According to Henry Clay Owen, UK controller, $6.25 of the $18 semester ac- tivity fee — earmarked for the athletic department — gives every fulltime student the right to admission to all varsity sports events at the University. Here at UK, where Assistant Athletic Director, Frank Ham, said that about 2 . J ' ,., ' f" ' V. x ‘r - D 0 15,000 seats are set aside for‘ student tickets, distribution at the Coliseum office occurs on Mondavs and Tuesdavs of the week preceding the home games. To get a ticket, a student must have valid 1]) and activity cards for each ticket purchased. In addition. each student mav buy one guest ticket for the regular $8 price. UK abo has provisions for block, or group seating. Frank Harris, associate dean of students, said such seating is available to registered student organizations. ('ontinued on Page 8 Concrete plans Caught! Only one of these four University administra- tors — Dr. Don Clapp, vice president for administration, far right — is aware of the photographer’s presence as they stood in the Botanical Gardens. Taken by surprise as they discussed plans for a sidewalk system that will connect central campus to Euclid Avenue and the pro- posed Fine Arts building are (from left to right): Presi- dent Otis A. Singletary; Dr. Jack Blanton, vice president for business affairs: John Darsie, University legal counsel; and Clapp. pfi . / K’IC waft/55 editorials Lettes and Spectrum articles should be addressed to the Editaial Paw Editor, Rm "4 Journalism Building. They should be typed, double spaced aid SON. Letters should not exceed 250 words and Spectrum articles 750 words Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University. Bruce Winges Editor—in-Chief Ginny Edwards Managing Editor Susan Jones Editorial Page Editor Jack Koeneman Associate Editor Former SC employe deserves night job If Student Center (SC) Director Mary Jo Mertens and her assistant, Margaret Worsham, are able as women to run the busy SC during the day, then a woman ought to also be able to run it at night when things aren’t so busy. That assumption might seem loge ical to most of us, but all indications are that Mertens and Worsham don’t agree. Sandra McHale, a former SC assis- tant night manager, has filed a sex discrimination complaint with the U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission against the SC charging she was discriminated against on the basis of her sex when applying for the SC night manager position. McHale applied for the job in July — the only woman among the 10 applications for the position. A male, Oliver Kash (OK) Curry, was hired for the job in late August. At first, McHale felt certain she had the job because of her experience. ”I was interviewed by Worsham, who said if was silly to even have an interview. She said I was obviously the best person for the job. She led me to believe I had the job,” McHaIe said. McHale learned two weeks later she was no longer being considered. According to McHale, Worsham said her reason was: ”Some people feel that the Student Center should pre- sent a certain image.” Since Mertens Bike-a-thon l-"ditnr- Delta I’au Delta, Kappa Alpha ‘lneta. and ”’VLK are sponsoring the American Cancer Society’s Bike~A» Thon this Sunday, Oct. I2, Ila.m.»5p.m. No it’s not the first time such an activity will be held, but our goal is a new one. With the help of campus organiza- tions and faculty, elementary and high school students, churches, and busi- nesses, we are reaching for the $5,000 mark. To make it, we need as much campus and community participation as possible. For such a profitable result, riding in a bike-athon requires little effort. Peddling the three-mile course around Commonwealth Stadium is not much to ask to help fight cancer. Find a friend, relative, group, or all three, to pledge any amount per mile y0u ride. You’d be surprised how much you can collect. A win over Auburn will send Fran Curci cycling, and Joe Burch, dean of students, will be seen chalking up a few miles for his sponsor—the entire UK police department. Over $500 worth of prizes will be awarded to individuals and groups covering the most miles and bringing in the most money. So it will be possible to leave Sunday with more than just a few Lanes and Worsham have refused comment on the matter, there is no choice but to conclude that ”image” is sexist. UK Affirmative Action Officer Nancy Ray, who is in the process of investigating McHale’s complaint, also refused to comment. Ray has said she feels a certain conflict of interest because she is a personal acquaintance of both Mertens and Worsham, according to McHale, and that she might have to turn the case over to Employe Counselor Victor Gaines. If in fact the University’s affirma- tive action officer can’t do her job because of personal acquaintances, then there is little hope for equal opportunity employment here. McHale’s case may be a point in fact. After Mc Hale had been rejected for the higher post, she said Worsham offered her the assistant night man- ager position. Such an action proves McHaIe is not an unacceptable em- ploye. And if Mertens and Worsham fear some situation might arise that a woman could not physically handle (although in Such a situation a night manager with any brains at all would call the campus police), they can always hire a male assistant night manager. Any way you look at McHale’s situation, it looks sexist. If that’s not the case, Mertens and Worsham should come forward with their reasons. If it is, McHaIe should have the job she applied for. tight muscles. Since anyone can participate, I personally challenge you, Mr. Editor, to contribute to our production, since I have added to yours. Look past the Greek aspect of this project and see that our efforts will be worth while. Spend an afternoon and a few miles with us to cure cancer. i think you’d enjoy it as much as we will. Patti Temple Journalism senior Representatives? Editor: From the time I entered this University, I have been a regular reader ofthe Kernel. For the benefit of your staff, and your readers, I would Iiketo stress that I am white, male, and heterosexual; and I cannot see the abnormality of being either. Continuing with this idea, I am ap- palled at the latest action of our ”representative” Student Senate; the support for the Gay Coalition. I applaud such senators as Hal Haering, who had the nerve to take a strong stand for normalcy, instead of avoiding the issue. I, for one, hope that he, or someone of his caliber, runs for senate president. Mark Anderson A&S sophomore I 15““ 'fl i‘i THEREFORE, NEVER SEND TO KNON FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS IT TOLLS FOR THEE Change of seasons is inexorable, intense Several years ago, Frank Sinatra released an album with the melancholy title of "The September of My Years.” Not being one of Frank's fans, I never listened to the record, but the effect on Sinatrophiles was dramatic. Was Frank really getting old, they asked? Yes, sang back the Crooner, l2 different ways. Shortly after that Frank surprised everybody by marrying the lovely and very young Mia Farrow, who at that time was ascending the melodramatic heights as Alison MacKenzie in TV’s bowdlerized version of Peyton Place. - 3%?“ _ ammonyi *peomxe bofien Shortly after that, Mia surprised Frank by leaving him. Since my subscription to Photoplay has now expired, lam unable to trace Mia’s life beyond this point, but I think she’s married to Andre Previn. As for Frank, he may be getting older but the quality of the company he keeps is getting better. Last week the paparazzi caught him squiring around Jackie Kennedy Onassis. Ol’ Blue Eyes is back, and with a vengeance. The pointof the story is the September of Frank’s years and the season it represents: autumn. In fact autumn begins earlier than September. By mid- August the leaves are beginning to change almost imperceptibly. Summer becomes a facade, an illusion. Theleaves turn in color and fall, the landscape changes. By September there is a chill to the morning air. The mist hangs in the hollows and stretches across the fields like a diaphanous veil. The sun’s rays take longer to dissipate the mist. Autumn rivals spring in the beauty it creates in nature. In spring there is a sense of awakening, of anticipation and fertility. The first buds appear, the first delicate pastel hues of dogwood and daffodil. In autumn, the colors are far more vivid. Unlike spring, nature and autumn seem to be struggling against each other. The intensity of hue denotes the violence of the struggle. The battle is always lost of course, the change of season is inexorable, but only after a prolonged struggle during which the beauty of the countryside becomes more and more intense. There seems to be one particular day when the beauty of autumn reaches its zenith, and fades. It happened sometime last week. I remember experiencing such a day a few years ago while camping in northern Michigan. The sun sank into Lake Michigan, shooting brilliant rays across the water, like natural laser beams, irradiating the woods. The next morning I was awakened by the cold and by an eerie sound. Outside the tent, dew hung like fruit from branches that had become suddenly barer during the night. The noise was of thousands of birds taking off to migrate further scuth. The noise was of wings stiffened by the cold brushing against brittle leaves as the birds took off. It is this sense of decline which makes autumn so desquieting. The change of autumn into winter unites the fear of old age with fear of the dark. The sun weakens, the days shorten. The redness of the leaves gives way to the redness of a tire buming in the grate. The air is filled with the scent of burning wood and the soot smell of coal where, just weeks before, it was the scent of flowers. The landscape changes; where once it seemed almost to unfold and envelope the observer suddenly it becomes linear, gaunt and yielding. Where once its density seemed impenetrable now in autumn the landscape seems to cleave into bare vistas before the observer’s eye. A' valley becomes a ravine. The soft slope of treetops become the gaunt masts of a fleet of sailing ships hove to in preparation of a violent storm. Incidentally, if all this seems too depressing, it’s not just me and Frank Sinatra who are affected. Keats, in ”Ode to Autumn,” Shakespeare in ”Sonnet 73” strike the same mood. Anthony Pearce-Batten is a graduate student in the Patterson School of Diplomacy and International Commerce. His column appears weekly in the Kernel. . ll ,3." I“, .wW-e w «~ r ' ‘a-d “ NW EM ‘ ,N ._. ML." ' .rW‘ w --4 Being gay is illegal, immoral By Chuck Turner l was saddened and alarmed to read the editorial which appeared in the Oct. 6 Kernel (”Gay students need total 56 backing”). tn the past the Kernel editor- ials have been fairly reasonable and objective. It now seems that they have resorted to name-calling. Guess what, folks, y0ur Student Government is ”fasc- ist.” That’s right, according to the editors of our student newspaper, "if the Student Senate denies UK gay students support, it is nothing short of fascist.” As evidenced by its close decision, the Student Senate has shown us it is basically a moderate body. I am disappointed in our editors, people who have a good deal of power in print, because they could not simply state their opinions; they had to conclude by slinging a little mud at Student Govern- ment. Somehow I seem to have missed the ”reactionary wave which has been slowly taking over UK student politics.” I think the majority of UK students have a mind of their own and do not consider themselves in a category with ”reactionaries“ and ”facists.“ Again, I resent the namecalling of the editors which is directed this time at the entire student population. But the real issue here is the backing of the Gay Student Coalition. As Engineering Senator Steve Petrey stated: ”I also have to consider the engineering student. I tend to think they would not like me to support the Gay Student Coalition.” I think you’ll find that most students in the University community feel this way. And the Student Senate is supposed to be representing the entire student body. However, many people will say that we are opposing the rights of homosexuals by not supporting the Gay Student Coalition. We are not opposing the rights of any individuals; we are opposing the rights of an organization whose central theme is illegal according to Kentucky law. That is, we are not trying to change anyone who is a homosexual, but we are trying to stop the formation of an official University organ- ization which promotes illegal homosex- uality. Some people may not worry about the legality of an organization, but can you consider the support of the ”Rapist Student Untion” or the "Student Association of Thieves"? I am not saying homosexuals have anything in common with rapists or thieves except that all three are illegal. And the Student Senate certainly has the right to oppose any organization whose basic theme is illegal. Thus far I have given reasons why an organization of homosexuals should not be given University support. Now I’d like to give a few personal objections that l have to homosexuality itself. I think homosexv uality is morally wrong. We have all developed our own set of morals. Some people are more “be—ral than others in their morals, but we all have a basis for determining right and wrong. I consider all aspects of homosexual life to be morally wrong. I believe in the Bible as the word of God. Homosexuality is specifically mentioned many times in the Bible. In all cases, it is condemned as an act of sin. Leviticus 18: 22 says, speaking of men: ”Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is an abomination.” Homosexuality is mention- ed in Romans land I Corinthinas 6, among other places, as unholy unto God. Whether one believes in God and the Bible or not, everyone has a set of beliefs in what is right and what is wrong. l personally believe that men and women sh0uld not engage in homosexual acts. Another personal objection to the sup- port of the Gay Student Coalition is the use of University facilities upon recognition. In this case, more gay dances and other activities would be held on campus. Also, the University would probably be flooded with more gay propaganda with the use of free printing privileges. There are some people who can be swayed by the influence of the persuasive arguments which gay libbers present. i think University stud- ents can make up their own minds with their own resources with0ut a pile of propaganda to make up their minds for them. lam sure that this subject will arouse a good deal of debate. I was willing to critically read the views presented by the Kernel editors until they began to use name-calling as a base for their argue ment. But for some reason, I strongly resent the editors calling me (as part of the student body) a reactionary and calling the Student Senate a "fascist” organization. I do, however, realize that the editors have a right to their own opinion. I just hope that you, the student body, will let me have an opinion without resorting to the tactics of the editors. Chuck Turner is a history sophomore. By Wayne H. Davis Your report (Kernel, Oct. 2, ”Ad- ministration requests no smoking in class”) on smoking in my classrooms is not accurate. I used to separate the class into smoking and non-smoking rooms during exams. i do not now because Dr. Conti, director of the school of biological sciences, asked all his faculty to prohibit smoking in the classrooms of the Morgan Building beca use of the mess that smokers leave and the cutback in janitorial service. i think separating a class into two rooms for exams is a good policy. I had trouble with it when I used two equal sized rooms in CB, however. The room with clean air always got overcrowded and I could get no one to volunteer to go into the other room. Only about a third of the class choSe the smoking room. Strangely enough, even some students who were smokers chose the clean air room. l believe schools and their faculty should have no control over the behavior of students so long as it does not interfere with the rights of others. Choice of clothes and hairstyle, for example, is the individual’s own business. In my classrooms students can come in drunk or spaced out on other drugs, urinate in a bottle, go to sleep, or get up and walk out. (So far as Cigarettes produce ’acrid stink’ Therefore the University needs a rule against smoking in the classroom. A student has the fundamental right to sit in the classroom without being sub- jected to the annoyance of cigarette smoke. And segregating the classes is nota satisfactory solution. Although the acrid stink of smoke from a source nearby is most annoying, other factors are also involved in the rights of the “Smoking is an activity that should be confined among consenting people in private' I know none of these has happened except the latter two.) Of course they can smoke, so long as they don’t con- taminate the air that others must breathe. Thus they could either swallow all the smoke they produce or put plastic bags over their heads while smoking and carry out their wastes. Unfortunately neither is possible; a smoker would suffocate if he had to breathe all the smoke he releases. non-smoker. Indoor cigarette smoke is a major air pollution problem. Carbon monoxide, benzo-a-pyrene, and cad- mium are released inio the air in ooncentrations high enough to pose health threats to everyone in the room. Carbon monoxide levels in smoking rooms routinely range above th‘ national air quality standards set by the EPA for the protection of the public health. Benzo-a-pyrene is the major cancer inducing product in cigarette smoke and automobile exhaust, and chronic cadmium poisoning appears to be an important factor in development of high blood pressure and heart disease which is the number one cause of death in the U.S. Your editorial describes the co-ed smoking in class as ”spunky”. The more appropriate adjective is ”in- considerate". People who smoke in public places are either inconsiderate or ignorant of their effects upon others, or both. Smoking is an activity that should be confined among consenting people in private. I would like to hear from students. faculty and staff who would like to establish an organization to work for the rights of the non-smoking majority to breathe uncontaminated air in the classrooms, cafeterias, and the university hospital. Dr. Wayne H. Davis is a biology professor. 4—Tlll‘2 KENTl'CKY KERNEL.Friday, ()ctober 10. I975 OUR EQUIPMENT ' WILL COST YOU. OUR SOUND ISEEEE. The Sound we so cleverly reter to above 1‘) “Sound" :nagaxine. "Sound" isa it") page potpom ri/ ot riiaioi articles by some ot the top experts Ht music today. Atltt les on rock lyrics, tricky ways petiple get you to buy a tt‘< out, a who's who and lots more, ———- - Among the lots more are not one, not two. but three «ornplete and draw idgeti art'r tes on tximponentu Pumanelettttiiitittoai , plete am timihr titgett Sonya- lu. 9333‘ Rt" chine we think that attei you i ’ ' mart “Swami" you'll Wdtti to (to some listening Anti we< an't think (it anybody else {r wen witnppetl to :eave you well equipped So itiip in tor your tr‘ee”SoiintlT' And while you're there, take a initiate to listen to our Mus not tieesoniid. . it m an find both loads at: SONY ’ .. where even the rices sound better" 2375 NICHOLASVILLE RD. 933 WINCHESTER RD. WOOL FROM WOOLRICH Shirts in many different plaids Designed to keep you warm on those cold winter days PHILLIP GALL & SON 230 WEST MAIN 254-0327 B news briefs Ford calls for tax cut; cancels Louisville trip WASHINGTON (AP) ——» Ford told a nationally televised and broadcast news conference that the American people want a $28- billion tax cut and an equal reduction in the growth of federal spending. “I absolutely without any equivocation say that if the (‘ongress plays politics by sending a tax reduction" to my desk Without any responsible restraint in federal spending, I won‘t hesitate to veto it." the President said. Ford also said he doesn‘t think it would be healthy for Washingtonto bail out any city “that has handled its fiscal affairs asirresponsibly over a long period oftime as New York City..." Ford disclosed that he has cancelleda tripto Louisville. Ky, next Thursday, for reasons of presidential security and also because of the possibility of danger to others. He noted that there has been “some turmoil in Louisville as a result of court—ordered. forced busing to achieve racial balance in the public schools." and once again declared his own opposition to such busing. 'I‘he busing controversy has stirred demonstrations, and Ford said he had been advised to cancel the trip because of “some unusual circumstances in Louisville at the present time.“ Officials in Louisville said they anticipated large—scale anti-busing demonstrations. Congress approaches final vote on Sinai peace accord WASHINGTON (AP) —— Moving closer to giving President Ford the authority to send American technicians to monitor the Sinai accord. the Senate today refused to bar the use of US armed forces to rescue the technicians in an emergency. An amendment by Sen. James Abourezk (DASI). ). banning military personnel and equipment was defeated 75 to 15. The amendment was offered as a substitute for a House— approved amendment specifying that congressional approval of up to 2200 Americans at Sinai desert stations would not give the president additional authority to introduce American armed forces into hostilities. The House amendment by Rep. Bob Eckhardt iD-Tex.) was adopted Wednesday night before the House passed the technician resolution 341 to 69. A final Senate vote on the technician proposal is set for Friday. The deployment of American technicians in the Sinai was part of the I'nited States commitment in the peace accord between Israel and Egypt. Man arrested as threat to Emperor SAN IHHUUt .\P> A young man withbullets in his pocket and a rifle in his car was taken into custody on a freeway ove; pass ’l‘hiirsday shortly after Emperor Hirohito of Japan passed beneath en route to the San Diego Zoo. police said. The 19~year~old man was released after two hours of questioning by the Secret Service. “There is no indication that he planned to shoot llirohito.” said Lawrence Hess. special agent for the Secret Service in San Diego. “He did not have the rifle with him. It was in the trunk of the car at least several hundred yards away. “ Police were told a second armed man was spotted later at the 200 parking lot. but investigators were not able to confirm the sighting. “l‘m sune no shot was fired.“ said Police (‘apt Manuel (iiiaderra ma. lil' \ I L'L I“ erne ' o [tilde earn every sun ay 5to7 supper & worship ba ist stir ent center "'“- -‘ ~“ “'N'r’,‘ 4W~MW_ l. i t 1‘ .' “mru' u. y, «M M —. - .i ~e Jaw." a a. u. ‘ ’«fiv tww “ ”kWy-‘ma ,_.,-.‘. s" g; 1 i 2 “Mr" a... ,< '0’“ M n. s . . ~‘ .uv." ‘ ”were law ~.WaW_m.A ':,-‘. Museum open to public; first time in eight years By JAMlE Ll't‘KE Kernel Staff Writer The anthropology museum is open to the public again after almost eight years Founded in 1936, the museum was moved to Lafferty Hall in 1967 when the Camagie library was torn down to make room for the Patterson Office Tower. The museum‘s collection was still available at the new location to students doing research. but the general public no longer had access to the collection. "We had a museum. but no exhibits The administration wanted to get the exhibits back. because the old museum was very popular,“ Director Lathel Duffield said. So when Lafferty Hall was renovated in 1974, space was set aside for a new anthropology museum. Wesley (,‘reel was hired as curator in July, 1974, and the new museum opened in May of this year. About one third of the exhibits are still unfinished. A bio—cultural display tracing man's evolution and an exhibit illustrating cultural variation will probably be completed by this spring, (‘reel said (‘urrent exhibits include a permanent display entitled “Culture History of Kentucky“ and a temporary textiles exhibit. The temporary exhibits will be changed periodically. The Kentucky exhibit traces culture from 12,500 BC. to the present. The exhibits illustrate anthropological concepts. “We use things to interpret ideas," Creel said Less thanone per cent ofall the objects owned by the University are (11 display. “Most of our collection deals with pre—historic Kentucky,“ (‘reel said. The museum‘s collection was obtained through field work, gifts, a few loans, and very few purchases, Creel said. It was created as a result of Works Progress Administration (WPA) excavations during the 1930‘s. ”Most universities do not have such in-depth collections, therefore it‘s not the norm for universities to have museums, ' (‘reel said. The museum staff includes several field a rchaelogists. There are excavation sites all over the state. Archeologists are currently interested in the Red River Gorge area because of evidence of ancient agriculture there. A group from UK surveyed an area of Lawrence County for archaelolgical sites this summer. Jason Fenwicke, a museum field archaeologist said. The project was funded for a year by the National Parks Service in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. Field work in Lawrence County was completed in about 10 weeks. lab work will take about a month. and then the finds must be analyzed and a final report written, Fenwicke waid. The museum has a detailed cataloging system for ar- chaeological finds, Creel said. In addition to cataloging the museum must also preserve items in its collection. A con- servation lab where artifacts can be treated to prolong their lives and prevent disintegration is being developed, Creel said. So far museum attendance has been small. About 50 people visit the museum each day. including one a‘ two school groups a week, Creel said. The museum‘s Lafferty Hall location is not well known even by people in campus. and that may be one reason for the low at tendance, he said. The museum is open from eight to five on weekdays and before home football games. ‘SERVICEZJ' 0 Seating on the floor 0 Guitars - Informal °Folk Music OAudience Participation THIS SUNDAY 10:30 A.M. (only one service this Sunday) CHRISTIAN STUDENT FELLOWSHIP 502 Columbia THE KENTl'(‘KY KERNEL. Friday. October [0. l975—5 72 REASONS WHY *83.7% OF UK STUDENTS SHOP REGULARLY AT FAYETTE MALL. YOU'VE MADE US UK’S NO. 1 SHOPPING PLACE. THAN KS, U K. Aladdins Castle A B(' Kiddie Shop Brooks‘ Fashions (‘amelot Music ('ards 2'" Such ('arousel Snack Bar The (arat Patch ('asual ('orncr (‘hess King (‘inderella ('inema l 8; ll Sears. Roebuck Second National Bank Shackleton‘s Shillito's Singer Sewing (‘enter Size 5-7-9 Shop Spencer Gifts Sportsworld Stewart's Stone Fence Swiss (‘olony' llot Sam Pretzel Shop Jeff's Stride Rite Bootery .i. Riggins .l. P. Snmlgrass .lo Ann Fabrics Kinney Shoes l.eRoy Jewelers Life l‘niform Shop Lovin' Blooms \Iangel's Marianne Davvahares' Mary Jane Shoes Sycamore Shop Dipper Dan Ice (‘rcam \lerle Norman Thom Me An thry‘s Merry Go Round Thornhury Toys .\lother-to-Be \laternity Ties + \lrs. Stoyers (‘andies Tiffany‘s Bakery \ohil Shoes 1 reasury Drug (‘enter Orange Bowl The Indie Box l’aritz “Big Girl“ The l niyersity Shop Paul Harris l'ps amt Downs l‘ina King “alden Book Store Play hat k \\ ennekers Regal Shoes “ilhar Boutique Richman Brothers \‘ork Steak House Family Book Store Florsheim Shoes Forum (‘afetcria Foxmoor (‘asuals Gloria \Iarshall Figure (.‘raycs ('o\ Hamilton's Formal \\ car ”:Illtn er Shoes llaroldc’s llelzhcrg .lc“ clers *Source: Belden Collegiate Newspaper Study April-June 1975 GO BIG BLUE BEAT AUBURN NICHOLASVILLE RD. AT , FAYETTE MALL NEW CIRCLE RD. Open 10 a.m. —— 9?)?th t‘r—Tlllfi KENTl't‘KY KERNHL. Friday. October Itt. I975 NOW OPEN! “Lexington’s only authentic hickory-smoked barbecue” _WE'LI. BE OPEN LATE! it a.m. ~ 10:30 pm. Sun. thru Thurs. 8. Sat. ll am. 2 a.m. Fri. # MUTTON PORK BEEF BURGOO SPARE RIBS # t t t Corner of Main& Midland HELD OVER" .By Popular Demand FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY 10 AM to 10 PM OCTOBER 10, 11, 12, 1975 .. ¢ '\ fl '- t" if. D ‘ I, a 6}: Mi .5. r * I AUTHENTIC nmsimnn‘ . 3 mm lElllEllW DESIGNED FOR YOU AS 3&5 WOU WATCH BY OUR NAVAJO “‘3 INDIAN CRAFTSMAN. Don't miss seeing our fabulous collection of thefinest turquoiselndian jewelry 3?} from the Novaio, Santo Domingo 0 &ZuniTribes. One