xt75x63b2q43 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75x63b2q43/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-11-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 05, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 05, 1986 1986 1986-11-05 2020 true xt75x63b2q43 section xt75x63b2q43 I y ‘ I -
_ . __ ..._.____. _ _,,_n . . . ,. .. .. .. .A._....., N-.. ........_,.,_.__. _-_. ...___H_- m-.. .
n Vol. XCI, No. 51 W)” If " , . ,. University at Kentucky. toxington. Kentucky indepon'dont sinco I971 . - Wodrmdov. WWW 5: 1'6 . .
O , . ' ‘
Jenkins * '1’ ' r S . '
,» ‘ o. ' V’
o o o ’ 2" a t ‘ ’ I ' a . ‘ .
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1“ “red I“ ‘ 4 «A ' r . - s I
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practice \ * ’ 1' ' ' ' ~ 7 ' "
.. ’ V I. . \ 0 By scoTTwikii ——-————-———-—— " -. '. 'I _.
_ . . V V V . . . " . Managing Editor For other election results, . 'i ', .':I
By .\.\l)\ [)l NISTORI‘ i I f RFA'T" / . P 3 . . . ; , .
‘ ‘ ' ' -« 7'2 ‘ too a . ; V - ~ ' .
Sports Editor \ ‘ V ’ 5/ ' In what Fayette (‘ounty Clerk Don ’9 -I . I, -- I ,.' j ,. -
LOI'SIVILLE A When it rains it 1 fl” * Blend: LalledI an (IiptstandirIigI II I I. ,- I . I
pours. . ( vo er urnout or IdIn (I) 1"?“ l t 6’. conventions, tourism and Jobs to the 'V 'II . I. .'
And for Kentucky coach Eddie ( _ . thIn. tflefumggnsIr-Mdl bugdd} dlqiumt t'itI‘i and all that 'wtll contribute to / VI . » " ' t.
' ' 1' . sa es e ere u was asse as. . I I . V .. . i - . .
Sutton its coming down in the form . I , _ .. . . I the t‘t‘tilitillilt’ well being ot lx-xing- _ ‘ '. IiII V
l of injuries to his second-vear basket— fl ' 1‘ ~ night by amargin ot L408 \otes ton I. .. _
: ballsquad ' ., ‘ \ \ Tlm I’m“ the headIot a grout; The rcterenrium will allow restaur II ' t It} I
J The latest casualtv to join Winston ' J\/\ V 1' that pushed for thehrIefeIiItndunIi. s‘lI‘ rants and hotels that seat at least .1 .’ j ,. ' ’.'. i
: BennethsjumorCedric Jenkins. . . ' , , I, . early Il‘m ”I'hh’II’ f” EII‘M?" ‘Il‘I too and make at least 3o percent of .; ' iii) {'
The 6-foot79 center 'torward 3" I . » s- (. . treIme} 919““ . “I! I ’ I (mine n their incomi- troiii food sales to ’ V . I , ,3 i
' - ~ ‘ ' ' ri ' ‘ « t f” ; passage ”l the ietetenduni ”9 “1 ser\clituoronSundau ~ ” ' '» '-
twisted his left ankle Monday du ng . , _ .V ) .V I t t d I“ _ (I II“. ~~m the voters l . . . I _ ,
2 practice at Memorial t‘oliseum. " 3 ' ' .I -: V / rum 0 l,’ . :u,’ M V1 V . . ”What“ “‘lU‘Jr Ml” “”1 5“” be ‘ "‘ ’2' ’K
I, when he Came down With a rebound l ,_ _. ' deIUM’m ‘h‘r‘I "'1’“ Tea II} Adm 1" tl:>tilltt‘.\t‘(l and bill‘s Hill St!“ be I ' I I '5 '. .'
‘ 'md stepped on another plaver's ‘ > make “P m’” mm mind“ closed on Sundans and (‘one said ‘-' .: v' .'
‘ ‘ ‘ f ‘- t)ut oi 48.7w: \otes cast on the ret i» . I i' l . 't d ' .. - . . 7 ~
' foot ; . I. I .. .,.— _I_I_ . t -d for I IIIII iis gioup ias no p arts LU ex en . i ‘.
After an examination by [‘K team WI . , erendum. .I.», l.):) to t ltI .iII : the “my." sunday 53185 -- . I_. . I .' II II
2 doctor Michael Rav yesterday mor- . , " 2‘I3I~H:II“’“’“ “IE“"N ll Th‘ ”‘I‘I‘rt-‘L t‘oncerned (‘itizens for a Better V‘ .‘ ’7 "A; !I "
V mg. Jenkins was diagnosed as hay, . . a. . .. . was IV)-IIpeiciI-iii toss percent T t-Ioi lcxmgton a group that opposes .- I . I II II II
5 ing a stress tacture and will be out .v' " ' ’ I r- gimmItali} was tompicmi Iiust tit Sunday liquor sales. doesn't have I , - I, . "‘.I II
. h I .. I. . .I . ..
’ of practice four to six weeks — m (":31 Ht) {I II II t 1 th I vi _I I III any plans either - _I . ; _I\I ~ -I
‘ "Certainly this is another setback ‘ . .. I' )0“ "’IIPUL’” ”I " ‘ ‘ I’ ”’f The group has ”not thought about . , I; 'I .“I‘
in our preseason plans." Sutton said. ' ’ . ’ ~~q~m~ m. ,N. ' .. .. .. a!” . . - A istered ’ aIxette ”um” W’IUII“ what wed do if we lose. because we 5 .I I" '- .
-I a“? have ,0 5”“pr pull together a ”I “up: . I In — he“ .' turned out a. the polls or sent in aIi really didn‘ think we'd lose. said ; II
I and work even harder.” A w . as... ’ V m as ‘ ‘ : fem“: deM-‘I yesterday IHl“‘l“~‘I l'rbant’ounty (‘ouncilman John -.‘ '_ . I, .
. . . _ xn ins was V“ 4.44. 6 . , ‘ speculated that the mam ieason loi \\'iggiiigton. the am“ sleader .I I I i: I
\esterday morning Jt k “I , m ,I «tam thi h h I I I III \ th- \ ntl I ,I P . . . ,
I admitted to [K Medical (‘enter be- ' fl ‘ . lg ‘um‘m ‘ ‘1‘ ’ ‘U “- “ He was with supporters at the Hell 1 . ‘ V i . . V
“”9 having h1> ankle X-raved after ""“l “”“'““°" ‘9""‘5‘°“ quor 155“" House last night drinking t'okes and ; '- -. . , . ‘ . ’.
. . i ' "I don't th nk the 1‘ 1' th- t; - z ' A l i in. it it! i. i ‘ " ' ,
squIferiniIgI‘ibttaintIiInt‘lspgllr t fir d Cedric Jenkins brings the ball up court against Jenkins IS expected to "1155 tour to six weeks referendum l-c goingwijfhjnéii m:- 513:)? iii ihi \ot HL tsul oi tit IV II II I . I -. I :,
e wi . un er o se va ion i ' . - . ' ‘~ ~ ~ . ‘ t . V-
“4-hour period iprecautionam medi~ on Alabama defender in a game last $8050“. because of 0 broken toot he softered in practice. moral t'lht‘l‘ “f lexmgton." (‘Ont’ Shitl II I I \ nd .' I ‘ ‘ I ‘,I ' I.
‘ - . . . - 'st/t ‘is .»_:ro o s'siu '\ '. .'i
cal ohseryationi. Sutton said “We .. . I ,. II . , II I I I . I I . , I . .it a \ictorIx party on the loth floor I 'IIII ‘ i'sl i,. II UPI 9ft): (think that I. ‘ , . ,I I I
m I h“. ankle 1H]Ul'\' H the worst riod of time. button said Dr Ray The loss oi Jenkins actoiding tll , t ptillil> and _., rebounds a game U, the hr“ Security Plaza. where iiqu as t. .tttill.t . . . I II II I II ’.
that! .. ‘ * ' ’ ‘ told us that the inIiury iMonda) Sutton. puts t‘\t‘l1 more pressure on as .i sop'iioiiniii-his' Hutt' ‘UPP‘Wt‘F‘ .Iw”. celebrating Mm l.c\,:‘.i."ior: is Ul‘i'qtlt‘ and the Nunda} . ’ . I *
' l k . simply uncovered the problem " theI three rcmaIiniiia troiit liiie men Sum)“ Mm; that tit‘t'iitlst‘ ”i It”. "’ft‘t‘. wine and tood. But he lX‘llt‘Vt‘s '.\ ~pt't'lth . ' ; . I I ‘1 I
. i’a’itgllph’lsl?e(l FT:I‘\I(I)H(}’ITVFIn He went on to say that he could in; #2:):I'Ifju um Mdde and ’1 kins lllltll'} itlllitlii-r ti‘yoiit \\lll lit' .is iconomic impact will he “signiti Hut \tiggingtoii \md there were no ,‘ ;-I -, , - . I
JUTI} ‘1 not (“UM ’ 5 “55 rat- have twisted his ankle six months ' “ held to add a walkon to the team 91““ sour grapes at the loss "i think I I ‘.- ‘
“1‘" ago. and the problem‘s been grow< Sutton. though. did not specity when He said the sale of liquor h) the the common!) has spoken l . ‘ '- " V - '
. "Stress fractures occur over a ptL mg The Dawson. (,ia native averaged Hie tryout '-.i:ll lie held drink on Sundays will draw more concedethai " . r = t . ‘ ‘- .
"' ' ——-————-—-—-———-—-— ." ' .V l ‘ ‘ - ‘5 4
K t J l ‘ ‘ V . I
n k ' :“ 1'-in cm < r 4' " ’1' ,Vt —' ~ V~ 3' '
' '1‘ a ’ ' we“ ‘ ' “I ‘f If? ‘ ‘ ‘- 1 .
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I3 Vs. \I t, _ x ”"1 ,3; “*3. . . V : .
cg ‘ ‘ v.3.- ’ s " i' , ’ ‘- I I V
o- 4-. ,’ if" 30/ » "’ It 9 ' ‘l ” ‘ $-: t ’ ‘ ‘ «“A-w‘ ' ‘tmmwt - .,~ ~ _. a i - " "*"’IW1L’&4' I' I j ' - ' .I
o e t r 11 ~» = V ~ w» ~ .
:1 ,.: ‘ A .t . #9...” II ~V-I I a g . ,I V I Q. I . I I. ,
9 ~ ‘1; w: -' ~, I - ”A .- «*1 .3, .. _ I \ t 1.2. . » ‘ ' , . . - .
Hy SIHRHVR.\'l‘(‘HFt)ltli ads. draw the art and produce the I f; ‘ i, 5;. .W "’ ".3: “ 3M "“ "’33 m 13'] ' .V ' " . _ ' ' ‘ .
Stafl'\\'i‘itei‘ paper. Hammond said 1 . “ ‘ “'3 $— é? _..> V . . I " '_ ‘ l ' ' " ' ‘ . ' .‘ V I '
"Most staff members know every- . ‘ " .“ v _ I .. . . *‘“ Iv: J ' *III: 3‘1» 3::“x II . - .I ' I , . -
The Kentucky Journal. a w eekl} thing from how to operate the com» {I , A ‘iII I: I' '- ‘" I u . . II - {5. ‘1. mu .. ' ' . I V '
campus newspaper. has only put out piiters to how to write.” Hammond . ‘ I? g:’;.. V. I I' II I i i ’I ' ' - 5V2; \ -. gsIoI: I -. ‘
one issue so far this semester. but said . . Veda {a3 .‘ f“ ‘ 3 . ,. ’ I ~ f3“ 3. ‘ _ I ‘ . V II
its statt’hopesthatw-illsixinchangc The paper came out once every I . :.§,'j:.? I: as. - .3 _ ’ , a" ' ‘ "5 -.\ I * ' - -. . ’
(‘laude Hammond, the Journal's two weeks when it was formed in ‘ I ‘ ‘“ V, . t . " ’\ . , f . \I I‘ I I I- if
editor. said he expects the next issue Hctober 1984, In September i985. it - . . .‘I‘ V, ‘ “ - ' ‘ '3 “ ' I. . 5, ~ . = -
to be Circulated in the the next few moved to a once-arweek production ' 9’ I (I x ‘ II x l “ . .._.-. . ' , ’ . I ,V
weeks The Journal published its schedule. .. ~11 ‘ ' ~ " I. ‘. .I‘ ’I I. I: 1.
last issue on Aug 26 Next semester the paper wants to ' II =“ .' I, ' f I . .. :"...- ,I. ‘
Howeveit even it the Journal docs sw'itch back to publishing on a regu- .. x ‘ II I I 'I . '.
publish another issue there is still no lar basiS. Henderson said ‘1‘ 's ' ~ 'I. I I
magic formula for how otten it will Although the paper needs this . , I . M I . ~: .- '. I. I...II-
appear. Hammond said time to slow down and reorganize, .V ”at” . ’ . ' I
"We'll Just come out when we ieel “everybody's really eXCited about _ .-‘ ‘ " l ‘ , ’ -’. ‘I
there are topics to he addressed.” getting it started again” next semes— ‘I f; ‘ . .- '- , . II u
hi-said ter. Henderson said I- ‘ 1”: I ' '. ,i
"We weren't out of money. but we "were trying to make tthe news- , ' , , “i Iji-‘I i - I I'.I Z I I I I
would have been" if the paper had paper) more student-produced." " . . I7 ‘I ~ ‘5‘ i . '. II I-' .' I ‘I:
continued producing on a weekly Hammond said. II“>_ '- I II -, tI’
basis. said Hammond. who grad- I'K students always have done ij ‘ .I.: . . I' I, .I .III
’ uated from [K with a Iioiirnalisin most ofthewntmghesaid , I g, 9" I'. - . I' I I- f';I
dcgree1n198l.said The staff has received commit- I“ ‘ ‘ I -' " ‘. ~. . i‘ '
Hammond dec1ded to decrease the ments from about 12 people to work It 3 ’ II I . ’ I-.' ' . I " A
rate of publication this summer forthe paper nextsemester. he said . - ’L -» ;' ’ ‘I'I. I:. -
. t after ”1’: stIaffIlIeaIrnIep I’hf" ‘L: “Id"; Hammond is the sole owner of The . I 's . ‘ _. .‘ . , I.I. _ I.
- [.I'Tgnglm’lndgu ‘53? (faxing ” "K Kentucky Journal. but that could “. ' ’ a . x‘I‘ 'L' .
st oo .Hammon sai . changesoon ~ “x .I I I I . I Iv I
There was simply no one to take . I . . __ \ _II .a.....,..... .W I II-I .I'I . II-I- v. ' I.
I his place. said Billy Henderson. a Th’ paper lb considering becom~ \ .' ’ v‘ -. a u
. . . I I ing incorporated. Hammond said " ’ .' , ». ". -
» columnist for the Jouinal and the \ . . VI . I .
- I . I . . I Among other benefits. incorporating ‘ . - '_ _' .
pastor of Lexington (hristian . uld 'k t . . I \, . I I I I
Fellowship wo ma eIi eaSiei to manage the c "_ ‘ I , . . . . II II
I . . paper. he said. uni: Ami uom magi mu ' " , ~. ' I"
Hammond said he was also con« . I ,. . II
Incorporating the paper would ' - ‘ ‘. ' i. - ‘.
' , i s a s ' h ~ ~ -
(IngrIiItntIiII ibout the shit” staff on t e also free Hammond to do other UK kernels . I . II I
' things. Hammond said he might con~ I I . . I -. I '.
The Journal has about seven peO- sider stepping down and letting a ExeCUtives of Information Assoootes trom Atlanta 0 company ogement systems tor colleges and universities enioy some - II II I ‘.' I
ple who write the articles. sell the student takeoverhispost aseditor. WhiCh 5990‘“in i“ (omputer SOf'Wore ‘0' busmess 0nd "‘0” Popcorn 0" "‘9" WW '°° meel'm.’ yesterday I' . . ‘ ” ..
. . . » . . Celebration ,fl. UK c eer ea mg cap am . . w
/‘ i '~ I .
Q ”A: o o o o , ‘
to be held 8' . seriously injured in all - - .- r -
Iodlo lroo Loxlngton will I I ‘. ~
hovo o bonotit tonight “0- I v“ 'x' . . o . . . .-
mm m 0. mm for parents a a during pregame practice a w
popular bands. For a pro- I a; ‘\ ._ \- . '
/ I. ‘ '6, - ‘
“9“” "° "fl”mu" By MARK sciinRiN i i 1 By \\‘ll.l.Rl~7V\'Sll.\\\' As of 1030 last night. the degree
Pogo 2‘ Contributing Writer ‘ Staff Writer and permanency of the injury had
I «I \ not been determined. ' I I ‘
000'". lots of yardage. tho The first campuswide parent‘s ' LOUISVILLE ~ The captain of . McGinity said Baldwin had been . \~
cm' hnm'o' probl.m. weekend is set to kick off Friday ‘ t'K‘s cheerleading squad was 59- in traction since being admitted to
Rap M m ocori with most fraternities. sororities. “ . riously injured last night during a the hospital. but doctors didn t know .
I fly _- student organizations and colleges ~- .0, ' warm-up tumbling routine prior to ifsurgerywouldbenecessary, . I
P winning. 50. m' atthe University taking part. IA ‘ the Blue-White basketball scrim- Although no estimations could be '
09.6. . . ma eat Freedom Hall. . .
SAB has organized many activ- Dile Baldwin a 22-vearold senior SW?" concerning when or ‘f Baldwin
l?” for this weekend to ensure that from Leitchfield. Kym was admitted onuld r9510?“ from'J’}: partial 9':
' S a SUCCSS' mum“ “MI WWI I to Jewish Hospital at 7:30 pm. with rags'SIvI‘ : ""13“?“ rag“;
The events SAB has planned in- extensive injuries to the four”, and an a en ive oughou e-
clude the Dionne Warwick concert in addition. the rest of the campus tours (if their buildings as well as flfth cervmal vertebrae ning
V on Friday night in Memorial (‘01. has sponsored festivities as well. having a representative at the opens in a telephone interview Linda After early examinations. Bald- .
Today ruin “a“ and b9 iseum. “We‘ve encouraged everyone else ”‘9 reception Mchity. the hospital‘s director of win. a third—year member of the
wt" ' ' to body “do. In addition an opening reception ‘ "‘9 ”Sldenc" halls, ”l" ”3‘9"" The ('ollege of Music. the (kiologl. community relations. said that at squad. was moved to the neuro-in-
9’" “Y c has been planned in the Great Hall “85. the SOmHtIeS and the (‘Ollf‘ilt‘s cal Science Museum and MI King the time he was admitted. Baldwin tensive care unit. a speCializIed unit
with 9 m 9' m- of the Student Center where parents , to do their own thing. to do their “hm” w.” all have tours of their had no feeling or movement below at Jewish Hospital He was listed in
w. M" b. M tho 5%. 7" can talk to representatives from the 0w“ receptions or mum ”r “‘9“ “Whites h's Mk 59mm condition.
Mi” M” .0 My with 0 different colleges on campus. Half— ”waiter“ sa‘d Lynn" Hunt. MB The Colleges of Anthropology and McGinity said Baldwin later re- I
m d m. {0" time activities have also been preSI n Architecture will have Spet‘ial lec- gained “isolated feeling and Information for this story was also
.4“..me planned in conjunction with the UK- As a result. many of the colleges movement in the lower extremi- gathered by Sports Editor Andy
Vanderbiltfootball game. have organized special lectures and sec PARENTS. Page} ties “ Dumstorf,

 .‘ ~‘ V- .‘ > . ' L .
~ " 2 KENTUCKYKERNEL, army, November 5, 1986
i . I R i . A... .-4,...————————-~—-~~‘-~—1 ~5~~' ""‘——-‘—_——_-—-__———— If'k In“.
5“'.‘ i, . ‘ Arts Editor
1. Wuuilltor
‘. \ ‘- Assistant Arts Editor
‘ \ l" 1 if” . , .. . .. . 1-: - e\ '51»>2=s-:1:<::"i= 3:8»:.:,.~:-5-\ism:--='ss:::-1‘EI.":§::3:EE:~; M=j;-,»§--::}§;§gj ’mvzvm ex. " if??? 5; 1 v~““‘°”“*x’§§§3§§§»
' "~ " ‘1 ‘ . . .. . . .1 .. . . ' - ' \\\Q 5 .55 \\)v -\~ -- $1.531: :1: ; :1.»5;::;:;..-..\- 3:15, ‘. 1:155:- ‘. 5-5 1:§::-..\$tr:,_;~; \WKWQ§§3\\& to .o 33‘ 1 ~ :j‘- ~5 I 5 , :1: ..: , .. .1 ~ _ 1 ”52-: .5:=.,‘:5$q§.;:5:_.15 -1"§:3:?=ae::;~-5:5~
», ~ 1s . t ' ' ‘ " 2-5=5'=r~:>-“»*=5-“-7‘“~EfT- i '5"? 5’55"“ ’5 - "If,3535':f.:.:i§3\f‘}f‘\'5_*;‘3»35::*I§§11’5‘.5‘§.s,‘E'iglfgii.,:Lf2f\:\_.~':1.1i:;»5.: ..,I:3§‘.5.._;.\-.: *“ 3‘~ »-’5=«E.-'=12*=:'- $55135" %>¢°.Q~\..;g-; e§::,ia::5:g.s.-5..s:.: .11: 1: 1 -:- :.;» .1.......:.;.:.;>.\:.:\,v...zt-va§
'~ 4 3 ‘5; i; ' \ - :J“ » 1-. 5 fl?» x; e 1::‘~~> -_~:- - ., 5 5
'u l‘ ( ._" .............5........ , .
hree IOC l bands to id . Author tracks blues history
l a a 5
"‘t'l' «e e
~ from North Carolina barns
31”.; ‘.-. x .\ g 0 ...
,"-.‘ ‘\ t . .
1-!" ”‘1pr Rad] 0 Free Lex' ngton By To.“ MlNlillAR'l‘ today is Thomas Burt. Born in 1900,
5- 1 #3171" ‘i‘ , Associated Press Writer Burt watched the music evolve from
S‘s-'i" ’5““1“-'i'~:~’.55 0 ' ° \ { CHARLOTTE. NC. 1 In the 1930s set dances to city house parties. He
"ff-E" 1:35,.) l n b e n eflt S h 0“] to “lg t "1 and 19408, they picked and wail-ed in played guitar before the blues was
1.7.? R. "Hi“.‘s‘f- 5 ,1; tobacco warehouses and juke iomts the blues, prov1ding music for round
'\"".\‘.“‘\':A“5;"1:'; ’ flit-4. for fellow farmers and workers or dances and buckdancing — a rhyth~
ridgi‘ii. ‘1‘ i; M itll \~t|| l \ io‘it-i-tm- - 1 \'1 '11: “.1“ “I" 1”“ _ x 5 “ 5 ,3“ they danced on their back porches mic solo dance that was the precur—
':"i \t"* 5 1 HM f: '1 :1- s15" “"3"“5‘1‘m I. 1'- '” ,, 8 j‘ for family and friends, sor of tap dancing. As the blues de~
:‘T’~#§'h l' :s .12» " . :4 12-in ”‘9 ”WW5 ! . , ‘ Now many of North Carolina‘s veloped. he played for farmers who
\t.“ ;_, 1 z 11 i15\ "+4" Tim Ji‘t‘m’} llt’l‘tlt“! t ‘3'“ ti"\’~ iW-H‘ 0‘ “mud %- " ,, - 9 . 5 5 blues musicians have an internation- brought their crops into tobacco
' Y‘.:5.-1.»:;-1:i,3;_ .1 5 ' ' ' 'i'i’tT'W‘ “5 «swig & . — 5’ a] following and perform in such markets.
:‘i’K‘tffi‘l‘ii’T 1 - ‘ ' ‘51 i" "5‘“ ”H ‘ 3” f" “5 KW“) “mum” . s . . \'. ., places as Carnegie Hall in New Many women played the blues in
..')"‘i-.\"x‘l’i?-.I"i‘i’; - _ '5 5 w " '11'1‘ W {hr 1.: 1: 1“" '1 if "1 it'd!” 1*i’l“‘-'~"*""m-‘ \R , ' L York and Southeast Asia as they North Carolina. but not (many be—
it":"i5'§.~-'. sf)”. 5 ,1-\ _ » . ,\'..‘li7‘ fu-N, : 1' ‘t'i ji [hp 500" Jr? 5 ‘\_ ‘ z; i ‘ I \ . . continue to exer‘ an influence 0“ came “'ell'RHUW'll ()Utslde ”19”.
;.{:.‘5»{1‘j33‘;;?‘- . 1 5 - 1\ hit. s limb-1 5,0,3! 1 . 1-. \ v'!~\ posituip He \‘ 1: ‘1 ‘ mainstream pop music. neighborhoods. “"150? said an 9‘1.
..L‘Q.3?f.’3§:.t?|.1.1" \ 5 5 , .» . 1 1. wit-(ml lllll-‘h' Add”: 5:1,3 m w \ljltl haw some otfi- . 1 Z 5 (' In North Carolina, the blues has ception is 73—yearold lutta :38)“:-
‘3“ ,_,‘-1~;‘,.'a,_' - 1 5- - u 5t‘ :1 - the result: to FFI' ‘ a 5Q . had foothold for ears. “As a re- “Etta is probably one 0 tie inest
if; 3.1135132; ,,5 . i . i . ft ,k‘t‘k LM, :5 .\ .. .i , . '. a y ‘ . .' .
r335“; 3“)“. . 1 J . 5 ‘5' ‘1‘” "‘?"‘3lt~' ”1““ ‘1.“ '1 l" ‘ l , ~ sult. public awareness of the blues is gu1tar players in the Piedmont
:fs’élitiQW-E”? -_ '4 .1 5 ,1 1\,\ :oinuht :‘ 'i‘iii "iv-1. :1.1::-1~ playing iii to- ‘ 5‘ - t high enough so many musicians style." he said. "She has an incred:
1-3'f‘1351753 “it, r '5 5' :‘5 ’22” ~ 1'51"” 't‘i”'i“‘t’ni “W" ”l [he N ‘; here are able to do gigs regularly.” ibly light and delicate touch. finger-
;'r\¥."l)‘ , , 5... , 5- \.. w! tin .\ my... ,11; 1 t1» t'ttllllllt’FL‘l‘di musw .' .5 . a g .\ .. m [W said Glenn Hinson. who is research- ing very complex runs on an acous-
‘:~.“3..-i.5'.:"1.'2:‘51 . .. . 1- . mm . i-i‘? , .-_ drunkiilll‘pla} t0 ‘- ‘ .‘ " ., 5*" * “ n in a book on North (‘arolina blues ticorelectric guitar."
.1.« it, .1.) ~. . , 1 . 11 MM . _ 5 w. t, 5_ _. . , g .
#7219113? 1'3". . . . 1 mix; 'iV-t‘ .55 Hm ~11 ., ,i‘mvie wth many .9 , _ y ' U" - ’\ 2 musicians. Miss Baker was one of the first
,.”,’~i'::3_,‘ 5- -5 35*15‘ 131 3‘1“") 3‘” ”'t‘i'?" 5'15"” i‘ 1““ 14“““31‘0‘1 . “ X \. l. - ' . Piedmont blues differs from the Piedmont blues muSicians recorded
iy"3ii.‘3‘v“-’i~‘9*‘!‘{i XI .5 . 5 stone :1, .llilt' :‘, 1m .. - :51 \'T"!!‘1_‘i‘~ believe in the '1 1~ 5. .. 1 ' more publicized Delta blues in its during the folk reVival of the 1990s
~;S’~:,f.:‘;'::',ej'f‘f~5;. « - ‘5 ' 1* ‘-‘ ‘--*"‘1"-"- 4' x i. .. 1 1‘1' :5:1.i5 .5...l5.11.it ['K-U . " ;.... “‘"‘ ff?- complex. delicate guitar picking Since then she has appeared regu-
“lSEil‘iifgg-“S’T' ‘ 55 3 5 1 ‘ ’ 9551*” 5 . 7 "'3“ st 'le. It was influenced by ragtime larly at folk festivals and been in
’EH-JN'“? ' ‘ I i I’ {A “ A; i " ‘ ‘ " $ " ‘ .- )d M trv til 5 while the cluded on other albums
‘1‘.“‘_3‘,.“..":‘\{'%'1 1 . , 5 051-15 .1' “i p21, .1 5 “:5” ,‘ “HI lill‘ .l M115 Lil'tlt' 3. .l t 1.1- I: . > , ' fig ,,_,\ ,> .3??? $; P f“; an W lt’ COUn . 5 - Cb. . _
iff‘cygili' ~ ' ‘ , L" ”‘5"5‘5” b... 11,5: ,5“ 4151' [mi :mlon “In ;- gfigfigfilo ,- 2‘: w.=:i. a '1 #:- \xfit ;i: Delta blues sounds rougher and "The music has enablfid zeoplle
5 9191"-"’r‘-l5 ‘J‘ . . c-.. \ -1 . “"“ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ ,. ”*1. 1-“:- ? “.‘*> w 1. 1:1 ~. ” $1.51. 1 ~ . . to sto 0mg armwor an re .V
i, ’45, . _ .. i _i.\i 5 W, .‘ .,..,., x-l t ; me» to - sag t .. ‘ L4» . 5.3" . sparser . p _ .. _ _
”tau“ 1 - -“- ‘ 1-' '- ‘1 1-1: “1 51‘5""“1 M15 Iii.“ “it“, w m x 5 - m'vulmuumn Delta blues moved up the MlSSlS5 more on their artistry, Himon said
1 121w .-.-U. . 1111.: durum" ,t\ 1»! ,i.ttrniit.\t musit 5 f‘ . ~ 5 V ‘ ‘ . ' . ._ 5]
';:-i‘?7"'-§4:5.:‘ '11 w ~ ‘1 ~31 ’5'“ “1‘ l5 . Velvet Elvis is one of three bands who Wlll play a bene it Sippi to Chicago and the “65‘. .(oaSt‘ ~ That s a real change. and that 5 a .
i ' ' ' ' My" ‘ ‘ - ~ ' - 5 5 5 tt ‘ l 'ed th music to row and devel
.',.5':.' {2-833 1553'; 51 R' 5 ‘ 5' ‘5 “5 5"“ ' _ . U. , Dar show tonight to aid Radio Free Lextngton “hfls 1: gift Emmi” grafohrl‘onlfe: oovinnewewau .. g
4:. .’-:.2-.15.f~‘.$“ , , _ 1:15.‘1.i:=i:\z::;-_ {11:1 5 ru“ .23“? L'Uiu 1*~ 1 5 me u e , mg an - P1 ' "
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- “'1' '1 5 'r'” " 1*" “""52‘ 155“” "5“5 1"““5‘ “3“ W ‘m.’ . . 5 . - 5 1~ the 91. Hooker Piedmont blues moxed to
“:95“? 5 5 i V, ‘ ‘1‘ l "“9”“ “m (Immrmymg T‘risco said although “‘1‘“ “H“ thtg‘ralilfmmE‘ t‘ii‘idgtmotifs: Sl'lllon New York with such musicians as Editor‘s Note 8 B. King ‘.\‘lll pith
’5}? i 1 5 . 5 > 11sr.thi:\rn-1i that l:5\"tu711!:1itk’>111 Alh’ild.‘ hi“? musu‘ ”15“}, as ”“4“” 3'" some er; ldtietrjmendouspe ( Sonnv Terry and Brownie Mctihee. at Breeding's Dec, 6. Tickets are
.211.'i‘,‘i;;~;5"-;}}If:{ . '1 - . xi 1 1- 5i5t1\t.1';1ii‘ a ~'.:t.=1:5 'im' Dix): alternative local bands and "fits a bit more “(U Among the musicians still active $17-50.
.‘fifif‘iiigii’; ' V ' " ,5 ,fl ' \ “.15 WU” comfortably" into commercial radio
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f.-';’~.'-5;."r-,~'§1i§’= :- Restaurant ‘3 I , SUM lNN g . . Guaranteed Satisfaction CONTACl LENSES
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eat“ 55 5' 5‘ “WWW“ I Chinese Night 20 A: DISCOUH‘I
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jflq;‘<::i; c o f 5Ne-l m Rorwada Inn For U 0K 0 5*Udent5.
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i- 1.15.. ‘.' 2:1;1'11?‘ _ .
2 Closed Sunday 276 257 1 Day Servnce
u j;-; 5-) . . On Most Eyeglasses 8.
3554571131.; 370 Longvnew Drive Contact Lenses
5'Y.".\'» P ‘-“: 5-1 _ , . . . . , I I
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”5/. ”1;” 5 T S , Use vour fraternity name or
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; - Add'mm' IrePM“ 19‘ 9°C“ 5 L M , W- “(to Big Blue, Kentucky
I“; ‘57"; u. this, . t - 5 '5 "’5 ‘v'ld ” l g
4'37 " 1 cats, or any 3 0 an vou
,m'lvg,’ ,"; .,~ . y
'. {Ink-'4- ':._./ . . ' '
«5 .r -5- From “0.126.135 and W coIor negonves- “ Wish.
311,15}. Reprint size up to 3‘/2x5‘/4.
i: ; QDrop Offs:
'3 2 Next to Student Center Grill ;
I. '4 . V 5 M 5 ' l " NGTON KENTUCKY
. '5' 77 ' 5 1,4,,” NRA -Ajk/o- M, - ‘i :
' - 2-1 . : W. : 1 ~. - ,~ . , - ' 6 255-5435 255-8771
., : 257.1776 umwmumc,” “We, ””2,“ 5 1408 \ ersdillts Road Lexmgton, [\Y 40504 (60 l
5 . ,- , V - , \

 I I . .
I 1 o
KENT UCK YKERNEL WM” Novm‘. 1m - 3 ‘ ,
. , ___.______.._..,1. St t . O O , ., ‘
3 -.-. 1 - v uden e ucatlon assocnatlon SEES '
0 [“8 amen ment Thu 13 sttll a vun ; . .
\( ’ t ' ‘ ‘V
because we ve reused o of. . . . . .
3 s, I 1: , , . , .M. . .
narrO‘hfl defeated the pubhc sawarencss. Slglll Icallt lllcrease l“ Inellll’erSlIll’ , y 1
I, In the future, 1t stands “ ; ; ; " 1 I t v
a bCII€T chance n 3} KM“ Khfll'o‘” preSIdent of the t'K student NBA sponsored by the Kentucky Educa ; ; .
Hy ('IIARLES WOLFE stun amendment was 192,819, or on ‘ ‘ . (ontrtbutmgWrtter chapter tron Assoctatton. "The star program ' ‘ .1
Assocrated Press percent, to 130,986 wrth 1,842 pre Martha Layne ( olhns Watt. a secondary enghsh educa recogmzes NRA chapters on a oneto _ '_ 1 3- .
clncts, 57 percent of the total. rel governor Because of an mCrease 1“ teachmg non mayor from Bowling Green. lourstar busts We are currently .. ‘ y- _1 , .

L()1'lS\’ll1l1EA The Kentucky su portmg posmons and mterwttng organuar Ky ; also serves on the state \liA vmrkmg to achteve four-star std . " . ..
pertntendent amendment. halled by A poll m August showed public ttonal a‘cuwt‘a‘ the} K Student \‘i executive board He nuttatts att1v tus Wattsatd '. . _.
its proponents as a way to remove sentiment runmng agamst the super has ”19“.,” the ballot H, Um. torm 1,,~ Nona} hducattonhAssoatjatton '5 m d mes and programs tor the t h chap ltequtrements for the program .1. , ' ' y', , ’3
pohttcs from education. was defeat mtendent amendment by 2-1 But another four othertnnes Slgfngcanf growt 96;“ ha‘ . “fr and 59m“ “5 a “3‘5"“ “M“ ‘1'“ “kid“ an ”‘9"359 1n chapter ”11‘”? , ~' ' Liv."
ed at the polls yesterday despttc a saturatton advertising and days ot Sen Robert Marttn a tortner stl Tl? student :‘A 5 approxt 1h“ (1* chapter and 1h“ “6‘“ ““1 “(‘r‘hlp b) 20 percent “tr the We” L 'l 3
barrage ”f pro-amendment ath‘NlS- personal stumping hy (‘olhns gave [_x‘l‘llllt'lldt‘lll “m, sponsored on. 111815 mate .V. 3“ mern' rs 0", tampUs national.Tyl'Aorgamzattons stx programs from otH-ampus 1; ,. .‘ '5'. . ,1: V:
mg and frenettc campaigning by supporters of the tssue hope that u amendment lump-lam”; predu'ted 'Ijhdt ‘5 d“ Wired: {58m 1““ years The \attonal E1ducat1on \ssoeta speakers and mvolvement .n a can. ,1" j. ’ 1;" 1"; .,’-
(10v Martha Layne Collins had a chance of passtng tlns would he my I“)! 33 members, 55'“ . 1“}“9 .Haryey; tron, located 1n “ashtngton l) 1 ts puswde event thmng Chapters ‘.'- "_ ; ',

But voters appeared to be approy~ In the closmg days of the ("11111 ”11 we dont get 1' lllh tun-.- vw dtreetor 0f educattona ”emu“ tor the largest oreantratton :n the Mn‘ld wll be reeoumrul at a state come: 1" ,’ 17/; '1',
”1R ‘4 5900““ amendment 10 8110“ ptugn. proramendmcnt ll)!‘('('.\ con can ktss 11 good “3‘1 mpg \111rttn. the('ollegeoffiducatxon 4 'l ntth more than 19 nnlhor. members tron 1n Aprtl :, f3" Irv/‘1’]
mayors ot the state's nine first and centrated on metropohtan areas; nun-ltntond (“p unttl‘t 15 ”“1 21m.“ 4 ”“4; trom theteachtng protesston Vle have already met 'ho re .- g "g («,1'n3 .
Secund.ylu§s ctties to seek [‘91ka where polls had shovm mm“ “m. A lustortcal dtstrust M Ma “Hm. numbetidofbstudent l?“ :35 tiger?!) ljast student NRA acttvtttes have qutremean 101 the membershrp .1. '5’, {artffud}
“("1 ”10"“ likely "’ support 3h" IN‘UV evtdenced h} the constitufw. \ hall 1:9 he ~-e:au15€d0” pr ”(In 2’). m‘mdt‘d Pmflrdmh on ifi‘t‘l'ht‘lhtld "tease and M' are vvork111g «1'11 am 3'; ”,3 21,271,

In unol’hctal early returns. the Voters 111 rural areas htstorteally 1,“ ”1‘,le “11111.5,11,“ m mat. m S ortagres: he 5‘2“” :9! 1n edpast techmqucs :tudent teachtne ”RP”?- "~' the ”’7‘ " latch k“.‘ l'r'fl’fd" \ m ("lift ,.i-".<"",r
you. agatnst the superintendent have been loath to tamper wth my W> was the obstacle tactntl ”Up“ :Wh first”? {dill (fl :5 "Dene! UP stblhttes. and teachers rtghts A one ot out ott campus p!t)£1"1z.‘f.\ ' 22.1.},-
amendment was 128.741. 0r 58 p91" 1891const1tulnn1 nents ol the wcond 11t‘1u-tl’1'l-~‘ii' “"1 deciause (:1 a. e l FTC ”2%?th mm 0U" “MI tneettng. N" 1‘5 'w "l“ \t;1t' ““3 :1, ‘,,’
Will M 931409. 01' 46 percent. mth 1- Leaders ot the Kentucky Educa orgdmyedoppmltmn “m anun ”WW .‘ “ 19¢“ ”5 present a panel dtscusston teatut'utg . zip-1"”:{will 2.11:" ,
4841 ot the state's 3.243 precmcts rc~ non Assoctauon and Kentucky PTA Mayors ot cntes 1n the ttnrd Harvey also attrthuted the m “WWW, HUGH)! teachers; Watt The student \1.1‘1 ah“ ‘lwlwt' ~ 11 {fjf ','.' [1",
WWW: vvho led opposttlon to the amend through stxth classes lune never crease 1n membershtp to the olhcers "ald 1h“ student teachers “‘1‘ EJ'” \f‘m‘m‘di ”Udem “mm" "’ "“ V’r-‘sfix'hifv: ".,.';(;'>,_

A1 NU“ W115 Whether ”19 superl” ment\vereequallyactlw been hmtted m the 1111:11111-1- 111 11-11:» of the student NEAT "They are 11 "1”" “mm“ ""‘h “Db "" M1111 "‘ “'4” “a” “mi“ “New “URL!“ ;1;":-ff,f-".:""’¢:.‘.-,’
tendent "l PUN‘C 1nstruct10n. 1‘ H“ us 111 lou1svtllt‘ 'th Um” they could seek dedtcated group who have done a expect “hm lht‘l 911'” 'm‘ 0141» ttttott tron. all arrosa the l‘tt11'7'- 'f,<"-",I",’;;-;l,';: 9-111"
statcvxtde elected Officeholder. [)‘tdt x'r' tlc leaders l'tst 3”! ’ht re The 1ssue on yesterd 1-. \ :11iiot good )0b of provtdtng lnfUrlllimV“ room for m“ m"! “my I” a student \P‘A‘ ""1””er ‘3‘”; par'14,;».'1w "11-. :11’513'3133"
should he made an appointee ol‘ the 1""eitlltrft--tll the vote‘a 1191:111511111 vvould unmwhately arm-t lo;;t~t;li1» ”1”“th meettngs and #1911111}! out to team” “9“”, “MW-“JUN: a Videotape 1,1 .1 .t'\st1,'. 3J.‘ 75‘;
Kentucky Board of Educatton, lb ‘_ _ . ‘ ' ‘1 A H rd W '3] ”,‘(. ; 1.. 1' ; 1.1 .1 ' the students; mt‘ormatton on vvhat ‘llht'r ut‘tty‘tttes tor the tuture n 'hvr Nau' 91'5"": 831325.151".

- ~ “”1““ L“ another amendment “I '2‘ I “I ' h I ‘L '1H' w my In. thy ' " t l 1- -~ cludt- a metal \vth other (‘dllt'lllntll 11 Sl'ofsfin.) A, >7;

\esterdav s vote on the Kentucky 1 1,“ t .mhpj