xt75x63b2x75 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt75x63b2x75/data/mets.xml Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) France Suard, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine (1732-1817) 1795-01-30 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'Imprimerie des Nouvelles politiques (Paris)  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 30 January 1795 text Nouvelles Politiques, Nationales et Étrangères, 30 January 1795 1795 1795-01-30 2023 true xt75x63b2x75 section xt75x63b2x75       

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[.e Burm‘u des- 1V.)1/VL~'L1:E9 P01 ”10%“,
1.11s .s' ,'1 11' .500 , 1111 01111. J1: [(1 WV Tr.
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1'1? alien-1'? 1‘ /'/'.1.1zc/1g:; 1111 citqywz. C1115—1"0:."1'.1.\11;.;u.

chm-1111: 771.011; (11011101111 0'!)- 1’9. }







De Vans-01,16, [e 3 janpz'cr.


. Ollclflllf‘s journnux ont publié lcs lcltrcs que l’impé-
:- 13 6011195 51 ses généi'aux, 1'1 l’occasion dcleurs Vic—
0'01" . on 1001' envovanl dos 11.110115 demarécliauxou (lcs

01110111113 eni'icliics dc diamans. En Voiui am: 000 lui
'1'1'11113111nlslas, inimcdial("1110111. aprL-s la prise (l0 Vai'soviv,
' 111011.110 cu (Incl (5111! IV (lcspotisme (lc Culliei'ine, lcs
ills 111111111 l'ui’. lcs l’olonois pour s’y souslraii'e, 3:
0.5 mfimus Vicl0i1'1'5 , payécs uvec lunL d’éclnl , onl
' 11.111 cc mallicuruux 1103's.










;, fifua’amc 71m. swur ,


11 LC sort dc la l’nloync est 1:11er vos mains: vo‘u'c
'11::11111'0 & vo‘u'c 51110551: on (lécidr'ront. Quelquc soil
: :ClJl (1110 vous dcslinicz :1 ma personne, 1'1 116 m'cst 11:15
:31111195. 121111 11110 je pourrni parlor (1e négliwcr mes dc»
131115 01111015 111:1 nulion , on invnr'uunt your 0116 la Iv'éué—
‘ {1513 1'10 dc volru 11111j1'slé impéri ialc.' .
1' \1 L0 mililaizc pol .0nuis est dclruit Copendant In 1111—
1:021 exislc c111:'01<:; Innis CllC ccsscm 111011101: Ll’cxistcx'
3111si, si 1105 011111.75 d; VOlI‘C grandeur d'znm' 110. Vicnnonl.
.2011 scrzuurs. Im- tumnllc dt's ai'incs a ('nlpécllé lt's se—
' l‘1s rlans 11111: 1-) mxIlc 1.01110 du pays , 1-.'. labouragc est
01111 impossiblco, par-Iiml 011 la botail a élc cnleVé

, 310111. lk‘S.‘ '.'. 's mmL vi1les, 110m. lcs (IalHlllnCS'
21's ()1) x'undm's i11l13bilal)lcs , 0111 l'ui, par mil—
1313's. 111 lone 1311111131113". 230011001113 dc snigncurs terriers
n 0111 l'11iL dc 11191110 par lcs 11142131133 111150113.











'1' 11.1.".


11 'I'..'L l’olowm: (“0111111111110 (l jfi i1 1'Cssrtiubl1'1' 1'1 un desert.
"11 lumine- est pres-1111'. immuuqunblc 0011's l’annrlc pro-
1111-112, 5111—10111 si fluUllIS vols 11's conlinucnt d'cnlever
us '111'. 1i1'171s , 110111: l)1':tni| 8; d 001' 0001' noli'e len‘itoix'e.

ll 51111011 3(SCIVU £1 00110 80111 105 armus seulc 0111 10' .11
1115, {la pzcscr'iio 1311's l101n " 11 101.11 1111116, 1015011 ellc
.0 {21011011013 l’usagc qu’c llc VOLHlI'Q l'aii'e de ses 1110101161.






I»: n: pi'ésume pas (lo 195 prévoii'. Innis j.
qua c: 001 V‘OHS 50m lc plus '.L'-1'i'11l.1lc'.11- 11’.

(lui J'cnlm Li'ois millions d’llommfrs l'I' 1'101'3: 1111-l '1I. 1 .'CL2:.
aura 1011101115 10 plus de droit 11 V03 dcl.1-1')1)i1131i021s.

Cl'CiS 0011:1311

1.1, .V‘. .2
loll\u\ 16

11 Puissaia‘z—Vous, madame , :1: .
cm'aclei'c me donne 111 Cunfiz-IUZ‘. nle V0115


siez— v0 us “gi'écr ()1 1110-1110-1011}; ’10:;1'103510 1 dc. 5:11 131M115
111.113 lrsqunls jcsuis..11




Berlin , [.I l} /.I'1'1.‘z."1'."7'.


L’u'.) v11 former six nouvcaux 1'1'?-u '11; ,n qui aura-111
lcur étal)lissemcnl. 8c lCUl‘S cantons dam lc. P111919 mimi—

La promolion )nililuirc flue. ic 1'03 :1. faiitc lo jou'r d ' l’zn ,
nous a elonné 11 liculmans—b' 111011111): , ‘
1'50 coloncls 8i 15111.11lcz‘111115-1'0l0111i»;. 011110 01'111 . l3 roi
:1 con'léré 1.1 lusicui's 11 61'11‘1'. 2s, 113111 LlC cavulcric qua din—
llmteric‘ d’ul‘lillcric.0



1-'-.‘:11)2») ).1'.1j1'11's,

U11 c0111'i01' venu (le l’éli'i'sboui'g 1100’s a appris. (juc l1:
général Kuszinslw, parl'aisuuluui 110111111 113.13 l... .111-‘.-;,
y est arrivé, qu’il n’y manque dc 1'i1 :1. 1111zi3 qu’il :51 gar-3.0
1'1 V110 par 11)) ollluicr qui no. 10 quillc 110-1111, ‘L'\’ (lui rs“. la.
soulc compagnic qui lui soit 1101111251.


Nous apprenons dc Vzii'sovic, quc l<.' (lépzn'L (1'11 '.'-.'.-1
(l0 P0103110 pour Crocluu , aura lieu du ‘0‘ an 1.: d1: .39

On regardc comma r‘mluin qun 10 0011311"! ._;..
(.lC‘S négociations 011701105 avcc l1) l".a1.21:0; 1“. z".
Ratisbonnc, It's 11.311110111121111.» 0111 pr s .1111- 1001-1111: inub
ondue pour 1111c pal'liI' (lu 1111l1l1(:.."1u [1:111 111: lil 11:3—
(liation dc la Suede { Dnncxnzml; , qui 1111011.
010 aussi pcu du gout d1- (luclhlw‘s puisszmccs b -ll.' ~"'
Its , que lo C1ll)iHCLdC Copenlxzmgmrl 10111011: l'uVui. 1‘2 -1113 ,
il a été question (16 la 11101111111011 d1: cclui «10 Berlin
1'01 dc Prussc on cetlo qualité #6111111 1101111 111101060»












 12'? 0.21 :1 obes1vé 2"2121010,

2222”.ng do 12:1 :2'2eu1 212:. 1ycncc. il 122‘111'51
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21111 n" ‘nL meme si cx’111css2'1112111 11151916 5111' 2.1

’2- 121 22.213; . 2111c lélcctcm2101111111.]0‘220122'; S. 11'
111;; 112' 2g 12.- 2211111'. 2.'25 11015 n1.111‘.2

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121121;: 21211122111115 30:11 {2122115
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22'222—1'1112'3 (Ft. 1121 2211122111. 11L qui 113 110112 11121.21—
'.' 11 0235:.11112z12'11t 1112c- puix
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‘22'112zil212‘1 2111 1112111 212.5 21:212'i115 , :121111'295 1111 Ci-(lcvunl pom.
72215.21 , .2..21'21 11110 111 pair: 21: 2112142122053 210.123.1113.; 112‘ 502223
21112212:2.:2:1.21111c221 Ea 12.2.‘1611112511 dc 1:1 1'1v1'2'1'c v.1 2'~11'2: Iihrc ,
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31111.; 112,2:11111‘211};

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\‘oici 10 diseours quc 12:

citoym A5101, px'ésiJcnt,
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nous lc 5211 2211s 2-11 cc 111211112111 7
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1121115 “1112291112111121125..s.suz1o112121c \ 2.12.
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10112.0 111 1.3511722" 2721 22

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2'0211221: 2.2115 1111s 2:220:25,- "2"2212 221'222122!’C

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“”‘I'L “'3 3'021' ' 22:1.1'213122
dc 11.115 21111011115 2).


PrésiCxtmio (".11 211213111 1121'; 1'. '

(/71) la 21"!2'2'0m'.

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Suite "xx/('22: 2/16 2:;

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22 Nous ne sommes 122222;, 31.1 '1'). 21221222”

(111121121 13.2)‘212152112'1'1‘2; 111111;;
(1210 1121123 11725110123 113.»;



132211215. —— LC pc-uplc 21111 a :.1 him just”, 81 bk“ 5""


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1'11 (111("11'1115
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11".15 . (61: 1'11“.


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110113 .
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,5 (1c grmuls
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L1011CC£ . 1101'

as , 11's

lcs p111;

rlés 7117115.-
, 1111115 I
0115 (-11.11 ..

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1:135, S: .
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110115 1110;"‘0-
011.3 (1. L


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I21), 17121111011
511's ,
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31 D1111 5:1"?


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" (1111" 11115—1101." ((1

" V11 (111011 y E.~

j. ai1‘12i

( 5.3 )'

10111951 165 époques (11': 1:1 1'évo'111110n . no 5cm pas ("(upr:
(1'11“? poignéu (1'1'n1rigz1ns qul app-(116111111 gucrre c1vi1c.

J)1111c111. —— I1 17'1'16 (1C 1"1'01'011.

131111'115.— 5C (1601.110 (1110 jr: pal'1c (11: Duhcn.

111111.15 :1j()111c quc si 1’asscmb1éc 11’111'011 p.15 113'.“ {mp
(1111111 111116510 induiymuui, 121 (6.110 S' '13111'111011ac
(1101711111. (1'1':l1'(: 711111561,- 1121.11'0'11, (1113 cu 11'cu.

:01I1 11.

{111111 1.1 1'('-IJ11I.:'11(-.I11 (111 (120111]; 1:110 (31 0(10111130 1111111511“
1115 11311211170111.1115 (10 (7110111105 111311111168.

Dulmm (10111z1n;11_~ 11's <6;(p1iquv1', mais on (1101111050 VO1X.
111156'“(1<171.I1'('11'1“101.1111311.1(:1'1011 (111 (1(::'(1('101'11'1(:51<111'
011.11 mm 1111', (#:1110111: (3110 1.1011611.) , (1111' v; C111 11 01111.1," (:1'
l1,- pF-anr: L'sngois 6; 1:1 CIJIIVIHIUUH, &c. n —— C'cst1'ei'1x,
911111 11.25 111II11'1111'1's.

R 0111111010111“. 1111 1'1111,(:0n('('.1'n';111 anz'oix. LI: comifz'“
(1r; 510'ch .: 11".11'011 pas (.Iu 1(“ 101115 (12 111T: 3011 019-
('111101',101'317.1"1'1 (1130611111 1111 111211111111 ('1'111'1'01 c01‘1'L1'e
n’a pas. p125 (1’81111'01' 1116111105.
11'111111111101'1111'1111'1 (l1) (1“9211'101116111 .1 5011—
(11: 11" Iris111|1011 , 1111751611115 (.11111'111‘11'
L'c comitL“ (16011111111; £1 vuus (In pzoposer

‘ (‘11



111 5011111077
'1-11:((' 10 p31'016. {1001'
1111111110 121 (161113111113;
11 (1.01111: :12

011 11211110 1111 51'
1101119 '(':1 11110
1101, (1' 1:, (11'


Ciloleivu 1"'I.( 511110111; Legendre
071331 111171111010 (11.1 1'=3:;.c111c111, (111—111.
11.5 (1'111110111'5 (1c 1".11'15 (111 (Marci. (911011-110—
0.101511%)0 pour vous (1110 (1110 11: 101'111151110 1110111—

("151 (111101111105 (111111525 110.15 011701.111 11-5 1101165 du

10111-6111 (‘01111‘6 1:1 conven—
‘110.s scé1émts compiiccs 110
I‘(‘.S 1101111111.: (111'011 1'10 11cm p11 (19010...
111 V11III.-1,1'1' (111. ' 111“ \I'(;1c.111isc 1:1 1&10.
1".1'1' 01111111’1'115. 50111 resiés aux jaco-
(111'. p..11'."rz;Ib1es: 19. crime 1001' a

_ 1515:1110
11-111: vous
111's I'E "1111'. '. (111E .
C135 1171;
(16:01 10 1'r':".I'1 {111.

10.17 117.4

(11021131114715 (“1'00 5115.510 11:1 11’01'11 pour 0th
211.15 1116sq1116011tL11j11I, . 3111. quoiqu’on
(Ir-(mo 1:75 111161111114; 11:. 0111 11.11110 1:4 (151111011110
' ' 117111 11's (11112101 apx'és pour (111’1'15
'3. 1111111"? 1111107165111' GUY.



(11111.; 1.1 convc' 11011. 11
1111 11-111'1-111.

1“” 11.11101 .1 (11's (:1'11101111' 1'55 1.5 1'.-1111105 11100011101105 (1211'):—

(21171101110 Chash's. 8.; (1r.- 1c-111 111‘031' 1'11 (111'11 n'y :11'011.

[11:11 11(7'1111 711I)111.:11L1'1 :11‘11'1111'1'8. 1'.; 11111011105 2111010111.
1'cp1'1I1'1.‘11'c 10 ('11:- . . 11 (411.3101 011111111 5011,
10111111. ('thc 111011011 (:51 :1


1': 7"‘1'5 (10.11. 1'1 :1 31.711711“ 50111 Cf‘d‘i
1111111 .1 (1' (11111? .3175; 11(11'6 1111 a 1‘5}):‘()(‘11("'.
(1.1.011 I"I1'11', 11 ' '.I' ;,:(I 1": '11 (111 (11111 1101111110: (1'011'1'. 121‘s
11.111':(1.1"s pL‘1'h'111‘11'01111111.. '11 V011 1:11 1111:0115, (11'
191.011.3103(1010.15 110111111 A? 1:11. 1111' 07:0on, '

1001.5111'1': :1

111.1111 (111 (1110

111'." (1r?

11.11111111117 11111. "(:;':-(.1' 11:- 3.1110
L1111‘ 1'01'11101101'1410101'1
1()u1'1(:sj11'.1.':1'117 , 11

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