xt76125q8c6w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76125q8c6w/data/mets.xml St. Catherine's Academy (Lexington, Ky.) 1923  books b92-150-29579392 English Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, : Lexington, Ky. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. St. Catherine's Academy (Lexington, Ky.) Sisters of Charity of Nazareth (Nazareth, Ky.) Centennial, St. Catherine's Academy, 1823-1923 text Centennial, St. Catherine's Academy, 1823-1923 1923 2019 true xt76125q8c6w section xt76125q8c6w 



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Centennial Ode

Brief Historical Sketch

"A Monument Not Built by Hands"

Looking Backward

Recollections of School Days

Congratulations from Lourdes

Greetings to the Alumnae

Letters of Appreciation

Duties and Salary of Gardener in 1838

Extracts from Sister Lucy's Diary


           Sisters of Charity

           Sisters of Charity

        Sister Mary Camillus

        Dr. J. Vincent Falisi

        Rev. Richard Davis

 Rev. Paul L. Blakely, S. J.
i Rev. W. P. Hogarty

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     Wia t4r Memorg of our
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                    Qfentmnuiaf (he

Amid the city's strife and din,
    Close to the busy mart,
Where ceaseless flows the living stream,
    St. Catherine's stands apart.
A holy stillness reigns within,
    And round the sacred spot,
A peace the world can never give,
    A joy it knoweth not.

                    Tho' far from Nature's favored haunts,
                        Yet Nature's self is here,
                    To join to praise of human hearts,
                        Her myriad voices clear.
                    The birds, unconscious worshipers,
                        Pour forth their sweetest lays,
                    The flowers sing with silent tongues
                         Their endless hymns of praise.

They seem as if instinct with life,
    Around Our Lady's shrine,
So reverently they bow their heads,
    So lovingly they twine.
The blossoms whose blest lot it is,
    To deck the chapel fair,
Breathe incense sweet as if they felt
    The blessed Presence there.

                    The butterfly that idly sips
                        The nectar they distill,
                    Does homage to God's providence,
                         Adores His holy will.
                    The blue dome bendeth over all,
                         An image of the love
                    That knows no bounds, no height, no depth,
                         On earth, in heaven above.



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O'er roof and tower with tender grace,
    The evening sunshine falls,
And floods, as with a sea of light,
    The dear old convent walls.
It lingers, as if loath to leave,
    On arch and casement old,
And like King Midas' magic touch,
    Turns everything to gold.

                    The twilight hour comes on apace,
                         The time for deepest thought,
                    When memory's scenes so fair and bright,
                         With fancy's forms are fraught.
                     The veil that dims the past is drawn,
                         We see the bygone years,
                    As a beauteous landscape leaps to view,
                         When the gray mist disappears.

Behold ! from Nazareth's peaceful shades
    Comes forth a valiant band,
To do the Master's noble work,
    With willing heart and hand.
To sow the seed which by His grace,
    A harvest rich will yield,
And in the Blue Grass garden-spot,
    They find a fertile field.

                    Around them gather eagerly,
                         Kentucky's daughters fair,
                    The pride, the boast of all the land,
                         Endowed with talents rare.
                    To seek the knowledge they have craved,
                         The rugged hill to climb,
                    Led on by Faith's unfailing light
                         To reach to heights sublime.

How nobly they have played their part
    On life's eventful stage,
The records of their deeds will tell,
    Go, read them page by page.
Tho' long ago, their labor done,
    They laid them down to rest,
Their children's children, grateful still,
    Rise up and call them blessed.


But oh ! how blessed are they who strive,
     To lead these souls to God,
 Who teach them how to follow Christ,
     To tread where He has trod.
 The years go by and, one by one,
     They're called to their reward,
 To joys which only they can know,
     The Spouses of the Lord.

                     But others come to fill the ranks,
                         God's work must still be done,
                     And prayer and labor sweet unite,
                         From rise to set of sun.
                     And fair young maidens flock around,
                         As in the days of yore,
                     To learn the lessons wise and good
                         Their mothers learned before.

 To learn the science of the saints,
     To suffer and be strong,
To know the truth, and love the right,
     To shun the false and wrong.
To conquer self, and humbly bow
    Beneath the chastening rod,
To give to Caesar, Caesar's own,
    To God, the things of God.

                    Two rosaries of fruitful years,
                        St. Catherine's, hast thou told,
                    Each bead, a pearl of priceless worth,
                        The chain of love's pure gold.
                    And oh! how very dear to God
                        Are all thy hundred years,
                    Of labor, prayer, of noble deeds
                        Performed through smiles and tears.

On this, thy grand Centennial Day,
    We Thee crown with our love,
Uniting heart and voice in prayer
    For blessings from above.
Ah ! may thy star that shineth bright,
    Ne'er sink beneath the wave,
While there are human hearts to mold,
    And human souls to save.
                                              Sister of Charity.


           Brief Historicat iketct

      MONG the Religious of the West, the name of Mother Catherine
  ;5    Spalding must long stand pre-eminent. She was endowed with
        attributes of mind that fitted her beyond others for leadership.
            In purpose she was straightforward. She was conciliatory
in speech and manner. She discovered quickly and acted promptly. She
sympathized deeply with poverty and suffering and it was the comfort
of her life to be able to relieve the one and assuage the other. It is
impossible that one in her position, so qualified, should not be able to
command willing support. This she did from the beginning to the end
of her career. She lived to see the unpromising seedling she had helped
to plant, and to which her tender care was given at every stage of its
growth, lifting its branches in the free air of heaven and scattering its
fruits broadcast for the refreshment of the multitudes.
     Catherine Spalding was born in Maryland, December 23, 1793.
She and her sister, Ann, having early lost their parents, were cared for
by their aunt, Mrs. Thomas Elder, of the Cox Creek settlement. At the
age of nineteen, she left her comfortable home to become the com-
panion of the two young women who had preceded her to Nazareth,
with the avowed purpose of devoting themselves to the Religious life
and its unselfish pursuits. By the suffrages of her associates, she was
placed at the head of the community for eight terms of three years each.
     In April,1823,Mother Catherine,having been replaced at the Mother
House by Mother Agnes Higdon, went with three other sisters to White
Sulphur, Scott County, to establish a school on a farm given for that
purpose by Mr. James Gough. This gift was made on condition that the
donor should receive a small annuity during the remainder of his life.
The transaction really amounted to a purchase as Mr. Gough lived a
long time and the annuity was paid to the last.
     The house was named St. Catherine's in honor of Mother Cath-
erine's patroness, St. Catherine of Sienna, in compliance with the desires
of Bishop Flaget and Bishop David. By a coincidence the Nazarenes
started for their new field of labor on the feast of St. Catherine of
Sienna. These sisters carried with them the following letter from
Bishop Flaget, Bishop of Bardstown, to Father Chabrat of White Sul-
phur. It was written in French.


                                          Nazareth, April 30, 1823.
     My dear Chabrat:
         Sisters Catherine, Josephine, Bibiana and Mildred leave this
     morning for Scott County, and if this school proves a success, which
     I hope it will, we may send two or three other sisters there. We will
     do all in our power to make that establishment solid and flourishing.
         Three of these sisters, before their entrance into Religion, were
     under your spiritual guidance and they have requested me to entreat
     you to continue your interest in their spiritual welfare, so that they
     may accomplish their own sanctification and thus promote the glory
     of God and win many souls for Him.
         Begging God's blessing on this new undertaking, I am,
                        Yours in Christ,
                                 BENEDICT JOSEPH FLAGET,
                                             Bishop of Bardstown

     The little colony in Scott County met with many hardships. The
sisters used to tell of many trying circumstances connected with this
hard and seemingly fruitless mission. Journeys back and forth to
Nazareth had to be made on horseback or in a private carriage. It
took about three days to make this trip; the nights were spent in farm-
houses on the way. They never failed to take advantage of the hos-
pitality of Mrs. Bostows, an English lady living at Frankfort. She
had two daughters who were educated at Nazareth and she was always
glad to harbor the sisters when they passed through Kentucky's Capi-
     The school at White Sulphur was never very prosperous; the con-
gregation was scattered, the pupils few; hence it was decided to move
the school to a more propitious location. The farm in Scott County was
sold and the proceeds helped to purchase property on Limestone Street,
in Lexington, eighteen miles distant. Thus after the first decade of the
history of St. Catherine's had been told at White Sulphur, the sisters,
acting under the guidance of Father Reynolds, Nazareth's new Ec-
clesiastical Superior, took up work in the new field November 28, 1833.
      Sister Ann Spalding, the youngest sister of Mother Catherine, was
at that time in charge of the school. Sisters Seraphine, Clementia, Pel-
agia, Christine and Claudia labored with her.
      The Lexington property was conveyed by deed dated May 4, 1834,
from James Logue to the Rt. Rev. Benedict Joseph Flaget, in favor
of Nazareth Literary and Benevolent Institution.   It extended from
Limestone Street to Walnut, having a depth of six hundred feet and
frontage of one hundred and twenty feet, and costs four thousand dol-
lars. On the Limestone side there was a small frame house opening oln
the street. Back of it was Mr. Logue's residence, the first brick house in
Lexington. There were four rooms above and four below. The rooms





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on the first floor were utilized as parlor, music room, girls' refectory
and sisters' refectory; the last named served also as community room.
On the second floor a room was fitted out as a chapel and used until
Saint Peter's Church was built. The other rooms were dormitories.
Soon after the sisters' arrival, the frame building at the front was moved
to the rear and a brick house was repaired and enlarged for class rooms.
     All the buildings on the new property were in a delapidated condi-
tion, and it took time, labor and expense to put the whole in a becoming
state. The sisters thought the tribulations of Scott County were to be
renewed, but their fears were unfounded, and their school wleas im-
mediately patronized. Lexington was then growing rapidly; rail-
roads and other improvements were a means of greatly increasing the
population of the sparsely settled city.
     In 1837 the sisters allowed St. Peter's Church to be buiir on a por-
tion of their lot. Rev. E. McMahon, pastor at the time, supervised its
erection. Then Father McMahon bought the Walnut Street end of the
sisters' property for one thousand dollars. On it was a two-story brick
house which was the priest's residence until St. Paul's Church.i was built.
This house became the girls' parochial school after it had been pur-
chased back by Nazareth from Father Becker on the sixth day of
November, 1866. This old school had been built partly from the brick
which once composed the walls of the old Catholic Chapel in which the
celebrated Father Baden officiated for so many years.
     A remarkable incident took place at St. Peter's Church on Sunday,
August 13, 1854. Just a few minutes after the congregation had retired
from the building, the entire ceiling fell to the floor beneath, flattening
everything to its level, with the single exception of a statue of Our
Lady. This statue was later enshrined on the Academy grounds.
     On the 16th of August, 1845, Nazareth gave permission to build.
Sister Ann Spalding was still in charge of St. Catherine's and superin-
tended the work. It was not completed when she died, May 15, 1848,
and Sister Isabella Drury, who replaced her the following August, saw
it finished.
     The death of Sister Ann, who for fifteen years had been the guid-
ing spirit of St. Catherine's, was tragic. In those days the sisters had
some women slaves working about the house. Sister Ann unwittingly
offended one of these slaves and was poisoned by her. The fatal dose
was administered by mixing poison with some seemingly fine butter-
milk. Sister Ann died very suddenly and by some accident it was dis-
covered that she had been poisoned. The sisters had the young slave
sent south, but had nothing further done to her.
     Sister Ann was buried in the old Catholic graveyard on Winchester
Street, now Third Street, but the remains were afterward removed to
our beloved "God's Acre" at Nazareth.


     Among the pioneers, Sister Ellen O'Connell deserves a distin-
guished place. After holding many important offices at Nazareth, she
was transferred to St. Catherine's where she accomplished much in a
few years, and where she died in 1841.
     St. Catherine's has experienced seasons of depression and of pros-
perity. Her early years were marked with trials of various kinds, not
the least of which was her struggle with prejudice; but Providence took
care of her and raised up chivalrous men who nobly defended her cause.
Their sentiments are voiced in an editorial of the time which says:
"There is nothing more calculated to raise Is' to an eminence
than nurseries of learning of this kind. Many of my acquaintances
have been under the sisters' tutelage; and I have found the sisters
affable, agreeable, intelligent, polite, though quite plain, unassuming
and unaffected in their dress and manner."
     The work begun by Mother Catherine and Sister Ann was con-
tinued by worthy successors Mother Frances, Sister Isabella, Sister
Gabriella and Sister Mary. In 1864 Sister Lucy was placed in charge.
This proved an event of importance not only to St. Catherine's, but to
the people of Lexington as well.
     Just before her arrival, a destructive fire burned the whole third
story of the academy and damaged much of the second. The building
was saved from utter destruction by the bravery of the fire department
and the prompt and kind assistance of the men of Lexington. Sister
Lucy's first labor at St. Catherine's was to repair the damage as soon as
possible. The sisters had been given shelter in the homes of kind
friends, but soon returned to resume their school work. This siege of
hardship was followed by a period of prosperity-the number of stu-
dents increased steadily and St. Catherine's soon reached a high degree
of efficiency.
      On May 18, 1874, Sister Lucy left St. Catherine's for the new
 Saints Mary and Elizabeth Hospital in Louisville. The duties of superior
 were then assumed by Sister Cleophas who had spent the first fourteen
 years of her Religious life as music teacher at St. Catherine's. Sister
 Lucy's absence was of short duration, for in a few years she was again
 at St. Catherine's.
      The commodious music hall and auditorium, which stands in the
 rear of the academy, may be justly styled a monument to the memory
 of Sister Lucy. The last two years of her life were spent in planning
 and erecting this building. Sister Lucy died suddenly May 11, 1892, be-
 fore she saw the first commencement exercises in the new Saints Mary
 and Joseph Hall.
      Many remember with affectionate gratitude the noble self-sacri-
 ficing character of Sister Lucy and many owe to her not only their
 accomplishments in education, but also their training in character and


manners. Sister Lucy did much for the moral uplift and mental ad-
vancement of the pupils of St. Catherine's. She was not only capable
and accomplished, but pious and solidly learned. During her twenty-
eight years at St. Catherine's, the institution prospered materially as
well as intellectually, and even today her name is a household word in
many non-Catholic as well as Catholic homes of the city.
     Mother Cleophas was a second time Sister Lucy's successor, hav-
ing been at Nazareth in the meantime filling the office of Mother
Superior. After five years she was recalled to Nazareth to resume the
duties of Mother Superior. It is to good Mother Cleophas that we owe
the privilege of having our dear Lord in the house with us. She had the
parlor transformed into a chapel, calling it Saint Lucy's, after the pa-
tron saint of the late beloved superior.
     Reluctant as Religious are to receive any publicity, certain ones
have, by long service, become identified with certain schools. A sketch
of St. Catherine's would hardly be complete without mention of some
individuals who have given the best years of their lives to its upbuilding
and maintenance. Prominent among these are Sister Lauretta, Sister
Miriam, Sister Johanna, Sister Salesia, Sister Wilhelmina, Sister Chris-
tine, Sister Agnita and Sister Alma. The last named has spent her
entire Religious life in Lexington and her diligence in the office of Sac-
ristan has become almost proverbial. Sisters Francina, Ambrosia, and
Wilhelmina taught at St. John's Parochial School. Sister Anita came to
St. Catherine's in 1872. Such a true mother was she to the little ones
under her care that a whole lifetime has not been able to obliterate her
memory from those whose early years she trained. After nearly twenty
years the voice of obedience called her to other fields. Some one asked
her on the morning of her departure, "Sister, have you had your break-
fast" "I really do not know," was her forced reply. Indeed her bodily
needs were all forgotten in her deep grief of heart.
      Saint Paul's Parochial School, adjoining Saint Paul's Church, was
for the boys of the parish and was taught by lay teachers. These, ex-
cept a professor for the older boys, were replaced in September 1887, by
Sisters Mercedes, Hilda and Geraldine. Thus the number of Sisters at
St. Catherine's was increased to fifteen, and in the year 1888, to seven-
teen, by opening a school on Jefferson Street for the colored children,
Saint Peter Claver's School. Sister Ambrosia was in charge of this
school, assisted by Sister Mary dePazzi. For more than twenty-five
years Sister Ambrosia labored among the colored people of Lexington.
She effected much good. Among those whose influence at St.
Catherine's will be felt for many a day is Sister Mary George, who is
still in charge of the primary department, after thirty-five years of ser-
vice. The names of Sisters Kostka, Susanna and Mechtildes also will
long be remembered. To the interest and activity of Sister Salesia and
Sister Mary Benita is due the establishment of the Alumnae.


     St. Peter's Parochial School was opened in 1915 with three Sisters
and a lay teacher. During its short existence it has prospered and each
year has increased its attendance and efficiency.
     For the last quarter of the century affairs at St. Catherine's have
been directed by Sister Ligouri, Sister Mary Vincent, Sister Evangelista,
Sister Teresina, Sister Imelda and Sister Constance. Under the guid-
ance of these superiors many improvements have been made.
     In 1895, Nazareth granted St. Catherine's the privilege of confer-
ring high school diplomas, recognized by the State. In 1918 the acad-
emy was affiliated with the State University of Kentucky. Standard-
ized methods, up-to-date equipment and carefully planned school rooms
have enabled St. Catherine's to keep pace with the times.
     Among her loyal friends the academy gratefully numbers Major
Falconer, who, during many years so generously rendered valuable aid
to the growing institution. An honored guest at the commencements
since '64, he has lent material as well as moral support to these exer-
cises by sending a decorator each year to help to beautify the hall and
stage whence St. Catherine's daughters entered Life's school.
     St. Catherine's also owes a deep debt of gratitude to Dr. R. C. Fal-
coner, who has, for over a quarter of a century, given his professional
services, not only gratuitously but unsparingly, promptly responding to
every call, whether by day or night, that might be requested.
     Our thanks are due to our patrons and former pupils who have
interested themselves in our success. We appreciate the fact that the
splendid work done by our predecessors through a century of educa-
tional work, has merited the respect and confidence of the public.
     Our thanks are also due to the business men of Lexington who
have made it possible for us to place our commercial graduates in good
     We desire to thank in a special manner the Reverend Clergy who
are co-operating so cordially to further the welfare of our institution.
     One hundred years have passed and the ebb and flow of life touch-
ing the shores of time and eternity have ushered many into life and out
of it. As St. Catherine's celebrates her Centennial, she recalls with love
and pride her many faithful children and the friends whose companion-
ship has increased her joys and lessened her sorrows. For those whose
spirits have flown, she breathes a prayer, and for those who still live
within the sphere of her gentle influence, she calls down a great bene-




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    "A    Monwment iRot built bL,              34ank\s"

The pyramids and Parthenon, the broken arcs of fame,
The "dreaming spires" of Oxford and the steel marts of today
Preserve in form some mystic past, some lofty monarch's name,
Till, yielding to the strokes of Time, they crumble to decay.

Then who will tell their story to the ages yet to be,
Or voice the might of heroes and the majesty of kings;
For earthly pride no hand will carve that fearing eye may see,
When o'er the scattered ruins, earth's last trumpet loudly rings.

Not thus, oh, dear St. Catherine's, you've built these hundred years;
He seeks in vain who fain would see pride's stately columns rise.
A living monument you've reared, unstained by blood and tears,
A monument not built by hands or seen by mortal eyes.

You've shaped the souls of "Little Ones," a graven stone each life,
And you, the Architect of God, have fitted each in place,
Without the grime of earthly toil or sound of worldly strife,
Until, at last, all radiant it stands before God's Face.

And though our dim eyes cannot see the glory of this shrine,
The great Lord and His blessed saints will enter it today
Through gates of pearl and jasper stone-a company divine,
To bless a hundred years of toil, when time has passed away.
                                              -Sister of Charity


     NLY pleasant and tender memories are evoked in my heart when
       I think of St. Catherine's Academy. Ad multos annos! to the
       dear old school, its principles and precepts and spirit! and a
heart full of congratulations to the dear Sisters of Charity, both living
and dead, who labored there, or who labor there, carrying on a work
that the on-looker can never gauge by merely human standards.
     Someone has spoken of bygone life as "days that streamed down the
tide of time with envious haste." The sentiment is not mine; that period
has never streamed away; it is mine always, more mine today than
then. While at school we are too immature, too unthinking, too little
able to appreciate just what blessings and privileges we really have:
it is only in "sober manhood"-womanhood-that the real value of our
early years can rightly be appraised. So at least in my case.
     Dear Sister Lucy Lampton was superior at St. Catherine's during
the years that covered my school life there; from time to time everybody
was made happier by visits from Mother Cleophas of beloved memory;
she was my own dear mother's friend; as such was always doubly wel-
come. Sister Borromeo was disciplinarian when I first entered school;
memory recalls her as severe, but memory also has record of the tears
that were shed when one day "she was moved," in school girl's par-
lance, and the tall young Sister who later was to be my own teacher-
Sister Francina-took her place. Sister Anita, the gentle, the kind and
the patient of soul, was my first teacher; then Sister Agnita who had
the extraordinary power of making Norton's Natural Philosophy bear-
able, if not actually interesting; Sister Agathina was Academic teacher
until our last year and then Sister Christine adopted us. "We were
seven"; there were three "Ella's" in that class: Ella Colbert who be-
came your Sister Rose Vincent, and who died after her devoted life in
the service of the schools; Nell Hegarty who died young; then there
was Maggie Hannibal who was our musician and songster. Virginia
Richardson who even in those days was characterized as the girl who
never said an unkind word of anyone; finally, the Bradley twins, Kate
and Sue, of whom I have lost sight for many years.
     Of the many Sisters whom I shall never forget, let me say a special
word of dear Sister Johanna; if our mothers had known how devoted
we were to laundry work, what a help we might have been at our re-






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spective homes ! For Sister Johanna's ironing boards were lovely, and
the stories she told-always new ones, or at least never retold ones-
were so absorbing that it is no wonder that from time to time we just
did not, could not, hear the school bell that summoned to arithmetic.
Particularly at First Communion time were her stories and her instruc-
tions beautiful and compelling. I recall that at that privileged time we
went with this dear old Sister up to the garden summerhouse, where
far from all distractions and surrounded by the beauties that only that
old summerhouse could afford, we listened to what He did for love of us,
the wonderful story of "How God so loved the world."
     Then Sister Alma who is still at St. Catherine's and Sister Miriam
are among the remembered ones, and always good Sister Mary Cantius
who stayed so short a time in this poor world. At Commencement
times we had the unsparing attention and care of Sister Salesia; at the
last two Commencements I recall Madame Carpentier who came to
coach the French plays that the adventurous class of 1887 had the
temerity to stage.
     Of all the early memories none has been so persistent with me as
that of the procession to the cemetery on All Souls' Day. It is thirty
years now since I entered on my life work in the Congregation of
Divine Providence, and I am sure not one All Souls' Day has passed
since that the pilgrimage of old to the graves of the holy dead has not
returned to my memory. It was a lovely custom; here where we are
too far from "God's Acre" to institute or follow such a custom, it appeals
to me with ever-increasing force as one of the best and most salutary
lessons of my early life.
     To look back over a hundred years, to trace out the work at-
tempted and achieved, to dwell thoughtfully on the memory of those
who gave their very life to make the ideal bear fruit in reality; to recall
the hardships, the disappointments, the failures, and the successes of
that long period; and then to remember what has come of it all to
Mother Church, to our State, to our national life, to our home life!
This indeed is the spirit of St. Catherine's Centenary.
     Ad multos annos ! May the future perfect and extend the work
which you have so faithfully done ! May the years to come bring you
many and generous souls to perpetuate the ideals which have made
your service, dear Sisters of Charity, so fruitful and so precious.
                              SISTER MARY CAMILLUS,
                                    Religious of Divine Providence
                              (Ella F. O'Brien, Class of 1887)


           cruIvfrtions of ,`r         uA      ago

     The following from Dr. J. Vincent Falisi will no doubt be of inter-
est to many of his "friends of long ago."
     Born: Lexington, Ky., February 2, 1885.
     Entered St. Catherine's as a "special" at the age of three years.
     Early history very hazy, yet can remember the saintly Sister
Lucy, who patiently allowed the use of her waste basket and its con-
tents, together with the official seal, as material for the "Post Office."
     From this time on to 1900, life was as full of school, play, sorrows,
and joys, as could be crowded in, and while entirely too much occurred to
be recorded, yet some things made impressions never to be effaced.
     The first real playmate and "partner in crime" was Mary Feeley,
and only Sister Mary George knows the extent of our numerous devia-
tions from rectitude, many times catching us "in flagrante delicto";
however, we DID learn that guardians of little folks apparently were
endowed with X-Ray eyes which could see through untruths.
     Sister Philomena's reprimands and Sister Lucy's rebuke for the
outrage, Sister Laurentine's "bread and butter," Sister Miriam's vexa-
tion over trampled flowers, Sister Francina's story of the "seeno," and
Sister Salesia's corrections, together with a love second only to a
mother's, are just a few of the side lights remembered by the "old
timers. "
     Suffice it to say that the teaching of many mentors, entirely too
many to name, builded a foundation, not only adequate, but stronger
and finer than the super-structure added later.
     A brief outline to the present, shows:
     A classical education at St. Mary's College, Kentucky, where the
same type of training was continued until graduation in 1904. During
part of this time was in charge of all college musical activities, develop-
ing a Band and orchestra which is still a source of pride. St. Mary's
was good enough to award medals for Music, Oratory, Debating,
Classics, Christian Doctrine, and Philosophy.
     Next came the professional education in Medicine with graduation
in 1908, followed by a year as interne at St. Vincent's Infirmary, Little
Rock, Ark., where once more the Sisters of Nazareth took up the burden
of my care.

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     Until 1917 practiced Medicine, specializing in Surgery. Was As-
sistant Professor of Surgery in the University of Arkansas, Instructor
in Latin and Physiology at Little Rock College, and Instructor of Phy-
siology at Mount St. Mary's College for girls at Little Rock.
     In 1912 was married to Miss Laurita Tunnah. Of this union were
born Francetta Salesia,