xt76125q8g5z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76125q8g5z/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19280323 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 23, 1928 1928 2012 true xt76125q8g5z section xt76125q8g5z I THE KENTUCKY KERNEL HEAR DEBATERS U. K. VS. NORTHWESTERN TONIGHT UNIVERSITY SATURDAY NIGHT IN MEN'S GYMNASIUM . KY. MARCH 23, 1928 LEXINGTON, VOLUME XVIII KENTUCKY OF Y.W.C. A. CIRCUS NUMBER 22 'CATS OPEN BALL SEASON WITH OHIO STATE BILL GESS SETS FACULTY CAPERS TRACK RECORD WIN LOUD ACCLAIM AT ILLINOIS MEET Local Boy Outsteps University Stars at Annual Indoor Relay Carnival U. OF K. MARKSMEN'MAJOR'S MEN MEET -: .- ENTER RIFLE MEET RIG TEN TEAM University TnTiegins Shoot- - THIS AFTERN 0 0 N Minstrel Presented by Teachers Proves Them Not to lie tsuch "Old Fogies" As Students Are Prone to Believe. ing in National Contest, Which Ends April 16; Each Play Two Consecutive Games Squad Fires 1,200 Shots. Here; Kentucky Expects Stiff Opposition Ths University rifle team began The faculty of the University played, sang and danced their way to an enthusiastic reception of their comedy e minstrel and one-apresented before a large audience in the Men's gymnasium last night. From the opening chorus of the min- firing, March 18, in the National rifle match, which is sponsored by the na- OPPONENTS WESTERN tional board for the promotion of rifle CHAMPS TWO YEARS AGO practice. The team is under the of James L. Keasler, first Brief Practice of 'Cats Likely Is Kentucky's Outstanding Canlieutenant in the United States Into Prove Detrimental in didate for Olympic Team; fantry and instructor in military tacToday's Game Practices With Ferver tics in the military department of the strel, the "Doubting Thomases" in University. facul(By John W. Dundon. Jr.) the audience who believed the (Dy Wayman Thomasson) The match will consist of four Coach Fred Major has been seriousstages and each stage must be comThe great Illinois armory was ty members to be "old fogies," began suspect that after all, maybe tha pleted on a fixed date. Each stage ly handicapped in his efforts to get aglow with lights and colors last Sat- to is fired in two positions. The first the Blue and White baseball nine in urday night when the greatest chap- professors could act, sing, and dance stage is fired in the prone and sitting first class trim for the initial camter of the greatest indoor meet the Before the closing laugh in the com 'Ristocrats," they positions, the second in the prone and paign of the season this week end. nation has to offer was about to be edy, "Coonville it. kneeling positions, the third in the Due to the unprecedented cold weathvritten by the joint effort of 800 were "sure of new, hotter'n hot," the "Newer'n prone and standing positions, and the er, most of the practices have been athletes, representing 81 schools and fourth in the prone and prone posi- held indoors. However, in the past colleges from 14 states. It was the students in the audience soon had out few days, the weather-ma- n the has retions. Eleventh Annual Illinois Indoor Re- their notebooks, trying to catoh end Each man fires twenty shots in lented somewhat, and the daily seslay Carnival, which event was found- words of the latest songs. The Schmidt, each stage. He is also allowed four sions have been held in the open, on ed by Harry L. Gill, the grand old men in the minstrel, Capt. practice shots in each stage, but Stoll field. man of Illini, in 1927. The white- Maurie Crutcher, Holmes Martin, and Ohio State, one of the most formid-- , no laugh unthese do not count toward the score washed lines of the track gleamed V. R. Portmann, left made. There are fifteen men on the able teams in the Big Ten, will jourbright against the dark background sprung in their inimitable performteam and each man fires twenty ney to Lexington for a of cinders, rolled solid, during weeks ance. It would be unfair to single out the shots which make a total score of stand, playing the Wildcats on Friday of preparation, to hasten on the and Saturday afternoons. The north300 shots fired in each stage. fleeting steps of the phantom harriers best performers, since every member of both casts filled his or her charThe different stages must be com- ern boys are reputed to have one of chasing after records. acterization in a manner that left The University band as the above pieture will show, has at last made its appearance. This group of pleted on the dates indicated. The the best aggregations in years this How It Happened nothing to be desired. The ladies d band girls, clad in their brand new uniforms have the distinction of being the only university first stage March 23, the second season, and if this is true, the Blue all happened something like this: of the faculty played no small part It Besides that, we think they are also the best looking. (Courtesy Lexington Leader) stage April 1, the third stage April 8, and White will have plenty of comin the world. Once a man named Reinke, blown by in the success of the presentation, petition to whet its appetite for a and the fourth stage April 15. swift breezes off the Michigan lakes, which was given under the auspices The members of the R. O. T. C. full and strenuous baseball program. bade "Hurry Up" Yost adios and has- of the Woman's Club of the Univer Two years ago, the Ohio State nine units that compose the team are Will tened over to the Illinois Relay Car- sity. All proceeds are to go to the John O. Brennan, Howard F. Brown, was champion of the Western Connival in 1923 to establish a record hospital fund of the club. year seems -v Tom Buckner, Claude W. Daniel, Aus- ference, and the team this indications. i of 2 minutes, 19 5 second, in the generally over The tin Henderson, James R. Hester, Vir- just as strong, from all IN MfclM 1 d run. Two years later, in looked in the handing of bouquets, UU exact line-u- p Miss Nina Crigler Comes to gil D. Johnson, Jess M. Laughlin, The known at the of the Ohio team is 1925, another knight of the cinder dispensed tuneful melodies through Famous Educator Will Talk t0 present moment. Earl C. May, John R. Moore, Edward not University For Conference International Relations trip- out the performance, under the able path, Martin of Northwestern, Line-u- p Tentative F. Morris, Arthur C. Munyan, John Class, April 12 With Officials same course in the same direction of Elmer G. Selzer. The ped over the Coach Major has not made a definJ. Richardson, Jr., William D. Simptime. But these boys might just as personnel of the orchestra was comite selection for his starting line-u- p Miss Nina Crigler, Dean of Home son and C. Smith. Baron Heyking, of the University Drama League and Longmans, well have gone out for an amiable posed entirely of students. Professor as yet. However, a tentative list Economics department of the Universtroll on Michigan boulevard for all R. E. Jarmin directed the vocal fea of Dorpat in Latvia, formerly Russia, may be made from the field of candiGreen & Company Offer sity of Nebraska, and chairman of BAND will speak to the international rethe good they did the Illinois Relay tures of the program. dates out and going through the Three Prizes He relations class, April 12. the Home Economics survey for the Carnival. In 1928, a thoroughbred daily grind. Captain Bill Crouch will colleges, visited the Unicently arrived in this country from gentleman named Gess, who first put hold down his position at third base. FARQUHAR HEADS versity March 20 and 21 in interest CLASSICS Geneva where he was working as an on running shoes down in old KenIrvine Jeffries, basketball star par JUDGING BOARD of a,ll Home Economic subject matter, official of the League of Nations. tucky, the state where Man O'War excellence, is displaying some keen especially graduate, undergraduate, The Carnegie endowment for inter first sprang out from the barrier, work at the shortstop position. Will One-aUniversity Concert Musicians Ed Covington, football flash, is doing dug national peace brought him to this Best and research, and extension work. stepped up to the starting line, country and is paying his expenses. Are Scheduled to Present Fa- creditable 'work at second, and should his cleats, looked up askance at the Tuesday morning Miss Crigler spent Biblical Plays to Be Staged Baron Heyking will meet with the the pole position and starter, took mous Numbers at 3:30 In the get the call there. Johnny Cole, as in conference with Dean Cooper of and Published worthy official had not a word Teams Will Meet Tonight at 8 international relations clubs of the that the Agricultural College, Ezra L. usual, is cavorting at the initial sack, Men's Gymnasium. o'Clock in Courthouse; Will leading schools. Bland-into say. That is the way bold 'William registrar, and Miss Sarah and displays all of his last year's vigIn an earnest attempt to. discover got the pole position and the lead Speak Over WLW Saturday will be the new authors who can write clean dean of women; in the afternoon The baron's subject The University Concert Band, under or and precision. Sid Goodwin seems in the race when the starter fired his This is plays from the American standpoint, she was" introduced to members of the the direction of Elmer G. Sulzer, will to have the call at the back-sto- p posiNight. "Protection of Minorities." gun, more from surprise than a subject in which he is especially the Drama League of America and faculty at a faculty meeting, and in present several tion, with Ericson and Myers as remusithing else. Northwestern University and the prepared as he is in charge of protec- the Play Department of Longmans, the evening she was guest of honor cal classics in their next concert, to serve catchers. In the pitching deUp sprang the 15 entrants in a University of Kentucky will debate tion of minorities for the League of Green & Company have announced at a dinner given by Miss Mariel be given in the Men's gymnasium partment, Major seems to be well shower of cinders and whitewash. upon the question, "Resolved, that Nations in the new Baltic states. that they will repeat three of the four Hopkins, head of the Home Economics Sunday, March 25, at 3:30 o'clock. supplied, and should have little trouOut sprang Gess to the front and the United States should refuse to national contests in play writing department, at the Chimney Corner. Among the more outstanding selec- ble in this line. Charlie Wert, ace they were off. There were four laps give military protection to any propwhich they conducted last year. These "Overture of the staff last season, is again on Miss Crigler came to the University tions to be played are: play, from Washington, D. C, where she 1812," by Tschaikowsky; some gems hand, and showing up excellently. to go and sweet William was leading erty situated upon foreign soil," this will be for the best by the length of a blonde hair. The evening at 8 o'clock in the courthouse play and the best is located while in charge of this sur- taken from the comic opera, "Mile. Also, Coach Major has the twins, the best one-aThe affirmative side of the quesback turn is reached. Who is that Modiste;" a grand medley from the Raymond and Robert Rhodes, who are vey. 13 Tomorrow biblical play. Moody, tion will be upheld by the Kentucky coming up on the outside? opera, "Faust," and "Largo," by flinging the old pill across in a Subject to the terms of the Epstein, of Mis- team, composed of Raymond Auxier, mighty pleasing manner. As yet, the of Kansas State! Handel. "Awards," the winning New Tau chapter of Eta Sigma Phi, hon play will be produced by the Civic souri, is going like a whirlwind Richard Weaver and William Other numbers to be given are a outfield is unchosen. Rufer, France-wa-y, The sneakers on the North- orary Latin and Greek fraternity, Repertory Theater, of New York, the turn. But young Gess Layman, Mauser and Ropke are waltz, "Tales from Italian Woods;" around the just shakes his auburn locks and western team have not been an- will hold its annual banquet tomorrow biblical play by the Pilgrim Players, a baritone solo, "Mystery of Night," the leading candidates for garden Books by Denni played by Mr. Hugh Dean Evans, of the Uni- night at the Lafayette hotel at G:30 Evanston, 111., and the one-apositions. play ambles on. There are three laps to nounced. go. Vaudeville The runners settle into their versity, will preside over the debate, o'clock, with Prof. T. T. Jones as by the a serenade, "Dream of the ValProspects Are Bright The banquet will be folAn announcement has been received ley,' and a descriptive number, "The positions ready for the long grind which will be a affair, to toastmaster. Circuit and the American Academy of Of course, the team will need plendjscus-sio- n lowed by formal initiation. ahead. Gess is leading, Martin of be followed by an Dramatic Arts. AH winning plays from the library stating that in the .Whistling Farmer Boy," by Filmore. ty of conditioning before the real The following instructors in Latin will be published by Longmans, Green future no books may be renewed The program will open with a march, grind starts. This initial series with in which the audience is invited Purdue second, a stride to the rear, throughout the state will be initiated & Company. without first bringing them to the "Golden Friendships," by Filmore. a strong team seems much better Moody of Kansas State and Epstein to participate. A second debate between the teams as regular members: Mable Pollitt, of Missouri running neck and neck One of Sousa's most popular marches than playing a set-uAll manuscripts must be mailed on library. and thus getRichmond Nor- or before September 1, 1928. The The new ruling is intended to elimThe Stars and Stripes Forever," will ting little or no real practice. At in the rear. The rest of the field has will be given before the microphone professor of Latin, do the of the radio station WLW, at Cin- mal; Lucy Higgins, Louisville Girls' fallen slightly back. Thus inate the present confusion and delay close the concert. this time, the ' main question seems flying figures hold their places for cinnati, tomorrow evening at 9 o'- High school; Elizabeth Colegrove, The Concert Band ii selected from to be a matter of whether the team caused by students renewing books (Continued on Page Eight) next two laps, past the last turn clock, central standard time. At this Bellevue High school; Lucille Har- the either by telephone, or in person when among the best musicians in the will function together, and whether into the home stretch, with Gess nev- debate a decision will be reached by bold, Paris High school; Mary Wood band of 95, Director Sulzer the Blue will have any degree of they do not bring the books with states. er being headed. Martin is Western means of ballots cast by the listeners, Brown, Lexington Senior High school; them. punch behind the bat. These things Conference champion and, rounding as was done in a similar debate in and Ruby Rush, Richmond State Norare only to be decided after the team Student cooperation is urged now the turn into the straightaway, he which the University team participat- mal. PRESIDENT McVEY SPEAKS is viewed in action against strong that a public explanation of the puts forth his last great effort to ed last year. At that time communicompetition, and such will be meted Others to be initiated who are reg cause of the ruling has been made. spurt abreast the stalwart KentucK' cations regarding the debate were ular students of the University are Dr. Frank L. McVey left Wednes out to the 'Cats today and SaturThe following are among the inter ian. But down in Kentucky they received from a territory bounded by Elsie Bartley, Anna Conrad, Mabel The prospects for a stellar esting books on the display shelf of day morning for Florida where he day. raise throroughbreds who give till it Minnesota on the north, Mississippi Marshall, Georgia Alexander, Virthe library this week: "D. L. Moody, will spend two week in an educational nine indeed seem very bright, and down on on the south, Nebraska on the west, ginia Bradley, and Esther Gormley. hurts. Thrusting his head A Worker in Souls," an attractively survey of Florida schools under the Coach Major is putting his charges his breast and summing up his last and New York on the east. (By David Alexander) The members of the active chapter illustrated and interesting biography, auspices of the University of Florida. through some very hard practice sesenergy, Gess put off the ounce of GalsSvorthy's "Justice," presented are Edward Duvall, Anna Woodson Dr. Robert James Leonard, dean of sions, lasting well up to duskievery billion dollars Gaither, Nancy Mary Wilson, Gladys as the fourth play of the current by Gamaliel Bradford; "The ABC Teachers' College, Columbia Univer- afternoon. Surely with this excellent Of the eighty-fou- r and pulled ahead again, with threat, of Architecture," profusely illustrat 20 yards to go. Yet Fate tried to deposited in the banks of the world, Sharp, Lucille Short, Mary McFar-lanby the University en Romany season of material and good ed, by Matlack Price; the novels, sity, New York City, is in charge of combination of fifty-tw- o take a hand in the game and Wil- - approximately Dorothy Pennebaker and Louise gineering students, has proved so "Men Without Women," by Ernest the survey and asked Doctor McVey coaching, the Kentucky nine should billions, are in the banks of the Kennedy. be most formidable this season. successful a production that it will Hemingway, and Booth Tarkington's to join him in the work. United States. (Continued on Page Eight) continue performances through next 'Claire Ambler." Two other books Wednesday. not on the display shelf but of interCommittee Denies The cordial reception that has been est are: "Heredity and Human Af Thirty-Fiv- e rendered the play by the public is fairs," by Edward M. East and Hen entirely deserved. The production is ry F. Osborn's "Man Rises to Par Lack of Funds Necessitates well set, well acted and excellently nassus," critical epochs in the pre directed, there being no lapse in the history of man. Control of Student Loan tense dramatic movement throughout Fund by Board four long acts. (By Kady EIvovc) gium Hungary Sicily, Tripoli, and Miss Jeannette Lampert, who has Y. W. C. A. Prof. W. S. Webb, chairman of the the only female part in the play, of doors; if so, where in the name of (By M. L. Napier) The War lot of of which were Circus Tomorrow things. Worldgave us changed apictures Saxony all by Mr. Portmann,procured student loan committee, has written Reynold Ackerman, and Parham Baways of the world an aborn- heavens did they find a place big strange in France It remain 'The the following to Dr. W. D. enough that was level enough to play interpret the three principal roles, ing up Carr" Ann Cobb. of a countess washing dishes, a duke as souvenirs of the meeting of the dean of the graduate school ker I know my Carr and each gives a most noteworthy All Proverbial Characters Will serving spaghetti, a princess dancing nations of the world on the battleOut from the hills of Knott, down basketball on? 'At a recent meeting of the Stu Be Present to Entertain the Black Bottom, a kaiser in exile fields of France. It must be that all the valley of Carr there came hur- Creek, and to save me I can't re- dent Loan Committee, the funds hav performance. The minor parts, and Sight-seeked strange pictures of royalty in rags. of these various coins really circulrying to meet the train five beams member a single place level enough ing been exhausted by the large de- they are numerous, are all Moonto play mumble peg on, let alone by a commendable attention to And with the fall of European nobil ated among the soldiers and citizen from the mountain fastness of spirits that basketball. The playing of basketball mand for loans, the following action the details of characterization. The proverbial "fat lady of the ity, fell another royal fellow, more of France as money, rather than as shine land who reflected was taken by the committee, with inThe play, in showing the inexorable circus," the "strong man," and the respected than most others. Amer curiosities. were as unconquerable as the spirits also seems to be an inherited instinct structions to the chairman to notify moonshine distilled with them, too. Three on the squad you wild animal show" will be some of ican orators call him the "almighty devastating course of "the of that Fortune, tired of battlegrounds and of this action, which was embod- and were brothers, and all were cousins. fighting marines, favored the amateur in these unpenetrable retreats. of justice, is set in a the many features of the circus that ied in the following motion: 'With lawyer's office, a court room, and a the University Y. W. C. A., in co dollar" but over there he is more When those Carr Creek boys got According to that the vicinity of Carr spoken of as the "worth coin collector and enabled him to sethe beginning of the fiscal year. July prison. The court room scene re- operation with the Girls' Reserve of less on the floor with Ashland Saturday Creek should have a number of teams 1, mark" or the "unfortunate ru cure several really rare pieces in ad1928, no loans will be extended to quires massive settings, but they the City Y. W. C. A., will stage in ble." night at 9 o'clock, there were few in a few years if these boys are any- graduate students.' dition to his war collection. Five who had the courage to hope out loud thing like their ancestors in the num are so skillfully built that there is the Men's gymnasium tomorrow. When the American doughboys Roman coins made of copper, two of "The Committee took this action no appearance of undue crowding to- There will be two performances, the were "over there," they soon picked them of the famous Vestal Virgin that Ashland would even have a close ber of children in the family. There is one spirit in life's game, largely because of their belief that a gether of furniture and other stage afternoon at 3 o'clock and the evening up a new hobby which was the col issue dating back 1,600 years, are game, owing to the indifferent graduate student should be able to properties. Fine lighting effects are at 7 o'clock. of the Carr Creek team and that spirit is the spirit of Carr lecting of copies of this depreciated coins of which any numimatist might The Y. W. has promised a "howlagainst its opponents in former Creek. Praises be to Carr Creek and finance his further education arid that used to make the drab prison scene European money. It was amusing to boast. A Spanish piece issued in deThe Kernel extends the loan fund, as at present consti more of them. ing" good time to all those who come buy a million marks for five cents 1603, when Spanish galleons sailed games. But those boys put up a seem appallingly realistic. wishes on their trip to tuted, is primarily for the undergrad unpenetrato them best k riders, in American coinage and to speculate the seas and searched for pirate gold, The play is produced under the di to see the lions, fense that was almost as uate who is unable to help himself or rection of Ellsworth Perrin, an actor trapeze performers, and jugglers "do how wealthy one might have been. ble as the mountain fastnesses from Chicago. j occupies first place in Mr. Portmann's they came, and as a result There will be a box placed in the to earn any considerable sum because who has played in professional pro their stuff." The "Chamber of Hor whence Victor Portmann, member of the; collection of old European coins, as they "wrote their 'names in golden dean of men's office and all who wish of his lack of education." "Justice," Miss Jeannette rors," "The Krazy House" and the journalism faculty of the University, also several old French coins of the ductions of Professor Webb hopes that it will Lampert and Carol M. Sax. "Devil's Kitchen" are features of the took up the hobby and became so in- - 17th century. letters on a page of Kentucky high to contribute to the boys going to history, and to Chicago will please put their con be understood that the action was tournament show calculated to send chills of hor terested in it, that he soon enlarged But peer of them all in the opinion school brought the name of Carr Creek from tribution in the box. Come one, Wild taken merely because of a lack of ror down one's spine. it includes of the his collection until of the last war, is The Girls' Tumbling Team, who representative obscurity to the position of a word of cats, let's boost those mountaineers, funds, and that no partiality is meant. paper and metallic the Victory Medal, struck off by the KERNEL ELECTION TODAY greeting in central Kentucky. .are gaining quite a reputation on the money from thirty-fiv- e At the same time let us not forget countries, all ecstatic and exhubrant French people KAPPA DELTA PI MEETING Those boys were fighters; they for a moment the admirable spirit The Kernel staff will hold its campus for their ability to perform, of which were collected during the of 1919 and' given to American solboys and stayed in the playing until the last that moved the Ashland stay of the American troops in Eur- diers in memory of the Allied victory annual election of officers at a will put on an act. The girls and their home town folk to a Kappa Delta Pi honorary educaand the end of the war. shot had been fired. meeting today, at 11:50 o'clock in will be in charge of the members of ope. Y. W. C. A. cabinet. are some interesting things double victory. Ashland came with tion fraternity, will hold a meeting Coins from Serbia, Japan, There the What is the collection worth? Wjll,, The Kernel office. All members small squad of eight that a crack band, several hundred ardent this afternoon at 3 o'clock in Room The price of admission will be 20 Argentina, Portugal, Greece, not so much as far as pecuniary value about that of the staff are requested to be to trip to Lexington. In the rooters, and showed to the limit the 202 of the Education building. All cents for children and 35 cents for Russia Mexico Canada, India, Swemade present. members are urged to be present. (Continued on Page Eight) adults. den, Morocco, Algeria, Holland, Bel first place, it is said they played out metal that is in them. LACKS FOUR SECONDS OF WORLD RECORD I;. THE UNIVERSITY COED BAND two-ga- co-e- d co-e- wjm. Baron Heyking LEAGUE OFFPS Speak to Students Arm iriiimiTm! KAti L li TO PLAYWRIGHTS nni I 4-- 1000-yar- j WILL PLAY i Land-Gra- SUNDAY U. OF K. TO DEBATE NORTHWESTERN Full-lengt- Gil-li- s, g, world-famo- 8 f Honorary Latin and Greek Fraternity to h Initiate Library Makes Ruling Concerning Renewal of full-leng- Han-ratt- y. k; Keith-Orpheu- open-foru- th Engineers Star In Galsworthy's Realistic Drama d, s, Spotlight of Fame Casts Its Glare On Heroes of Can Creek Coins Loans to Graduates Nations in of Professor Portmann s Collection to Stage Funk-house- r, distin-guise- chariot-w- far-fam- heels" j bare-bac- j y side-sho- Indo-Chin- 1 * 17 t; ii ir r''i,,r"Tirw.'.-THE KENTUCKY KERNEL PAGE TWO ALL MAKES ALUMNI PAGE Subscribe for THE KERNEL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ASHLAND of THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY REORGANIZE James Park, '15 Mrs. Rodes Estill, '21 T Raymond SECRETARY-TREASURE- R L. Kirk, '24 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Dr. George II. Wilson, '04 Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02 Wm. H. Townsend, 12 Walter Hillenmeyer, '11 Wayland Rhodes, '15 W. C. Wilson, '13 ALUMNI OUR THANKS We are glad to announce that a few of our loyal Alumni have responded to our plea of last week and week before and have sent their checks for full payment of their pledges to the Greater Kentucky Fund. They did this without any notification save that which has appeared on this page. We want to thank By doing this they not only saved us a them in this manner. great deal of time and trouble but they also save money for the The cost of sending out the notices, while not great, fund. amounts to a considerable figure when they are sent out in large numbers. When every cent that was pledged to this fund is paid in, there will be none too much, and with each series of notices a certain amount of money must be taken from the fund. It would indeed be a great saving of time and money if the rest of you would go and do likewise. REUNIONS The fact that class reunions are things that Alumni of our University do not attempt very often has just been brought to Just how successful these have been in the past our attention. we cannot say, but we do know that there should be several This year classes in reunion each year during commencement. the members of the class of 1908 are planning their twentieth Several members of this class who are anniversary reunion. in Lexington already have begun to make arrangements for this event and although they will not make public their program we do know that several most interesting events are being planned. According to all rules and regulations for reunions there should be several other classes to hold reunions at the same time. We would like to see any number of classes return There is this spring for the annual meeting and Alumni Day. little work to be done in connection with anything of this sort and if the officers or interested members of those classes would communicate with this office we would be glad to do all in our Why not plan somepower to notify all the other members. thing for your class and get them together again. Secy.-Trea- Alumni Assn. s. Special Rental Rates to Students ANNOUNCEMENTS Inactive Alumni Club Will Be Brought to Life by Younger Graduates of University of Kentucky. ' STANDARD KENTUCKY TRACK University of Kentucky Club of Greater Cincinnati: Luncheon at noon on first Saturday in each month at Industrial Club. Pike Madison avenue, Covington, Ky. Note Will the officers of pther Alumni Clubs please send us the dates and places of their regular meetings. CLUB Active and interested Alumni living in and near Ashland, Ky., have begun work toward reorganization of the Ashland Alumni Club of the "University. This club was organized several years ago, but for the past few years has not been functioning. The move has just started and we are predicting great things for the club. J. Sneed Yager, LL. B. 1924, and Robert Davis, A. B. 1927, are among those who are working toward the reorganization of this club. The Ash land Alumni Club of the University of Kentucky has great possibilities since almost the whole of Eastern Kentucky is within the field from which it has to draw. There are also probably more young Alumni of the University in Ashland than in any other one town of its size. Those who are most active in the reorganization work are planning to invite the "Strollers" to come to Ashland and present their play later in the spring. They already ire trying to arrange for a date with the University players. While the "Strollers" have made many trips to other towns in Kentuiky they never yet have been in the section of the state in which Ashland is located. If this move goes through it will be a great source of good advertising for the University. A list of Alumni living in the Ashland district is being made up and will be forwarded to those most interested in the reorganization of the club. They have asked that all Alumni living in or near Ashland communi d cate with one of the Alumni so that their names may be placed on the list. Other activities and social events will be arranged just as soon as the reorganization is com pleted. TYPEWRITERS RAYMOND KIRK Published By And For University Alumni And Help the Association PRESIDENT Edited by MAN SETS RECORD BIRTHS o o Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Kirk are welcoming a son who was born at the Good Samaritan hospital' on Tues day, March 13. The baby has been L. Kirk, Jr. Mr. named Raymond Kirk is a member of the class of 1924 who formerly was and Mrs. Kirk, Miss Anne Shropshire, was a mem ber of the class of When you need a car for business or social affairs In the spring of '95, Henry Bush '95 was manager of thu baseball team. Frazier '97 did most of the pitching. Geary was captain and dia some of the pitching. On May 4 Center defeated S. C. 17 to 3. On the same day K. U. defeated Kentucky Wesleyan 2G to 13. The captain of the track team was R. C. Stoll '95. Intercollegiate Field Day was held as usual on Decoration Day. C. U. won with 43 points; S. C. was second