xt76125qbx9h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76125qbx9h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1988-09-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 1988 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 22, 1988 1988 1988-09-22 2020 true xt76125qbx9h section xt76125qbx9h  

independent since 1971

Thursday, September 22, 1986


Ashland Oil chairman says rough times over for company

Associated Press

ltL'SSELL. Ky. , It‘s been a tough year
to be chairman of Kentucky‘s largest com~
pany Ashland Oil Inc.

Besides a tank collapse and oil spill near
Pittsburgh Ashland lost a wrongful-dis
charge lawsuit filed by two former exec-
utives , settling a $69.5 million jury ver-
dict for $25 million and battled charges
of pollution at its refinery in (.‘atlettsburg.

But (‘hairman .lohn It Hall believes this

year's crises are now largely behind him
and the corporation.

"It‘s been a difficult year," Hall said
Tuesday “lt's involved some long hours
and some disappointments But that goes
\A'lill the job

"I think the employees have done an out
standing job . and I don't want them to
be distracted from the outstanding job
they‘ve done by all the unusual events." he

Hall said he considers the problems to he
coincidental and not an indication of se

rious management problems

Despite Ashland's image problems this
year. he said, profits have been good, and
the company‘s stock price has remained
near record levels The stock closed ’l‘iies
day at $34123, (limit 3073 .\nal_\sts also
have praised the company's pertorinanct-

Hall said an internal report on the tirst
crisis of the year the oil spill tound
that \shland lacked enough tormal proce
dures tor building and inspecting its him
dreds of storage tanks

lienerally. that method had :iroit-d viii"


Steve Ott.

Building blocks

a political

’A l)tl\ BU“ \l \\
twii‘ribiiting Writer

‘A ith construction projects going up in
a lot ot spots on campus. some students
are tindmu it a little harder to get to

'-\lt the minor but annoying con
struction I\ alxiays sa\ed until classes
sl.il'l_ said (ireg ltice. an accounting
liltllltl and Kll‘\\;lll 'l‘oiier resident
‘liast _\e.il‘ tlie_\ tarred the dorm roots
heri- at the t'oiiiplex which made
breathing almost impossible. and tore
up the sl(lt‘\\ulk in tront ot' K~l.air “

“This year theyie dug up the side
\ialk here at Kii'xian Towert.” Rice
said "’l‘he) haw to knoxi it‘s gonna be
tllt'tltht'lllt'lll. so why do the) Viait until
thousands ol people are here to get
tliiiigsdonc“ ’

.\lost ot the current projects are on
schedule and “Ill be tinished l't’llet‘l}

lleres a list ot all current proiects
\\ itli updates on their progress

- l'lie Lancaster \quatic (‘eiitei'
line to a June «l tire this $57 million
project near the Seaton Center has been
rescheduled tor completion in late .\o

"Extensiie tire and smoke damage
has cost lll excess ot halt a million dol
lars said Ken (‘le\idence. l'K lhrec
tor ot l‘rix'urement and lk‘\cll)plllt*lll
'Biit insurance “I” cot er it The caust-
oi the tire is still under ”H estigation

- l‘lii- Robotics (enter t'ndemay
since January~ this Slit million project
is ‘moiing along \ery \iiell.‘ l'leii
dence said completion is e\pected
aroundJul) little)

' 'l'lie \griciiltural Engineering Build—


science sophomore and
an advertismg sophomore

John construction site,

walk around the








)t “he Robotics “enter beside
sori Hall vesterdati tittem ,i r

3m is,

All the construction at UK causing some students; a law problems


mi: Located on (‘ooper llrixe. this
$502 million protect is on schedule and
completion is expected sometime riext
summer clexitti-ncesaid

- l'he \gricultui’al Regulaton \erx
ices Building [he 5.; million tacilit)
across trom t‘ominoimealth Stadium is
ahead ot schedule and should he tin
vslied mthm the out no days. View
dellcc said

- lilaiiiliiig loner The Si imilion
lll’lt'h replacement project on the it



slot: ll'ttlli"tt‘ tlas 'It’l'll --iin:pieti~ii

iiitl ,uiscs Elli :ioietlliat iii/aid i

lt’lll exam

lfii'it llt‘

:iiiilt‘i ’5 .liliii'i .

\t'\t'ltlt Iiilt'.itl'u.

I‘ltesc in lllllt‘ it Ml! 'tlllltttlt f'\lli1.i_‘l‘tlt
iilil ‘i-phiti-tiiitil lilirli‘ct iii thy " k his
ltlltil ~iii iiiililliillg $8 lllllllitli t'i‘tndatltu:
it 'tie Business ck Economics itiiziintic
Illll .i ll.l.t‘lllt‘lii ctonstiiiittm. ll 'lllli

at hiiuaii looei toot lllll>llt1lsiliili

More funds needed for schools, panel says

ll) .\l “(k Ii.( Ill‘il.l tilil‘i\
Assm'ialed l’rcss

li‘RANKli‘illt'l‘. K) The ticiieral As-
seinbly has tailed its constitutional obliga
tioii to proiide minimum educational op
portunitics tor Her) Kentucky student. a


special ludicial committee concluded _\cs

l‘lie loiigauaited report contained text
specilic recoininciidalions on how the state
can iiicel its responsibility. hilt made some
sweeping statements about what is viroiig
“till the current system and otlcred the

L‘J‘Hi‘l‘al pioposition that 'noic iiionti ‘iitist

be spent to accomplish the lush
l'he the panel members .iho :ical t.
lJl‘lt'lllllJ. on the report declined to say
tint-re the money should conic trom ‘tl

l‘\ en ll higher 'axes are needed
Kern \lcsandei. the committee s than
\L'c‘\| '\\Ili\R”.‘ l) i» ‘


cessful oier the years he and ti 2‘ .t
ple of people who had been l‘t'\ltltl‘\"'.t' v
storagetank building and operate; '
left the company over the past (lt‘t'3t'li-
Regardless ot \ihether ‘tit- pit-i
acre tiirmal the lean; tt‘ii'l‘st e-ittt
proyxct should have known ,~ t: t‘ '
said And the t-iiectitiies nix-w
’eam should hate done ‘i better ,.i
ltii’ llall doesn‘t belie't 'ts‘ll'l
nit-til personnel tr: in‘imt‘t
‘tli'l‘iilittt‘s til. 'lit' l=iI;t‘ iii'r- '

npa ..i


SGA closely votes
mandatory office

hours for

H} l‘l l7 \Rl"'l‘ll \\ ‘.?t|-'

l'.i V
”.1" A.“ t‘?

ll~ \’ de'it
vet‘rwlx muse", . no
will? “i {lil‘rt‘iif _.l’ some "

t lioiirgier .eel',

i‘liitri‘ ‘uis {vi'i T‘. i it”
tittlliztlli‘lli_ » std \l‘ .~
»’ trite I‘H'W't‘ ‘i'
mitt? '5‘»-

»i ,imii

".ii f'si'i.\\iiii‘

in~,.ii,1iy...iy tint

‘~o‘\i l‘nl ~t'l‘.[‘llti"»

‘ll‘tln "1\ Itil‘llg‘ll iii.”

i'f‘it' 't‘ltl'i'xltl"(

.l,,ti,.-,‘.y- “Hi “mat,
nit-Hm ~'_i
't" awe-nix)

":i‘ “”4”,“

“it _:i‘slii ,. i

\.l‘ \i

‘-l'll.tlill‘ loI ill»t
‘iss ttll illi‘t f‘lltll"
i'llili‘ l: t‘
't'th W.

-'*:i M. \t :ti



UK professors it Video
validity of 8am tiguagxic

ilx \ll-JRHIH l H l l H I l.

‘ltiil \\ri'cr

l\ tullllltii: tlt'lllt‘ m.

Jtt'lts .il'i' ill\ltlt‘ll l'li "aw L---_ s
l‘oh'l's) still‘itllliililig

presidential l‘illttlltiitlt' l t il‘ l: i.i'
llurmg the ‘irst \lt‘t'n ~ ! 2c

\ational t'onu-iiiati. .1: titans.

hat Quayle :iiaj. haw .scii l :-

'liii'iiu‘ during ’tli- ‘

tt'l‘lii ‘

"» imitai: ..
'iie ltidiana \aiiiiiiai iiiaid
tinch \ery tc‘ti 'iiiniiicis
‘t‘l'yik't‘lfi t‘lst‘as

tlpilnoiis tar) -i,
‘\,\',lt‘. 'ls t'llt‘tts -.'i lt‘
handling by the media

llonald Iii'oss. notitit (it ‘\ ,i.
tllll specialist on poiititm Liam
llllik ‘hat 'llt \tlllil‘it\tl>_i
'ltt' lltlsll'tzlliifit' tainpaign

the polls -.eciii 'o iitihuit
'ltill‘ he said lt '3...) mist
‘o « sinail segment :i
st ii‘iall} :t s still a liltslilt‘i.

liltl>> ntitl 'llclt \t'l\ at it '1» . l
-n ‘x-ietiiam is not necessai» : .. ”Hanoi .,
-.iiittiitatc [int ;i Quayle lst'ti
t'll\t‘ ”it .l\iilll \t'l\i\t ‘t "
sona wt his legitiiiim. "ii
iiiillttit) ptmci‘on'l‘si'as

lie xtould be sending iiillt't nor
ltlltl i-iri umstances ill '~\llit n ic \- i.
mlliiig 'o co.
xiouid bc disturbed

fiil.\ .illt...'

lilitss soul l Q

‘tt l tltl‘t







85" .90»

Today. Chance ot rain
Tomorrowt Chance of rain






Volleyball team finds out if it’s

for real. See Page 8.




Stealin Horses rocks the ballroom For a

review, See Page 2.



 2 — Kentucky Kernel, Thursday,Soptombor22.19u




Stealin Horses offers diversity in set

By IAN (‘llRlSTY
Contributing (‘ritic

mm a voice range that enables
her to convery every emotion of a
woman left utterly alone. victim-
ized by unfaithful men and the
farm's eerie solitude, Kiya Heart—
wood and her group Stealin Horses
gave a crowd-pleasing perfor—
mance in the Student (‘enter Bally
room last night.

The show started off with
“Where the Rivers Run." a fast
song with a southern tint. This was
followed li_\' "Tangles," a song l
really llkt' for its excellent guitar
work it slows and speeds up like
tht finest sex», and l really think
the bassist deserves a medal for
his lllt‘l‘t‘tllldt‘ play


The band abandoned its predeter-
mined set. much to the crowd's ap-
proval, and broke into a chillingly
good rehash of Led Zeppelin‘s
“Whole Lotta Love," a song that
got even me to my' feet. trusty
notebook temporarily abandoned.
Following up with an awesome
fade out/in into "For Your Love.”
Stealin Horses convinced me that
they are a band of true talent.
After an okay cover of “Should 1

day it's fine, the next it’s black.“
but that doesn't matter, because
your origionals more than make up
for any half remembered covers)
the band truely came alive. They
kicked through their newest re-
lease, “Rain," 3 nice song with a
message. “pretty boys in prety
cars that disappear by morning."
three chord songs on old guitars
that sound just like a storm/ but I
keep my eyes to the sky/ and the
clouds all pull grey/ and I know
my own mind/ it's a sign of rain."
I. and most adolescents just enter-
ing the real world of lies and let
downs like myself. can understand
and identify with this song all to

Also worth mentioning is Harriet

Rob Song
Arts Editor

and heavy discrimination llow ap-
propriate. Very smooth and mov-
ing minor chord shifts. The guitar
work here is quick and complex.
anything but knappy

“Turnaround" was a lllt't‘ iam,
spunky and really sharp liie if i
ever had any doubt toward Lexiiig
ton‘s musical quality, 1 lost it as
soon as Stealin llorscs hit the
stage. i recommend the selt‘titled
album, which I gave more than a
token listen to before hitting the
Student Center Ballroom to experi
ence the real thing if anything,
buy it so that the hand can buy
each member some new hole tree
pants The band's stage act was
simple and not \ery glaiiioiiroiis.
but does good music really need

Stay or Should l Go?" iby the way. Tubman iKiya‘s idol), a song about hairspray and a iiiiilti million liiitl

Kiya. the part you forgot is “one a woman overcoming huge odds 201"
range oi Heartwotxl‘s voice. liive.
this song takes on a whole new am ”I'm“ COUNTY by Berke Breathed
7 ~- 7 4*. 5w

tude it also included a nice a cap- CHM/W

Della lll‘vuk firm/6% I , I .700; "\ W Hf?
, . . ‘ /gp K ~ c ' “Liz"
liying out suiial new songs on WWW/M76 . . ‘y ‘ f/OO’YMUW/r l( i

The fourth song in their set.
"Walkaway." reveals the true




a sample audience. the band belted WM CAFJW /_ (/01 617W? 5% /
through try and Promised 51/27/1155,. 2 ,, , mi “4’:
Land,‘ tiio beauty tithes I would \M ' i /
really like to have on tape to listen
to again and again

Gotta (;et a Letter.” the eighth
sons. began to get people to their
leer ll.‘ happy. fast tempo makes

; t't’éii crowd pleaser The song.

, in i, ' '. . u .
Lead Singer Kiya Heartwood gave the Ballroom crowd a taste of " '“ 1")“ “‘“m’ “’ “mm“ d‘
'iii." 'lit- right way getting through

her band last night before they embark on another tour g“ WHOM


if Freshman

‘ir LCC














The Perfect Gift
for All Occasions





Pick up
applications in
SGA Office, Rm.
120 Student
Center. Deadline
4:00, Sept. 28.


tr Nursing

tr Library

9‘, Social Work Elections Oct. 5&6








How to run you
wn show.


"'lli'iii iltl i. «.113

lloii to get Illt‘ iard now

”Why A fri . i t.-


. if. .i. i .i'lilii‘ \'
i‘ i\-' ‘ :" ii".iltl‘ ‘ t' i'

in ‘witiitii l‘.i‘3t“l .iiii

Ill (a? M‘ iii “itl‘wli 3,.

University of Kentucky
Homecoming 1988

is sponsored by:

U.K. Student Activities Board

° Homecoming Parade 7:30 pm. —
from Memorial Coliseum to
Commonwealth Stadium

° Wildcat Roar 8 pm. —
Commonwealth Stadium
“Yell Like Hell" (‘ontest
Football highlights

From 9 pan-midnight a
German band will perform

September 24

0 Homecoming 1988? 1:30 pm
UK Wildcats vs. Kent State
Announcement of (‘oiiimunitv
College Princesses . Pregame
Announcement of 1988
Homecoming Queen and her
court Halftime


September 23
'Judging of House. Displays 8 am. Sunday,

0 Big Blue Boogie from 5 p.m.-8:30 September 25

pm. with Thumper and the
Hand Rabbits at the Red Mile. In °Comedian Steven Wright 8 in"-
Memorial Hall

cooperation with Oktoberfest
Tickets ~$10 Student

1988, Red Mile, Miller Beer,
WI.AP 941/2 and Coca Cola. $15 General Public

0““! (mun A ’I{\Ir\. u... . . .1



 Iggy Pop pelts out powerful
set of prototype punk rock

Arts Editor

When describing Iggy Pop in con-
cert, the only adjective that seems
appropriate is animalistic.

Pop and his band. The Stooges.
can definitely be called the proto-
punk band, having begun to spit
out thrashin' rock ‘n' roll back in

Twenty years later, Pop has
proved that, although he's spawned
many imitators, he's still punk's
original party animal.

Pop opened Tuesday night's show
at Cincinnati's Bogart's nightclub
with “Instinct.“ a track off his new
album Cold Metal. Although one of
the lines reads, “lnstinct keeps me
running, running like a moose," a
better description would be a spas-
tic. unchained and rabid beast,

At 40. Pop is still never one to
stand still for very long and.
thanks to a wireless microphone
tand a microphone stand that took
a substantial amount of abusct.
Pop was able to trounce about the
stage while belting out his defiant
lyrics. Pop‘s prancing consisted of
wildly flailing appendages with
arms. legs and. yes. even that one
almost becoming a part oi his
quirky (latices

Pop gave songs such as "High
On You" and the title track oil the
new album a harder edge and re
\'l\'(‘d Stooges songs throughout the


You in
Every Day


When describing iggy
Pop in concert. the
only adjective that
seems appropriate is



show The backup band at» an ad
equate replacement tor the Stooges
and provided a illi\t\l(‘lil and
pounding traiiimoi‘k itir l‘op's an

l’op'x ittllilt'lil‘i‘ :m not to be out
done either as bodies were passed
\i'iltil)‘ around atop the lill‘ihilillfl
t'l'(t\\ti and mote than a ten \H‘l't
subjected to 'lii- ptinisimieiif :,,~
oierticit'ht .tliti owrrcalwri- titliitlr'
ers an :ippi'opi lil't‘ ll;!!t‘t toi' ~ome
ot' those iltliit'\

Dill‘ilit.‘ thi- {male of I Wanna lie
Your Hop,“ Pop hits: 2" iteratin-
.iti acme par'wparil .; he «tame
«tixing «.izith :« i“‘.l,t"?'i;'lt!'"~ rotisivi
ering th-- tat" tha‘ 5' t" a to Ali-“r

l’ott team on! mm “. U1Illt‘.’l‘t_“ht
i .

i‘l‘ll\\(i did .t lted .‘N'ezi ntimlwi out

.latie's Addiction. another :ie.\t
tttL‘ thing~ hand from Los :‘xllflt‘it‘>
opened the \hou uith ll\ brand o?
psychedelic punk it }oti can iiita:
me Led Zeppelin crossed with in
“\e\ Pistols. \t)|l get ;i prett} new;

.it(- idea of .i\ ~ound .\lthoiigh ‘ite

Mimi till? H'i _t 'J't'i'e‘tttl \hti\\ tip“


\till liéiH‘ .‘t long “at to do he! ti'r'
the} come up \tith a trim ti=~":.-.

It 3.0!} claim to be an alternatixw
Hilhlt tan and missed the :odtli‘l‘
er of punk's show then lw on ho.”
tie\l Monday when togar‘ - pr!
\(‘Iils another of piink'x torertiii'tw

'i‘he ltamones
netting louder“ tilt :ige


.aho \l‘l‘y'Y‘, ' l,.

Kentucky Kernel, Thursday, September 22.1988 — 3

Compilation has ‘Substance’

B)(ll\ltl ll "lit ll
Stat“ rain

\I ital \'

lm iv


,mvn ~ \
t‘vqcegi “V‘J‘. fen“ 1‘3,

' [bk ”- ~vm. «Anny ‘ y

«p qr“ "' gt“ _’prwt>i

".815 v ' Xr“.wpr _ ,1i‘

’"11 4r” fw “icepr‘

”eromes vaSIet “3n UV?!

Sheice best suited tor .eut


with you in mind.

'- he Zeml" T'coooao sate


4 beta ”t 1‘
'ornmwr , ' aw: ,tiesttons "r we it

i; trlflr'hlri 44

"(‘0')” ll '

temonstrations :mnn.,imsty «1,1,;
Je'sonat Groomers “antioqwm,

Purchasnng a computer
was never 30 easy.

Not only wnl the truckloao ‘-al9 puma
vOL.’ - mpceoemeo “Ices :ailows you
nstantoetwer» 3r tt'te computer you
Have "1 "mm is rtot (\r‘ the truck .Ou
can place .in wear ' on! on the soot
Plus 'or 'he first true Cert-tn Data
Systems 5 now acceptmo nsa de0

Purchasing a computer
was never so inexpensive.
easy, and clearly designed

'S ""8 \OmUU'le' went . ' ”‘9 year .

Zenith rolls to
The Truckload

Portable Com

0,. .>~ ,. , ,. ,(, TCVHMW. . 1,..y

.3 twittopr‘ :‘ *npic v «_







Purchasmg a computer
was never so inexpensive.
’ m... vim”, *“mer‘. atetv 'axp
mmntaoeetme owestpw‘esmw
,stonai ' omnuters "an ’m .i mono
'me I. dDV‘tt‘ L” s are available at super
,av-f‘qs mi} r‘w Tin/”‘57 atomnatm

~e ‘.CL,'

moqet ‘t‘ivmq "mi-DIP ‘et‘idmo Aei‘t
wvstern would be the "Host hpnpllI-ifll ‘
Jemte 'vorpsentatiws wot he v vmmq ‘ '

ILOC‘A’I‘ION: Administration l)r.. .‘Nt‘lii,



Special Savings Check




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o . 1-. ,-_i yum;

'tri,\\\ 'tL' :wm‘iiits l1/\ .

a ~ \ t ukalinltlxt
' . immamc yon X



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