xt763x83jn66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt763x83jn66/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18640320 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1864-03-sep20. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1864-03-sep20. 1864 2011 true xt763x83jn66 section xt763x83jn66 


     Kentucky University Curators

Meeting of September 20th, 1864

Meeting of
20, 1864

Motion to
take the
Sense of the
Donors on the
question of

from the
donors in the

     Board met Sept. 20, 1864 pursuant to Adjournent-
Present James Taylor, Jno. Aug. Williams, A. G. Kyle, A. H.
Bowman, D. W. Thompson, Jas. E. Thompson, E, T. Anderson, 0.
S. Poston, J. Smith, G. W. Givens, W. L. Williams, A. G.
HEaradon, R. J. White, W. T. Moore, J. Wasson, J* W. McGarvey,
Andrew Steele, B. B. Groom, Jno. Shackelford, Jr. Z. F. Smith,
J. P. Tarbitt.
     After prayer by Jno. Shackelford, jun. the Board preceded
to business.
     Moved by Jas. Smith and seconed  that the Board    the sense
of the Donors present or represented on the questionW Shall the
University be removdW    Carried.
     Judge Poston moved that the Donors be called for by Counties
for an expression of their opinions as to the question- Carried
Sense as follows&
     Bourbon Co; Through Curator Shackelford 'That the Board it-
self do what ever in their judgement is best."
     Boyle Co Through J. Smith "About an equal decision against
Through A. H. Bowman,"Those he has seen are opposed to removal."
T. Davis reports he cannot vote until he lears all the facts."
Two others report numbers against removal.
     Clark w Reports through B. B. Groom, 1 Donor for removal."
He is the only Donor in that County.
     Christian Co. Reports through J. W. McGarvey 4 Donors favor
removal. Bro Bradshaw and others are reported as opposed to
     Fleming Co, near Popular plains 6 names reported as in
favor of Removal.
            t  Co.all Donors except 2000# favor removal.
     Crrard Co.   Curator reports in writing 17 Donors are opposed
to removal. *nother from Garrard reports 1 Donor favors removal.
        HeryC. Has 2 donors both favor removal.
     Jefferson Co. reports all its subscribers as favoring re-
moval but leave the matter to a majority of Board to secure
     Jessamine Co. J. Poston reports 2 donors as opposed to
removal. 2000+




Re solutions
moved by
Jno. A.

Lincoln Co. E. Givens - Report generally against removal but
disposed to leave to Curators, expressing in writing their
Judgement in favor of Harrodsburg. All Donors in Lincoln
except one censures this judgement.
Mason Co. Through J. W. McGarvey report "leave the matter to
the Curators - one favoring a removal." The brethern generally
favor removal   one opposed a removal - 2 leave it to the
Board" Maysville reported as favoring removal.
Madison Co.          C. White reported in favor of removal 7
Mercer Co.   Reports through Jas. Taylor that Mercer is almost
universally opposed to removal.
Woodford Co. Through J.W. McGarvey report for Removal 1400#
also 1 from Midway for removal.
Ohio State   6000# left to Curators.
     The following Resolutions were thus offered by Jno. Aug.
     After a full conference with the Donors and a due consid.-
oration of the question of removal & location of the University,
This Board
     Resolve 1. That the interests of the Kentucky University
require its removal to serve more elegible point than Uarrodasm
burg, if practicable.
     Resolved II. That at the expiration of the present Colleg.
iate The University shall be removed and permanently located
in            or its vicinity: provided the sum of one hundred
thousand dollars, or its equivalent, be secured from the citizens
there of absolutely and in fee simple for the use of the Institu-
tion by the next annual meeting in June.
     ResolvedIII. That a Committee of Five Curators be appointed
to make all arrangements for procuring the ensuing location the
amendments to the Charter necessary to enable this Board to
remove the University.
     Resolved IV That same Committee ascertain and report at the
June meeting what amount should in their judgement and in equity
be refunded to Donors in Mercer Co. in consieration of such
     Resolved V. That this Board shall after the adoption of the
Resolution II proceed at once to fill the blank therein.
    On motion the Board resolved to vote on the avove situation.



               Kentucky University,

        Harrodsburg, Kentucky, Sept. 20, 1864.

     The first Resolution being consid6ered the Yeas & Kays,
were called for as followst

Vote on the
first resolu-
tion lost

Jas. Smith
R. J. White
W. T. Moore
J. Wasson
J. W. McGarvey
Andrew Steele
B. b. Groom
J. Shackelford, Jun.
Z. F. Smith
J. T. Tarbitt  10

Jas. Taylor
Jno. A. Williams
A. G.. Kyl e
A. H. 3owman
D. W. Xhompson
Jas. E. Thompson
H. T. Anderson
0. S. Poston
G. W. Givens
W. L. illiams
A. G. Herndon

Motion to
amend the
Second res-
olution, lost

     The Resolution No. II was then taken up and discussed
pending which the Board adjourned , to meet at 7 o'clock P.
     Board met pursuant to adjournment. The question on II
Resolution being before the Board it was moved by A. Steele
to insert the words to Loxington after the word located &
strike out the following          of Resolution.

James Taylor
A. G. Kyle
H. T. Anderson
W. T. Moore
A. Steele
B. Groom
Z. F. Smith   7


J. A. Williams
A. H. Bowman
D. W. Thompson
Jas. E. Thompson
0. S. Poston
Jas. Smith
G. W. Givens
W. L. Williams
A. G. Herndon
i. J. White
J. Wasson
J. W. MoGarvey
J. Shackelford.
J. P. Tarbitt




                 Kentucky University

        Harrodsburg. Kentucky, September 20, 1864

So the amendemnt was lost the original question was then taken;


third carried

on fourth
Res. carried

Jno. Aug. Williams
J. White
W. L. Willias
R. White
J. Wasson
J. W. McGarvey
Andrew Stoele
B. B. Groom
J. Schakelford, Jun.
Bro Moore asksed to be
excused - but refused
J. P. Whit.

Jas. Taylor
A. G. Kyle
A. H. Bowman
D. W. Thompson
Jas. E Thompson
H. T. Anderson
0. S. Poston
G. W. Givens
A. G. Herndon
W. T. Moore
Z. F. Smith   10

     So the Resolution was carried.
     Resolution III was then carried
     Resolution IV was then called for.
     Judge Poston moved to amend by investing the funds and all
interest that may have accurred upon amounts paid in by them.
Vote on amendment.

Jas. Taylor
Jno. Aug. Williams
A. G. Kyle
A. H. Bowman
D. W. Thompson
Jas. S. Thompson
H. T. Anderson
0. S. Poston
J. White
G. W. Givens
A. H. Herndon
J. Wasson
Z. F. Smith
J. P. Tarbitt 14

W. L. Williams
R. J. Whlito
W. T. Moore
J. W. McGarvey
A. Steele
B. B. Groom
J. Shackelford



Res. Passed


So the amendment passed.
     The Resolution on amendments was then passed.


Fifth Resolu-
tion passed

Vote on the
notion to
fill the blank
in res. second

     The Resolution to fill the blank was
     Judge Posten moved that the blank be
of Louisville, Ky.

     Jas. Taylor
     D. W. Thompson
     0. S. Poston
     G. W. Givens
     W. T. Moore
     J. P. Tarbitt
     Jas. E. Thompson 9

then carried.
filled with the name

H. T. Anderson
Jas. Smith
R. White
J. Wasson
J. W. MeGarvey
A. Steele
B. B. Groom
J. Shackelford
  Z. 3. Smith   9

Vofe oR the
motion to
fill the blank
in resolution
Second 4ith

     Jno. Aug. Williams, W. L. Williams & A. G. Herndon not
voting M
     on motion of F. Smith that the blank be filled with
Lexington, Ky.
       Yeas                                   Nay

Jas. Smith
E. J. Wjite
W. T. Moore
J. Wesson
Je W. McGarvey
A. Steele
B. B. Groom
Jno. Shackelford
Z. F. Smith

A. H. Bowman
D. W. Thompson
Jas. E. Thompson
H. T. Anderson
0. S. Poston
G. W. Givens
A. G. Herndon
J. P. Tarbitt 10

    Jno. Aug. Williams, Logan Williams, were not prepared to
give a vote until after some further deliberation, and asked
to be excused.




appointed to
fill the
blank in
res. second.

Committee to
carry out
res. third .
& fourth.

     On motion it was resolved unanimously that Pros. Milligan,
J. B. Bowman & Prof. White be a Committee who shall have power
to fill the blank in Resolution II and that their decision be
regarded as the unanimous will of this board &
Resolved that they be requested to give a decision within
thirtyc days.
Resolved that the Resolution No II be amended by leaving out
the word Removed.
Against this Resolution W. S. Moore, J. White and others enter
their protest. The Chair then appointed J. ='. Bowman, Jno.
Aug. Williams, Grooms, McGarvey, W. T. Moore in pursuance of
Resolution III & IV.
Resolved that 20# be appropriated to pay Jno. M. Harlan for
his fee for his ipinion.
     Moved that the minutes as above be adopted.
                               A. G. Kyle, chairman