xt763x83kd0b_6 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt763x83kd0b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001.dao.xml University of Kentucky. Student Affairs 1.4 Cubic feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky K Books College students--Kentucky. Handbooks Students--Kentucky--Lexington. University of Kentucky K Books text University of Kentucky K Books 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001/2009ua001_1/2009ua001_1_5/1918_001_l/1918_001_l.pdf 1918 1918 1918 section false xt763x83kd0b_6 xt763x83kd0b ~ Q ` E: % E X »é. $3 g.? The ManWh0 man who ,~é i wins is the ( imaii who Works; e Z; ? i HI Who neither-sielabor 4 `V, s ; i s iw? Ububle shi1‘]€S;i s _v s i Who uses his hands, i i h~h E V his head, his eyes; The man who wins he i iri_ i is the man who tries i h ,;j¤j¢` ’ sezemz _ ivs_ I ~ i 5 K UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY STUDENT HAND - BDDK OF INFORMATION ‘ i I- ‘ 1918 , N RE #3* V I » .»——»—-——-—···———~’““"‘" I V f EXECUTIVE OFFICERS . ` Frank L. McVey ‘ . President of the University ` Wellington Patrick ' Secretary to the President · David H. Peak V . Business Agent . , Ezra. L. Gillis Registrar A *Anna J. Hamilton , . Dean of Women g ‘ Columbus R. Melcher Dean of Men ' Joseph W. Pryor ` . University Physician ` I Margaret I. King _ Librarian · , John E. Johnson ` Y. M. C. A. Secretary Adelaide Crane ‘ Director of Patterson Hall i ’ Sarah W. Marshall ` * Supervisor of Maxwell Hall . Archie O. Whipple . ` Supt. of Buildings and Grounds Paul P. Boyd . Dean, College of Arts and Science ‘ Thomas P. Cooper _ Dean, College of Agriculture 1 Daniel V. Terrell I ; Acting Dean, College of Civil Eng. p F. Paul Anderson Dean, College of M. & E. Eng. ‘ Chas. J'. Norwood Dean, College of Mines & Metallurgy William T. Lafferty Dean, College of Law » . _ Glanville Terrell ~ V * ‘ Chairman, Graduate School Committee V James T. C. Noe Director, Summer Session , *0n leave of absence. ‘ ` — CONTENTS . Page Foreword 4 A Registration and Assignment to Classes 5 Fees 6 Entrance Requirements S r Requirements for Graduation 9 Gradesand Honors 9 Rules Relating to Studies 11 V Examinations 15 ` Absences C 16 Discipline V 18 V Extra Curricula Activities 19 Social Life I 20 i Physical Education 25 Military Science 27 \Veekly Convocation 30 The Graduate School 30 The Library ` 34 ` _ i Student Publications 35 Buildings and Grounds _ 36 ' ii . » ‘ § ‘ ronnwoan i The rules and regulations found ' V in this booklet are printed for the ‘ information of the students of the i University. IH a democracy certain . rules must be laid down for the protection and happiness of all jg concerned. The knowledge and ob- ‘ servation of them will mean a bet- i ter University, a larger comfort, and a real harmony of spirit. FRANK L. McVEY, · President. i I ; S INFORMATION l' ` REGISTRATION AND ASSIGNMENT '1`O I — S oLASSES 1. Entrance Credentials I ¥ New Students should Send` their entrance _ T credentials to the Registrar before the begin- ’ ning of the Semester. _ if 5 2. Registration Days . ` Registration for the first semester of each ‘ I year begins at eight 0‘clock on the third Mon- Y day in September and closes at four 0`eloek i J on the following Tuesday afternoon. ` i`- 3. Late Registration · z Students, other than those entering for the first time, entering after the regular regis- tration period will be charged an additional I fee of $1.00. ' ' ` E No student may enter a class oft the Uni- i versity later than two weeks after registra- .· tion day, without the special permission of the heiad of the department concerned. This rule applies also to change of courses. · ’ j 4. Directions for Registration - I The student first goes to the Registrars desk ' j where he fills out theicards given him and [ signs the registration book. He then goes to the Business Agent to whom he makes pay- ; '_·- ment of his fees. He next goes to the Dean V ' 6 of the college he desires to enter, who will arrange his course of study and assign to . classes. ` l } 5. Assignment to Classes r — The Dean is responsible for the student’s . schedule. This schedule, when filed in the 4 Reg·istrar’s office, becomes authority for the official class roll of the instructor. No stud- , i ent is considered a member of any class, nor ‘ g may be dropped from any class except by an- i ·thority from the Registrafs office. _ ,7 c K { 6. Schedule of Class Hours 4 . , The daily schedule is as follows: ~ g I First hour: 8:00- 8:50 ` Second hour: 8:57-— 9:47 _ I { 7 Third hour: 9:54-10:44 E ' Fourth hour: 10:51-11:41 I I l·’ifth hour: 11:48——12:38 I Sixth hour: 1:40- 2:30 , I Seventh hour; 2:37- 3:27 5 Drill and Convocation are held at the fifth I I hour. , i FEES * I 7. Regular Fees s College of Arts and Science $12.50per’semester ‘ { College of Agriculture 12.50 per semester ‘ College of Engineering 15.00 per semester , College of Law 20.00 per semester ' j Graduate School 15.00per year l ~ Student Activities 4.50 per semester I 8. Fees for Special Privileges ! Late Registration: Students entering after ~ the regular registration period will be charged Z an additional fee of $1.00. V i Ei ~ 7 Failure to Arrange Glassiication: Students who fail to arrange classincation within the scheduled time will be charged a‘fee of $1.00. , Late Entrance Examination 1'ee: A fee of $5.00 is charged for admission to entrance ex- aminations after the regular examination period. However, if examinations are desired on only a part of the 15‘units, $1.00 a subject up to $5.00 will be charged. · V Transfer Prom One College to Another: * After five days, following the regular regis- ` tration period, a fee of $2.00 will be charged to transfer from one college to another. ' Change in Classiiication: After live days fol- lowing the regular registration period, a fee of $1.00 will be charged for any change in - schedule. V Laboratory Deposit: Each student taking laboratory work is required to make a deposit of $2.50 to cover breakage. The residue of this x amount will be returned at the end of the Z year. ; Special Examinations: A student may be l given a special examination upon payment of I a fee of $2.00, provided the request for the t examination be approved by the Registrar l and the head of the department concerned. 1 9. Refunds 1 _ During the thirty days after the beginning of each semester and 10 days after the open- I ing of the summer school, refunds up to 80% { of all fees may be made. After these periods { no refunds will be made. l r 4 I I I ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS . 10. Regular Students , Any graduate of an accredited school will be admitted to the University who presents » three units in English, one in Plane Geometry, . one in Algebra, and ten other units selected from any subjects counted by an accredited school for graduation. Four units may be in _ V ` vocational subjects. Students `not graduates of an accredited E school must pass examinations on fifteen units distributed in the same way. - . — After the year 1918-19, no student will be ad- ` · mitted with a condition. —; 11. Special Students _A graduate of another university or college may enter the University to pursue any spe- “? cial work. Other persons may be admitted as special students under the following condi- tions: ' . a. They must be prepared to do the work Y desired, and give good reason for not taking a regular course. b. They must be at least twenty-one years of age. 12. Advanced Standing ' \ Students desiring credit for work done in ,_ ’ other institutions should send their creden- I tials to the Registrar. _ ` { T ~ a ng ` 9 _ REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION . 13. Requirements Holding in All Colleges To be eligible to graduate from any course » of the University, a student must have gain- _ ed the specified number of credits, plus an V equal number of points. This requirement of points applies only to work taken after June, 1918. At least one year of the course must _ have been in residence. ` J 14. Requirements in Various Colleges . For statements giving in detail the require- \ — ments in the different colleges of the Univer- sity, see the catalog. · GRADES AND HONORS 15. The Marking System After June, 1918, results of work will be re— corded in the Registrars office as follows: Q A—Exceptionally high quality, valued at 3 _ points per credit. _ - B—G0od, valued at 2 points per credit. J C—Fair, valued at 1 point per credit. ' D—Poor, but passing, valued at 0 points per credit. E—Failure, valued at 0 points per credit. I—Incomplete. X—Absent from examinations. Advanced credit will be regarded as of grade C. A grade of E means that the work must be V taken over in class to be credited. ` re A grade of I (Incomplete) means that some ,_ relatively small part of the term’s work re- mains undone, because of sickness or other Til V eeeee A i il ( V gy . i 10 reason satisfactory to the instructor. This work must be completed within one month after the end of the semester; otherwise the ¢ I will be changed to E. The grade I is not _ to be given to a student whose work is below · passing. _ A grade of X may be changed by special - examination within one month after the end of the semester, provided that the Registrar 2% and the Head of the Department concerned _ grant permission for the examination. Other- QE Y wise the X becomes an E. — { 16. Definition of a Credit A credit represents one hour of recitation V or lecture, or two hours of laboratory a week . for one semester. Drawing, shop work, phy- · Q i sical education, military drill, and other s courses requiring no outside work are rock- ’ oned at three hours for one credit. i Qi ' 17. Explanation of a “Point" A ‘ A certain number of "points" are assigned . . to the marks as outlined under Sec. 15. The ‘f i idea is to give to the credits a certain quality _` i value as well as quantity value. Thus a stud- ` J ent graduating with all his marks "A" would be credited with three times as many points tg ; as credits. A student whose marks were all * D would get his credits but no points and - , would be unable to graduate. The relation- `;’ , ship between quantity and quality is indi- li; E cated by "standing," next defined. · E. ’ 18. Definition of "Standing" i The "standing" of a student is defined as -4 i the ratio of his total number of points to his i r total number of credits, D Q » _; 19. Undergraduate Honors — Public announcement is made each year ot f' all students who have so far in their courses " ` attained a standing of 2 or inore. fi 20. Commencement Honors , ‘ (1) Students are graduated "With High Dis- tinction" who attain a standing for the course of 2% or more. (2) Students are graduated "With Distinc- . U tion" who attain a standing of 2% or more, up to 2%. (3) Students may receive "Special Mention" in a subject who attain a standing of 2 or more and are recommended by the department con- cerned for especially good work. A student in the University prior to June, jg , 1918, 'to be eligible for honors, must have met the former requirements for honors for' that part of his course. RULES RELATING TO STUDIES 21. Credits Permitted in Each Year `»`_ G In the College of Arts and Science a stud- .;_ ent must take in addition to the military V` science and physical education, a sufficient ' amount of work to secure at least 14 credits each semester; and except in the courses in Industrial Chemistry and Journalism, or by I special permission, he will not be allowed to , carry in any semester more than 16 hours, exclusive of military science and physical education. ` In the college of Agriculture a student car- ries at least 12 hours’ work each semester; _ PQ, and, except by special permission, he will not ) ’ · ' ‘ 12 · ' * be—allowed to carry over 15 hours. This rule applies to the shortened course adopted for the duration of the war. . 22. Extra Work ‘ To be eligible to carry extra hours of work , , · a student must have all of the preceding semester’s work of A, B, or C grade and ` must have attained in that semester a stand- [ ing of at least 2. Freshmen will not be { allowed to carry extra work duringthe Hrst - semester. Permission to carry extra hours must be obtained from the Council on recom- ' mendation of the Dean. ' `V ' 23. Required Work Takes Precedence Studies in which a student has failed to make passing grades take precedence of all I others in the arrangement of his course. `=€` 24. Changes in Study Lists ` V Changes in study lists are made in the office ‘; , of the Dean of the college and require the *‘_ authority of the Registrar to be official. T After live days following the regular regis- is tration period, a fee of $1.00 will be charged- _ for any change in schedule. g 25. Transfer from One College to Another ‘ When anvundergraduate student is trans- ferred from one college to another, any fail- V g , ure which he may have incurred is not to be . l l regarded as a disability unless the failure is g vital to the new course. 3 { Applications for transfer from one college fl V to another must be made in writing to the yl Registrar of the University and presented to Q the ,¤<>v¤¢i1 f<>r.,¤1>1>rs>V&1· `i , —— » ~ e 3;. 13 y 26. Transfer from Special Student to Reg- . ular ‘ A special student who has completed the college work prerequisite to the senior year, , may, if recommended by the faculty of his college for this privilege, be classified as a ` , regular student upon either of the following conditions: · (1) If at least seventy—five per cent. of his work is of "A" and "B" grades, his college credits may be substituted at the rate of two ' semester credits for each entrance credit not yet satisfied. (2) If eighty-five per cent. of his work is of "A" and "B’{ grades, he will be eligible for senior classification. » 7 In any event, at least thirty credits, whether e; used to satisfy entrance conditions or for . graduation, must be selected from the sub- jects taught in the College of Arts and Science. This must include twelve credits in _. college English. _ 27. Poor Work in English · ·` Any instructor who finds the written work ‘¤ of any student seriously defective in its Eng- ’ e lish is expected to report the case, together ` with specimen papers, to a committee con- 4 sisting of the Dean and the Head of Depart- V; ment of English, who shall have power to . $ require additional work in composition with- out credit. _ · Y § 28. Delinquent Students }_; Students doing unsatisfactory work are re- ported each week to the Registrar, who ar- ranges the names byjeolleges and presents a4 ___,,_ .7,. 14 them to the Council. Such a student is plac- X ed under the special supervision of his ’ Dean. If after a time it becomes apparent » _ I that no improvement is to be hoped for, tire , g student is dropped. ` g , 29. Students on' Probation Any student found delinquent at the end of the semester in one—third of his scheduled § credits is placed on probation for the whole ‘ of the next semester. His parents are in- " [ formed of the fact, and during the period of probation he is under the special supervision _, { of his Dean. If at the end of his semester of ' # probation he is found delinquent in one-half ’ of his scheduled credits, he_is dropped from { the rolls of the University. k g 30. Clasaification f No student in the University is considered { a member of the senior class in any year, eligible to graduate in June of that year, un- less, at the beginning of the collegiate year, W he shall have satisfied the requirements of gé { ` senior classification in his respective college. I A student in the College of Arts and Science Y; i to be eligible for senior classification, must W I have completed 96 credits with a standing of J 1. h ; 9 A student in the College of Agriculture to j S be eligible for senior classiiication, must have j ¢ . completed 103 credits with a standing of 1. ’ir· ‘ In the Engineering Colleges to—be eligible é E for senior classiiication, a student must have t oompleted.all the prescribed work below the [E 5 y senior year with a standing of 1, j A student in the College of Lew to be ell- lg. l gible for senior classification, must have com- L l 7'4 ¤·_ 15 " ' V" pleted 52 credits in Law, and in addition, thirty credits in some other college. He must ’ — also have a standing of 1. For students en· t tering under the age of twenty-one the rule will be effective beginning with the class of 1919, and will apply to all students beginning 1 with the class of 1920. For graduation 80 credits in Law are required. . ,A student in any college, to be classified as a junior must have within 6 credits of the " normal amount of work, and a standing of 1; to be classified as a sophomore he must _; have within 10 credits of the normal amount. s . ExAM1NA·1·1oNs . 31. Entrance Examinations Entrance examinations will be held the week V preceding the opening of the first semester ,_ and on two other dates arranged by the Reg~ istrar. 32. Special Examinations A student may be given a special examina- tion upon payment of a .fee of $2.00. provided A; the request for the examination be approved Q by the Registrar and the head of the depart· * ment concerned. ’ 33. Students Barred from Examinations g A student who has been absent from the class room one-third of the time is barred J. from examinations. (Students entering late jj are included). 34. Absence from Examinations T: When a student is absent from an examina- Qg tion without just cause he will be marked a g ` failure (E) in the subject. » 35. Lengthiof Examinations - · * No written examination is to continue ionger than three hours. _Al1 forenoon exami- » nations close not later than twelve 0’clock. x ' I `36{ Rep~orts'_to Students ‘ I Results of examinations, together with special reportsof those students who have failed, are filed with the Registrar within ‘ forty-eight hours after the examinations _ i have been completed, with the exception of .those held the last examination day, which are to be reported within twenty-four hours. , At times announced`by'the Registrar stud- ents may cali at his office to 1earn·»the 1*6- sults of their semesters work. A ~ ` ABSENCES A [O 37. Reports of Absences ` _ ‘ g Absences are reported to the Registrar at the end of each week. ~ 38. Leave of Absence _ 1 Students desiring to be absent. from the · University during term time are required to _ ` have written permission from their deans be- fore going. These cards are to be shown to t. their instructors upon their returnto classes. ` ` 39. Absence for One Week - 1f [H rf A student who is absent from a subject for { »`_ one week is considered to have dropped the i ~ sub'eet and is automaticall Sus ended. If ~| i i ,_rri.· ¤;` ` T 17 I he desires to be reinstated, he must make ap- plication in writing to the Discipline Com- · rnittee. , _ 40. Irregular Attendance If a student becomes irregular in attend- ance the Registrar may suspend him from all classes un-til- he has 'made satisfactory ex- planation to the Discipline Committee. _ 41. Athletici; Trips · —- ` No student will be allowed to be absent from the University for more than six (6). school days (counting Saturday as a half. day) during any one semester on account of. , athletics trips. .Pri0r to each trip the_Direc- tor of Athletics furnishes the President, the Registrar, the Chairman of the Athletics Committee, and the Dean of each college, a list of the students who are to make the trip and the expected duration of their absence. Students on this list will be excused by their · instructors and allowed the privilege of mak- ing up any work they may miss. If this work is made up, the absences are not to count against them in their final grade. 42.. Absences Before and After Holidays V Absence from classes immediately preced- ~ ing and following a holiday or examination period is reported at once to the Registrar. . . Students absent at these times must present ` G their excusesin writing `to the `Discipline A Committee immediately upon return to the University. ·If the excuse is not satisfactory _Q tothe Committee, one-half credit will be de- ° ducted for each day, or fraction of a day, of absence: ’~ ‘ ‘ " " " ' { . 18 DISCIPLINE ¥ i 43. The Discipline Committee { Cases of discipline are referred to the Dis- I ‘ F cipline Committee, which is composed of three members of the Council. The Council passes finally upon the tindings of the Discip- { line Committee. { 44. Degrees of Discipline . The degrees of discipline in the University are expulsion, dismissal, suspension and rep- , rimand. Q Expulsion is permanent exclusion from the ‘ . University; dismissal excludes for a set time, { not to exceed two semesters; suspension ex- _ · cludes for a deiinite time, but not to exceed I one semester; reprimand, an admonition F given by the proper officer according to the ) i circumstances of the particular case. fi 45. Conduct [ In issuing rules for the regulation of the affairs of the University and the- government é of its students, it is not deemed necessary to 2 set out too many details. Something is taken ‘ 9 J for granted. The University expects all stud- ents to hold to the strictest standards of Y honesty in all University work and expects ' { 3 them to conduct themselves in a seemly man- _ l" ner, bearing in mind that their conduct con- I, stitutes the basis for the reputation of the ` · institution. It is assumed that the young men ‘ understand that intoxication, the visiting of _ ; saloons, the introduction of intoxicants upon L it the campus, gambling in any form, or the _— l" h s ’ l. ( ¥'¤» · Sa \ 19 visiting of any place of vice, is strictly pro- _ hibited. · Any student who is arrested, or is convict- ed of an offense by the civil authorities, will , be summoned before the University authori- ` ties and may be suspended or expelled. · 46. Hazing _ Hazing in any form is a violation of Univer- . sity discipline and is prohibited. i ‘ 47. Smoking Smoking is forkiidden. in any of the recita- _ tion rooms, Y. M. C. A. rooms, Armory, Gymnasium, drawing rooms, hallways, door- ways or laboratories of the University. . EXTRA CURRICULA ACTIVITIES 48. Participation in Public Activities Students on probation will not be allowed · to take part in any public activity—such as athletics, oratorical and debating contests, dramatics, student publications, class offices, , managerships of dances, etc. _ The members of the faculty in charge of these student activities are required to pre- sent to the Registrar the lists of students proposing to engage in them before proceed- ‘ ing. The Registrar will issue a certilicate of ~ eligibility as authority for the proposed par- · , ticipation. No Credit For Extra Curricula. Activities. V ~ College credit is not given for extra curricula `_ activities. _ ' _ i “~ 20 i `· . 49. Audit of Financial Reports . The accounting officer of any University . entertainment or organization supervised by the Faculty or students and supported by subscriptions, sales, or admission fees, must prepare an itemized iinancial report, accom- V panied by receipted vouchers, showing the source, amount, and disposition of all funds secured in connection with the entertainment or raised by the organization for which the ¤ report is rendered. This report is to be sub- mitted within the week following the enter- tainment, or, in the case of an organization, during the closing week of each semester, to the Business Agent for audit, who, if the re- , port be found to be correct, will file the same. , SOCIAL LIFE I 50. General Rules _ (1) Entertainments and social activities are to be on Friday or Saturday afternoons or `N evenings, or on the evening of the day before ‘ ' a legal holiday, or on a-legal holiday. In * every case permission must be obtained from f. the Social Committee. (2) A calendar showing time and place of , { all dances and entertainments is kept in the V , office of the Dean of VVx>men. (3) l\o social organization, except as stated below, may give more than one entertain- _ ment or dance during the year. · · " i (4) All such events must be properly chap- . eroned, the chaperons to be selected from an ’ " approved list kept in the office of the Dean I,. of VVomen. Not later than one week prior /~i to the affair, the names of the chaperons ·i ` t . l xiv 21 must be given in writing to the Dean of Women. (This applies to all organizations, · including women giving out of town enter- tainments). After the dance or entertainment the chairman of the committee must present to the Dean of Women a written report of the same. (5) Beside the chaperons, at least one mem- ber of the Social Committee, or some one designated by the committee as its represen- ` tative, shall attend the entertainment and remain until it closes. The name of the com- mitteeman, or committee representative must be printed on the program as one of the chap- erons. . (6) It is desired and urged that all enter- tainments given by the students shall be sim- ple, free from ostentatious display and inex- pensive; and as far as possible they shall be — _ held in the Gymnasium or Armory. The com- mittee in charge of the entertainment must file an expense report with the Business Agent within one week after the entertain- ment. (7) Attendance at dances must be limited to present and former students of the Univer- sity. Special guests, however, may be in- vited with the approval of the Social Com- V * mittee. (8) The character and the arrangement for social functions must be approved by the So- cial Committee before an organization makes , preparation for the same. I _ I · 22 A " ` 1% 51. names * ’ , (1) [Dances arranged for the year are as fol- . _ lows: ` I Afternoon Dances— J Freshman Dance . Sophomore Dance I I Six Cadet Hops ' . Club Dances { Evening Dances— _ ` Junior Prom. I I Senior Ball I Pan Hellenic If I f Tau Beta Pi Alpha Zeta Annual Dance Military Ball I The Senior Ball, Junior Prom., Pan Hellenic. I _ Tau Beta Pi and Alpha Zeta dances may be 1 held off the campus, at a place approved by I I the Social Committee. { (2) All dances, with the exception of the I above named, must be held on the campus. I ` ' All dances are under the supervision of the I Social Committee and the authorities of the l I University. _ .6 Q (3) The Senior Ball, Junior Prom., Pan ' ° Hellenic, Tau Beta Pi and Alpha Zeta must I`. close not later than one o’c1ock. The four I I fraternity dances must close not later than ` { 12 o’clock. All other dances must close not ' I I later than eleven o’clock. I I (4) Intermission for refreshments for dances · I I closing at one o’clock must be between eleven Q f ~ and twelve o’el0ck. { I Afternoon dances are to begin at three ` _~ o’clock and close at five-thirty. . (5) Not more than four men—fraternity ‘ · I w. dances may be given during the college year, _ _ i 1 I L Mr A 23 · ’ exclusive of the Pan Hellenic dance. These dances are to be distribnted between the fra- » ternities as decided upon by the Pan Hel- lenic Council, and must be listed as other ‘ dances. ` 52. Fraternities and Sororities University fraternities and sororities are " subject to regulations adopted by the Univer- a sity Council and all students who contemplate ; , connecting themselves with such organiza- ~ tions, as well as those who are members, should inform themselves in regard to those regulations, which may be obtained from the Dean of Men for fraternities and from the Dean of VVomen for sororities. 53. Membership in Fraternities and S0- rorities ’ ’ Until new regulations have been framed, in co—operation with the Pan Hellenic Councils, and adopted by the University Council, the following are in force: (1) No freshman, man or woman, shall be “ initiated by a fraternity until he has com- pleted one full semesters work of at least , 14 hours with a standing of one. ' (2) A student entering with advanced stand- 1 ing from another institution is eligible for I `, initiation if allowed 24 hours credit. ' (3) No fraternity may initiate a student without first obtaining a certificate of ap- ~ proval. Certificates are issued by the Dean ` of Men for men and by the Dean of Women for women. ~ . (4) No undergraduate who is a special stud- ent or a matriculate in a short course of lh ,» 24 study is eligible to membership in a frater- *' nity. 54. Residence in Fraternity, Sorority and ` Club Houses (1) No fraternity, sorority, club, or other student organization may permit any person. not a registered student or otherwise regular- ly connected with the University to live in ; the house controlled by the organization, with- _ { , out permission from the University authori- * ties. Applications for such permission must be made thru the Dean of Men for men, and through the Dean of Women for women. (2) Students occupying dormitories and I members of all fraternities, sororities, house , clubs, and other student organizations occupy- ing permanent quarters for social or housing { ’ purposes must adopt house rules. ‘ E } (3) On or before November 1 of each year, V l a copy of such house rules must be presented — i to the Dean of Men, (for sororities to the ‘ l Dean of Women), for approval. F. (4) Women of the freshman and sophomore ,, classes will not be permitted to reside in ` sorority houses, and juniors and seniors must ' { get permission from the Dean of Women to I I do so. { ` 55. Permission for a New Organization ` I ` No society or association may be organized among the students of the University with- out the permission of the Council, and no change in the character of the regulations of such society or association may be made with- l ou? such permission. M ~ Petitions for permission to organize new social or fraternal organizations must not iu· . ·l l I i in 25 i \ i clude the names of any students on proba- ,` tion or whose standing in the preceding sem- * ester has been below 1. I The Council reserves the right to withdraw , its authorization from any society of stud- i ents, if, in its judgment, the well being of i the University requires such action. i PHYSICAL EDUCATION \ 56. Required Work \ Students in the College of Arts and Science , are required to take Physical Education two i hours per week during their first two years 3 in the University. Students in the other col- { leges are required to take two hours per week i during their first year. If at any time there- i . after the Head of the Department of Physical Education and the Medical Examiner certify to special need for further training in in- ` dividual cases, the work is to continue. 57. Excuses from Physical Education Students physically disabled may be excus- ed from Physical Education, upon the written recommendation of the University medical examiner, by the Dean of the College of Arts and Science. Students who take parti in any athletic sport will be excused from physical educa- tion during the season usually allotted to that sport. If a student be found delinquent in practice work, the said student will be required to substitute work in the gymnas- ium. Students who, for special reasons, are un- able to take Physical Education, may be ex- cused by the Council. i i h l . w 26 `, 58. Eligibility for- Intercollegiate Athletics _ Eligibility requirements for participation by any student in intercollegiate athletic con- ; tests are as follows. ’ (1) Presentation of not less than fourteen { (1.4) Carnegie entrance units. . (2) Matriculation in person within thirty (30) days (ten (10) days shall be the limit for football men) after the beginning of the reg- { ular university year (not counting the days 5 { set apart for the matriculation and classifioa- . ' tion of students). * (3) Pursuit of a course involving at least (10) hours of lectures and recitations, count- ing two hours of laboratory or practical in- g