xt763x83kd0b_7 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt763x83kd0b/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001.dao.xml University of Kentucky. Student Affairs 1.4 Cubic feet archival material English University of Kentucky This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky K Books College students--Kentucky. Handbooks Students--Kentucky--Lexington. 1921-1922 text 1921-1922 2014 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt763x83kd0b/data/2009ua001/2009ua001_1/2009ua001_1_6/1921_001_l/1921_001_l.pdf 1921-1922 1922 1921-1922 section false xt763x83kd0b_7 xt763x83kd0b STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS STUDEBAKER AUTOMOBILES "That G00d Gulf Gas0line" PROMPT AND EFF ICIENT SERVICE ' East Main and Rose Streets - High and Limestone Streets West Main and Viaducft LEXINGTON, KY. Main and Second Streets PARIS, KY. , R. S. WEBB, Jr., ’11, Owner ._. 1 .. . I THE UNIVERSITY OF ` KENTUCKY VA R S I T Y HANDBOOK PuI;>IisI1cd by the University Young IVIcn°s and Young W0mcn’s · Christian Associations ‘ LEXINGTON, KY. 1921 ROBT. j. RAIBLE U Editor-In-Chief, Handbook C. V. WATSON . Business Manager, Handbook .. 2 E \ _ U c 1 5g z f . ‘ V »·,.=· f ’ - i __.= ,===· * .,;= 6 - vv''` ` ·- _ =‘’ ,,;=. .. , =¢; ;,=A}`=-» ¥»' ‘§` =A4 » A~—‘‘A FRANK L. McVEY, President tlli\'PTSit)' uf Kentuvky. R .— 3 ._ * ` #A··—-Y I T The ` • , Pres1dent’s Greetings i The two Christian associations of the . ` University of Kentucky are presenting , to the student body a convenient hand— l book which it is hoped will be used dur- 4 ing the university year. The book con- ` tains information about the university, the organizations, athletic schedules and points concerning the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Every student ought to associate him- ” self with one of these organizations. They carry in their work a spirit of religion and without religious spirit edu- cation loses much of its force and intiu- encc. Religion is not to be viewed in a l narrow way, but in the sense of right i living and service to our fellowmen. In that spirit the works of the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. are commended to the students of the University of Kentucky. . The university is committed to its student body for safekeeping. The pur- I Dose of the university‘s existence is to train students and in that work the ` Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. have an important function. It is hoped the students will recognize and accept it as zi part of their obligation. , FRANK L. MeVEY, President University of Kentucky. l . I, . 4 _4_. · Greetings · To the Freshman Class of 1921-22 this book is dedicated and through it we ex- tend to you a hearty welcome to the l University of Kentucky andr the good things that await you here. You have before you the four best years of your life—a time of glorious opportunity and of correspondingly great responsibility. Every moment of your " stay here ought to be utilized toward the making of yourself a more eiiicient worker, a better citizen and a stronger man or woman. This can only be done by combining recreation and work in the right proportion. You will get out of college largely what , you put into it, and the first lesson to a learn in this regard is that loyal, unself- ish service for your university is the best investment you can make. Most important of all, remember that the best thing in life, at college or else- where, is clean manhood or womanhood. For this reason make it your business to get connected with the Y. M. C; A. or ,. Y. W. C. A., and thereby establish your- Y self in associations that will build you a firm foundation. We are here to help you and deem it a privilege to serve Kentucky by so doing. .. 5 .. Y. M. C. A. The Purpose of the Y. M. C. A. To lead men into and develop them in the Christian life; to co-operate with the Christian church and train men for serv- ice in it; to promote a program of un— seliish service; unite the students of this university in promoting the highest good of the university and the individuals who compose it; to unite the Christian stu- ` dents of this university with the world- wide student Christian brotherhood, and to develop the spiritual, physical and mental qualities in men to the degree that they will make the most serviceable and effective citizens of our country. Supervision-— p The university Y. M. C. A. is under the direct supervision of the Advisory Board, ' which is elected by the members of this 5 organization. The board is composed of tive Faculty men, five students and tive business men of the city of Lexington. l This board assumes financial obligations and directs the policy that is to be fol- lowed by the organization. V General Secretary— Mr. Bart N. Peck, secretary of the Y. M. C. A.., is an alumnus of the uni- ., versity and is giving his entire time to ' the work of the student organization. He understands the student body and is more in touch with their activities than any other man at the university. He is freely giving his life to the development of Christian manhood on the campus. 1 Membership— . ' Any student in the university who is in sympathy with the purpose and who will support the organization is eligible to ... 6 _ membership in the Y. M. C. A. This organization exists by and for the stu- dents and it is your duty to give it your ; earnest support. The more men who help the organization the more men it will be able to reach. It is your duty to , support the only organization on the campus that is looking out for the ` Christian interests of the men in the ¥ university. Y Bible Study— ‘ Nineteen Bible—study classes were or- _ ganized during the past year and ran for a period of twelve weeks, with an average attendance of 205 men per week and a total attendance of 2,465 men. The groups were led by members of the Faculty and student body and much in- terest was manifested. The course closed with a banquet at the city Y. M. C'. A., with the class having the best attendance through the course as guests of honor. These courses will be continued next year . and it is your duty and privilege to be- come a member. This is one of the most important features of the work and we are glad to have the co-operation of the student body. Be sure to get in a class! Mission Study- Mission-study classes are run in con- nection with Bible study and we are proud to have one student volunteer in the university and others who are con- X templating going into the work. Blue Ridge— Each year the Y. M. C. A. sends a _ group of delegates to the summer con- ference at Blue Ridge, where their morn- ings and cvcnings are given over to the study of religious problems and their afternoons are given to hiking in the mountains and to athletics. Any student of good moral character is eligible to be a delegate to this conference. Here they , have the opportunity of hearing and meeting such men as Robert E. Speer and , Sherwood Eddy and the fellowship of the ~ finest young men of the Southland. _ 7 .. » _ Employment- 'The Y. M. C. A. has found permanent employment for many students who are paying all their expenses at college and has scoured approximately two hundred odd jobs for students who have requested odd jobs. Any student who is seriously ` in need of help will find this organiza- tion ready to support him and help him to find some sort of employment. Social Service— The association has done some very splendid social service work. Twice each week men go out to different schools and V orphans' homes and teach boys games and give talks to them. This is a very . fascinating type of service and offers a splendid opportunity for students to de- velop leadership and to learn the value of helping others. Cabinet— The cabinet of the Y. M. C. A. is com- posed of the president, vice-president, recording secretary, general secretary and student treasurer, and ten other men who are chairmen of different com- ‘ mittevs, which direct the different branches of the work, such as Biblev study, mission study, social service, etc. The following men compose the cabinet: C. V. \Vatson, President. F. M. Heath, Vice~Presidcnt. Burton Prcwitt, Treasurer. Geo. Baumgarten, Secretary. V\’m. R. Hutcherson, Bible Study. S. H. Ridgeway, Membership. F. A. C. Thompson, Publicity. _ ‘ Samuel Shouse, Jr., ‘Missions. VV. G, Finn, Socials. Andrew Quarles, Social Service. Robert Clem, Music. Gilbert Smith, Athletics. A. L. Atchison, Conferences. _ 3 .. COLLEGE WOMEN LIKE TO TRADE AT I Q; M1tchell, I Baker -Sm1th , 230-232 W. Main , LEXINGTON, KY. ` Quality Department Store Because they know that here they are always welcome and can find everything they want in Women’s Ready-To·Wear Millinery, Silk and Knit Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Silks, Wash and Wool Dress Goods, White Goods, Toilet Articles, Trunks, Bags, Bedding, High-class Dressmaking, etc. _.9..... . F RATERNITY RINGS BAR PINS RECOGNITION I BUTTONS ` YOUR UNIVERSITY JEWELER FOR OVER A QUARTER CENTURY %Pi11TZ 123 E. Main St. OPPOSITE THE PHOENIX LEXINGTON, KY. — 1o — ._i if , Y. W. C. A. Hello, new girls! We are glad to wel- come you to our university and proud that you have chosen it as your Alma - Mater. A whole year is before us in _ which to do splendid work for our unl- . li versity and our Y. W. C. A. Let‘s make it a year of wonderful results, a year of \l big things done in a big way. ` New girls, we are counting on you and `4 are looking to you for our strength, and } we realize that much can be done with , your added loyalty, enthusiasm and in- , ` spiration. We want to help you, too, If you are puzzled or troubled, come to one _ V of us. We have all been over the path ` you are traveling and we want to help ~ you over the rough places. Don’t be ` afraid to ask us to help—that’s what we I are here for. V Come, let’s clasp hands and learn to- gether: "To look up and not down, To look forward and not back, To look out and not in, and To lend a hand." Three cheers for the new girls! Wel~ come to the University of Kentucky. ’ Meetings- ’ . Religious meetings are held regularly , every Sunday evening at 6:30 at Patter- son Hall. Joint meetings with the Y. M. C. A, are held once a month. Evening _ watch services are conducted from 10 to 10:15 p. m. in all three dormitories. Social AfI’airs— A Get-acquainted parties, informal teas, stunt nights and marshmallow roasts are some of the delightful social affairs en- joyed by the women of the university who will accept the Y. W. C. A.’s cor- ` dial invitations. ~ — ll —— i.. Social Service VVm·k— The spirit of social service will never be- extinguished in the hearts of all those who take part in the work under the Y. W. C. A.’s guidance. For the rest , of their lives they will be loyal helpers : in the world of the poor and needy. The Y. W. C. A. has helped backward school children by outside lessons; has brightened the hearts of the poor with - baskets of food at Thanksgiving and ’ Christmas time, and has given Valentine and Easter parties to little children. The Old Ladies’ Home, the Bluegrass Sani- tarium, the hospitals and the reforma- tory have been frequently entertained by the Social Service Committee of the Y. Y VV. C. A. . University courses in social service have been attended in the past mostly by Y. YV. workers, and this has increased their knowledge of the work and their possibilities of service to the Y. W. C; A. ` Cabinet— President, Edna Snapp. Viee—President, Nellie Stone. Secretary, Anne Russell Moore. . Treasurer, llma Thorpe. ` Chairman of Social Cominittee, Lucille Hendrix. ` Chairman of Program Committee, - Katherine Reed. Chairman of Publicity Committee, Adaline Mann. Chairman of Social Service Committee, Leila Willis Poage. Chairman of Bible Study, Lucille Yungbluth. Undengraduate Representative, Mary Hoyster. Student Secretary, Caroline Sharp. Girls who want to do Work on any of the committees should see Miss Sharp. .. 12 _ , { UNIVERSITY CALENDAR 1921 ` September 15, 16 and 17—Thursday, Friday and Saturday——Examinations for entrance. September 19 and 20—M0ndaY and —i‘ Tuesday, 4:00 p. m.-—Registrati0n first semester. 1 September 21—Wednesday—Instructi0n A K,} begins. I Ei November 24—Thursday—Thanksgiving. » A holiday. ~‘ December 16 to January 3—Friday noon to Tuesday 8:00 a. m.—Christmas holidays. Y‘ 1922 ~i January 28 to February 4-Saturday to Saturday—Mid-year examinations. , February 6—Monday———Registrati0n sec- ond semester. February 7-Tuesday-Instruction re- sumed. February 22·Wednesday ——- Washing- t0u’s Birthday. April 13 to 18—Thursday t0 Tuesday, 8:00 a. m.——Easter holidays. June 3 to 10—Saturday to Saturday—— ' Final examinations. COMMENCEMENT WEEK ~ June 11—Sunday-—BaccaIaureate ser- · mon. _ June 12—Monday—B0ard of Trustees meet. June 13—Tuesday—Class Day. June 13—Tuesday—Alumni banquet. June 14—Wednesday·— Fifty—iifth an- nual Commencement. _ —— 13 —— ` . Past0r’s Greetings The pastors of Lexington on behalf of the churches extend to you their most cordial greetings and welcome. Our churches and our homes are at your service. We regard it as our high duty ’ and joy to minister to the students who make their home in this community > temporarily. This invitation and offer includes you. If we can in any way be of service to you, command us. Start right. Get in line at once with the religious forces of the new com- munity. Avold waiting until the close of your college course. Such delay may be disastrous to your highest interest. Affiliate yourself with the church of your choice and there abide. D0 not try to absorb all the churches or become a church tramp. For the sake of your future religious usefulness, it is well at once to practice the habit of church at- tendance and activity. Begin to do it now. Such fellowship will be not least _ among the inliuences that remain. E Without the loss of time, introduce g yourself to the pastor of the church of i your choice. It will encourage him and may help you. We do not wish to in- trude needlessly upon the time of a busy student, but if it is learned that a call is desired, it will be our pleasure to render that service. Yours in Christian fellowship, THE PASTORS OF LEXINGTON. ' ...14- 1?` 5} n t Q- \s·x’-· ¤ EH-%¤'§° · ml*··0og_s. *¤m {Bas.- 3 GH: ¤~ 5%:;;; » » - ,_U)¤>·-·,..E 2 ?;sg_S5t8z¤ xg __ {I2 HA; MEIH gc G , Q BE·*°n..., .¤+-· .¤:>. ua ‘” `“~ ni · E ws-·E• ¤g¤>·•-·;· -5 g >:;_ .-Rza pg ;¤·..¤ as , 2 ¤> >_ Q. ¤··¤>,_] m ¤> <¤ °‘E,§;%¢, ¤-ia; ¤>·§=::'·’$§irE W U '. ¤?<§`¤>$ _ MAE Dogma .1 mw E. UH m dg ~;9 Q M ¤¤¤•-Sd gljgéu. ~»·¤··- #$.;;:1- M4 °<%>¤ M-. E" ¤[$··¤¤¤»éi:"‘ ‘ -°:¤§~2§s·“¤*q; ~` {2. Q» g .s~·Z,,;>. I · . ¤?·p;<¤;;;. <¤¤ §¤»5”*”*·;% · i ·i- mmgzs, £¥l$\¤¤E¤>'5·___g ; Z ;2?;;. 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Keller A COIHP&Hy ga (Incorporated) g *' • · Jlllnrmta gg East Main Street Eg; il Opposite Phoenix Hotel l {N3 é Phone 945 ali % ll "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" Yiw STUDENTS’ HOME U I Ot L h y ALMOST ON THE CAMPUS P Quick Lunches Cigars Ice Cream Cigarettes O Soft Drinks Perfumes . Tobacco Pencils Stationery ii l Everything from Alpha to Omega WILLIAM POULOS T g Proprietor T Cor. Limetone and Winslow J — 17 - LIBRARY The university library embraces the books belonging to the colleges and schools of the university. These consist of the general library, the law library, the experiment station library and vari- ous department libraries. The total num- ber of volumes is 41,261, divided as follows: General Library, 20,489. Department Library, 13,222. Experiment Library, 7,550. i The university library is a government . depository and receives all the official l publications of the United States Gov- ` ernment. ' The experiment station library is re- garded as a branch of the general library and is administered under the direction · of the university librarian. In it are placed depository catalogues of the pub- lications of the United States Depart- _ ment of Agriculture and of the experi- . ment stations of the various states. · There is a total of 41,261 volumes in the university to which you have access. The general library is open as follows: Week days (legal holidays excepted), _ 8:00 a. m. to 9:30 p. rn. ` Sundays, during regular session, 2:00 to 5:30 p, m. ‘ Vacation periods, 9:00 to 12:00 m. ‘ daily. $ The experiment station library is open Q from 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. daily ex- { cept Saturday, when the hours are from gg 8:00 a. m. to 1:00 p. m. g Tum_m_ UNIVERSITY L There is no tuition at the University E of Kentucky, but each student is required 3 to· pay an incidental fee as follows: _ College of Arts and Science, $12.50 a . seme ter. # t College of Agriculture, $12.50 a. semes- · er. College of Engineering, $15 a semester. College of Law, $20 a semester. _1g_ ii il lr , · gil Each student is charged a fee of $4.50 ·* E`; a semester for student activities. , .E Student-s entering the university after the regular registration period will be Q charged an additional fee of $1. J;. » No student will he permitted to ma- J. triculate later than two weeks after the regular registration period without spe- cial permission of the heads of the de- _.,~; partments concerned. lil After tive days following the regular { registration period, a fee of $2 will be 5 ‘ charged for transfer from one college or ` school to another. 4 Students who fail to arrange classifica- I tion within the scheduled time will be " charged a fee of $1. V After tive days following the regular F; registration period a fee of $1 will be J ‘gg charged for any change in schedule. {_ » i A fee of $5 will be charged for ad- ° ug: mission to entrance. Z THE MARKING SYSTEM `, Results of work will be recorded in the · ‘ Registrar’s omce as follows: rt A—Exceptionally high quality, valued l., at 3 points a credit. ’ ` B—Good, valued at 2 points a credit. ~ ig ". C—Fair, valued at 1 point a credit. ‘¥ lv D—Poor, but passing, valued at 0 1 : points a credit. V ` li E—Failure, valued at 0 points a credit. g lf I—Incomplete. ' 3 "gl X—Absent from examination. g [ Advanced credit will be regarded as of li grade C. A grade of E means that the _; work must be taken over in class to be E credited. W J A grade of I (Incomplete) means that ~ some relatively small part of the term’s ` .g work remains undone, because of sick- J ness or other reason satisfactory to the instructor. This work must be com- ij pleted within one month after the end . {l of the semester if credit for the course i.' is to be gained. xg A grade of X may be changed by ji, special examination within one month yi after the end of the semester, provided that the registrar and the head of the department concerned grant permission pg; for the examination. - 19 — lil lll lll Q if . . ·* The "stand1ng" of a student is defined , as the ratio of his total number of points to his total number of credits. "When a scmester’s work is to be con- sidered, "standing" is understood to be the ratio of the points gained to the number of credits scheduled. A credit represents one hour of recita- tion or lecture', or two hours of labora- tory a week for one semester. Drawing, shopwork, physical education, military drill and other courses requiring- no out- E side work are reckoned at three hours I for one credit. I { l A { SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES { , Graduate Fellowships and Scholarships- _ ~ For the cncouragement of research and V`) scholarship the following scholarships and fellowships have been established in the various departments of the Univer- sity of Kentucky. Four scholarships with . a stipend of $200 each, two fellowships with a stipend of $500 each, and eight assistantships with a stipend of $400 ' each. _ Application for a fellowship should be e g made to Glanville Terrell, chairman of { * the Graduate School Committee. . t The Rhodes Scholarship-- i Under the bequest of the late Cecil Rhodes, two scholarships in the Univer- ·* sity of Oxford are appropriated to uni- I versities or colleges in each of the pres- y i ent states and territories of the United { il States. Each scholarship has a yearly ‘ value of $1,500 and is tenable at any i college in the University of Oxford for i = three successive academic years. "In the election of a student to a { scholarship, regard will be had to (1) A his literary and scholarship attainments; I ' / (2) his fondness for any success in manly 1 outdoor sports, such as cricket, football and the like; (3) his qualities of man- ·· I hood, truth, courage, devotion to duty, ;§ sympathy for the protection of the weak, Q U kindliness, unselfishness and fellowship, { and (4) his exhibition during the school . days of moral force of character and of .-20- ` l W ‘ l;·' instincts to lead and to take an interest in his schoolmates? W Candidates must be unmarried, must be " citizens of the United States and must l l not be younger than 19 or older than 25 · years on October 1st of the year in which l they are elected. ` No examinations are held in the selec- tion of the Rhodes scholars. President _ ; M. B. Adams, of Georgetown College, ll"TL is chairman of the committee of selection . ft ` Q ln Kentucky. Q Southern Railway Loan Fund- V ll S The Southern Railway offers a loan i Y fund of $1,000 to matriculated students of the College of Agriculture who have s attained at least the rank of Juniors and if who have declared their intentions to Q graduate. The minimum loan shall be l $25 and the maximum $100 that may be ,Ll made to one student in any college year. .£ , Tau Beta. Pi Scholarship- l" The Tau Beta Pl Association offers a P cash prize of $100 to the student of the ,; Engineering College who attains the V: highest scholarship during the Fresh- man and Sophomore years. Vt The winner is announced at the begin- L. ning of his Junior year, but the prize is i not awarded until he graduates. ` e, Patterson Prize- Ex-President James K. Patterson offers E to the Patterson Society a medal to be f5 awarded annually on March 26, upon V conditions imposed by the society. _l, Delta Sigma Pi Key— Delta Sigma Pi fraternity annually r ‘] offers a diamond-set key to the Senior l»~ majoring in economics who makes the j. best grades for the four years. Scholar- VQ; ship is the sole basis of the award of All this key. Y! Other Prizes-- , E; Many other prizes are offered and loan V`, funds exist. Those interested may con- sult the catalogue. ., — 21 — v` ll LITERARY SOCIETIES A good, live literary society ls one of the best organizations a student can get into while in the university. The meet- ings are enjoyable, interesting and in- structive. Don‘t miss the opportunity. The Union Literary Society is the old- est literary organization associated with the university. It occupies quarters on the third floor of the Alumni Building and holds meetings every Saturday eve- ning for debate, declamations, etc. The Patterson Literary Society is an organization for the men students of the university and interesting meetings are held on Saturday evenings in their hall on the third Hoor of the Alumni Building for debate, declamations and all subjects of interest to the members, The Philosophian Literary Society is an organization for the women students of the university. Their meetings are held twice a month in Patterson Hall and topics of literary interest are dis- cussed. The society presents.a play an- nually. The Horace Mann Literary Society meets weekly in the Education Building. Membership in the society is open to any one taking work in the Department of Education. STUDENT ACTIVITIES Fraternities- The fraternities are national organiza- tions, having chapters in the various ’ colleges throughout the country. The object of the fraternity is nomi- nally social, and the membership, there- , fore, restricted, and an invitation to join ` always rests with the fraternity. If the fraternlties desire your fellowship they" will seek you. Until then the details of their activities need not be of any in- terest to you. While the objects of all fraternities are nominally all practically the same, they will be found to vary largely among themselves. Some pay more attention to scholarship and character, others to ath- letic or literary wealth, social graces or fashion. No man or woman can join a ... 22 L 25.1 _) fraternity without being greatly inllu- ,)*1*] enced by it. Therefore be careful m _" ; your selection. ` M If you are not soliciteg to be a. frafgr- ~ nity man or woman, o not cons er '· yourself neglected. It is not a. disgrace F totbe a non-fraternity manhior wéaman, ~ no by any means, or in t s ca egory R you will find some of the finest men and J) women in college. Not to be a "Frat" ~ man or woman ls not a reproach. To be ’ V known as an "anti—Frat';i and ai"kicker’é ~ simply because not aske to jo n one o » these organizations, however, is a re- ii proach and an inconvenience, V , W List of Frrgglernitiesr 3 ,; Acacian asonic . Alpha Gamma litho (agriculture). ·, W Alpha. Sigma P i. Alpha. Tau Omega. _ ` Delta Chi. Delta Sigma Pi (commerce). ¤ Kappa. Alpha. $ Y Kappa Sigma. 2* Phi Delta. Thetal. j`· Phi Kappa Tau. rl; Pi Kappa Alpha. ,§; Sigma Alpha Epsilon. gigma gbl. ;.» igma u. Q} Triangle (engineering). S01·0rities— ji`. Alpha Gamma Delta. _ il Alpha Xi Delta. e gi Chi Omega. · g` Kappa Delta. g Kappa Kappa Gamma. , L Professional Honorary— ,;v Alpha Chi Sigma (chemistry). ` ;,§`i Alpha Delta Sigma (jouiinalism). X: Alpha Zeta (agriculture . Home Economics Honorary (women). ~;Q Phi Alpha Delta (law). ,Q‘ Sigma Tau (musical). Tau Kappa Alpha (oramric?1). Tau Beta Phi (engineering . ll Theta Sigma Phi (journalism, women). ‘ Honorary Student Fraternities- ` Lamp and Cross (Senior). Q Mortar Board (Senior, women). Mystic Thirteen (Junior). ]‘ Keys (Sophomore). gil _ 23 _ il `A l MAKE OUR DRUG STORE YOUR DRUG STORE OWL DRUG CO. 120 w. NTAIIE STREET `*"€"@’£#i=`<@ <:~A·zv~ · T S PENNA NTS I BANNERS =1 FRA TERNI TY PA PER KODAK BOOK STA TI ONER Y A COLLEGE SUPPLIES TEXT BOOKS V I O 5 Umvorsnty Book Storo 233 W. Short A BASEMENT MAIN BUILDING I @1 . €·¢§2»—i:~' ·: 4·<4:»~@~ Q - 25 - io ‘ . CLUBS AND HONORARY SOCIETIES Agriculture and Home Economics S0- ciety— All students in the College of Agricul- ture are invited to join the Agriculture . and Home Economics Society, which meets every Monday in the Agriculture Building. Problems of interest are dis- cussed, prominent lecturers frequently address the members and once a. month a social meeting is held. Henry Clay Law Soceity- ' Henry Clay Law Society, which meets once a week, is an organization com- A posed of the law students. Members by study and actual practice learn the rules ’ of parliamentary law and their use in deliberative assemblies, and learn the procedure in the framing and passage of bills, both state and federal. Subjects of a public nature are discussed in order to familiarize the students with the affairs of the country which will confront them in their experience as citizens and pro- fessional men. ` Brooks Civil Engineering Society- The Brooks Engineering Society, named X in honor of the former dean of the ` college, gives opportunity tor the dis- — cussion of general and special engineer- _ ing topics. k Mechanical and Electrical Engineering · Societies- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Institute of Electrical Engineers have branches in the university of which all the Seniors in mechanical and electrical engineering are members. Each member receives the monthly journal of the societies and the papers contained therein are used as the basis of the discussions at the monthly meetings. Class societies are organized in every Freshman class in the College of Engl- neering. Each adopts a distinctive name .. 26 ... l ` gil . MY H y and remains intact throughout the four years of the under-graduate course. M During the first three years topics of jijln engineering and literary interest are dis- me cussed at the meetings, Lectures by the gp members of the faculty and others _make Q iw up the program. i Norwood Mining Society— ~ The Norwood Mining Society was or- ` _g·g ganized as the Kentucky Mining Society { .r in 1908, and was admitted as a student ig `; branch of the American Institute of ref. Mining Engineers in 1911. (Tho change iw of name was made in 1911.) It is also E 1, a local branch of the Kentucky Mining V ¤ Institute. Meetings are held on the first _] Thursday of each month. _ j Musical Clubs— “ if The Choral Club is an organization of gi ff the university students which meets Q zi every Wednesday afternoon for the culti- i { vation of vocal talent. Under the direc- _ xx torship of the head of the Music Depart- ment it presents an opera each year at , Ig` the Lexington Opera—house. _ ,i»* The Men’s Glee Club gives frequent { concerts in Lexington, and each year — li takes a week’s trip to other cities of the State. _+!,a The orchestra and band are student ‘ _, organizations. The former furnishes the if music for university functions in the QT chapel. The latter is the musical or- 3j,, ganization of the corps of cadets. The Str0llers— Li The Strollers, the dramatic organiza- · ii tion on the campus, is composed of stu- `? . dents who have taken part in an annual play of the university, which is given in iw Lexington and neighboring towns. Op- ;‘], portunity is afforded to students to prove 1*] their histrionic ability in an annual con- *;_ test held under the auspices of The nz Strollers on Hallowe’en, popularly known · ·;Y` as "Amateur Night." "The Admirable ` §,; Crechton," The Stroller play last year, it gave performances at Middlesboro, Pine- th ville, Frankfort, Maysville, Winchester, {E Nicholasville and two at Lexington. ,4 ~ — 27 —— li SY Other clubs that hold regular meet- ings are: White Mathematics Club. History Club. English Club. Ralmesque Biology Club. Romance Language Club. Classical Club. Press Association. Shaler Geological Society. Economics Club. Psychology Club. Premedical Club. Graduate Club. Hoof and Horn Club. V Su-Ky Circle- There was begun during the past year, just ended, a systematic, organizel method of handling that evasive thing called "school spirit." During the past it has been up to some individual with more nerve than special ability to direct the spirit of the university; some years there has been success, other times the spirit has been directed into the wrong _ channels. The organization which took charge of this matter at the beginning of the school year last September was started ` at the suggestion of Prof. S. A. Bolcs, director of physical education. Early in the summer "Daddy" conceived the idea of having an organization to direct stu- dent assemblages and boost athletics and } consequently when school opened in the fall he called together a. group of the outstanding students and told them of his plans. After discussion the name decided upon was the "Su-Ky Circle," and thus came into being the organization that is looked upon to soon become the strongest body on the