xt763x83n068 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt763x83n068/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 198906 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 1989 text GLSO News, June 1989 1989 2019 true xt763x83n068 section xt763x83n068 JUNE 1989 @ L5 (36 S Free at Selected Business Locations Home Delivery at $5 per year LEXINGTON GAY/LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZATION, P.O. BOX 11ll71, LEXINGTON, KY 110575 _ GAY PRIDE '89 IN LEXINGTON Lexington's plans for Gay Pride '89, coinciding with the twentieth anniversary of the Stonewall Riots which mark the beginning of the modern gay and lesbian freedom movement, have changed considerably from those announced in last month's issue of GLSO News. The final schedule for the week is: Monday June 12 GLSO Forum/Elections, 8:00 pm at Comprehensive Care Center. Free. Tuesday June 13 Bowling Night, 8:30 pm at Joyland Lanes Wednesday June “I Safe Sex Presentation, Conference Room B at the new Lexington Public Library. Presented by AVOL. Free. . Thursday June 15 Bar Night. Special offerings from the bars to be announced. Friday June 16 8:00 pm. Pizza and Movies, at the Unitarian Universalist Church, $3 donation Saturday June 17 1:00 pm. Picnic, at Jacobson Park, way out Richmond Road. Look for signs announcing the "Mary" Family Reunion. Free. Speaker, Greg Fischer, Member of the Board of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Location to be announced. Free. Sunday June 18 10:30 am. lnterweave's Annual Service, "A Celebration of our Journey,” Unitarian Universalist Church. Free. 7:00 pm. Arts Night, at ArtsPlace. Free. Attention all "art types" people: the Lexington gay pride committee is searching for interested people to display their art work (pottery, paintings, photography, or anything else you can think of) and/or themselves for "Arts Night." On Sunday, June 18, from 7 to 9 pm at ArtsPlace on North Mill, the Pride Committee will present Arts Night, and we need you to help make it happen. If you or anyone you know, sing, dance, or do anything else that may be deemed "art" by others, please have them call Teresa at 252-3106. Last year's Art Night was a huge success and we would really love to repeat that this year. So come "out" and don't be shy. Last year's picnic, the now annual reunion of the "Mary" Family, proved what we all already know: We are Everywhere! Members of the "Mary" Family came from all over Kentucky, and even from outside the state. One of the identifying traits of the "Mary" Clan is that its members, aside from being gay, all put their family name first, much like the ancient Chinese tradition. Consequently, at first impression some people who attended might even have been mistaken for nuns! ("Mary" Catherine, "Mary" Mary, "Mary" Joseph, etc., etc.), Though in each of our cases they weren't... At any rate, during the course of the afternoon, more than 200 people from Central and Eastern Kentucky rambled in and out of the picnic, bringing food and games with them, and ate, dozed in the sun, played volleyball and Gay Trivia and frisbee and softball, and had a lot of fun. Greg Fischer, the Pride Week '89 Speaker, should provide an interesting perspective on the present state of the gay and lesbian movement across the country. A resident of Nashville, Mr. Fischer is one of those rare examples of just what the religious right fear most: a former fundamentalist preacher who gave up that life to be his gay self. Mr. Fischer was recently elected to the Board of NGLTF, and comes with rave reviews from Sue Hyde (Ms. Hyde is familiar to Central Kentucky's gay men and lesbians, having appeared in Lexington as the Pride Week '87 Speaker and more recently during the Symposium on Gay Equality held by the Unitarian Universalist Church). All of the details have not been finalized for Bar Night and the Speaker from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Look for more details to be announced in a mailing in early June. J M Please send me a free introductory ___—_—— [:1 issue of GLSO News and information on GLSO. PRIMARY ELECTION NOTE I'd like to become a voting Member D of GLSO, including home delivery GLSO received a solicitation for support of the GLSO News and discounts from Leo Foushee, a candidate for Fayette at GLSO functions. My Membership County Constable in the May 23rd Primary. fee of $10/year is enclosed. Mr. Foushee's campaign literature arrived after publication of the May edition of GLSO News. I don't wish to become a Member but He was the only candidate who contacted GLSO E] please send me the GLSO News each to seek gay/lesbian support in the Primary month. I enclose the $5 annual fee. Election. Our tax exempt status prohibits active Name: participation in political campaigns and issues, but we would have reported his outreach effort without endorsement if it had arrived Address: earlier. We believe our public awareness advertisements running in the Herald-Leader attracted his interest. Mr. Foushee lost his City, St, Zip: bid for election'as Constable, 2nd District. Mail to; NEWSletter: P-O' BOX 111.71 _ Lexington, KY 110575 FOR A QUICK PICK ME UP... Don't park your car in the back parking lot of Barney Miller's (the one to the right of GLSO News is published monthly by the The Bar's parking lot) or in the back of the Lexington Cay Services Organization, Inc. Kentucky Theatre (to the left of The Bar's (d.b.a. Lexington Gay/Lesbian Services parking lot - Barney Miller's rents this Organization), Box 111%71, Lexington, KY Ll0575 parking area, too.) For the past few weeks, Bluegrass Towing (233-9711) has been "picking Steve Savage, Editor up" cars of the The Bar's patrons and Craig Clere, Asst Editor, Events Calendar spiriting them away with little or no warning. Esmerelda lnk, Asst Editors for Esmerelda The only notice about parking restrictions is Aunt Mary, Advice Columnist posted where only a Zulu warrior could see it and the print on the notice is very small (and Additional Contributors: The Advocate, Dave, weather worn). Kevin, Stonewall Union News, Alan, P., The Bar has been announcing where not Craig, Bill, BHRA, NAPWA, NCLTF; Typists: to park but not everyone listens or hears Craig; Equipment: Dave; Typesetting: Matt; these warnings. The story being passed Layout: Gerry, Alan; Mailing: Dave; Courier: around goes that Mr. Barney got his pansies Kenneth; Folding 8 Stuffing: Mark, Steve, picked up out of ther beds (oh, my) late one Dave, Jonathan, Jan, Gerry, Knox, Jim. night. Sorry, Barney - not all of us are responsible for the acts of a few. But all of Views or opinions expressed in GLSO News are us are consumers and with all of the bad those of the authors and do not necessarily feelings you are getting from people who visit represent those of the Board of Directors. The Bar - which would you rather have, Submissions are welcome. All submissions pansies or paying patrons? Apparently become the property of GLSO and must include Barney doesn't realize how many gay men and the full name and address of the author. lesbians buy stereo systems and other such Anonymous submissions are not accepted. The items each year. To voice your opinion about editorial staff reserves the right to alter any this matter write to Barney Miller, lnc., 232 submissions (including advertising) to meet E. Main, or call 252-2216. publishing requirements. The placement of advertising in GLSO News does not denote a person's sexual orientation —_-———— nor a business's customer preference. m 2 GLSO June I SPEAKING OUT to the list of protected categories under the AGAINST ANTI-GAY DISCRIMINATION city's existing anti-discrimination ordinance. IN LEXINGTON In the face of demonstrated need, they will be hard-put to turn us down, despite the Have you been harassed, threatened or pressure from the forces of fear, hatred and even fired from your job because you're gay intolerance by which we are surrounded. or lesbian? We're not asking for the fundamentalists Have you been refused a lease or a to love us. mortgage because you're gay or lesbian? We’re not asking for anything special. Have you been turned away from a hotel We're not asking for anything that every other or other public accommodation because you're minority doesn't already have - legal recourse gay or lesbian? in case of discrimination based solely on who If so, we're not surprised. Because in we are. Kentucky, it is perfectly legal to be fired or If the Council does bow to the pressures be refused housing or public accommodations - and turns us down, we'll try again. And solely because you're gay! again, and as many times as it takes to get And there's absolutely nothing you can this legislation on the books. If necessary, do about it. we'll fight. Until now. You may think that would be a losing Now you can anonymously report your battle. You may think we have no friends. experience of being discriminated against to If you do, you're wrong. Bluegrass Human Rights Advocates, a new gay We have friends everywhere. A recent and lesbian political group in Lexington. resolution supporting anti-discrimination laws We'll listen to you, console you, maybe was passed by the American Bar Association. even give you some advice - but most The resolution was supported by church importantly, we'll document what happened. groups, civil rights groups, civic And that data will be added to other reports organizations, and a variety of individuals like it. And we'll keep gathering information with names you would recognize. until we have a body of facts that proves Right here in Lexington, we have conclusively what we already know: that gays friends, straight friends, who support us. and lesbians, in disturbingly large numbers, Over time, with the right kinds of contacts, are being discriminated against in Lexington the right kinds of bonding, they will go to bat and surrounding counties. for us. And one day soon - maybe not this That brings us to another task that year, maybe not next year, but sooner than Bluegrass Human Rights Advocates will anyone thinks - we plan to present this undertake. We don't intend to exist in a accumulated evidence of injustice to the Urban vacuum. Instead, we intend to operate with County Council. full recognition that oppressed minorities in And since we, personally, know all too America have many common goals. The well how easy it is for people to discriminate struggle of gays and lesbians for equality and against us, all reports we take about incidents human rights bears a startling resemblance to will be completely anonymous. We won't even the parallel struggle of women, blacks, ask for your name, because we won't take any Hispanics, workers, the poor, the home less, chances with providing people with yet another people with AIDS, and others. We are all, to opportunity to discriminate against even one of varying degrees, being shut out of the us. The survey appearing on the insert of political process. Or worse, we are throwing this issue of GLSO News is the first step in up our hands and giving up on the process, documenting anti gay and lesbian leaving it to others. discrimination in Lexington and at UK. Please We are those others. If change is to fill out the survey anonymously [don't even come, we are the ones who must make it put your return address on the envelope) and happen. We must find our collective voice, mail it to BHRA at the post office box shown and we must make it heard. on the survey. No one will take us seriously The way we motivate ourselves for this until we can prove on paper that we have a task is to remember that we are a community. case. Or we should be. If I am comfortable, if I am We will ask the Council members and the safe from discrimination and hate-based Mayor to read our evidence, absorb it, and violence, that's great. But will it last? And hopefully be made angry by it. what about my neighbor? I care about that Then we'll ask them to act. person, and I want that person to be safe too. We'll ask them to add sexual orientation That's what Bluegrass Human Rights Advocates _ June CLSO 3 MIS-PAGINATION fl , P prevented from seeing Sharon. After 5 years , 1d of court battles, Karen recently won the right .. /' smere a S arloar to see Sharon and to participate in her \ , rehabilitation therapy. Q13 Sharon's parents were unaware of the ,5 ‘ women's loving relationship and reacted to the ‘ \/ knowledge of it with vengeance and hatred. | . would like to think that no one in my family ' would treat someone who I loved in such a Hello again, the semester is finally over cruel way, but l'm sure Sharon never and I survived, so I'll have a little more to expected how strongly her family would react say this month! either. Karen has written a very interesting A few months ago someone asked what book, Why Can't Sharon Kowalski Come Home?, had happened to the Lavender Letter out of about her fight which is a combination of love Louisville. Well, we received a copy recently story and legal brief. I highly recommend that had been through several post office this book. lt has prompted me to leave in forwardings and in the mail for over 2 months. writing my wishes regarding my lover's Lavender Letter is very much alive and well. involvement in any medical decision | may be If any of you are interested in subscribing unable to make. It also gives my family here is their address: The Lavender Letter, information regarding her status in my life and P. 0. Box 19795, Louisville, KY 110219-0795. financial affairs. At this point in time, I do The subscription cost is very reasonable, not feel able to be out with my family, but $8.00 per year, and it is full of interesting want my lover to be protected should the tidbits. As 3 Louisville native I find it good unthinkable occur. My arrangements are not to read of happenings at home. legally binding on my family but would provide I haven't received any comments on the the necessary proof should my lover need to Old Dykes' Home. I think this is an important proceed with court action to honor my wishes. issue for u and am wondering if everyone is Karen lacked the proof, since both women had just too busy to respond. What about it? been careful not to leave any written Last month my contribution was a poem instructions in order to preserve their secret. written in anger by my friend over This issue has been important to me discrimination at work. So this month I since a friend who had shared a life with her thought I would report some good news. | lover for 18 years was threatened by her came out in my graduate class during a class lover's parents after her death. They wanted discussion I was leading. The professor asked to decide on funeral arrangements, place of a question about the status of a subject within burial and were appalled their daughter's will the gay and lesbian press/community and it made it clear that her lover was her heir. It was obvious that he knew (or assumed-based took a great deal of pressure from other on our discussions of the topic during an friends and the women's minister to convince individual advising conference) that I read gay them to honor their daughter's written wishes. publications and would know about the topic. Those of us in committed relationships I acknowledged that I had read several articles need to think about what would happen in case on the subject and we continued the of our sudden death or an accident. Have we discussion. I was concerned that my left adequate protection so that our lover will classmates would see me differently after that, not be thrown out of our home? If we own but if anything, they are more open with me property jointly, is the survivor legally now and more inclined to talk with me before, protected from our next of kin? Maybe l'm a during, and after class. Maybe my graduate natural-born worrier, but I have been program is simply less discriminatory or more concerned about this for some time. It's open-minded, but whatever the cause, it is something we all need to think about and encouraging. The professor has not shown discuss with our partners and our families if any concern about my being a lesbian and they know about the relationship. Since the ended up giving me an "A" in the course. law does not recognize our partners as our l have been following the case of Karen next of kin, we have to be sure that our Thompson and Sharon Kowalski for _ several desires are carried out after our deaths. years. Sharon was injured in '83 or 814 in 3 That's about all for now. I know you traffic accident and her parents took over for all must think l'm terribly morbid, but l'm not her since she was brain-injured. Her long-time really. I consider it being practical, always lover, Karen was excluded from decisions prepared, like the good girl scout l was raised regarding her care and eventually was to be! Hugs and kisses. P. _ 6 GLSO June é HARVEY MILK AND DAN WHITE By Kevin Nance (Part Three of a review/condensation of Randy Shilts' book, The Mayor of Castro Street: The Life and Times of Harvey Milk.) Three days after California voters the hall. His name plate had already been rejected the homophobic Briggs Initiative in removed. He planted himself between Milk and November 1970, Dan White resigned from the the door, then fired. Here, in Shilts' words, San Francisco Board of Supervisors. As is what happened next: detailed in taut, gripping narrative by Randy Shilts, who covered the events as a reporter "Oh no," Milk shouted. "N-—" He for the San Francisco Chronicle, White's reflexively raised his hand to protect resignation - prompted by his coinciding himself. financial and psychological crises--was the White knew that bullets went through beginning of the end for America‘s leading arms; he fired again, cutting short openly gay politician, Supervisor Harvey Milk. Harvey's cry. The slug tore into Ten days after his resignation, White Harvey's right wrist, ripped into his emerged from a meeting with the Police chest and out again, finally lodging Officers' Association and the Board of Realtors near his left elbow. Another dum-dum to say he wanted his seat back. At first bullet pounded Milk in the chest. He Mayor George Moscone appeared to be ready to was falling now, toward the window. reappoint the right-wing supervisor; but Milk As he crumpled to his knees, Dan reminded Moscone that White had been the White took careful aim from across the swing vote in several 6-5 defeats of the office. The first three bullets alone mayor's liberal proposals. Besides, White was would not have killed Harvey. White the only openly anti-gay supervisor; the city's took careful aim at the staggering massive gay population knew it; and Moscone figure and fired a fourth bullet which would be facing re-election the next year. sliced into the back of his head and "You reappoint Dan White to the board," Milk out the other side, spraying blood told Moscone, "and you won't get elected against the wall. . .Harvey had fallen dogcatcher." The mayor changed his mind. to the floor. White gripped the On November 26, the night before revolver's handle and pulled the Moscone had scheduled an announcement, White trigger once more. The bullet left only got a call from a television reporter. "I have a dime-sized wound on the outside of received information from a source within the Harvey's skull, but shards from its mayor's office that you are not getting that hollow tip exploded when they struck job," she told him. He then stayed up all Harvey's skull, tearing and ripping night, eating cupcakes [which would become into his brain. Harvey Milk died at significant later) and drinking Cokes. approximately 10:55 a.m. on the dark At 9 a.m., he picked up his fully loaded gray morning of November 27, 1978, a .38 Smith 8 Wesson, some extra ammunition, year and a half short of his fiftieth and headed for City Hall. Sneaking in birthday. through a side window - a sure way to avoid the metal detector at the main entrance - he That day, as word got out that Milk had presented himself at the mayor's office. Five been killed by Dan White, outrage mounted. minutes later, while the two men were alone, By evening, a massive crowd of 140,000 White fired two bullets, downing Moscone. stretched the entire distance from City Hall to Then White knelt next to the prostrate body Castro Street. Milk's message, his eventual and fired two more bullet through Moscone's successor on the board of supervisors Harry ear canal and directly into the brain. Britt told the stunned crowd, was that "no Horrible as that was, White saved his matter what the world has taught us about most cruel arsenal for Milk. White re-loaded ourselves, we can be beautiful and we can get with hollow-headed dum-dum bullets that our thing together. . .He was to us what Dr. explode on impact, ripping a hole into the King was to his people. Harvey was a victim two to three times the size of the slug prophet. Like Dr. King, he lived by a itself. He headed for Milk's office, sticking vision. . .Harvey will be in the middle of us, his head in through the door. always, always, always." "Say, Harv, can I see you?" White took Milk to his old office across NEXTz, THE TRIAL OF DAN WHITE § June GLSO 5 IS a” about. m If any of this resonates with you, and if you'd like to join us, call Amy or Kate at 231-0350. We need you. We need your talent. your energy, and your spirit. _—___.E____i,“__.rb And if you have been or are being discriminated against, call us. We need to WE ARE know about it. We're never going to end homophobia in E Lexington. If we face facts, discrimination THE PEOPL against gays and lesbians is probably here to stay. That doesn't mean we have to just lie IN YOUR down and be kicked like an old dog. But one day Lexington will be a place NEIGHBORHOOD where, if your boss fires you because of your sexual orientation, you can sue the bastard. Y \ \ / . “f \ 3C") / ‘ GAY CONGRESSMAN INTRODUCES BILL (I / -—— T0 COUNTERACT \ l \ REAGAN-ERA HOMOPHOBIC LEGISLATION E I U.S. Representative Barney Frank #2?) o (D-MA) has introduced HB 1280, The 1) Immigration Exclusion and Deportation V ---- '- Amendments Act of 1989. The bill would - // 5%)] delete the current "sexual deviation exclusion" ll\ used to block lesbians and gay men from Yourncxtdoorneighbor,thatniccfathcrdown entering the United States. The bIII wIII the street.thcmominthccarpool.yourchild's affect tourists, resident aliens, and immigrants best friend's father 01' mother at the PTA meet- who wish to become _ , . 2:5. $2.232: 22222222222222.2222.- Under current law, “sexual deVIatIon” IS affcct om- ability to be good puents_prcjudjcc used as a reason to deport or deny a visa to does. Foxmore Information. contact: any foreign gay man or lesbian. The Supreme Court has ruled "sexual deviation" refers LEXINGTON GAY/LESBIAN specifically to homosexuals. By mid-April, 55 SERVICES ORGANIZATION Representatives had signed on as co-sponsors. KENTUCKY NATIVE ELECTED PRESIDENT rPEPPEJEEIE’Egflfitff‘fiSflhfitfi'g;1 OF NATIONAL PWA GROUP : For more information I . . . ‘ I Belinda Mason, formerly of Ohio County. : or contnbutlons write ' Kentucky, was elected President of the I GLSO I National Association of People With AIDS ' P.O. Box 11471-Lexington, Ky. 40575 I (NAPWA) at the group's April meeting. Ms. L'-'''""""""'""""‘-----—--4 Mason was infected with HIV through blood transfusion at a Madisonville hospital over two years ago. Have you seen this ad in the Lexington The daughter of state Rep. Paul Mason Herald-Leader? GLSO ran has run it twice ID-Whitesburg) Ms. Mason has been outspoken this year, as part of our publicity campaign on society's need to show compassion towards funded by the Chicago Resource Center. those infected with the virus. She organized Each month since October, GLSO has KIPWAC, the Kentucky-Indiana People With been running similar ads in the Herald-Leader AIDS Coalition, encouraged the formation of and the Kentucky Kernel. We have also been AIDS Southern Kentucky, and frequently placing ads in approximately 20 community speaks at AIDS education sessions and TV newspapers around Central and Eastern programs throughout Kentucky. She is well Kentucky. Ads usually run on Wednesdays. known in Lexington and has participated in Let us know when you see one of our ads. AVOL programs. We're proud of them, and are proud of the Ms. Mason now resides in Tobinsport, IN positive response we've been getting from our with her husband and two children. fellow Kentuckians, gay and straight alike. W ll CLSO June I The questions in this survey pertain to the quality of life for lesbians and gay men both in Lexington and at the University of Kentucky, in particular, during the past 12 months. Even if you do not live in Lexington but have experienced, in Lexington, a situation such as one of those . described below, please fill out the survey. . For the purposes of this survey, 'those associated with the University of Kentucky Include students, staff, faculty at the Lexington and Medical Center Campuses as well as all of the Community Colleges. If you are not included in any of these categories, but have experienced or or know about events of anti gay or lesbian discrimination at UK, please answer relevant questions as they pertain to your experience at UK. If you can answer any questions In the contexts of both UK and Lexington, please give two answers, one for each category. Please return the completed survey to: BLUEGRASS HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCATES SURVEY P.0. Box 1501, Lexington, KY I60591 j 1. Which of the following most closely describes the extent to which others, in general, know of your sexual orientation? I am “out" to no one. I am "out" to a majority of people. I am “out“ to only a select few. I am “out" to just about everyone. I am “out" to about half the people I know. 2. Have you experienced or been present when any of the following were directed toward you or someone else solely because of being gay or lesbian? Please place a check under the yes and indicate how many times it has occurred in the past 12 months. . If you are associated with the University of Kentucky, please indicate in the right hand column the number of times such an incident occurred during the past year at UK. Please place a check mark here if you are associated with UK. YES NUMBER OF TIMES YES (Refer to No. 2 above) In Lexington At UK (excluding UK) *verbal harassment or threat on phone? *verbal harassment or threat in person? physical confrontation or assault? sexual assault or harassment? social ostracism? refusal of membership or housing or pressure to leave lat UK would include ' at a frat or sorority or dorm)? ‘ denial of or pressure to leave a job? ' penalties in a work situation (negative . ' treatment from supervisor or co-workersl? ’ l ' denial of promotion or tenure? | denial of admission to or pressure to leave an academic program or curriculum? ' denial of access to or pressure to leave social activities? _ *verbal assault includes any spoken comments ranging from insulting names to threats of violence. Questions 3-8. Please indicate your degree of agreement or disagreement with each of the following statements. Give answers pertaining to UK if you are a student, staff, or faculty, or have been during the past 12 months. at the University of, Kentucky. 1 = Strongly Agree; 2 = Agree; 3 = Neither Agree nor Disagree; ll = Disagree; 5 = Strongly Disagree 3. Anti lesbian and gay attitudes are prevalent. In Lexington 1 2 3 ll 5 At UK 1 2 3 ll 5 ll. Grievance procedures should be established to address harassment of individuals on the basis of their sexual orientation. In Lexington 1 2 3 ll 5 At UK 1 2 3 ll 5 5. Being openly lesbian or gay adversely affects one‘s chances for academic or professional/job advancement. In Lexington 1 2 3 '4 5 At UK 1 2 3 ll 5 6. Being simply perceived as lesbian or gay adversely affects one's chances for academic or professional/job advancement. In Lexington 1 2 3 ll 5 At UK 1 2 3 ll 5 7. Anti lesbian and gay harassment is prevalent enough to cause me to fear for my own safety. In Lexington 1 2 3 ll 5 At UK 1 2 3 ll 5 8. Have you ever felt it necessary to indicate that you were NOT lesbian or gay? In Lexington Yes No At UK Yes No 9. Do you work for a corporation/organization that has a nondiscrimination clause that includes sexual orientation? Yes No 10. What is your sex? Female Male 11. What is your age? Under 18 18-22 23-30 31-100 Over 1&0 If you have been the victim of anti gay or lesbian discrimination and/or have additional comments, please feel free to describe them anonymously on a separate sheet of paper. Please mail this survey and comments to': . BLUEGRASS HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCATES P.0. Box 1501 Lexington, KY ll0591 THANK YOU! _ PRESSURE FROM GAY/LESBIAN VOTERS ASK AU NT MARY BECOMING SUCCESSFUL . . — The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force reports that nearly half of all U.S. Dear Aunt Mary: While driving down Tates Senators and a quarter of the members of the Creek the other day I looked at the large House of Representatives are co-sponsors of churches - one larger than the high school l the Federal Hate Crimes Statistics Act. This went to - and couldn't help but think of what is this largest number of co-sponsors ever for they teach about homosexuality. I'm a lesbian and gay supported bill. NGLTF comfortable with my sexuality, but at times attributes this to the efforts of individual Lexington does seem a bit conservative. | citizens who wrote their Senators and have friends who take "sanity" trips to Representatives, lobbyists, local gay and Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago or New York, lesbian groups, and the 60-member Hate but I really can't afford to take off. Besides, Crimes Coalition NGLTF launched in 1987. it sometimes hits me on a Wednesday night. The Hate Crimes Statistics Act mandates What can I do to occasionally escape? -- Andy the collection of data on crimes motivated by prejudice based on race, religion, ethnicity or Dear Andy: Surrounding yourself with others sexual orientation. who share similar interests is often the best NGLTF first secured introduction of the way to ”escape" the pressure that a community ' Hate Crimes Bill in 1987. in 1988, NCLTF can impose on minority groups. For almost lobbying led to overwhelming passage of the everyone, whether you‘re gay, lesbian, bill in the House of Representatives, marking bisexual, or "other," the easiest way to meet the first time a federal bill containing people is in the relatively non-threatening reference to sexual orientation had passed setting of some sort of organizational meeting. either body of Congress. In 1988 the Act also Lexington is fortunate to have several passed the Senate Judiciary Committee by an organizations that sponsor gay and lesbian overwhelming margin but stalled in the Senate activities - check the listing of phone contacts when Sen. Jesse Helms threatened to attach for an idea of what's available. Take a chance anti-gay amendments which included provisions and get involved. In addition, this is the that homosexuality was a threat to the family month in which to celebrate your gay pride and that sodomy laws should be enforced. and heritage and Aunt Mary encourages The Senate version of the Hate Crimes everyone to participate in the gay pride Statistics Bill, SB 1419, has unanimously passed activities that will be going on the week of the Judiciary Committee, but Sen. Helms plans June 11-18 here in Lexington. to introduce an amendment similar to last Lexington also is fortunate to have four year's when SB 1419 comes to the Senate floor. gay bars that offer a variety of atmospheres "We cannot be complacent about the support from sit-down and talk, to dance your fanny we have won for this bill," said NCLTF off. If you're new to town or don't know lobbyist Peri Jude Radecic. "Co-sponsors many people, it's sometimes frightening to go must be lobbied to stand up to Helms' anti-gay into