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‘rsity Sen te met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hell Monday,

siderit McVey presided.

minutes of April 15 were read and enoroved.
1 Professor R. H. J eaver, Ch1¢=irmen oi the Curriculum Committee, read the
following report to the Senate from this Committee:

”On Dec° 6, 1939, the College of Arts and Se iences recommended
the enorovel of History 12 7a'b American Political Biogranhy (2 crs
each). Dr. Tuthill has in: ormed the Committee that the request for
the course has been withdrawn by action of the History Department




At the Mn? ch meeting of the Senate the Committee was given au-
thority to take final afiirmative action upon certain courses which
were then oefore the Committee. In accordance with this action, th:


Committe ee hes eporvved Commerce 153 The Economics of Consumption.
(2) Tie place of consumption in economic theory with special empha~

sis upon its relation to the phases 0: the business cycle includi 1ng

the institutional background of our consumer habits: sorrCES of
information on consumption; and government relation of consumer

stained .rds .

On Apr112, 1940, the College of Engineering recommended some
changes in En,1ncer1nb courses SeVeral meetings have been held
between renresenta tive