xt766t0gtt54 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt766t0gtt54/data/mets.xml Rothert, Otto Arthur, 1871-1956. 1922  books b92-64-27081030 English J.P. Morton, : Louisville, Ky. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Filson Club. Filson Club and its activities, 1884-1922  : a history of the Filson Club, including lists of Filson Club publications and papers on Kentucky history prepared for the Club, also names of members / by Otto A. Rothert. text Filson Club and its activities, 1884-1922  : a history of the Filson Club, including lists of Filson Club publications and papers on Kentucky history prepared for the Club, also names of members / by Otto A. Rothert. 1922 2002 true xt766t0gtt54 section xt766t0gtt54 





A History of The Filson Club, Including Lists of Filson
    Club Publications and Papers on Kentucky
         History Prepared for the Club,
            Also Names of Members

            OTTO A. ROTHERT
            Secretary of The Filson Club



   COPYRIGHT, 1922


H istory  .................................................  5-13
Publications ............................................. 14-19
Papers.................................................. 20-40
Officers................................................. 42-43
Members............................................... 45-54
Index.................................................... 57-64

This page in the original text is blank.



                    Read before the Club, April 3, 1922

      The Filson Club was organized May I5, i884, in Louisville.
From the standpoint of continuous existence it is the oldest histor-
ical association in Kentucky, and one of the oldest in the Middle West.
The thirty-one books of Kentucky history written by its members and
printed as Filson Club Publications are well known among students
of national and Kentucky history and can be found in many of the
large libraries in the country. These Publications, however, repre-
sent only one phase of work accomplished by the Club. Other
activities are shown by the papers written for the Club and by sundry
materials gathered by members and now preserved in its Archives.
      Historical societies in other states and cities have done much
good work, but few, if any, were handicapped as has been The Filson
Club in not owning a home of its own. A Filson Club building and
money to maintain it would have encouraged even greater activities
among the members and resulted in greater contributions to the
Archives. Because the Club had no fireproof building much material
in Kentucky pertaining to the State's history has passed into the
hands of libraries and historical societies in other states. Its chief
activity has been the encouragement of research work and the issuing
of Publications. These Publications have given the Club a position
among the best historical societies in America.
      Historical societies have been organized from time to time in
Kentucky for the purpose of gathering material, but they were short
lived and such materials as they had collected were dissipated. Most
of the pioneers who made early Kentucky history were then dead and
gone, and even those who had heard them tell of the exploits of them-
selves and their contemporaries, were long past middle age and were
rapidly dying out. Men like Dr. Lyman C. Draper had been holding
interviews with pioneers and their families for many years, obtaining
such written evidence as they were able to gather, with the purpose
of writing one or more works dealing with those stirring events and
the active, hardy people of pioneer times. Dr. Draper's wonderful

[ 5 ]


The Filson Club

collection of material long ago passed into the hands of the Wisconsin
State Historical Society.
      Much, if noL most, of the material that was then gathered was
collected by non-residents of Kentucky and removed from the State.
Some Kentuckians began to recognize that it was high time the
descendants of those who made the Mississippi River instead of the
Appalachian Mountains the western boundary of our "Thirteen
United States," and who built up the grand old Commonwealth,
should bestir themselves and begin to collect and save what was left.
      Accordingly, on May i5, i884, Reuben T. Durrett, Richard
H. Collins, William Chenault, John Mason Brown, Basil W. Duke,
George M. Davie, James S. Pirtle, Thomas W. Bullitt, Alexander
P. Humphrey and Thomas Speed, ten of the leading spirits of Louis-
ville, met at the residence of Colonel Reuben Thomas Durrett-202
East Chestnut Street, at the southeast corner of Brook-and or-
ganized an association for the purpose of collecting and preserving
Kentucky history. Colonel Durrett, the chief instigator of this
movement, was a journalist, lawyer, a man of affairs, and a student
of Kentucky history. He was elected president, with Thomas Speed
secretary and E. T. Halsey treasurer.
      The organization was named The Filson Club. It was so
called in honor of John Filson who, one hundred years before, in
I784, published the first history of Kentucky-The Discovery, Set-
tlement and Present State of Kentucke. The first paper read before
the Club was by Colonel Durrett, and with equal appropriateness
an enlargement of this paper was its first Publication-JOHN FILSON,
The First Historian of Kentucky, An Account of His Life and Writings.
      For the benefit of new and prospective members Colonel
Durrett published the following synopsis of the career of John Filson:
      "The Filson Club is an historical and literary association of
ladies and gentlemen, located in Louisville, Kentucky. At its
first meeting the association was named The Filson Club, in honor
of John Filson who was the author of the first history and the first
map of Kentucky. Filson's history, a quaint little volume of I i8
octavo pages, entitled Kentucke, was published at Wilmington,
Delaware, in 1784, and his map appeared in Philadelphia the same
year. The book and the map have now become very scarce, and
when sold bring high prices.

( 6 1


History of the Club

      "John Filson was a Pennsylvanian by birth, and was born
on the Brandywine, probably in 1747. His education, though below
the standard of modern times, was sufficient to qualify him for sur-
veyor, school-teacher and author. He must have known something
of Greek, Latin and French, as he used a word from each of these lan-
guages in giving a name to the town first established where Cincinnati
now stands. He laid out a town there in 1788 and named it Los-
antiville. This name seems to have been made up of the initial L
for Licking, the Latin os for mouth, the Greek anti for opposite to,
and the French vile for the city, meaning all together the city op-
posite to the mouth of the Licking River. The name of Losantiville
disappeared after the death of Filson, and was succeeded by Cin-
      "Filson probably came to Kentucky in 1782 as one of the host
of adventurers who sought lands here to be paid for with the paper
money of Virginia issued during the Revolutionary War. In 1783
he located in Fayette County 12,368i acres and in Jefferson County
I,5oo acres, making a total of 13,8684 acres. He also located lands
in the Illinois country, but how many acres or where situated cannot
now be ascertained because of the burning of records at Vincennes in
I 814.
      "While Filson was roaming over the country in search of
lands, he was also gathering information for his history and map of
Kentucky. He was constantly thrown with Daniel Boone, Levi
Todd, James Harrod, Christopher Greenup, John Cowan, William
Kennedy, and others who hunted game and fought Indians over the
whole country and were well acquainted with every part of it. It
is said of Boone that he was so perfect a woodsman that he could
walk up and down a long creek or river and then tell every stream
that came into it, and designate every peculiarity on both banks.
From such men as these Filson got the facts for his history and map,
and hence they were wonderful productions for their day. In his
history he inserted the biography, or rather the autobiography, of
Daniel Boone, which not only secured the immortality of the old
pioneer but made the first and most valuable chapter in early Ken-
tucky history. On his map were laid down all the forts or stations
which shielded the pioneers from the Indians, and it is not too much
to say that no one can at this day properly understand the early
history of Kentucky without Filson's history and map.

( 7 ]


The Filson Club

       "While he was at work upon his town of Losantiville in 1788,
he went -with a surveying and exploring party to the Great Miami
River. After ascending this stream some miles he became separated
from his party, and he was never seen afterward. Search was made
for him, but nothing of his remains was ever found. Neither did
intelligence of him ever come from any Indian tribe into which he
might have fallen by capture. Whether a straggling Indian slew
him or a wild animal made way with him, or his own exhausted heart
ceased to beat, may never be known. The grand old sycamores of
the Miami Valley beneath which he disappeared have told no story
of the manner of his departure."
      Six meetings of the Club were held in i884, at varying intervals.
In February, i885, the time for regular meetings was agreed upon-
the first Monday night of every month, except July, August and
September, the summer vacation. Nine regular meetings have been
held every year since then, on the nine specified Monday nights,
though special meetings have occasionally been called.
      The Club was incorporated on October 6, i89I. Its purpose
is thus set forth in one of the articles of incorporation: "The prin-
cipal place of business of this corporation is Louisville, Kentucky.
The general nature of the business to be transacted is the collection
and preservation and publication of historic matter pertaining to
the State of Kentucky and adjacent states; and the cultivation of a
taste for historic inquiry and study among its members. The Club
shall have power to collect, maintain and preserve a library and a
museum, and to acquire suitable grounds and buildings in which to
place them."
      As to qualifications for membership, anyone interested in
Kentucky history was then, and still is, eligible. Preparing a paper
for the Club never was obligatory.
      From 1884 to I9I3 meetings were held in Colonel Durrett's
library at his residence, the main feature being a prepared paper, a
set lecture or an informal talk, followed by an open discussion of the
subject, and, frequently, by personal reminiscences. Then a closing
recess, as it were, took place; all present became Colonel Durrett's
personal guests. Cider was served and the gentlemen who smoked
were supplied with "Filson Club" cigars made by a member of the

[ 8 ]


History of the Club

      Colonel Durrett's home was the depository and headquarters
for the Club from its beginning and continued as such for twenty-
eight years until his death in I913. After his death the Club's
Archives were transferred to the private library of R. C. Ballard
Thruston, in the Columbia Building, where they are carefully pre-
served and made available to the public.
      The meetings in Colonel Durrett's library were, of course,
open only to members, personally invited guests, and representatives
of the press. Since his death all meetings except those in January have
been in the Louisville Free Public Library and were open to the public.
The first of these January meetings was held in 1914, when the Club
was the guest of Bennett H. Young in his residence on Ormsby Avenue.
Since that year both members and their personally invited friends
have been, on each first Monday in January, the guests of Vice-
President R. C. Ballard Thruston in his library where the Club's
portraits, papers, books and relics are housed. At these meetings
the social feature, which in Colonel Durrett's time was made so
attractive, continues to add its charm and interest, and those attending
are given an opportunity to look over the latest additions to the
      Down to 1913 formal records of meetings were not kept but
short notes were made and used as memoranda for a verbal report at
the succeeding meeting. Neither notes nor minutes prior to 1913 are
now in the Archives of the Club. Membership lists, however, were
compiled every year and are preserved.
      Ever since the organization of the Club the Louisville news-
papers have been liberal in publishing notices of the meetings, giv-
ing the title of the subject to be presented and discussed, and the
day following a meeting each has printed a more or less detailed ac-
count of the proceedings, if the topic was of general interest.
      The Centennial of Kentucky, June I, i892, was the first big
event celebrated by the Club. It was elaborately observed by a
public meeting at Macauley's Theatre in the morning, followed by
a banquet to members and guests at the Galt House in the evening.
The speeches delivered were carefully prepared and are given in full
in Publication No. 7: THE CENTENARY OF KENTUCKY.
      Another significant celebration was the Club's silver jubilee
held in Colonel Durrett's library, May i5, i909. Addresses were
made by Zachary F. Smith, Alfred Pirtle, J. Stoddard Johnston and

[ 9 ]


The Filson Club

Bennett H. Young. On that occasion Colonel Durrett was presented
with a life-size portrait of himself, painted by Aurelius C. Revanaugh.
      Colonel Durrett was born January 22, I824, and therefore
was in his eighty-sixth year when the Club celebrated its silver jubilee
in i9o9. He not only was one of its founders, but the real founder-
the father of the Club-and its president from its foundation until
his death on September i6, 1913. His library was his paradise;
Kentucky history was his hobby. The annual dues were 3.oo, but
that was not sufficient to pay for the annual Publication which each
member received. The deficit was sometimes borne by the author
of the book, but usually by Colonel Durrett, whose expenditures in
financing the Club exceeded iooo.oo a year-a sum he cheerfully
      He had long hoped a Filson Club building would some day be
procured for the preservation of his library and the Club's Archives
and that the collections would grow and develop into a Mecca for
students of the history of Kentucky and the Ohio Valley, and stand
as a memorial to the men and women whose lives and deeds made
possible the achievements of their successors. He offered to give
his library to the Club if a suitable building for housing it would be
      In i896 he had advocated the raising of funds to purchase
the Custom House (now the Courier-Journal Building) at Third and
Liberty streets, and at a later date he tried to encourage the purchase
of what was then the Norvin Green residence (now the Young Women's
Christian Association) at Second and Broadway, promising in each
instance that he would donate his library should the building be
procured, made fireproof, and devoted to the collection and pres-
ervation of historical material. But the aim was too high and the
Club was not able to effect either purchase.
      More than once he remarked that "a few of our members do
the work and the rest help make the meetings pleasant and attrac-
tive." Spurred by the keen interest of the few he, as late as June,
I912, expressed his intention of leaving his library to the Louisville
Free Public Library which, since i908, had occupied a well-equipped
modern fireproof building.
      When left alone he evidently reflected that his library, which
he had spent years collecting and which he loved as a child, might be
dissipated and the best of it find its way into private hands, as had

[ 10 I


History of the Club

been the case with the archives of some of the earlier historical societies
on their discontinuance. He feared that any public library controlled
by a city government might at some time be dominated by unscrupu-
lous politicians. He felt convinced that in Louisville and Kentucky
there was a great lack of interest in the collecting and preserving of
history. The only other state-wide historical society in Kentucky-
the Kentucky State Historical Society, at Frankfort-was then
making little or no progress. Except for the persistent efforts of
Mrs. Jennie C. Morton, the regent, that society probably would
have passed out of existence shortly after it was reorganized in i896.
      So a few months before his death, negotiations were entered
into which resulted in the sale of the Durrett Library to the Uni-
versity of Chicago. Several conditions were attached; among them
that it be housed in a fireproof building or room, that it remain in-
tact, and that it be called "The Durrett Collection."
      When the sale became known in Louisville, it was a sad blow
to the Louisville Free Public Library, for the board had refrained
from buying many rare and valuable books because copies of them were
among the 30,000 volumes owned by Colonel Durrett which they
expected to acquire at his death.
      The Filson Club's property was, of course, not included in
the sale of the Durrett library. No separate list of the Club's books
and other belongings had been kept. Everything presented to
Colonel Durrett for his library and for the Club and all books and
magazines received as exchanges were shelved with his books, and, not
being specifically marked, went with his library to the University of
Chicago. Thus much of the Club's valuable material passed into
the hands of the university because there was no record or other
means of identification.
      A few years after the sale a member discovered among the
documents that had been shipped to Chicago four marked as the
property of The Filson Club-four original orderly books containing
the records of General Anthony Wayne's expedition against the
Shawnee Indians in 1794-96-and they were returned. On another
occasion seven volumes of early court and surveyor's records of
Jefferson County were found among the books delivered to the
university and they, too, were returned to their official keepers.
      Since Colonel Durrett's death the Archives have been in the
custody of Mr. Thruston, who at his own expense not only houses

[ 11 ]


The Filson Club

the Club's books, documents and other belongings, but also care-
fully marks and lists and separately shelves them.
      It is likely that if Colonel Durrett had offered to sell his library
to Louisville, the city or some of its citizens would have purchased
the collection and presented it to the Public Library or to The Filson
Club. Be that as it may, the Durrett Collection was neither given
nor sold to The Filson Club, nor to any other historical society in
Kentucky because none owned a fireproof building devoted to history.
      Kentucky's annals have contributed more to the early history
of the Middle West than have the annals of any other state. Never-
theless many of the other states have gathered and deposited, and are
still gathering and depositing, in their archives more original ma-
terial on Kentucky than Kentucky itself. The largest collections
gathered in Kentucky were those of Draper and of Durrett, and both
have left the State.
      From the time of its origin down to 1913 the Club was to a
very great extent dependent on Colonel Durrett. During those many
years The Filson Club was, in a sense, his club. That dependence
began to react after his death and to arouse the membership to a
realization of the necessity of running a less private and more public
association. In 1914 the Club began to consider the framing of a
new constitution and the adopting of new by-laws. Because of the
World War and the business conditions throughout the country that
followed, it was deemed best to attempt no radical changes for a
while. The membership now feels that the time for such changes is
rapidly approaching. Among other projects contemplated is the
acquiring of a building.
      Since Colonel Durrett's death the usual number of meetings
has been held every year, but they were at the Louisville Free Public
Library, open to the public and therefore without the charming social
features that were characteristic of those held in his home. The Jan-
uary meetings, however, as already stated, are different. They are
intended not only as "recurrences" of the Durrett meetings, but are
also arranged for the purpose of familiarizing the members with the
Club's property.
      Since 1913 many original papers have been read, five new
Filson Club Publications have been published, and some material has
been added to the Archives. The dues have been changed to 2.00 a
year, and the money used toward defraying the general expense of the

[ 12 1


History of the Club

Club. Every officer contributes his work, and has done so since the
beginning of the organization. The Publications issued since Colonel
Durrett's death have been financed by the author of the book or by
some c ther member.
      On November i9, i9i8, the anniversary of the birth of
General George Rogers Clark was celebrated. On April 24, 1921,
the Club made a pilgrimage to the sites of some of the old forts or
stations on Beargrass Creek, and thus inaugurated visits to unmarked
historic places for the purpose of arousing interest in them. Re-
search work is being done along various lines of Kentucky history and
the preparation of more papers and Publications continues.
      Much Kentucky history which otherwise might have been
lost forever is preserved in the Club's thirty-one Publications and in
its many papers. From the standpoint of its Publications and papers
the Club has proved a success. The growth of its Archives, compared
to its activities in the various lines of original research, has not been
a proportionate success. This is due to lack of sufficient space for
the preservation and display of a library and museum, which display
in turn would have resulted in the acquiring of more books and relics
and other material bearing on Kentucky history. When the Club
has procured a building of its own, it will be in a position to increase
its activities, influence and usefulness.
      Regardless of the result and character of the future activities
of The Filson Club, the thirty-one Publications issued and the many
papers prepared by members from i884 to 1922 will ever stand as a
monument to Kentucky and the historical society founded by Colonel
Reuben T. Durrett.

1 13 1




      The Club's activities in the field of publishing history have
gone beyond the expectations of the charter members and many of
the others who followed. Thirty-one books of original matter on Ken-
tucky history, written by members, have been issued as Filson Club
Publications. Other original papers on local and state history, also
written for the Club and read at its meetings, are still unpublished.
Selections from these papers will be printed from time to time.
      The thirty-one Publications are monographs varying from
seventy-five to 300 pages, except one, which is a book of 545 pages.
The average is about 225 pages. They were printed for the purpose of
making more easily available the material gathered by the members
who did the research work and prepared the manuscripts. These
Publications have been favorably reviewed by the press and carefully
studied by historians and others interested in the early Middle West.
      Colonel Theodore Roosevelt was among the first historians
to visit the large private library of Colonel Durrett shortly after the
Club was organized and Colonel Durrett became the custodian of
its Archives. In the preface to The Winning of the West, published
in I889, Colonel Roosevelt says: "For original matter connected
with Kentucky, I am greatly indebted to Colonel Reuben T. Durrett,
of Louisville, the founder of The Filson Club, which has done much
admirable work of late years. . . . I am also under great obliga-
tion to Colonel John Mason Brown of Louisville, another member of
The Filson Club." To his chapter entitled "Kentucky Until the End
of the Revolution" Colonel Roosevelt adds in a footnote: "I cannot
forbear again commenting on the really admirable historic work now
being done by Messrs. Brown, Durrett, Speed, and other members of
The Louisville Filson Club." At that time (i888) only four Publi-
cations had been issued by the Club, and all of them are cited in
The Winning of the West.
      The Filson Club Publications are cited by many writers. In
fact nearly every well prepared book or paper bearing directly or
indirectly on the early history of Kentucky or the Middle West,
published since about i900, quotes from or cites one or more of The
                              [ 14 ]


Filson Club Publications

Filson Club Publications. As authority in its particular field of
history each book ranks among the highest. The Club proposes to
maintain that high standard.
      The Publications are of interest to the casual reader of Ken-
tucky history as well as to the careful student. School teachers
frequently use selections from them for readings or recitations. Re-
cently one of them-THE POLITICAL CLUB-was dramatized by Mrs.
W. T. Lafferty, a member of The Filson Club, and Miss Frances
Marsh, of the University of Kentucky. It was presented for the
first time in May, 1921, before the meeting of the Kentucky Feder-
ation of Women's Clubs then in session at Danville. Thus in many
ways do the Club's books arouse an interest in history-one of the
purposes for which they were published.
      All the Publications are limited editions; all are bound in paper
cover, except No. 30 and No. 32, some copies of which are bound in
paper, others in green cloth, and No. 3I, all of which are in green
cloth. These books are not for sale in the commercial sense, but
copies left beyond the requirements of the Club for its members, its
exchanges with other historical associations, and for gifts, are sold
at about cost price. All the Publications are from the press of John
P. Morton and Company, Louisville, except No. 29 and the first
edition of No. I. For information regarding prices write to The
Secretary, The Filson Club, Louisville.
    I. JOHN FILSON, the first historian of Kentucky. An account of
his life and writings, principally from original sources. By Reuben T.
Durrett. Illustrated. Quarto, 132 pages. I884. (First edition
was printed by Robert Clark and Company, Cincinnati, i884.)
   2. THE WILDERNESS ROAD. A description of the routes of
travel by which the pioneers and early settlers first came to Kentucky.
By Thomas Speed. Illustrated with a map showing the route of
travel. Quarto, 75 pages. i886.
   3. THE PIONEER PRESS OF KENTUCKY. From the printing of
the first paper west of the Alleghanies, August II, 1787, to the
establishment of The Daily Press, in i830. By William Henry Perrin.
Illustrated. Quarto, 93 pages. i888.
Justice of the Court of Appeals of the State of Kentucky. By
William H. Whitsitt. Quarto, i5I pages. I888.
    Out of print.
                              [ 15 ]


The Filson Club

Kentucky. Prepared for the Semi-Centennial Celebration, October
6, i889. By Reuben T. Durrett. Illustrated. Quarto, XV-75
pages. I889.
of public events bearing on the history of that State up to the time of
its admission into the American Union. By John Mason Brown.
Illustrated with a likeness of the author. Quarto, 263 pages. 1889.
    7. THE CENTENARY OF KENTUCKY. Proceedings at the
celebration by The Filson Club, June I, i892, of the one hundredth
anniversary of the admission of Kentucky as an Independent State
into the Federal Union. Prepared for publication by Reuben T.
Durrett. Illustrated. Quarto, 200 pages. 1892.
    8. THE CENTENARY OF LOUISVILLE. A paper read before the
Southern Historical Association, May I, i880, in commemoration of
the one hundredth anniversary of the beginning of the city of Louis-
ville as an incorporated town under an act of the Legislature of
Virginia. By Reuben T. Durrett. Illustrated. Quarto, 200 pages. I 893.
   9. THE POLITICAL CLUB, Danville, Kentucky, 1786-1790.
Being an account of an early Kentucky debating society, from the
original papers recently found. By Thomas Speed. Quarto, XII-
i67 pages. I894.
in Kentucky and elsewhere. By Richard Ellsworth Call. Illustrated.
Quarto, XII-227 pages. I895.
   II. TRANSYLVANIA UNIVERSITY. Its origin, rise, decline and
fall. The first university in Kentucky. By Dr. Robert Peter and his
daughter, Miss Johanna Peter.  Illustrated with a likeness of
Dr. Peter. Quarto, 202 pages. I896.
    12. BRYANT'S STATION. And the Memorial Proceedings held
on its site under the auspices of the Lexington Chapter D. A. R.,
August i8, 1896, in honor of its heroic mothers and daughters. Five
addresses, including The Battle of the Blue Licks, by Bennett H.
Young. Prepared for publication by Reuben T. Durrett. Illustrated.
Quarto, XII-277 pages. i897.
     Out of print.
                             [ 16 ]


Filson Club Publications

Journal of an exploration of Kentucky in 1750, being the first record
of a white man's visit to the interior of that territory; also Colonel
Christopher Gist's Journal of a tour through Ohio and Kentucky
in 1751. With notes and sketches.  By J. Stoddard Johnston.
Illustrated. Quarto, XIX-222 pages. I898.
   14. THE CLAY FAMILY. Part First: The Mother of Henry
Clay, by Zachary F. Smith. Part Second: The Genealogy of the
Clays, by Mrs. Mary Rogers Clay. Illustrated. Quarto, VI-252
pages. I 899.
    i5. THE BATTLE OF TIPPECANOE, November 7, i8iI. The
battle and the battle-ground, including an account of the Kentuckians
who took part. By Alfred Pirtle. Illustrated. Quarto, XIX-158
pages. 9goo.
   i6. BOONESBOROUGH. Its founding, pioneer struggles, Indian
experiences, Transylvania days and Revolutionary annals, with full
historical notes and appendix. By George W. Ranck. Illustrated.
Quarto, XII-286 pages. 190i .
   17. THE OLD MASTERS OF THE BLUEGRASS.       Biographical
sketches of the Kentucky artists, Matthew H. Jouett, Joseph H.
Bush, John Grimes, Oliver Frazer, Louis Morgan and Joel T. Hart.
By Samuel W. Price. Preface: Life of Samuel W. Price, by Reuben
T. Durrett. Illustrated. Quarto, XVII-i8i pages. 1902.
   i8. THE BATTLE OF THE THAMES. In which Kentuckians
defeated the British, French and Indians, October 5, 1813. With a
list of officers and privates who won the victory. By Bennett H.
Young. Illustrated. Quarto, XII-274 pages. 1903.
   i9. THE BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS. Including the previous
engagements between the Americans and the British, the Indians,
and the Spanish which led to the final conflict on January 8, 1815.
List of Kentuckians in the battle. By Zachary F. Smith. Illustrated.
Quarto, XVI-209 pages. 1904.
SYLVANIA UNIVERSITY. By Dr. Robert Peter. Prepared for publica-
tion by his daughter Miss Johanna Peter. Illustrated. Quarto,
XII-I93 pages. i905.
     Out of print.
                             [ 17 ]


The Filson Club

   21. LOPEZ'S EXPEDITIONS TO CUBA, i850-i85I. An account
of the Cardenas and Bahia Honda expeditions, and the Kentuckians
who took part.     By Anderson C. Quisenberry.   Illustrated.
Quarto, 172 pages. i906.

   22. THE QUEST FOR A LOST RACE. Presenting the theory of
Paul B. Du Chaillu that the English-speaking people of today are
descended from the Scandinavians rather than the Teutons, from the
Normans rather than the Germans. With a list of a number of
Kentuckians whose names indicate descent from the Scandinavians
or Norman-French. By Thomas E. Pickett. Illustrated. Quarto,
XXIV-229 pages. I907.

NORTH AMERICA, the first formed and first inhabited