xt766t0gvv4m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt766t0gvv4m/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  journals kaes_circulars_004_566 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 566 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 566  2014 true xt766t0gvv4m section xt766t0gvv4m  FOR FARM AND HOME USE
|""°°"°i8"" Ackucurrunz AND Home zc0NOMIcs

 C O N T E N T S
Introduction .......................................................................... 3
The Pond ................................................................................ ss P:
safe 1
Treatment Processes .............................................................. 4 Spriul
Sedimentation ................................................................ 4 T of su;
Filtration ........................................................................ 4 Tl
Purification .................................................................... 4 Wale!
in the
The Treatment System ........................................................ 5 comir
Flexible Intake .............................................................. 5 can g
Settling Basin ................................................................ 5 " treat
The Filter ...................................................................... 7 ZFTZE
_ Reservoir ........................................................................ 10
Treatment System Arrangement ........................................ 10 LC
Instructions for Operating the Pond Water This l
Treatment System .............................................................. 12 T the €(
Cleaning and Disinfection .......................................... 12 to lic
Adjusting Filtering Bate .............................................. 13 10 fee
Alum Dosage ................................................................,. 13 the tj]
Chlorination .................................................................... I4 the tr·
- Cleaning the Settling Basin .......................................... 14 W*
Cleaning the Filter ........................................................ 14 to dm
Tastes and Odors .......................................................... 15 . HGCQSE
Concrete Blocks for Walls of Settling Basin FOOT <7
and Filter ............................................................................ I6 Shouk
shed 2
· Place
and w

 Treating Pond Water
’ For Farm and Home Use
A By lesse B. Brooks and Kermit C. Mills
. Proper treatment can make pond water clear, pure, and completely
safe for human consumption. Pond water may be used where wells,
_ springs, or cisterns will not provide an adequate, dependable source
of supply.
This publication presents an acceptable method of treating pond
water; however, it is expected that better processes will be developed
in the future as necessary research on this subject progresses. Several
commercial water treatment units are available, and some dealers
can give reliable information on those units. Farmers who wish to
- treat pond water must learn the fundamentals of treating water and
operating a treatment system if a continuous supply of safe water is
to be obtained.
Locate the pond as near the home and farm buildings as possible.
This will reduce the amount of pipe and electric wire needed, and
` the equipment will be easier to inspect and maintain.
` A 3-foot depth of water around the edge of the pond is necessary
A to prevent plant growth in the water. The pond should be at least
l0 feet deep in its deepest part. A pipe placed through the dam at
the time of construction will allow for draining the pond or placing
the treatment system below the pond if desired.
Waste water from barns and the home should not be allowed _
to drain into the pond. Diversion ditches or terraces may be used if
. necessary to carry contaminated water away from the pond.
There should be about 5 acres of watershed area for each acre- A
foot of water storage capacity in the pond. The watershed area
should have a good cover of grass or timber to keep the pond water
clearer and increase the efficiency of the filter system. If the water-
shed area is to be cultivated, it should be stripcropped, contour cul-
tivated, or terraced to reduce silting into the pond.
The pond should be fenced to keep livestock out of the water.
Place the fence away from the water’s edge far enough that the grass
and weeds near the pond may be cut with a power mower.
3 l

The three basic processes generally used in treating pond or sur- (105%
face water are sedimentation, filtration, and purification. A
Sedimentution Cl1l0f
Suspended silt, clay, ordinary dirt, and organic matter such as
algae ruin the appearance of water and made it undesirable for gen-
eral use on the farm. The heavy suspended particles settle out in T]
time by gravity if water is held quietly in large reservoirs. However. if HEX
colloidal or very fine particles may never settle out. To hasten ` Voirf
settling and remove fine suspended matter, a chemical coagulant in Fil
is used. When a coagulant such as filter alum is mixed with turbicl
water, the particles in suspension tend to gather and form clusters A
or “flocs.” The floc is heavy and when properly formed sinks promptly level
to the bottom of the settling basin. the W
Proper dosage of alum to form a good floc varies depending upon y dw “
the physical and chemical characteristics of the raw pond water. By Sgdm
observation and experience the operator will soon learn when the Water
correct amount of alum has been used. The object is to produce - T‘
the best possible floc that will clarify the water with the least amount he hl
of a]um_ cannc
— Filtration L Tl
Some of the fine, suspended, or fiocculated particles will not settle Water
out in the settling basin but require filtration to remove them. {een I
As the water Hows by gravity through the sand bed of the filter. A
most of the suspended particles are trapped and held within the top ud C
few inches of sand. This blanket of silt, floc, and other matter ac- mem
tually improves the quality of the water being filtered, but at the ShO“l'
same time this film retards the flow of water, and eventually tht
Hlter must be cleaned.
Purification _ T1.
l Even though it is quite clear, filtered water may contain harmful Eghw
bacteria and must be purified before it is safe for human consumption. T}
At present, disinfection with chlorine is the cheapest and most reliably thc M
method of purification. Automatic electrically operated devices for ll sh
injecting chlorine into water are available on the market. Such their
devices are called “chlorinators,” and those of the positive-feed typv Ti
are preferred. A test kit for determining the amount of chloriur Qwitcl
needed to make the water safe for drinking is usually furnished with   ghc
the chlorinator. Frequent tests should be made, as the chlorine rv- ` `T1_
quirements will vary Witll the condition of the water and the 21lIlOlllll ` direct
cf contamination. Local health authorities can help you in makin? good

 the first few tests of the water and advise you on correct chlorine
me dosage.
A 30-minute contact time of chlorine with water is required to
assure purification. Note in the drawing on pages 8-9 (Fig. 5) that
chlorine is added to the filtered water as it enters the reservoir.
; in The system for treating pond water satisfactorily includes: (1)
Vela a flexible intake, (2) the settling basin, (3) a filter, and (4) a reser-
mm voir or clear well. Details of the basin, filter, and reservoir are shown
lam in Fig. 5.
bid Flexible Intake
(ters A Hexible, fioating intake that will rise and fall with the water
pm level of the pond is desirable. The intake should be placed where
l . the water is deepest in the pond and about 18 inches to 2 feet below
POD the water surface. Water near the surface of the pond contains less
B`. ( sediment and is less likely to have offensive tastes and odors than
thg, water near the bottom.
hm _ Two simple intakes are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The intake should
mm be installed high enough that mud from the bottom of the pond
cannot enter the pipeline.
The intake pipe should be buried in a trench through shallow
Bale p water near the banks of the pond and placed below frostline (2
feet, 6 inches at all points) to prevent freezing.
uml _ A section of %-inch hardware cloth formed into an 8—inch ball
top and clamped to the end of the intake pipe will provide an adequate
_ M_ screened intake. Since the intake may require frequent cleaning, it
the should be easy to raise or remove from supports for inspection.
tho Settling Bcsin
The settling basin is a tank where the raw pond water is treated
with alum and the flow reduced to allow for sedimentation before
Him the water goes to the filter. T
{tion The size of the basin is based on the daily water requirements,
mlili the period of retention estimated to give proper sedimentation, and T
gh? il space allowance for sludge which accumulates at the bottom of
ucl the basin. Refer to Tables 1 and 2 (pages 10-11).
tilpl The water level in the basin is maintained by a float valve or a float
Gmini Switch. Use the latter if a raw water pump is located near the pond
will as shown in Fig. 1.
G H- The under and over baffles of asbestos boards in the basin aid in
mimi directing the flow of water which mixes with the alum to obtain
akmi good sedimentation.  
5 i

cuT—oFF FILTER   -
glil iii  '· - TO
PUMP _ · -
_ 1- . _ I I
Fig. l.- Treatment system with pump located near pond.
-1 ` ` . ' cuT-oFF FILTER '
INTAKE _ ‘ _ _     _ ._
_   Hm T I. - T I=AE§sf·I·(i:A¤
PON¤ sEs1A1siriNG •  
Fig. 2.- Treatment system located below pond (gravity flow).
    " _; —;;_   ——a~.cHLoRINATorz
Fig. 3.—Treatment system with pump located near pond and cistern
near house used for reservoir.
Details for installing the alum pot are shown in Fig. 4. The flow {
of solution from the pot is regulated by the amount of water allowed
to pass through the valve at A. The top level of the solution in tlw `
alum pot should be about 2 inches above the high water level in
the settling basin. The raw water outlet at B and the alum pot outlvl
should be adjusted so that the alum solution and raw water art _
thoroughly mixed.
A drain in the bottom of the basin facilitates cleaning, and il y
faucet or frostproof hydrant located nearby will provide water nn5`°€'0l*°`<»°’
/ '!:2r`.?2£:·_K ged
. /     
_ {fill? / x9
/ I  : % @9%
V   Q;. "~A 1\c*
. i ‘·'* }`:Y}Z··.- a ~$' 0 ?~
dj? // _ `
ie How   é  
{  & /
Howell I; \ % ‘
in tho   / 1
zvel in  
rer aio I
and *‘ Fig. 4.——Settling basin. Note: Use float switch "C" if pump is used at
U“(l“' pond us in Fig. l. Use float valve "D" if system is placed below pond
as in Fig 2. y

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 and pipe lines that might be used in the new system. If a cistern is Same
available, Fig. 3 shows how the treatment system can be arranged to ggch
use this cistern as a reservoir. (inch
be ta
The cost of operating a treatment system is small. The chlorine threur
and alum usually will cost less than 3 cents per 1,000 gallons ol, HPPIR
water used. Chlorine will always be needed, but alum may not he I l’€ tO:
required at all during periods of low rainfall or when the raw pond
water is almost clear. Tl
Relatively little time is required for maintaining the system, but lustec
a rigid schedule of inspection is important to assure safe water. Daily the Sl
chlorine tests are advisable. These tests should be made under good loot (
lighting conditions since determination of chlorine strength is a matter y ulatef
of distinguishing between slight variations in color. s For ll
be ar
Clecning ¤nd Disinfection Tim;
The inside walls and floors of the settling basin, filter, and reservoir  
should be cleaned and disinfected before the system is started. For {S23?
cleaning use a stiff brush and a strong solution of baking soda and . T]
_ water. Allow the solution a few minutes contact with the surface ,
and flush off with clean water. The soda and water solution will wml]
help remove the “lime” taste imparted to water held in new concrete Clean
structures. If the “lime” taste persists after the reservoir is filled, il T]
solution of baking soda and water may be added to the storage sdm]
reservoir. » Pot 3
After the system is completely installed, it should be treated with or Ot
a solution of heavily chlorinated water to remove all contamination. P]
The following method is suggested: (1) Fill the entire system with Umm
water, allowing filtered but unchlorinated water to enter the reservoir. Hm (
. (2) Stop the system and add a chlorine solution (mixture given he- (mst _
low) by hand to the settling basin, filter, and storage reservoir. {he 1;
  Start the system again, opening all faucets, and allow the water  _ V
to run until the chlorine odor is noticeable at all outlets (about Bil the 8
minutes). (4) Stop the system (including the flow into the reservoir) _ the S
and allow the strong chlorine solution to stand in the entire system for so tb
a period of S hours.   After this standing period, the settlinji . mixd
basin, filter, and reservoir should be emptied and the system restarteil  N Hlmvl
with the chlorinator in operation.  r T
The quantity of chlorine needed to disinfect the system is baseil   Wide.
on 50 parts of chlorine to a million parts of water. This is about the upon

 rn is game as 1 gallon of 5 percent chlorine solution (laundry bleach) for
Bcl to each 1,000 gallons of storage capacity in the settling basin, filter
(including sand), and storage reservoir (see Table 2). Care should
 _ be taken to distribute the chlorine over the water surface in the
i treating units. A clean garden sprayer with the nozzle removed can
‘ be used for applying the chlorine solution to the storage reservoir
Orme through the manhole cover. Mix the solution with the water as it is
ls Or applied. But do not enter the reservoir as the chlorine fumes may
>t be be toxic,
pond Adjusting Filtering Rate
- The flow of water from the filter to the reservoir should be ad- i
, but I justed to the filtering rate determined in the original planning of
gap`. j the system. A filtration rate of 3 gallons per hour for each square
g0ofi V foot of filter bed area was used in sizing the filter. The flow is reg-
am,]. ulated with the globe valve between the filter and storage reservoir.
· For instance, the flow from a filter 3 feet wide and 5 feet long should
be adjusted to 45 gallons per hour or 3 quarts per minute. The
filtration rates given in Table 2 are maximum. lf a lower fiow through
Woir ( the filter is found to supply the farm needs, the globe valve may be
Fm turned to reduce the flow accordingly. A lower rate will give longer
and filter runs between cleanmgs, and the water will possibly be clearer.
rface The filtering rate will be reduced as the layer of suspended ma-
Wm terial accumulates on top of the Hlter. ln time the filter must be
Crete Alum Dosage
ECL A `Q The alum pot (2 to 5 gallons capacity) can be placed in the
Hugo settling basin on concrete blocks, bricks, or a wooden stand. The
_ pot and pipes to be in contact with alum should be of plastic, glass.
with or other acid-resistant materials.
[UW , Place the pot in position as shown in Fig. 4, and fill it with plain
will _ granulated or lump filter alum. Filter alum is much cheaper than
Il/Oui the chemically pure form usually found in drugstores. Your drug-
1 bf). · gest may order the filter alum for you, or it may be purchased from ‘
lvm]-' the local water treatment plant.
Vai? Valve A (Fig. 4) is adjusted to regulate the flow of water through
It ,00 · the alum pot and, in turn, the alum dosage to the raw water entering
mil-)  l the settling basin. The raw water outlet at “B” is raised or lowered
H fm. So that the water and alum solution leaving the pot will be well
Hm?  ’ mixed. The water level in the alum pot should be from 2 to 3 inches
ma - Hhove the water level in the settling basin.
I The dosage of alum required to produce satisfactory water varies
me`! Widely. As stated before, the quantity of alum required will depend
t thi i upon the turbidity of the water. During periods of low rainfall and i
( i

 when the pond water is quite clear, the alum supply may be cut off _ is HO
entirely. The correct dosage can be determined by observing floc— ° Outlet
culation within the settling basin and the filtered water entering UOWE
the reservoir. Take
In starting a new system it is recommended that the valve at “A" A?
be almost closed so that about 25 drops per minute are leaving the _ bédt
alum pot while raw water is entering the settling basin and clear and I
water is leaving the filter. As the system is operating, samples may Sand
be collected in glass jars from the settling basin and reservoir to
observe the job the system is doing. Excess alum dosage only wastes T]
the chemical and may impart a disagreeable alum taste to the water. (3) t
Insufficient dosage decreases the efficiency of the entire treatment wm;]
system. ghlgyj
Note: Most pond waters are neutral or slightly alkaline in nature. arms
Alum reacts best to form a Hoc in waters that are slightly alkaline. A
For this reason alum is favored in pond water treatment because jmpg]
it is generally the only chemical needed to remove turbidity. move
In some cases waters may have insufficient alkalinity to react Sulfai
with the alum. In those cases lime may be added to improve floc· exten
culation. It
If lime is needed a trial mixture of I part lime to 2 parts alum agem-
. by weight may be used in the alum pot. I advm
Chlorinaticn L,
Manufacturers of chlorinators will furnish all the information Coma
needed on mixing chlorine solutions and regulating the amount of is ZIV,
chlorine required to purify the water. Kits for testing chlorine in dem:
water and water purity are usually supplied with the chlorinator. Smell
Even though the chlorinator is completely automatic, it cannot ` A]
be neglected. Daily inspections are advisable to assure safe water. in W,
_ Cleaning the Settling Basin meg
After 12 inches of sludge or sediment have accumulated in the less l
bottom of the basin, it should be drained and cleaned. The walls C I
_ _ . _ t and g
and floor may be brushed with a stiff brush and flushed with pure , not b
water. SC
Cleaning the Filter  _ md (
The silt blanket which forms on top of the bed of sand in the gm N
Hlter reduces the flow of water through the filter. The filter must be V used
cleaned when the flow is reduced to the extent that daily water {MCE
requirements on the farm are not satisfied. YG ui
To clean the filter turn off the water at the cut-off valve at the qlf
settling basin and let the water drain through the filter until there

 t OH y js no water standing over the filter. Close the globe valve at the
HOO Outlet of the filter. (D0 not let the filter drain dry.) With a scoop,
trim . tmwel, or shovel remove the silt and the top inch of sand. Do not
`  · rake or disturb the filter surface.
·¢A»»   After cleaning the filter 5 or 6 times, add new sand to rebuild the
L the bed to its original depth (27 inches). After several cycles of cleaning
clear and rebuilding, it may be necessary to remove and replace all of the
may sand in the filter.
gy tf, » Tustes ¤nd Odors
astes V The presence of offensive taste and odor in water may be due to:
ater. l (a) the presence of algae; (b) dissolved gases or chemicals from the
nent , watershed area or chemicals used in the water treatment such as
chlorine or alum; or (c) decomposing organic matter or contaminated
ture. v areas within the watershed area or the pond.
lline. A heavy growth of algae in the pond will clog the filter and
cause _ impart an unpleasant taste and odor to water that cannot be re-
moved by the filtering process. Directions for the use of copper
react sulfate to control algae in ponds can be obtained from your county
flcc- extension oflice.
It is best to treat ponds so that a heavy growth of algae never
alum accumulates. Killing large amounts of algae in a pond may have
adverse effects since the decaying mass may harm fish and tempor-
arily cause an offensive taste and odor in the water.
Large amounts of chlorine are sometimes needed to treat highly
atloll _ contaminated water. For adequate protection a residual of chlorine
lt Ol   is always desirable. While chlorine may be somewhat offensive when
16 in detected in drinking water, the water is usually safe if the chlorine
1`· l s1nell is present.
umol An excess dosage of alum may cause an acid or “alum” taste
6** ` in water. This taste is not detected where normal amounts of alum
are used.
Contaminated areas within the watershed may cause water to be .
I the less palatable. Barns, barnyards, catch basins, septic tank sewage,
  and garbage disposal lines should be located so that drainage will ,
` not be toward the pond.
` Several special devices are on the market for removing tastes
I tht) and odors in filtered and chlorinated waters. ·Most of the units are
St bg 3 fOr refiltering or aerating treated waters. Activated carbon 1S often
4 used in the filters. Some small filters are available that attach to a
Naw C faucet and absorb excess chlorine. Aerators are special in design and
t th? require the services of a competent dealer to install. p
there If the pond is located close to the farmstead and all of the water p

 under pressure is to be treated, the treating system may be placed
below the pond as shown in Fig. 2.
\Vater for livestock does not have to be filtered. The How of water
to livestock tanks and drinking cups should be regulated by non-
siphoning type Hoats. Faucets or water outlets located any place F
on the farm tempt those who are thirsty, and pure water at all out-
lets regardless of location is good health insurance.
It properly reinforced and waterproofed, the walls of the settling ‘
basin and 1cllt€1' may be built of concrete blocks. Plans for concrete
block wall construction for these units may be obtained from your ‘
county extension olllce or by writing to the Agricultural Engineering
Department, University of Kentucky, Lexington.
E§¤}$Q}§J5§§ r2EC§—5ELTEOEAIEQXBQQQ.TBEQ—i»r AgrieuhE
and Home Economics, University of Kentucky. and the United States Department vt
Agriculture, cooperating. Frank J. Welch. Director. Issued in furtherance of the AHF
of May 8 and June 30, 1914. 3M#l_H0; 3M' Mw