Kentucky Was A
Bellwether State


bellwether victory in Kentucky initiated the
sweep that earned President Lyndon Johnson his own keys to the White House last night.
As returns sped into the computers, it became
obvious that Mr. Johnson had lifted the Bluegrass State
from the Republican column, in which it has resided for
the last two presidential elections.
As other states began to report, the President
piled up a lead that surpassed even those of Franklin
Delano Roosevelt in magnitude.
The state's margin for the President climbed toward
300,000, and another significant aspect of the returns
emerged. The Democrats' share of the state's Negro vote
rose to 93 percent an increase of 36 percent over the

1960 election.

Lyndon Baines Johnson won the presidency in his
own right with a rockcrusher victory that battered down
Barry Goldwater and the oldest, strongest Republican
bastions in the nation.
It was the landslide victory Mr. Johnson wanted,
fought for and predicted for himself and his vice presidential running mate, Hubert H. Humphrey.

It began in the border states, faltered a bit in the
South, then swept through New England, the East, the
Midwest and on into California
one of Sen. Coldwater's
"must" states. Even Maine and Vermont broke with the
past and went Democratic.
With 270 electoral votes neededtowin, Mr. Johnson
won 486 from 45 states.
Sen. Goldwater won five states and 47 electoral
votes. He led in one other, his home state of Arizona,
which has five electoral votes.
On popular votes, Johnson had 39,728,666 or 61.3
percent. Goldwater had 25,032,303.
It was New York State, with its
stack of 43 electoral votes, that clinched the
election for the man who was born in Texas on a tenant
farm and who once thought a Southerner never in his
lifetime would be voted into the White House. New
York also threw out Republican Kenneth B. Keating
and sent Robert F. Kennedy, brotherofthelate president,
to the Senate to replace him.
At the moment of national decision, the Democrats
once again had clinched control of the Senate and kept
biggest-in-the-natio- n

control of the House.
In his own race, Mr. Johnson ran like a champion
out front all the way.
He had parlayed promises of continued peace and
prosperity and millions of votes into a massive victory.
Sen. Coldwater's hope of pulling the biggest
political upset of the century had vanished in a huge
on a big
outpouring of votes which saw
The Arizona senator just never was able to dispel
fears, founded on his own words, that he would keep a
ready finger near the nuclear trigger. He listed this
"trigger-happy- "
issue as his greatest handicap.
Nor did he erase fears that he might scrap Social
Security and send the economy into a tailspin.
Only deep in Dixie, where his conservatism and vote
against the new civil rights law had appeal, did Sen.
Coldwater make any impressive showing.
He grabbed off Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi,
and South Carolina the four states that bolted the
Democratic party in 1948 to support States Rights presidential candidate Strom Thurmond.




Nation Collected

In '64 Campaign:
Page Five

University of Kentucky

Vol. LVI, No. 36




In Johnson's 'Tent':
Page Two
Eight Pages


Democrats Increase
House, Senate Margin
Keating, Salinger Lose
In Key Senate Races




The Democratic Party retained complete control of both the
House and the Senate yesterday, increasing its strength in both
houses, the Associated Press reported.
Of the 35 Senate seats up for
cher, second; Charles Famsley,
election, the Democrats won 27.
third; Frank Chelf, fourth; John
Republicans won eight seats. The
Watts, sixth; and Carl Perkins,
Democrats continued to hold 40 seventh.
seats in the Senate, and the ReThe first 11 Democratic Senpublicans 25, making a total of ate wins Tuesday night guaran67 Democratic and 33 Republican
teed continued control of the
members in the 100 seat body.
Senate, since 40 holdover
In the outgoing Congress,
senators are Democrats.
Democrats had a
edge in
Although Republican senatorthe Senate, and a
ial candidates generally ran ahead
in the House. This year's election
of the COP presidential candigave the Democrats a 3 edge
date, Sen. Barry Coldwater, they
in the Senate and, of thedistricts
could not stage enough upsets to
reporting at press time, a
organize the Senate.
Incumbent Republican Sen.
edge in the House.
The Democratic Party almost
Kenneth Keating of New York
made a clean sweep of the seven
conceded defeat to former Attor66-3-

257-17- 8



Kernel Photo by Sam Abell
A Resounding Victory At The Polls

Kentucky congressional seats in
the House, taking six of the seven
seats. Elected from the districts
in Kentucky were: Frank Stubble-fielfirst district; William Nat- -

Urban Renewal Plan Rejected;
School Tax Fails In Louisville

Residents of Lexington voted
down a proposed
project Tuesday and Louisville
and Jefferson County voted "no"
camto end an unusual school-tapaign.
Lexington voters voiced a
decision in protest of the Short
Street project, estimated to cost
over $9 million. The total vote
was 10,582 against the proposal
and 4,613 in favor of the project.
Voters in Louisville and Jefferson County stopped the 10th
school-tavote in the county
since 1952. The "no" vote apparently means double sessions
will continue indefinitely
county pupils and city teachers'
salaries will remain the same.
Only one Lexington precinct
projfavored the ui
All precincts in the area
which would have been directly
affect eil by the project voted
"no". The precinct casting a


2-- 1


majority of "yes" votes was the
Ashland Park precinct, near
Chevy Chase.
The project was designed to
clear out slums in the Short Street
area. Plans included help in relocating displaced persons and reimbursement for owners of property condemned for a highway
or city street.
Sale of redeveloped
would have paid an estimated $3
million of the project. The
Federal Government would have
of the balance,
leaving thd City of Lexington to
pay the remainder, a little over
$2 million dollars.
Opponents of the project included Negro homeowners, who
felt they would not be paid
enough for their present homes to
enable them to buy a home elsewhere. About 473 families are included in the area.
In addition, about 50 businesses would have been relocated. Most businessmen in the

area apparently feared the price
of renting or buying property after redevelopment.
Groups which had gone on record favoring the project, however, included most downtown
the Chamber of
Commerce, the Lexington Real
Estate Board and Lexington's
two newspapers.
In Louisville, 43,290 votes
were cast against the school-taproposal, compared to 33,979 in
favor of the tax. Jefferson County
residents also voted against the
proposal 56,127 in the county
voted "no" and 46,252 favored
the tax campaign.
The tax referendum proposed
an increase of 32 cents in the property-tax
rate, bringing it to a
total of $2.32 per $100 of assessed valuation. The proposal would
have raised the occupational tax
from 1.25 to 1.55 percent of wages
and net profits.

ney General Democrat Robert F.
Kennedy in the junior Senate
race. Sen. Keating, however, ran
ahead of Sen. Goldwater in New

Kennedy, 38, brother of the
late president and a former U.S.
attorney general, opened a new

phase of his own political career
by wrestling a U.S. Senate seat
from Kenneth B. Keating, the
Republican incumbent.
Sen. Pierre Salinger of California, former White House news
lost to
George Murphy, onetime Broadway and Hollywood song and
dance man, who has long been

active in Republican circles.
At press time, incumbent Sen.
Hugh Scott held a narrow lead
over Democratic challenger
Blatt, reversing an earlier
trend. If the Pennsylvania woman
wins, she will become the first
woman to take a Senate seit from
that state..

At presstime, Sen. Stephen M.
Young, the incumbent Democrat,
had edged ahead of Republican
Rep. Robert Taft Jr. who had held
an early lead in that Ohio senate

Incumbent Sen. Edward M.
Kennedy, the Democratic incumbent, easily won in Massachusetts over Republican Howard
Whitmore for the Senate seat.
Republican Sen. John R. Williams won over Gov. Elbert Carvel for the Senate post in Delaware.
In Texas, Sen. Ralph Yarbor-oug(D) defeated George Bush
(R) to win the Senate seat.
incumbent DemTwenty-twocratic senators were reelected
while four incumbent Republicans retained their Senate seats.
Two Democrats were upset in
their races, while four Republicans were also upset.
State Sen. Fred Harris (I),
Okla.) defeated former University
of Oklahoma-footbal- l
coach Bud
Wilkinson for the Senate seat. In
Sen. Frank E. Moss won over Republican candidate E. L.Wilkinson.


Continued On I'age



Cuntinurtl On I'age



