NEWS 1990 ’- L5@
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from Human Rights Campaign Fund
For the second time in a month the Senate "What Senator Kennedy did was shift the
has sided with the lesbian and gay community issue from one of attacking gay people who
on a critical go -reIated vote. n February, work with youngsters to an issue of protecting
Senator Jesse H)elms' (R-NC) effort to attach children from any kind of sexual molestation,
anti-gay language to the federal Hate Crimes straight or gay. Senator Kennedy stuck a blow
Statistics Act was resoundingly defeated. In against the anti-gay bi otry of the Armstrong
early March the Senate reiected the Armstron amendment," said Stepa'ien Smith, legislative
amendment, which would have allowed director of the HRCF. Smith continued, "Once
organizations in the District of Columbia to bar again, Senator Kenned has taken the lead in
any lesbian or gay man from serving as a "role fighting the bigotry we Face on Capitol Hill."
model, mentor or companion to any minor. "
Armstrong sought to weaken the strong
protections for lesbians and go men included in
the Washington, DC Human Rights Ordinance. SEN. ALAN CRANSTON FIGHTS
He said that the law is being used to "force Big HOMOPHOBIC ARMSTRONG AMENDMENT
Brothers and other similar organizations to admit
homosexuals into their program as counselors The following is the text of a statement by
and role models." Armstrong stated that the Senator Alan Cranston (D-CA) delivered on the
District of Columbia "should not be able to Senate floor re ardin the Armstron
impose a requirement that these organizations amendment, whicTi woqu have legalizeg
accept people who have not historically been discrimination a ainst gays and lesbians in the
deemed suitable for that kind of work." District of ColumTaia.
The amendment was drafted broadly,
however, and would have applied to all I ur e su port of the Kennedy amendment
institutions that serve children in Washin ton. and deflect of:> the Armstrong amendment.
For example lesbians and gays could grave The Kennedy amendment deals with a real
been fired From schools, refused positions in issue —- the Armstrong amendment plays with
volunteer organizations and prohibited from unfounded pre'udices.
treating youn patients in has itaIs. The Kennedy amendment makes it clear that
Senator Edward Kennedy lD-MALdevised the any rogram which involves children can
strategy and led to the floor fi ht t at defeated exclude: any person likely to engage in the
the Armstrong amendment. Tennedy offered sexual abuse or exploitation of a minor. It
alternative language that would allow covers any person, heterosexual, homosexual or
organizations to deny positions to heterosexuals, bisexual.
gays and bisexuals who have been charged or The Armstrong amendment does nothing,
convicted of sexual offenses with minors. absolutely nothing, to protect children from the
The critical vote came on an Armstrong move vast maiority of sexual abusers. It is simply a
to table the Kenned substitute amendment. concession to unsubstantiated fears. It diverts us
The Senate rejected Krmstrong's attempt 50 - from dealing with real life roblems
47. It then adopted the Kennedy language. [Continued on Page 2]