xt766t0gx871 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt766t0gx871/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1935 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1935 Vol.7 No.1 text The Kentucky Press, June 1935 Vol.7 No.1 1935 2019 true xt766t0gx871 section xt766t0gx871 g ll ii?
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F1. —- Of, Bu, Jlnd For Kentucky newspapers —- 11‘ 1,25
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_ Volume Seven JUNE, l955 Number One » I; 2,: I;
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‘ Boat -Tl'lp Most Enjoyable - - Prlzes Awarded ; ll}
, The following article from the Fal— process. the Lyon County News. . . l l! f
l‘ . .7"; mouth Outlook epitomizes the memor- Following the drive, a banquet was Winners and runners—up in the other , LE?
. 'i :- ~able boat trip of the summer meeting. given by the Business Men’s Club and contests were: it} 1
,. ' . fig? Why look further? the Ashland Independent at the Henry Best front page, first place and silver 2 {til i
-. ' The Kentucky Press Association met Clay Hotel. Colonel B. F. Forgy, pub— set, The Campbellsville News-Journal; ; iii :
:91». in sixty-sixth annual mid-summer ses- lisher of the Independent, was toast second place and certificate, The Lyon ‘ 2f 1
lg sion on board the Greene Line steamer master, and the City Manager, Mr. County Herald, Eddyville; third place l5 3
, E Gordon C. Greene en route from Cin- Webster, and the president of the club, and certificate, The Providence Enter- . . E .
V '(‘1‘3 cinnati to Ashland, Ky., and return on Mr. Smith, delivered addresses of wel- prise; honorable mention, The Shelby . E [ l
1;? a 3‘ Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, June come, with responses coming from Mr. Sentinel, Shelbyville; The Somerset j E11
i 7‘; 13, 14, 15. The meeting was one of the Robbins and other visiting editors. Journal, and The Hardin County En- ‘ 9!; :
» [3‘ most unique ever held by the associa- Following the banquet, a fl001‘ show terprise. » .3” E:
E tion. More than 112 persons were on and dance was enjoyed, with Bill Mc- Best editorial: First place and silver I .I 3‘ 3
.i, )2," board, including newspaper people, Kenney and his Kentuckians furnish— set, J. P. Gozder, Campbellsville News— ‘ ‘ at. 4
’ 3’32, their families, and representative of ing the music. Journal, title “School Authorities to i; i: l
: “j, various companies serving newspapers. The Saturday morning session of the Be Commended”; second place and ' i '1 l:
7 Following dinner at the Coney Island association began with a discussion led certificate, J. L. Bradley, The Provi- - 1 Ԥ
" clubhouse on Thursday evening and a by J. L. Bradley of the Providence En- dence Enterprise, title, “Public Works ' 5 "
E 15. brief enjoyment of the resort conces— terprise on the subject, “The Place of Projects;” third place and certificate, ’ kl,
. ",1 sions, the newspaper people boarded Features in Producing a Newspaper.” A. A. Daugherty, writer, Georgetown , Allji
‘V it; their boat and started up the beautiful Then came reports of the newspaper News, title, “Why Not a Four—Lane , :1‘
‘i Ohio in the direction of Ashland. , contest committee by Prof. Victor ‘R. Highway From Georgetown to Lexing- 7‘ 1,5.“ i
A; The first .meeting of the association Portmann, department of journalism, ton?” Honorable mention, Wesley E. ,g j l
l; was held Friday morning with Augus— University of Kentucky, and presenta— Carter, Hardin County Enterprise; Al— ‘ , I ,,,r, : .
A: tus Robbins, of Hickman, Ky., presid— tion of the cups. Mrs. Thomas R. Un- bert Schumacher, Berea Citizen; Cecil | 9‘ l
1" mg, derwood, wife of the editor of The Lex— Williams, Somerset Journal. ‘ . l ,
f ~ 2', Lawrence W. Hager, of the Owens- ington Herald, spoke on “The Thoughts Best news story: First place and . :" 5‘
' j: boro Messenger-Inquirer, read the first of an Editor’s Wife.” Wesley E. Carter silver set, A. A. Daugherty, Georgetown , J" E‘ ‘
- 2|? paper on “What to Write and How to of the Hardin County Enterprise, dis- News, title, “Jackson W. Showalter ‘ i :2", "
Write For the Editorial Page.” This cussed “Schools of Journalism.” Fol— Dies After Long Illness;” second place ; “if";l '
321’: was followed by an address by Vance lowing this came “Experience of a and certificate, Lyon County Herald, , ‘ l "
a: Armentrout, of the Courier-Journal. Kentucky Newspaper-woman in Wash- Eddyville, editor, G. M. Pedley, title, 1 iiji
’ He spoke on “The Kentucky Column- ington,” by Miss Mildred Babbage of “City’s Long Fight Finally Won by . 5 gift}
.,- . ft] ists,” or, as he added, “Columnysts.” the Breckinridge News, Cloverport. J. Mayor’s Efforts;” third place and cer- = 9??
2 EH ‘ These two addresses were the thought- P. Gozder, of the Campbellsville News- ’ tificate, Gus Robbins, editor Hickman ' ‘ ‘ 2213f
» it; appetizers of the convention, in that Journal, led a discussion on “The Curse Courier, title, “History Turns Up Un— l :il; ‘,
if they presented ideals, criticisms and of Free Publicity,” and J. T. Lovett of der the Old Ijlnioleunt.” Hones-able . 1 - gill
‘ .. some theory. Other addresses in the the Murray Ledger and Times, spoke mention, The Providence Enterprise, 2 } ‘Jf ,
» first meeting were more technical. on “Circulation Building Methods.” The Hardin. County Enterprise, and 1f“! i
They follow: The Berea Citizen. ? Ef:
" ,1}, “Legislation Affecting NeWspapers,” Winners of the six prize contests, as Best advertisements: First prize, :Ea‘ ’
by Keen Johnson, of the Richmond announced on the boat trip by the con- full page advertisement went to The , _{ ’i 1
,2, , Daily Register; report on the golden test committee, were closely pressed Somerset C‘ommbnwealth, George A. ‘ ‘ 1 "iii
1! jubilee meeting of the National Edito— for high ratings and the editors de- Joplin, Jr., editor; honorable mention, , it
_ I? ' rial Association at New Orleans by A. serve many compliments for their high The Lyon County Herald, Eddyville, : f‘ F
f Robbins, president of the KPA. “Class- standards as evidenced in the contests. and The Union County Advocate, Mor- 3 ;
Mg ifi-sd Advertising,” by J. T. Norris and The newspapers and their editors ganfield. . f . ,
N} Mr. McCoy of the Ashland Independ- were: Half_pa_g«e advertisement: First prize, 2 .5; ,
l. ent; “Foreign and Local Advertising The Somerset Journal, edited by $5, The Union County Advocate, Mor- ll,
[5, Rates and the Advertising Rate Struc— Cecil Williams, was awarded a silver ganfield, R. M. Mumford, editor; hon- i "4' 1E
33 ture," by George A- Joplin, Jr., 0f the set. Other winners in the “best all- orable mention, The Somerset Journal I .1, .lil
Somerset Cmmonw-e-alth. around newspaper group were: 860- and the Somerset Commonwealth. '5 it
. ‘3, _ The Ashland Business Men’s Club 0nd place and certificate, The Shelby Quarter—page advertisement: First 3 gig
~';_- met the steamer at the wharf Friday Sentinel, Shelbyville, M. O’Sullivan, prize, $5, The Union County Advocate, ’ at“
, 4);. afternoon and took the newspaper men editor; third place and certificate, The Morganfield; honorable mention, The ' i 5’: it
.‘ 23:", for a spin over the city, including a Hardin County Enterprise, Elizabeth— Berea. Citizen and The Providence En- ’ j {it .
3"“ . visit to the American Rolling Mills town, Wesley E. Carter, editor; honor- terprise. ‘ i if ,
, A, ‘ steel plant, the company which origi— able mention, The Providence Enter- In the new contest, for the best edi- i '.’ ,i 3
-‘ £322, nated and patented the “continuous” prise, the Union County Advocate, and (Please turn to Page Three) , I; l‘.
i ,, . . . , .2 nit' - " a . i
2 «‘1‘. “J 7 ‘1, ~, . 2 '2 , - 2 ~ 2 . . 2 . 322g}, 1 .' j 2:
fishfif‘fx’; *- ‘ . .. ' . 5 ‘ . ' I a; . . ' i ; .

 1"" 11 '1 1 ’1.‘ ' 2
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‘ 11.1 . . 1
‘ i: ' 2‘1
‘21 5i tuck entleman of the noblest char- Suit Not to Be Pressed
1 1'}. if}? ’ Kentuqu press acts»: End achievement, and that the The report was critical of the offi-
. 2‘111‘:~ ___*___—__ president appoint a committee to draft cial acts of the ofiicial. He charges
1 11H: 1" OfliClal Publication 0f THE KENTUCKY appropriate resolutions of respect to that accusations are untrue and that
1 1‘11 1- 4 ' PRESS ASSOClATlON his memory and furthermore that we the newspaper is liable for damages t
1 1 .111 1 -—-———_- take solemn cognizance of the death of because of injuries sustained. The
1 1111 1 V VICTOR R' PORTMANN Edigor three of the outstanding editors of the story was filed on the night wire by
1.111 1 Jack Wild AsSistant Edi or weekly field, Jack Catlett of the Prin- the Associated Press.
1 1 V ‘ m ceton Leader, John I. Brown of the If such a measure as is proposed by 3‘1
1 111 1 . 1 mem of Journalism, University of Crittenden Press, Marion, and J. G. Mr. Weaver De enacted it will elimin-
11.1 I 1 Kentucky, Lexington Purdon of the Maysville Independent, ate possibility of newspapers being an-
111 1 - E expressing to their families our deep- noyed, put to the expense of defend- ,
111 1 ' REPORT OF RESOLUTIONS COM- est sympathies and sincerest cond01~ ing a damage suit for publication of
11-1 1 -- MITTEE K. P. A., MID-SUMMER. ances. such stories as that based on the ~ ‘
1 :11 1 , CONVENTION, JUNE 13-15. 1935 And, Whereas, the S. N. P. A. has sewell report. The present governor 1 _
1 111.; 1 f honored a member of this association, has encouraged the state inspector and ‘ 1
1111‘ 1 Whereas, The KPA is just complet- Emanuel Levi, of the gourier-Journal, examiner to. probe deeply in the an-
11 1 1 1 ing one of its most enjoyable and com- With its pres1dency, be it therefore re- nual inspections of all state ofiicrals
11 1 11 panionable summer meetings in its solved that the KPA express its appre- and departments and counties With
1 11‘ . _ 1 long and illustrious history aboard the ciation of our fellow editors for their the thought that .publlclty would
1 11111 ‘1 packet Gordon C. Greene, between Cin- honor to Mr. Levi and that it congrat- prove to be a corrective influence that 1
1 51.1? 1 cinnati and Ashland, and in the hos- lplate him upon this distinctive recog- would be helpful. The present state i
l 1111 1 pitable city of Ashland for the fourth hition of his talents. inspector has taken his task seriously 1
1 1111: time, therefore, be it resolved, Whereas, the annual better news- and in many instances conditions 1
1 111 i - ' That an extend our thanks to an paper contest has long been one of the (which he has criticised in his reports
. '1 1 who have taken part in the arranging outstanding features 0f four summer have been corrected, 01“ the practice 1
1 1 .1 1 and carrying to such a happy conclu- meetings, an incentive to better crafts- assailed has been miniminized as re—
. 1 4-1511 j l sion, this unique meeting, brimful of manship in each phase Of our profes- 51113 Of his reports. It is ObViOllS that
5 111 1 -. 1 inspiration, recreation and genuine sion, therefore, be it resolved, that _we the newspaper publicity given these re- 11
‘ 1 1 1 . '. pleasure; to the president and execu- express 0111' thanks and appreCiation DOTtS has been {3015013 Wthh has made 1
1 1 11.1 5 . tive committee for their happy inspi- 1? me- Victor R. Portmann. its guar- the critical attitude of. the inspector 1
11‘ 1 * 1 ration of the “floating convention” to than angel. and t0 the generous don- helpful. Not in the history of Ken-
1 1 :1: 1 the program committee for its thor- ore of the prizes, who have collaborat- tucky has a state administration sub-
1 E" i oughness in covering the field of jour- 9d to make the contest SHCh ah enthu- lected itself, all cinemas and depart-
111 1 nalistic enterprise; to traffic manager, siastic success. m-ents to the calcium glare of such 1
3 j Mr.,K.imbelL Captain White. and the H critical publicity. Through reports of
l 1 f1 1 1‘ entire staff and crew of the steamer Extract: from Keen JOhhsoh’S address the state inspector the public has been
11 1 1 :1 1 Gordon C. Greene, for their courtesy, on “Legislation Affecting Newspapers”) given more detailed information about
1 1 111* 1 I 1‘ graciousness and thoughtfulness be- '—— _ _ the status of state government than 1. 1
1 3 111311 1 yond all anticipation in providing Probably the most deSirabIe addl- has hitherto been the practice. 1
z ' 111 ‘ every comfort, convenience and service ithal state lenglathH Wthh the Ken“ But obviously this policy of correct- 3
:1 ‘ 1‘11 1 = aboard their beautiful steamer. tucky Press Association might sponsor ing conditions through publicity can 1
1 3111 1 ' 1 That thanks be extended to Coney would be a» measure in accord Wlth the not be effective unless newspapers
' ‘1 ‘ Island, Inc., and the Island Queen for 1”rsolution offered by Don E. Weaver, may publish such reports without fear 1
1 . 1'11 1 1 the many courtesi-es extended to the 0f the Covington Post, at the winter of libel suits. 1
11 1 111. 1 ’1 KPA and for the service rendered, and meeting. The last legislature enacted a meas-
‘ i 1 111:“: ‘ 1‘ that spcial thanks be tendered to the That resolution, Wthh was referred ure which makes it mandatory that 1
1' i 111 1 Louisville Paper Company fOI‘ the to the executive committee, is as fOI' all counties install and adhere to a 1
l1 I “ i?‘ 5 ; handsome souvenirs distributed to the lows: , county budget. The act imposes on the 1
; 1 .111 . f members of this party. Resfflde’ That the KentuCkY 133655 state inspector and examiner the duty
- 1 111.1 i" -- And, whereas, the hospitable citizens ASSPClaFlOn go Oh lecord as faVOlmg of making annual audit of each coun-
1 111 1 . of Ashland, Ky., have extended to this 19g‘lSlat10n permitting neWspape‘l‘S to ty to enforce adherence to the budget, , V
1‘ 11.1 1 1 association a most cordial welcome for report the SUbJeht matter hf suits 9" promote the uniformity of budget 1
1 1 1 11 1, 1 the fourth time in its history, there— allegations contained in suits filed in practices and encourage economy. It 1 1
_ 1 1. 1 1 3 fore, be it resolved: courts of the state, at the time they is a law which it is estimated by the 1
1 ; , That we proffer them, especially Col. are filed and Stamped by the Clerk 0f Kentucky Tax Reduction League will '
‘ 1 ‘- 11 ,- 'B. F. Forgy] Dr. 0, H Parsons, and our the court. effect a total saving in the counties 1
1.1 1 . 1 former president, J T. Norris, our eter- And that the legislation shall in— of three to‘vfour million dollars a year. 1
1‘ i 1 ‘ nal appreciation for their sustained clude the priVilege of reporting 7901194 The inspector is releasing for publi- 1
‘ hospitality that never wanes but waxes fide reports 0f PUbhc 0135131313 when cation these reports on these county 1
‘ ‘ 1 51’ 1 . with the years. and that we especially file? Wlth the pmper aUth°rlt¥-” audits almost daily. It was his report 1‘
.1 1 1j1 , . record our gratitude to the Ashland Since Mr. Weaver called this matter of an audit on Harlan county that re- 1
. Business Men’s Association for the to our attention there has arisen a sulted in the suit which was filed _,
15 1 1: 1 lovely banquet, dance and show given bircumstance which demonstrates de— against the Lexington Herald. You 1
1 11 ‘1 '1 in our honor. sirability of an amendment to the libel gentlemen appreciate the fact that. E
1 11 E: , . ‘ And, whereas, the Great Editor of law as suggested in his resolution. such a legislation as the county bud- 1
'1 i 1 . the Universe has seen fit to call one The Lexington Herald has been made get and aUdit act contain DOSSibflitleS “
1 1 11:11 1 _' of our pleasant, beloved and one of the defendant in a libel suit filed by the of great good in promoting more 600- 1
1? '111- g 1 most distinguished editors of our na- county clerk in Harlan county, basis nomical and prudent expenditures 0f 41
7 . 111- I1 1 tion, Desha Breckinridge, since our for the action being publication by that county funds. You also realizethat ,1
1 r 1 11 1 3 last meeting, be it therefore, resolved newspaper of a report of an audit by the effect of this act Will be minimiz-
11 1 111' 1%: that we bow our heads in reverent Nat B. Sewell, state inspector and ex- ed unless it is vigorously enforced.
1 1 1 ,1 1' tribute to his memory as a true Ken- aminer, submitted to the governor. And. enforcement will be ineffective
~. .. . '~ '1 1 . 1 .l
1'5 1:17 1 11 .1 1 ‘7
1,1. - ‘1 1 1 . .1
1 E 1 ' 1‘1 ' a :1
1‘ 1 1
11L 1L

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. June, 1935 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three E EEE‘
E if" 1
, , ’11
E unless newspapers may publish, with- turies of usage in courts of the world. The Whole story of advertising has EE EFEEE E
i- but fear of libel suits, such findings as A legislative enactment would be nec- not been told successfully, it would E E‘ E
as are disclosed in the report of the tate essary to include newspaper men in seem, when the necessity for telling / E‘ EEE‘E
at inspector as annual county audits are the same category. The opposition thart it in fundamental terms continues. . . if E
as ‘ made. The recently enacted county will be encountered will be based on That modern business men, apace with E “E E
to budget and audit act makes it of in- the assertion that newspaper men are so many of the important factors 10f E. ”’52 E
iy creased importance that there be leg- required to divulge the source of in- up-to-date pusiness, Should have to be i .52? E
islation which will make such findings formation only in instances where re- told that they should make their ad- E l-‘EE 1
W 3,: as are contained in report of audits fusal to reveal such facts interferes vertising investment just as definitely 5‘“
E_ privileged for publication. with the administration olf justice. as they budget their rent , . EE .‘
l_ 1 Press associations in a few states Perry Meloan, publisher of the Ed-. ‘1 fit:
l— have successfully sponored enactment mondson News, recently had an un— :_ EEE‘
)f ‘ of legislation which permits a news- usual experience. Sheriff in his coun- omnMLlNDTYPEMARK: _ . ’EEE
B _ . paper man to lawfuuy refuse to di- ty refused to comply with the manda- E EEE
>r E vulge information given him in confi— tory provision of the statute that E . E E 13E" E
d . E - dence. It has long been a tradition property may not be sold for delin- E i ,E EEEE
_ - among newspaper men that they quent taxes until the property has been E 1 01‘s E E; l
is never violate a confidence when they advertised once a week for four con— E E _ I:‘EEE
h have given their word not to divulge secutive weeks. I sought to aid him, I . E . EEE
d a news source. securing an opinion from the attorney E , E. .1 ‘E E“
t E In some states legislation giving le- general to effect that the advertising r anlze E 3 ‘EEE E
'e ‘ gal sanction to this cardinal principle is mandatory. The sheriff seeks to E 'E’E
y E of newspaper ethics has granted re- justify his refusal to advertise on the ' E j E E
s porters immunity from prosecution for grounde that owners of the property E E’ El?
s | failure to disclose identity of. the indi- to be sold for taxes have waived the E “ EEE E
e E vidual from whom was obtained infor- publication provision. Whether such E 1 EEEEEE‘ E
_ mation on which was based newspaper may be done is a matter for the courts E E
t E stories. Such a law would have pre- to decide. I am of the opinion waiv- -——— E 1.EEEEf
_ E vented sending to jail of newspaper er does not abrogate provision of the An th r 1 h b t' 1 b' l “j siEE.‘
.. i men in two instances in Kentucky last law. It is a case that should be tloghaesbisngrgulclitElimbH-la- E '1 3.in ‘
I. E year. watched and effort made to prevent byalar ge group ofiinh—fieaitreg .: EE
_ ' There exists the general impression setting Of a. precedent in WhiCh those newspaper editors who have or— . EE “EE
_ that attorneys and thypic‘ljans mfay involved may waive publication. De- ganized the Society for the Pre- {E EE
- not be required to disclose information linquent tax payers would be delight- vention of Cruelty to Readers’ Q." j E‘ ,
1 , given them in a confidential relation- ed to prevent publication of their Eyes_ Charter members consist '; E‘ E
f E chip with their client. Iwas surprised names as delinquents. If the principle. .. of those papers that are set in :. "2,le E
1 to find as I investigated that physi- be approved it will mean the end 0f one of Linotype’s legible news— E E“ l J
t cians are not granted this privilege as this phase 0f legal advertising. paper body faces—Ionic No. 5 or " i E
1 ,. is generally believed. Carroll’s Civil _______ Excelsior. E E E
E and Criminal Codes of practice con- (Continued From First Page) These faces are designed to ; E
. i tains the following on this point: torial page, offered for the first time maclizeneiévspaper reading as easy E‘
I. E “No attorney shall testify concerning this year by the Shelby News, Shelby- in 053m ogtable'as P05511311? and E E :3 5E .
s a communication made to him, in his ville, Wade McCoy, editor, in memory 5311: vice o amigirhumt elfhe— E E; E
' E professional character, by his client, of Ben B. Cozine, former prominent re dug wear_an ear on .e E 3E“
‘ or his advice thereon, without the cli- th first name to be . a ers eyesrght. Membership E"
, . ' newspaper man, e . 5 15 still open to all newspapers 5 - ‘ 4E ‘
. E ents consent, nor shall a clergyman engraved on the cup Wlll be that of E that can qualify by ado ting one E15 éiiEEE
-, E or priest testify concerning any con- the Carlisle Mercury, Warren Fisher, or the other of these lieadable EE' iEEE‘
l fBSSiOH made to him, in his profession— editor. Honorable mention went to body faces. j EIE‘EE‘ .
’ E 2E1 character, in the course Of dim?"— The HiCkman Courier and The Somer- The movement has the hearty E E. ‘EEE
' llne enJ01ned.by the church to Whmh set Journal. endorsement of oculists,optom— l f "5‘; .
. he belongs, Without the consent of the Silver prizes in the contests were of- etrists, and others who are E‘“
. ,V person confessing.” fered by The Lexington Herald, The aware of the damage that can be 2' ;EEE
; E That principle I found was a com— Lexington Leader, The Louisville done by continued reading of EE EEE .
. ;, , mon law practice ages old. There is Courier-Journal and the KPA. The small, illegible type-matter— E5 GE; 2
E no state statute to that effect but it is past president’s cup was ofiered by and who are keenly interested i: gt}
' a principle recognized as result of cen- George A. Joplin, Jr., Somerset. in anything that will make life ‘f fieE‘E E
E easier for tired eyes. E it
i Further information and full EE EE'E
E . ' specimens of these more legible E '“ E
i . g I». > . Printers of Kentucky: _ faces may be secured from the E‘ i-E
E .v ” ~ we a finiate reatl the courtesy you nearest Linotype Agency or E E f E
E .V 73E: ' 2 ' have shove: our MmgWeeksyas he calls on you. {232121;}; representative in your 3:35 EE 3
, » 5“,.“wfiiicz’r- E ' E ;
1E keg h v It is gratifying t3 iearn that Eddmlgst Bpoint Linotype Excelsior No.1 ME E
. E 31%.! 25:?) V tgeengggngrdzglslryo: figves bgeneglviggehimlf MERGENTHALER LINOTYPE ‘E .“t'EEE E
1‘ ”ft, - We‘ln the_house will (1? our best to BROOKLYN, NEW YORK E iEE
» r. a". . . back him up with good servrce. z . , a . . ,ii
E ,X.' ’;::I ; Sincerely, Chicago, San Francrsco, New Orleans ,' I; 1: ‘
4 «A, \E“ BUSH KREBS CO. C. i Canadian Linotype, Limited, Toronto 5 EE -, E“
E ”. , "WW .. f .Representatives in the E EE
,. -. . fi _ . By Prmczpalcmes of the World ‘1“ 5E E -—
E . » , Pres. i weLlNg-rypgme ‘ EEg" ‘EE
'3 El) E
‘, ' .' E3 1: E
.". ;“ ‘E j
“ piE“, :-_.,E 5
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EpiziE l

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1 11 J Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS June, 1935 ,5 5
11 (he? 1
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1 3'31? -' " .
‘ 1 1 :2: '1 . . . ' " E
1 1 '1 per cent in 134 communities. ' ; t
; 1 1,1 11 I. We constantly strive to fulfill our obligation to pay a _ " 1
1 :1 "132-31 .' . . . . . - V
1 1 11 1, . fair return to those Citizens who have invested their savmg's -, 1 1
‘ 11 11 ' :, in the business; to treat employes decently in the matter of ' .' 1 E
. 1 E1, 151%.? ' . . -
5.1111 11,11 -' wages and hours of work; to give customers satisfactory - 1
1 11 , service at the lowest rates possible. - " f
1 ,, . . ,

1 t 1 1515' ,1, While none of our tax burden has been lifted and econ- _' I
1. 1 :1 ,‘5'1 . . . . . . . . , a
5 , 1. omic conditions remain uncertain, we have a stout faith in _

1 1 1,1 , t

" :"21‘ 15" , the future and we aim to do our full share to make Kentucky 1
‘ ‘ 1‘1 "4.1 1 I:

1 5:1,,1 a more prosperous commonwealth. 1 t

‘11 , 1:1 On this bas1s we believe We merit your confidence and V

:51 5' . . . 1 o

i 1 1 1,1'1,;co-operation. Measure With the yardstick of common sense t
11 ,, 3 Eng-.1 . . .

,1; :1 11' 11 the economic fairy tales you hear these days. Remember 1 e

3 1 1 " . . . I]

; , :1 1 1 they cannot come true in this hard world where in the long 1 I;

1 1 1 run every one must pay in full for What he gets. ' c

1 > 11- ' ' a

‘1 g 1 f-
1 : 1:: c

, . ~ 1 .. ,.

1 1 1 '1 |. 1 E
1 E, .' 1;: . " 1 if
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