xt766t0gxc4x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt766t0gxc4x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-12-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 06, 1985 1985 1985-12-06 2020 true xt766t0gxc4x section xt766t0gxc4x l ' l t __»__._____________._____.__—_______________—______———————— ___._.- ..--...___ ____ _,._ .. r : Vol. XC, No. 42 Established 1894 Universny of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky Independent Since '9'” Friday. December 6 I985 . . fl _ i; ,. ”or > C O .. _ 295:, 725;: . . .r. i nine center receives , ‘V ' . 1.7‘~ 7' ilaiw‘ ‘ 7' , :7“ . 1; "‘ . ,, . ' ’ i; ”‘5' *ft‘.} f, .' 1:. a” ' . . , f ' ' - ~ ~‘ 01‘ researc " ’ i; ’ ’. 1' ~‘ ' t. i. re ,. ‘v ' In.’ N“: . ‘ ,. 2, Byl.l.\l);\ll|-I.\l)ltl('l\'s —————————————————— . j- . as O Senior StaffWriter - ,' if." ’ ' “We wanted to make a positixc step and show 'l .3 ‘ it: . r5 ‘ Lloyds of London yesterday gave ’ . . . . ) ) V | . .. l "I. 15g," agattg . ‘ _ 15K and the ““3”“ E Giuck appreciation toi tlit rcscarch done by the -.'~.-;_I ;--. ' «w A fgg‘rgié‘fijffl‘fpetfa'}‘fgsei‘rgfi’mK University and to support future research iii the 3 . .- .7 ._.: h 4 i ’ .. s » - .. j ’- -' ‘fil' ' .' . _ :3 . At a press conference at Spin» llCld ()l . . .CLitlmc dlscuscs. ‘ ;.. . L; . 3 h 3 , . dletop Ilall. Lloyds l'nderw riters Rn ”H. Barklum . .2' . j, 1: ‘: . . ‘ V " . l" ‘ and Lloyds Brokers in London and l“ . ‘ ‘JV' _.if .'j_.'.f. 5 .4 ' ' - l Kentucky agents announced the for- Hinds reprt‘st‘nlatht‘ . ’3 1 , " 1 \ 1 II“ . r c ‘ :(ijatiop of gin dequnzf1 reseagjh and 3.54 ‘- ’ . i, ' ‘, '- ucaion un Wl a p ge of w '2 7} .l ,V 3..- . 't " ; v . ‘ 1“, E g ‘st $150.11!!!” the l'nii'ersity over three \olwd in the l'iiiwzszlj. st‘tiiiilit' ft‘ '.i'.'.e \te .\.i"ili-t‘. it...“ ., pm. .i Iv ': L.1 ' \ . ' 0' v ‘ , I ,1' \ \ 1 :’= years search Villl tiilt i3 )‘Hll’ v-‘tint‘i Tm step .intt slitM .ipiiim 1.:ll'tl. tor ‘. 7-. ' . s - u ‘ l u. \ "Let me say. this is a very clear tions 'i.~» rest-ail t~ loin 'mv t It 'wr‘sz'x ’1, t. I 7‘ ,I . , ‘ .‘ I ' - f i. ‘ ' ' " \ and substantial movement and In l‘tRT. l.lo_\'ls ow- oi 'tn Lime-4 mill to supp)!" tii= if“ Y't‘\t‘.i'(" :3 the ' i - - .' ' l t. l ‘- ‘ 1 1 were grateful for it "said ['K Pres~ insurance k‘fllllptlll is t. We .~.’>l'.tl {vi-f oi retail-.1 wit. ':.\t‘.t‘t ._ .,; , '-_, ‘ ‘ ' x ’ _ I . '1‘ ’i» 1.' ident this A Singletary “This is a Wlll celebrate il> ‘oeti: .t .i : Miisi T" _ W ,- _ ‘ . '~ - ' .,; . ‘ l ‘ ' ‘ ' It 91‘, l . Significant addition to l'K and to the mess “_"‘ ””3 ‘ ‘1 " i" -‘” 1‘.‘ x . . k -- ,.y' l. equme research program " "In the past :u- m.» inf .; good ”"1"“ l"_i"‘”‘”" " " "“' ""“lm ' ‘ " ‘." _‘f .'-; . .~’\ I”. ’ ‘ . _ _ ., Speaking to represent-antes from relationslrp unlit hunt-n r,_. w-tniisv “pm” If" ”7”” i“. "‘ mane . .‘ 3»" . l” ' f, ' t " 3 ‘ the company Singletar} said. of the luivuxtoixl in: :~': ~., .1 titel'lfl’ii't'l ‘* ti" ‘- 7' ' "it “" "”1 f ‘5“ . fl 4| “Without reservations. the people in» “‘1‘“? liaikiuzt: .: 1.1m is "t';ilt'>t‘.". . It)! l\l . ; j ' ~*fi. -‘ a ‘. “l" .y- o Q ‘_"~'...‘.. .-p s -- ‘ 4' an arrested in holiday theft -- = 0 . , 'l. t 5 “l ‘ f. . ; ‘ “ fl ' , Police recover equ1pment stolen from humanities center a .. 3. ,p ,n n " ’ ”d z -' 1' ‘ "" " 7" “i ”‘3..- . ‘ t" ~'. i St""HH‘P‘M‘ talii ii pom ivgw" ' the aura oi ”1,, twin... . v.3... _m‘. ,1 _MD ‘ .‘ \ . ‘.."'." ” "7.. ‘3“ _ a ' ~ 3 p tlieiii.ii‘.t'tiai_e v.31; _. i'l' 3 ,t, Wight-1. w. ‘hi- .- ' .' . '. ',. , .. " 3:. : ‘ . ' .. .M ’ l Eqmpment stolen from the (iaines i , PK ._ ”W...“ V. i~ .m -, .' -- , " ‘ y . if ‘4‘“? \ '3' * ~ . » ‘é..v;,$-U‘é*ow» , ('enter during the Thanksgmng . , _ .',. g '. ., 7. ‘ -. ' . .. . '3 .- .. , . . r3121.» . .7. , , , l‘\£t\lllltll‘2 innit Hunt”, ..3 ‘m. i.ttl(r_l.il..i.i.i i...i. . . .ii nu . , ‘4: _1‘ .5 . ,- ‘ .7 - z- 4-, . “a.” “it go weekend was recovered Wednesday (. In” ‘ W.“ .,,. _W ”HM“ I’m "ms...“ ‘ ' . ‘ 2a: .‘ :1 .. :3 ‘f ; v‘ T.“ and Lexmgtoii police have arrested y“, " 'i“ .1 ‘ " v ‘. ’ , 1' . p u ' ' . ,‘ ’ ‘5, ,. '-_ ( asUspecl lnthet‘zise wan. .m‘l' l ‘lle 1"" "“"‘ l‘ltJTs . . .i ., H. u .H. o,”- my ’et‘ '7 . l ’ '. .' ~ ' ~, i: E J . ., .. _ entered tlii» (titer Yi-i'oilgi‘. one or q .. "“ ' ‘ “_’ ' ‘ ‘ ~ . '- . . :-: 1 5’ -“ . »\ , , . l 1.1 . l mkhmklmwr to ll“ dinners rout-WWW root). .- .‘ ‘ u , ~va y 1 ; . : . ' llldll “‘h appreiencu ‘dn( “til“‘i' 3m» t‘tltliltllil'i". .tns “lift-ll .’ t . . Eli's} '. ~ , _ h s‘ Charged with the burglary of the Mt , with .,,.,., i, V,..: ”m" \ ~ _. . ~. , . :1 .3344?» , q" I fl \ 2 (‘enter according to Sgt Jerry ’\o Miami: vi? ,.7 to f'lvfl. .mw “T...“ ’.:'.’.w J.“ ‘1‘ '1‘ i ‘- . ' it?» ~ 5"" A Wright of the lexmgton Fayette the strett ‘3‘ 'rnr :n r twixt. if ‘A Wu. ;.. _ V“... a”... nu... rm. . ' . L ‘77.”?27-‘7‘Té'77'f‘w. i ‘ fl ' Count} lrban Police The Kcrituctet «1 “”"tlt‘fi i‘ , ' ‘ 7' 7"“ min, am. .,,,. . taxi-v“. stair-tr i~ :7 . l ‘ i ”firs 1 fl 7" x‘ j Kermn‘ last night was unable to ob- l*Utllllt‘ti.‘ ‘.'..i '4‘?“ .., .1 “All”... No 3. 3‘,“ l ' I _ . i, H - I, ; ' . v ”)7 ‘{' . ' it 1" ';'~ . , k .. _ ~ ‘ .. /A-i J Ph 0 l o o N o o ‘ l o . Y .. .2. p . A . ,. . . . ‘ , . ‘ > ‘. /’/. . iipplne opposition c aims unity , , {‘1‘ «t ' . , . , » ‘ . ‘ .3937”? gas!" it: . - 1...:- ‘u...’ i” B} onioiiiiisioi. t 1 1c» ‘-‘u‘-~ T-l-c? ”mt-l 9 - ‘ $4171? 3" ' 3 ~ . I g I . If ASNX‘Itited Press *Vlttllt" \l .".-" ...t W» it'll in one (lllpllsilltlll (undulati- spin the . -. flew“??? J'j _‘ v, ‘ ‘4. 1 p a"; “A h] ‘Illi-s It :‘u 1 ~..‘ A‘-' Liv: ..-."'i iii/.1 all't “dim“ ~ i“: ’Z'<' "11% tion .. ' l.‘ , . _' ., 1 . \ , . 1 ~ , *o" . . NILA. P llpplnes , The long— Pt‘esuiiie I w . — it .w ‘h:~ t‘iit' tit: \l'nwtdt'“? 1"! l “141ml": ‘~ NW" ' ' 1-”. I ‘. " “u as? _ La. ‘ . ‘ . ' ' 51%;, dl\‘ld€(l political opposition appeared It‘i', llt‘\«t1‘ltl u 1v " .. mt ‘~ «"‘D ““1431 l*‘tt>\ut‘t‘li " _ ' 2 3 A 33‘s. '1}? ’” 7 ‘“' - .a.— .. 1‘ " ' 1, yesterday to be uniting behind the :\qunio t'lilll.t's ‘iidltN 3w: rhi- I’resi li‘flfmi .tsplran' Vil\tttl'tl Ii " ,. 7 . ‘ - l 7' .v ‘~ "f” N5 . » ' 9"; presidential candidacy of ('orazon Aug 2‘. Hit. .:ss..~s incur. in he: l.ttill".‘l ~.i.tl he .irit: max. mil ioiri' ’ . g '; ‘ 5 -' ‘0‘; “r .., a , f. 777$; 2 - ' , Aquino. the widow of assassinated husband at»: :.,; ‘»"-l Maine... “I” 1* “mms-YW‘ "1' '1~"‘~' 'T “n“ “Hill" . ‘- , . . .‘fQL-zr, . hm“. ,_ . {. opposition leader Benigno Aquino day oi :h min .ictaiseli ..» ttll'.lti.i_ tillpt":ll".'li tlllillill't'\lilul.i\ .' ' .' f " anowm "elneiS'atl Meanwhile. the Supreme (‘ourt inthekzli‘i.~_ \‘n .izil Ylluht‘ n .t-.'" 'ri.;wiant ' fl .‘ '. . . ' agreed I" hear ””19 separate 9“” int): \t ill'ltt “as :iiiriwi tion: .it Jlllllllllii't'flwll' .i- .tw. .t ;. tip the . ' ’ .» , W“! ‘ Light Show tions appealing for cancellation of \laniln Alwyn" .-.t;,ii_ it. returned ”it‘l'ldl lilHVinoTr "“ 7')" Wit“, ”PP“ '. ’ V I .1 . ', . , . the Feb 7 Sp‘emal eleal‘m called b." from three }t‘ttl‘ tit st‘ll c\.lc iii the “lam“ "H ”mm; 'm‘ unwanted ' ‘ ; " f MOVY Blokemon. Student ACNVIG'IGS Board (in- tivities committee chairman. prepare the President Ferdinand E Marcos l'nited States. t!..t".‘- thought he and “'p‘mhm ”"4”?" laurel ‘I ‘ ‘ ’ '1 ' f ‘.£ emo chairwoman and Sam Hughes Special 06» lights for the Student Center Christmas tree. “”905 indicated he might agree might be able to rtetea‘t Marcos in an “ml " i' . '7 . to partiCipate in a nationally telee election \ l\ll\ ; , ,_ ' - . ’ 1 . Sex in cartoons increasing 8 ak " center gets , pe er says h f , It) MHJSSA BELL first issue in 1953. These magazmes dren :Hl years old made up 51 per- Wllh a caption of Dorothx saving, raSSy 0r 1:". l. 7': . ‘ Staff Writer reach millions of readers and often cent of the cartoons and 45 percent "Ito .WU want [0 know what I really ’ . . ,- .' _1 .1 ‘ children who find them In their of photographs Boys were predomiv want“ The final version in 1981 had 23'» «- Ch t l I- [I Sexual and Violent child cartoons homes.shesaid. iiant in cartoons and girls in photo- a photo showing Dorothy seeking , ~ .- "4 rlS mas " ' ' . H: l are increasing. said a communica» (‘oders were ”amt‘d 10 l00k at graphs bestiality and sex “lift the Tin Man. i. ' “'2 a...» . ' i‘- tions‘ scholar last night. and she child agt‘t sexual Implit‘atwni 8“" Many cartoons and photographs Llon andScarccrou .. I” B\ \.\\F.(.\l.l.tt\\ \\ ' wants to educate the public about whether children initiated 0" “"0 implied acceptance by children of Cartoons often used Santa Claus. ”53 , 4* Sl£lll\\l"',t‘t I - . I ’ this situation recipté’nLS 0f sexual COHdUCl Analyr incest. bestiality and molestation. ()ne showed him just finishing eat- 7 .t . Vt Judith Reisman. a research pro- 5“? revealed “”00““ showing t'hll‘ Many child abusers believe they are ing a child and killing one. The *' » Brass \ounds tili \H‘it‘ttlllt‘ in [he . - j _'.- - .1 .‘ ~. fessor at the American University. dren m sexual coma“ With parental glVlng children what they want. study revealed 513 instances of kill- " mild“ WW.“ M i ’r. dm W. cmn ‘_ . '. .., ‘ 3 spoke and showed slides to packed figures. doctors and governmental Heisman said. my, 209 in cartoons and 304 in pho— I} muniti '. . ' .' ' it ,' Sea)" Auditorium. repOrting on 11 figures in Park5~ homes and beaches HUSH” has a virtue 0f at least [05 7‘ The-Glorious Sounds of Itinss at l. ' l ' .5. tii'o-yeai'studyshcconducted, ,. Sat-‘95 considered tht' Chlld'N showing children Wllh (fearful etc Some argue that pornography is , (‘hristttnis concert :Hll be at t p m 'r , l _ wor . ressions. Heisman sai ; Plovbov educational. she said. She uoted ' ~ ' » i . i ' w t- < ' . ‘ .. ‘. Heisman. along With a ‘team of Studies found 6.004 childtinked 5nd Ponthousodonotdothis. ' ' young boy saving, ”The: mag» .' it‘llf‘lt‘vigéoilniiiiili (hilllln;rujl(ilh\lh: p. . trained coders, analyzed 6&3 Pia-V images. an average 0f 3'3 "hat-{95 I“ Hustler did a series of cartoons allnes gay-e mesomethim’. to go by “ V tree-lighting}~ ceremoiix at «l Jo ‘ I '» be?“ _"“"”‘9“8? andVfl‘mH‘" magi each Playboy issue. 6 2 in Pent and photos of Dorothy of "The Wiz- Rcisman said she wanted to inves- -- »\ piano recital minim; the stu ' ' l . V ‘, aim“ beginning “"h Pm-Vboys hon-W. 14.1 In Hustler. Sht‘ 5in Chll’ ard of Oz ” It begins in a cartoon “state what they really do learn Jl'DITH REISMAN dents of Patricia \Ionttloiiier) from ' I- . l . the School of Music faculty also will ‘ . . ' be at It p m . . 3. culture crOSSln "This is a speCial effort to 80 - ' knowledge the holiday season. ' said i ‘ Nanci l'nger. director of the cen- ‘ . .. ' ° - - . ter's iublic arts programs “The 4 Iranian student sensmve to the differences between homeland, United States m... on.“ t... rm lx-xmglton mm. in pm...» is . - , ingl} popular 0‘s" flt‘s‘ l-o' 'L‘“ in" own wremon} to bring together elr . . B} .ll'l.lEl-‘REI-2l).\l.-\N At the time of Rahman‘s move. Khomeini came into power.” Rah- bered the feelings of alienation pull- and ”‘9 ”mm“ A"""" ”W" ements ot the campus and the com» . . ' (‘ontributing Writer his countrymen were protesting the man said. ing from both ends. “PM“ he“ ‘hmm ”‘ "‘“7‘” l‘“ lllunll} It isii Ltcstureot Hoodvtlll _ : Shah of Iran‘s government and He said the shah‘s attempt at “It was dangerous to tell people I ”‘9 mm“ “'7 3 “N" ““‘u “‘1‘ Pk" The concert itill ieature a three _ Editor's note. R. Rahman is not wanted theshahout. Westernizing Iran did not affect the was an Iranian." Rahman said. "MES‘NBU PM" ih‘t‘fttrmam‘t‘ l’.‘ ”‘9 H" l-‘acr ,, the student's realname “The shah had a yearning for middle class as much as it did the “Just being an Iranian was enough ult} Brass Quintet \Ahlt‘h includes Back home in Teheran. 15-yearold power.“ Rahman said “He had lower class, And after Khomeini to start a fight ‘- Rahman recalls the The Wilde-is will mitt» on Baht“ the Brass Quintet accompanied by R- Rahman gathered his belongings, some good ideas and bad ideas. but overthrew the shah. the country was threats. phone calls and the hecklers ““87"“ ”0mm“ ""““"““ and the Moller organ and a brass choir said farewell to his family and left he wasn‘t using them in the right forced togo"onecentury back." telling him to go home “3‘“ Edd" 5“"0" “a“ 1‘ “'l' he 3 of students from the School of his homeland to come to the United way " “Women used to be Westernized ”None of us care." Rahman said. “3“" 33'“ H" 3 “mm“ W MUSIC States to pursueagood education Rahman described the shah as an with discos. makeup, high heels. "It is not that important to be both SPORTS- W“ ‘ I-Iveryonc‘s favorite carol will be He arrived in New York Aug. 5. authoritarian and a smart business blue jeans. low-cut shirts and mini- ered bv something like that." in this concert.' said Skip (iray. di- 1978 man working for the interest of the skirts.“Rahman said. Rahinan said Americans do not ”NM“ ‘ l""'""‘“‘ ““6"“ m‘ rector of the concert ”If you love Seven years ago he was scared United States Yet despite Khomeini's rosiric- want to know what's going on. “All "0'de -' whence-(hon "m wk m the holiday season and izmd music. and naive. His country was in 3 During the demonstrations. many tions. women are still the same. they know is what they are told. In "‘5‘ "mm“ ‘0' “hnla"h‘t"- H“ the this is the concert to hear " state of chaos. with daily demon- Iranians were killed by their own ar» Thev wear the clothes and makeup Iran. people know when the govern- “on“ “‘“l‘m. The (‘tmu‘rl 15 8 Prmuclmn 0‘ ”‘9 stratiom in every city of Iran. The mics. who were under orders from under their traditional covering. he ment is lying. That is the reason for Center Series. which was created in situation intensified so much that the government. "My cousin was said, opposition groups. In America there 193‘ after Rahman's first year in the shot right through his eyes during a Rahman has noticed another is lack of involvement and lack of WEATHER The series presents various con- United States. his parents did not demonstration."Rahman said. change in his country _ the lack of concern." certs. lectures and recitals when “’3'“ him '0 return home. The demonstrations led ‘0 greater respect Iranians have for other Ira- Since Khomeini came to power. "little or no free. ll\‘(‘ entertainment Rahman. now 22 and a computer violence. and oil production. Iran's nians living in America. He said Rahman's parents have been unable is available.“ L'nger said :fifitfflgzmzaaugg 6:333th Flat“ 90000va f9" ‘0 an all-time people feel resentment-for the ones to send him money because of gov- Tony will be partly sunny. but cold The tree lighting “,5!th m front , , _ . . ‘ ow whoare not fighting agaiist Iraq. ernmentalrostnctions. “iii the ii. i, in the mid 305 To. _ Within Six montlnofhis amval m Th shah l R Ir n J 6 . . .. . . . , . 3 3 of the center Will top off the at , e e a an, 1 . 1979. Rahman said he was accepted into Khomeim has put is in a Situa- nut-t Will be mostly clear and cold . . t' (‘ nt r gum“ America. Rahman learned "‘9 En- arid the Ayatollah Khomeini arrived the United States and felt free to do tion where we have to work here to with in. low 20 to 2s Tomorrow ternoon 5- eyen ‘ e e 7 ‘ shsh language; started school and soon after. as he pleased. But during the hos- survive."Rahmansaid, will b. sunny and a hit-warmer with mum“ 3"” he (“5‘"de 3"" the 8mm "NU“ "“0 [35- culture — 8 .. . , , tage crisis in November 1979. Amer- One characteristic Rahman no in. Mgniniiiciowa 40s. eel-9mm) fulfill” he had never been exposed _ The tummtglnt 0ft evfirflmng icans displayed feelings of hatred ticed when he came to the United Other weekend events include the om ran. life was w n coun ry e a and vengeance. Rahman remem- SccCl'LTl'RLpagcb “(.“nlmgm . I ‘ l ‘ 2 ~ KENTUCKYKERNEL My, WC. 1935 . O O 0E. ° 1 ~ Palestinian requesting asylum uine . = l ' 2......“3 H...” W22”... ‘2.... ;41. U... B) BILLCORMIER eident of Miroslav Medvid, a 29- about 3:15 am. yesterday and was I,“ Associated Press year-old Ukrainian sailor who rescued from the river near Baton , ti'ibiiiioiis 5mm» per annum for a f ‘ 2‘" .. jumped 0“ a Soviet freighter here in Rouge. iiiiiiiniutiiotthreevcurs‘ Q3 '3 s V NEW ORLEANS — A Palestinian October. Medvid twice tried to es- . . the l iiiiei-sitv mll receive “‘5‘: ‘ V" 3 “ stowaway who twice jumped ship. cape. but later said that he chose to l" Cleveland. meanwhile. a Pol'Sh smiw for the special research. ‘ ‘ the second time wearing handcuffs return home and the ship sailed with sailorevdvho has aSkedbforsgsthllm was ‘ytlllt‘ll mll be under the direction N ‘ til as he divegainto swirlinfiagivelrd vIva- him aboard despite strong protests fijazngégugpgfim y 11- 0W” at litix ltl ti Powell. tin equine ep 3' E , -aag ters yester ." morning. ‘0 lm' in Congress. ' ‘ ‘ d iiiiul-i'ist assi. ttiiit extens in . "' . -. migration authorities that he is ' pr‘iiiessili \ “ ea“. c." - seeking political asylum. Marie, however, had claimed he “There is a strong feeling. I think, : ‘ \\.ll‘. this contribution in: mil Mohamad Marie, 20,:a Palestinian wanted to g0 to Canada after getting throughout the country that if a . ‘ linie .i good baseline to iiork ’ - l born in Syria who had sneaked off the shlp Monday and did not young man wants to remain in the . {mm WM,“ 5“ id ”NW N, , aboard the ship in the Dutch port of raise the asylum issue until yester- United States under these circum- ‘ . .2 lltiH' .i pltlllm‘lll to examine and - Rotterdam. was brought to New Or- day. said Darrell Goff, a Border Pa- stances and wants political asylum. ‘ 2 ‘ understand “but causes equine ' leans later in the day for an immi- trol agent in Baton Rouge. that we ought to make every effort ~ li‘ka‘t‘.‘ and once iie understand ' " gration hearing. . Agents said Marie dived off the Li- to see that it‘s possible." Metzen- . . , my“. mm“). it “.11 time a Mg. II The double escape recalled the in- berian-registered ship Enard Hope ‘iaum said Wednesday. , 2 ‘- » tiitit'ntil impact on the Thorough» ‘ 2 . , . tired :iiitusti'} and Kentucky ecu 0 - ~ W... . 5 New cancer treatment brings calls - .. - “All l i iii. if “tiitill‘ahle lll hursan . ‘ " . ‘ iiii ‘l Ktritil‘ii‘xl be tl\\dl'tlt‘tl to de . 8) SANDYJOHNSON “Our 800 (telephone) numbers are at the cancer institute in Bethesda. - . st'l‘\.ll\.; eqtistie ieterinari stii t2 ‘ ‘ Associated Press jammed this morning." said Paul Md..aWashingtonsuburb .‘ ‘ , - .. ilt‘ll'~ .it ottie: .\lllt‘!'li‘dll im‘ii'ersi: I Van NEVEl. the institute‘s associate “This is really the first step." said . ‘ ‘ . -’ : tres that llcl\t‘ not \et been WASHINGTON —- News of a directorforcommunications. Dr. Steven RosenbergI director of -. . . ' rvwdhi.‘ ‘ : .c. — 2— 77-- promising new cancer treatment at . . the research project. “But it demon- - ' ‘ .‘ ‘ . \‘lllLilt‘i.il“i \dlti the center \\lll "N“ "mum“ “"“e's'm' the National Cancer Institute The callers want information strates that it is possible to manipu— ' 1 h , I‘ 1 be I'lt- le.iil‘ truism thegii‘t President Otis A. Singletary (right) takes the first part of a grant prompted a “00d 0‘ 08115 10 the fed' it”?! a newt‘lifatm'enh‘ called ad‘h‘i“ late the immune system and make a J . I '. . I l '.nlli aid li_\ \i.i_\' of progress from Lloyds of London official Bill Hockensmith. gral certitefr yesterday from people It‘d]:‘narh‘i‘lzoblohflphellsalril‘d‘n's‘kzl‘ler vaI'ietyéilf cancers in a variety of lo- . .. ~ 2 .‘ Illili ‘l‘i‘ lil'tlt‘k \‘t‘lller “'1“ be the espera e oracure, _' ' C8 ions 'Sappear_" -. f , 2 ' . . . W2 2,: I . ,1 ~ . 2. -2 . 2 2 2 2 2 : .. : “What they‘re sa 'ing is. our moth- cells"that attack malignant tumors. . .’ . finitwu w‘i‘i‘nl‘i‘n‘ii ”h; 631:1” It: mm and IdireIttor “‘h.“‘.(: center. { Actclording touIBassIett. lfundIiIng er. our brother. ourysister is dying at The institute's Cancer Information ' W . i ”““‘ , Ifi‘h ‘ ’ 531d: Th” g‘llh‘“ an 4 mm or 9 ”0 m' 10" comp ex as this verv moment We have nothing Officials cautioned that the treat- Service has been swamped with 1 , - ' . . . Tom's “"‘ ““1“ positive and effective effect on reached the halfway mark With ~ , ' 2 ,2 k g . . , . _ I I , . I2 , . . . _ ed he the b0 ‘ $14 t $1- 'll' to lose. Vie want to be a candidate. ment is still highly experimental. calls to its toll free number. 1 8004 v‘ ' ‘ ‘2 i .. l‘ “2.7191 “M prim. :21,” grill direnlitet‘st - m l “mead u 0 a m‘ ‘0" re said Carol Case the institute‘s chief carries toxic side effects and is also CANCER. about Rosenberg's- tlierii» . -. . H“ “l““i- ‘ ‘ ‘ orou )‘H it s ‘ - . . ..‘ - - ,,- , . . _. . ‘ ' ‘ of publicinquiries. very expenSive. It is available only py ' , - I l 53.; '. , x Z 1, I-'_ -‘.' ', n’f',.I.', ‘I ‘. .- _ -' ,. '. 7/ ' ‘II . ,I . . . . SANTA 5 FOREST . .j{I.‘-.‘I'.I-' ;‘_‘- ‘ 9 I‘;.5I.'.’I? -.’ —".,‘ \ . ' ' - .. - ‘ Christmas Tree Lot : 723;“;-‘3§-.-“‘:"-‘3‘.'":‘.‘“-"~';-.1:.i‘;i2“? :;:,T'.-.I'~' I .0 '5 5‘ -;_I1-.I"'.;.3231f~’:;-i§‘.}';~fj . ’ ’ ,. _ a“ . , ; ' .‘ Southpark Shopping Center . _~‘."~'-".“: I'IL-I-j§3‘ , ' fibh f-f-j.‘ .' . , v, '/ Fo’ Where ' . . . . ”I W . , 1- . . twoor more . ' . . . _ . Nicholaswlle Road .4 -.,_.«._-..::I.I.,-_:I,.;.Ij -. “I O «,M I . :_-.- i'-’--'.‘}::';'I , \, are othered : “ . " ’ :;‘:'.“."-'.‘-'.'.4'- “ .'- I. mil“ #1 ’ ' EL‘I‘Z'v'T‘J.‘.'.""‘_“; \K“ ‘ ‘\. . 9 . I . . - trees 0 Wreaths 0 Roping 0 Holly ' {25:15Y’s-‘51:". 2??-:'-'- , \i , ' I ".:.~.’: :-'.-'>':‘Z-J.‘;‘::-‘.'- '\ _\ x“ _I m My Name , . , . 0 $1.00 discount on free with c0upon ° ' ) \‘x‘ 1‘5... W "t ‘Ze'eIW'll ' , . . ' . . to UK. Faculty, Statt. and Students ’ 552/ ' .3253"::‘3‘555-5’"? . ea so ‘ ‘ Former'y focated a' Zandate v ":‘.‘:'-'.'i“‘..“.‘:‘.-“‘ -“,- L' " -V .-‘.‘.:.5‘ -: ' .‘ .- . .- ,1 {7 '-_u':'f,-l'--'-:;“.'-'.-'.5. . . a v . c r . l v ‘ c v . e y . (.v (y . (v ‘ .' '. 2 _ 2‘ -‘ / V // ' BAPT'S'I‘ METHODIST ‘ _. “ ~‘ ‘Jull‘ I - The Baptist Student Union —— # . . , ~.' '.:‘-."l 1;; {L1,- ' '- . O r _\ .. . serving the Unlvafll'y d Kentucky '—— Q the 5"; " ' ‘ . l ... 2“ ll li. "" ANColumbiaAve. -e‘ 6 _ ' . ' ‘.2 ‘ » ' :‘lfrm‘. 257-3989 -; - ‘ ‘ ‘ l TNT TuesdaleghtTogather - _ - . . . . t 1:30 p.m. _‘ . — ' ~ _ l 7 350 "A place to belong" , I ARGE PIZZA! Weather Bad. l __ , ‘ 3 5 I o ' w Centenary United Methodist , ' Church . , .. 2 ,2 ”2,, Call m your ad. (gym/<6W aw I ._ 0 533*, ' . 9 6-:I\ shim an": at “cl-Int and hula-adv Phone: 278-9928 or 276-4351 : , .,'. -sa-c: (.45 , - 7“ ‘ Sunday wmhip ' > ' "‘ f ‘ Q - 1"? & fl \ 1"!- ‘-‘ a u ' Ch '11:“ , 8:45a.m., T'l:00a.m., 6:30p.m. g?” . é. .22 -. 0/. ibI 5;»? MAKE YOUR ADVERTISING COST EFFICIENT 3mm,.s;{g;f; * SundaySchoolat9:50a.m.. . ‘ In ’ V. . , ' . ' ‘ ' o . '0" a . a II“ 9:20 In! Sanka from Unlv.Dr.Sta . ' . "(ff)”, » a, f I ‘i3_ ’34 2’ II a 'J’ ‘3 ‘sI ‘ ‘ l ‘ ‘ c .L‘...m_s;&w‘° P ""0 ' v Wod:Colloga tho- A Bible St‘i‘idy ~ 2.‘ V I‘ ‘ ' ‘ . a l . (Q- «a " . g, h l‘ x 1 [ l‘ KY (ti-”luminous Worehlp moo A for College Students at 7:30 p.m. ‘ - r” E,“ <' .9 ' “’4‘! , Arty—‘1 “up ,p " 1 College Fellowship ' ~*w ‘5’ 3% re? «3* m we . ‘ Li ‘ . ‘ )4. . a" ".L (Isa: ,V: 2 . . . "a \’ ”fl ‘0' » . .‘ . 7 - \ ‘ P‘ "2. I_?.’~“‘ Callfor tracn:pi7:r03a?lapnzany events f ' . ' as» $,- ‘ . 2 ‘ Q r‘ffi 0 29‘» UNITED METHODIST _2_22________ : . ,Y‘ 0% .53"? 2 w” a}; 2 STUDENT CENTER '8 _ EV” l” . l ‘ . I ' \w 2 a was i, 4‘ " , .‘ r" .‘. Il-'or further information contact: mColumbla Av. ‘ 9mg -- 9* Sb-lg ' . . . ‘43,. $3 N I," .X% a» LINDA couiss. Advertising Director 254.3714 *—' '""_'f:::: : '“ . - .’-'. '~. I. _,_.. o V, t .r ' ”-3 t' . I We have moved. Look for us near . . - ' " " ‘ ' .. :{q’ \_M_ ‘ a ’%-;;2‘2“”75 “a" n f 1r" ’ firm 257-2872 Woodland 8. Columbia. W11: 1‘), L45 ' 3339-22» ‘ m . “sway-we” we? —————i——~' ' " .. ‘ 6‘13“?“- “111;.- ‘-.- ‘ Vii“? aw... Mon,Wornhlp.Ip,m.Thul. Ilhla Study p' H w I' v .. 1213 U 91V r a ‘ i ' .2 _— — . \ ~ \I -. ' ' . .- I $303: % $30“: I TOI‘IITe OT\\ '. ‘ . , '\\\ \\ \ -_ _ _ _ pt . s 2 . . ‘ _ 2; ' . , I $3.1ttioffnnylurgepizza. A ( / \‘ 803 AGAIN! ls S'IIIQQQ . . - t I ' $2.00 off any medium . 253-21 1 1 I \\ . " -\ . 1 'r pizza. plzza I \\ ‘~ 2. ‘ 2 ' I j 7 2.5.1., I '13,“..‘29 “ut Expires: 1/13/86 I {3 A64 ‘. I H E BEST BA R . w . 2 I . - -;' - i FREE I Q ’ ~. > . . . . I , . . 2 2 DELIVERY ,, r at , L ____ fit/ 1 o .- .".'.'.".'.".'.". . . . 777777. DICK’S d \\ 9 . I 0 DL ICE Extended Happy Hour 4 - . . . '; I. . S o O .. -. BA KIN-R BBINS . _ . 2 B' thd ,. I 10¢ Drafts $1.25 Pitchers . . - . 0 Ir ay .sa e 0 . . . ,_~I . . . 75c Mixed Drinks EREEJ-lors D oeuvres . Wed., Dec. 4th thru Sum, Dec. 8th . -. ' . , . . , . Tanlte for sure 803 IS THE PLACE TO BE! 2 titttttititt; , .. I _ r, - - C 2 .- up ‘, Register For A " _ 233 1717 . II . ‘-.‘ I. I‘ FREE : . - 393 Waller Ave./|mperial Plaza a: . . 1:; i u, 1 Birthday Cake it ' ,7 f . . I ,‘I :‘r I' O ‘32-, LA» 17/ I,fo be given (1wa of i 9"“. t. . ‘- a 3'" . . .l 1' each store ‘ ' Q . O C I; .. . I , , a sundoyooc 8 it c' @ . : r: . ‘. ;, ' “"“' *****“ . a . ‘3 ' ’ . . ATTENTION BSN CLASS OF 1986 . , . . . . . o - 2 W13... : -' ' ' , ' H i 1.. Mn " . . . .' ,, l : ' 0 OT FUDGE SUNDAE . g . 2 Why wait to start your nursung career? The Air . " : , ' Reg 35 MILK SHAKE * in . . . :5 ' ' . 51 76 S no. 0 . Force has a specual program for 1986 BSN s. It ‘ ' . ,: . r . ' , $1.76 $1 35 a i _ selected. you can enter Air Force active duty . ‘ ' . ...' ? ~~ *. g . _ . .. . , I. I , .I . >..-.a?‘~‘., . . WE” "to,” soon after graduation Without waiting for the .- - ., 0 , . y . " - results of your State Boards. , . ; . I a _ ti 2 Ad, ; if E" I \‘n, -- it 2 , - : - . . ' .. , . , ._ 1 . A r in . ,2 To apply. you must have an overall B . ' , / 2, .g' . I, f , . ‘ / . . .' U . . ”° ‘ P; “I . ,5... ‘i- _ a r. ._ l average and meet other basuc officer entry re- - . . 'L. ..- .I. ‘ -" . ' ' ' . . . / -/ y.‘ L453; 5'13“ - . V ‘V ' '- qurrements. . . -‘ V r i‘ 4 '~ - ‘ / - .. I _ . I , . ' O \ * / t. .0" - 3" ' k/l - ". . a". \ 2 f1 ,- ~ As a newly commussroned nurse. you H at- } r o BANANA spur ‘ . ‘ A. "J "l 1‘, 0 ‘ ~ 3‘“ ' I 41/ ' " tend a fiveamonth internship at a major Air , . 53.9, s 15 ‘ ‘ . ' a . ' .l” .5 Force medical facility. It‘s an excellent way to , \ ’- ‘ . - t 2 . $2.65 2 BANANA “OVA“ . v\ ‘k‘r-I,’ \ prepare for the Wide range of experiences y0u II . . 5'36 s 1 6° . 2 . . have serving your country as an Air Force nurse :3::;':;:'°“ . \ , professional. For more information. contact: . O - Lamdowm Shoppe I ~ . o TSgt Walt Hosea O : :m:n:";:‘:""n' BASKIN'ROBBINS m . ‘ ‘ I l l l Northshore Drive, Room 440 ’ 9 I . - £353.“. Shepplng ICE CREAM STORE . - {7 Be. “- gig-2;:lgsgrgzzlct?;i‘:tlion to Station. . Cantor . . E" eeeeeeeeeeeeeeoooeo ‘3'"de l l . t i KENTUCKYKERNEL Filthy, WI, 10“ - 3 ’ ‘E‘éf‘ - _ / ' .___—— r . , ‘ t , . H n.“ w rsflt—ln. l... ,1 -9”) i_;_ A ‘- 4E4! I § Can't-on ' .. _ 7 J I ‘ Efi * .) ' V «Vi-“Vi- ..4 p, _ o l, . ' O — , a —— = E': . . “V Arts Editor I, , . l _ ".51” '22-”: -' . . if Elllnlfi,h_1§'¢l§" ' media. ‘ , I.” l _ 'A 3.? , . ' 7 —_7 in’gégiazélfi 1;; g .l.‘ :.‘ V ‘ A55"'0"' Arts Editor 0 I .. I, e O 6;] . ,r’ I ' ' . (‘0 0 k , g ' ' ‘ , " L39 ml ' . , ' ; ‘ 2 i_ r e ' _ :l . B d f t ff (1 th h l ' ’ - .51: - 0 oar O exper S O CI'S U1 ance roug Wlne COO CI' maze a My, _ e . r r . l \l n. ByM‘ii'l‘T WARD acidic bite- to ll. “in a sort Ul neb- - ‘ ’ ‘ Special Projects Editor ulous {filling that il lacked some- ‘- g ,1. . t n " tustl'nd.'r : The Iar ~ 224 E. Main St. Tonight and tomorrow, Top 40/disco music on a ‘ . . killing laloni: “:3”? J in: leaspidng - ‘.‘ .t ' . sound system, 4 pm. to I am; after hours on Saturday from I to 3:1!) a.rn. SO “ho needs anmher reason to rft t t \l -k it ‘1 Jill l l i .7.- V x' " if. Sacovor. hate( alifornia" :1 er as e . ii at .\ an; pr _\ )0 .l'. . .1 . .- , ,.- . - wt." ‘» 4.2. lam LIM — 34” W. Short St. Tonight and tomorrow, Velvet Elvis (popular ‘The cone?!" “as simple. take a :fismizlrjl:: :1:;J(in l [1 an over ~, , £371“ , _V " rock), 9:30p.m. to l a.m. Cover is $3; $5 for couples both nights. lflghbr?“ drink hke wme. cm the al' \ sur null)! ”Tim )"H'ff “n“her :,‘ " . l '.' ," Iran A Saloon 2909 Richmond Road. tonight and tomorrow, Strait Away (OhOl content tirytmtlfiiag '[ 41th C'ld' ,‘d ltiapmnndkl‘ “I; l; pt-rt'e’nl al .i , . -, : 1 40d 9...,._ .. _' ruSJUIcc.marci lea eran . "‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ~,,f-"'...»:-‘ iooflpp in once). p m o a m $3 (over char 8 p m Happy hour "em 4 p m sell it to a hcalthconsctous alcohol— ”W” ”m' "l '““ ””‘N‘ ’ll-‘lmcm" " '. ' .l' 'L‘l ,‘l‘ " . . ' - . e .i, .,.,‘,. . , -,-.,: Ireodlng'l h l505 New Circle Road, Tonight and tomorrow, Doug Breeding a“are generdm’n ”f ”mlal drmkers 1’ ”KM” 1’“ that All 3 d llldrkflll} till it}! i' I 1'" L5 and climbers ‘ lerent liziwr firm: most other ,. : ' . .t and theBoys (country rock),9p.m. to l a.m.$2cover. ., g l r‘ rid The V t(- w: \ \t‘r\ lFUil\ ,. u. ,' 3 ,, . .. (of. WHO. — 337 E. Main St, Tonight, The Service (original dance), 9 pm. ll had to work. Dr W ' ,Jn‘é 1;, nHl moi: ”H ‘l‘tl 'he-lrri “(fl "If" 'i‘ ":5 .7 .‘ to I a.rn. Tomorrow, I. 5. (original rock) 9 p.m. to l a.m. $2 caver both nights. Itvdld work ; lilt-nrl “than “ hat hi: tier-0m: ”Te €113,» ’1 _ .‘ . Crystal's M Hyatt Regency Hotel. Formerly Pim's Pub, the lounge is now re- “me (‘00l6‘l‘5 WE’FC‘bOI‘n . ‘ ' ’ I standard “(M y ”1:! mix which .7 7 f . ‘5 .f'. .‘ modeled and features Top 40 dance music on a sound system, in addition to And last year (al'forma (0018’: covered u m}, . U; [It the “I”, ‘ ‘1' flirt l .: your favorite videos on a large screen TV, Open every night until I am. No one Of the (”St 0f the current 125 ()( )\ (v . p A I . . - l . ." ”it". -, ' 1‘) cover brands on the market. became the ll)“ much m with ri((ltunl\ [)1 f ‘tfw. . ‘m-‘i . ‘ . . .' ~ , \ ‘k ._.\,,‘k 1' . ‘.-":'r- ”('1' Grout Scott‘s Depot — 684 S. Broadway. Tonight and tomorrow, Radio Cafe f'ftb'larg85[ “me shipper m the amond he 1",”: _ wa , ll“ d prob , Vi? " "I .' y l (0“ inalrock) 9 m '0‘ a m ”cover United States. netting what Market» ' l!‘ . ‘ lcm ‘is the txtiir'. was annoy-rt with , 3 3,: x. .o_., _.t 9 ' p. ‘ ‘ ‘ g ' _ mg & Media Dom-9mm, called an 1 691/, its tendency in chm: tit thi- inside of -. ',;""‘f, .. ,‘ Jefferson Dale Inn m 102 W. High St. tonight and tomorrow, The Shakers ‘t d .. ‘ x t f h) .-— i "I” v. . . ., the mouth ”k? ~upcr \‘At‘t‘lf‘nt‘d ‘3 3 .- , 11.“; 1 (original rock), 9p m, to I am. 82 cover both nights, millitoltjingzillgn [:1 Spihcl‘lznmaorkdl ( "'70 ~- W Kiml Am . 'i ; . I. 'fi . .3 ~ L. A..Ollver'-I -- Holiday Inn on I-75 and INewtown Pike. DJ Mike Morris spins While (‘aliforn‘ia (comm are d()ln \nmh” (lurk litil‘st‘ “in ‘ al\'ln .' ,li' 5: if", the hlls. Tonight, Bottomless Beer Mug Night where 55 buys all the beer you ll f th 1 ll) ‘ k l g g . ' ('liitlcr ‘ pt‘rt't‘l‘l tl('t)h(ll \lllt‘l'l H,’ 'f l ’ - we or emse ves, 8 mar e asa - "'"‘ _ mats .' ‘ _ ‘ : ‘ ' .. « x. i‘ ‘. candrink from l0p.m. to l a.m., and-you keep the glass mug. No cover. whole is enbvm Its time in the u“ >_ ;n_ F‘ _’ v _ ngetl vtut Mdmmm m ,w’ ”Mn“ m .~ 7 ,1 ,i .1 t} - . . lerary — 388 Woodland Ave. Tonight and tomorrow, Johnny White and The l A Jdi' g l ‘ Ill 5 r ,. Com? m lh‘rt‘ ( “if“ is“: , 1 to " .-v'-‘"" ~ a so ccor in 0 9 ma azme. ‘ ‘ " " ‘ ‘ “ . ., 'v': 3:" Elite Band (Top 40 dancel, 9 p.m. tol a.m. Happy Hour tomorrow from 7 pm. “me cooler $81: hit 1' ml“ 05 ., ‘ , ‘ ‘ .0 H.“ \llYlllal‘ M “mum”, A”. my! .9 ‘ 3 . . (Ali, to 9 pm. with dollar drinks and free Godfathers Pizza. 5350 cover after 9 ‘ ‘ '7 ' cases - - , c: s a . ' . ,_ . ... .. . ,. . -. .' ‘ ‘ ' V f . - ' 3“" pm. m 1984. up from a paltry 4200 cases > 0; Eda O ._x - (.titlh \lnlllrli trill .si.. ti. , r‘ldll v. .3 . » . 6 . 'i‘.- . ., h. -- i. w i, (-5 -i: v, .;.- s. ‘ngu Splrlta —. Radisson Hotel Plaza. Tonight and tomorrow the Bobby Lantz Band m 1981- “he" (dllformd (ooler h” ' ‘ l 3:3 a - .1" . a trim” ”m if“ L,“ , q: , . If“ 1”,". ‘0‘ . '. ' . ‘. ‘ ’ " llop40rock) 9pm tola m Nocover the market ‘ 3 l \v ~ p“ UL (mli ( mm; ”A Add. h.” tna- .‘ ': "I ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' . . . ... .. . . ’ F" - orih ill ll" litr.” rill .\ s .. its :' “ vi, _ Two Keys — 333 S. Limestone St. Tonight and tomorrow. Top 40, popular t (00%: llldusufi Sdlsé‘dlje Exmled . . f v ‘ fi ’ ' r“ ‘ «ltlerptmt'riiiu 1‘1““, ( i‘,:t,»1g,utm; 3‘ If .', :3 dance music onasound system until I am. No cover. 0 ”5e 0 32 ml '0” cases I ‘5 }ear. s . I ‘ .3 II. s, . “mm mm, - (Mun . 421.8.“ 1 ' ‘ . z .. ”"35, MI-Vl' Club ~ 55