xt766t0gxc5h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt766t0gxc5h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-10-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, October 03, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 03, 1986 1986 1986-10-03 2020 true xt766t0gxc5h section xt766t0gxc5h ’ its“ ‘ ‘9
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’ I Vol. XCI, No. 28 Established “94 University of Kentucky. taxingion, Kentucky indgpgnqu sing. I971 Friday, Octobora. 1986 I II
Senate 11 ll'f’es
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6 Congresswnal measures ban 3 s . r ' = . ~~ ~-»
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some exports to South Africa ’ . ' > ~ ’ rt ’ ' ' ’
By i,.\wltic.\t'r:i.. th'rs‘ox ——————'— ‘ ,in V ”I ‘ "2' ~ » :; ;~.
..'s 't ‘t " ‘s.’ “‘33.?" .L ‘s i“ t . m. - ' m' .'
. ~\s t)(l itt it It s “It must be I IIIWIIIIII. . III / I? II I ; I . I..I IIIII I II
“3‘5“”‘i'1"\ The Senate recognized, however, 5* ” fig? ,. - . - g ; .I . gI . I I '.
. \oted 78 31 yesterday to override . . ,' . --J.;;v§,;r.e...f 4'. ’.‘s"IIIIIItI_.§.s~:; .3 If; > . _ if; I; .‘v;' .' IaI‘...
President Reagan’s \pto of taugh that [1115 WI” not SOlVC t». ‘ f: $1.; $5.33 . IsI ,y“:> I I I ._ I ,
new sanctions against South Africa. the serious problems ”i f I”. 3:32? 3:, V ,2 3 \ 3 , 3‘ 2:11:35...’
-. mining the House in enacting meaa ~: J .3 ~v.»_...:»e ~ » _ in . ~. U _ , _ '.
sures designed to force Pretoria's that plague that T“ , 4. “' 24’ I t". we . - -,i . I v_ . i .- 'i
l white-minority government to aban- y, » ¥ » “if I;.,$ II -.~ ff": ‘ . . .I_- 'I .;,
I donapartheid country' . :- ' . t1¥$?;.;,;:>“ “it; ‘ ,' -'I .I I xvi-Ii
In dealing Reagan one of the most Prestdent Reagan ‘ - I A. 3"ng f“: 1 3 ' 7 , ' ‘I H.‘ i‘
l dramatic foreign policy setbacks of — “awflh” £1413 . I .I I3. . I.I;..=,I
. his presidency. and the first sub~ ‘ firm ‘ 'I.' I- "7 A}; {1‘ " ‘g
A. slantiye 0\(‘lTl(l(‘ of a Reagan veto. The House had voted 3t3—825 .\lon- Mae; 4;; / king"; .. .‘ I ~. , ". ,
‘ . . the Senate l‘t‘lulltt‘d administration day-tooverride Reagan's veto. “fir . ’ .. > ' . ’i, -. ’ ft".
i pleas that the punitive economic While the newly enacted sanctions WK ~ . .‘Wga 4 ‘ ' ' ‘- 1 a ”i. I‘ 7“. .:‘
sanctions would prove most harmful stop short of ordering outright ’ '1 N - f {i 3, J 9 - '. ‘ .3 1— J
. .I to South »\trica's blacks Five pre~ American disinvestment. and do not I I i' k .. ‘ I 3 ,’ ~. .
' ‘x was Ht‘dL’dH \etos. on lesser issues. call for a complete trade embargo. 3. . I A" '_ :
hadbeenieiezsed they do take several significant / '.' J ‘ It I. ~th 3'
. “WIN“. ”I”. lobbying by Human steps intended to bring pressure to I II I‘-.,I..~s:\' ‘. . ‘..I I
. and other White House officials. and bear to convince the Pretoria 34"" / “£1.33 e " 3 . '~ l V '
members ot the Senate supportive of ernment t“ dismantle “‘5 apartheid / $93 3‘ 1 " 3 ‘~ ‘ . I' ~ \
the administrations policy. the final 53519me raCialseparation. _ l M . 3‘ ~ . . - a t
\ote showed the president falling 1:; A5 a hr“ step. the legislation bans cum “Mn“ . " 1' .. . _ ft.
was short ”I ”H. 34 needed I“ cu). newinvestmentand new bankloaiis . .‘ t - j ‘I :
hummus“ It also bars the importation into Greg Hoskinson (Nixon), the Lady Kat mascot and Bill Young (Reagan, from PhiKappa Psipreporeforthe porodelostnigh1_ . ~ » . ,I " ; ';
l ‘ l~'ort\ sexeii Denim-rats and it] Re the l'nited States Of South African . 5 -' > ' . I‘ ' .7. II
publicaiis \oted to override Reagan steel. ll‘Un. coaIl. uranium. agricultu- St . . - : >. i
I while "i titil‘ lawmakers voted to ral products. food. arms. ammuni- u en S S 0“ oya y a 1 ca oar ‘ 3 ' f '3 »
back l-{eagan Sen Jake (Earn H- tion and military vehicles, And [I r I. 3'
l‘tih who t'et'eltth don’ilt‘tl one of transfers the South African sugar B .. . . II I . -. , . I I . I I I II I I II I I ._ - .II .‘ I
. I. _I t I I quota to the Philippines I} |.I”..\l.”‘. \\I\ l.\()\s \oung of Phi Kappa Psi fraterni- the stadium. where the t'ttmi: pom We are hentuck) and ~ 3 -. -. I _ * '.
. his Ikidneys to a daughtei. was ab The measure puts an end to direct ( "’1‘“!ng “m" t}‘. Winners of the overall and fra ‘w aited tobegin the “Htlt‘dl ltoai we re good sports Southern Nil.» a I . s -. ' ‘
. “3'" air transportation between South Af- “37ml." delO“ “’3 the CFUZF (HF Atter several chants- oi tio Big “NM” ““0”" shorts ” -. ' ‘ 3~ . V ., 7 .,
la a statement issued from the rica and the L'nited States. abro— _R”““M “WW” and Richard t'ontes‘t Blue” from the “llilt'dl ”PM ICWCh Jerry t‘laiborne ‘ . 1 'h , .
White House. Reagan said that do gates l' S. landing rights for South MW” waved I" the ”mm from Kappa Kappa Gamma won the chm-Headers. representatiies ot "‘“i “ '9“. words ”"955an the ‘ .- ~ " f . ‘
spite his obit-etioiis to the measure. African aircraft and terminates the We” black "““VV’J‘M” Mustang sorority division and Patterson sororities traternities and inde iii'iportance ”f ”(Nd SUPP”! durr ,. ~. ‘
tiur adiiaiiistratioii will. neverthe- air services agreement now in effect ("’IIPM" “1m N‘t't‘t't Service Hall “m m the Independent divi- Wild?!” organizations took the {ml 1h" game H“ encouraged .. ' '. j . ~ .
less implement the law It must be between the two countries t‘ertain men 1“ Hay ”d” >Ungla>>95~ m“ “on field to show their spirit Hi the 131% hi “conic Nth .WUT lungs , . .' .‘..
I’et'tttlttllt‘tt howen-ii that this will exports to South Africa also are now N" turned " 9““ heads during V "Yell lake Hellt‘ontest ‘ 1“” ”Nth “WNW" 3 3 ‘1' ’. '
not sol\e the serious problems that banned. including petroleum prod- I‘M ”1gb! ‘ ht’”““"”“”fl parade AWN CU” 1“ ”10 hUHH‘CUmIHR l" tti I . . f l I . It'auood liedloi‘d \ttht’ ot the - , I , . '
lxlaguethat country ucts. nuclear material and data and Reagan and \ixon shared the Dill‘i‘dt‘ “”0 Pal-"It“i “‘d. “ht't‘ d : srstn \rlmhc'lgliglt'mliu ”‘I heiitiicky Wildcat basketball and , . i- I .. , -I
\ _ , . . . certain computers convertible \\!th the liberal can and “1119 ’0 comply “'1’“ ”“5 :9”? en 5‘ : Pd .d I “0“ “mm” “3"”“5- announced . the : ' -. -. l‘ - I _'
m. } “Rum“ “mm, Bmh' pre In the day's preceding the final ac- tooii character (IpUs in the toriii )‘t'iit’s homecoming theme. “A I," “'mm} ill‘NUn and .Upha “w noniecotmnk’ queen ““ahblS: - ' ” - I ,
' “3mm “WI W. \Hm“ “”1“"de tions by (‘ongress lteagan bid of olastutfed ti’lllil‘l! ’l‘ributetoStarsandStritws' (.anima Rh” “0” th“ ”“u‘ml‘l lioiiiia tireenwell Alpha Delta Pi J " . . 2
that the Mind“. 3 “WWII” ”w‘huw tei'ed to tilt more teeth in S‘ll‘fL'llttlts .. L ‘ ‘11“5'0” But “’Nd‘mt’ "’ ”41‘3“” stil'tit'l!\ :Ult't’ Foster. Phi Keippil . ‘ ' . ' . i
tiad passed the ohiet-tioiis ot the l . i X st"t h' “IId l' 3t lhe tilt’lt beneath the masks The parade began at Mt'liittl‘lul Hall pleased [hp crowd with .i ’ ,.
pH-mjmi “1 gm. i-mmi smug 11“ “‘ mm'” ’d ”m 4“ impost “5 were tireg Hoskinson and Bill ('oliseuni and wound its way to cheer that was short and to the set-ROW. Pact-Ii - . * -‘ ' . 1' '
notwithstanding ' see \‘H‘OI Page in I . ‘ ' ' ~; > -.
BUS system ““”°“ ‘ '* Former Med Center staffer tak s ‘ '- -?
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s‘ r‘n x' .1” ‘r
l o t 0 €/ , . . , ". II
comp am 5 , i \ new posntion in development office ~
,.. ~. vim/)4 ‘1 .*
/ ; I' , . ‘ .. ‘ K I
. addressed K V I/ 0p j: / By BENGl'lfiSS to corporations and foundations] he that l'l\ '2‘ its base tor obtaining ' ' i' f' .
3 . A / / a Staff Writer “My WM employees a I I I . .II .-
. . . _ . "' " "‘ ’7 s, TI‘l acknoxiéedged that her positi-ii Tri has iioted an increase ir busi '.
{ziplgtltyru'llt’lt}:cram:IRR ,i[ ’i‘ ‘ $ . it USi ,/ Th" "mt“ ”1 Development “1“ will be sligh!._\ different than her :iess support tor di\erse aieas of the 1 .‘l ‘iI A; (q .-. '-I . I-._'
' f ‘ s ,v' ’ ly named a veteran ll\ statt itieii: past work eiitirel'iiiH-i‘sity s_\ stem .' t a ‘ -- ' .
. , l ,. ~ . . . . t / ‘ -( her to head its busniess iuiid raisin: "I feel very challenged by the po I _' ‘ t, 'I ' ‘ . I‘ ::
,.,.“,{:II:'(I.,'JE,,‘,::.Imm1:311:31,”liufi-JTIR. ‘3 ‘\ / . If? sector , sition I am learning new things and “They are sotteniiig their tteImandI I- I. .1. II; "I”.
I I ItI . i I P .‘ I 51/ Mary hathryn Tri. the toriiier as meeting new people she mm taiI spei-iali/ed students .iInt Iart . . I II I III .
“3331:3133 _. l . .1 I .1. . _—" .)\c —*r—- ' soc1ate director of Medical tt‘ll't" In addition. 5;“. L‘- excited about helping lli‘H‘l‘sll} students a» cioss I I: :f' 'I ,‘tl',
IIIIIIIIIIS. :uiiit\\(l:ii1kt I132; (:tltllt’ghgfi —-=','/ - f; —/ deyelopment. has been appointed itiII renewing h.” relationship mm main tIiisItI'iniIiIiies.I she saidI I'They Iare not .« II '. I I‘ ‘ III. 3’;
ital engineering senior :‘When they mg éfi‘ _' . q;- ::;!?FIIII(;{I.OL:)I::0;:t€lg“; iziugrldfim t'ttmpus an“ four years Of “Wk ”15 . mem‘m“ ”m (0th ’ -I‘ I '. II’I ',.--I .7
(1" mm)? ”WW.” be ml“? or four at ' -. ’ :1“ ”x M; I 1 (317,2? "It‘efrk Mobley. dei'eropfneiit oilice “[3233? \llgihfhilnkglhtelr personal ll? addition Wswrjpmékii?i33391th] ' I ‘3 ' [I .
\t't'ttl'tlllltl to le\ 'l‘Hr\\' estir 2? logical one because 0' hm “““l‘ that she can proiide for [niyersity tiielx new organization charged a - II.III I. :‘I:
' ‘ .. . . . . . . . . . sive involvement with the eiitiie develoiineiit ~ I . . . ' . I I . .
”1;”05I between two and My,” stu As long as a problem can be (ommonwealth Stadium parking t'niversitv community "I i. .i It t l \' \ ir ‘ll\ mod with pioiiioting tuiitltaisintl (Moths .. I _ ‘I .. . "I ;‘
' dents ride campus buses each (121}. idem‘f‘ed-H Thornton said. “we‘ll do We‘- (ireg Page Apartments. the Prior to her work with \chic il h i335?“ 'l‘dl ' ii disk 3 -h it ‘ll' “1m ”3 “mm“ ”M ”WNW”: A -- , .. ‘.
- and complaints about sei‘vice are whatwecantocorrectit." ChemistrvPhysics Building and 51x (‘enter develo ment Tr' . ‘ 'Jl “l! l‘ W”; “I" 1‘” J” R‘“ ‘( graduates ‘ I II' J'- IItI II
. . - . _ 'I‘hornton asks callers to submit other areas . p ‘ ' sen“ "“ Wills ““5“" .' - » . I.
nothing new Howutt. ftw passe“ . .. . . -. ass'istant director 0‘ the experimen» "After some \ears oi teaching I “she has taught here and has a . i. I. .’ I- ‘ ‘
I tit“ take mm. complaints beyond their complaints in writing. About Service begins at hi3.) a in. each tal education office and as assistant I I ~I I . .. . ~I . . I h I . . . . .‘ , _ In _.
. \ . ., , . ’. . _ llow I ikd' \ and runs until 6:24 .in, t I t _ t“ . re-e\aluated what my abilities \Hlt good tttl tot ”it students. so t is is II .‘ ‘I‘i-‘F I I
H“ “WIND 80 percent 0f th‘? time Ipeoplt to wet d~ . . . p 10 the dean 0‘ undergraduate >[Ud' Rec'itise o: mx writing skills and iii\ why we ha\e given her the opportu- . ' ‘ . ‘ .
[)0” l’hornton. i‘J-‘Wlau‘ director through \chtheircalls. he said '3‘"th bus. the [k ( ats bus. runs ies‘ She h‘ts‘ also taught anlish .3 , .""t l r il l‘til‘s «l i t. to at ‘\llh student I)e\el- ' V 3' ‘ ' ‘- » I".
’ tor parking and transportation at However. Thornton‘s office has Monday through Thursday evenings §~'llll\'h and; French on the éecnhai ‘I’”‘ It“"“‘ IIIP‘ ‘I“ n" I ‘II‘ K‘ III I l“ .‘ I" l . l" ‘l I-II l ' . . "
l K. works mm [I(t\.'rRI,\N to handle only received three phone come from 6;:tUto it p m E: ,3 d h' h , ed 't' l ,,1. Mid“ t“ ‘Hm‘ ”1 I‘M‘h ‘3 “If II ”pm' I“ ( Hun“ '0 ”3 3““ ' . ,. I
c . ~ ; _ - i . laintsthis semester Jeff (iirtoii. a geography graduate l ‘ an . [g (r uca "m eu 5‘ m' “’“ld go “”h n“ mm”: “m hm!" , . .. . ., . . .I - - ‘ ' . . . ‘ v.1
tiidtnt tonipl tints about the bus P I . cludmgl h there. the ball inst got rolling 1:; k. .. \\alkti t.“ thaiimai. of t: .- . iI . I
”gm” I‘he SIX campus buses service \cc('()'\IPIAI\I.\ m“ H Tri a 197" L'niverSitv of \lisSissip- said of her shift trom teaching to ‘M1 “Mm“ “”1””: “PW“ 1“ hm‘ ,' . . . ' .- 3
____—__—__________—________________— pi graduate... receivedtwo‘giraduhate l'niversity deyelopment ‘3.” ‘3? I 1"! \I (IIIwwrwml'. mm 1h“ ' . . j I 1 ‘
' 0 I degreestrom L'K. Tl‘l said her imolyenient with l iii [ ill“ "M 5‘54“ I I . - -I I I . .
’ C I] V 1] t t n . versityt-orporate relations has i'eat ‘l I ‘l I I I I I III I I . I , .. . i
O ege lew L ose 0 comm“ erS ”‘9 appointment comes after the firmed her faith in the Kentucky :5" ‘3‘“ "‘IIH‘ "L4“ IMP ‘1‘ t . ‘ ' .'~
resignation of Judy (Iiriffin. who has bustness community “"lh‘w’ltl “H" I“ It‘ll ill-"VII it"I'i 1” '1 I ,I g .
5““ "t‘lt‘m‘ The parking lots on the north East Maxwell Street entrance. (if-(39mg a‘VlCQ preSIclent position at "The L'niversity and I“"”‘“‘”” ”1r31.31..\;3!”3),m[(y;n.| HM.“ jubinldp « I I ‘ .
. . . . ~ . - . ._ . ~ . ‘ “N33 (ollege. Gr‘m“ held the 're comfortable with each other and “‘ H ‘H ‘. ‘m ”‘ “ m l' 9“ - ' : ' ~
and south sides of (ollege \iew new the lniieisit) f‘Jtlpltnlttt‘nt , . . . , . - .- d . “MINI” \Lilkersiid ' . '
Beginning Monday students .- . .. - . , . ‘. directorship for Eight years. T“ “1” in some places that isnt true I ‘ » ‘ . - . I
. will remain open. said Don ()Hltt‘. or Iht l.e\ington .»\\enue become only the second director of _ _, .. . . , _ ~
and faculty will not be permitted Thornton. associate director of entrance he said h ff' b I‘ I t' ff think bUan‘BbIL‘I ”11”} lwginning '0 - ' ~ .'
to park on t‘ollege \‘ieu .\veiiue. administration and parking ' (’0 'C9 >‘ ustness "’3 ‘0"39 ”H open up to thel niversity :
behind Memorialt‘oliseuiii Thornton said he expects that Tri W1“ act as the coordinator for “The longer I work with business ‘ _' I‘
The street WI” be closed Students or faculty who need to about 25 parking spots will he the l’niversity"s numerous requests people. the more ”“PFCS-‘fi‘d 1 4”“ ‘ _
- thUtlh \Vt‘tlltt‘5lt primarily in Jefferson and Scott well for their purposes until L'K memory. we want to see if a child we want to provide SpelelC help for
stal'fWriter countiesandin UK‘searlychild lab switched computers After that, the can discriminate between sounds thechild.“
According to the Barclays, the scanning process was too much trou- and words. if he can remember Lisa Barclay said the program is
A hushand-and-wife team of UK program began as an outgrowth of ble because of the switch them. and later verbalize them.“ he not only set up to aid teachers. but
professors has devised a computer their work in Headstart and Follow- Lisa Barclay said the invention of said also has an optional. lthem ques-
program that should help preschool through programs in California. lni« microcomputers allowed them to I . tionnaire for parents.
teachers assess a variety of skills in tially. the program comisted of an proceed with their computer-scoring Barclay said that In terms 0f 50‘ “The . l 't t’ . f both WEATHER
4- and 6-vearold children assessment process that was later system on an offcampus computer cial skills. the program assesses a optima SI‘I ua 10" ‘5 IorI II d _
' hand graded by teachers involved in system. child's ability [0 get alonngith other $33,302??? 2:31:35: ma: ‘9:
Lisa K Barclay. professor of fam- the program Barclay described what the pro 2:::grfzrl‘loils‘girtgtiifitfatlllne ‘f the courage parents to be involved in
ily studies in tYK's College of Home "We found that the process “'35 gram l°°k5 for “The areas “'9 feel ‘ 3 the assessment so that they can take
Economics. and James R. Barclay, ‘00 unWIeldy, [4'53 Barclay said. are important are those ”f handeye He cited an example “Let's say anactive Pa" in theprogram."
profesgor of educational and coun- "50 that‘s when we moved to a 00"“ coordination. large and small mus- that Tommy has trouble with some .. . ed t d ,~
seling psychology in the College of puter-scan program, so as to putIIthe cle development: auditory memory motor skills We might suggest that In any case. we want ,IIIIoherisIIeI
Education, have marketed PACE. a grading process 0" the computer and soc'a'Sk'ns' hesa'd he learn a kind of ballet move. for a program 8 gives speci w e pl
computerhased model being used She said the old computer worked “For instance. with auditory instance." he said, "In other words. SeeCOl‘Pll. Page I}
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1:35.! £3“ ‘ “:er rock "WW“ 8 bu oi E‘pmibn W099”; ‘ __ a M}: .f; . Km .. .: post time for the I In
:5._~.,_ vim“ . Freedom , from ...... .512 “~- " " ,omorrow- n
u.;.‘¥.t\‘ *( a I mgh's 5' Tofugh', ' (um) 9‘07 .91 . . season
\v“ 1-,); -. _ ”'3“ ‘ ‘ W shorfi ‘ Jumpgtm e ms I'S a
‘1‘ Ei‘; £3139 1 30"” U". 9 :6,“ 10 I am. Togflrsm,$5pofmw.‘ Keene'ond ROCeHOCk b g 0 ° the horses
.ifi',¢§'-:}.~S&_ an play "cm V V how ""3““; wow m r 1 lug
V‘fi’sl'thififlflv ' w 1 a m. Cover ‘0' i M W t ‘ a . day p ay
IE2: ‘ p "‘- '° ‘ . d R°°d~ 1°09 ”W‘ an dlng
.v.-,\.... 3 n _1 10.5%
3.1,“:i_.3:¢_1.:i. loan __ 2909 R'cbmuplayh’c’MQP‘m o ne n’ts for spen
§“’V';-L§.:§ m A “a ‘odonccmuydwl ff dOS and do INNERS
‘53., r}‘:‘l‘fl"fl:‘ ., Mélfimi’“ Op , er
‘,,.‘ 3.”.- 3" .,. “ "a m ts O o B
1"”."a-fvlé ' W Moln S’- ”m T” . o den
359w??? who“ I 509 Hom‘ DJ. OW” M0"; W505 'on a W n Race Offlclal’ Stu WE F G 55 Airpofl- so 5"" low.
:5 -I,_; 1:; . ,i nty _- r fovO" Blue r0
'3: ?:-1~‘az.-‘.:i.w r. ’ “W" "9° -. oddmon '0 Y°” KE r°“"°m F idoy’
-,«":’:3I9.:fizzal‘: CW3" dsyS'G'“ ‘" dTomW°“" : 't - ‘SFRT 'll Road)“ S ’U’doy' r
.' ab}: 3"; 2-? 55C on 0 SUV” ‘5 Tonigh' On > . ‘M _. B" 0“ ”\Sn 4 w (Vu‘ol 0‘ .hl’ough 0
:31???“ ”mi-‘3“: "w . Md'mk spec” . w 3mg; _ - ~ ' t r ' On ”'5‘ 5 TUeSday
- -.~. 5 g Redhg . ran-9*" ‘tftVW 9 ouflW- 0d. 7 , ded:
"31.3: Y... «.5. W: 5 mm 2Com- 5 d , , I- 'thQ.‘ loos? crow
'." ,. ‘. , , ‘ __ 684 . ‘ 101“} ._ . . . ean rdUng' . f. 4 re "19 9
55‘3“??? 6'00' Sec." 1 vs '(originahockyqp-m 0 mg w W 8*- Mg luck\' 15 horses Horsesrirgced horse 0.9.! 0" h" ”$802251 dOY’: 1°.st o , the eigh'h 5mm 0
_-.I’-'.j.'."f'~9_~ . . ry '- ~ n ~ ‘ gum. en - .. verexpe - , o . 1.30 pm-
.II . .8.» a? pa.n1nng.’°"“° ... Dav“ “‘ 9 m. to ~f you \ene‘ .mmeumer days 0'6 "5 at -
”$11.,” r; . Jefierw , ' from p. Andl } , k . n0“ 15 ‘ 'h n mso'ul’ , race 5'0
“.53” xi» 1,.- f rmefY . I" Pay . nIUC .“ , . m“ e furs?
.1--..I-:I-‘-’;‘i.;'a‘:= ‘ I. Arm W“ " 0. rs (ongm‘ '“M w racing‘" M k mradflwnremr Hall a M race“ The 0 con”-
,:- KW! Carbw’e ° . KentUC 3 - — m annua are 9 9 59s 5
;.I.=:'*‘-1€i‘§=‘¢y;' and mmorrow DJ ”-1.;me Tomorro‘gjefiack openS 1ts 30 times; There . Imle item co
4‘ Lit]. J... Pike. \ , d c . _ tic
. A: .- . town Ian . . :b0 5 .m sse"
“:Iafl’tfi. cover Holiday '"n °' "75 °",d ”.340 «W'- M 23:; me“ . :emm m” be ”If—33316: u. p . 2 A pf°9'°m _ ancies) '0 52' cc.
j7If§’,‘j.-’;T;2‘fz;; L‘A‘ M‘JSY"°'“ fwmflp'm ’0 p- Hum?" “250%: Ax1ewff’aturellhffiiJIm \k'llllamSIpu ‘ . “Minion "f 5 .no'hinfl (“c.P' for P b t for the firs' 3nd .
2,7???" 125:1... 50“ , Tomorr‘m' . , we“: - ' , mm m -* 6"- rom . ble e be are "'0
II. 9 : hr: Lw; tunes 0“ 0 19h! 011d . IGIS. l “mg IU‘ . i M [W .' -dOU h races
at». .. Ave. TO" Drink SP“ )6 . neldm ~ vmthe “mg is a do Y . 9 b0' _ u
3 ".l ’u Jig: wood‘ond 54 cover. [01‘ for hee . r mohE) P M ners O h'h ICC
...; :34 s fi -7 388 I am: . , dureC - ut )0” . . d et 82. . wm nd 0'9
'3‘L's‘é‘éXf7523 ”2:3wm pla‘l "‘3'" gums“ Free Puuofroms" Mo 91"” top ~-\'ou 08“ “Wig-1.23 bet yoursel‘e‘an g | 9’ The minimum b“ :1 moon‘ ”mgigzxngs. 1’10 “mm :5 of moneY by
‘~‘.;'5_"».é:'.:.'s;;::c R“ ' 0.099595 owe“ ' "ow, Blue " achme and ma “9, I." n - daily-‘00”. ,, 3.. hw- ‘" -n large °"‘°”
'- .5333}. "1 yopm °nd ~ h? and ’°"‘° m ., t "he 531d ,[hroughle “cs. The '1 can mu 9 '0 wl
lit."‘~"”"“"ji‘? . T0049 . “(k6 V - I '9 [0g( Ond f whk cm W . ace.
:‘ fl. 5.. _ , 3 plaza \our 1 , n {hm ‘ mthe . . s W the!’ "
Jaézy‘ I 5PM“ 7 Radmon 2:; ”Mimmcovet ”be! withw’ o - While bettorsbtt’ th€\ “‘llha\1€}:(),i:chines do first race :r:mno_ III"; hmbo'h. “Lyondflww m d men onIY i0
9'3"” 4-3:. ' "0m ' ‘ ow. . lacea ‘ t ' .s. 9 - 9x0c fnis on -
.-' -:.':."W dunee "“5“ - 1 and '°"‘°" - § . 1mm WP , “mmng _, have tho! I hers, m
:rr-»_'~‘;-.'.' H ‘0 s, Tomgh enge"" rec bwm (hUr .. . m5 mild» . the harm 1hree {mos '0 come
$7114"? "JLI’I'I- _ Lime-'I’one ' men. “'0’“ ”en 10 0_ . 1L _V\1“1d , ickmg 10p means ' ..
7542-33539"? I we «on 7 .333 59pm. ,0,°_m.$2cover’0f :12! Cash“-lnn;1ng‘::,:; guemnemssngremmer | n on" win 1,, «:09:sz in “rs. ...msome'hing “k, :3 to
"::"""-"x‘£‘—I"’I"'-= ‘ Cause “'9'” mm DancinQ The use 0“ 9“ . Thevare "‘ e ht bu- You can - sly means but by soW‘9
,‘g‘flfy‘g I.:_ .390"er R00d' _ nlal. he said” - , 88d in [he Hg "0" ’0 ' I! owa . ifd- You
. itfiéfipfi ”,coub vi 5539 Amen: experime. “mome- andfiu'thgwaitmlmes‘ . be' on that“- m m '0 com0 m m
"'-';>""~“'?:I"*a‘-’.é I 200“" , of somethmg ould helptol*‘>-“-’“ ‘- "°" d and 900* '“°° ch day; me"
‘x . . . they? 59cc" 6 ” run 9°
."I’It-KI'I'I“: \ _ A places. ,. ., .- d . . rse NO' ‘ ock) are
1‘31” , " L/TJ . 0. willnam" ““1 d Keeneland has 31w.“ ha , w'" on he ( on an inside 9”“ "
IF E15?» II "'3'" , , ms 53‘ the L'K = (.95 W"
‘9 king??? 1" //‘ llhd “dance from ' {L'K ' O 'ul’f f0
_'.:._ ”441,4 ‘ r ' . , \So . r w 0 ' ,
giégfié’rigl’af‘fi . ‘ .. g00d «1“,:ng eSpecm“) 0“ dand'S “C“- one: 1051 races 0* "19" y b ”on won Heel out
~fiz~ffifi§§§fg // " ‘ anfirggme; “9 said K-e§:l)1(;gpeople (In UsuO'lY 0"" ' w A lot of peeple Cir"Ss up'n:1'T-shnrt.” he 53""
1’5;~I‘:‘,I"{‘.:~.I'-’."¥ : 9 foot 3_ 5 _ 7 about-1 ‘ .10 . ——’-_“—-————_-:Je:n::i—_
i'g':'5’;‘gfin ‘ 21)::ndanceincred?e:h!:3gan105bnng pQUPlt ' A~—— l nd_g()eFS have the” 0f pm“) If you “8 *0pr 53} 1” (“me LIE-(ms U
“fikfi‘f i ' '9 7 that iovc and 30" ihese date: beCéiUSt “ernmms an“ ,(perwnced :{eetitgiinners ff ) rd [0 owevcr. S‘l’x’i‘ffiuw dvad 1(1): 5:?“ ‘
' ._‘_x,.:.v;"“~ r ~"‘ . 0r ”d , . ‘, a\‘ a . ‘ . ,I . . ()r ‘ . _. a t .. . £ 15" >
Isn’t??? - Moore 0'“ R°b L (#53:! love 5’°'V' R m:- Loyngéol?) Keeneland 0“ swig-{91V WWW 0““ ”(3.13:4 more than .‘m‘ftdl; lunIOr H :. 112?}: Whm‘. u INST...” pants. a “9
13";17‘3’f‘2‘f? ' N19” ,, Deml thing in this (onvcn row a? ”:55. (,an 11 311195 at mg 1: ~ - -~1mn . l x'\ a matht‘m“ . >6» long 5.11: . \ M J “H“; ,pn 1W .(Med 1h.”
.5 3r'}":.;.‘r‘?;£:x Abou' I.” e no, me some 5 ,onaghv and *°’"°' ”(1003)? Ex. .»111ams sald- 4 ‘ . . .. and Hod .I\> )u - ’ 1, t0 Kecné’ld“ ’ j ,1”! This mum» ”1.1.5 “...: “hm-I - 1”)th
‘fa’l'ri‘fi' U0. omoc'fnfgs 3.15 5525 7:40. 9.5 . ”,3 "105.4” m (Ommnatlon. W [hat .horse’ I.acing 1.x part ling”: “huhas been 1.13275“ “,9“ mu!“ 1nd penn} luau-1115:1153)“ “W, mphuruxh
:1»:> 5 :u'lr "' ' i . m For - so in ' , :45. 1129 .- ‘- - x -‘ ~ ' .. . [)613‘1 ' * , . ‘91 m
wgiffx’zfif ..Nnodr 7 4‘30 7‘ 9'20} r rem?"s wi'h V9 2:; 500m pork: 2J5. ‘ ~Mosl peopll: fiillage.” he suldd “1:ng .1~ he can Hm‘ m out for the bars? the rodthigt at Keem'lflndn H mm: (,umde. but
)1 _I’I.U':,-‘y‘; I“: a » rney Weave .30, 7, 9130' entuC ,\ ) . _ .In a , [rack . \ UUY lung» . ’ - the mmgs ( l.\(u\\1.l } ‘\ l
Fifi; Aflom " 5.90uR (Fovet’e ”w”: 2' t and 0! [he K] d-n‘ 0Ul “1m mend) mS-Ixxfmltt‘l} ,crcdn‘ )x ml muted. whdl 5 you \huuM drt‘ I l \NII, I’ugc9
.7;n«'~.‘>.'i-.91:J’-.~-.I Alien 530'“ x 8 9:45. Fm colorfu ‘ - ~ {\Ou dun k .. »- ht‘ ~\ald \. ; kl ' \
$7,’,5.;{_f.v’.-;;'*’YI: ’0 d Saturday ‘0 30" ‘ ‘55‘ 3:55. 5335' ' . . ding tradltl‘m . Keeneland 1* )u be! "” I ' .m‘sl PL“? . . Ho.
\ ;‘;:,‘vg‘fi{f g Fndoy 0“ fed R. {Norm Park. - 5.30 7:30, 9:35.) 51d“ [0 those golng [0 new?” M [111 bolting In Ih‘ .\ ('F l> C0m“)! U )
1&3! Anna!” Force A'szoc” Fovefle Man; 1:30: 3:304“ hummus comody m2: Williams will: .9 [oaVOid traffIC-hlji’ggmh, in“: (mm mould “my \\ halt . Only
9.3,.“ ; .15.);‘3. H 30 _ rs in | ‘ from w .. her? Ea ~ ‘ ’ muC ‘ . :. 5 U .
my}; gamrdov 0' 199mm! s'0 k m son I c, m get ., V [gleam 81> . . wk ““1 ton
1.}:‘3‘vz‘f‘vfr’ Ind: f0 Sd'IOO' ‘ ROdneyhgc'enrolL5» m :0“ 55'09'5zepFfld0Y and E MING” Shorm hffiknow how [0 be! .1110 P \JHU.‘ L U l h h 1H [0
L‘ILC'fifi-Qrf mom"e W . 5:50. 72 . ' ' ~ menm“ ~ ' \‘ "' ‘
r r H 3., . ed m' . 3.55. , [101“ . m \ . ulul, . ll’
{llgegg‘t‘i‘zf m'fd'f :g'ed R' “or”! Psi): 3'45 5:45 7:45. 9‘5) R0?“ p5, (Nam “WWW“ he‘\d1d . r ma c0 1 ( (Ill “'hgwm MM I (I‘H‘t‘\\ (”1 MN 107%.:er
...": f ., _ . 00‘ Mo I ' ‘ ‘ dreamt fh ‘ O a , \m-5 u ___ w l;\\.! ‘ _ mq‘na ‘
,. g $.43». 5‘ ,mrflofid . ,1 obou’ Also 99 500 1 ..[.HI( I>~ ) mum ,, m: ”
,~' --. “-| 45"» H 45 A'SOO A [cal 90 0' ‘2:m. . l (' walp.‘ ‘ \‘I A”hm I . w “n!“ ‘1
-.II. m1??? Id ny A "'79 nd somrdov , H «Nu: . (Wimp . ~ ..w .vut . 3mm
4‘43“}???3-9" Who co" ‘0 FfldoV a ,11135.) 10- (‘ould A!“ \vaIN: 'I“ . 5, i :.,.(-1\ M ‘
{.{z;;.(.xI‘i'-§ ' The ”Y .20 510 7:55. ' . and sofurdGYd ild is O ‘ Umlpd”.\I I I” M”. 'I'Ail , 'i (»[x|[‘(1l““lm 1“.“ A“ . ”x .i .
awrfi‘xififig p rk’ HO- 3 ‘ o 9:40.F"‘°V Me in '5“ w ' . \ WW“ .1 MVW‘“ *\ ' I “111.com“ » n “h“ ‘5 ‘i' IN‘ a
. r:-‘r;',<, I.-,' ‘ a . 5:35 7" ‘ ‘ r On'Y ‘0 ‘ type 0' ‘m‘ m '1 "“lu .: I l‘w' 1’“ . h Blun ' 10 It ' had“! .
:( giftliig’fk' pmk. 1:40 3.40 ame Austroilion, famnl'Zriences a diff : Sow" \x‘lll FY 510‘“ “x, m” 1“ Wm m .HNH . “91.1.. It was thrfufic ['K'.\ 29“]“g-‘d (11 \ l’t‘ h..m 0! h- Tlhlch the two
~o ».~,-,.~ . ,. _ .: .-.. ~ ‘ f! . > .. .
'9“? ‘iihj‘ V "0 bond“ ' A” n CW Where he éxp 7‘50, 10. Friday and 'ur. |{\ REIT” ‘ MW ”'1‘!” . 1.11. ' 1”! ll ‘ t‘ha‘rm‘m 0 .[ [ht‘ PM} mu” - m . 7 Irwin VIM”. 1H) . and [)mld
vl‘véyf’kfi! Croce: y a large Amend! k 1‘20 3220' 5’20. 55 9-50 ”by and 50 \HH “I‘ll” Hunmm' ‘1‘” ‘ Prlrtm9nt‘ 1h“ an Center Bluil m0 M ('uu' I(' 5.1!“ h‘ I | Begun
9;}.‘1 31-1.”- ~.. I 0 , h Par 1 . 7. , ~ ' - ‘ .1“. In ... . . .1 H'” ‘ Newm 5“ «I , .l.,r\, I‘ K 1. m on. ..
“9?: 14% 5'0” 13 'Non . 3:30. 5 30 h qud ' . .. t n .l d” , . . t0 the n [NW at . millp t »n
117..“ ., ,.,. 9ed PG k‘ 135, ,1 ..nuug rm“ . I. )nh H \ “.n DrmOd‘ . )1.“ n has “‘3‘
:-.éu\'~-2{2-:'-=I ngle R° g um PO' ' jun! m and )0“ .. “11mm 1 , mpmmh - ‘ la\' p9“ h(\('1)un })u]‘[lg()- i - . 1 won _.
w.'s-u.-‘..u"nf W Also 0' ° [1 wu < . mgton . ‘ Hm ‘ . (m lhl < , .N- the p . ted w I l I . puK U .u-ml
“use, I ”3),” y H 50 'ed _ , . In [AX (t‘h‘ 4 . 1.111015 _ .. I 1.101 S: , 1 5uggos . , r115 ”81 I It , _| _ ,ng .\(
,1”. L. s. day 0 I m. Ra . ., meat” [[9 m \ )Li) ( y .1 5(1\( , . _ ll dm , . 15nd m 1. ,_ , .\. ”H
¢:‘\§:;\;}3§§ dov o’ H 40 I . fa (lick starring MST??? 1; 1:: WW“ much abusfiu: Chan?“ [u finaliwluw. WWW] .ll.>»..:)|til\ (hung 1"‘isttfizgrjl Contact Sulliiaffll; LPX'ng' \IWW" m I.) 1.1!
.1-:‘:~)7'I:'~{..Ie;~ .' » clussIC '505 5‘" dSaw’d‘Wu ' ' ‘0 .~ ca ”"5 '*‘ - , W ‘ . '1nt3. .-. W“ “ " mm rho C‘ Ition of I 9 p . } \‘slvl'n\\.ll"'-‘
ffifi“,}'—{.%Vfi E Remake 0‘ 'he _ 9,50 FrIdOY 0" [rd] Am“) ' _- h (me Stunt “ho h 1‘“ . _ mum] {Or pr()du(- _ I It ‘
a x, ...». .. . 7,50 , . . “It ,. rtU’g .\ mend _ _.x or , l. “r
$9‘%:£&§§ ; mfg» F‘ork ‘ 30 3 40‘ 5'45 starring Put MON“ C’S kill mo blrd~ dor .. 8 mg km)???“ tumlx and PM >\I,11\ MI W” k I , pulllll'al «”“1 T"""I'\.‘}\, H. l" 1. mm “P“l 5:1“ “but
“at! 1‘." _. I Q .I O i OWn- a A 1 . Va . . ‘ x. [15 0 . ‘ ‘ i 1‘" ~ , ‘ -[] l ‘\ i a} ‘ _ t _ , I“: ._‘ ’ 1 “1” 51 - '
{..:";§‘};35‘." {E} 9 hot can “0"" on is 140‘ 7:45: 9‘55' “(WY 1”} ant m E] Sal n m k I 1:» In» “1 1““ I‘M whuwm ("”1 “.1 ' Brunn 5““ mt. p 95 as lh" l . um -I”‘-"»“ I It: mu.
.Jt It 5 and . as . perso 111 u . \ m . . , .....1
-=-,€§.:,g;r:i u ,7 A seque (,5 135 3.35. 45, 9155‘ Ffldfly A Pe h lxght of a , di- ..m (”m ”n h» an. .buslc omec ., 'l‘hv .....k . . r. ..1 .1 Lu
3’22“”??? Kc..." KM Ro’ed PG :crossr": 1-15. 125. 5.35. 7' plaV about t eczntral Amengant at “an ”14> . (M m}! ”16541151,“;le and Justin 1 M1 mm \ m. ,. .
‘3. 51.33;! 90th Macih'flrss Also Norm Par . . the. midStnoLe presented tomgh ”mums M In I'vxmuhlu; MM. m (-Hunt'll tmn I I u! 1._, groups. )4
(,1... 1,.) - a ' , ' ~ ‘0!“ . :- nr - .1 cu .~ ‘ -‘
iii-3“.) 5'5“. Som'd‘" . Fnday Saster. W‘ Center hp‘m‘ __ .M (uumI . .... mum!
r\$',f»$;'f SaIurdOY H 55” k 1 40 3:30 5:25. 7:259:11! and 7.3oatthe Ne‘fimm spammed : (”11ml Mung“; plm I. ”want
..._~.-;,g:.j~;;--5 .Nonh Po' ‘ .‘5 7:50. : * ' h drama Producfl -nd Jusnct'. ‘
'?,'c’-‘2}‘u'~’. , Rated R \ 2;|0. 4. 5- ' T e d steams “st d
I h. M113 ... club « oh Pork: uld 8" t NOt 3
-" .v‘; , Lo “ Avso 0‘ 5°” the G0 ermon‘
”xii;g$:‘:l‘:§&. Th. Saturdav 0’ H.205 . Company out of V
\T. 4‘53,” . and - in tin!
, iii-5M n'; a, H 15. Homo" 5""
.E'I‘.‘.-‘;Ei;.:‘ 1171.3 5°"”d°y ... a.» and 0°”. (“3:in I '
my: R‘Y—J". a Debm W' 9 - . Rom‘ '6‘ ch . *
.' 4 1‘ for . we 'Nor
”3W4"; 3‘15? Robe” Red ho play 6‘9"" ”.50. A530 0 , ,
{c_--1._g-'f‘;.)_;j‘i ' I” ‘owyers W rdoy G3 ‘ ‘ '.I \
Aim... .{ L090 “9 ,9 chow and Sam ..
'i~..I:_:I.’-;'/>‘:53;:;.j comedv ““9"” 5 7 4o. 9 50- "my Sammy 0"“50‘) I’ . r ' -
5;: :‘g-Jwi, H ‘0‘ 3 15 5'2 . 9 50 gndoY and . 1' ‘\
.‘-x.’u'r""3’%u’. W 3 15 5 2S 7 ‘0 5.45, 7:50. 945- .3, n
,.;“.25.‘.:;5~.}7-t‘5 pork 10 . oadsi !:l0. 3:40 '20 7:40, 9-10, “......-
if 5 fiiflfi ‘ Rc’ed 96.13. (C'msrp rk‘ ];25, 3:20. 5: . . M... .. .rm
.‘ggt‘fi’gfi thlns ’°" Keep! , 11 40 Also at Nerfh ° ‘ ‘“E“
3,. .:, day 0
35",". ”.3"? d y and 50’”, 35 ‘u .
3.!‘9-lfiifé‘ Fr: 0 and sowrd‘” or H , m' to H“ ha W5“: “/60,
3‘5}? h Fndov ' one mans 0 3.5. 5.25. . IV ,Isz/(I
Hull“; ‘50:“! 1 nous comedy obou Qed '1 (South Park: 2' 3‘” 5.”. “m { @V/(jszW/muz/
...,J.;c:fy.g»..?l -'.I.' '. HI 0 DeVno~ R0 - M0” “'30 j . . fl/yjfl 1‘ W/mfla
«'Isiigvflay‘: , Ru'h'“’ PM - 5 and