xt769p2w5b7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt769p2w5b7x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1919 bulletins English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 8, May 1, 1919 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. II No. 8, May 1, 1919 1919 2015 true xt769p2w5b7x section xt769p2w5b7x To Ed·it•rs: Tha
news in rm. euueon THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY Entered .. umu
In prepared for the , . A . . A ._ ,V.. class matter at the
press and is released _j;V N L; 14 ‘·;j W r post office at Loy
for publication on · Q" "'`' .. U' '`‘·` "·i_E;. " ;;;:;""" ingtqn, Ky_
receipt, .g-· _, v'~'·f· _ ;4_._..jZ *-7 ‘· ;;jI;·.t:;_·._.,·_
May 1, 1919 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. II. No. 8 .
21CLl y 2111 lC€I'S HHOLIIICQ OY
New University Extension Course S°H°LARSH¤°S· ——— _ ——
———— SC1,ibu91,»S magazine fm. March com BIISS Virginia Helm Milner, ot Lou-
The Umvu it Of Kentucky is now Lou. Em d N Mau Ni E D A iiumber ot students have made mms excerpts from the diary Of isville, and Miss Margaret Dean Har-
is var 0 , , ,, - · -· ·» -· Y · . _ _ _ . .
' yt I ` A i e inquuies at the Umsersm of ken A1.thm.E_Shu,l€y,maSt€1.Ot Ch,-isps bison, of Shelbyville, have been Se-
sending out copies of the Depzxrtmcnt pzutment Ot Drawing, tuck}, rggmdmg Rhodes SChO1m.ShipS_ _ 1 t I t t 1 h __ H
of University Extension bulletin giv- Charles Joseph Norwood, M. S., De- The followm informrmou is wen Couega and VlC€‘Ch*mC€UO1` Of Cem- Q? EC O em t B leads m The TW°
ing in detail important ‘z11m0unce- partment ot Mines and Metallurgy, _ g _ (_ I g bridge University, England, who vis- Vlrtuesyn thi? DIHY to be D1‘€S€¤£€d bY
ments concerning this branch of Elijah Latham Rees, G. E., M, A., tm UIOSG who ¤1<=¤¤¤¤€St¤ G were mt out under the auspices of pmbammy be the best the society has
propriutions trom the State and Um- Daniel Xtoxers Terrell, C. E., De- JOUG, A111€11C¤11 S€C1'€t3·1`Y t0 the Om. Own foreign Office For more ever ie
vg;-sity mid (2) tire D&pat1‘til1€11t0fU1li- partment of Highway Engineering. Rhodes trustees. There will be elec- than sixty days we wgutlup and down ·g V .
versity Exmnslom which °ftGrS’ James Ed“'u1`d T¤¤¤i11» Ph- Dv DG` tions iu ull states and 16 states thi ·as.t COLlHt1' t·aveli1 man - Miss Mmm]-· took the lgadmg mm
through its various bureaus, iustruc— pm-tment Of HiStOl·y and political V] _. ` I ’ _ _ ’ th;1} d_ f I d 1g_ Y 111 “Y0u Can Never Tel1," which Phil-
tion and assistance to the citizens Of Economy xx ugh under normal conditions would een §, 0. 'I?]1 9 T1 Seeing S3 osophia presented last year so suc-
mg state in at wide ne1(1eteuuetrtiom11 george W_ Whitmg Ar B}, M_ An have appointed scholars both for 1918 IPMF ¤¤¤~m{*g1$S em CO BE? an cessfuny, and Sue is displaying aqua]
3CtiViU€S· Dgpm-tmgm; Of Englislll kllld 1919, will oe allowed tg appoint; igatmgily 1)I`;5(;;1€U;$ endl Dl1€;€(iSS€;`S ability in the 1,018 of Frcdal Guild-
Tlle Object of tllis department is to Edward Wigsty A- M', Ph. DW D€_ two scholars this year, Theggustateg Hivilegisgf iigitiis gnaigdastatei fords,
D1`0Vid€· Hf {hg Smallest Dosislblé 9** pzmrtment of Economics and Social- eye {Uabkmm’ *‘?l`_k€mSaS’ CRm°1`m*1* %0I,m€d the me mit au its Cities are MES HH1`biS011, the loading man (all
pense and in the most pracucal men- Og}-_ U-{lO*_“fl°» QGOISW ¥?“’{*· _ K€m$*}S» university dm; and that all the ip; rnaic roles will be portrayed by girls),
ner, the highest type of educatxon A]f1·€d Charles Zembmdy M_ An D8- mlcttlgalgxRglimiéomi§{1S$1SS*PP1» MIS' habimnts are professors an idea Very will make her debut in University dra-
pogsiblg to the citizens Of the C0m- paytmcnt Of Romance Lzmguagesh S(2m1·_ 6 1‘lS7_‘1> _1€gOn¤ T€Xa·S» vf ft t 1 I ’ matics this ygalg
monwealth who are unable to attend W%lSh111gt011, W 1sco11sm. Other states ZW 11 0 0011 9mD 3’L€. H
_ _ _ _ _ —————-———i- wm elect one Schohl, each UTI b _ E tl . . _ Other former stars chosen for The
educational institutions. It IS be- * · W mem 615 0 *9 1111551011 i€D· TWO Virtugsn Cast ,11,9 Miss Ama \
liaved that the University Og Ken. BYARS DEFINES RIGHT The Rhodes will provides for two resented the older universities m ` . .
_ _ _ __ _ . _ 1 , r _ . . . Bolser, of Dayton, and Miss Elizabeth
tucky should be in close relationship TO WEAR INSIGNIA_ Scholruslups constantly at Oxicrd kngiand as xx @11 ae the big municipal MCGOWHH Of Baqdad The cast im
· ,. _____ from each state in the Union. Each universities of London and of the ` ’ ° '
with the homes of the State to the h h dudes,
h .·t·, · it { I g· `_ . _ _ . _ s* olztr stays t ree years z111d1·ecei=.·es Midiaiids of the North. The Scottish `
and t at any U MGn_ml*i;} GB we NAJO1 Dnv1d Byzus, c0111111a1ida.11t ab tim I f ,,00 1 _` . _ Jeffery pantOu..Ma1-gm·Gt Dean
to cali upon the Umveisity tor any at the Umvérslty Of Kentucky mus S 1 Hf 0 o Doums ZL yezu, out umveisities and those of Ireland _
assistance which the Institution can the attention Of all dischmgggl gm- of which he page his tuition, fees and were also 1`€l)1`€SGI1t€d. Harblsom ·
I`€“d€"· _ _ CGYS and soldiers at the Univer-sity to gxpgusgi ?X3'CFly &S_ any Qthgr Stu' "Ev61‘yWherc had we been received `preda Guildfwds-V¤‘g¤¤i¤ Helm
The oepmmem or Umvcrsny Ex- pztmgiwrplis 6 and 7 of eil-tum 166, €“· .“’“°’ “}€.“° ‘€S““°“°“$ as “’ WGH, but at L¤>¤¤g¤>¤ there was e ““‘“‘*’·
tension operates through four bu- April 3, 19]}), wm- Department, I-Q_ E36 iubJ9C1tS1“_hl°h he ihwld Study? wz11·111—heartedness about our hosts AHCG EX91'¤—EliZHb€th MGGOWQIL
. mus as f¤11¤wS=_ gmmg uniforms my tiiseim-ged Om- WELS; §;§Of{S;I“a’y _“"S‘°h‘*"l" °f_m.§ which nvm us $961 M ¤¤¤<= i¤h¤bi— Lady Mi11ig¤¤—A1me B¤1S€r·
I, Bureau ot Correspondence- cgi-S and men ° °u°1_ C O0 S> 01* I tants of ‘My Old Kentucky Home} . - _ 4 tl-H
d prepared, may work tor the Oxford 7 - Claude JBIVOISG Fen Re 1 8*
Stul y_ EL t The Order follows; 1_QSBrn_Ch Mum? Of P Litt B SC B we motored out some twenty miles Shmpsburg
I ' B . res H ` °' b ’ )· -7 • ·y · / Y` . y y I
HI lgésgsdoof (gcegating and Pub_ G· Tho act ot Congress approved C. L., or Ph. D. Cgmdidates must be S;} iiiggr Tame `géyfed Isabelle J€I`\'01SG—·LOu3HH3» Duck-
HC biscussion February 23, 1919, provides that any `lllllllkl-1`1‘i€(I, between thc ages of 19 I 1-_1` to . )`Ol_ _]’, an Vary Willi, Louisville.
IV Buren; Of General InfO1_m1_ person who served iu the United and 25, and must have completed at gem ({§1;€S’ _ O0’__].n a Qiltaly home The Maid..K&th]G€n Brand, May-
t_ H *2ml `Vélfam ‘ States Army during the present wm- least their seeoud year in college. xlthl we _ Flggowlqllgd I,O0mS’ and Held
10 ( _ d" 1 _ d_ V may wear the uniform after discharge, Candidates may try for the appoint- .16 (am Of *811 0_\`€1 the hutel of uw · Cl -b 11 1* Da ton
_A1;°¤;1€S}>°¤ €1éC€th¥€g?1r mi provided that it shall include some ment either from the state in which Ujont df’°*· On the mad We passed TM Butler- an 6 G my) y ’
OI t G urmus 0 IS ' Spar me distinctive mark to be prescribed by they reside 01· from that in which they “ hat we had not passed b9fO1`€’ Fha Ohm' _
Slmuld be Hdqmésgd _tO‘ The ,D€` Um S€01‘€f&1‘y Of War. The red chev- have received the ]3]3_j()]· pmt Of than- Pomes Of COmm`Y g0¤U€m€¤ W110 hre The exact date Of UJB DIHY Wm be
galitmggt hit [§“v‘?§S§tY -%`{@I;1S1§g ron has been prescribed to be worn education, m t§“3m· and do not merely Spend 2* amiounced later. At at recent b11Si·
G11C{,€. , · ,, .. ,, _ ‘·*-" _’ v· _ -...
Kmvmsl y 0 E y g b§’_d1S@h'€’·1=‘5€fl EHUSYGG mepi QS 1€©0.%· lhe qualifying examination which WG9 `IGHF1 In mem mm} Mead ness meeting of the society, Y’1!`§1¤19·
Y- 1ut10n of duties periormed 111 the ser- has been yéquh-Gd Og an cmldidates me 1015% and mcg thGm· and Tame ,. , 1 t d t (,9 mam
OFFICERS OF ADM|NlSTRATION` WCG of the °°““U`Y· This is HOW also for Rhodes seiigigtrsmps in the past is t0b‘¤¤C0 and smoke it; in fggty Lex- Helm M11ner was e ec e s ab · ·
Fmllk L§R011d M€V€Y» gh- LLD· designated as the distinctive mark PG- new to be abzuidoned and it will only ingmu is a Social and at trading CED' age].; Cmribeue Kay` advertlsmg
P*`_@$*d‘mt of the UPIVHSWY _ quired by the before-meutimied gmt ba HGwSSa1.V fm. Cmididatas to make im'. This possibly accounts for {hg mgmager, and Frances Marsh, MaYS·
Commlttcc on Umvcrslty Extension and will lm WON] by discharged OHL f01'1!1t\l iI]_)D]'iC2ttiOl1, endorsed by the Excellency of tha H1'$t·1`8f8 hotel ViHG, D1`0DGI‘tY D1&11&g€T`·
_ W- D- FUnkh0uS€I`» Cha“`m?m» . cers amd culissted men alike, This zmthoritiesl Of their College O1. umV61._ Wh€1`€ WG W€l'€ housed. O11 return- ..-1-;-
Enoch GI‘0hZ`l11 _ J. T. C. Noe gijgg glppljgg; (O (]ig(;h;u·gg(l Offjcqgys Sity~ Thg Sclgcuon xviu be Iuade in illg WG SEHV SO1`H€thillg ofothe 11I]iV€I'-
McHenry Rnoztds. Wim Www; cmmmssions ju the Ogg- me future, as in thc past OH mg basis sity buildings, and inspected the stu- ' TROLLER CAST
T, T. Jones JZLIHGS SD€€d (;g;·5’ Rgggyvg Corps, until Called to Of {L nuuys record in School and COL d€l`ltS’ &l'Hly K1‘Eli1’1iDg COI‘pS, HOXV all S `
FMUHLY active duty, when the red chevron lege, micordmg to tha fom. points Out_ Sager to get out of khaki. At dinner ‘*’*
George MHFSUHU Biikéi`, A· Me D€· will be removed. lined in the Rlwdes Wm: (U Scholm, WG W91‘€ cheered by ‘11igg€1" iuinstrel- Cam] M_ Sax Of Tha Vagabond
pm`tT“°““ Of Ed“°*‘t‘°“· "A ¤h<>=v¤>¤ will be WOM point up ship, (2) c1imetei·, (2,) interest in SY md by e ¤¤i¤i¤¤¤m Of S1>¤€¤1¤<=>s· Theater-,Ba1t1ni¤i—e, who was selected
_ MUUM1 McLeod B€Ck· A· Bp A- Mo midway between the elbow and the Outdoor BDO}-ts, and (4) {uml-est in Aft€1‘Wn1‘d we had a discussion with this yam- to give the lagt two weeks,
DB1’mm€“t 9* Art md D€$‘g“· Sh¤¤1d€r ¤¤ we left Sleeve of the COM ones follows mia instincts for 1eet1ei·- SOM ¤f the rs<>v¤r¤<>rS and heads of Coaching to the cast or stmiier play-
Pwl PFCNICB Boyd, M·_ A·y Ph- D·» and overcout and on the shirt when Shin Kentucky iiistitutieiisf STS that wm present <·U“d9r C0V€r,"
Department ot Mathematics and AS- wom without the cont. It is unlawful The SGIGCHOHS Wm be mmm bv ,;.11 arrived Monday, April 21, at the Uni-
“‘°“°mY· ¤¤d<¤‘ the N¤¤¤¤=¤ DGKGHSB ect for — tt ` · ·i t t rt te} versity and began Wk by calling a
www E. Butt, it A., Department thc moi-in to be wm by discimged ;§§‘Q}§;t§§f1.1§§S§“°g_ is} ‘§,f°§§§§,§§m; B°YSéI%f·EE§N%e§§LTgONC t mhcaml the Sm night, then meet-
Of History and Polmcal Economy <>ffi¤¤1‘S OY enlisted men Without this of the mem to whom application ERI]; iuv the members of the cast at ap-
Arthur W' Calhoum A` BT M' A" Ph` distinctive mark and the Offender mu` should be made, together with at for- —-"_ pointed times Tuesday. The play will
Department of Economics and S0- days hiniself liable to civil prosecution mul application blank, Wm be minted The Boy; GICG Clllb Of the Umvm, be presented at the Lexington Opera
‘ °‘°1°gy H Ph D {md ?¤¤1S*¤¤¤¤t_*>y $2 me mt "X“"‘*‘{‘ in June, and copies win be sent to sity ¤f_11<>: under the direction House Saturday night, May 3.
Cigere tBx‘<£\\;1 Clornc , . D., c- mgl&t300 by igipusoiiliuerrt triotglix any address upon application to P1,0_ OI pl-OL I Cul Lgmpeyt, is making The English Club Of the University
pm IHG11 0 SyC1Q OEY- Ceéilllg om 1{1011 1S. 01 JY 0 1 f€SSm.F1.aHk ‘A_}7d€lOtt€`_;X1]1€1*iCa]1 SBC. prepztrzttioii for its annual concert, Putgrmmgd Tugsdav afternoon, April
John James Curtis, M. E., Depart- iiue or iiiiprisomiieut. A supply of rcmw to tha Rhodgs tmstéasy MaSS_ the dam Of which `\ril1bG givgn Sh01.t_ 9*0 at P1t£G1_c_0uHa1i for Mr Sax who
ment Of Dmwmg these Chgvmns will be kept on hand zrchueetts Institute of Technology, IY. Thfé Club gave programs recently ;`A_{vG ,“;`qdd;€SS Ou the Subéect gf the
Lghirg Livingston Dautzler, M. A., at all d€1110biliZ&£i0l1 C1i1HDS wld at Cmub1.idq€’ MaSSaChuS€ttS_ Mean- ut Picadome high $(:11001 and at Ham- i:.tuC` Tligqteli movement After the
Department of English. all (]llH1`t€1`1112LSt€1` rooms- for sale t0 while fm_thQ1_ questions Concerning mon Ccuege fm. the benefit Of the tin, Bqn`ié;S one-rmt pim; HROSalmd,_
J¤S¤Ph Morton Davis, A- M·· DG' houommy dischmgcd °ff1°€1`S‘ the seholnrships should be addressed Y. \V. C. A. and the Patriotic League. $1; Iimvgnted 1;}, Miss Hgnrietm
pertmcnt of Mctlwnmtwe. "7. All comnmnding Officers me to any college inesidcnt or cK—R1wd€S The Club is composed of: Fi1‘Sf gQdfm-d Rwmchegter Christina Hop-
1·¥er¤1<11iI¤r¤<¤¤ty Downing, B· C- E-» Gl1j0i11€d to SGH that HU 0ffi€€1`S wd scholar or to the Amcriczm S€C1`€t€L`l`Y· tenors—R. A. Belt, S11c1‘idz1n; JOI111 1-ans Igiiigville ‘111dl}llS Gay LGXi11S·
S- M·» D€D¤¤`U¤€¤f of M¤'¤h€m¤ti€S· onlistcd HIGH &M?>0\1t to b€· diS€h¤1'§§d The President of the Rhodes Marking, Louisville; J. J. Slomer, {Qu, fhg pméyilm was fgllénvgd by
Edward Frzmklm Farqulmr, A. M., HIEi11fO1‘1l1QdOfu10])1`()ViSiOIIS of {DIS Scholarship Committee fm- Kentucky Bellevue; A_ E_ BGM, Eminence; E_ qu 'h_IO1_m_1l reception
D€D¥U`tm€HiZ of English. Gi1`0U}211`· _ is President M. B. Adzuns, of GG01‘g€· T, Tnppscott, Owensboro, L L YL _ V . l _ t. t H ·
Edward Stanton Good, M. S., De- "By order Of tho SGC1‘GiZH1‘Y of YV1117 town College, Applications should be SBCOHG T€nO1.S__G H Gregory Inulsi? girl? an u¥tB1GSAmg?1 2;
. · M ¤ _, · j _‘ ‘ * (:111 ET tour ny 0\’Gll1H{-Q`, DTI ¤ ,
Ddrtmem Of Ammal Husbandry PEDYTON C' MARCH` _,, "°Ht to him' H&1`(l1l1Sl)ll1`§§ S. T.VVIISOD,F1`EL11kfO1`t§ .,.4.-D Fel. Mw 2 qU.Ou€1.S, Day
John Shernmn Homie; M. E., De- G€11Gl`&],Ch1€f0fSt£lH. , , _ _ _ ¤. 0. 11€=W, ry » ~
pmtmcm Of Drawing MANY DISABLED MEN D· M“gu@¥’t X'aH€yGSt?;l°Hij J· will be Observed in chapel. Miss Hop-
‘ arues, arcs own- . . owe , .· , . , , ., — E
J { R_ H I - l DM; t t E V · ¤ _ kms, Nil. Gag and Hmm} FFHZIGP 0
Maiflgtsl “‘“”“°y Oi"? mn 0 UN1V];i%s§I];£L%%I7§§I%1,%%)ND COMING T0 UNIVERSITY_ S0m‘€lS€t»“ ‘S¤110f1111arS is seventy men matriculated. CO11tl`£1CtS L· V· Suppmggm Fmukl°1`t· T\Iz·, S;1x’s coming in the capacity
D€1’m`tm€¤t of G0i`¥¤¤¤· to U6 €0U€Ct€d this SD1`i¤S FUUOHE €0l· have been signed for the payment of The quartet includes Terrill Tnps— Of A professional (;();y(jh for its ummm]
William Durrctt Nicholls, M. S. A., logos for tho education of Studcnts of their tuition to the University, but the cott, Hrst tenor; S. D. Fcndlcy, sccond prey pi-esegee the eettmiisiiing in the
D€’Um`tm€¤t of Fiwm M¤¤¤g€1¤€Ut- thc world Wh0 GTG NOK f0YtUT\¤'¤€ men will take care of themselves mid tenor; R. H. Craig, iirst buss; Todd University ymxt Sgsgigu of the Little
» Jmnos 'fhoxnns Cotton Noe, A. M., cnough to be nblc to get education in the Government will reimburse them Green, second bass; O. C. Rzmckic, Tiieatgy project, my specific training ~
Dcpzutmeut ot Education. any other way. rm- their expenses, Newport, accompanist. in dmmgttic m;t_