William F. and Harriet Fast Scott Soviet Military Collection
Descriptive Summary
- Title
- William F. and Harriet Fast Scott Soviet Military Collection
- Date
- 1926-2003, undated (inclusive)
- Creator
- Scott, William Fontaine, 1919-
- Extent
- 3.9 Cubic Feet
- Subjects
- Cold war.
- Military history.
- Propaganda posters
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Europe
- Arrangement
- Collection is arranged by subject and format.
- Preferred Citation
- 2018ms019: [Identification of item], William F. and Harriet Fast Scott Soviet Military Collection, 1926-2003, undated University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
- Repository
- University of Kentucky
Collection Overview
- Biography / History
- As a prelude to their careers as prominent Sovietologists, William F. and Harriett Fast Scott first began collecting research materials during then-Col. Scott's first assignment as air attaché in Moscow, 1962 through 1964. Both of the Scotts had taken intensive Russian language courses before arriving in Moscow, and this made their purchase of books and journals there and in other cities much easier during their two assignments to Moscow, and during numerous subsequent visits as late as 2002. Through their Soviet contacts they were able to acquire "bezplatno" materials meant only for internal distribution in the military. Besides these purchases, the collection was boosted by gifts from the Library of Congress and several U.S. defense installations as well as the Scotts' associate and close friend, Gertrude Schroeder Greenslade, who was a Soviet economic expert spending many years researching in Moscow and Eastern Europe.
- Soviet military propaganda, much like general Communist Party propaganda, worked to bring together disparate parts of the Soviet Union to work together for a common goal, this goal usually depicted as a defense of socialism against foreign adversaries. Training pieces in this collection were also aimed at this purpose, equalizing the troops and galvanizing them to service in the armed forces. Following the artistic trends of the decades under tenets of state-approved Socialist Realism art, this propaganda serves as a model of that transformation over time.
- Scope and Content
- The William F. and Harriet Fast Scott Soviet Military Collection (dated 1926-2003, undated; 9 boxes; 3.9 cubic feet) consists of posters, publications, and photographs from the Soviet Union (later the Russian Federation). These materials constitute the rare and unpublished materials associated with the greater Scott Soviet Military Collection held by UK Libraries, which includes over 15,000 print volumes spanning the entirety of the Soviet era. The collection includes poster sets of military propaganda and training materials, Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) Congress reports, and general Soviet propaganda posters and publications. These general materials concern subjects such as children's literature, poster sets detailing facets of communism, school materials, fictional stories and artwork, and photographs of a variety of military commanders emphasizing Marshals Georgy Zhukov, Konstantin Rokossovskii, Nikolai Yakovlev, and Colonel General Pavel Batov. The majority of this collection contains pieces in Russian Cyrillic with some small portions in English and single pieces in French and Mongolian Cyrillic.
Restrictions on Access and Use
- Conditions Governing Access
- Collection is open to researchers by appointment.
- Use Restrictions
- The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.
Contents of the Collection
Military training, 1937-1985
Scope and Contents
The Military training series contains poster sets of varying sizes and publications pertaining to military achievements and training of military personnel in the Soviet armed forces. These publications include celebrations of branch histories such as engineering troops and rocket artillery forces; CPSU congress debriefings dealing with military matters; and preparedness posters in case of attacks. Portions also include interesting pieces of children's literature pertaining to military games for children across the Soviet Union, folk literature from the Great Patriotic War, Soviet depictions of the American military, and a book on Stalin and the Red Army from 1937.
Маршалы советского союза--Marshals of the Soviet Union, 1945
Средстба и способы; противовоздушной; обороны населения--Means and methods of civil air defense, 1958
Тревдый внутренний порядок: основа жизни войск--Solid internal order: the basis of the life of the troops, 1969
На страже советского неба--On guarding the Soviet skies, 1970
Сукопутные воиска--Army troops, 1971
Психологическая подготовка воина--Psychological preparation of the warrior, 1971
Сухопутные войска советской державы--Land forces of Soviet power, 1973
Советские военные связисты--Soviet military communications, 1973
Разведка в очагакх поражения--Intelligence in focus lessons, 1974
Советская офицеры-верные сыны народа--Soviet officers-true sons of the people, 1976
Военно-воздущные силы СССР--Soviet air force (2 copies), 1974
Действия населения при угрозе напедения противника и по сигналам гржданской обороны --Actions of the population at threat of attack of the opponent and on signals of civil defense, 1975
Морално-политическая и психоллогическая подготовка воина--Moral-political and psychological training of a warrior, 1975
Трасса мужества--Route of courage, 1975
Совиетские инженерные войска--Soviet engineering troops, 1975
Школа боевой быучки--School of combat training (2 copies), 1976
Танковые войска советской армии--Tank troops of the Soviet army, 1976
В дисциплине сила воина--In discipline the strength of a warrior, 1977
Железнодорожные войска советской армий--Railway troops of the Soviet army, 1977
Героический путь вооруженных сил СССР--The heroic path of the USSR armed forces, 1978
Зарница--: всесоюзная пионерская военно спортивная игра--Zarnitsa--: all-union pioneer military sports game, 1980
За высокую сознательную дисциплину--For high conscious discipline (2 copies), 1981
Советская воинская дисциплина--Soviet military discipline, 1981
Высокое призвание советского офицера--High calling of the Soviet officer (two page 1s), 1960s-1970s
Могучие стратегические: ракетным воискам стратегического назначения вооруженных сил СССР росвиащаедя--Mighty strategy: missile forces of strategic purpose of the Soviet armed forces review, 1960s-1970s
Армия советская (о боевом пути вооруженных сил СССР)--Soviet army (on the military path of the armed forces of the USSR), 1960s-1970s
В руководстве КПСС--: источник сили и могучщества советских вооруженных сил--The leadership of the CPSU--:the source of strength and power of Soviet armed forces, 1960s-1970s
Сталин и красная армия--Stalin and the Red Army, 1937
Дайчин похорлолийн алдарт хуудас--Glory pages of the comabt friendship (Mongolian), 1969
Военные заветы В. И. Ленина--The military precepts of V. I. Lenin, 1971
XXIV Съезд КПСС о повышении боевой готовности вооруженных сил СССР--XXIV Congress of the CPSU on increasing the combat readiness of the armed forces of the USSR, 1972
100 вопросов 100 ответов--100 questions 100 answers, 1972
Виды вооруженных сил СССР и их назначение--The armed forces of the USSR and their purpose, 1973
Вооруженные силы СССР--The armed forces of the USSR, 1975
Караульная служба--Guard duty (missing portfolio), 1976
Знать и выполнять требования уставов (Орнаментално текстовые плакаты с будержками из уставов вооруженных сил СССР: албом наглядных пособии: 24 плакатов)--Know and comply with the required statutes (Ornamental text posters with excerpts from the statutes of the armed forces of the USSR: album visual aids: 24 posters), 1977
Всесоюзная комсомольская военно спортивная игра "Орленок"--The all-union komsomol military sports-game "Eaglet" (2 copies), 1978
Война наредная, священная война--People's war, holy war, 1969
Normandie-Niemen Tome 1--Normandie-Niemen Book 1 (in French), 1972
Подвигу жить в веках--A feat for the ages, 1975
Могучие крылья родины--The mighty wings of the Motherland (missing pieces 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12), 1960s-1970s
Герои советского союза хабаровского края--Heroes of the Soviet Union Khabarovsk territory, 1968
Всегда начеку--Always on the lookout, 1969
Строго хранить государственную и боенную тайну--Strictly keep state and military secrets (missing page 1), 1969
Комендант новосёлок--Commandant of Novoselok, 1970
Высокая боевая готовность закон жизни воина--High combat readiness is the law of a warrior's life, 1970
Двенадцатилетний генерал--The Twelve-year-old General, 1971
Лицо американской военщины--The face of the Ameican military, 1972
В бою секунда дорога--In combat the second road, 1973
С первого быстрела, первого залпа--From the first shot, the first volley, 1974
Ордена СССР--Orders of the USSR, 1974
Возьмем винтовки новые--We pick up new rifles, 1974
Похождения жука-носорога--The adventure of the rhino-beetle, 1971
Герои советского союза--Heroes of the Soviet Union, 1975
Ордена и медали СССР--Orders and medals of the USSR, 1975
Русские полководцы и флотоводцы--Russian commanders and naval commanders, 1975
Они защищали москву--They defended Moscow, 1975
К вечному огню--To the eternal flame, 1975
За оборону сталинграда--For the defense of Stalingrad, 1976
Золотая сабля командира--The gold sword of the commander (two copies, one with English translation on front and back), 1976
Полные кавалеры ордена славы--Full cavaliers of the Order of Glory, 1977
Хорош в строю-силен в бою--Good in formation-strong in battle, 1978
Полководцы и военачальники: великой отечественной войны--Generals and commanders: the Great Patriotic War, 1985
Non-military, 1962-1990s
Scope and Contents
The Non-military series contains a diverse array of publications from the Soviet Union between 1962 to the period following the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s. Pieces include book compilations of children's folktales from the pre-Soviet era, a songbook of 100 famous Russian songs, training manuals for flight crews, pictures from exhibitions about space and space travel, postcards, school materials, and poster sets on Soviet propaganda and party decisions, as well as materials on concepts of "scientific communism."
Плакаты страны советов--Posters of the Soviet Union, 1982
Научный коммунизм--: наглядное посови для шол основ маркцизма-ленинизма в двук выпусках--Scientific communism--: a visual aid for schools of Marxism-Leninism in two editions (missing pages 1 and 12, page 14s), 1971
Решения XXVII съезда КПСС - В жизнь!--Decisions of the XXVII Congress of the CPSU - In life!, 1986
Плывёт, плывёт кораблик--Sailing, Sailing ship, 1963
Soviet Union: 1917. The Great October Socialist Revolution. 1977., 1977
Научный коммунизм--Scientific communism, 1973
Сказка о царе салтане--The Tale of Tsar Saltan, 1962
Миллионер--Millionaire, 1964
Рисунки с выставки «космос и фантастика»--Pictures from the exhibition "space and science fiction", 1966
Советская авиация--Soviet aircraft, 1970
Наше государство--Our nation, 1971
100 русских народных песен и наигрышей--100 Russian folk songs and tunes, 1971
Физическая подготовка летного состава: Серия из 5 раскладных плакатов--Physical training of the flight crew: Series of 5 folding posters, 1972
По амуру--On the Amur, 1975
Герои космоса--Space heroes, 1977
Контурные карты--Contour maps, 1970s
Будь готов!--Be ready!, 1982
To Russia, Love America, 1990s
Photographs, 1926-2003, undated
Scope and Contents
The Photograph series contains a wide variety of images from the Soviet era with particular emphasis on specific individuals serving as commanders during the Great Patriotic War (World War II) from 1941-1945. The earliest photographs in this series include a 1926 depiction of Konstantin Rokossovskii in Mongolia and Alexander Yakovlev meeting with other military officers in 1937. Other pieces of this collection include Georgy Zhukov and other high-ranking officers meeting with various officials during the war; celebrations of artillery troops, a photo of Yuri Gagarin and Sergei Korolev the day of Gagarin's first flight into space; photographs from the 50th anniversary of victory in the Great Patriotic War; photographs of Zhukov and Yakovlev in years after the war; and photographs from Zhukov's funeral in 1974.
Ко дню ракетных войск и артиллерии фотоподборка--To the day of rocket troops and artillery pictures (photo sets), 1970
General Staff of the Red Army (negatives with info sheet), circa 2003
Yakovlev with an officer, 1937
Yakovlev with two officers, 1937
Zhukov portrait, 1939
Zhukov portrait, 1941
Marshal Zhukov leading victory parade (negative), 1945
Rokossovskii at Dauria Station, 1926
Zhukov at Khalkin Gol, 1939 August 1
Rokossovskii and Telegin at Stalingrad, 1943 January 1
Marshal Alexander Vasilevsky, circa 1943
Marshal Alexander Vasilevsky, circa 1943
Marshal Zhukov, circa 1943
Zhukov, Kalinin, and Vasilevsky, 1943
Marshals Rokossovskii and Zhukov, and General Batov, 1944
Marshal Yakovlev, 1944
General Patton with Marshal Zhukov, 1945
Marshals Govorov, Konev, Rokossovskii, Vasilevskii, and Malenkov on Lenin Mausoleum in Moscow, 1945
Marshal Montgomery, General Eisenhower, Air Marshal Tedder, and Marshal Zhukov during his visit to Frankfurt, 1945 June 10
Marshal Rokossovskii and Colonel Generalt Batov, 1945 August 1
Marshals Rokossovskii and Zhukov, 1945
Marshals Tedder and Zhukov and General Spaatz toast at Soviet headquarters in Berlin, 1945
Marshal Zhukov leading victory parade, 1945
Marshal Zhukov signs the terms of unconditional surrender, 1945
Soviet western front commanders, 1945
Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF) meeting, 1945 June 10
Zhukov and Eisenhower salute, circa 1945
General Batov, circa 1950
Marshal Yakovlev, circa 1955
Yuri Gagarin with Sergei Korolev, 1961
Yakovlev, 1962
Marshal Yakovlev, 1967
Yakovlev standing by car, 1967
Marshal Zhukov in conversation, 1967
Marshal Yakovlev in conversation, circa 1972
Marshal Yakovlev with son, circa 1972
Funeral of Marshal Zhukov, 1974 June 1
Funeral of Marshal Zhukov, 1974 June 1
Funeral procession of Marshal Zhukov with pallbearers Marshal Grechko, and Politburo members Syslov, Brezhnev, amd Podgornii, 1974 June 1
Unveiling of the Zhukov monument on Manezhnaya Square, 1995 May 8
Cossacks at the military parade, 1995 May 9
Soviet veterans forming for parade in Red Square, 1995 May 9
Group of Soviet soldiers, undated
Lidia Zakharova Lt. Med. Sluzba, undated
Marshal Yakovlev in front of statue, undated
Marshal Zhukov, undated
Marshal Zhukov with camera, undated
Soviet officers meeting, undated
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Table of Contents
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