xt76dj58d93s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76dj58d93s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 18780212 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1878-02-jun12. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1878-02-jun12. 1878 2011 true xt76dj58d93s section xt76dj58d93s 


2nd Day A. M. June 12,1878.

of June 12th

Report of
Com. on
Bible College.


  to fill

  Time al-
  lowed to
  Cora. on
Curator TIDDS

  Report of
Committee on

2nd Day A.M.

Resolution to
dismiss matters
pertaining to
charges and
counter charges.

     The board met at 9 e clock pursuant to adjournment on calling of
the roll, there were round to be(28) twenty-eight Curators present
prayer was then offered by Curator Bunnell.

    On call for reports from standing Uommittees Curator Campbell
offered a majority report from Committee on Bible College-report
received and filed.

     Curator Williams offered minority report from Committee on
Bible College- report received and filed.

     Curator Tembitt moved that the majority report be accepted.

     Motion by Curator Tfrbitt that the reports of the Committee of
Bible College be recommitted   carried.
                                        A partial

     Report of Committee on Nominations was now made presenting vote
a majority and minority report which being read the board then preceded
to an election to fill vanancies in board of Curators which vacancies
were filled by the following zames

gmn. Mitchell,
  of Mt. Sterling;

Jas. M. Thomas,
  of Bourbon;

T. A. Crenshaw,
of Woodford;

     Curator Withers moved that the Committee on Nominations be allowed
further time to complete their report- carried.

     Report of the Committee to enquire why the Committee ofAArbitra-
tion had not acted and reported. make the following report viz-
To the Honorable board of Curators: The Committee appointed to inquire
and report to the Board, why the arbitration ordered at the last June
meeting fieas not-organized beg leave to submit the following

     From the statements of the two parties respectively and from the
written communications which passed between them it appears the said
parties failed to agree on a Committee that would consent to act
                          signed       W. T. Tibbs
Report adopted & approved               -a". C. Ricketts
and Committee discharged.               T. S. Sweeney

     Curator Smith moved the following resolution

               That all matters personal and growing out of the charges
and counter charges between Regent Bowman and the Executive Committee
of last year and which were referred to a legal Committee for final
arbitration and disposal, be dismissed from further consideration by
this Board-



    That Curators Stoll, Sayre and Barnes be appointed a Coomittee
with instructions to revise the settlements heretofore made and ap-
proved by this Board with the former Treasurers of Ky. University,
and if it be found that by errors in accounts the University is due
said Treasurers or any one of them, any sum, the same be paid or if
the said Treasurers or any one of them be due the University any sum,
they,or he, be required to pay the same, and to facilitate said re-
vised settlement, all books, accounts, reports or other documents
of the University, or in the hands of any of its officers, shall be
furnished said Committee.     Unanimously adopted.

report of
Committee on

    Curator Givens as Chairman of Committee on Medical College read
report of said Committee which report was received and adopted.

    We the Committee on the Medical College would respectfully state
that we have no recommendations to make, except the continuance of
the organization and to await future developments, we also ask the
privilege of presenting with our report the views of the Medical Facul-
ty all of which is respectfully committed.

The views of Medical Faculty were received and filed.


2d Day A. M. June 12th, 1878. cont.

   Action on
 petition of

     On motion of Curator Smith it was moved that a Committee of three
be appointed to investigate the petitions of D. M. bowman and the
Executors of A. R. Bowman for repayment of their subscriptions-to Ky.
University- carried with following committee.
                                               Horace Miller
                                               J.A. J. Lee.

On motion meeting adjourned to meet at the hour of half past 2.
Minutes read and approved.

               Afternoon Session.

The Board Mt at 2* o'clock pursuant to adjournment.

report on
to D. M.
Bowman and

     The following report was then offered by Curator Smith. Your
Committee appointed to consider the petitions of D. M. Bowman for the
refunding of his subscription of $000 less certain coupons used-
that this claim and also that of A. H. Bowman Dec'd. be refered to
the Executive Committee, with instructions to pay the same according
to the Statute provided for refunding such subscriptions.

Unanimously adopted signed.

Z. F. Smith. Cbm.

     Curator Graves offered the following report- we the Committee
appointed to report what disposition should be made of the farm
would respectfully report that so much of the farm to be agreed
upon for the use of the State institution shall be allowed for

on the



that purpose, the balance to be rented in whole or in part, as the
Ex. Committee might think best. Wable would recommend as much of it
to be rented in grass at present except the hemp land. That due
notice of time and place shall be given before day of renting,
all of which is respectfully submitted signed

Report unanimously adopted.

las. Patrick
J. M. Uraves.

      The following report from Committee to consult with State
Commissioners was then read by the President of this Board as follows.

Report of
Committee to
consult with
the State

      Your Committee appointed to confer with the Commissioners appoint-
ed by the State in relation to making arrangements for the continuance
of the A. & M. College, beg leave to report.

      That they have had a conference with the members present of said
Commission, and presented the memorandum, or proposition that was read
and approved by the board last evening. And as there was not a quorum
of said Commissioners present, they could not take any definite actions
and the Coma- present suggested and it was agreed upon by your Committee
that a meeting should be called at the Galt House in the city of Louis-
ville July 5 at 2 o'clock P.M. to discuss fully said subject. And
Commissioners urged that the Committee come prepared with full power
and authority from your board to enter into a definite contract under
the seal of the University for the continuance of the A- & M. College
for the next two years.

      Your Committee would further state that from suggestions received
from said Commissioners, They infer some important legal matters will
be presented for consideration.

2d Day
(386) Session

Resolutions in
with this
report are to
be found bn
Folio 389.

      They therefore ask your honorable body to add to our Committee
the Hon. M. C. Johnson & Hon. F. K. Bunt, both of whom are well versed
in matters likely to come before said Committee. All of which is ree
spectfully submitted.

Unanimously adopted.

B. M. Bishop
B. D. Sayre
G. Stoll Jr.
J. B. Bowman.

      Resolutions were offered by Curator Tibbs as follows

   1. Resolved That the office of Regent of Ky. University be and is
hereby abolished.

   2. That Prof. H. H. White be appointed President of the University.

the Regency

   3. That a Committee of three be appointed to re-adjust the laws
and organization of the University and bring them into harmony with
above resolutions, said committee to report to this Board at their
earliest convenience- carried unanimously following Com. W.T.Tiibbs,
Z.2i.3mith, W. T. Withers.




     The ayes and nays being called for on Resolution No. 1. abolishing
the Regency resulted as follows

Ayes & Nays
on #1.

2'd Day After-

Ayes & Nayc-
on 4A.

Andrew Steele
D. S. 0oodloe
G. w .ievens
R.C .icketts
Z.. .6mith
W.T41 ---thers.

   K. ae S

R. Di. B ishop
los. 'Wasson
A. G. Herndon
Jno. Shackelford

Yeas 19,


H. miller
Jas. G. Kinnaird
A. M. Barnes
R. M.  iafno
N.B .wells
J. A. J. Lee


Enos Campbell
G. C. Castleman
Thos. Mnnell
J. M. uraves

Noes 12.


' . '. 'libbs
J. D.Sweeney
T.A. Urenshaw.


G. Stoll,lJr.
Jos. Patrick
John S. wilson.

Deeision of
the Chair
k Appeal

     The Chair here made a decision that it took
whole Board to abolish the Regency from which an
with ayes & nays called for resulting as follows

Yea's 9.

a majority of the
appeal was taken

No's 18.

Jos. 4asson
A. G. Herndon
Jno * Shackelford



Thos. Munnell
J. M. uraves



E., . 6ayre
Geo. Stoll Jr.
Jno. S. wilson.


Andrew Steele
D. S. (oodloe
G. W.ciivens
g. T.Withers
Hl. Miller
A. M. Barnes

W. L. Williams
R.u .Ricketts
Z.a.  ith.
N. B. wells
Sam'l Coleman
i . T. fibbs

      The result of the ayes & nayes on the election of H.ii.white for
President of the University - resulted as follows-

Ayes &
nfays for
President of

Andrew Steele
G. w .civens
W.L. williamfs
Z. F. Smith
%. T.Withers
.I!.*  frd

J.A.J .Lee
Sam'l Coleman
W. .wibbs.
H.A. Haadley
Tho s. 4annell

Jas. atrick
Jno. S. wilson,


Aes and
Neys on
Of the



Afternoon S

     The Committee on Nomination made a final report-presenting both
a Minority & -Majority - report upon whith the Board went into election
of officers for ensuing year. resulting as follows-

For President of the Board


of officers
of the

For Secretary   A.M.Barnes

For Treasurer


Report of
the Committee
on the College of
the Bible.


    :executive Comnittee

    VTAm. Mitchell
    W. T. Withers
    Jas. M. Thomas
    W. T. Tibbs
    Samnl Coleman.

    The report of the Committee on Bible College was again brought
up which reads as follows-

                   Your Committee to mom was refered so much of
the report of the Regent as concerned the College of the Bible
would respectfully report.

1. Your committee have had nothing to consider but a recommendation
found in the report of President Lard of which the following is a
modification, viz. That no young man preparing for the ministry
shall be considered as a graduate of the Bible College who is not
also a graduate of the College of Arts, or its equivalent in the
opinion of the faculty. This much of Pres. Lard's idea your committee
would heartily endorse, for the age we live in is scientific, critical
and skeptical and the advocates of the Gospel should be prepared to
defend their Lord, whereever, whenever and from whatever standpoint
he may be asailed. This first part was refered to the Ex. Com. &

2. Your Committee would recommend that such instruction rooms and
dormitories as are not needed by the University be tendered to Presi-
dent Graham and his Professors for the use of the students in the bible
College under their charge and a mutual and free interchange of recita-
tions and instructions between said College and College of Arts-said
apartments to be under the supervision and control of the authorities
of Kentucky University- Clause #2 being unanimously adopted.


to meet
the State
to arrange
C~fperning te

l.  Resolved

That the report Ue, and same is hereby adopted.

2.  Resolved. That R. M. Bishop, E. D. Sayre, Geo. Stoll, W1r.Withers
& Jno. B. 13ownan be and they are hereby duly authorized with, and enter
into contract with the State Commissioners in reference to continuing
the Agricultural & Mechanical College for the next two fOesims in



                    connection with Ky. University and i. K. Faunt and Madison C. Johnson
                    are added to the above committee, with the same powers as the other
                    members thereof. Three of said Committee shall constitute a quorum
                    and any contract or arrangement three or more of said committee make
                    with State Commissioners in reference to the A. & iC. college shall
                    be regarded as the action of the Board.

                        The Board hereby ratifing and confirming the same as freely as
                   if made by the Board itself in open session.

                        3. Resolved that a copy of these resolutions be furnished the
                   Committee certified to by the Secretary of the Board and under seal
                   of the corporation.

  (390)                On notion of Curator Steele the following Degrees were confered
Afternoon          on Mahlon lMackie   Bachelor of Science
Bession.            Moses S. Cole

Donferring            Thomas R. Hardin   Wiaster of Science
of Degrees
A. DgMr. eolege        On motion of Curator Smith the following degrees was confered
                       Thos. Clement Lyng       Bachelor of Arts.
Degrees in                  Stony Point,
College                              Ky.
of Arts.
                       Milton Hatley A    tn,   Bachelor of Arts.
                            Hickory Hat,
                         Provided that he pass examination on the remaining portion of
                    his course in mathematics.

                       Which recommendations were adopted and degrees authorized to be
                    issued as recommended.

                       On motion imeeting adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning
                                      Minutes read and approved.

  Seal.                        That the Regent be respectfully requested to turn over
                    the Seal of the corporation to the Secretary of this abard. Adopted.

   (391)                                    Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.
                                                        June 13, 1878.
session of
June 13, 1878.                                     Morning Session

                                                           The Board met pursuant to ad-
                    journment. President Sweeney in the Chair, was found to be a quorum