xt76dj58dr2c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76dj58dr2c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19430709  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July  9, 1943 text The Kentucky Kernel, July  9, 1943 1943 2013 true xt76dj58dr2c section xt76dj58dr2c best uopy Avanaoie

"Young April" Opens
At Guignol Monday


By Elizabeth Ann Cole

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.



FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1943


President Donovan To Speak
At Convo Thursday, July 15

J. C. Doyle, who recently appeared in "My Sister Eileen," will portray the irrepressible George Mclntyre in "Young April," which will
open at the Guignol theater Monday, July 12, and will continue
through Wednesday, July 14.
Beth Caddy, who appeared last
summer as his popular sister, Terry, in "Growing Pains," will play
the same character in the sequel.
The role of Professor Mclntyre, the
father of these inimitable children,
will be taken by Eli Popa, ever popular with Guignol audiences. Mrs.
Mclntyre will be played by Mabel
The comedy, by Aurania and Wil
liam Spence Rouverol, continues
the adventures of the Mclntyres.
Terry is involved in successive love
affairs while George battles with
disillusionment in love.


Oh, The Trials
Of Guignolites


on April 12,

and 14 read 100 mimeographed postcards
and the
printed programs for GuignoFs
production next week.
"Young April" on June 12,
13, and 14 read the large
painted posters advertising the
forthcoming attraction.
And then Guignol was com13,

Dr. Herman L. Donovan, president of the University, will speak
on, "What is Happening to Our
School," at 10 a.m. Thursday, July
IS, in Memorial hall. This will be
the second and last convocation of
the first term of the Summer quarter.
Classes which meet third hour,
from 9:50 to 11:05 a.m. and from
10 to 10:50 a.m. will be dismissed
on that day.
Mrs. Lela Cullis will play the organ prelude, and Miss Anne Cow-gil- l,
a former student at the Uni
versity, will present several vocal I
selections. The Invocation and ben
ediction will be given by Rev. John
K. Johnson of the Maxwell Street
Presbyterian church.
The first convocation of the second term will be held at 10 ajn.








its latest printed poster set the
dates correctly as July 12, 13,
14 but in 1493.

Eubanks Suit
Answer Filed


Wednesday, August 4. A. H. Tandy,
former British consul, will be the
principal speaker.

Dr. Herman L. Donovan

Dr. Francoise Dony
Asher To Teach At Purdue
E. J. Asher, assistant professor in At

Speak Monday
Reading Series

the psychology department, will go
Dr. Francoise Dony, fellow of the
to Purdue university at Lafayette,
Foundation, proInd., to teach the second term of Belgian-Americsummer school. He will be an in- fessor of Brussels university, and
structor in the A.S.T.P. program lecturer at the Franco-Belgia- n
versity at New York, will speak on
there for Army psychologists.
"Books and Their Meaning for
Freedom" in the library's browsing
I room in the fourth of the "Invita
tion to Reading" series at 3 p.m
Monday. The series is under spon
sorship of the University library


In an amended answer recently
filed by the counsel for the University in Federal District Court to
Charles Lamont Eubank's suit for
an injunction forcing University of
ficials to enroll him as an engineer
ing student, it was stated that
courses in engineering had been
modified and reshaped "in order to
adopt the services of the college to
needs of the Army Specialized Training."
The answer also stated that the
University Board of Trustees was
a corporation, "whose powers and
duties relate exclusively to the state
institutions of higher learning for
white persons only in Kentucky."
Eubanks, a Louisville Negro,
charged that the type of training
offered at the University is not
available in other colleges in the
state to members of his race.

... will

C. Doyle . . .

portray the role of
Mclntyre in "Young
April," which will open Mon
day, July 12, at the Guignol
theater. He recently appeared
in "My Sister Eileen."


Dr. Dony, who is secretary of the
Belgian Federation of University
Women, will also speak at 7:30 p.m
Monday in the Music room of the
Question: What does G. I. nei
Union building on "What I Saw of
to yon?
the War in Europe."
Tuesday, July 27, Dr. F. G. Dav
Pvt. Charles Cartellino, BreckinNancy TuttGeorgetown, arts and
enport, head of the Transylvania
ridge hall: In some cases it means college history department, will sciences junior, has joined the
perfect, in other cases strictly no speak on "Notes on American Cul- Women's Army Corps, and will re
port for duty within a month.
Pauline Franklin, Education, junMiss Tutt, an active member of
ior: When it refers to boys it means Girl Scout Leader
Kappa Delta social sorority, joined
the best.
the Wacs July 5, the day after her
Speak Monday
21st birthday. She was one of the
Pvt. Walter Felty, Breckinridge To
Because of increased demand for last to join during the local Wac
hall: Something for which I care
the Girl Scout program by the 284,-5- week in Lexington.
nothing for.
girls in Kentucky between seven
Interested in athletics, Miss Tutt
sophMildred Porter, Agriculture,
and 18 years of age, Mrs. Genevieve is a member of the Women's Athomore: I don't know. I never
Murray, a member of the National letic association, and was active in
thought about it.
Girl Scout field staff, has been as- the physical fitness program conPfc, Tommy Bramlette, Ft. Phoe- signed to work exclusively in this ducted
in the women's dormitories
nix: Government Way and a lot state.
during the spring quarter. She is
of hard work.
Mrs. Murray will conduct a dis- also a member of the YWCA and
Pvt. Stuart Sommers, Bradley cussion open to students, teachers, the Dutch Lunch club.
hall: By the numbers.
Before her enlistment in the
and others interested from 2:30 to
Martha McCauley, A&S, senior: 4 p.m., Monday, in Room 131, Uni Wacs, Miss Tutt was a psychology
Around here it meant the lovely versity training school.
young things that wander around
Invasion Imminent
he campus in pea green suits.
Pvt. Sid Richmond, Bradley hall:
Definitely un beautiful.
Pfc Reke Ternoey, Ft. Phoenix:
A lot of malarky.
By Doris Singleton
Wanda Steele, A&S, junior: High-to- p
be very valuable to the Allied forces,
shoes, crew haircuts, and men
A survey on the campus this week however, for it will be a means of
in general.
revealed that the majority of Uni- keeping the Mediterranean clear.
Many believed that a land route
Pvt. Charles Deeds, Breckinridge versity students and soldiers stahall: Means anything pertaining to tioned here believe that the war to the Balkans could be followed if
will be over by Christmas. They Turkey came into the war. It would
the Army.
Jane Clark, A&S, sophomore: expressed the opinion, however, have to be swift, for Axis armies
that the war with Japan will not are stationed on the far side and
Doesnt mean a thing.
completed for two or more years. could block the Allies at various
Smelly old be
CpL Floyd Snyder:
Many voiced the opinion that the straits if they reached them first.
would be Turkey's permission would be the
of Europe
Harriet Messer, A&S, sophomore: through Greece and not through only probable way that a land adIt means khaki.
Italy, or Italy would not be suc- vance could succeed. An advance
Pvt. Paul Schwab: Handed down cessful as a means of entrance into by sea has the possible route of gofrom headquarters, according to the heart of the continent. The ing along the south coast of Turkey
rmy regulation if you're G. I., Allied forces would not be able to and pushing up through the Doadvance over the Alps. Italy will decanese Islands until the Greek
ou're strictly on the ball.

Nancy Tutt Signs
With Army Corps



Company C Holds
Dance Saturday
Company C of the 1548th Service
Unit stationed at the University
will give a dance from 8 to 11:30
p.m. Saturday at Patterson hall.
The dance, which is limited to
members of Company C, is being
given in appreciation of the courtesy and consideration shown by
University students, according to
Company representatives.
Chaperons for the dance will be
Col. and Mrs. B. E. Brewer, Major
Floyd L. Carlisle, Major Dauris C.
Carpenter, Capt. E. C. May, Capt.
T. B. Powell, Capt. Gene Myers,
Capt. R. L. Stivers, Capt. M. M.
Montgomery, 1st Lieut. D. F. Con-ne2nd Lieut. J. E. Duggan, 2nd
Lieut. Robert Hughes, 2nd Lieut.
D. Johnston, 2nd Lieut. J. Slobodin,
Dean of Women Sarah B. Holmes,
Miss Margaret Lester, and Miss Alberta Limbach.

Theater-goer- s
have a treat in
store for them in the perfonaance
of Bette Anne Allen, whose dances
add to the sparkling humor of the
play. Bette never speaks a word,
although she is on the stage during
most of the performance. She sees
all, hears all, but says nothing.
Unidentified by any members of the
cast, she presents a disturbing element and is known only as Who.
Johnny Renfro indicates a Fred
Astaire technique in his table-to- p
dancing. The finale is colored when
these two combine their talents.
You will hear some of your favorite tunes in the singing of the "Ten
Merry Maids." In addition there
are solo numbers. You will like the
striking contrast between the sultry notes of Annie Laurie Riley and
the sweet and sentimental tones of
Beth Caddy. Even Joe Gannon and
Adalin Stern sing!
The complete cast is as follows:
Professor Mclntyre, Eli Popa; Mrs.
Mclntyre, Mabel Hill; George, J. C.
Doyle; Terry, Beth Caddy; Lula,
Ona Gritton; Vivian, Annie Laurie


Orchestra Formed
An orchestra composed of a group
of University students is practicing
from 2 to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and
Thursdays in the ballroom of the
Union building. Any student in-

terested in participating in this orchestra is asked to come to one of
the practice sessions.

Students Speculate On War Crisis
coast is reached. If these tactics
were followed, much help would be
needed from the south and the
Another opinion was expressed
that after the first invasion through
Greece the Allied forces would
probably advance through the English Channel, around Roumania,
and through Bulgaria. At this time,
Germany will probably be attempting to divert troops through to Russia.
One soldier said, "I'd be willing
to bet that the war will be over in
five months then we can all go

Riley; Elsie, Mary Mulligan; Mildred, Helen Williams; Polly, Anne
Lyttle; Charlotte, Mary Herman;
Frances, Dixie Keach; Kitty, Jean
Mills; Anne, Norma Niswonger;
Jean, Jean Valleau; Brian, Joseph
Gannon; Who, Bette Anne Allen;

Bert, John



Robert Kibler; Dutch, John Renfro;
Mrs. Miller, Lucille Little; Jane,
Micki Bogan; Diane, Adalin Sterne.



Monday in the Union
building. Feature begins at 5:45
and 8 p.m.
Invitation to Reading Series Dr.
Francoise Dony, Monday 3:00 p.m..
Browsing room of the Library.
YM-YTuesday, 6:45 in the Y
Dancing Class Wednesday, 6:00
p.m., Bluegrass room of the Union.
Sing Thursday, 6:30
to 7:00, Amphitheater.
Company C dance
8:00 to 11:30 p.m., Patterson hall.


Phalanx Fraternity
To Initiate Seven
The Bart N. Peak chapter of the
Phalanx fraternity will initiate seven pledges with an official ceremony on Wednesday, July 14, at
its luncheon meeting.
The Phalanx fraternity is a national social fraternity for the betterment of young men. The Bart
N. Peak chapter was organized on
the campus last spring. The group
meets every Wednesday at noon for
lunch, which is followed by a program.
The following are pledges: Ray
Witham, Merl Baker, Bill Spragen,
Ben Cowgill, David Lococo, BUI
Barton, and D. O. Burke.

* Kernel Feature Page

The Kentucky Kernel




Entered at the Port Office at Lex- - CeLIA BEDERMAN
incton. Ky., as second dui natter
ander the Act ol March S, T.

Betty Bohannon


Kentucky Intercollegiate Preaa
Lexington Board of Commerce
Kentucky Press Association
National Editorial Association


One Quarter

One Year




.NtWS Editor
Business Mgr.

Carolyn Hill, Doris Singleton, Shirley
Meister, Mary Jane Gallaher,
Ray Whitham, Charlie Patrick,
Bill Spragens

1. SO





For weeks now we have looked longingly at those idiotic
fatigue hats whose brims remind us of a racer dips the
way they flop up and down between the ears of wearer. We
only think it fit to warn all
owners that we are lying
awake hours trying to devise
some fiendish method to obtain one. We feel that the
hats, which remind us of bats,
will coincide implicitly with
our particular type of personality and beauty.


National AdvertisingService.Inc
CUtf Pmilisktrt keprntmtiv N. Y.
420 MADteOM Av.

los aassiss


aa nuciscs

An stoned articles and columns arc to be considered the opinion! of the writer
themselves, and do not necessarily meet the opinion of The Kernel.




Just couldn't stay away any
longer . . . yearnin' for the roar
of the presses, smell of printer's ink . . . wanted to tell all

I knew . . . mind?
Well, anyway, jonna' try and put a few
words in ye olde Kernel every
week . . . you know, everybody
wants to know what everybody
else is doing . . . sometimes,
even want to know what
they're doin' themselves . . .
here 'tis. . .
Big news . . . Tassie Holton,
Kappa pledge, now wearin'
the pin of SAE Buddy Parker
. . . hear tell that Kappa pledge
Mag Wharton grabbed Phi
Delt Neff Seebree's pin for a
night, then handed it back the
next a m., what goes here? . . .
KA Bobby O'Brien left his pin
with a certain Alpha Gam before he left to join Uncle
Sam's services . . . Scott
Phi Delt, and pinee Kappa Sis Milward still got the
moon in their eyes and still
holdin' hands. . .
Plenty of lonesome gals
around here what with their
men way off somewhere . . .
how 'bout Mary Jane Riggs
who's lost these days since
lover Seth Botts has shoved
off with the Navy . . . yeah,
and there's Beth McCullough
whose current
Gam Gene Wiggins left for the
Marines, hear they had a great
time out at Club Joy the other
night, too, was parting that
sad? . . . and Jessica Gay,
Kappa, missin' former Cadet
Col., now Private Ben Lowry,
Yell-ma- n,

big-tal- k




itary, what you doin' these
dark, dark nights, Gatewood?
. . . even Kernel chief Beder-ma- n
is lonesome for former
Russ Schwartz . . .
Let Bruce who's
addressing a letter every day
to Pvt. T. Bell, bet you're wish-iyou were sauntering deep
into the heart of Texas with
Kappas Caroline Thomas and
Betty Baynham who're down
there seeing Pvts. Dalavo and
pre-me- d




Seen around town: Aviation Cadet Troy Adams back
around Friday night after a
training stay in Nashville . . .
Chio Gib Gibson wandering up
from Paris mighty often, maybe it's the influence of the
Transy airmen . . . Pvt. Omar
Ratliff over from Mt. Sterling,
he's got quite a furlough, reporting to Camp Lee about
July 15th, say did you hear
about Kappa prexy Sal Ewing
comin' down from Louisville
to meet Omer and hear Stan
Kenton, the only trouble was
that the big band was to play
two days later than they had
expected, sad . . .
Sarah Ann Hall, former Mortar Board head, and Margaret
politician, up
from respective Central Kentucky homes . . . Kappa Frances Bell swimming out at the
club. . .
All for now, tough, that's
the way it goes, don't blame
it says here.




By CpL Chas. W. Van Haaf


"They're an old Swiss



A Number One Corn Guy
Reports From Fort Phoenix
One day Uncle Sam threw
an index finger at me, the one
with the hangnail on it, and
said, "Brother, you're in." So
I crawled out from under the
bed and joined 175 others to
the reception center. I was
the last one to be shipped to
another camp. The others were
still breathing. I was sent to
Fort Leonard Wood to take
my basic, and since that time
woman was merely a memory.
Now have joined the ranks
wolves you
of the green-cla- d
see cutting campus capers
casually causing coed trouble
between classes. One day,
while gaping at a group of
Kappas, I fell against the sign,
"Date Bureau." We had a

In our column last week we
asked the simple question:
"Are you a man? If so, what
are you doing this Saturday
night?" Receiving absolutely
no replies we have concluded
that either there are no men
on this campus or that altogether too many people already know us.

who left with most of the men
who had been in advanced mil-



date bureau at North Dakota

I went to get a date one
night, and the girl was so
cross-eye- d
that when she cried
the tears ran down her back.
The doctors were treating her
for bacteria. She was an honest girl, but she looked
crooked. It was kihda fun,
though, she kept putting her
money in my pocket. We went
to the show, "Caught in the
Draft," and when we came out
she had a cold. It was rather
dead as she kept coffin.
You'll have to pardon me
because I figure if I stay in
the Army corn they'ir make
me a colonel. As Cpl. Haas is
preparing to throw me bodily
from our niche in the Phoenix

G. L Sweepings...

The residents of Jewell hall

Remember, you gals, it's a?
she turns.
date for this Saturday night her, wherever for too obNames withheld
at Patt Hall, if you have been vious reasons.
invited. Space, and conseThere is a soldier who has
quently invitations, have been
initiative. John Barrett drank
beer with a one star general
The fellows have decided in this past Saturday.
your favor that dress will be
Sidney Vogel came running
optional. You may wear sports to a formation and asked
clothes if it will make you whether we had heard about
more comfortable. But shoes the special confinement slips
will have to be worn.
which will have to be filled out
Everyone in Bradley Hall is if you're restricted over the
curious about that urgent week-enWell, what we want
'phone call Bill Stevens re- to know is whether he has
ceived concerning a femme. signed one already.
In each company two enThat was a swell dedication
listed men have been ap- and reception at the newly
pointed to represent their re- opened USO club on Main
spective companies in plan- Street. Many thanks to you,
ning affairs in conjunction the people of Lexington, from
with the student body of the us, all the soldiers who have
University. A meeting has al- and will cross your threshold.
ready been held and undoubtCo. "C" will be glad to hear
edly you have heard about that Robert W. Neill and Pvt.
some of the decisions which Lewis are both well on their
were reached.
way to recovery from appenYour first sergeant will tell dectomies.
Fellows, anything you may
you who your representatives
are, so that you may express desire can be found at that
your desires as to what you USO which has been called a
would like to do on your week- "Home away from home."
We were trying to delve
ends and during the free hours
you have during the week.
into the mystery as to why
One thing of interest is the only about eight fellows out
fact that Dean of Women of the whole Company C reSarah B. Holmes has been turned both blanks to the date
asked to extend the 12 p.m. bureau. Said Murray Finston,
curfew on Saturday nights for "I rely on my natural resources."
the girls.
Lately, Poplin seems to have
A lonely soldier, but good
looking, by the name of Mur- developed a great interest in
ray Finston, is trying to meet library material. Is it the staff
some real nice girl from the or just your natural desire,
campus. If anyone is inter- Pop?
Could it be that Neidrauer
ested, please contact me at
is a nature lover? He spends
the Kernel office.
Does anyone know of a gal Saturday afternoons in the bowho would fit Murray Gins- tanical gardens.
Some of us have it and
berg's definition of his ideal
girl? Says he, "I'd rather take some haven't. Pancho
the Latin from Manhata girl who likes me for MYSELF than one who possesses tan, is one of the more fortud
good looks and plays hard to nate. A beautiful
girl serenades him at night
There is one girl on the while he studies??? Maybe he
campus who never is alone is competing with 88 Keyes.
Don't forget, only three
one minute. Marie Bean has
at least four soldiers around more weeks until furlough.



would like to request that the
next time Col. Brewer, Dean

Chamberlain and the various
heads of the high positions on
the campus want to make a
Cook's tour of the dorms,
please telephone, wire or cable
before they try to enter. The
last visit will never be forgotten.

In The Kernel last week
there was an article entitled
"Foo On Him" which told of
an incident in which one of
the ASTP boys deserted a girl
whom he had taken to the
dance Saturday night.
number of the boys felt that
the item was a reflection upon all of the soldiers stationed
here. They made a specific
issue of pointing out that all
of the boys are not like that
(on which score we readily
agree). But "Foo On Him,"
whoever he is.
Girls in this modern age
have through their charms,
etc., been able to extract from
the soldiers an accumulation
of various items, such as pins,
insignias, bars. Since there is
absolutely no plausible answer
to the problem of securing
"dog togs" from the soldiers,
we are offering our own solution for what it is worth. Go
home and ask your dog if you
can borrow his dog tag for a
while (if Fido has any patriotism at all, he will part with it
willingly). Secure an old chain
and slip it through the opening of the tag and then proudly display it as you would a
necklace. We guarantee that
this dog tag will draw more

attention than that worn by

any soldier.
Note: With an epidemic of
rabies circulating in Lexington, and with an order that all
animals wearing dog tags
should be muzzled, it is up to
you to prove to the authorities
that you are not a Russian
Wolfhound or a Mexican
we can accept no
responsibility in the matter.

Chi-wauw- au


* Best Copy Available


Page Three


Friday, July 9. 1943

.for the assignments to reach the

By Robert Spragens


There is nothing you can do to cheer his morale as
much as send him your picture. Your photograph
can keep you with him always. Come in and let us
capture the smile he loves best. Arrange for an
appointment TODAY!


Don't Need a

to see the CAMPUS "DRUG" STORE has everything in the G. I. line you could need to keep clean
and neat. Need a shave? We have razor blades,
shaving soap, lotion and cream so you can do it up

right. We also have all kinds of soap, toothpaste,
and even shoe laces.



A Party?


Try Our


Only 40c



signments to these students. It
usually takes at least three weeks
4-- H


Hall Of Fame

Club Hall of
A Kentucky
Fame, members of which are state
champions in club projects, has
been organized, it has been announced by the College of Agricul
ture and Home Economics at the
Members are Wilma Marie
Adams, Logan county, poultry rais
Jefing; Frances Baumlisberger,
Deutsch, Jefferson county, canning
Billie Marie Faught, Ohio county,
tobacco growing; Ruby Hampton,
county, room improve
ment; Carl Hicks, Boyle county,
beef production; John Elmer
Jefferson county, corn and
Monroe Miller, Jefferson
county, swine production, and Frances Wilhoyte, Oldham county, foods.
4-- H



Dr. W. S. Taylor, dean of the College of Education, has announced
the establishment of three addiworkshops in Estional
till, Lawrence, Green, and Taylor
counties. These workshops were set
up to provide better teaching in
counties where a large number of
teachers have left.
W. R. Tabb, instructor in agricultural education at the University, will conduct the program in
Estill county. A joint workshop for




141 N. Lime

Three Workshops
Are Established

students, and the same length of
"A College Degree or Bust might
fof them
well be the slogan of 47 servicemen , Most of the men wrlte that there
who are working on their degrees are a lot of Interesting things hap
from the University via the cor- pening which they cannot write
route from stations about, and say that they will about
a lot to tell their friends
country and abroad.
both in this
return home.
have taken ad- when they
vantage of the Army Institute proA fur piece also means a long
gram, which pays for part of their
way to an illiterate.
tuition, to finish their courses.
teachers in Green and Taylor counThese students by mail may
ties will be handled by Mrs. May
choose from a wide variety of subK. Duncan, head of the department
jects, but mathematics is far and
of elementary education, and Dr.
away the most popular course, with
Maurice Seay, Director of the Buplane trigonometry and college al
the list. Other LOST: 1943 Henry Clay class D. H.in Phone reau of School Service, will be in
gebra heading
Hall. Room 101. Initials
charge of the Lawrence county
courses with a great degree of pop- 8665-workshop.
American and English
ularity are
literature, business law, account
ing, criminology, French, English,
botany, biology, educational psy
chology, shorthand, philosophy, and
economic geography.
Although it is not known exactly j
where any of the overseas students
are stationed, since they receive
their assignments at A. P. O. addresses, it is known that one of
the students, a Marine, is stationed
somewhere in the Pacific, and that
another is located in Australia.
So far, only one of the men enrolled has completed the work required for graduation by the correspondence method. This student,
stationed somewhere in the Pacific, has not only completed his
required work, but has enrolled for
Corner Lime and Main
further work.
There has not been much difficulty in sending and returning as'



"A College Degree Or Bust"
Slogan Of Students By Mail






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Dimitri Metropoulous and
the Minneapolis Symphony

Personal Supervision of all Parties

Hotel Lafayette




Page Four

Friday, July 9, 1943

will be held. Here the government
internationally will be set up with
an execufour specified organs
tive body, a legislative body, a judicial body, and an international
police force.
America's part in the postwar
partment presented the topic, world, Dr. Dupre concluded, is in
the necessity for full participation
"America's Part in the Post-Win international society and full
World" at an open meeting for the cooperation.
Tuesday night in the
Union building. The talk was the
second in a series of postwar plans
to be discussed by Dr. Dupre.
The five plans proposed by Dr.
Dupre included the one for interFords
national organization, a contin
uance of the anarchy of international sovereign states, a peace
based on the balance of power, and
a plan for Anglo-Saxo- n
139 E. Short Street
Referring to a statement made
by Professor Dailey of Stanford
University, the speaker remarked
that since 1689 there have been
nine general wars and that the
United States has been a participant in each. However, he said,
there has been little progress made
between the wars toward peace



Taxicabs! Phone 8200




Dr. Dupre stated that in his
opinion the plan for international
organization is the most logical
possibility because national interest
will be best served. His plan calls
for an armistice and rehabilitation
10 years
period of approximately
after which time a peace conference



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Near You
344-34- 8

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Of The Week

Mag Article
Relates Story
Of Dr. Knapp

Drive In Service

Opposite Stadium






The Baptist Student union will
meet at 8 o'clock tonight at the
Union building before going to the
Colonial Bowling alley for Its bowling party. All Baptist students are
members of the BSU.
The Prayer meeting group of the
BSU will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Union building before
going to Porter Memorial Baptist
church for the prayer service. Last
week the meeting was held at
Baptist church.

Advocating a plan for the establishment of a sovereign international government as one of five
possibilities for a successful peace
following World War II, Dr. J.
Huntley Dupre of the history de-



For Bowling Party

By Alice Watkins

Contrasting the American and
British philosophies, E. Huws Jones,
"One of the reasons for frequent
resident-tutof Oxford University, misunderstandings between Ameritold University students in an ad- cans and the British lies in the
that Americans failure of both nations to realize
country is a different
"play to win" their athletic contests that each
version of the same text," he stated.
while the British "play for the fun "Today we are fighting to preserve
of playing."
a way of life which, imperfect as
Jones, who spoke at the college it is, we value above life."
The speaker called attention to
of education, urged a better understanding between the two nations the fact that the people of Great
and declared that a permanent Britain do not want to go back to
peace after this war would have to 1939, as in 1918 they wanted to go
be based upon such an understand back to 1914.

Meets Tonight


The Americans "Play To Win" International Government
Englishman Tells Audience
Advocated By Dr. Dupre


An article appearing in the current issue of The Quill, magazine
for writers, editors, and publishers
tells the story of Dr. Charles
Knapp, professor of history, and
his column, "The World at War."
The article, written by Dr. Niel
Plummer, head of the journalism
department, reveals the remarkable
accuracy of Dr. Knapp's prophecies,
published in newspapers throughout the state.
Each week Dr. Knapp analyzes
the important news of the preceding week, interpreting its impor-- i
tance in the war. He feels that the
news must be interpreted. "What
American people want and need
now in their newspapers is not
more news of the SPOT variety, but
less," stated Dr. Knapp.
Before Pearl Harbor, Dr. Knapp
told readers that, "unless Japanese
foreign policy is quickly modified
the occasion for the outbreak of
war in the Pacific cannot be long
November 15, 1941, he pointed out
that although Japan was sending
a special envoy to the United
States, war was near. The following week he stated, "Japan will
fight rather than lose face throughout the whole of eastern Asia."
Dr. Knapp has made some mis-- ',
takes, but he has always admitted
it. For example, he did not expect
Hitler to invade Russia as early as
June, but he did maintain that
peace between Germany and the
Soviet Union was impossible.
"This column merely undertakes
to summarize, briefly, the news of
the week and to interpret as best
it can the events as they have
been announced,"
concluded Dr.



Wanda Scrivner
This week's "Colonel of the Week" goes to Wanda
Scrivner, Arts and Sciences senior from Lexington.
Wanda is secretary of the Y.W.CA., a member of
the Y.W.CA. cabinet, and is summer rush chairman
of Alpha Delta Pi, social sorority.

She is also a R.O.T.C. sponsor and was an attendFestival queen in the College of Agriculture her sophomore year.

ant to the Fall

For these achievements, we invite you in to enjoy
any two of our delicious meals.