xt76dj58f22v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt76dj58f22v/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19780609 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen. Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, June 9, 1978, no. 229 text The Green Bean, June 9, 1978, no. 229 1978 2014 true xt76dj58f22v section xt76dj58f22v \!;“t*W' ` ii 1,0jL/ ` V 1 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIBRARIES' NEWSLETTER - j 6/9/78 , NQ, ZZQ C QALENDAR Q 7 July — Administrative Council Meeting — Gallery, 8:30 AM Current Exhibits: Gallery - Department of Special Collections - f "with Photographs from Nature." - exhibition of photographically ° ~ illustrated books from the collections of the University of p Louisville and the Photographic Archives, Special Collections, ¥ University of Kentucky, June l9 — July 28. Contributors to this issue: Pat Boyle, Faith Harders, Claire I McCann (Editor), Bob Turner, Vickie Walker, and Paul Willis. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT THE MARGARET I. KING LIBRARY, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, LEXINGTON, KY. 40506 - 2 - ABOIIT THE LIBRARIES I Fall Library Faculty Meeting, September 8 The fall library faculty meeting has been scheduled for Friday, September 8, at Shakertown, beginning at 9:00 am. Coffee and muffins will be served in the morning. Individuals will be responsible for paying for their lunches. Carpools will be arranged later this summer. — Paul Willis Notes from ACTS Volunteers are needed for the Constitutional Revision Committee _and the Staff Orientation Committee. If interested, please contact Bob Sandrock (AIDS/Media), or Robin Barnard (ILL). Branch Librarians' Meeting Branch Librarians will meet in the Director's Office Conference Room, Wednesday, June l4. j SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN LIBRARY AND INFORINATION TRAINING PROGRAIYI I . The College of Library Science of the University of Kentucky is the recipient of a grant from the U. S. Office of Education Title II—B of the Higher Education Act. According to Dr. Timothy I W. Sineath, Dean and Project Director, the grant will support ~ graduate fellowships in library science. The purposes of the program are to: l) provide disadvantaged residents of Southern Appalachia an opportunity to pursue master's level study in library science, and 2) to provide public and academic libraries in Southern Appalachia with a pool of professional 5 librarians for the purpose of improving the quality of library and information services to people in this geographic region. Each fellowship offers full tuition payment in addition to a stipend I of $3,000, plus dependency allowance for one year full—time study. l For information contact: Assistant Dean. i FORTRAN [QOURSE OFEEREI) I The Computing Center will offer a non—credit introductory course on V the FORTRAN programming language June l9 through July 6 for students, faculty, and staff. No fee will be charged, but preregistration is necessary. The sessions will be held from 3:00 to 4:30 pm on June . - 3 - 19, 22, 26, 29 and July 3 and 6 in Room 208, Classroom Building. For additional information, contact Computing Center personnel, Room 72, McVey Hall. CENTER EOR RESEARCH LIBRARIESHSENINAR The Center for Research Libraries will be conducting a half-day orientation seminar during ALA. For further information, see Faith Harders. PERSONNEI The Circu1atiLu1Night.Supervisor (LT III) is leaving in August and the library is considering filling the position either on a full- time (37-1/2 hrs.) or part-time (2 people) basis. Staff members ·interested in the position on either one of the options should talk to Faith Harders within the next week. LT II — Circulation If interested, see Faith Harders by June 14. BROEESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Assistant Director of Libraries for Technical Services, Colorado State University Libraries. Available: September 1, 1978. Salary: $25,000 minimum. Application Deadline: July 5, 1978. Science/Engineering Librarian Bibliographer, Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York. Salary: $13,000-15,000. _ Application Deadline: June 26, 1978. Head, Candler Library, Emory University. Available: Sept. 1, 1978. Salary: Not less than $13,500. Application Deadline: Aug. 1, 1978. Catalog Librarian, Emory University. Available: Sept. 1, 1978. Salary: $11,000. Application Deadline: June 15, 1978. Librarian I (2 positions), University of Georgia. Salary: $12,000- 15,000. Available: August 1, 1978. Application Deadline: June 20. Engineering Librarian, University of Houston. Salary: $900-1300 per month. Application Deadline: July 15, 1978. Head, Acquisitions, University of Louisville. Application Deadline: August 1, 1978. Head, Acquisitions, Rice University. Available: Immediately. Application Deadline: June 30, 1978. Conservation Officer, Stanford University. Available: August 1978. Salary: $17,500-20,500. Application Deadline: July 20, 1978. Assistant Director for Public Services, Washington State University. Available: August 1, 1978. Application Deadline: June 30, 1978. s./'\¢